Bangladesh University of Professionals: Aerodynamics

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Military Institute of Science and Technology

B.Sc. in Aeronautical Engineering
Student Group: 72<Earned Credit Hour<=108, Final Examination (Fal): Nov
Subject: AEAS 313, High Speed Aerodynamics
Time: 3.00 hours
Full Marks: 180
a. Use SEPARATE answer
scripts for each section.
. Question -1 in Section A and Question 5
C. Answer any OTHER TWO Section -

in B are
questions from EACH section.
Figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Assume reasonable data if
Symbols used have their usual meanings.



Show that for
take a 05

isentropic prOcess 10
. _ = constant
r-1p 2
C. Air flows through a duct. The pressure and temperature at station 1
are P=0.7 atmosphere and T-30°C. At the second station, the
pressure is 0.5atm. Calculate the temperature and density at the
second station. Assume the flow to be
Question -2
a. What do you mean by chocked flow condition of
diverging nozzle? Derive the equation for chocked flow converging-
b. A converging-diverging nozzle is designed to operate with an exit 15
Mach number of 1.75. The nozzle is
supplied from an air reservoir
at 68x10° N/m'. Assume 1-diemsianl flow.
) Maximum back pressure to chock the nozzle.
(ii) Range of back pressure over which a normal shock will
appear in the nozzle.
(iii) Back pressure for the nozzle to be
perfectly expanded to the
design Mach number.

Question -3
a. What are the thermal properties and calorical and what
are their characteristics?
properties 10

b. Show that for a

perfect gas and for a reversible process 10
S,S Cn-RIn P
C. A stream of air drawn from a reservoir is
flowing through an 10
irreversible adiabatic process
into a second reservoir in
which the
pressure is half of that in the first.
Calculate the entropy difference between the two reservoirs, at the
beginning of the process.

Page 1 of 3
a. What do you mean by
) Shock angle
(i1) Mach angle
(iii) Deflection angle
lllustrate them with diagrams,
Mach angle,
coincides with the
D Explain when shock angle
two- 10
tunnel over
S0°C flows through
supersonic wind
C l at Mach angle 1S
aimensional wedge. From the
photograph, the
local speed or
to be 50°. Determine the
flow velocity,
measured velocity.
sOund and the Mach number of the tunnel


a. Show that Mach number behind the normal shock is always 10

b. Given that 10


When Mi is the Mach number before normal shock and M2 after

that. Comment on the above equation.

C. The flow Mach number, Pressure and temperature ahead of a 10

normal shock are given as 2.0, 0.5atm and 300K
Determine M2, P2, T2 and V2 behind the shock wave.

Question -6
a. Consider the flow of air thorough a C-D nozzle starting in the
reservoir at zero velocity and standard sea level values of Po=
1.013x10° N/m2 and To=283.3K and expanding at
velocity of
275m/s at the nozzle exit. Calculate the pressure at the nozzle exit
assuming first the incompressible flow and then compressible flow
and compare the difference between the two sets of
b. A pilot tube is inserted into an airflow where the static pressure is
latm. Calculate the flow Mach number when the
Pitot tube
1) 1.28 atm
i) 10 atm.

a. From 6- B-M curve discuss
the effects of 15
() Increasing upstream Mach number M1, for the same deflection
angle 0 on the shock wave angle, shock wave front and dowmstream
Mach number. Illustrate with
(ii) Considering a supersonic flow with M=2, P=latm and
T-288K. This flow is deflected at a 15
20°. Calculate M, P, T, Po and To behindcompression
corner through
the resulting
shock wave.

Page 2 of 3
a. Differentiate between shock and
with diagrams.
expansion wave. Illustrate 08

b. Differentiate between critical Mach

number and drag-divergence 07
Mach number. Illustrate with
C A supersonic flow with Mi=1.5, P=latm and Ti=288K is expanded 15
around a
sharp corner through a deflection angle of 15°.Caluclate
M2, P2, T2, Po,2 and To,2 and the angles that the forward
rearward Mach lines make with
respect to the upstream flow

Page 3 of 3
Military Institute of Science and Technology Aeronautical Engineering
Student Group:72<Earned Credit Hour<=108, Final Examination (Fall): Nov 2019
Subiect: AEAS315,Aerospace Vehicle Stability and Control
Time: 3.00 hours Full Marks: 180

a Use SEPARATE answer scripts for each section.
. Question -1 in Section A and Question - 5 in Section B are compulsory.
Answer any OTHER TwO questions from EACH section.
d. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.
e. Assume reasonable data if necessary.
Symbols used have their usual meanings.


