Corporate Law Assignment 3

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MAHARSHI DAYANAND UNIVERSITY ASSIGNMENT ON CORPORATE LAWS SUBMITTED TO : SUBMITTEDBY: DR. NEELAM JAIN VIKRANT MBA 2.3 General Roll no.:765 WWiinoina - UP of ComPany Wicking. Up 4s Ane proteas ¥f ee ies ap Ah tiga of dhe Lompany . Tr othe words , eo wpa proceedhing by aphich a ormpany a climelvd. Tn Ane Ceuwear a Kuch olAeludton , Hu daet) -of du Lompany oH. cluapedid aps Phe clusts ane paid - a out sf dt Hralinud aedety Qud te wrpluy any, ty Hun paid off 29 tle mumbers in proportion do Hui relding Jn athe Lempury Mooes of Windint,- UP Thou ae Huu mods ¥ wineling 6, 4 Company, 1) Compuldosuy Winding up by Cowd 5 0 0 Veluctany Wivoling up This may be + we Mem bex 'o Veluuctay wurnoling up , 0x (uw) Odio '9 Voluntary toi ncling - Up. Winching - Up Kubjeet do He Aupenialrr 4 Biz Cowrt, Scanned with CamScanner mpulanry Wincling -Up Ay Come fod an 435 | The weorning Lp by Ue Cock » ‘| enena al ( 9 EARL Lo (vo Ahe : Lonpislantty Uw en3 , up The Covet moy ose, Abt octet Up 44 a Company tn te eats omen omnct anlar dur tion U33. The cow rol ya nope, pot tu Ustinding Up a A eompany am cue ap plicatibn aby ounay eh Ake peraens rmedrontal verde Aution 439. ©) Gao Jounde Li, Winding Up Ly tht Count Qstourdls ox iaylie 4 na “Up as a pow = (V Speetal Rrastutrer (ii) Repaute tn Aitirg Harvosy Repouk or Hotoling Statutory Meeting (Seeter 439 (] UY Pailin do Commenu. 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Voburctarny Winding - Up Up [Section 4 s4- 484-521 ] Voluntary winding - Up arta aeinding dy Ant members eb Cerdttotuy a, Bu cara any Hromaruts witheut the trterverctien of the cowd. The obj eet 24 a Volurctery usinding - Lup ig hot thy compas 9 Ves Mu omiumbuu ao well ag Apes wetted —asing te dia Cowes of Low. l Thay ales however , apply ty th Count por Scanned with CamScanner any inectovai, th cy » AMUN neesrcutly [ aretion 5/8] 4) ony Resolution . 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