Microleakage in Class II Composite Resin - Restorations - Total Bonding and Open - Sandwich Technique

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Microleakage in Class II Composite Resin

Restorations: Total Bonding and Open

Sandwich Technique
Alessandro Dourado Loguercioa/Alessandra Reisb/Kelly Cristina
Mazzoccoc/André Lozano Diasd/Adair Luiz Stefanello Busatoe/
Julio da Motta Singerf/Patricia Rosag

Purpose: The objective of this in vitro study was to evaluate gingival microleakage in Class II total bond
resin restorations in comparison to open sandwich technique restorations using different materials.
Materials and Methods: Forty-eight human molar teeth were disinfected and stored in a 0.9% saline so-
lution. In each tooth, two standardized Class II cavities (3 mm x 6 mm x 2 mm) were prepared with the
gingival cavosurface margins located 1 mm below the cementoenamel junction. The teeth were divided
into 4 equally sized groups (n = 12), and the proximal boxes were treated as follows: in Group 1, no
base material was used and the cavity was restored using Syntac Sprint (SS) and Tetric Ceram (TC); in
Groups 2, 3, and 4 the gingival portion of the cavity was restored with different base materials (Group
2, Dyract; Group 3, Vitremer; Group 4, Chelon-fil) prior to the placement of the composite resin. After a
storage time of 7 days, the restorations were finished and polished. Then, specimens were submitted
to thermocycling (500 cycles, 5ºC to 55ºC, 15 s dwell time) and immersed in a 0.5% methylene blue
solution for 24 h. After washing, they were sectioned in a mesio-distal direction. Each restoration was
evaluated under a stereomicroscope at 20X by 2 examiners and scored on a 0 to 3 scale according to
the marginal leakage. Kappa statistics were used to evaluate the agreement between the examiners.
Given the ordinal nature of the scoring system, data were submitted to a nonparametric repeated mea-
sures ANOVA. The results were confirmed with a parametric repeated measures ANOVA.
Results: Significant differences (p < 0.001) among the four groups with respect to dye penetration were
detected, with the association Vitremer/Tetric showing the best results.
Conclusion: The use of Vitremer in the open sandwich technique presents the lowest degree of mi-
croleakage among the treatments considered in this study.

J Adhes Dent 2002; 4: 137–144. Submitted for publication: 11.07.00; accepted for publication: 10.02.02.

a PhD student, Department of Dental Materials, School of Dentistry, Reprint requests: Alessandro Dourado Loguercio, Departamento de
University of São Paulo, Brazil; Assistant professor, University of Materiais Dentários, FOUSP, Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 2227 CEP
Oeste de Santa Catarina, Joaçaba, SC, Brazil. 05554–900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Fax: +55-11-3091-7842-201.
b e-mail: aloguercio@hotmail.com
PhD student, Department of Dental Materials, School of Dentistry,
University of São Paulo, Brazil.
c Dentist in private practice, Concórdia, sc., Brazil. lthough composite resins are the most common-

Dentist in private practice, Pelotas, RS., Brazil.
Professor, School of Dentistry, University Luterana do Brasil, Rio
A ly used tooth-colored restorative material, they
still present difficulties when used directly in poste-
Grande do Sul, Brazil.
rior restorations.28 One of the most relevant con-
f Professor, Department of Statistics, Institute of Mathematics, Uni-
versity of São Paulo, Brazil. cerns is polymerization contraction, which may lead
g PhD student, Department of Statistics, Institute of Mathematics, to gap formation.7 This fact in conjunction with mas-
University of São Paulo, Brazil. ticatory stresses and thermal changes constitute