a. A design team of AE department has decided to design a 'UAV as 18
their final project in the "Capstone Project". Now, as a

derive a suitable mathematical expression to prove that,

for longitudinal static stability of High Wing which provides a

stabilizing contribution.

b. The Pitching moment coefficient about combined wing fuselage and 12

the lift coefficient is given by

CL_ 0.28 0.488 0.696 0.9

L(Cmeg)wf -0.0216 -0.006 -0.0064 0.0156
(i) If wing loading () =850,
Find the flight velocity (v),
when the aircraft is trim with zero lift with tail.
(1i) Determine the stability of Aircraft with data:
CL0.072 deg da
0.45; CLaw=0.08 deg; S =
n=1; 1=2.9
Neglect the contribution of Powerplant and fuselage.

a. For "Lateral Static Stability a negative rolling moment is required, 10
Explain with necessary sketch.

b. Write short notes on: 10

(i) Side Slip Angle
(ii) Angle of Yaw
i )Weathervane effect
(iv)Dorsal fin

C. "Dassault-2000" turboprop aircraft has the following fuselage 10

Le = 12.7m; Xm= 7m; Wr = 1.óm; h=1.6m; hj=1.4m; h2=1.Imn,
Ss - 22 m, Sw=26.81m', b=13.7m;
Here all symbols cary their usual meaning.
Obtain contribution of fuselage to Cng at 2000m altitude for flight
velocity of 120 m/s.
Cnpt-KnKr Sw b

Page 1 of 3
a. Define Directional Static Stability. For the contribution
Powerplant to directional stability explain "Pusher type of
Powerplant is more stable than puller"

b. Students of AE department of MIST are desigming a Prototype

trainer aircraft "MIST-X", Now, derive an expression for the
contribution of 'Vertical Tail' to Directional Static Stability.

Question -4
a. With necessary assumptions, deduce the equations of motion of an 25
aircraft due to external forces. Also, express the equations in terms
of pure pitching, pure rolling and pure yawing

b. Justify the linearization of aircraft equations of motion. Explain the 05

necessary theory for this linearization process.


a. Lateral characteristic equation of an aircraft is
given by- 12
S(S+0.00877)(S+8.435)\S+0.974S+5.45) =0
Evaluate and comment on the of the
directional, roll, spiral and dutch roll response
models. aircraft for

b. Differentiate between stability derivative and control derivative.

With necessary 18
assumptions, prove that for constant power
propulsion, CTu=-3CTo, where the symbols have their
meaning. usual

Question -6
a. Differentiate between:
) Short period of oscillation and Phugoid. 08
(1) Spiral divergence and directional divergence.
b. An aircraft is flying at 4 km altitude at 0.6
Mach. A gust of 10 knots
strikes from behind which sets the motion of a 17
(1) Acceleration, phugoid. Find
(1) Time period,
(11)No of cycles in 10 seconds,
(iv)Maximum height and
(v) Dynamic pressure ratio
C. Write short note on porpoise landing. 05
a. Define Static and Dynamic stability.
Explain the statement "For a
system to be
had to statically stable first". Dynamically stable, it

b. Define Adverse Yaw. Why Adverse Yaw

matters and which
improvements should be taken to compensate this effect? Explain.

Page 2 of 3
a. For a small light nircraft the wing area is 10 m' and MAC is 2m. 15
Tail area is 3m. The wing lift curve is given by
C CL+0.02a
The tail is placed at Sm behind the C.G. and tail downwash is given
Assume tail plane lifR slop same as that of wing and acrodynamic
centre (A.C.) at 25%% of MAC and C.G. at 10% of MAC.
Find out Neutral point (N.P.) and Static Margin. Also find out
where aircraft is stable or not. Neglect the contribution of Fusclage,
Powerplant and Nacelles.

b. Graphically represent the following: 15

() Cn vs B curve for stable and unstable aircraft.
(ii) Influence of rudder deflection on directional stability.
(ii)C vs B curve for a low-subsonic wing.
of Neutral Point position on longitudinal static

Page 3 of 3
Military Institute of Scienceand TechnologY
B.Sc. in Aeronautical Engineering
Student Group:72<Earned Credit Hource108, Final Examination(Fall:Nov2019
Subiect: AEAS-317,Mechanics of Structure, StructuralVibration and
Time: 3.00 hours Full Marks: 240

a. Use SEPARATE answer scripts for each section.
O. Question -3 in Section A and Question -5 in Section B are compulsory.
C. Answer any OTHER TWO questions from EACH section.
d. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.
e. Assume reasonable data if necessary.
Symbols used have their usual meanings.



