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Question Bank - Epidemiology

1. Define epidemiology
2. Tools of measurement in epidemiology, concept of numerator and denominator
3. Morbidity rates
4. Mortality rates
5. Standardized rates
6. Classification of epidemiological methods
7. Steps in descriptive epidemiology (spot map, types of epidemic, migration studies)
8. Steps in conducting a case control study (confounder, advantages and disadvantages)
9. Steps in conducting a cohort study (advantages and disadvantages, differences between
case-control and cohort study)
10. Differences between case-control study and cohort study
11. Steps in conducting a RCT with emphasis on the concept of blinding
12. Association and causation and the criteria for association
13. Uses of epidemiology
14. Define a. Epidemic b. Endemic c. Sporadic D. Pandemic E. Zoonoses f. Nosocomial
infection g, Iatrogenic disease
15. Dynamics of disease transmission (source or reservoir, modes of transmission,
susceptible host – successful parasitism)
16. Define a. Latent Period B. Serial Interval C. Generation Time D. Communicable Period
E. Secondary Attack Rate
17. Types of immunity with examples for each (herd immunity)
18. Types of Vaccines with examples and cold chain (Open vial policy, VVM, Shake test)
19. Adverse events following immunization and investigating AEFI
20. Disease prevention and control
21. Health advice to travelers
22. Disinfection and its types
23. Investigation of an epidemic

1. Differences between screening test and diagnostic test

2. Concept of lead time
3. Aims and uses of screening test
4. Criteria for screening
5. Evaluation of screening test
6. The concept of borderline and cut – off
7. Mention some screening tests for different age groups
Concept of health & disease

1. Discuss in brief the changing concept of public health?

2. Define health
3. Dimensions of health
4. Determinants of health
5. Epidemiological triad
6. Multi-factorial etiology and Web of Causation
7. Describe in detail the natural history of disease using a suitable example?
8. Iceberg phenomenon
9. Enumerate health indicators.
10. Disability rates
11. PQLI & HDI
12. Morbidity indicators
13. Mortality Indicators
14. Levels of prevention.
15. Modes of intervention (Early diagnosis & treatment; Disability limitation &
rehabilitation; Impairment, disability & handicap)
16. International classification of diseases

Communicable diseases

Respiratory infection

1. Epidemiology of chickenpox (Agent, host, environment factor, modes of transmission,

incubation period, clinical features, complications, diagnosis, treatment, prevention &
control). Mention the differences between smallpox and chickenpox
2. Epidemiology of measles. (Measles containing vaccines (MCV); Clinical features of
measles; Koplik’s spot; Measles elimination strategy)
3. Epidemiology of rubella. (Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS))
4. Epidemiology of Mumps.
5. Describe the epidemiology of influenza. Add a note on avian influenza. (Antigenic Shift
& drift).
6. Epidemiology of Diphtheria.
7. Epidemiology of Pertussis.
8. Epidemiology of meningococcal meningitis
9. Classification and management of ARI in under 5 years children
10. SARS
11. Describe the epidemiology of tuberculosis in India. (Nikshay, UDST, CBNAAT)
Short notes on-
b. MDR Tuberculosis
c. TB and HIV

Vector borne infection

1. Describe the epidemiology of Dengue. (WHO Classification and grading of severity of

dengue infection; Manifestation of dengue infection; Clinical features and management
of DHF)
2. Describe the epidemiology malaria. (Epidemiological types of malaria in India; Malarial
indices (API, AFI, ABER, SPR, SFR); Malarial vaccines)
3. Epidemiology of lymphatic filariasis. (Assessment of filarial control program; Filarial
survey; Lymphoedema management; Current strategy of filariasis control in India)
4. Zika virus infection

Bacterial zoonoses

1. Epidemiology of brucellosis in humans.

2. Epidemiology of leptospirosis.
3. Describe the epidemiology of human plague. (Blocked flea; Flea indices)
4. Epidemiology of human salmonellosis.