Vol 4, No 2, 2002 137

Loguercio et al

the principal causes of microleakage in Class II res- Brazil). The teeth were placed in a special device
torations and consequently of secondary or recur- that allowed simulation of a clinical situation (In-
rent caries. In some clinical studies, these new le- odon, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil). Metal matrix bands
sions are considered as the most relevant reason and wood wedges were placed before each restor-
for replacement of these restorations.22 ative procedure.
In spite of recent improvements in adhesive sys-
tems, several in vitro studies demonstrated consid-
erable marginal microleakage and poor marginal ad- Restorative Procedures
aptation of composite restorations, mainly when cer-
vical margins are located in the dentin.4,10,23,25,32 The teeth were randomly divided into 4 groups of
Several alternative clinical techniques have been 12 teeth each, as detailed in Tables 1 and 2. The
introduced to avoid the sealing problems in Class II same material was placed both in the mesial and
cavities. Among these, we mention the replace- distal cavities of each tooth, in order to verify the
ment of a substantial part of the resin composite effect of the proximal side. All materials were han-
in the proximal box with a glass-ionomer cement dled according to the manufacturers’ instructions
base, first introduced by McLean et al.19 In fact, ini- (Table 1). Each Class II cavity was restored in three
tially, conventional glass-ionomer cements were increments (Fig 1).
completely covered with composite resins in the Under the open sandwich technique, all base ma-
so-called closed sandwich technique.16 Alternative- terials were inserted in the cavity by means of a Cen-
ly, some authors left this material exposed in the trix syringe (Centrix, Shelton, CT, USA) in a single
cervical margins of Class II restorations (“open portion. Each resin increment (2 mm) was light
sandwich technique”). Nevertheless, this concept cured for 40 s with Optilux 400 (Demetron, Dan-
failed mainly because of a continuous loss of the bury, CT, USA) with a light intensity of 650 mW/cm2.
material.16,35,36 The conventional glass-ionomer cement was pro-
Recently, some new materials less sensitive to tected with wet cotton rolls during the initial gelefi-
the application procedures, with improved mechan- cation (4 min). The base materials in the proximal
ical and physical properties, and with better control surfaces of the restorations in groups 3 and 4 (Vit-
during clinical handling17,20 were introduced on the remer and Chelon-Fil) were protected with Finishing
market. They are the so-called resin-modified glass Gloss (3M Dental Products, St Paul, MN, USA).
ionomers and polyacid modified composite resins
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the mi- Assessment Procedure
croleakage at the cervical margins of Class II resto-
rations restored with different materials as a base The restored teeth were stored in distilled water at
(“open sandwich technique”) compared to direct 37ºC for 7 days. After that, they were polished and
composite resin restorations (total bonding tech- finished with aluminum oxide–coated flexible disks
nique). (Soft Lex Pop-On, 3M Dental Products). The teeth
were subjected to thermocycling (500 cycles, 5ºC
to 55ºC, 15 s dwell time), and each tooth was cov-
MATERIALS AND METHODS ered with 2 coats of nail varnish except for the area
approximately 1 mm away from the gingival margin
Sample Preparations of the restoration. Then, they were immersed in
0.5% methylene blue dye solution. After 24 h, they
Forty-eight sound human molars were cleaned and were cleaned and sectioned in a mesio-distal direc-
disinfected in 0.5% chloramine for 15 days and tion using a diamond saw (LABCUT 1010 machine,
stored for less than 6 months in a 0.9% saline so- Extec, Enfield, CT, USA).
lution.9 On each tooth, two standardized Class II The severity of the dye penetration was analyzed
cavities were prepared in the proximal surfaces according to a 0 to 3 scale (0 = no dye penetration,
(3 mm wide, 6 mm high, and 2 mm deep) with gin- 1 = dye penetration up to one half of the gingival
gival margins located approximately 1 mm below floor, 2 = dye penetration up to more than one half
the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) by means of cy- of the gingival floor, and 3 = dye penetration up to
lindrical diamond burs (# 3145, Kg Sorensen, SP, the axial wall). Both sections were evaluated at the

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Loguercio et al

Table 1 Materials, composition and manufacturers’ instructions

Materials Composition (Batch Number) Manufacturers’ instructions

Adhesive system 1 – Phosphoric Acid (37%) (908874) 1. Acid etching for 15 s.

(Syntac Sprint-SS) 2 – Adhesive (maleic acid, HEMA, 2. Rinse for 15 s.
methacrylate-modified, polyacrylic acid, fluoride, 3. Blot dry (wet bonding technique)
initiators, stabilizers and acetone) (912453) 4. Application of two coats of adhesive (15 s)
5. Air dry for 3 s
6. Light cure for 10 s.

Composite resin Organic matrix (bis-GMA, UDMA and 1. Incremental placement (< 2mm)
(Tetric Ceram-TC) TEGDMA) with five types of inorganic 2. Light cure for 40 s.
Shade A3 particles (barium glass, fluorosilicate glass,
silica, oxides and yterbium trifluoride)

Polyacid-modified Sr-F-Al silicate glass, polyacrylic acid, acidic poly- 1. Incremental placement (< 2mm)
resin (Dyract-DY) merizable monomers, UDMA and TCB 2. Light-cure for 40 s.
Shade A3 (970300371)

Resin-modified 1 – Primer (Vitrebond copolymer, HEMA, ethanol 1. Primer application for 30 s

glass-ionomer and photoinitiators) (3303) 2. Air thin for 15 s
(Vitremer-VT) 2 – Powder (Sr-Al-F silicate glass, potassium 3. Light cure for 30 s
Shade A3 persulfate and ascorbic acid) (466) 4. Manipulation (2, 5:1) and placement with Centrix
3 – Liquid (polycarboxylic acid with pendant syringe
methacrylate groups, Vitrebond copolymer, 5. Light cure for 40 s
HEMA, ethanol and photoiniciators) (3303) 6. Protection with Finishing Gloss
4 – Finishing Gloss (bis-GMA and photoinitiators)