Figure: 1(a)

a. Draw the kinematic diagram for the aircraft landing gear system 10
shown in figure: 1(a). Identify each joint and link on the diagram.
Determine what type of chain it is and the number of degree of

Page 1 of 5

Da 2/
A60 1
Figure: 1(b)

b. In the four bar mechanism shown in figure: 1(6) AD =

500 mm,
AB 200 mm, BC = 300 mm, and CD = 450 mm.

i) Find out whether this mechanism follows Grashof's law. If so,

determine geometrically the maximum and minimum transmission
angle with necessary diagram.
) Determine and locate all types of IC in the diagram, if driving
link AB rotates at a speed of 100 rpm with an anticlockwise
of 60. Also calculate the linear and
angular velocities of link BC
and CD by "Instantäñeöüs Ceiter Method" ith thetr
For any point E and F, such that BE EC and CF
velocity at point E andF.

= FD, find the

) If driving link AB rotates at a constant driving of 50
N-m and CD is the driven link, find the mechanical torque
advantage and
resisting torque if the efficiency of the overall mechanism is 80%.

a. In a slider crank
mechanism, lengths of crank and connecting rod 20
are 100 mm and 400 mm
respectively. If the crank rotates clockwise
with an angular velocity of 60
i) Determine the velocity of the slider when the crank turned
from inner dead center using "Relative 45
Velocity Method".
in) rubbing velocities at pins of
crosshead when respective diameters are 50crankshaft,
crank and
mm, 60 mm and 30

Figure: 2(b)

b. For the compound epicyclic gear train, shown in

figure 2(b), the 20
gears A; D and E are free to rotate on the axis at P, The
gears B and C rotate together on the axis at Q at the end
All the gears have equal pitch. The number of external of armF.
teeth on
gears A, B and C are 18, 45 and 21 respectively. If the gear A
rotates at 100 rpm in anticlockwise direction and the gear D rotates
at 450 rpm clockwISe, find the
speed and direction of arm F and the
gear E
Page 2 of 5
Q u e s t i o n - 3

a. By "Approximate Analytical Method", derive the equations for 20

velocity and acceleration of piston and Angular velocity and
angular acceleration of connecting rod.
b. The crank and connecting rod of a petrol engine, running at 1800 20
rpm are 50 mm and 200 mm respectively. The diameter of the

piston is 80 mm and the mass ofthe reciprocating parts is 1 kg. Ata

point during the power stroke, the pressure on the piston is 0.7
Nmm', when it has moved 10 mm from the inner dead center,
i) Net load on the piston if frictional resistance is 49 N.
i) Thrust in the connecting rod.
iin) Reaction between the piston and cylinder.
iv) Tangential force on the crank pin.
v) Turning moment on the crank shaft.
will become zero.
vi) Engine speed at which turning moment

Question-4 double acting steam 20

a. During forward stroke of the piston of the
2000 N-m
has the maximum value of
engine, the turning moment inner dead center.
when the crank makes an angle of 80
moment is 1500
maximum turning
During backward stroke, the dead center.
of 80" with outer
N-m when the crank makes an angle
be assumed for
The turning moment diagram for the engine may
Simplicity to be represented by two triangles.
the forward and
1) Draw the turning moment diagram during
backward strokes.
of the
) If thecrank makes 100 rpm and the radius of gyration
find the co-eficient of fluctuation of energy
flywheel is1.75 mm,
and the mass of the flywheel to keep the speed
within t 0.75% of
the mean speed. Also determine the crank angle at which the speed
has its maximum and minimum values.

b. A shaft carries four masses A, B, C and D of magnitude 200 kg, 20

300 kg, kg and 200 kg respectively and revolving at radii 80
from A at 300
mm, 70 mm, 60 mm and 80 mm in planes measured
The angles between the
mm, 400 mm and 700 mm respectively.
cranks measured anticlockwise are A to B 45", B to C 70 and C to
D 120".Two balancing masses are to be placed in planes X and Y.
The distance between the planes A and X is 100 mm, between X
and Y is 400 mm and between Y and D is 200 mm. Ifthe balancing
masses revolve at a radius of 100 mm, find their magnitudes and
angular p0Sitions using graphical method.

