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Senior High School

Introduction to
the Philosophy of
the Human Person
Quarter 2 – Module 8:
Human Persons as Oriented
Towards Their Impending Death
What I Know

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the following items carefully. Write the letter of your
answer on a separate piece of paper.

1. How do you call the end of bodily functions which signals the end of a person’s
life? It also refers to the separation of the body and soul?
a. Baptism c. Death
b. Birth d. Resurrection

2. What takes place when people patiently endure unpleasantness, discomfort and
a. Abuse c. Suffering
b. Abandonment d. Torture

3. What is the good that is pursued for its own sake?

a. Common good c. Pleasurable good
b. Noble good d. Useful good

4. How do you call the suffering that refers to discomfort, hunger, stress and pain?
a. Emotional suffering c. Physical suffering
b. Mental suffering d. Spiritual suffering

5. What do you call the social conditions which enable persons and groups to
fulfill their goals and achieve perfection?
a. Common good c. Needs
b. Desires d. Wants

6. It is a Greek word meaning full stop or end of a line?

a. Terminus c. Talaiporia
b. Telos d. Zoi

7. Which of the following is a state of being, not just an emotional experience or a

chosen mental attitude?
a. Happiness c. Sadness
b. Self- determination d. Worries

8. What do you call the good considered as good as long as it serves as a means to
an end?
a. Common good c. Pleasurable good
b. Noble good d. Useful good

9. Which of the following allows a person to transcend his temporality and

physical limits?
a. Emotional Nature c. Physical Nature
b. Mental Nature d. Spiritual Nature

10. Which of the following suffering involves mental states such as depression,
anxiety, fear, loneliness and grief?
a. Emotional Suffering c. Physical Suffering
b. Mental Suffering d. Spiritual Suffering

Meaning, Origin and
1 Purpose of Life
At the end of this lesson you are expected to:
1. explain the meaning, origin and purpose of life;
2. enumerate the goals a person wants to achieve; and
3. define the projects an individual intends to do in life.

Hi there! Before jumping to our new lesson, let

us try to answer the following question.

What’s In

Determine which form of society is referred to by the following statements. Write the
letter of your answer on a separate piece of paper.

A. Hunting and Gathering Society E. Feudal Society

B. Pastoral Society F. Industrial Society
C. Horticultural Society G. Post-Industrial Society
D. Agrarian or Agricultural Society

1. This society is based on knowledge, information, and the sale of services.

2. This society is based on the ownership of land.
3. The earliest and simplest form of society.
4. This society features large – scale and long-term cultivation of crops and
domestication of animals.
5. This society primarily relies on the domestication of animals for food.

Notes to the Teacher
Facilitator will instruct the students to answer the given questions
before proceeding to the new lesson!

Did you answer them all? Great job! We can now

move forward to your new lesson!

What’s New

How would you feel when a person who is dear to you suddenly passed away?
What would you think about your own mortality during that time?

Our time on this earth is limited. It is therefore important for us to determine

our goals in life so we can live out our days meaningfully. The topic of death should
not be approached with fear or dread but rather, it should be seen as an opportunity
to find meaning in our lives (I hope2018).

Recall important events that happened in your life. For this activity you will need
colored paper, scissors and paste or adhesive. Make strips of paper in two colors.
Write your happy experience on one color and sad experience on the other. Weave
the strips like a mat. Look at your work of art and think of how events in your life-
both happy and sad- molded you into who you are now.

Guide Questions:
1. Did they help you become a better person?
2. Did they encourage you to live a more meaningful life?

Now, remove one of the colored strips. Would you still consider it a beautiful
mat? What does this say about the meaning of life?

Write your realization on a separate piece of paper.