Traditional glass- 1 – Ketae conditioner (10% polyacrylic acid) (066) 1. Conditioner application for 10 s
ionomer 2 – Powder (silica, alumina, calcium fluoride and 2. Rinse for 30 s
(Chelon-Fil-CF) aluminium fluoride) (011) 3. Gentle air dry (blot dry)
Shade LY 3 – Liquid (aqueous solution of tartaric and 4. Manipulation (1:1) and placement with Centrix
polyacrylic acid) (066) syringe, wait for the initialgelefication.
5. Protection with Finishing Gloss

Table 2 Restorative procedures and sequence of materials

Groups Restorative technique

Total bonding 1 Acid etching and adhesive application (SS) + placement of

composite resin (TC)

2 Acid etching + adhesive application (SS) + placement of DY

+ composite resin (TC)

Open sandwich 3 Vitremer application (primer and placement of VT) + acid

technique etching and adhesive application (SS) + placement of
composite resin (TC)

4 Chelon-Fil application (Acid etching with polyacrylic acid

and placement of CF) + acid etching and adhesive
application (SS) + placement of composite resin (TC)

Vol 4, No 2, 2002 139

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Fig 1 Flowchart of the investigation design.

gingival margin and, to stay on the conservative treatment has a higher classification than an obser-
side, only one score (the worst one) was recorded vation randomly selected from the whole sample.
for each restoration. The evaluation was made by Therefore, higher values of this measure are asso-
two previously calibrated examiners using a stere- ciated to treatments with higher scores taking only
omicroscope at 20X (Olympus SZPT, Tokyo, Japan). the relative positions and not the actual score val-
Kappa statistics were calculated by section to mea- ues into account.
sure the agreement between the scores assigned
by the examiners. Due to the ordinal nature of the
data, nonparametric repeated measures analysis RESULTS
of variance was used5 to evaluate the effects of
treatment groups, proximal surfaces, and their in- The Kappa statistics ([0.846 0.062] for the mesial
teraction. This technique is based on the compari- section and [0.967 0.032] for the distal section)
son of the so-called relative treatment effects, cal- indicate strong agreement between the examiners.
culated from the mid-ranks assigned to the ordinal The observed frequency of microleakage scores for
response variable (scores), for each combination of each section and groups with the estimated rela-
the levels of the factors group and section. This tive effects are presented in Table 3. Examples of
measure may be interpreted as the probability that restorations exhibiting different microleakage
an observation randomly selected from a certain scores are shown in Figs 2 and 5 to 7.

140 The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry

Loguercio et al

Table 3 Observed frequency of microleakage scores and astimated

treatment effects

Groups Scores M Scores D

0 1 2 3 (*) 0 1 2 3 (*)

Total bonding 1 3 1 2 6 0.62 4 0 2 6 0.60

Open sandwich 2 6 0 0 6 0.53 5 2 0 5 0.53

technique 3 10 0 0 2 0.33 10 1 0 1 0.31
4 1 6 2 3 0.59 5 2 2 3 0.49

(*) - Estimated treatment effects for each section and group.

Fig 2 Composite resin restoration Fig 3 Sandwich restoration Fig 4 Sandwich restoration using
(Tetric Ceram plus Syntac Sprint) show- using Vitremer/Tetric Ceram Chelon-Fil/Tetric Ceram showing
ing leakage score 0. showing leakage score 0. leakage score 3.

The results suggest no significant interaction be- Some internal porosity may be noted in the cas-
tween group and section (p = 0.853) and no signif- es where Chelon-fil and Vitremer were used as
icant main effect of section (p = 0.500). Significant base (Figs 3 and 4).
differences were detected among groups (p =
0.004). Paired comparisons of the treatment rela-
tive effects suggest that only Group 3 differs from DISCUSSION
the remaining ones with respect to microleakage.
The corresponding p-values are presented in The results suggest that direct composite restora-
Table 4. These results were confirmed by a re-anal- tions in Class II cavities (Group 1) do not provide
ysis of the data with a parametric repeated mea- good marginal sealing at the cervical margins of the
sures ANOVA.24 restorations. This fact has been previously de-

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Fig 5 Sandwich restoration using Fig 6 Sandwich restoration us- Fig 7 Composite resin restoration
Chelon-Fil/Tetric Ceram showing leak- ing Dyract/Tetric Ceram showing (Tetric Ceram plus Syntac Sprint)
age score 2. leakage score 3. showing leakage score 3.

