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4 pages centrales de quiz pour prog! CE els eee eet acvact at °535 / All English. VGCABLE La presse internationale en V.O. pour progresser en anglais SOCIETY CULTURE ‘TECHNOLOGY THAICOOKING § INTERVIEW TECH WITHBENEDICT § RESOLUTIONS CUMBERBATCH FOR 2022 THEECONOMST THE GUARDIAN THE NEW YORK TIMES L 18896 -595-F: 3.90€ VOCABLE Progressez en langues avec les reportages vidéo Vocable Tous les 15 jours, retrouvez des vidéos sur l’actualité en V.O. non sous-titrée et un test de compréhension sommaire NP535/Du3aul6 fees 2022 JEANNE BARRETT Rocking Gibraltar Gibraltar has been in the news recently, firstly as a newly preferred holiday destination, in re sponse to pandemic restrictions. British tourists are choosing the green listed country that offers sea, sun, sand and... a big rock, as away to have a foreign holiday at home, sort of. And, the pen: insula on the southem tip of Spain is considering bucking the current trend by regulating its own bourse for ‘eryptos’ along with the other tradi tional currencies. This isa bold move which could reap big rewards or have severe consequences. Find out more in our feature articles focusing on a tertitory that voted for main by a huge majority, but which has since been part of the UK's Brexit plans. Not unlike the situation in Ireland, this hhas resulted in renewed claims on the territory by Spain, which were swiftly rejected by the UK government, As the season for ski holidays approaches, find ‘out how the slopes of the American west are coping with ecological disasters such as severe wildfires, the effects of glabal warming causing shorter seasons and the resulting loss of revenue for an industry struggling to adapt. Learn how the battle to save the environment and abeloved sports progressing Finally, we offer an interview with the actor, Benedict Cumberbatch, who discusses his role asa troubled and not-solikeable character in The Power ofthe Dog; what it was like to develop the role with director Jane Campion, and learning a few new skills on the ‘dude ranch’ to prepare for the film, Happy Reading! repipercoisar Get sherrassr Gets oo LLaticleestreprissurle CD oules MP3, ‘deconvesation: Ors interviews en V0. putamen votre cermpranencion “Tous les articles cu magazine sont us par des anglophones surle CD (oules MP3) delectue Retrouverte reportage vidéo lial artcesurvocablefr Photo de couverture: Stock NIVEAU DE DIFFICULTE ET EQUIVALENCE CECRL (Cacre Européen Commun ference pours argues) 2 face ADB moyen B2-C1 4 ciffcle CI-C2 Pou fee reptaeet 2 comprébenson kesmatsuodstssont sites ans touslesartkesumagaze Grand angle ‘ Onparled'eux 5 Alaune ++m0 | Gibraltar: the world’s first cryptocurrency hub? ‘ @©O Gibraltar: international financial centre for ayptocutrency? Focus ; [284] Gibraltaris the perfect summer escape NNN io © Acuent favoutte destination for tourists Société Thai restaurants are cooking with cannabis fimo Cannabis: anew ingredient for Thal cuisine? Enjeux The billionaire battle for the metaverse MINE» @ __ Whowilbe the frst investorsin the metaverse? (exma) The American ski industry in battle mode © __Howtosavethe american skslopes PRATICABLE Vocabulaire: tapparence / Grammaire: les pronams /Solgnez votre orthographe /Jeuxde mots, Surlevif a A360 2 Culture +#@c1) Interview with Benedict Cumberbatch Maa 3 BenedctCombebatch embraces hs darkside Zoom 26 Hollywood's obsession with remakes HEA Isrmovatonstilpossbein Holywood? Les échos . Découverte Four tech resolutions for 2022 MEIN 0 Making good decsonstomaximise internet se [2850] Ancient DNA discovered in nit glue mxrxanaEE 3 Howarerits helping archeologists? @ Les sorties 4 Ledessin 5 EEE ROVAUME-UNI THE LARGEST SEA DRAGON EVER FOUND Discovery of a 10m long ichthyosaur fossil in England a i. > ae apomat “4 VOCABLE DU 32116 ier 2022 This impressive fossil of anichthyosaur was found a few weeksagoin Leicestershire, England. Commonly known as the “sea dragon”, this marine reptile could grow between 1-25 ‘metres in length. Itswam in seas all around the world until it became extinct 90 million years ago. This particular specimen is 10 meters long, with a skull weighing around a ton! Itis the most well-preserved skeleton ever found: it was dug up at the bottom of a drained lagoon by ateam of archaeologists, Lead researcher Joe Davis stated: “The find has been absolutely fascinating anda real career highlight. [t's great] to think that this amazing creature was ‘once swimmingin seas above us.” tobecome,came,comeestinc i soo. tevea eb fever ne toda dog, dog pio rerio ian tteexth texte Bottoms ont a ‘emote gud on lead researcher nol man esearhe (person whoinvestaates avo /tstateta dear. Pighlght otstondigtestre/ amazing exrorsray.nceile once st cretine eas Ceux qui font actu Rooney Mara Marais set to star in a new biopic about the movie star, humanitarian and style icon, Audrey Hepburn, by the Italian director of Call Me By Your Name, Luca Guadagnino. Hepburn elegant performances in films such as Roman Holiday, Sabrina and My Fair Lady, coupled with her iconic image, have meant she has remained in the public consciousness for almost 30 years since her death in 1993, aged 63. Mara, 36, was Oscar-nominated for her role in Todd Haynes's romance, Carol, and also starred in David Fincher's remake of The Giri With the Dragon Tattoo. tobeset tobe sched 0 /pertormanceitertatio (aol), port aya/Roman Holiday [Wr)varanesonaies coupled withtogeter th leone»rblemnt/consclovsness ares, ee ‘terest atenten /romanes ovo The Gd With the Dragon Tattoo (V) Mls Les ores) raat pass ees. Ea Knownas one ofthe members ofthe famous band HAIMA in which she shares the spotlight with hersister, Alana snow diversifying her career She recently starred inthe ‘movie Liquorice Pizza, coming of agestory about two teenagers falling inlovein the San Francisco area directed by Paul Thomas ‘Anderson (There Wille Blood, Phantom Thread) for which she earned rave reviews fo her acting. Does this mark the beginning ofa Holy wood career? band (nuskal group spotlight covers ito certeattention on aparson onstage tostarto ly the pincpal role eoming-of-age ere ofltefture an fn abate Yanstlono characte acto /eodect to ake {im Roaumosceve. oan raverevews russe carrion psa Fontes acing va 82" perms @ ‘The famous rapper has opened a restaurant in his native town of Detrtt, He called it eMom's Spaghettir, asa reference tothe lyrics of one fis famous songs, Lase Yourself which he composed on the set of his 2002 movie, le The restaurant’ specalty spaghetti elther witha marinara sauce or with meatballs and spaghett sandwiches. On the day of the ‘opening, the rapper was seen serving bowls of food to fans and food citcs alike. Iyres words otasong) set hare area wheeatimis erg made / meatball smal ballot mincecmeat” alka oth. ra. \ an i 3 § {An enormous bronze statue Margaret Thatcher was created to celebrate Britain's longest-serving prime minister since the 13th century. Putting itp, however, has proven very problematic mostly because of the protests over statues celebrating disputed Fistorical figures, of which she was one, The fearis that it willbecome a target, to be defaced or worse, desoite its 4m hgh plinth. First, Westminster was considered, but the councllrefused, then Grantham, her