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DC Circuits
Short Answer
1. Define one coulomb
1 Coulomb = Charge on 6.28×1018 electrons.

2. Define Electrical Current and Potential.

Flow of free electrons through a conductor is called electric current.
Its unit is Ampere (or) Coulomb / sec.
Current, I = Charge(q) Coulombs / Time(t) Sec

When a body is charged, either electrons are supplied on it (or)

removed from it. In both cases the work is done. The ability of the
charged body to do work is called electric potential.
Electric potential, V= Work done W/Charge Q
W = Work done per unit charge.
Q = Charge measured in Coulombs.
3. Define Electrical Resistance and give its unit.
Resistance is defined as the property of the substance due to which
restricts the flow of electrons through the conductor. Resistance
may, also be defined as the physical property of the substance due
to which it opposes (or) restricts the flow of electricity (i.e. electrons)
through it. Its unit is Ohms.

4. Discuss the factors influencing resistance of a conductor

The electrical resistance (R) of a metallic conductor depends
upon the various Factors as given below,
(i) It is directly proportional to length l, ie, R α l
(ii) It is inversely proportional to the cross sectional area of
Conductor, ie, R α 1/A
(iii) It depends upon the nature of the material of the
(iv) It depends upon the temperature of the conductor.
5. Define Electrical Power and Energy.

The rate at which the work is done in an electric circuit is called

electric power. The unit is Joules/sec (or) Watt.

The total work done in an electric circuit is called electrical energy.

ie, Electrical Energy = (Electrical Power)*(Time)
Electrical Energy = I2 Rt = V2 Rt
Electrical Energy is measured in Kilowatt hour (kwh)

6. A silver wire of length 12m has a resistance of 0.2Ω. Find the

specific resistivity of the material. The cross-sectional area of the
wire is 0.01cm2.
Specific Resistance = 1.688*10−8 Ω m

7. State Ohm’s law.

The ratio of potential difference between any two points of a
conductor to the current following between them is constant,
provided the physical condition (eg. Temperature, etc.) do not
V/I = Constant
8. Discuss about the limitations of Ohm’s law.
a. Ohm’s law does not apply to all non-metallic conductors. For
eg. Silico Carbide.
b. It also does not apply to non-linear devices such as Zener
diode, etc.
c. Ohm’s law is true for metal conductor at constant temperature.
If the temperature changes the law is not applicable.

9. What will be the current drawn by a lamp rated at 250V, 40W,

connected to a 230 V supply.
Current I = 0.1472 A
10. Three resistors 2Ω, 3Ω, 4Ω are in parallel. From the figure
determine the current I1?

I1=3.69 A

11. List any one application of series and parallel circuit.

Parallel circuits--------Electrical wiring in Cinema Halls, auditoriums,
House wiring etc.

Series Circuit Parallel Circuit

The current is same through all The current is divided,

the elements.
The voltage is distributed. It is The voltage is the same across
proportional to resistance. each element in the parallel
The total (or) equivalent resistance is Reciprocal of resistance is equal
equal to the sum of Individual to sum of reciprocals of
Resistance, ie. individual resistances, ie,
RT = R1 + R2 + R3 1/RT= 1/R1+1/R2+1/R3
Hence, the total resistance is greater Total resistance is lesser than
than the greatest resistance in the the smallest of the resistance.
There is only one path for the flow of There are more than one path
current. for the flow of current.
• Series circuits------- Fan Regulator is connected in series with the
fan. The series combination is used where many lamp of low
voltages are to be operated on the main supply. Example:
Decoration lights.
12. List any two differences between series and parallel circuit.

13. State Kirchoff’s laws with illustrate.

Kirchhoff’s First Law:
• The algebraic sum of the currents flowing through a junction is
• Sum of the Currents approaching the junction are equal to the sum
of the currents going away from the junction are Equal.

Kirchhoff’s Second Law:

• The algebraic sum of the potential differences in a circuit loop must
be zero. Potential rises are equal to potential drops in a closed

14. Explain the steps involved in solving electrical network using

nodal analysis.
 Choose the nodes and node voltages to be obtained.
 Choose the currents preferably leaving the node at each
branch connected to each node.
 Apply KCL at each node with proper sign convention.
 Obtain the equation for the each branch current in terms of
node voltages and substitute in the equations obtained in
step 3.
 Solve all the equations to obtain the required node voltages.

15. Explain the steps involved in solving electrical network using

Kirchhoff’s voltage analysis.
o Identify the loops and Name them.
o Mark the branch currents and name them.
o Apply the sign convention.
o Select a loop & apply KVL either in clockwise or
Anticlockwise and frame the equation.
o Solve all the equations of the loop.

16. What are the methods to solve the electric network?

a. Solving by writing linear equation
b. Direct Inspection Method

17. Using source transformation convert the voltage source in to

current source.

I1=4.166 A
I2=15 A

Long Answers
. 1. Measure the power dissipated across 8 ohms resistor on the circuit
shown in the figure
2 ohms 2 ohms 4 ohms

4 8
ohms ohms 20V

2. Design the value of R if the power dissipated in 10 ohms resistor is 100W.

80 ohms 100 ohms

40 ohms

2 A R 10 ohms 2 A


3. In the circuit shown, evaluate the voltage across 2 Ω resistor and the
total current delivered by the battery. Use Mesh analysis.
2 ohms
a b

5 ohms


4. For the given electrical circuit, estimate the voltage across 4 Ω

resistances and 2.5 Ω resistance.
5. Four resistors are in parallel. The current in the first three resistors are 4A,
5A and 6A respectively. The voltage drop across the fourth resistor is 200V.
The total power dissipated is 5KW. Evaluate the values of resistances of the
branches and the total resistance.