What is It

Life is short and unpredictable. For many people, there is purpose in living,
and gradually going through life allows us to discover our purpose. Still people are
unable to understand their lives and make meaning out of it. (I hope,2018)

The Origin of Life

According to (I hope2018) there are two theories of origin of life: Evolutionist and

Evolutionist believed that everything in the cosmos, including life, can be

explained by the interaction of matter. They initially believed in spontaneous
generation: that living things can arise from non- living material. For example, worm
flies or even mice could develop from grain, meat, or other materials.

Creationist on the other hand, believed that life came

from a supreme being or a God. They use scriptures as
proof of their belief. An example of this would be the story
of creation in the Bible.

I hope, (2018) also discusses the Significance and Meaning

of Life.

The Significance and Meaning of Life

Some people nowadays often believe that life has no meaning or significance
because it is either (1) brought about by a God or (2) developed by modern science.
In both scenarios, life would be certainly meaningless if the person does not believe
in a God or modern science. However, many theorists go against this belief by saying
that life must be rooted in communication, understanding, and service. As such, the
meaning of life becomes centralized in doing acts of integration, selflessness and love.
People who have found meaning in their lives therefore seem happier, more
approachable and more understanding than those who have not.

The Accomplishment of Personal Goals

Discovering the meaning of life constitutes people to live

life to the fullest. As such they engage in various activities as
much as possible, and they immerse themselves with what life
has to offer.

Research reveals that one out of five people are convinced

that they are living their lives to the fullest and that majority
of all individuals who want to live to its fullest are longing for
excitement. These activities may be reflected in a bucket list
or a list of all goals, dreams, and achievements that one wants

to attain before death. Examples are: strengthening spiritual life, travel around the
world, build a charitable institution, and obtain an undergraduate diploma.

Make a bucket list “20 in 2020” List 20 things you want to do before dying. Show
your creativity and resourcefulness.

You will be graded with the following rubrics:

50% - Creativity

50% - Resourcefulness

What’s More

Let us explore the meaning of life! Physical life is given an origin, meaning and
purpose because it has an end. Physical death is state that all humans will encounter
at the end. Many people are afraid of dying because it is final. It is irreversible state
of reality that leads to another path or journey.

What concerns people more about life is that death may come unexpectedly.
Some people die young. Because of this, people tend to choose to achieve their goals
as soon as possible to ensure that they do not miss out on life before death.

Make a journal and interview your loved ones. Asked them what is the meaning
and purpose of their life?

The quality of life may play a significant role in the life experiences of people. It
is said that those who have poorer quality of lives may be expected to die relatively
younger than those who can live satisfactorily. Despite differences in the condition
of life, all are capable of creating goals for their lives.

What I Have Learned

1. Evolutionists believe that everything in the

cosmos, including life, can be explained in
terms of the interaction of matter.

2. Creationists believe that life was brought about

by a supreme being or a God.

3. The meaning of life is incredibly significant

because it is believed to balance the good and
evil relationship within the self.

4. Theorists and Philosophers specified that life

must be embedded in communication,
understanding and service.

5. A bucket list is a list of all goals, dreams, and achievements one intends to attain
before death.

6. Physical death is a state that all humans will encounter at the end of conscious
life. Many people are afraid of dying because it is final and irreversible state of
reality that leads to another path or journey.

What I Can Do

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the following items carefully. Write the letter of the correct
answer on a separate piece of paper.

1. What is established as a collective defense against psychological problems like

aggression and divisiveness?
a. Death c. Meaning of the soul
b. Meaning of life d. Transcendence

2. What refers to the list of all goals, dreams, and achievements one wants to attain
before death?
a. Adventure list c. Traveler’s list
b. Bucket list d. Permanent list

3. What is the endpoint of all biological functions that sustain a living organism?
a. Aging c. Illness
b. Death d. Termination

4. Which of the following activities may be found in a bucket list?

a. Meting a famous Hollywood actor
b. Learning to speak another language
c. Putting up a restaurant
d. Winning the lottery

5. Why is physical death a fearful endpoint for

many people?
a. It is predictable
b. It is irreversible
c. It only occurs among elderly
d. It is unbearable

Additional Activities

Make a Reflection: Answer the following question. Write your answer on a separate
piece of paper.
1. What is that one thing that, if taken from you, would take away the meaning of
your life?