Page 3 of 5

a. Derive an expression for the natural frequency of free longitudinal 20
and transverse vibration by equivalent method.

b. Write down the Lagrange's energy equation in terms of generalized 5

coordinates and define each term.


Figure: 5()
C. Determine the equation of motion for the system shown in fig 5(c) 15
using Newton's 2 law of motion.

a. With reference to free damped vibratory system, describe the
characteristics of the following cases with necessary mathematical
and physical interpretations:
i) Underdamped vibration.
ii) Overdamped vibration.
ii) Critically damped vibration.

Figure: 6(b)
b. A control pedal of an aircraft can be modeled as the single-degree- 16
of-freedom system of fig 6(b). Consider the lever as a massless shaft
and the pedal as a lumped mass at the end of the shaft. Use
method to determine the equation of motion in 6 and calculate the
natural frequency of the system. Assume the spring to be unstretched
at =0

Page 4 of 5
Question 7
a. A machine part, mass= 2 kg, vibrates in a viscous medium. 15
Determine the damping co-efficient when harmonic
excítation force
25 N results in a resonant
amplitude of 12.5 mm with a period of 0.2
sec. If the
frequency of excitation force is 4 Hz, what is the
percentage increase in amplitude of vibration, when damper is
removed as compared with that of with damping?

b. Explain the following terms: 25

i) Wing torsional divergence
ii) Amplitude reduction factor
ii) Dynamic magnification factor.
iv) Flutter.
v) Ground vibration testing.

a. Define vibration isolation and transmissibility. Show that "Vibrationn 15
isolation is possible only when>2" with necessary graph.

b. A 100 kg machine is supported on an isolator of stiffness 700x10 15

Nm. The machine causes a vertical disturbance force of 350 N at a
of 3000 rpm. The damping ratio of the isolator is 0.2.
i) The amplitude of motion caused by the unbalanced force.
) The transmissibility ratio.
ii) The magnitude of force transmitted to ground through the

C. Briefly derive the natural frequency of free torsional vibration. What 10

is torsional stiffness? Mention the building blocks of torsional

Page 5 of 5
Military Institute of Science and Technology
B.SC. in Aeronautical Engineering
student Group:72<Earned Credit Hourc=108, Final Examination (Fall:Nov2019
Subiect: AEAS-319, Machine Design
Time: 3.00 hours Full Marks:180

a. Use SEPARATE answer scripts for each section.
b. Question 1 in Section A and Question - 5 in Section B are compulsory
Answer any OTHER TWO questions from EACH section.
d. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.
e Assume reasonable data if necessary.
Symbols used have their usual meanings.


Question-1 diagram. 5
with a labeled
a. Why is bearing modulus important? Explain
the following 15
Design journal bearing for centrifugal pump from
b a
20000 N; Speed of the journal
Load on the journal

data: for which

100 mm; type of oil is SAE10,
rpm, dianmeter of journal

0.017 kg/m-s; Ambient temperature

the absolute viscosity at 55 C

for the pump 1.5

of oil = 15.5°C; Maximum bearing pressure for
of lubricating oil required
N/mm. Calculate also the mass
of oil is limited to
artificial cooling, if the rise of the temperature
coefficient=1232 W/m* "C and
10°C. Assume heat dissipation
specific heat of oil = 1900 J/kg°C.

a speed of
a load of 10 kN has
C. A 150 mm diameter shaft supporting times thhe
whose length is 1.5
1500 rpm. The shaft runs in a bearing 0.15 m m
clearance of the bearing is
shaft diameter. If the diametral is
oil at the operating tenmperature
and the absolute viscosity of the
0.011 kg/m-s, find the power wasted
in friction.

Question -2 what 5
factor important for shaft? For
a. Why is notch sensitivity
materials are Guest theory and Rankine theory applicable?

It is driven by a motor 15
b. A line shaft is to transmit 30 kW at 160 rpm.
placed directly under it by means of a belt running on a l m
The tension in the
diameter pulley keyed to the end of the shaft.
tight side of the belt is 2.5 times that in the slack side and the center
centerline of the end
of the pulley overhangs 150 mm beyond the
allowable shear
bearing. Determine the diameter of the shaft, if the
stress is S6 MPa and the pulley weighs 1600 N.

