Опра Уинфи+

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Oprah Winfrey


BORN JANUARY 29, 1954 Did you know?

Oprah Gail Winfrey had her career breakthrough
Oprah played Sofia in the 1985
when she hosted an underperforming morning talk
film adaptation of Alice
show in 1984. She turned the ratings around in a
Walker’s Pulitzer Winning
year and the show was renamed The Oprah Winfrey
Novel, “The Color Purple.” She
Show, later know as "Oprah" like its host. It was
earned an Oscar and a Golden
broadcasted nationally the following year and ran
Globe nomination for her
for 25 seasons. This paved the way for Oprah’s
media empire, which made her the first black female supporting role.
billionaire in 2003.
Oprah’s Angel Network
supports charities and provides
grants worldwide. This public
charity aims to inspire people to
make a difference in the lives of
underserved women and

A woman of many firsts, Oprah

is the first woman to own and
produce her own show. She is
also the first Black woman to
earn a Cecile B. DeMille Award.
Task 1. Match words with their meanings
1. broadcasting a. a large boat or a ship
a person, often one of a group, who controls property and/or
2. birthright b.
money for another person or an organization
the act of killing someone without a legal trial, usually by
3. co-host c.
hanging (= killing using a rope around the neck)
4. authenticity d. the words of a song
something that you believe you deserve to have because of
5. commencement e. your family situation or social class, or because you believe it is
your right as a human being
one of two or more people who host something (such as a
6. trustee f.
television show)
7. vessel g. the quality of being real or true
8. lyrics h. a ceremony at which students formally receive their degrees
9. lynching i. activity or business of sending out programs on television or radio

Task 2. Choose the correct translations for the following adjectives

1. influential a. благословенный
2. liberated b. согласованный
3. aligned c. влиятельный
4. fearful d. освобожденный
5. blessed e. привыкший
6. accustomed f. испуганный

Task 3. Fill in the correct words

accustomed / anchor / the light / upend the / fulfill / air / mesmerized / glee / in common
1. __________ audience - загипнотизированные зрители
2. to __________ reigning talk show host - убрать действующего ведущего
3. to __________ the news - вести новости
4. __________ club - хоровой кружок
5. to __________ the dream - осуществить мечту
6. to be __________ to one’s success - привыкнуть к чьему-то успеху
7. to have sth __________ - иметь что-то общее
8. to see __________ of the day - увидеть свет; оставаться в тени; выйти в свет
9. to __________ the show - показывать шоу

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Task 4. Choose the correct option
1. Oprah Winfrey gave speech in front of __________ graduation class.
a. 115 b. 125 c. 155

2. When did this event happen?

a. 2000 b. 2002 c. 2012

3. Who is NOT Oprah Winfrey’s favorite mentor teacher?

a. Longston Hughes b. Toni Morrison c. Maya Angelou

4. How many things did Oprah want to teach girls?

a. 10 b. 3 c. 5

5. What is Oprah’s answer for the first question?

a. entrepreneur b. talk show host c. God’s child

6. Whose quote is it? “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but are
spiritual beings having a human experience.”
a. Pierre Teilhard de b. Henri-Marie Joseph c. Marcellin Boule
Chardin Sonier de Lubac

7. “Not everybody can be famous, but everybody can be great because greatness is
determined by service.” Who said these words?
a. Malcolm X b. Rosa Louise Parks c. Martin Luther King

8. When did Oprah graduate from Spelman College?

a. 1990 b. 1993 c. 1995

Task 5. Synonyms match

1. embody a. distinguish
2. stand out b. absorb
3. get over c. represent
4. take in d. stuff
5. fill up e. leave behind

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Task 6. Choose the correct translation
1. to have privilege a. отражение самого себя
2. to associate with b. знать наверняка
3. in daytime talk c. стремление делать что-то
4. to know sth for sure d. индекс популярности
5. exquisite delight e. сексоголик
6. the reflection of oneself f. объединиться с; ассоциироваться с
7. yearning to do sth g. изысканное наслаждение
8. to resonate in spirit h. отомстить; поквитаться с
9. rating point i. дневное ток-шоу
10.to get back at sb j. иметь привилегии
11.sex addict k. вызывать отклик в душе

Task 7. Answer the questions

1. Do you know the answer for the 1st question?
2. What do you think about Oprah’s words “All that is possible is possible for me”?
3. “You want to be in the driver’s seat of your life because if you are not, life will drive you”.
Would you agree with this metaphor? Are you in the driver’s seat of your life or in the
4. What 3 items did Oprah tell the graduation class?
5. What does Oprah think about service?
6. What is TV for Oprah?
7. Why weren’t all Oprah’s TV shows released?
8. “The biggest choices begin and end with you.” Would you agree with this statement?

Task 8. Match words with their meanings

legacy / sorrow / paradigm / destination / toil / glory / weariness / HIV / grace / burden
1. __________ - hard work, especially work that makes you feel physically tired
2. __________ - (a cause of) a feeling of great sadness
3. __________ - a heavy load that you carry
4. __________ - great tiredness
5. __________ - something that is a part of your history or that remains from an earlier time
6. __________ - the place where someone is going or where something is being sent or taken
7. __________ - abbreviation for human immunodeficiency virus: the virus that causes aids (=
a serious disease that destroys the body's ability to fight infection)
8. __________ - a model of something, or a very clear and typical example of something
9. __________ - the quality of being pleasantly polite, or a willingness to be fair and honest
10. __________ - great admiration, honour, and praise that you earn by doing something
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Task 1. 1i / 2e / 3f / 4g / 5h / 6b / 7a / 8d / 9c
Task 2. 1c / 2d / 3b / 4f / 5a / 6e
Task 3. Mesmerized / upend the / anchor / glee / fulfill / accustomed / in common / the light / air
Task 4. 1b / 2c / 3a / 4b / 5c / 6a / 7c / 8b
Task 5. 1c / 2a / 3e / 4b / 5d
Task 6. 1j / 2f / 3i / 4b / 5g / 6a / 7c / 8k / 9d / 10h / 11e
Task 8. Toil / sorrow / burden / weariness / legacy / destination / HIV / paradigm / grace / glory

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