home town. At the moment itisstil languishing in anundisclosed location. longest-serving ohare beeninotceorthemast rumbe' of years/toput, put, put upioset un, putin ac2/to prove, proved, proved or proven oun cut {obo / protest demonsttionalsputedcontste3/ figure rlvsnalpason odetacato damage plinth icecotstane stave standscn toconsider foemisage/eaunclccal thor munepslty undisclosed undvuged kept secret VOCABLE Du Iau He022 5 | Gibraltar | WJ Gisratrar ] | > B2-C1 CT Tre Led Can we realy trust technology? Our guest. Mark Weinstein, tells us why we Can have faithin MeWe,hisnext-generation social media platform, Le eae dT) ‘THEGUARDIAN [fq Will Gibraltar become the world's biggest centre for cryptocurrency exchange’ Yee eur ACLs) Lf ademaieeh SPI BY at oY SANE A: “The famous ockof Gibraltar. (sc {6 VoCABLEDW 3016 fer 2022 -tfcle ADSI / 4 moyen B21 4 ile C2 (@Q Tatscrargextappivocabieotterteanos abonnés! n the southern Mediterranean coast, nestled in the shadow of the Rock's sheer limestone cliffs and its tangle of wild olive trees, the Gibraltar Stock Ex- change (GSX) is quietly preparing for a cor porate takeover that could have global con sequences for the former naval garrison. Less than half a mile away, next to the blue waters of Gibraltar’s mid-harbour marina, the peninsula's regulators are re viewing a proposal that would prompt a blockchain firm to buy the exchange in the new year - meaning the British overseas territory could soon host the world’s first integrated bourse, where con- ventional bonds can be traded alongside major cryptocur rencies such as bitcoin and dogecoin. It isa bold move fora territory of just 33,000 people, where the finan- cial sector - which ac counts for roughly a third of Gibraltar’s €2.4bn economy - is overseen by a regulator staffed by 82 em. ployees. fll goes to plan the enclave could become a global cryptocurrency hub; if the controls set by the small eam of regulators fail, it risks reputational damage and ulti mately diplomatic sanctions that could threaten its economy. ‘oneste tobe sated acomfatate/otcedpace/ shadow ra ofcviressconedbyanchrctbekng elt sheer trivia Umestone eet rckcnsing ‘fear atnate/ehightcorockaceattheedgect {hess /tanglecontser/ width ne stock suchangeparevhoesiodsardstares arated! Ccrporate at la copcatins/ takeover action bal eatin former expt /garson tary base ‘mile =.609km ‘harbourcot/toreview ios t0 caine toprompt tendo. tore blockchain tecelogy whic backs cyptocrency tarsactons has Bcc) overseas abo /tohastobethecxabencl/ bond bt secur cbigatirgacopotiontopayback mane hasbeen nt wth ees toteade ay” sel/alongside cet wi boldasdicowsmovedecson/toaccountfor'c represent roughly pcrximat/bn=bilon ome thousandrlon /tooversee saw, seentosipvise/to Eaffiocoae toons) globalrterstora, ete /tset, set set oes tata onat see ‘damages, nga concer Ro regatelyerpactsreeutat) timated very, sent tothreatentare to peesena dart While countries including China and the UK have either banned or openly warned against investments in crypto assets, Gibral tarhas bucked the trend, having committed to formally regulating cryptocurrencies in an attempt to future-proof the territory's status asa financial hub It comes as Gibraltar struggles to shake off a reputation as a global tax haven, with the government having sued a Spanish newspaper in an attempt to restore its glob- al standing. Albert Isola, Gibral tar's minister for digital, i nancial services and public utilities, says that while Gibraltar wasa tax haven 20 years ago, the territory has now overhauled its tax and information sharing polices. ‘The introduction of crypto regu lation is having a similar effect: rooting out bad actors and providing assurance to investors, he says. “If you wanted to do naughty things in crypto, you wouldnt be in Gibraltar, because the firms are licensed and regulated, and they aren't anywhere else in the world," Isola says. Poulden is the chairman of Valereum, which is based in Gibraltar and focuses on providing technology for linking main stream conventional currencies such as the pound and the dollar with crypto assets. towamtnifom nacvance of cssbledarge to caton asset rancalcaptal/tbuekthe trend‘ogoapars: the gener tenderey /tocammittots pomiseto dosh! ‘toreguateto cont toimecsregulatonson/ attempt off tofuture proof to usarteterrefutre ‘tostrugglto have at iit /toshake, shook, shaken offioget ot /taxhaven cunt rich offestxanvantagesandiow trate /tasweto ele acionaganst/standing ston sis /pubc utes puter sachasthepovson of elect 35, nate {eepranesjstem)/tooverhautiocareetely harge/ Singles acesbletorerire poly ano 2ion adopted yagowermert meas. toreotouttofedand innate topreside ope/ aught shoes tolense io geoticalpemasento ooste chalman reser /tofocusontoconceat09/*0 liktocomect/malnstreamtrstonal/pound== (aarencyeinev). He says running anti-money laundering checks on cryptocurrencies is “not vastly different from running it on currency from any other source. And indeed, in some cases, because you can trace back through the blockchain and see exactly where that mon: eyhas come from, itcan actually be substan- tially easier than trying to find where a block. of funds in a bank has come from” Other countries will be watching closely. Neil Williams, London-based deputy head of complex crime at Reeds Solicitors, says: if i's a success, you'd certainly think that other jurisdictions would look to follow, because it's an ever increasing valuable commodity.” However, experts have warned that Gibraltar could face sanctions by coun: tries such as the US if its regulators end up giving legal approval to crypto firms that ~ even inadvertently - give a pass to mon- ey launderers, black market criminals or Kleptocrats who prefer the anonymity of crypto assets. It comes amid concern at major global financial regulators, including the Bank of England, over the rapid development of torunranyrunhe odo laundering mato of use ‘money a way onde te gay these ehack Vreeaten Indeed rary actually fond mone deputyhead cea of deartrent/solktoranyer ‘inereasing gr valuable 0 /commedlty product amidinacortestotconcemprencipatin wary SURLEBOUTDELALANGUE "a cryptocurrency hub" «3) Pour comprendre le sens de "hub" ‘comparez ces expressions a financial hub ($ 4) centre financier ‘social hub centre d'activités sociales an alport hub plateforme de ‘correspondance a tourist hub centre touristiave the hub ofa wheel moyeu d'une rove ahubcap enjoliveur YOCABLE Du 3016 eer 2022" 7 Gibrattar | HLT GIBRALTAR] | >> B2-C1 crypto assets and the potential consequene es for consumer and investor protection, market integrity, money laundering and the financing of terror groups. “Itcould enable o facilitate money laun- dering, sanctions evasion, terror ing, s0 everyone's wary of that as well says Charlie Steele, a partner at forensicaccount- ing firm and consultancy Forensic Risk Alliance and a former US justice depart- ‘ment official ‘Regulators worldwide, almost allof them really, are approaching it from a position of, deep scepticism... soit’ little outside that strain of thinking fora country to welcome them in to buy a stock exchange... If this starts to look like everyone ran to Gibraltar consumerism lent, toenabe omshesthposuble/evaston sect leg rmennstonatpaytaves/tabewarytob: auous/ feresle accounting ana sisoffhanca ransacosand ‘esos toimesteateFous/eonsultaney cay o! Conaitants/ departments offi acnment erplee worlwide vere wore itratonally /Seep peo strain (of king) fee aera) eee Cae ene eee mys eons cron} Soda Tt eat Ebene ents Pieeecraee ete eee OCABLE Os 316 e222 ‘Theeconomy of Gibraltar wil probably benefit from thelnnovation (sc) toget away from real regulators, it's going to not go well for them,” Steele warns. If antimoney laundering or sanctions rules are broken or evaded, “there’s lots of things they could do, and lead internation- ally through the FATE, to make things hard ‘on Gibraltar. You'll see that the FATF can impose all kinds of measures, which will requiteits members to patlimits on business with that country” he adds But Gibraltar insists thatt has welcomed crypto firms with its eyes wide open, having consulted on its regulation for the sector for four years before introducing itin 2018, help ing it to secure a reputation as “Blockchain Rock’ By filtering through and licensing firms, says Isola, they weed out bad actors. “I don't understand how there can be any increased risk in Gibraltar, when you can go to anyother European country today and run exactly the same business without being supervised, without being licensed, and leet ATF = Financial Action Task Fore kinds torequiret chi wide open uly open/tosecuretocttan/toweed outioeirate ‘without being regulated, So how can we be ‘more exposed by regulating them? It's com- pletely the opposite,’ Isola says. He stresses that the country's regulator has approved applications for only 14 firms over three years, a number that he claims speaks to the rigours of the licensing scheme. “its hardly a gold rush,” he says. “The knee jerk reaction for any commen. tator when it comes to blackchain-based in novations ~ particularly when it involves a small jurisdiction like Gibraltar ~is ‘Oh my God, risk, alarm and all the rest of it” says ‘Tom Keatinge, director of RUSI's Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies.‘ do think it’s very important to understand the capacity of the jurisdiction before jerking knees, and the reason Tsay thats because of all the small jurisdictions on the planet, the one that has invested the most time and ef fort in understanding the opportunity posed by blockchain is Gibraltar” tostresstoenphaste oinsstonthefactthat/ application eqs tocalm to asst toatier/to speak spoke spokento hr ort /ardly rt ey Staal goldrash and migyatonofpeogletoaplace wheregoldhasbeendscoered nee eka flex /tomwave conc -tfcle ADSI / 4 moyen B21 4 ile C2 Tourisme | Li] GIBRALTAR Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territory located at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula. It is insize and has Spain jontts nortnem horses, The iandseape ts dominated by SaaS RT eta coo aren, with a poplation of shout 22,009 people, called teases dove atc nen sone hee ce landscape natural sureundings,courttysde/rockstonestuctue. aise "ZA Nevertheless, with many Gibraltarians speaking Spanish as | well asa local dialect known as Llanito, ‘contention debate aruent/to assert aclaim (to) Sure toeaimas ne ie) overwhelmingly 2 rrassvemaorty / nevertheless however noethoess/ ‘lose neat na taatonsnip)/nkconneton. busy streetin Gibraltar. so In the British referendum on membership of the European Union Therefore, Spain renewed call for joint Spanish-British control ofthe peninsula which were strongly ejected by Gibraltar’s Chief Minister. ‘membership tof bengarmerberofsth/tumout patcoationinan ection /Jontcolborative shared strongly fim / Chet Minster nea of teal ovement of Gotan ‘On 31 January 2020, Under the terms ofthe transition phase inthe Bresit withdrawal agreement, terms crits / withdrawal her acto leaving /treplacerosubtiute (On 31 December 2020, In order to avoid ahard border with Spain. The arrangements have not entered Into force, but both sides aim to keep delays atthe border ata minimumin the meantime. toavoidto prevent /hardhere, physical border with the presence offic and ust conte arrangement agreement, deal/tocome,came, comelnto force tobe cpp toalmto ichaveasan active /delay bing ‘ ARE COOKING WITH ») ‘ CANNABIS Thailand's cannabis cuisine 12019, Thailand became the first Asian country to legalise cannabis. Among its many uses, the recreational drug has found its way into Thai cuisine. Itisnotanew Idea, but rathera return toformerculinary traditions, = THC IS THE NEW MSG 1. Ban Lao Rueng does not resemble a den of iniquity. two-hour drive from the Thai capi tal, Bangkok, the restaurant catersto families and old folk. Gauzy curtains frame the win- dows and doiles decorate bags of cookies on sale at the counter. The menu features such classics as tom yum soup and khanom pang na moo erispy pork toast). Yet a eloser look reveals the pres- ence ofan illicit ingredi ent: cannabis 2. Ilicit, that is, until re- cently For decades Thailand, like many other Asian coun: tries, harshly punished any- cone caught with the demon ‘weed. But the government has turned over a new leaf. In 2019 the country became the first in Asia to legalise pot for ‘medical purposes. year later the government \-THC = etrahyerocannabinapchoactvesuestancen rravana/ MSB= monosodium gutamate:ochm Butera favoungeoereni aaa t0 Asan ocd Sen haraplacfercamnas pacewherewikanrrals te "efige/teatertato seve tpoucefoado/folkpecple "gauny tin /eurtainplecect ac font ofawincew, dane toframe ee chargon thesicesat lly smal secratyepece fcth mace olace/tofeatureto Compis/Suchaslae/erspy ny toner / ‘dose /Nook reget at reads 2 thatisthatistosay/ decade period of tenyeas/ harshly severely / to catch, caught caught toseze/ demon dabolc/ weed (unvaried) pint nagarder, somata to tum overanewleaf tocranze oes betaveurina poste pay on words wth eat folageotaplani/te)/ pt mavana/formedkcal purposes ormadieatreasons/ announced that parts ofthe plant containing lessthano.2%thc, the psychoactive compound incannabis, could legally be used in cosmetics and food. In November last year Ban Lao Rueng became the first restaurant in the country t0 servecannabis infused dishes Atleast adozen ‘more have since sprung up. 3. What accounts forthe reversal? There is growing awareness in ‘government that Thailand's pu nitive drug-control regime is ineffective Relaxing cannabis laws was also politically ex pedient. In order to make Up the numbers to form a coalition, Thailand's ruling party needed the support of Anutin Chamvirakul, the leader of a small party thatcampaigned to have the green stuff partially decriminalised, He was ap- pointed deputy prime minister and health ‘minister, and allowed to keep his promise. Phat) 4. There is a long tradition in Thailand of cooking with cannabis. Thais began mixing ‘compound sbstance/ infused favours with Contaring_/atleastainmumct dozen = 127 to Spring, sprang, sprung up to sucenly 20023 5. toaccount for tate eason or /reversal change (itheoppostesrecton awareness ndestardirs/ Ineffective neticnt/torelaxomelessstrt lew legion expedient e-teesed rotated /In ‘order toto/tomake, made, made up iocostute/ ruling overing,eacine/ green stuff = canto ‘appoint to ominate/ deputy vce /health lang io medal and seca care/toallowtatherse ‘traditional Thal noodle soup.) the plant, which is native