Karachi City Profile

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Karachi City Profile

Karachi, city and capital of Sindh province, southern Pakistan. It is the country’s largest
city and principal seaport and is a major commercial and industrial centre. Karachi is
located on the coast of the Arabian Sea immediately northwest of the Indus River delta.
The city has been variously called Caranjee, Crochey, Krotchey, Currachee, and
Kurrachee, all of which are believed to be variants of the same name. In the 18th
century it was known as Kalachi-jo-Goth,mertttttttttttttttttttttttttttaning “the village of
Kalachi” (Kalachi being the name of an erstwhile head of the settlement).
Known as the "City of Lights" in the 1960s and 1970s for its vibrant nightlife, Karachi
was beset by sharp ethnic, sectarian, and political conflict in the 1980s with the large-
scale arrival of weaponry during the Soviet–Afghan War. The city had become well
known for its high rates of violent crime, but recorded crimes sharply decreased
following a crackdown operation against criminals, the MQM political party, and Islamist
militants, initiated in 2013 by the Pakistan Rangers. As a result of the operation, Karachi
dropped from being ranked the world's 6th-most dangerous city for crime in 2014, to
115th by mid-2021.

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