C. Compare the weight, strength and stiffness ofa hollow shaft of the 10
same external diameter as that of solid shaft. The
inside diameter of
the hollow shaft being half the external diameter. Both the shaft
have the same material and length.

a Explain the function of keys. What is the difference between 5
keyseat and keyway?

Page 1 of 4
b. A 45 mm diameter shaft is made of steel with a yield stress of 350
MPa. A key made of steel with a yield stress of 320 MPa is used.
Find the length of the key, if the shaft is loaded to transmit
maximum permissible torque. Assume, thickness and width of key
are 9 mm and 14 mm, respectively and take factor of safety as 2.

C. A hollow steel shaft is to transmit 20

kW at 300 rpm. The loadingis 15
such that the maximum bending moment is 1000
N-m, the
maximum torsional moment is 500 N-m and axial
is 15 kN. The shaft is supported on
compressive load
rigid bearings 1.5 m apart. The
maximum permissible shear stress on the shaft is 40 MPa. The
inside diameter is 0.8 times the outside diameter. The load is
in nature and applied with shocks. The values for shock
factors are
k=1.5 and kn= 1.6.

Question -4
Designa valve spring of I.C. engine for the following details: 15
1) Spring load when valve is closed = 80N.
in) Spring load when valve is open = 100N.
) Spring constraints
Inside guide bush diameter = 24 mm.
Outside recess diameter = 36 mm.
iv) Valve lift= 5 mm.
v) Spring steel has the following properties:
Maximum permissible shear
Modulus of rigidity = 84 kN/mmí.
350 MPa.

Take, Spring having Square and Ground Ends.

b. A safety valve of 60 mm diameter is
to blow off at a
N/mm. It is held on its seat by a close coiled pressure of 1.2 15
helical spring. The
maximum lift of the valve is 10 mm.
Design a suitable compression
spring of spring index 5 and providing an initial compression of 35
mm. Given,
The modulus of rigidity for the
Maximum shear stress = 500 MPa.
spring material is 80 kN/mm.
1) Diameter of spring wire.
ii) Mean coil diameter.
in) Number of active turns
iv) Pitch of the coil.
Take Wahl's factor, K =D 0.615
hc-4 C
Spring having Square and Ground ends.

Page 2 of 4

Question -5
a. Distinguish between Over hauling screw and Self locking screw. 10
Also prove that, self locking screw efficiency is less than 50%.

b. A cross bar of a planer weighing 9 kN is raised and lowered by means 20

of steel screw and nut of phosphor bronze having 42 mm height. A
steel collar bearing with 30 mm mean radius takes the axial thrust. The
co-eticient of friction at the threads and at the collar may be assumed
as 0.14 and 0.10 respectively.
1) Find the force required at a radius of 120 mm of a handwheel
to raise and lower the load.
) Find a the shear stress in the nut material and the bearing
pressure on the threads.

a. A rail wagon of mass 20 tonnes is moving with a velocity of 2 m/s. It 15
is brought to rest by two buffers with springs of 300 mm diameter. The
maximum deflection of springs is 250 mm. Design the spring for the
Given, The allowable shear stress in the spring material is 600 MPa.
Modulus of rigidity 84 kN/mm,
Assume, Spring having Square and Ground ends.

b. The lead screw of a lathe has Acme threads of 60 mm outside diameter 15

and &mm pitch. It supplies drive to a tool carriage which needs an
axial force of 2000 N. A collar bearing with inner and outer radius as
30 mm and 60 mm respectively is provided. The co-efficient of
friction for the screw threads is 0.12 and for the collar it is 0.10.
Find the torque required to drive the screw and efficiency of the screw.

a. What should be the characteristics of friction surface materials for the 5

b. A single plate clutch, effective on both sides, is required to transmit 25 13

kW at 3000 rpm. Determine the outer and inner diameters of frictional
surface if the co-efficient of friction is 0.255, ratio of diameters is 1.25
and the maximum pressure is not to exceed 0.1 N/mm. Assume theory
of uniform wear.