to Asia, into herb: al remedies and then food centuries ago. Even afteritwas riminalised in 1934, many Thais carried on cooking with it. Chakree Lapboonruang, a 30-something Bangkokian, says his father regularly tossed cannabis leaves into the pad gaprao (basil chicken stir fry) he cooked forthe family. “When you have something tasty, cannabis] makes it better” Mr Chakree says. I's justlike msg, except it’s natural” 5.Foodand-drink companies are seeing green {In April Ichitan, Thailand's biggest teamaker, launched two drinks infused with terpene, a compound responsible forcannabis'spong, The Pizza Company, a Thai fast-food chain, re cently introduced “Crazy Happy Pizza’ its toppings include one deep fried cannabis eat. ‘Weed is good for business, says Mr Chakree, an owner of Kiew Kai Ka, a trendy restaurant in Bangkok There is not enough thc inthe food tomake people high. Yet when customers eat dishes from his restaurant's cannabis menu, he laughs, they “get hungrier. © “6. eantury peso D0 eas tocarry on (+ ge.) to Contrue(t)/totegsto tow. Nee toad ast Sromatche/stiety eso dish sauteed vegetables Sidmeat tasty favor elcous /tomakeymade, made torender ust ke ecaty he same as 5. tosee, saw, seen greener, 0 scethe tent busnessnportuntes ef ang canta /tolaunch to stat (selina proc) pang urleasantsel” ‘topping ood putontooststh/ deep-fried cooked inhat 17 emer sceitr trendy fash chic enough Suficent/ [uo] tomake peoplehigh | forpeooleto feainanieated by carnabe to gat, got gether. 0 become VOCABLE DSU féir2002* Enjeux THE Economist (SSUNESG Economie | E_ETATS-UNIS] | + B2-C1 THE BILLIONAIRE BATTLE FOR THE METAVERSE: THE RACE ISON TAKE PEOPLE BEYOND REALITY In October, Mark Zuckerberg renamed Facebook, “Meta”, and announced hisnew mission: to create a Metaverse-a completely al world. This announcement received a mixed response, but is now gaining traction. AsInvestors become interestedin the idea, who will choose to share in the Metaverse future? 2. And yet his timing was impeccable. Since October searches on Google for “metavers have soared. Wall Stret is fanning the hype. ‘Ltohandittosb.toahecrest tos tocansatesb/ ‘arent company carps whieh cal ahr ores dgalrinertene/mereessy waste ‘smokescreenacionseotohicerel tertons/todistact ‘romtociwattenionawayfer/frorescacl merely sino middle aged stweend>and60 yes Diloaire er iegesen aha ale alton dls se fantasy cam rocket ae iytogoup edasttenton/ 12+ VOCABLED, 20 tévier2022 According to Bernstein, a broker, the term ‘cropped up 449 times in third-quarter earnings ‘alls,up from 100 inthesecond quarter. tsays, markets with potential annual revenue of at least satm could be disrupted by the metaverse. Jefferies, a bank, says that though the phenom. enon may be more than a decade avray it has the potential todisrupt “almost everything in human life 3. Other tech giants like Microsofthave set aut plans tohead forthe metaverse. Butitisbigfirms stillunder the controlof their founders that may become the most ardent evangelists. Mr Zuck: erberg, with a net worth close to si2sbn and. almost total control of a company valued at broker rader/tocrop upto appea/eamingscall onferencecal where cary anovneestnanci results quarter tive>-morth petlod revenue ncomeot tones /tm= tion milonmion/tedlsrupt to pert todestapee, 3.toset set, set outo devon, tofomuate/tohead fortogointiedrectonof evangelist hve. defender of e/ worth value closet nest o/b = illon 908bn, is the most prominent: Others incade Jensen Huang of Nvidia, a maker of graphics processors worth $722bn, and Pony Ma of Ten- cent, the Chinese tech giant worth é5sobn, ‘whose gaming investment portfolio includes a 40% stake in Epic Games, owner of "Fortnite’ cone of the worlds most popular games. Epics founder, Tim Sweeney, is himself a force to be reckoned with. He recent told Bloomberg that the metaverse was a multitrilion dollar oppor tunity, and that companieslikehis were in arace to get toa billion users in order to set the ‘metaverse’ standard fr the future. 4, Precisely what these plutocrats mean by the ‘metaverse is as yet unclear. Will it be an al consuming futuristic world of virtua reality, avatars, oceanside mansions and other online razamatazz that willmake the real worlda dull place by comparison? Or will it simply be a richer, nore immersive version of what already exists today:a way to socialise, work, shop and play online even as life inthe everyday world ‘prominent wl snow famous / gaming ve ‘takers /aforce tobe reckoned with! Consderabe dive sna smetionwno snot obec ith ightyor opposedeasly/ get Bot, gat ttoreach/t0 set, St, set the standards 0 stoi theres ‘4. plutocrat wealthy person wth acto power/ta ‘ean, meant, meant oi /asyt rte ramen mansion arse ous /razamatazz cement / dull rg unnteesing/tosedalsetomeetardtalcwth ope toshoptobuy things everyday dato da, ordinay ees -tfcle ADSI / 4 moyen B21 4 ile C2 Who wilownthe metaverse?) carries on as normal Itiseven less lear whet ex tomorrow’ internet users will be seduced by the dreams of entitled tech billionaires, '5. Behind their futuristic ambitions lie some common experiences Fist, the mobile internet is reaching the end of an era. In America and Europe, poitcansare threateningtighterrules against monopoles and privacy abuses, espe Gially with respect to Facebook and Google. In China, the tech industry is reeling from the government onslaught. Not fornothingaresome first-generation tech entrepreneurs in America and China calling it quits. Those who remain standing need a compelling new story to tell 6. Next, they operate in constrained world. Apples particular bugbear for Mr Zuckerberg and Mr Sweeney. The iPhone maker is using the privacy settings ints ios operating system tocontrolthe extent towhich Facebook can sell digital adverts. Epicis engaged in an antitrust tocaryontocirtre entire whotelinehavenrgnt todoarihrganddesnetobephenanthngtney wart S5.toUe.laylalntote tothreatenomerace/tght Sti /rulerezlaon/prvacy corey vate Abuse vil /withrespecttocrcering/torelfrom (obe pace asucten shock andtiying recor Sleily/nslaughtfense/tocal Rqutsto gato abancon/ standing npace/eompelingconincre, {.tooperatetofuiction/ constrained confines. ites Tugba person protien’ setting pamets/ ‘operating system 'ware wnenconvasthe ‘psetons ot acomutersystem extant deree/ vert uty / antitrust awsto promote cammpettin Andprevent monopoles @ Tatscrargextappivocabieotterteanosabonnés! ADVANCED RECORDING Concerned about privacy and social media? You're notalone, Mark ‘Weinsteinis the founder of MeWe, a parallel universe tothe metaverse (CDaudlo ou téléchargement MP3 (sur abonnement) Mark Zuckerberg givesa speech infront of Meta's log.) battle with Apple over the fee its App Store poses on game developers, which has so far been fairly unsuccessful That iswhyboth men ‘ow so vehemently to promote interoperabil ty—ie, no closed systems—as wells commen standards. They, too, want to be architects of the operating systems ofthe Future. 