You will be graded with the following rubrics:

Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the assigned topic or
1 2 3 4 5
The paper conveys a genuine personal view
1 2 3 4 5
regarding the topic or issue.
The paper is written following the conventions of
1 2 3 4 5
good writing and standard grammar,
The work is original and does not contain
1 2 3 4 5
plagiarized content.

TOTAL (20pts)

Lesson Human Persons on Their
2 Impending Death.
At the end of this lesson you are expected to:

1. explain the significance of death in the existence of the person;

2. evaluate different views on death; and
3. illustrate the two experiences which make people reflect on the meaning of

What’s In

Good day! It is a wonderful day to start our new lesson, but

before going in to it, let us have a short review of our
previous lesson.
Identify the terms being described in the following
statement. Write the correct answer on a separate piece
of paper.

1. They believed that everything in the cosmos,

including life, can be explained in terms of the
interaction of matter.
2. It is a list of all goals, dreams, and achievements one intends to attain before
3. It is a state that all humans will encounter at the end of conscious life. Many
people are afraid of dying because it is final, irreversible state of reality that leads
to another path or journey.
4. It is a state that all humans will encounter at the end of conscious life. Many
people are afraid of dying because it is final, irreversible state of reality that leads
to another path or journey.
5. They are specified that life must be embedded in communication, understanding
and service.

Notes to the Teacher

Facilitator will instruct the students to answer the given questions
before proceeding to the new lesson!

Did you make it? Great job! We can now move
forward to your new lesson!

What’s New

Have you ever wondered about how nothing seems to last forever? Objects get
worn out until they can’t be used anymore. Food and drinks expire and trends
become out dated after sometime. Even more, what about the cycle of being born,
growing up, getting sick, and dying? These point to one very important reality about
our human condition: we are temporal beings or “beings oriented towards death”.

In a separate piece of paper, list your initial ideas and explain your impressions
about death.

What is It

For a moment in your life, have

you ever thought about what it
means to die? Did it make you
uncomfortable? You may feel that
thinking about death at this time in
your life is a little bit inappropriate
since you are still young. We do not
really think about the reality of our
own death because it is difficult to
imagine when and how we will die.
However, we cannot deny the fact that death exists in our world. (Abella,2016)

According to Abella(2016), death is commonly understood as the end of bodily

functions which signals the end of a person’s life. It also refers to the separation of
the body and the spirit.

He further explains that human person is an embodied spirit or the unity of a

body and a spirit. The body grows and dies, while the soul continues to exist even
after the body has passed. It is true that a person’s spiritual nature allows him or
her to transcend his or her temporality and physical limits. This makes a person’s
life limited in time but no one really knows when life will end. This has given rise to
various expressions such as #YOLO (You Only Live Once). They are focusing on
experiencing intense moments and feelings in order to feel alive because no one really
knows when life will end. There are people who deny the idea of human decline and
death. Some rely on anti- aging treatments and products to make them look, feel,
and think that they are younger than they really are. These attitudes are not
necessarily bad but we must embrace the fact that death is an integral part of our

We may ask ourselves, what is the end of this life? The term end can be
understood in two ways. Some philosophers view end as a terminus which means the
full stop or end of a line, life ends and nothing follows. However, others consider end
as telos which means “goal, purpose, or fulfilment”. (Abella, 2016)

Different Views on Death

Isidoro (2016) discusses the different views on death such as Ancient,
Psychological, Theological and Philosophical.

Most ancient people attributed death to the agency
of the gods, elves, demons, or evil spirits who are jealous
of human achievements and beautiful human features
or who are offended by man’s sins.

Death is viewed as biological event; death is the end
of man considered to be a living organism. Death is the
process of ending of life, the total arrest of both mental
and physiological functions as a person.