Short Notes on-

1. Hospital acquired infection
2. Emerging and reemerging infection

Communicable Diseases:

Describe the epidemiology (agent, host, environmental factors, modes of transmission,

incubation period, clinical features, complication, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and
control) of
1. Tetanus
2. Leprosy(Case finding methods in leprosy, Bacterial index and morphological index in
leprosy, Lepromian test, Multi drug therapy in leprosy, Treatment of paucibacillary
leprosy in adults, Deformities in leprosy ,Disability limitation in leprosy, Chemotherapy
in leprosy, Lepra reactions: features and treatment, Rehabilitation in leprosy)
3. Sexually transmitted diseases (classification, epidemiology, Syndromic approach OR
management to STDs(Urethral discharge, vaginal discharge, lower abdominal pain in
females, genital ulcer, scrotal swelling, inguinal bubo)
4. HIV/AIDS (WHO case definition for AIDS, clinical staging, Lab diagnosis of
HIV/AIDS, Control of AIDS, Opportunistic infections in AIDS, WHO recommended
Anti-retroviral therapy schedule, Post-exposure prophylaxis in HIV, Universal safety
precautions, Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission in HIV, Sentinel Surveillance in
HIV, ICTC centre, suraksha clinic, STI colour coded kits outline the strategies adopted
under NACP)
5. Plague(Blocked flea, Flea indices, Flea control measures)
6. Classify rickettisal fever, Describe the epidemiology of scrub typhus
7. Hospital acquired infections(nosocomial infections): types, sources, mode of spread,
8. Social factors in sexually transmitted diseases
9. Describe the epidemiology of Yaws
10. Describe the epidemiology of Trachoma
11. Short note on emerging diseases with examples
12. Short note on Re-emerging diseases with examples
14. Antimicrobial resistance: examples
15. Scrub typhus
16. Indian tick typhus
17. Q fever


1. Nutritional Problems in Public Health (1.low birth weight 2.undernutrition

3.Xerophthalmia 4.Nutritional anaemia: problem statement, causes, diagnosis, cut-off,
effects, intervention, 5.iodine deficiency disorders. What are the strategies to control
iodine deficiency, 6.Fluorosis: problem statement, effects, intervention,
2. Describe protein energy malnutrition.( causes, ecology, clinical features, classifications
of malnutrition, assessment of nutritional status, preventive measures,) discuss the
nutritional programme(ministry, services) currently available in India
3. Enlist the iodine deficiency disorders. What are the strategies to control iodine deficiency
in India?.
4. Discuss in brief, various community nutrition programme currently available in India
5. Iron deficiency / Nutritional anaemia: problem statement, causes, diagnosis, cut-off,
effects, intervention
6. Classifications of foods
7. Macro and Micro nutrients
8. Fatty acids (Essential fatty acids)
9. Visible and invisible fats
10. Hydrogenation
11. Glycaemic Index
12. Dietary fibre : Advantages of dietary fibre
13. Fat soluble vitamins: Sources, RDA, Deficiency, Prevention
14. Vitamin A deficiency manifestations, management and prevention,Vitamin A
15. Water soluble vitamins: Sources, RDA, Deficiency, Prevention
16. Vitamin C (Scurvy)
17. Iodine deficiency disorder
18. Fluorosis: problem statement, effects, intervention
19. Trace elements
20. Dietary Antioxidants
21. Milling of rice: procedure and effects
22. Parboiling
23. Reference Indian man and woman
24. Assessment of protein (protein quality and quantity)
25. Net Protein Utilization
26. Reference Protein
27. Balanced Diet
28. Prudent diet / WHO dietary goals
29. Nutritional problems in Public Health
30. Under nutrition
31. Neurolathyrism (problem, pulse, toxin, clinical features, interventions, removal of toxin,
32. Role of Diet or Nutritional factors in cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer
33. Methods to assess nutritional status
34. Social factors of malnutrition (preventive and social measures)
35. Difference between growth monitoring and Nutritional surveillance
36. Food hygiene(milk hygiene, meat hygiene)
37. Milk borne diseases (Methods of pasteurization of milk, tests for pasteurization of milk)
38. Diseases transmitted by Meat(meat inspection, slaughter houses)
39. Food borne diseases(1.Food borne toxicants: aflatoxins, ergot,lathyrism, epidemic
dropsy, endemic ascites toxin, clinical features, intervention 2. Food borne infections)
40. Food additives
41. Food fortification and enrichment
42. Adulteration of food: definition, Prevention of Food Adulteration Act
43. Food standards
44. National nutritional policy
45. Enlist the community nutrition programmes
46. ICDS
47. Mid-day meal programme (Model menu)

Disaster Management:

1. Definition of disaster
2. Disaster cycle
3. Triage in disaster management
4. Surveillance and disease control post-disaster
5. Disaster mitigation
6. Disaster preparedness
7. Personal protection measures in case of floods/storms/earthquakes
8. Man-made disasters