6. Evaluate the Node voltages in the given circuit using nodal analysis.
Also find the Current flowing through 20Ω

7. Calculate the total resistance and battery current in the given circuit
8. Calculate the equivalent resistance offered by the circuit to the voltage
source and also find its source current

9. Estimate the equivalent resistance between A and B

10. Evaluate the current through 2 ohms resistances.

2 ohms I 20V

8 ohms 3 ohms

2 ohms 4 ohms
5 ohms
AC Circuits
Short Answer
1. State an alternating quantity.
Alternating current is an electric current which periodically reverses
direction and changes its magnitude continuously with time.

2. Define the term waveform.

A wave form is the graph in which the instantaneous value of any
quantity is plotted against time.

3. Recall Cycle?
Set of positive and negative values of an alternating quantity is
called cycle.

4. Define time period?

The time required for an alternating quantity, to complete one
cycle is called the time period and is denoted by T.
5. Define the term frequency?
The number of cycles per second is called frequency and is
denoted by f. It is measured in cycles/second (cps) (or) Hertz.

6. Interpret RMS value.

The steady current when flowing through a given resistor for a
given time produces the same amount of heat as produced by an
alternating current when flowing through the same resistor for the
same time is called R.M.S value of the alternating current.

RMS value =

7. Interpret the Form factor & Peak factor

It is the ratio of RMS value to average value
Form Factor = RMS value/Average Value
It is the ratio of Peak (or) maximum value to RMS value.
Peak Factor Kp=Peak Value/RMS value

8. Interpret Average value.

The average value of an alternating current is defined as the DC
current which transfers across any circuit the same change as is
transferred by that alternating current during the same time.

Average Value = Area Under one complete cycle/Period.

9. Estimate average value for AC quantity?

Average value of current = 2Im/π

Average value of voltage = 2Vm/π

10. Recall Phase & Phase angle

The phase is nothing but a fraction of time period that has elapsed
from reference or zero position.
The phase difference expressed as an angle, 360 degrees (2π
radians) corresponding to one complete cycle.

11. Recall out of phase.

Two alternating quantities are said to be out of phase if they do not
reach their zero and maximum value at the same time. The Phase
differences between these two quantities are represented in terms
of ‘lag’ and ‘lead’ and it is measured in radians or in electrical

12. List the features of j operator.

 J = sqrt-1
It indicates the anticlockwise direction of vector through 90

J2= -1
It indicates the anticlockwise direction of vector through 180
13. Convert complex form to polar form
Answer: 3.606<56.31
14. Compare Sinusoidal excitation with pure R and L.
S.No. Pure R Pure L
1 Voltage and current are in Current lags the voltage by 90
phase degree
2 Phase difference between Phase difference between
voltage and current is zero voltage and current is 90
3 Power factor is unity Power factor is zero

15. Compare Sinusoidal excitation with pure R and C.

S.No. Pure R Pure C
1 Voltage and current are in Current leads the voltage by 90
phase degree
2 Phase difference between Phase difference between
voltage and current is zero voltage and current is 90
3 Power factor is unity Power factor is zero

16. Relate apparent power, real and reactive power in A.C

The power drawn from the mains is the apparent power, and
this is a combination of both the true power and the reactive power.
The true power is due to the resistive components while the reactive
power is a result of the inductive and capacitive components.

17. Compare single phase and three phase power supply.

18. How three phase voltages are represented?

19. Define the term balanced and unbalanced system.
The balanced system voltages and currents of all three phases are
equal in magnitude and displaced from each other by equal angle.
The unbalanced system voltages and currents of all three phases
are unequal in magnitude and displaced from each other by unequal

Long Answers
1. Design an expression for RMS value, average value, form factor
and peak factor for the sinusoidal waveform.

2. Design an expression for RMS value, average value, form factor

and peak factor for the full wave rectifier output voltage

3. Design an expression for RMS value, average value, form factor

and peak factor for the half wave rectifier output voltage

4. Predict the behaviour of ac through

i) Pure R
ii) Pure L
iii) Pure C circuits.
For each case derive the instantaneous value of V and I, Impedance,
Average power, Power factor, Instantaneous power and the relevant
5. a. Explain the behaviour of AC through R-L series circuit
b. An alternating voltage of 200V, 50Hz is applied to a coil of
negligible resistance and inductance of 0.1H. Calculate the
current draw by the coil. What will be the effect on the current
drawn if i) frequency is reduced to half ii) frequency is doubled.
The supply voltage is kept constant.
6. a. Infer the behaviour of AC through R-C series circuit
b. A resistor carries two alternative currents having same
frequency and phase and having the same peak value of 20A.
One is sinusoidal and the other is rectangular in waveform. Find
the RMS value of the resultant current.
7. Analyse the behaviour of AC through R-L-C series circuit.
8. a. Infer the terms
i) Active power
ii) Reactive power
iii) Apparent power
iv) Power factor
b. In a circuit having single element i = 4 sin (314t+90) and the voltage
v = 60 Sin 314t.
i) Represent current and voltage in polar form
ii) Find the phase angle and power factor
iii) Identify the circuit element and find its value
IV) Illustrate the phasor diagrams by taking voltage as reference and
then current as reference.

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