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Chapter 8 part 1 (p.g.


1. Addiction - the condition of being addicted to something.

2. Behaviour - the way that somebody behaves, especially
towards other people.
3. Disadvantage - to cause problems and tend to stop
somebody/something from succeeding or making progress.
4. Hospital - a large building where people who are ill/sick or
injured are given medical treatment and care.
5. Images - the impression that a person, an organization or a
product, etc. gives to the public.
6. Personality - the various aspects of a person’s character that
combine to make them different from other people.
7. Programming - the process of writing and testing programs
for computers.
8. Reality - the true situation and the problems that actually
exist in life, in contrast to how you would like life to be.
9. Stars - a large ball of burning gas in space that we see as a
point of light in the sky at night, a famous and excellent singer,
performer, sports player, etc.
10. Tension - tension (between A and B) a situation in which
people do not trust each other, or feel unfriendly towards each
other, and which may cause them to attack each other.
11. Viewers - a person watching television, a person who looks at
or considers something.
12. Violence - violent behaviour that is intended to hurt or kill
13. Concentrate - to give all your attention to something and not
think about anything else.
14. Envy - the feeling of wanting to be in the same situation as
somebody else; the feeling of wanting something that somebody
else has.
15. Improve - to become better than before; to make
something/somebody better than before.
16. Practice – action rather than ideas, a way of doing something
that is the usual or expected way in a particular organization or
17. Reduce - to make something less or smaller in size, quantity,
price, etc.
18. Scare - to frighten somebody, to become frightened.
19. Shout - to say something in a loud voice; to speak
loudly/angrily to somebody.
20. Addicted - unable to stop taking harmful drugs, or using or
doing something as a habit.
21. Aural - connected with hearing and listening.
22. Average - calculated by adding several amounts together,
finding a total, and dividing the total by the number of amounts.
23. Boring - not interesting; making you feel tired and impatient.
24. Dissatisfied - not happy or satisfied with
25. Elderly - used as a polite word for ‘old.
26. Envious - wanting to be in the same situation as somebody
else; wanting something that somebody else has.
27. Exciting - causing great interest or excitement.
28. Immoral - not considered to be good or honest by most
29. Nursing - the job or skill of caring for people who are sick or
30. Unlimited - not very great in amount or extent.
Part 2 (p.g. 167)

1. Adulthood - the state of being an adult.

2. Adventure - an unusual, exciting or dangerous experience,
journey or series of events.
3. Drama - a play for the theatre, television or radio.
4. Investigator - a person who examines a situation such as an
accident or a crime to find out the truth.
5. Murderer - a person who has killed somebody deliberately
and illegally.
6. Relationship - the way in which two people, groups or
countries behave towards each other or deal with each other.
7. Capture - to catch a person or an animal and keep them as a
prisoner or in a confined space.
8. Investigate - to carefully examine the facts of a situation, an
event, a crime, etc. to find out the truth about it or how it
9. Recover - to get well again after being ill/sick, hurt, etc.
10. Sink - to go down below the surface or towards the bottom of
a liquid or soft substance.
11. Stab - stab somebody to push a sharp, pointed object,
especially a knife, into somebody, killing or injuring them.
12. Transport - a system for carrying people or goods from one
place to another using vehicles, roads, etc.
13. Bloody - a swear word that many people find offensive that is
used to emphasize a comment or an angry statement.
14. Computerized - to provide a computer or computers to do
the work of something, computerize something to store
information on a computer.
15. Natural - existing in nature; not made or caused by humans.
16. Powerful - being able to control and influence people and
17. Run-down - to lose power or stop working, to gradually stop
functioning or become smaller in size or number.
18. Scary – frightening.
19. Shadowy - dark and full of shadows, difficult to see because
there is not much light.
20. Suspenseful - expectation or uncertertainity what happened.
Chapter 9 part 1 (p.g. 188)
1. Arrangement - a plan or preparation that you make so that
something can happen.
2. Atmosphere - the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth,
the feeling or mood that you have in a particular place or
situation; a feeling between two people or in a group of people.
3. Cafes - a place where you can buy drinks and simple meals.
Alcohol is not usually served in British or American cafes.
4. Cyberspace - the imaginary place where electronic messages,
etc. exist while they are being sent between computers.
5. Dormitory - a room for several people to sleep in, especially
in a school or other institution.
6. Guy – a man, young person.
7. Search – to look for, to find by looking carefully.
8. Examine - to consider or study an idea, a subject, etc. very
9. Hang out - to spend a lot of time in a place.
10. Interview - formal meeting at which somebody is asked
questions to see if they are suitable for a particular job, or for a
course of study at a college, university, etc.
11. Replay - a game that is played again because neither side
won in the previous game.
12. Aggressive - angry, and behaving in a threatening way; ready
to attack.
13. Discourage - to try to prevent something or to prevent
somebody from doing something, especially by making it difficult
to do or by showing that you do not approve of it.
14. Perfect - having everything that is necessary; complete and
without faults or weaknesses.
15. Popular - liked or enjoyed by a large number of people.
16. Potential - that can develop into something or be developed
in the future.
17. Worried - thinking about unpleasant things that have
happened or that might happen and therefore feeling unhappy
and afraid.
Part 2 (p.g. 194)

1. Background - the details of a person’s family, education,

experience, etc. The circumstances or past events that help
explain why something is how it is; information about these.
2. Beach - an area of sand or small stones (called shingle),
beside the sea or a lake.
3. Characteristics - very typical of something or of somebody’s
4. Membership - membership (of something) (North American
English) membership (in something) the state of being a member
of a group, a club, an organization, etc.
5. Motorcycling - the sport of riding motorcycles.
6. Personal ad - a private advertisement in a newspaper, etc.,
especially from somebody who is looking for something.
7. Fill out - to become larger, rounder or fatter.
8. Film - a series of moving pictures recorded with sound that
tells a story, shown on television or at the cinema/movie theatre.
9. Optimistic - expecting good things to happen or something to
be successful; showing this feeling.
10. Stumble - a problem or temporary failure when you are on
the way to achieving something.