Communicable diseases

Intestinal infections
1. Describe the epidemiology of poliomyelitis and its prevention (Short notes on Pulse
polio programme,Vaccine vial monitor,AFP Surveillance)
2. Describe in detail the strategies for polio eradication in India
3. Discuss the epidemiology ,clinical course and prevention of Hepatitis B infection
4. What are the epidemiological factors contributing to acute diarrheal diseases?Discuss
briefly about its prevention and control measures.(Clinical types of Diarrhoeal disease,
Assesment of dehydration ,Oral rehydration therapy (resomol), Home made ORS)
5. Carriers in cholera
6. Prevention and control of cholera
7. Epidemiology of Typhoid fever and its prevention
8. Typhoid vaccines
9. Prevention and control of food poisoning
10. Epidemiology of Amoebiasis and its Primary prevention
11. Prevention of hookworm infestation
12. Chandler index and its public health importance
Zoonosis (viral)
1. Describe the epidemiology of Rabies and its prevention and control
2. Post exposure prophylaxis of rabies
3. Measures to prevent entry of yellow fever in India,17 D vaccine ,vvc
4. Epidemiology of JE and its prevention
5. Kyasanaur forest disease
6. What control measures would you recommend for control of chikungunya outbreak
7. Treatment for cysticercosis

Health care of community

1. Discuss briefly about various level of Health care services and in brief its characteristics
2. Define Primary Health care .Write briefly about the essential elements and principles of
primary health care
3. Describe ASHA S role and responsibilities under NRHM
4. Job description of Health worker female and male
5. Voluntary Health agencies in India
6. Health insurance

International Health
1. World HealthOrganization –Functions and responsibilities
2. Describe the Functions of UNICEF in India
3. Functions of CARE
4. Food and agricultural organization
5. Indian red cross society
6. Rockfeller foundation
7. Ford foundation
Mental Health

1. Warning signs of poor mental health

2. Types of mental illness
3. Drug dependence and its prevention
4. National Mental Health programme

Tribal Health

1. Health problems of Tribals in India


1. What is demography and explain demographic cycle.

2. What is age pyramid and sex ratio.
3. Define dependency ratio
4. What are the factors influencing fertility
5. Enumerate the indicators of fertility
6. Define family planning
7. Describe the health aspects of family planning
8. What is the scope of family planning
9. What is small family norm
10. Who are called as eligible couple and target couple
11. What is CPR
12. Describe NPP
13. What are the types of contraceptive methods
14. Explain in detail the contraceptive methods
15. Advantages and disadvantages o barrier methods
16. Write a short note on intra uterine devices
17. Advantages and disadvantages of IUDs
18. Who is the ideal candidate for IUD
19. Side effects of IUD
20. Describe the different types of hormonal contraceptives
21. Emergency contraception
22. What are the post conceptional methods
23. MTP act
24. Coitus interruptus
25. Rhythm method
26. Natural methods of family planning
27. Write in detail about terminal sterilization
28. What is the unmet need for family planning
29. Write a SN on contraception in adolescence
30. What are the services provided for family planning
31. National family welfare programme
32. How will u evaluate family planning
33. Pearl index
1. Write a short note on MCH problems
2. Write in detailabout the ANC care given during pregnancy
3. What are the objectives of ANC
4. Antenatal visits
5. What is risk approach in ANC
6. Domiciliary care
7. Rooming in
8. Write a short note on post natal care
9. Early neonatal care
10. Write a short note on LBW babies
11. Small for date babies
12. KMC- kkangaroo mother care
13. Write a short note on breast feeding
14. Artificial feeding
15. Baby friendly hospitals
16. What are the determinants of growth
17. What are the methods to assess growth and development
18. Growth chart
19. Uses of growth chart
20. Factors affecting the health of the child
21. What are the rights of the child
22. What are the indicators of MCH care
23. Write in detail about neonatal mortality rate, its causes and prevention.
24. Define MMR. Describe causes and the preventive measures for high mmr
25. Causes and preventive measures for maternal mortality in India.
26. Still birth rate
27. Causes of perinatal mortality
28. What are the mortality indicators for infancy and childhood
29. Write in detail about infant mortality rate, causes, preventive and social measures and add
a note on IMR in india.
30. What are the causes of under five morality rate.
31. Imnci
32. Write in detail about the School health services in india
33. Handicapped children
34. Primary prevention of disabilities in handicaps
35. Juvenile delinquency – causes and prevention
36. Street children
37. Child traffiking
38. Child guidance clinic
39. Describe the functions and organizational aspects ICDS
40. Adolescent health clinic.
41. What are the health and social problems associated with old age?
42. Potential for preventive care among the elderly.
43. What are the common problems of elderly and write about the social security for elderly
in india