C. A multi-disc clutch has three discs on the driving shaft and two on the 12
driven shaft. The inside diameter of the contact surface is 120 mm
The maximum pressure between the surface is limited to 0.1 N/mm
Design the clutch for transmitting 25 kW at 1575 rpm. Assume
uniform wear condition and co-efficient of friction as 0.3.

a. A rope drum of an elevator having 650 mm diameter is fitted with a 15
brake drum of 1 m diameter. The brake drum is provided with four
cast iron brake shoes each subtending an angle of 45. The mass of the
elevator when loaded is 2000 kg and moves with a speed of 2.5 m/s.
The brake has a sufficient capacity to stop the elevator in 2.75 metres.
Assuming the co-etticient of friction between the brake drum and
shoes as 0.2, find the width of the shoe, if the allowable pressure on
the brake shoe is limited to 0.3 N/mm

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F 200

40 40

A ldianensions mn

Fig- 8(b)

absorbing a 15
double shoe brake, as shown in fig-8(b), is capable of mm and
b. A brake drum is 350
N-m. The diameter of the
torque of 1400 shoe 100. if the co-efficient
of friction
the angle of contact for each is
between the brake drum
and lining is 0.4, find:
toset the brake
i) The spring force necessary bearing pressure on
The width of the brake shoes, if the
not to exceed 0.3
lining material is
Military Institute of Science and Technology
B.Sc. in Aeronautical Engineering
Student Group:72<Earned Credit Hour<108, Final Examination (Eal):Nov2019
Subiect: AEAV-329:Measurement and Aircraft Instruments
Full Marks:180
Time: 3.00 hours

Use SEPARATE answer scripts for each section.
a. Question -1 in Section A and Question -5 in Section B are compulsory.
Answer any OTHEER TWO questions from EACH section.
d Figures in the margin indicate full marks.
e Assume reasonable data if necessary
Symbols used have their usual meanings.


Question -1 measuring 15
a. What are the essential elements of a generalized
their functions with an
element? Explain each element highlighting
appropriate block diagram.
b. What are transducers? How a r e transducers classified?

considered essential in aircraft? 05

C. Why is the grouping of instruments
Question - 2 and 10
sensitivity, resolution, accuracy, precision
a. Explain the terms
errors in measurement.

measurement? Explain briefly any 08

b. What are various standards of
two of them.

of 1 percent of full 12
C. A 0-150V voltmeter has a guaranteed accuracy
scale reading. Calculate the limiting error in percent if the voltage
measured by this instrument is 75V. Comment upon the result.

and 15
a. Two voltmeters A & B are having sensitivity of 102/V
200002/V respectively. Ranges of both voltmeters are 0-50V. It is
desired to measure voltage across the 50k2 resistor shown in the
circuit given in Figure-1. Which voltmeter will you recommend to
use and why?


gune- 1

b. What is the loading effect in a voltmeter? What type of error could 15

this lead to in measurement'

Question -4
a. What are the basic groups which are generally adopted in a 10
conventional aircraft cockpit? Draw layout of any one of the basic
groups highlighting the individual instruments.

Page 1 of 2
b. Platinum is considered as the best metal,for Resistance
Temperature Detector, Justify the statement.

C. Explain with the heip of a suitable diagram how a DC Tachometer

is used for measurement of rotational


a With a neat block diagram, explain the working principle of an 10
Airspeed Indicator (ASI)
b. Why are gyroscopic instruments essential in aircraft navigation? 08
List any three gyroscopic instruments highlighting their respective

C. What do you understand by transport drift? What is the effect on an 12

aircraft moving from one latitude to another?

a. What are the various error encountered in an ASI? Explain what 10
will happen when you have a Blocked Pitot Tube' and a 'Blocked
Static Port

b. What would be the orientation of the spin axis of gyroscope rotor in 10

an artificial horizon directional gyro and turn and bank indicator?
Justify your answer.

c. What are the two properties of a gyroscope? Briefly explain each 10

one of them and also highlight their inter-dpendence.

a. What are the different words used in MILI553B data bus? Explain 10
briefly each one.

b. What is a parity bit in data communication? 5

C. What are the types of coupling in MIL1553B? Indicate their salient 5


d. Explain the layers of communication w.r.t MIL1553B with 10


a. What are the different types of noises in signal?

b. Explain briefly what should be the sampling criterion for effective

reproduction of signal.

C. Explain the working principle of an instrument amplifier. 10

d. Explain the successive Approximation Method used in Analog to 10

Digital conversion.

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