Concept of death and adjustment addresses the
ability to adjust to one’s own death when that death is
not imminent. Therefore, it deals with the wide range of events related to possible
deaths and the various methods of adjustment to these possibilities.

St. Tomas Aquinas is very clear about the nature of death. He said “The
necessity of dying for Man is partly from nature and partly from sin.

Philosophical understanding of death is given to us exclusively on the basis of
the self-understanding of a living-man, who is inevitably approaching death as the
ultimate event of his life. Thus, we come to an understanding of death by analyzing
our actual existence in the light of the one – side experience of death and dying by
the others.

The human person is not born into this world just so he or she could die. Man
is put on this earth to live a meaningful life, to be righteous, and achieve excellence.
With this in mind, we can look at two experiences which make us reflect, happiness
and suffering.

According to (Abella 2016). It is a state
of being and not merely an emotional
experience or a chosen mental attitude.
Ancient Greek philosophy considers
happiness as an achievement and it must
be gained by living a productive and moral
life. What makes a person happy is that
which fits his nature – we are made truly
happy by things that are true and good.

He also discusses human person as an embodied spirit, we must also consider
the goods or sources of happiness which are proper to a person.

A noble good is one which is pursued for its own sake; some examples are love
and friendship. A useful good is considered good as long as it serves as a means to
an end. A common good is social conditions which enable persons and groups to
fulfill their goals and achieve perfection. Finally, a pleasurable good is good so long
as it provides some form of pleasure. Happiness from a material thing diminishes as
soon as you own it, while happiness gained from friendship only grows as it

It takes place when we patiently endure
unpleasantness, discomfort, and pain. It can come in
the form of physical suffering, when we experience
physical sensations such as discomfort, hunger,
distress and pain. It can also be in the form of mental
suffering which involves emotional and mental state
such as depression, anxiety, fear, loneliness, and
grief. These may be caused by unexpected situation
in life such as what we are experiencing at present-
the corona virus pandemic that caused
unemployment to many people, stressful situations,
and grief caused by the death of a loved one.
Generally, suffering is viewed as an undesirable
condition, and that we naturally seek pleasure and
avoid pain. Another view considers suffering as
necessary because it helps our existence. Without it, we are unable to grow and
improve, and our positive experiences lose meaning and significance.

Philosophy helps us understand how suffering defines the state or condition of

the person before, during and after experience. Remember that difficulties are not
without reason. Our hardships bring about realizations and opportunities for us.
Even if the outcome is unfavourable, dealing with suffering can improve our attitude
towards life and other people. (Abella, 2016)

Based on what you have learned about death, happiness, and suffering, give advice
to the following people in various situations. Write your answers on a sheet of paper.
1. Your cousin is an achiever. Being on top of the class is what makes him feel
fulfilled. However, for this semester, he got grades lower than usual. He is
extremely saddened by this and becomes withdrawn and aloof.
2. Your best friend is dating a married man. Despite her family’s disapproval, she
does not want to break up with him. She says that he is the only one who makes
her very happy.

3. Your classmate is going through tough times. His parents died in a car accident,
his family is experiencing financial difficulties, and his long-time girlfriend broke
up with him. He constantly talks about taking his own life to end his problems.
4. Your cousin is battling a terminal disease. She has a loving and helpful support
system comprised of family and friends, yet her fear of dying is getting worse. She
feels depressed and loses sleep over the idea of passing away soon.
5. One of your close friends is experiencing grief because of the death of her loved
one. How can you help him cope with the situation?

What’s More

Answer the following questions. Write your answer on a separate piece of paper.
1. What form of suffering have you mostly encountered in your life so far? Is it
physical suffering or mental suffering?
2. How did you deal with the difficulties you have experienced?

You are graded with the following rubrics:

Criteria Rating

Content and ideas are organized in a clear, logical

1 2 3 4 5

The essay directly addresses the topic or issue and

1 2 3 4 5
provides adequate discussion supporting the main idea.