may occur simultaneously in Class II cavities after

Table 4 P-values for paired comparison between acid conditioning, where some of the cavity walls
treatment groups (nonparametric repeated mea-
may be extensively dried, but the internal angles of
sures analysis of variance)
the preparation may present an excess of water.
Groups 2 3 4 In our study, the conventional glass-ionomer was
used with the open sandwich technique, since Reid
1 0.271 0.000 0.227
et al27 demonstrated a better behavior of this ma-
2 0.001 0.912
terial using this technique compared to its use in a
3 0.014
closed sandwich technique. Several other studies
have also shown bad results when this material
was used as a base with a closed sandwich tech-
nique.10,12,23,25,29,32 The idea that the contraction
forces which occur within a polymerizing composite
scribed with different composite resins and adhe- resin are sufficiently strong to disrupt the bond be-
sive systems,11,12,14,21,28 mainly when total bond- tween glass ionomer and dentin, mainly in the ini-
ing restorations are compared to those obtained tial stages of the glass-ionomer cement matura-
under open sandwich techniques. tion,15,27,30 may be to blame for the poor results
Both polymerization shrinkage stresses induced observed in this group.
by composite resins and the insufficient penetra- The best marginal sealing was obtained when a
tion of the bonding agent into the demineralized resin-modified glass ionomer (Vitremer) was used
dentin may reasonably explain these results.32 The with the open sandwich technique. Miller et al,21
latter may occur either as a consequence of the col- testing the marginal microleakage of different ma-
lapse of the collagen structure when dentin is unin- terials, observed that the lowest degree of mi-
tentionally desiccated or by an inadequate satura- croleakage occured when Vitremer was associated
tion with resin monomers (primer dilution) in the with Heliomolar RO or Tetric Ceram, in contrast to
presence of excess water.26,31 All these events what they observed when the same composite res-

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ins were used without any base materials. In anoth- the good seal it provides. Its relative “flexibility” can
er study, Dietrich et al12 evaluated the marginal ad- compensate the internal stress and the high stiff-
aptation of a composite resin in large mesio-occlus- ness of the composite resins after cure,8,33 pre-
al-distal cavities by using only adhesive systems (to- venting the adhesive interface from debonding.8
tal bonding restoration), conventional or resin-mod- This fact has been correlated with a better marginal
ified glass ionomers with closed or open sandwich adaptation. However, based on the methodology
technique. The authors showed that the use of res- considered in our study, we cannot identify this fea-
in-modified glass ionomers or compomers under ture as one of the reasons for the good results pre-
the open sandwich technique may improve the mar- sented by the resin-modified glass ionomer. This
ginal adaptation of the restorations. could only be assessed if the effect of mechanical
Our results did not show good cervical sealing loading were evaluated. Studies testing different
when the compomer (Dyract) was used as a base in materials under load cycles have also shown con-
the open sandwich technique. Despite the fact that troversial results.4,14
studies with compomers are very rare, they have in- It seems that these resin-modified glass iono-
dicated that such products are as good as res- mers have excellent behavior when used in con-
in-modified glass ionomers in terms of microleak- junction with composite resins in posterior restora-
age, and that they provide a better seal when tions without enamel margins. Recent 3-year clini-
compared to total-bonding restorations.11,12,14,28 cal evaluations published by Aboush et al,1 Bur-
These results contradict those obtained in our study. gess et al,6 and Van Dijken et al34 also confirmed
Comparisons with other studies are often quite the good laboratory results. However, further clini-
difficult, because some conditions – eg, size of cal studies must be conducted in order to validate
preparations, techniques, and materials – are sel- all the conclusions presented.
dom alike. Despite the methodological differences,
Dietrich et al12 and Friedl et al14 suggested that the
resin-modified glass ionomer cements have a high- CONCLUSION
er percentage of excellent margins12 or fewer mar-
ginal gaps14 than compomers; however, the differ- Within the limits of this study, the resin-modified
ences they observed were not statistically signifi- glass ionomer (Vitremer) placed in the gingival por-
cant. Dietrich et al12 emphasized that the good re- tion of Class II composite resin restorations (open
sults obtained with compomers using open sand- sandwich technique) may be a practical method to
wich techniques depend on the kind of association reduce microleakage.
between the compomer and composite resins.
The good results obtained with Vitremer in our
study may be attributed to some features of this ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
material. Tolidis et al33 indicated that the underly-
ing resin-modified glass ionomer appeared to be The authors of this study are grateful for the financial support
provided by PRONEX - Federal University of Pelotas, School of
able to absorb some of the polymerization stresses
Dentistry, as well as FAPESP (99/05124-0 and 99/10611-8)
of the composite resin setting, reducing the stress and the Department of Dental Materials, School of Dentistry,
accumulation in the dentin-restoration interface.8 University of São Paulo. The authors are also grateful to Paulo
Other authors suggest that the use of resin-modi- Eduardo dos Santos for graphic illustration support.
fied glass ionomer could change the configuration
factor to a more favorable internal shape, minimiz-
ing the polymerization contraction effects.7,8 The REFERENCES
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