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Please answer the corresponding questions to the case studies below.

Please have detailed answers and pay attention to how many points each question is worth.

Case 1
Mrs. Green is your client. She is 78 years old and has progressive degeneration of her hip joints that
makes it very difficult for her to get out. You have been visiting her for three weeks, helping with the
vacuuming, washing, and providing some social contact.
Although Mrs. Green seems to want you to continue coming to see her, you notice that she is very
anxious about your leaving on time. You feel that she is probably worried about the costs of your
visits and wants to make sure that she isn’t charged for extra time.
You’re aware that Mrs. Green has a daughter and, although she doesn’t say much about her, you
get the feeling that the daughter does visit. You have never met her, though.
At the end of your last visit, Mrs. green’s washer backs up, spilling water all over the basement. Mrs.
Green becomes very anxious, saying to you that, “It’s alright: the water won’t hurt the floor. You’d
better go, you’ll be late.”
You can’t just leave the water on the floor and insist on cleaning it up. Somewhat reluctantly, Mrs.
Green decides to let you do this and returns upstairs.
Just as you’re finishing, you hear the door. A younger woman speaks to Mrs. Green. You notice that
her tone is harsh as she says, “You’re out of milk and bread? What did you do with all of the food I
brought last week? Feeding those damn birds again— you don’t have enough sense to make sure
that you keep food for yourself. Now I have to get stuff because you’ve wasted what you had.
Sometimes you act as though you don’t have a brain in your head.”
Concerned, you put away the last of the cleaning supplies when you hear the younger woman say,
“Whose coat is this?” When Mrs. Green replies that it is yours, the woman continues, “What’s the
matter? You aren’t satisfied with all that I do? You have to invite some stranger into your house?
Where are you getting all the money for this?”
You go to the top of the stairs. The younger woman says to you, “Thanks for your help, but my
mother won’t be needing you anymore. I’ll make sure that you’re well paid for today.” Mrs. Green
looks miserable, but helpless. She looks down at the floor.

1. Describe all the feelings that you (or other PSWs) might have in this situation. Explain
how they might be helpful or unhelpful in resolving the problem. (2 marks)
2. List three behaviours of Mrs. Green’s that indicate she may be abused. (3 marks)
3. In this situation, describe how power is being exerted over another person. (2 marks)
4. What action is appropriate for the PSW to take in this situation? Why? (3 marks)

Case 1

1 Describe all the feelings that you (or other PSWs) might have in this situation. Explain
how they might be helpful or unhelpful in resolving the problem.
1.all the feelings I have in a situation is worried and scared for Mrs. Green safety. For starters, the
safety is because Miss Green worries about Taking up time, and spending money and the worry is
that her daughter Basically, does not treat her right. In this situation. But the last thing is Must be
professional because after this I could go tell my supervisor about this situation.

2. List three behaviours of Mrs. Green’s that indicate she may be abused.

o she is very anxious about your leaving on time

o she is probably worried about the costs of your visits and wants to make sure that she isn’t
charged for extra time.
o has a daughter and, although she doesn’t say much about her,
o Mrs. Green looks miserable, but helpless. She looks down at the floor.

3. In this situation, describe how power is being exerted over another person.

In this situation, it's describing how powerful Her daughter Is being to her mother is. About the
complaining basically about the milk and the bread or seeing how she's beating it to words. And
when basically you're cleaning. Downstairs you heard her, how hard she was to her mother calling
her names. As well, showing how polite she is in front of people. But when she by herself she's
mean to her mother.

4. What action is appropriate for the PSW to take in this situation? Why? (3 marks)

The action in this Appropriate for the PSW to take in this situation is the tell the supervisor who's in
charge of us in that domain and write it up as well so our supervisor knows what happened that day.

Case 2
You have been assigned to assist Sarah, a new mother, care for her infant son. The mother requires
help as she has recently had a sprained ankle and wrist fractures. Although she can get around, she
cannot look after the infant and her 2-year-old daughter. Home care was ordered by Sarah’s doctor,
despite the family’s protests that they could manage on their own. You have been visiting for two
Sarah is a quiet, painfully shy person. However, little by little, she has warmed up to you. She smiles
more often now and seems very grateful for your visits.
Today, as you hand Sarah her son after his bath, you notice a large bruise on Sarah’s upper arm. It
traffics purplish and about 10 cm. (4 inches) in diameter. Sarah notices that you have seen the
bruise and says, “Oh, that— I hit the freezer door last night.” You must look doubtful, as Sarah
begins to cry. She tells you that her husband grabbed her arm and twisted it last night. She begs you
not to tell anyone, saying that she would be embarrassed if anyone knew. “He’s a good man,” she
says of her husband, “I’d have nothing if it weren’t for him.”

