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Freedom Foods

Brand Value Chain Analysis

Assignment template

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Background of Freedom Foods:

Briefly summarise who Freedom Foods is and what you think differentiates them from other

Marketing Program Investment Value Stage:

Describe some of the investments the organisation/company has made to create value for the
brand. These can include: promotional activities, investment into new technologies, distribution
channel strategies etc.

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Program Quality Multiplier:
Based on what you have discussed under Marketing Program Investment, explain how these
investments contribute to positively OR negatively impacting the customer mind-set. Consider the
DRIVE concept discussed in module 5 – Distinctiveness, Relevance, Integrated, Value and
Excellence. You do not need to cover all five but discuss at least TWO which are the most relevant.

Customer Mindset:
Based on the investments the organisation has made, discuss how this may alter/change the way
the customer thinks and feels about the brand. Consider the 5 A’s discussed in module 5 –
Awareness, Associations, Attitudes, Attachment and Activity.

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Marketplace Conditions Multiplier:
Here, consider how external influences are going to either positively OR negatively impact market
performance. Consider:
 What the competition is doing and how this has impacted on the transfer of brand value
 Is the current size and profile of the target market of the brand sustainable over the long run?
Is there room for growth?
 Is there enough support (or the willingness to provide support) given by parties with the
organisation/company distribution network

Market Performance:
How consumers think and feel about the brand will directly influence how the brand performs in
the marketplace. Consider factors such as:
 Are consumers willing to a pay a premium for the brand?
 What is the brand’s position against its competitors from a market share perspective?
 Is the firm able to withdraw marketing support and still effectively achieve the same level of
awareness and recognition?

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Investor Sentiment Multiplier:
Is there potential for future growth or anything that my hinder further growth? What are some of
the issues present that might either positively or negatively influence shareholder value?

Shareholder value:
Keep this brief. Include some figures on the overall financial position of the company.

Provide recommendations and suggestions on how the brand can improve its current position
and enhance its brand equity:

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