7. They won't have the field to themselves. Ap ple, though soar quiet about the metaverse, is no doubt preparing an offensive. Telecoms firms wanta sniff, having invested heavily in ultra-fast, low-latency sg spectrum. Rapidly growing platforms like Roblex, offeringa build Yyourown games model that attracts 200m users a month, have already captured young. hearts. There are naysayers, to, notably pro- ponents of more distributed technologies that are known as Webs, who argue that block: chains and cryptocurtencies are the next big, thing-though as Ben Thompson, atech pundit, fee charge cost/falty qute/tovewtopromse/to promate to encourage tocontiovets “fielder, coman ne doubt cra sniffactot straling thee taste smal pat ally conse /uil-your-owncresie-ou-cin tocapture b's heart score fo von the arto /nayeayerssep cc notably arly proponent support to argue 02st) blockchaln ecology which treks eryptocurerc transaction ches Btcon) ‘ryptocurencyvrtuaimoney ke Btcan/big thing maportechnoiogcal charge bg sucess/punditexpet / points out, these may find much better use cases in the metaverse than in the real worl, MOONSHOTS 8. There is alot to play for. As Mr Thompson says:“Elon Muskwantsto goto the Moon, Mark. “Zuckerberg wants tocreate entirely new moons indigital space” But just as space is 2 race, sis the metaverse. Messrs Zuckerberg, Huang, ‘Sweeney, Ma etal may promisea future forthe internet that is more open, immersive and en- aging than the mobile one that exists today. ‘Buteach wantsto get there first so that they can Set the rules to their advantage. @ topointoutio lan ‘.moonshot aching ofaspaccattothemaon to sats gato establsn/rlerepulaten engaging capthating SURLEBOUTDELALANGUE naysayers (57) opposants systématiques Dansl'ancien anglais nay = no, yea = vyes, ce qui donne les expressions ‘suivantes utlisées encore denos jours lors de votes au parlement britannique : the yeas and the nays es voix ‘pour’ cet les voix ‘contre’ the yeas havelt ilya plus de vob ‘pour’ que de voix ‘contre VOCABLED 3016 erie 20228 13 Enjeux | Environnement 2 B2-C1 TIM NEVILLE THE AMERICAN SKI INDUSTRY IN BATTLE MODE The fight to keep ski slopes safe from. environmental Gaia disaster and warming in the American west ‘Thousands of Americans go to the Rocky Mountains toskistations in February, particularly’ Colorado and Utah, where exclusive resorts like Aspenare located. However, between climate change and the pandemic, skiseasonsare becoming shorter and the infrastructure more difficult to maintait ‘Tahoe, Bryan Hickman knew what was at through California's Eldorado National 2. Sierra at Tahoe, a 2,000 acre ski area, was already engulfed in flames, and chaitlifts like Short Stuff and the trees around runs like Dogwood and Clipper were now charred. 1. slope rn (fail ormountae at stake at sk late at treed totear, toe, tm through o'ovas, todevastateeverythngintspath/ driving free tne, thatmatvates, fundamental caus of sth 2.acre.shoctare/areazone ectcr/toenguio ‘here suround/ cali asta ests taneporting ‘Ses /run place wheelers descond charred bred) tome ‘SUR LEBOUTDELALANGUE tobe in charge of étre responsable de Asenior manager in charge of all Grow sutacas (63) Dts orine achat pes este recponeable du marketing par the responsible aut dre: He's the marketing manager. ou. He's incharge of marketing, 16 VOCABLE 0/30 térranz2 Embers wafted on the firestorm’s wind pat= terms to the mountains on the other side of Christmas Valley, where they ignited more fires that ran toward the ski shops, restau: rants and homes of South Lake Tahoe and the Tahoe basin. 3.Asa senior manager in charge of all snow surfaces at Heavenly, Mr. Hickman and scores of other employees began gru 2xhout shifts to get 70 ofthe resort's snow: making guns slathering buildings, lifts and other critical infrastructure in water. The ‘guns might not snuff a fire this angry, but the added humidity could buy firefighters AN INDUSTRY IN PERIL 4. About 122 ski areas in the United States sit ‘onnational forestland — or about 6 percent ofall downhill skiing capacity in the country so fiery threats are nothing new to them. ‘Two New Mexican resorts, Pajarito Moun- tain Ski Area and Ski Apache, suffered dam- agein separate wildfires about a decade ago. With an estimated 15 million people going embers, ees oftuing wrod towaftioflatnthe 4 pattem sytem tte way thevindblows/slde pa, moan ass (haley) /toigntetosiar afar) 3. scoresof mar, aruttuseo! (soretventy)/grueing cessing physeally deranding/ si worksesson/ {resort ay oesex/ snowmaking gun srowvcaen/ {wslather'o coer (valare quant) /Uftmecrancal ‘reporter eral cal eserl/osnuffoertnguch ‘iefghterpessnwhosebitstoputout tres 4.tand terror / downbil sking sig on ver mountain prepared descents fry themenac fes/ to suffer oendue tesunectedto/ dam Gestion wire nce neta. ssecade per enyens/ to Tahoe annually, the region and the thrash: ing it endured last summer serve as perhaps the starkest, most visible billboard yet of ‘what lies ahead for ski areas caught in a crisis that knows no season. 5. Exactly what'sin store for theski industry has been studied at least 120 times in 27 countries so far, ut the results largely paint the same picture, said Daniel Scott, a profes: sor who researches climate and society at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, The aver- thrashing otastoghic destruction toenduretobe sujet t,t sifer/starkstint ey carts bilboard rg ovtdoo box cused for publ here. indcatr tole tay lainaheadtob= Inthe future /to ‘atch caught, caught he 10, bestuck ‘5. what's instore whatisgcingtohapoer what the future ald largely eon forthe most pa/torezearen ‘ostidy/avarage appoumaternecumnumbar/ -¥fcle ARBI/# moyen B21 4 ile C2 @. smétorezvotreprononcationen écoutant touslesartclessurtesupplément audio delectire age length of a ski season in the United States shrank for the first time in four decades during the 2010s, he said, and by 2050, New England can expect aseason that's percent to.22 percent shorter than average. 6. In Europe, the Chamonix-based Research Center for Alpine Ecosystems found spring. iscoming two to five daysearliereach decade ‘on Mont Blanc. In the American West, it's dire. The amount of snow still covering the Rockies and Cascades in April — a major summertime water source for many ~ has shrunk on average 19 percent between 1955 length crction/toshrink, shrank shrunk torecce/ toexpectingreact toanccipate 6.drecatastophic sastous/amount quantity / and 2020, according to data compiled by the Environmental Protection Agency. ATWO-PRONG APPROACH 7. To fight this, ski areas are taking a two: prong approach, in Washington, D.C, and at hhome. To do that, the organization is trying to mobilize “the outdoor state” to “create a giant, powerful climate movement,” said Aspen's Mr. Schendler, who is also the group's chairman. 