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Pronunciation: Choose the word that is pronounced differently from the others
1. A. here B. where C. wear D. pair
2. A. floor B. poor C. usually D. casual
3. A. dear B. clear C. year D. bear
4. A. four B. pour C. tour D. course
5. A. pair B. chair C. upstairs D. main
6. A combine B lamb C problem D double
7. A. here B. there C. cheer D. atmosphere
8. A. worked B. talented C. appreciated D. rejuvenated
9. A. walked B. danced C. laughed D. wanted
16. A. abandoned B. delighted C. revealed D. discovered
17. A. tour B. pour C. four D. thought
II. Choose the best answer
1. A _____________ is a naval vessel that can operate under water as well as on the surface.
A. submarine B. satellite C. photograph D. organism
2. _________is one of the most effective way to protect the environment.
A. Conservation B. Conversation C. Conserve D. Converse
3. Cuc Phuong National Park is the first of Vietnam’s nine national parks to be established.
A. held B. followed C. set up D. organized
4. Seas and oceans cover -----------------------percent of the earth’s surface.
A. sixty- five B. seventy C. A and B are correct D. three- quarters
5. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. atmosphere B. idea C. cheer D. upstairs
6. Without plants, most water would -------------- off as it falls, taking away valuable soil.
A. run B. move C. lose D. put
7. The old castle ----------------up on the hill which made it easier to defend if there was a war.
A. is built B. will be built C. was built D. has been bulit
8. The United Kingdom is divided-----------4 parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
A. between B. for C. among D. into
9. If I were younger, you __________---me?
A. will marry B. would marry C. married D. marry
10. If she ___________her hairstyle she would be pretty.
A. change B. had changed C. changed D. would change
11. If the rain ________________, I would have gone for a walk.
A. had stopped B. Would have stopped C. Stopped D. will stopped
12. If you had called him, he _____________.
A. would come B. would have come C. had come D.. come
13. Her salary is very low. I think she _____look for another job.
A. should B. maybe C. shouldn’t D. are able to
14. This park is the ________where lots of orphaned and abandoned animals are taken care of.
A. orphanage B. Orphan C. location D. area
15. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. feature B. clear C. dear D. idea
16. The problems____________________ by the students since last month.
A. will be discussed B. have been discussed C. was discussed D. discussed
17. The fire ____________ the village in 1890.
A. destruction B. destructive C. destroyed. D. destroying
18. I don’t think you ____ smoke so much
A can’t B can C shouldn’t D should
19. A: Let's play some music.
B: ……….....................................................
a. Yes, please. b. Thank you. c. No problem. d. Good idea.
20. You have a stomach. You ____ eat hot and sour food.
A. should B. must C. shouldn’t D. could
21. Animals are sheltered in the zoos or parks for their____________________
a. survival b. existence c. disappearance d. happiness
22. A: I'm leaving for lunch.__________. B: Thanks, but I can't right now. I’m busy.
A Do you feel like going B Could you come? C Do you come? D Would you like to
23. I don’t think you ____ smoke so much
A can’t B can C shouldn’t D should
24. Cuc Phuong National Park ___________ over 200 square kms of rainforest.
A contains B holds C covers D gets
25. Some marine animals are dangerous to humans.
A. in the mountain B. in the ocean C. in the forest D. in the house
26. The floor was covered in tiny pieces of paper.
A. unimportant B. many C. very large D. extremely small
27. __________is the variety of different types of plant and animal life in a particular region.