1. What are the NCD risk factors

2. Describe in brief - Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial (MRFIT)
3. Describe - Population Strategy for Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
4. Rule of halves
5. Tracking of blood pressure
6. Risk factors of HTN
7. Prevention of HTN
8. Discuss iceberg phenomenon and explain Hypertension as lifestyle disorder. Add a note
on stroke.
9. Prevention of strokes in the Young.
10. Epidemiology of Rheumatic Heart Disease and suggest preventive measures.
11. Discuss the magnitude of problem of cancer in India and world. Discuss the risk factors,
and prevention and control strategy for cervical cancer.
12. Causes of cancer
13. What are the danger signs in cancer
14. Write a note on cancer screening
15. Write in detail about the risk factors of cancer and write a note on cancer cervix. Breast
16. Write in detail about lung cancer
17. Cancer registry.
18. Discuss the epidemiology, prevention and control of non-insulin dependent diabetes
19. What is syndrome x
20. How will you screen for diabetes
21. Epidemiology of Obesity.
22. What is BMI and its classification
23. How will you assess obesity
24. Discuss the burden of blindness in India. Discuss the strategies to control preventable
25. Discuss various causes of road traffic accidents and the methods to control and prevent
26. Describe in detail the epidemiology of road traffic accidents.
27. Write a note on drowning
28. Write about snake bite
29. Write about snake bite
30. Write in detail about oral diseases, its epidemiology, prevention


1. What is sociology
2. What are folkways and mores
3. What is Acculturation
4. What is learning and its types
5. What are the conditions affecting learning
6. Define family. What are the functions of a family
7. Family cycle
8. Types of family(nuclear/joint/3 generation)
9. What is the Role of family in health and disease
10. Broken family – define and reasons
11. What are the Social and cultural factors affecting health and disease
12. Discuss how social class affects health and utilization of health services
13. Modified prasads classification
14. Doctor-patient relationship and describe the levels of communication
15. Write about medico social worker
16. Write in detail about COPRA
17. What are the rights of the patient
18. What is drug addiction and how to manage it
19. What is social security
20. What is the role of reproductive health for reducing poverty


1. What is BMW and what are the sources of health care waste
2. What are the Health hazards of health care waste
3. What are the various methods of treatment and disposal technologies for health care
4. Write in detail about incineration
5. Categories of biomedical waste in india

1. What is ergonomics.
2. Explain the occupational hazards of industrial workers
3. Classify occupational diseases with example
4. What is pneumoconiosis? What are the factors that influence the cause of
5. Describe the various types of pneumoconiosis and their health effects? What measures
are taken to prevent it.
6. What are the health hazards of workers working in coal mines? What are steps taken to
reduce them?
7. Silicosis, epidemiology, manifestation, and measures of control
8. Bagassosis and its preventive measures
9. Asbestosis and control
10. Occupational risk to farmers
11. Outline causes , clinical features. Mg, and prevention of plumbism
12. Cancer in dye industries
13. Occupational dermatitis
14. Explain the occupational hazards of agricultural workers
15. What are the Common causes of accidents in industries
16. Sickness absenteeism- what, reasons and significance.
17. Describe in detail the various health problems due to industrialization
18. What are the measures for health protection among workers
19. Preplacement examination and its importance
20. What are the medical measures to prevent occupational diseases
21. What are the laws meant for the industrial workers. describe in detail about the factories
22. Employees state insurance act in detail.

1. Write a short note on Chromosomal abnormalities
2. Downs syndrome/ klinefelters syndrome/ turners syndrome
3. Enumerate mendels laws of inheritance
4. Human genome project
5. Population genetics
6. Hardy Weinberg law
7. What are the factors influencing the gene frequency
8. How to Prevent genetic disorders. Write in detail about primary secondary and tertiary
9. Difference between eugenics and euthenics
10. What is euthenics
11. Describe genetic counselling
12. Write a short note on amniocentesis