8. Since 2000, however, the National Ski ‘Areas Association has created guidance >>> datairforaton statistics 7.tworprong approach date nite misscowith (wopats/ehalman eco leade. £8. guidance advice ecommendations/ Vall ki ResortinColorado. (si) Pu TTS famous ski stations! ‘O Vail Ski Resort. A long-time favourite of Americans, itis located InColorado, America’s “great ski state’ @ Aspen isa famous, high-end ski station in Colorado, Itis very exclusive catering to the rich and famous ‘© Snowbird is the most well known ‘and popular ski resort in Utah, ‘about an hour from Salt Lake City. {long-time fr many years /high-end op ofthe range pests excsivever see reserediorrenclensl/tocatertotozatsy the needsof orespondta VOCABLE D316 ir 202 15 Enjeux | Environnement #* B2-C1 VIDEO BONUS, How are American ski resorts preparing forthe arrival of tourists? Head to Colorado to find the answers. www.vocable fr/videos-anglals (Once again this year, the pandemic has introduced new regulations nski stations. Se) and initiatives to help ski areas become more ‘sustainable and to do more advocacy work ‘Adrienne Saia Isaac. the organization’ direc tor of marketing and communications, said ‘American ski areas, working with the NSAA, have reduced theiremissions by more than 110,000 metric tons over the past decade and they've purchased renewable ‘energy credits for twice that amount. Together, that's rovighly the equivalent of not burning 352 million pounds of coal 9. It’s also a pittance com- pared tothe 400 to 1600 bil- lion metric tons of green- house gases that Oxford Net Zero,a research ‘groupatthe University of Oxfordin England, says we will need to remove from the atmos- phere to ward off the worstof climate change, but it helps. Powering a resort almost en: sustainable excel espectflotheenienment Bete adwocacy ate super foracause/ to purchase oy. acute / roughly aooraxat!y/ pound P76 pas /coalcontustbleblacrockusedas fe ‘9. pttaneeverysmallaraurt illon = thousand milton greenhouse gas goswhichcontibtes tothe ‘einthetartisatmesphor tempore /toremave {ouimnate/towardoft to prevrt 37d /to power to prove oergy for! 16 * VOCABLE D222 tirely on solar energy as Park City and Deer Valley are doing: finding ways to build more ‘eco-friendly housing, as a partnership be tween Utah's Powder Mountain and Weber State University is doing; oreven composting leftover food scraps more efficiently, as New Mexicos ‘Taos Ski Valley is doing — these moves may not move the needle much, but they still have valve PROTECTING GLACIERS AND ‘FARMING SNOW’ 10. Scientists estimate Swit zerland could lose 90 percent of its remaining 1500 gla- ciers by the end of the century, which has prompted some ski areas, like Engelberg, to cover its glaciers in summer with heat re flecting textiles that slow the melting. That technique works, but it is very expensive, costing as much as 8.60 to save one cubic meter of ice, an April 2021 study published housing accommodation /Ieftovereraining /serap waste/eficentyofectvely/movearton nite! tomovetheneedlet ceatectectne change 10.tofarmocutvat /remainingitre/ to prompt {ocaise motvate/ meting charge fromasaidioe teu in the journal Cold Regions Science and ‘Technology found. 1. Other experiments in the Alps involve misting glaciers to form protective layers of snow. At Canada’s Banff Sunshine Vil lage, workers are finding better ways to “farm snow” by installing 82,000 feet of fencing to trap natural snowfall that they can then distribute around the resort in- stead of spending the energy to make snow. 12, Here in the United States, some resorts, are adding wood chips to their slopes in summer or removing rocks so that they need less snow to make runs skiable come winter. More than 200 ski areas across the country have signed onto an NSAA initiative toreduce their environmental impact across 10 topic areas, including energy, supply chains and water. Some of the projects to emerge in recent years are “uber coo.” says ‘Ms. Isaac, even if the return on the invest- ‘ment isnt so robust. @ ‘experiment ta/tolvolvetacompise const ‘tomisttospoy orn watolyeret stun Fenn ‘uarrbeteen omen and tote tort ‘2echipsalpececfucod/topleareacatogresot neec/ supply chain dsrioton channel / uber 02, ‘ra robust ipo -¥fcle ARBI/# moyen B21 4 ile C2 ABLE Vocabulaire expressions et astuces pour parler comme un anglais... | CAUGUSTINHABRAN _Lapparence affable, Ukable avenant physical apperarance. looks athletic,ripped athicique apparercephysique attractive attiant plain banal, queiconque bald chawve potbellied, paunchy verivipotent beautifulhandsome,good- proud fer/tere looking beau/oalle puny, sickiy cheti/chétive, big rond/ronde,gros/grsse mange black-haired auxchoveuxnoks, red-haired, ginger roux/rousse bruns shallow superficie ‘brunette (nm) femme aux short (halt) courts cheveuxbruns. short-legged court surpattes | chubby plump potelé shy tine | contemptuous, scornful sti, thin mince nee ‘small petite/petite : ae ‘smiley, cheerful souriant | curvy pulpeuse spindly fliforme ceute mignorvmignonne spotty boutonnews/ fenergetic,dynamic dyramigue outonneuse fale-hatred,blonde-halred stem severe austére eee a ‘stocky, chunky trapu jen four, sexy stooped, ound-shovldered freckles téchesderousseur vot frizzy (hain) crépus straight (hat) races Blasses,spectacles iuneties sullen, surly renfrogneé orgeous,stunning magnifique tall gand/grande 1 hairy pois tangled (hair) emmélés ! | kind gentiveentita tattooed tatoue lean,skinny, slender mae thick (halt) épais, long (hai) longs | thin (hai) fins ‘mean, unkind méchant tired, exhausted fatia.6, éousé middle-aged dase moyen ‘ugly moche ‘muscled, brawny,beefy muscié wavy (halt) ondués nice, friendly sympathique white-halred aux cheveux blancs old oe young jeune: | patita menve (femme) ree DDon’tjudgea bookbyits caver. habit efit paslemoine ‘What does she looklke? Ellressemible& quol? ‘Theylookalike. Isseresserblent ‘You're thesptting mage of yourdad, Tu esleportratcraché de ton pre. ‘They are like peas ina pod. Eles seressembient commedeuxgouttes eau ‘She s much nicer than sheseems. Eleestbienplussympa quéllenena lai Hemust be exhausted: hehas drawn features. Idoitétreénuisé j.ales| tratstés. | Sheisblindasa bat! Ele estcompletement miro! Hemust ethirtyish. Idol avoirlatrentaine ‘She alwayslooks asif she carried the weight of the world onher ‘shoulders. On drat toyours quelleporte poids du monde surses épavies. feat Retrouvercette fichede vocabulaire ve surle (CDlecture et son commentaire surla partie bbasique du CD conversation. CD audioou ‘téléchargement MP3 Ce Quelques expressions enplus pourdécre les cheveux /acoitre: shiny (hai) bilantsluminewx ‘greasy (hair) gras, dyed colors bleached décclorés highlighted avec desméches,unbalayage ‘sreying gisonnants rmidength ami-ongueur creweut une brosse bobeut unecaré cropped rasés LesBrtanniquessontréputés pourlerflegme.Enanglas, un blige expression stiff upper lip» (Iittralement «aleve supérieure cispée). Associez chaque mot de la premiére liste avec unmot dela seconde: frown arelderly 2-handsome bethin 3-spindly attractive 4-friendly destern 5-stooped e-affable 6-knackered Fringed p9:05:29'9¢32:p1:sNOUMOS VOCABLED. 3015 erie 20228 17 PRATIC'ABLE / Grammaire JOAN GREENWOOD Seta e Entoureze bon pronom. 1. You should congratulate you / your/ yours / vyourself/youtslves. You've all done a greatjobl 2.1\veforgotten my pen. Here, you canborrow me/ my/mine /mysetf. 3. John’s waiting for this. Can you give it tohe / him / his / himself for | /me / my /myself? 4, We need to get us/ our/ ours / ourselves some ew equipment. 5. Don't give these back. They areus/ our / ours / ‘ourselves. 6.Tell they /them / their /theirs they can have they / them their / theirs books back next week. ag /uay9 “sno songsino yu BOW" eNO 'SNOUMOS ‘ Reteurrbenceunpdone Sarmare forhepoprece grate Hontesinovesteienet! 18 VOCABLED 2a ftnin222 Les pronoms (pronouns) e Complétezavec le bon pronom ‘J. Letme (A) introduce. -vmmeewn (B). (A and B refer to thesame person) 2. That's... .-. (Bob's) coat. +3, Would you like open the bottle? I'm pretty good at ‘that sort of thing! 