A. Interaction B. Herbicide C. Environment D. Biodiversity
28. Seventy-five percent of the earth’s _________are covered by sea and oceans.
A. face B. flat C. resurface D. surface
29. That sounds like a good offer. I ________ if I ________ you.
A. had accepted/were B. will accept/am C. would accept/were D. accepted/were
30. The Gulf of Mexico covers a surface area of 579,153 sq miles
A a small sea B a large area of water surrounded by land
C a large area of ocean almost surrounded by land
D a part of the sea enclosed by a wide curve of the shore
31. The starfish lives on or depend ___________________ he bottom
A. in B. for C. of D. on
32. Carnivores are animals which ________________
A. eat meat B. eat plants C. live on the bottom D. swim very fast
33. Sperm whale population is at ______due to hunting.
A. extinction B. danger C. on the decrease D. risk
34. If it rained heavily, the fields____________________ flooded
A. will be B. had been C. would be D. can be
35. I_______________________ that coat if I were you
A. wouldn’t buy B. will buy C. buy D. to buy
36. If I knew your address, I _____________________ you a post card
A. would sent B. would send C. send D. sent
37. If I _____________________ somebody else, I’d like to be a teacher
A. would be B. could be C. become D. must
C. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that they don’t change the meaning
1. I cannot go to the beach with you this weekend because I have a date with my old classmate.
2. Because Simon doesn’t live near his mother, he can’t visit her often.
3. I don’t have free time, so I can’t go to see him
4. I am not a millionaire, I can’t help all people.
5. I’m in a hurry. I won’t stay to dinner. -
6. We didn’t go because it rained.
7.My brother didn’t leave the car keys, so I couldn’t pick him up at the station.
8.We didn’t go on holiday because we didn’t have enough money.
9.Susan felt sick because she ate four cream cakes.
10. Peter is fat because he eats so many chips.
11.He didn't hurry, so he missed the train.
12. People are destroying the forest at an alarming rate.
13. Millions of people watch this programme.
14. Cows and buffaloes eat grass.
15. The factory is producing more and more pollution.
16. My secretary will notify you next week
17.. Elias Howe invented the sewing machine in 1845
18. Nobody saw Nam at the bus stop.
2. They don’t understand the problem. They won’t find a solution. ->If ......................................
3. I get wet because I don’t take my umbrella. -> If .......................................
4. I drink too much coffee; that’s why I can’t sleep.-> If ..............................
5. The weather is not fine, that’s why we can’t go out.->If .........................
6. The weather may be fine tomorrow, we will go for a picnic. -> If ...........
8. He didn’t hurry, so he missed the train.
9. Dick often causes accidents because he drives carelessly.
12. Mary didn’t get good marks in her exam, so she felt sad.
13. You water the flowers often, so they don’t die.
14. They don’t have bicycles, so they walk to school.
Question 2, Rewrite these sentences without changing their original meanings:
12). He lost his job because he was late everyday.
15). Peter is fat because he eats so many chips.
20). We didn't go because it rained.
.23). Robert got a bad cough because he started smoking cigarettes.
Passive voice
5.One uses milk for making butter and cheese
6.I usually write letters
7.They don’t sell this house any longer
8.Nobody knows anything about Brenda’s family
9.Do you buy English books?
11.Does Lan often drink Pepsi?
1.These workers are building a new hospital
2.Somebody is cleaning the room at the moment
3.They are building a new ring road round the city
4.Scientists are carrying out a very important experiment
5.Airplanes are carrying food and medicine to the flood region
9.The police are following the suspects
10.She is writing an address on the back of the envelop
12.Chemists are researching for an effective vaccine against influenza
1.They haven’t made any decision yet
2.No one has signed this letter
3.No one has ever beaten my brother in tennis
4.Nobody has ever treated me with such kindness
5.Has anyone shown you the new machine?
6.No one has seen Peter since the day of the party
7.Mr.Snow hasn’t taught that course since 1975
8.The city attorney(luật sư) has discovered new evidence
.They have set up an investigation to look into the tragedy
10.Doctors have treated many people for burns and shock
1.The tornado destroyed thirty houses
2.Mary’sparents sent her some money
3.They delayed the football match because of the heavy rain
4.Mr.Brown took his children to the circus last week
5.They saw this boy go out
6.Someone saw him pick up the gun
7.My sister broke her watch yesterday
8.They drank all the wine in the bottle
9.She cooked dinner very well
10.Did they build this monument ten years ago?
11.Did they explain this point to you?
12.Did they paint the windows green?
13.Which picture didn’t your brother draw?
4.Who prepared your bicycle?
15.How did they enjoy the play?
16.Whom did you see last night?
17.Who wrote this letter?
18.Whom did they invite to their wedding party?
19.You saw her, didn’t you?