Chapter 10 (p.g. 210)

1. Achievement - a thing that somebody has done successfully,
especially using their own effort and skill.
2. Altar - a holy table in a church or temple.
3. Chariot - an open vehicle with two wheels, pulled by horses,
used in ancient times in battle and for racing.
4. Competition - (between/with somebody) (for something) a
situation in which people or organizations compete with each
other for something that not everyone can have.
5. Conflict - a situation in which people, groups or countries are
involved in a serious disagreement or argument.
6. Coordination - the act of making parts of something, groups
of people, etc. work together in an efficient and organized way.
7. Demonstrations - demonstration (against
somebody/something) a public meeting or march at which people
show that they are protesting against or supporting
8. Myths - a story from ancient times, especially one that was
told to explain natural events or to describe the early history of a
people; this type of story.
9. Organizations - a group of people who form a business, club,
etc. together in order to achieve a particular aim.
10. Participants - a person who is taking part in an activity or
11. Peacefulness - the state of not being involved in a war,
violence or argument.
12. Promise - to tell somebody that you will definitely do or not
do something, or that something will definitely happen.
13. Representatives - a person who has been chosen to speak or
vote for somebody else or on behalf of a group.
14. Scarifies - scarify something to break up an area of grass, etc.
and remove pieces of material from it that are not wanted.
15. Sanctuary - an area where wild birds or animals are
protected and encouraged to breed.
16. Spectator - a person who is watching an event, especially a
sports event.
17. Statue - a figure of a person or an animal in stone, metal,
etc., usually the same size as in real life or larger.
18. Trainer - a shoe that you wear for sports or as informal
clothing, a person who teaches people or animals to perform a
particular job or skill well, or to do a particular sport.
19. Award - to make an official decision to give something to
somebody as a payment, prize, etc.
20. Boycott - to refuse to buy, use or take part in something as a
way of protesting.
21. Cancel - cancel something to decide that something that has
been arranged will not now take place.
22. Compete - to try to be more successful or better than
somebody else who is trying to do the same as you.
23. Contribute - to give something, especially money or goods, to
help somebody/something.
24. Participate - to take part in or become involved in an activity.
25. Re – create - to make something that existed in the past exist
or seem to exist again.
26. Celebrated - famous for having good qualities
• a celebrated painter
• one of Rodin’s most celebrated works
27. Competitive - used to describe a situation in which people or
organizations compete against each other.
28. Equestrian - connected with riding horses, especially as a
29. Extreme - very great in degree.
30. International - connected with or involving two or more
31. Original - existing at the beginning of a particular period,
process or activity.
32. Troubled - worried and anxious, (of a place, situation or time)
having a lot of problems.
Part 2 (p.g. 218)
1. Bribery - the giving or taking of bribes (a sum of money or
something valuable that you give or offer to somebody to
persuade them to help you, especially by doing something
2. Commercialism - the fact of being more interested in making
money than in the value or quality of things.
3. Doping - the use of a substance (such as an anabolic steroid
or erythropoietin) or technique (such as blood doping) to illegally
improve athletic performance.
4. Fans - a person who admires somebody/something or enjoys
watching or listening to somebody/something very much.
5. Influence - influence (on/upon somebody/something) the
effect that somebody/something has on the way a person thinks
or behaves or on the way that something works or develops.
6. Nationalism - the desire by a group of people who share the
same race, culture, language, etc. to form an independent
7. Opposition - the act of strongly disagreeing with
somebody/something, especially with the aim of preventing
something from happening.
8. Patriotism - love of your country and willingness to defend it.
9. Pride - a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that you get when
you or people who are connected with you have done something
well or own something that other people admire.
10. Purpose - the intention, aim or function of something; the
thing that something is supposed to achieve.
11. Scandal - behaviour or an event that people think is morally
or legally wrong and causes public feelings of shock or anger.
12. Sponsor - a person or company that pays for a radio or
television programme, or for a concert or sporting event, usually
in return for advertising.
13. Sponsorship - financial support from a sponsor.
14. Sportsmanship - fair, generous and polite behaviour,
especially when playing a sport or game.
15. Clean up your act - (informal) to start behaving in a moral or
responsible way
• He cleaned up his act and came off drugs.
16. Corrupt - (of people) willing to use their power to do
dishonest or illegal things in return for money or to get an
17. Decrease - to become or make something become smaller in
size, number, etc.
18. Disqualify - to prevent somebody from doing something
because they have broken a rule or are not suitable.
19. Expand - to become greater in size, number or importance;
to make something greater in size, number or importance.
20. Influence - the effect that somebody/something has on the
way a person thinks or behaves or on the way that something
works or develops.
21. Preserve - to keep a particular quality, feature, etc.; to make
sure that something is kept.
22. Promote - to help something to happen or develop.
23. Represent - to be a member of a group of people and act or
speak on their behalf at an event, a meeting, etc.
24. Set new records – to set up new standards.
25. Solve - to find a way of dealing with a problem or difficult
26. Televise - to broadcast something on television.
27. Banned - to decide or say officially that something is not
28. Dedicated - working hard at something because it is very
important to you.
29. Intolerable - so bad or difficult that you cannot tolerate it;
completely unacceptable.
30. Non-discriminatory - not discriminatory: FAIR.
31. Performance - the act of performing a play, concert or some
other form of entertainment.
32. Enhancing - to increase or further improve the good quality,
value or status of somebody/something.
33. Profitable - that makes or is likely to make money.

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