4,1llpour.. -~ (Mary) a glass of wine. 5, Thisis Bob and Mary's, We gave ito. present. GIS. fora wedding (Bob and Mary) 10th wedding anniversary. (they belong to “7.Ae these your keys, John? No they are.. me) (A) said it was their (B) turn to invites. (A and B refer to ‘the same people) .Did youhave your house painted by a professional? Nowedidit 10. You can borrow some of. belonging tous) books if you lke. (books -no'QLsanpsno a RU YaKN WRAY YB she SOUS. Retrouvez Yves Cotten sur et-compagnieblogspotir / Prononciation & orthographe Q etvowerpussintossu eo Entourez le mot correctement orthographié correspondant a chaque définition: plaice /place > atypeoffish personal/personnel > staff principle / principal > ‘the most important quay /key > aplace to moora boat read /reed > aplant that growsin water sent /scent > perfume tail /tale > story waist / waste > middle part of ahuman body whether / weather > if sew /sow > toscatter seeds nos aan sem’ ae 3835s end eau Yeussied 1 SNOLLMOS O renderroreite Continuez a soulignert'accent tonique: “| don't understand how there can be any increased risk in Gibraltar, when you can go to any other European country today and run exactly the same business without being supervised, without being licensed, and without being regulated. So how can we be more exposed by regulating them? It's completely the opposite,” Isola says. fs aysodes hase Buenas: pasha 270 nb poyrs am osu] MOAN posIsecs ME sss Sus EH UT EPO) xs econ 68 un 19 Si PSH. AE Oe HSOPL UEP: SNOLITIOS rane when my ship comes in quand jaurai fait fortune like ships that passin the night une rencontre sans lendemain herunsa tight ship ilne plaisante pas sur lorganisation / ladiscipline the ship of the desert le vaisseau du désert, le chameau sur www Retrouverbesucounplsdeeracesde armas Sarropeprestaecature Bnualessnoveste mene! VOCABLED 3.116 ier 20228 19 PRATIC'ABLE / Vocabulaire Besoin de vacances ? Préparez-vous ! @ démétezies motsproposés. Utilisez-les pour remplirtes blancs. Desindices sont donnés entre parenthases, Tous les motsse trouvent dans article page 10. catimcoomdaon rofdabafle luvea kobo fecat burablenay mobhliakerayds sako hebac gslfiht ploess irlaiftch streor 1. You should. ....-n--n-arly tomake sure you get your fst choice. (reserve) 2. Thetownis fullof. (people on vacation) 3.The package includes -.ccennennnnnnene af (planejourneys) 4.Thishotelis very... (not tooexpensive) (aplacetostay) for money. (price/quality ratio) 6.They.... for families. (provide family-friendly services) jt in the summer. 5.ltsgreat Titgets (cifficutt to support) &.llovetorelaxand. _-upthesun. (take in the goodness, or maybe badness!) 9.Children love playing onthe.. (stretch of sand or pebbles by thesea) 10. | prefer the winter ski (inclinesin the mountains) ‘toreach the top. (mechanical seat) 12. Brightonis our favourite seaside. (place forahliday) TTake the wos 21 EN W'SadoR OL WEAN 6 OSG NgeRARUN L ‘mer =n egepnye Y-uonepauueDe / Susy SeyeUEpMEYZ 4000: SNOULMOS sur www.vocable. == eet ‘Bruntessmnowoskertenet Aretenir © Pourveavcoup centre noustes vacances riment avec soleil ! ‘Traduisez: 1 Thesunis shin 2.Right in the sun 3.llnlyapas dombre 4,1've caught the sun 5,Put thesun-shield on the windscreen 6. Thesunisinmy eyes 7. forgot my sunglasses 8, We cansit in thesun lounge spueip sup aniausyaduo Os op Seas sgen0 1 nak: yajOs=/9'suN-aeC ns yys-aree sou yoPF AP INeDUN REN} I INAPOO“APSIALy “speyscusieut¢ Y2!5 Ua}eUE 2 Ba 9521 1SSNOUMOS Ne manquez pas dans le prochain numéro la nouvelle page PRATIC’ABLE : La situation sanitaire 20 VOCABLE D3 e016 toner 222 + avesde cocisté The James Webb Telescope was launched on Christmas day this year, and is meant to be the successor to the famous Hubble telescope. The James Webb, named after the NASA administrator who sent the Apollo crew to the moon, will be nothing short of extraordinary. It will allow exploration of the history of the cosmos and provide information on how the first stars and first galaxies were born, However, it will take months for NASA engineers to put it into focus. The first images produced by the telescope aren't expected until early summer. tolaunchtrs to dele /erew team ot tchrican)/nathing short of complet tly to provide‘ fr, offer ensue toput, put, putint focus tol fora dearsicture/ tobeexpected to bepiared ealyat the bean 3 is Gruybre sil Gruyéreifit isn't madein Gruyeres?” wonders The New York Times. Production ofthe famous Swiss cheese is allabout tradition: must be shaped ke ‘a wheel, weigh between 55 and 88 pounds and bemadein the area surrounding the city of Gruyéres, whereit ‘was fist created in the 12th century. However, the last condition was overturned by an American federal curt, stating that Gruyére can now be made anywhere in the USA. The ruling came as a shock to French {and Sis producers sparking outrage by some. The ruling would allow American producers to label any cheese Gruyére. The Swiss government’ response was clear: “Using the term ruyére’ fora cheese produced inthe United States threatens the reputation of the original product and its place in foreign markets and cannly harm the entire sector towonder to question ask speculate /tabeshapedtobeinthe erm / wheather, ounéblock/ pound = fame surrounding sechera overturn olde Yostatetoasuet ruling cor jeer tospark futrageto grits. case lenny to threaten omens endanger’ toham fo darage Se coment, Q retrower Bilan and Fencearereputed tobe ‘fenemes andareoften foundsnpingat ‘eachother npalcsas welasinpop culture However, curtwonstionsare rruch loser than wethink-anew study feundthat some ofthe rs settlersof theBrtshisleshad50%6 of thargenes ‘fom France. According tothe frre, frem]0008C to B7SBC an inflacof forelgnersarivedin whatisnow the UK-wo were genetical siiarto angentinhabitants of France. Around ‘BOER, theserewcemes accounted for asmuhashalfthegeneticmakeupof southem Bran Ourcommonhistryhas now beenseen to go as far as ourDNA tnd + enemy (oothafiend va) /tosnipe orice settler (lois according a: states/eperted by / findings concise tux arval name numbers) / foreigner pesonfromanotrer (curity around abo.t, annoxmatey/ BC Before cist newcomer ne aval! ‘waccountfor‘orepresert/ genetic ‘makeup fnetcpotte/ONA eoxybonucc acid (carrot genetic aractersics, London schoais are determined tostay open, But wil itive possible wth so any staff absences due tollness? Though Omicron Isrts lethal as other coronavirus variants Is itmuch more contagious. Asa rsuit, many teachers in London = where the virus has been especially prevalent ~ are absent from Class. Retirees are now being called to teach again ~ a controversial solution, as they are, by virtue ofthe age, more vuinerable tothe virus. Will the UK government manage to keep schools open inspite of Omicron? staff eriojees personel Mness medical Genalen though hone lou prevalent commen wisps ative pean wha friseather wore / by viwe ot because ot in spite of ogarclessot, despite VOCABLE D3 oui tner0zz* 21 (sen & |Desert snow ‘The Sahara desert rarely, if ever, sees the snow. However, this January, for the first time in 42 years, some of its orange dunes ended up covered in a fine layer of ice and snow. This picture was taken in an area close to the Atlas mountain, in which the