The essay employs standard grammar conventions,

1 2 3 4 5
proper punctuation, and proper choice of word.

The paper is original and does not contain plagiarized

1 2 3 4 5

TOTAL ( 20pts)

What I Have Learned

Death is the end of bodily functions which signals the end

of a person’s life. It also refers to the separation of the body
and soul.

1. The human person is an embodied spirit or the unity of

a body and a spirit. The body grows and dies, while the
soul continues to exist even after the body has passed.
Spiritual nature allows a person to transcend our
temporality and physical limits.
2. Happiness is a state of being, not just an emotional
experience or a chosen mental attitude. We do not
choose happiness; we choose the means to achieve it.
3. A good is a source of happiness and it has three kinds. A noble good, useful good,
common good and pleasurable good.
4. Suffering takes place when we patiently endure unpleasantness, discomfort, and
pain. It can be experienced physically or mentally.
5. Suffering is necessary in shaping our existence because without it, we are unable
to grow and our positive experiences lose meaning and significance.
6. As we approach our death, we experience both happiness and suffering. The two
are not really meant to be polar opposites, for they can also enrich one another.

What I Can Do

The following are statements about Death, Suffering and Happiness. Write TRUE if
the sentence is correct, write FALSE if otherwise. Write the correct answer on a
separate piece of paper.

1. Death refers to the separation of the soul and the body.

2. Happiness takes place when we patiently endure unpleasantness, discomfort and
3. Useful good is a kind of good that is good so long as it provides some form of
4. Physical suffering refers to discomfort, hunger, stress, and pain.
5. According to ancient Greek Philosophy, happiness is an achievement and must
be gained by living a productive and moral life.

6. Common good is a kind of good that is
considered good so long as it serves as a means
to an end.
7. The body grows and dies, while the soul
continues to exist even after the body has
8. A good is a source of happiness and it has two
9. Temporality refers how our lives are temporary.
10. Spiritual nature allows a person to transcend
the temporality and physical limits.

Additional Activities

Read an article in a magazine or in an old book or watch a movie that explores death.
Write a reaction paper discussing your thoughts and ideas on what you have read or
You will be graded with the following rubrics:

Criteria Rating

The review provides a comprehensive summary of the

1 2 3 4 5
plot, characters, and issues presented or discussed.
It effectively relates the content of the movie or the article
1 2 3 4 5
to the main topic or issue.
It effectively examines aspects of the article
1 2 3 4 5
or movie that are relevant to the main topic or issue.
It provides clear analysis of the issues and relates the
1 2 3 4 5
information to the actual events and experiences.
The review is original and does not contain plagiarized
1 2 3 4 5
TOTAL 25pts


Identification. Identify the terms being described in the following statements. Write
the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. It is the end of bodily functions which signals the end of a person’s life, it also
refers on the separation of the body and soul.
2. This suffering involves mental states such as depression, anxiety, fear, loneliness
and grief?
3. What takes place when people patiently endure unpleasantness, discomfort and
4. It allows a person to transcend his temporality and physical limits?
5. It is one which that is pursued for its own sake; it is good in itself. Examples of
these are love and friendship.
6. What do you call to the good considered as good as long as it serves as a means
to an end?
7. This suffering refers to discomfort, hunger, stress and pain.
8. It is a state of being, not just an emotional experience or a chosen mental attitude.
9. What do you call the social conditions which enable persons and groups to fulfill
their goals and achieve perfection?
10. It is a Greek word which means full stop or end of a line.

Assessment What I Know
1. Death 1. c
2. Mental Suffering 2. c
3. Suffering 3. b
4. Spiritual Nature 4. b
5. Noble good 5. a
6. Useful good 6. a
7. Physical suffering 7. a
8. Happiness 8. d
9. Common good 9. d
10. Terminus 10. b
Answer Key

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