0.Nobody told me that she was busy
21.They didn’t tell me all the details of this case
22.Smoke filled the room
23.Paint covered the lock
24.We put a notice about the trip on the notice board yesterday
25.They sent me the letter
26.When they got to the police station, the police immediately questioned them
32.The fire destroyed the stand in a matter of minutes
33.The intense heat burned many of the rescuers
24.She had me iron her clothes
25.I got Mrs. Young to cut my hair
1.They were carrying the injured player off the field
2.An old man was sweeping up the dead leaves
3.Martha was delivering the documents to the department
4.People were watching the match on TV
1.They will ask a lot of questions at the interview
2.We will send you your examination results as soon as they are ready
3.We won’t admit children under sixteen
-4. Everybody will simply laugh at you
5.I will buy a computer tomorrow
6.Every teenager will use at least one cell phone in 5 more years
1.They had cleaned the room before the teacher came in
2.Somebody had slashed the picture with a knife
3.They had checked the cargo carefully before they unloaded it
4.They had taken away the fire extinguishers on purpose
5.By the time we arrived, the police had towed my car away
13). Alexander Fleming discover penicillin in 1928.
Penicillin.......................................................... .
14More schools.......................................................... .
24)-Millions of people watch this programme.
-This programme………………………………………………………………….

This programmme.......................................................... .
18). Mr.Brown teaches grammar.
17). People are killing wild animals for food.
Wild animals ..........................................................
16). They will finish our new house at the end of the month.
-Our new house……………………………………………………………………
1- Dr. Ikeda developed that theory.
2- Tim dropped the cup.
3- The manager will interview me.
4- After class, one of the students always erases the chalkboard.
5- My grandfather planted this tree 50 years ago.
6- Mary has just washed those dishes.
7- They are going to build a new hospital here.
8- We can do nothing to help her.
9- Last Thursday we appointed a new marketing manger. – A new……………………….
10- Smith Ltd. are supplying our company with new office furniture. – Our……………….
11- No one has seen Peter since the day of the party. – Peter…………………………………
12- At the time my aunt was looking after the children for us. – At the time our children…….
13. They often invite us to the formal parties.
14. They redecorate their house very ornamental.
15. 16. They are building a new kindergarten in front of my house.
II. Write the following sentences in the passive
1. They will answer several questions.
2. These boys made that noise
3. She had finished the report by noon
4. The teacher explains the lesson.
5. Peter has sung this song
6. She has eaten all the eggs
7. John has broken my watch
8. The children are eating a lot of sweets
9. . Peter is writing a letter to his friend
10. My father planted this tree.
11. My sister cleans these rooms everyd
12. He hasn’t collected the rubbish.
1314. III. Using the given information, make conditional sentences.
I couldn’t buy that book because I didn’t have enough money
2. Lan lost our phone number, so she didn’t phone us
3. We didn’t make a cake because we forgot to buy any eggs.
4. He got up late; that was why he was late for class
5. Susan felt sick because she caught in the rain on the way home yesterday
6. John ignored me, so I got angry at him.
1. He didn’t prepare for the interview, so he didn’t get the job.-> If
2. I took the job because I didn’t know how difficult it was. -> If
3. She didn’t eat anything because she wasn’t hungry. >>If
4. The accident happened because the driver in front stopped so suddenly. >>If
5. I didn’t wake you up because I didn’t know you wanted to get up early. >> If
6. She didn’t buy the watch because she didn’t bring enough money with him. >> If
7. I had a cold because I walked in the rain. >> If
8. They didn’t sell the house because their children wanted to keep it. >> If
9. Mrs. White fell down because she was too weak. >> If
10. He failed the exam because she didn’t do it well. >> If
11. She couldn’t come because she had to work overtime. >> If
12. I couldn’t answer the phone because I was having a bath. >> If
Supply the correct form of the verbs
1. If I (know) _________ that you were ill last week, I (go) _________ to see you.
2. The weather was bad. We (go)_________ camping if the weather (not, be) _________ so bad.
3. I (send)_________ you a postcard while I was on holiday if I (have) _________ your address.
4. You (have)_______ a good time if you (be) _________ at the party last night.
5. If I (not, drink) ____strong tea with lemon last night, I (have)_________ a sound sleep.
6. If it (not, rain) _________ yesterday, we (come)_________ to visit them.
7. If she (eat)_______something last night, she (not, feel)_________ hungry.
8. It was cold yesterday. If it (be, not)_________ cold yesterday, I (go)_________ swimming.
9. Jack didn’t study for the test. If he (study) _________for the test, he (pass) _________ it.
He crashed his car, because he fell asleep while driving.
We couldn't go to the concert, because we didn't have enough money.
I lost my job because I was late for work.
The wind was so strong that the bridge collapsed .
Icouldn't call Lan because I didn't had her number.
). They are building more schools for disabled children.

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