average temperature in winter in 14 degrees. However, it dropped to ‘minus three for a few days in January - leaving the snow to draw beautiful pat terns in the sand. layer here.hekness of sth coving /efoz= water / average typ normal/t drop fal tora drew, drawn ere. todevan patter sen o /sand ne partes rock foundin deserts, onseashorese HH Violent protests ‘Awave of protests in Kazakinsgtanhas resultedin Russia sending in its troops in the country. At fist, the waves of unrest were caused by the sharp rise of fel prices. However, they have gradually evolved into protests against Nursultan Nazarbayev, an authoritarian leader who ran the country forthree decades and continue to hold a strong leadership postion within the government. Though Mr Nazarbayev has ‘now been removed from his post, the demonstrations have continued. Other ‘goverment officials have been sacked, and one of them arrested. Curent President Kassym- Jomart Tokayev has stated that Russian toops were to helo to stabilse the country. Kazakhsgtan isa former member ofthe Soviet Union and only gained its independence in 19) protest demostation/ wavesupe,cutboak/ unrstntabiy rebelion /sharpsgificant portant ise ‘reas / ell, ol garline wader head fst torun,ran,runto goer, od / thot Rel, ldo rtln ‘toremove'o mis cbse’ eae / demonstration pic protest / fal high~arkngemployeeorgovemment| ‘egyeantaie/tosackoie ems ramen). 22 VOCABLE DY 308 6s 2022 @ @ ‘Lemon bath! Chitdren and adults bathe ina poo! fited \with yuzus (aromatic lemons) on the day of the winter solstice. In Japan, itis traition to take sucha bath on that day in order to avoid catching a cold during the winter ‘ahead. Te tradition dates back centuries andi even extended to animals! Several 2005 in Japan offer their occupants warm, baths filed with yzusin early winter. tobathehe take abath pool basin of water/ {ebeilled wither, ocortary/toavoldhete.t0 protect rom tocateh,caught,cauehtacoldio becomell witha cold smptoms cough hls un pose /ahendocorn/foetanoto ps 2 toindute = Shisha crackdown Egyptis oneof several countriesin the Midle East wherestisha banshave been enforced during the pandemic. The poplar pipes aso ‘known ashookahs andnarghiles, are often passedbetveen frends potentially ‘transmitting the vs. Whitesome countries have gratualy itedrestictons, Egyptian >> slnmer herent ese try eo /emoved stance, ere otfeert /arteath sal S.amazedastorishes sxprsed / whole nti, Comodo’ arehistory specu progression /¢ fetenatpeson/ VOCABLEDuSauiterz2* 23 Culture | Film | #9 B2-Cl Kirsten Dunst and Benedict Cumberbatch. tx know how much I learn from it. Each indi- vvidual circumstance hols its own world of singularities and peculiarities. Butamong that, you can go:*Oh yeah, I remember that was What tried todo” Sometimes it doesn fitwith the cast or the energy of the scene or the beat of another character. But to sit down in the audience and go:"Oh my God, Ithink that was ‘what I intended” was great '5.Sometimes you worry the directors looking froma very specific angle and maybe a better take or different take has been overlooked be ‘cause of what they're prioritising. But every thing about this project felt very in syne with Jane and her process. n the rawest form of just ‘tohold held helt contain /tofitwithocoresoond 1o/eastlstf acts andactesses/ beat hy tema0 7 audience pubic sects tolntendhee towantt ewes. 5. toworry tobe ansious concemes (bout) /Aretor ‘mater take ptf ve. approach te evertoakto {gore toneglect/ syne maeemer/ccord Syme Synchronization] /raw bare plain (fem ‘SURLEBOUTDELALANGUE Ceux qui travaillent avec lasmains: ‘the ranch-hands ($8) ouvriers agricoles ‘handyman bricoleu; homme a tout faire ‘he's good with his hands ilest ts adhoit de ses mains Notezaussi: oso something one-handed ($15) d'une seule main ‘that's handy c'est pratique 26 VOCABLE DuSeubttr 022 building the character as well Ifeltas if Iwas doing it alongside her in pre-production, 6. We had an equal ove and need to carefully ‘create this character from the page to the screen, We understood the complexity of a man whose monstrous behaviour masks a ‘deep well of pain; a scar needed to be under stood in order to be inhabited. Pd never had that long in the company of a director doing the same sort of things to get toa character. dont know if she always works like that but itjust felt ike Iwas going on ajoumey with a friend 7.7.6.: What did youllke about Pil? What do yyoumiss about him? B.c.:] liked his directness. His mastery of the world. And I really, really liked the fact. that he was someone who brought the out side in. He was all about nature, He was consumed by every aspect, every craft, ‘every detail of his job involving men, ani mals and the landscape. The way he saw detail in everything ~ not just the dog in the shadows - but everything, He had that. highly attuned, animalistic sensibility to- wards his environment, Alongside ates ti as ith, 6. carefully ater with care/sereencinea tn / bbehavlourceeiuct compartment deepproteund/ well deepholinthegoundmadetotapasourceof water palnsierng dstes/scarmakleftontheshn by ‘ound. act abut soa psychcogcl rauma Inhabit toresie in here, obo ncarae toe, ot, got to ete foreach arveat (on uncerstandhgo)/ Journey vvage “Talectnes lainspeahing/ mastery ecteca kl abityfodosthver wel tebeallabout..tobe ‘motivated consumed absessea ver focuses eat Sl towolverere oregure. role landscape Courtaysdeenvronment/inthe shadows ithe shade/ attuned perce, aH 8. And as somebody who's a bit of a people- pleaser and apologetic at the best of times, who ‘worries too much about what people think of ime, loved the Freedom of being somebody who wasritin that space. Ofcourse, there's this deep kernel of truth he never lets get exposed. And thatties into the breadth of fear and fury that ‘weknowhe has. Buthe canals stand with his, hands behind his back and survey al these scenes with a sort of calm acceptance and knowing, And not be taken in with the hoopla of worrying about what the ranch-hands think of him, Hes very selfassured. | admired that. ‘9. Thaveadeep, deep empathy forhim,areal love forhim, areal feeling ofthe tragedy of someone ‘who has lived his entre life in a secretive way apart from one small shard of acceptance and tolerance with a man in his teenage years. He was 19 when he watched Bronco Henry die ata corral in a stampede of death, So this is a man who has lived hisentie life without fully know ing whatitistoloveand tobe loved. Theloneliness and the pain ofthat ~ fl for that, realy did 10.7.6.: How hasit changed your own, relationship with nature? And how has that changed over the course of the past two years? 8.abitoftoasmall deseo /pleasarone who esto please concltoy/apologetiecontrte/toworry bout tobe conned with precceupied y kama ‘ra here spac (or vut) to telntatacorespond ‘wreath cope extent fury vole, ange /20 Stand, stood, stood tobeln an upright sion to Survey to o08 observ /ogplasettion 57 ranchhandemployeecn thera self-assured center. 9. secretive discreet mstwius moenetabe/shard ‘ragment/ teenage years aclescence/comalan encosze for horses catleanafamovranch/ stampede Sudden rass sh loneliness sltude to feel fet, feltfortosmoatisewith fet sonyabou -¥fcle ARBI/# moyen B21 4 ile C2

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