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The Himalayan Summit

What do you have planned for New Year 2019?

Are you a curious educator looking to

bring meaningful service-learning into the classroom?
The Himalayan Summit will bring together members of the Nagarkot
Location: Lapsi Tree Hotel & Resort, Nagarkot

community in Nepal and professionals from international schools around

the world. Whether you are an international school teacher, administrator
or CAS coordinator, this event will be a perfect opportunity to form lasting
connections with a rural community in Nepal.

Working in collaboration with Prabin Gautam and his Himalayan Voluntourism

team, the focus for this year is on working alongside the people of Nagarkot to:

Develop a quality primary education

(2h drive from Kathmandu)

Explore the role of women in the community

Preserve the beautiful environment of their

mountain village

By interacting with members of the local community as well as with colleagues

from international school who have years of experience in leading projects in
Nagarkot, you will return to your schools with a clear action plan and a lasting
link to this wonderfully welcoming Nepali community.

For a unique professional development opportunity,

join us in the foothills of
the Himalayas for the 2019 New Year.
Summit Schedule
Your are advised to arrive in Kathmandu on the 28/12/18
ahead of the summit, which closes closes after breakfast on 2/01/2019

Saturday 29th December

Arrival and transfer to Nagarkot
(Transfers to and from Kathmandu airport will be arranged for you.)
Traditional Nepali dinner at Lapsi Tree Hotel & Resort

Sunday 30th December

Primary education
Morning: Visit a local primary school to understand their education system.
Afternoon: Work with the local community on developing an action plan focusing on links
international schools can make with the Nepali school.
Evening: Social event - Nepali dancing

Monday 31st December

The role of women in the community
Morning: Meeting the women and working alongside them in ‘hands on’ activities.
Afternoon: Working with the local community on developing an action plan
Evening: Social - New Year Celebrations

Tuesday 1st January

Morning nature walk: An introduction to the Himalayan flora and fauna and a local water project.
Afternoon: Work with the local community on developing an action plan
Evening: Social - Yoga & Cultural Seminar

Wednesday 2nd January

Closing breakfast and final reflections.
Return to Kathmandu for flight.

Price: 75 USD /person / day in twin accommodation

Highly reduced rate includes all expenses during the summit
(airport transfers, meals & non alcoholic drinks)

24 h assistance and translations by the Himalayan Voluntourism

Team, & unique access to a local rural community.

*For anyone wishing to extend their time in Nepal

(either before or after the summit), Prabin and his team would be
happy to design a programme that meets your wishes.

Bart Dankaerts- American School of The Hague

For more information
and to register, email: Rebecca Greenway - Ecole Bilingue Jeannine Manuel

Spaces are limited- act quickly to reserve a place!

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