Environment and Health

1. Enlist the components of environment, Enumerate environmental hazards, Explain

importance of environmental sanitation
2. Definition of safe and wholesome water, Improvement of Tank, Differentiate between
Deep and Shallow well, Characteristics of sanitary well
3. Discuss Water Pollution & Water related diseases
4. Describe Slow-sand and rapid-sand filters, Difference between slow and rapid-sand
5. Explain principles of Chlorination of water. What is break point chlorination,
Superchlorination? Discuss Methods of chlorination
6. Orthotoluidine Test, Orthotoluidine Arsenite Test
7. Methods to purify water in a small scale, Steps in disinfection of a well
8. Enlist the guidelines for drinking water quality, Surveillance of drinking water
9. Hardness of water: causes, classification, disadvantages, treatment
10. Defluoridation of water-Nalgonda Technique
11. Swimming Pool Sanitation, Horrock’s Apparatus
12. Method to collect water samples for bacteriological examination
13. Methods to conserve water
14. Indices of Thermal Comfort, Comfort zones
15. Enlist the air pollutants, Sources, Effects, prevention and control of air pollution. Indoor
air pollution
16. Types of ventilation
17. Daylight factor, Biological effect of light
18. Noise: meaning, effects, control
19. Biological effects of radiation, protection measures
20. Meteorological environment : Explain effects of atmospheric pressure on health,
Enumerate different types of thermometers' for measurement air temperature
21. Heat stress index, effects of heat stress
22. Global warming effects , Ozone depletion, Green-house effect
23. Housing standards, Overcrowding: meaning, criteria, effects , Poor Housing and Health.
24. Solid wastes : Definition, Hazards, sources, Methods of disposal
25. Excreta Disposal : Define sewage and sullage. Sanitation barrier,Health hazards,
Classification and description of various methods of excreta disposal. (Bore hole, Dug
well & RCA Latrine, Septic tank, Aquaa privy, sulabh shauchalaya, shallow & deep
trench latrine, water carriage system, strength of sewage, modern sewage treatment, other
method of sewage disposal, social aspect of excreta disposal)
26. Medical Entomology : Arthropod of medical importance, Arthropod-borne disease:
transmission, principles of arthropod control, Integrated vector control method
27. Mosquito : General character, life cycle, differentiation between anophelini and culicini,
characteristics of anopheles, aedes and culex, Habits of mosquito, mosquito borne
diseases, mosquito control measures
28. Housefly: General character, life cycle, habits, transmission of infection, fly control
29. Sand flies: General character, life cycle, habits, disease transmitted, control measures
30. Lice : Types, General character, life cycle, habits, disease transmitted, control measures
31. Flea : Types, General character, life cycle, habits, flea indices disease transmitted, control
32. Ticks and Mites: Types, General character, life cycle, habits, disease transmitted, control
33. Cyclop : public health importance, control measures
34. Insecticides: Classification resistance and toxicity
35. Rodenticide classification and commonly used

Health education and communication

1. Communication process
2. Types of communication
3. Barriers of communication
4. Functions of health communication
5. Definition of health education: Alma Ata declaration , aims and objectives
6. Differences between health education and propoganda
7. Approach to health education
8. Models in health education
9. Principles of health education
10. Contents of health education.
11. Various methods in health communication (individual, group and mass approach)
12. Differentiate between Mass media and Personal communication
Health Planning and Management
1. Definition of health planning
2. Meaning of health needs & demand, resources, objectives, targets, goals
3. Pre-planning
4. Steps of Planning cycle
5. Management techniques (Quantitative and qualitative)
6. National Health Policy 2017
7. Bhore Committee recommendations
8. Niti Aayog
9. Directorate general of health services
10. Health system in India: at central, state and district levels
11. Panchayati Raj Institutions
12. Steps in evaluation of health services
13. SDG

Health programmes and schemes – –

1) National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme, Discuss the current strategies of
Anti-malaria programme ,discuss the Integrated method of vector control measures
2) National leprosy eradication program,
3) Describe in detail the objective and strategy in Revised National Tuberculosis Control
Programme, DOTS, RNTCP endorsed TB Diagnostic, New Initiatives
4) Describe in detail the objective and strategy in National AIDS control programme,
Counseling and guidance for HIV/AIDS presentation in your hospital, Disuses about
Integrated testing and counseling and testing center (ICTC)
5) Universal immunization programme,
6) Describe in detail the objective and strategy National programme for control of
blindness, Vision 2020
7) National programme for healthcare of the elderly, Most common diseases of old ages
8) Describe in detail the objective and strategy National programme for prevention and
control of Cancer, diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases and stroke,
9) Describe in detail the objective and strategy National mental programme, District mental
health programme
10) Ayushman bharat
11) Swach Bharath
12) IDD
13) NUHM
15) Janani suraksha yojana
17) INAP
19) IDSP

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