1. Describe all the feelings that you (or other PSWs) might have in this situation. Explain
how they might be helpful or unhelpful in resolving the problem. (1 mark)
2. Identify three signs that indicate Sarah is abused. (3 marks)
3. Describe two ways in which Sarah is demonstrating denial. (2 marks)
4. What other emotion is Sarah displaying? (1 mark)
5. What action is appropriate for the PSW to take in this situation? Why? (3 marks)

Case 2

1. Describe all the feelings that you (or other PSWs) might have in this situation.
Explain how they might be helpful or unhelpful in resolving the problem. (1 mark)

2. Identify three signs that indicate Sarah is abused. (3 marks)

 a quiet, painfully shy person

 a large bruise on Sarah’s upper arm
 . It is purplish and about 10 cm. (4 inches) in diameter.
 She lied to you saying, “Oh, that— I hit the freezer door last night.”

3. Describe two ways in which Sarah is demonstrating denial. (2 marks)

She begs you not to tell anyone, saying that she would be embarrassed if anyone knew.
“He’s a good man,” she says of her husband, “I’d have nothing if it weren’t for him.”

4. What other emotion is Sarah displaying? (1 mark)

The other emotion that Sarah is displaying is she would be embarrassed if anyone knew
about her abuse.
Saying that he is a good man in her eyes hiding the truth.
5. What action is appropriate for the PSW to take in this situation? Why? (3 marks)
The action that is appropriate for this situation is to relax countian to work Keep your
client, relax. And then afterwards Talk to your supervisor and write down what happen
today with your client.

Case 3
You have been assigned to care for the Ross family. The family just had triplets: three girls. The girls
were premature, but they are now home after two months in hospital. There are two older children in
the family, Ray, age two, and Lori, age five. Although maternal and paternal grandparents are all
living, they reside 1600 km away and cannot visit to help.
The family seems to be loving and close-knit. The parents seem very happy with the new additions
— although they admit that the birth of three was very much a surprise.
You have been with the family for two months and over that time have noticed a change in Ray. He
seems less able to run as steadily as he did before. As well, he seems to be using more “baby-talk,”
not speaking words as clearly as he once did. He also seems to be more fearful.
Today is your day off. You find yourself in the Ross’ neighbourhood and decide to say hello. As you
go up to the door, you see Mrs. Ross violently shaking her son. She is visibly upset and is speaking
to him in a very angry voice.

1. Describe all the feelings that you (or other PSWs) might have in this situation. Explain
how they might be helpful or unhelpful in resolving the problem. (2 marks)
2. Identify the possible reasons for the angry outburst in Mrs. Ross. (3 marks)
3. Identify two behaviours in Ray that indicate that he may be abused. (2 marks)
4. What action is appropriate for the PSW to take in this situation? Why? (3 marks)

Case 3

1. Describe all the feelings that you (or other PSWs) might have in this situation. Explain how
they might be helpful or unhelpful in resolving the problem. (2 marks)
All the feelings that I have in this situation is

2. Identify the possible reasons for the angry outburst in Mrs. Ross. (3 marks)
Mrs. Ross possible reasons for the outburst is because she is stress with the kids that she
has to take care of, adding the newborn babies to the list.
3. Identify two behaviours in Ray that indicate that he may be abused. (2 marks)
Two behaviours in Ray that indicate that he may be abused is Mrs. Ross violently shaking her
son. She is visibly upset and is speaking to him in a very angry voice.
Ray seems to be using more “baby-talk,” not speaking words as clearly as he once did. He
also seems to be more fearful.
4. What action is appropriate for the PSW to take in this situation? Why? (3 marks)
The action that is appropriate for the PSW is to leave because for one we are not supposed
to be there on are days off in the frits place, then tell are supervisor about what happen
because this may be happen without use owning anything/see with are eyes.

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