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SPE 38895

Reservoir Development and Design Optimization

Antonio C. Bittencourt, SPE, Petrobras, and Roland N. Horne, SPE, Stanford University

Copyright 1997, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1997 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
encompasses two main entities: the field production system
Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas, 5–8 October 1997. and the geological reservoir. Each of these entities presents a
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as wide set of decision variables and the choice of their values is
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any an optimization problem. In view of the large number of
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
decision variables it is not feasible to try to enumerate all
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper possible combinations. Analysis tools encoded in computer
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prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 programs can spend hours or days of processing for a single
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acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435. can be costly to prepare the input data if many hypotheses are
Abstract going to be considered.
Optimization of reservoir development requires many A typical reservoir development involves many variables
evaluations of the possible combinations of the decision that affect the operational schedule involved in its
variables, such as the reservoir properties, well locations and management. These variables are usually used as input to a
production scheduling parameters, to obtain the best reservoir simulator that generates a forecast of the production
economical strategies. Running a simulator for such a large profile. Using this forecast, the production engineer has to
number of evaluations may be impractical due to the consider several hypotheses to achieve the best strategy for the
computation time involved. field development. Also, each hypothesis can generate others,
In this study, a hybrid Genetic Algorithm (GA) was and so the overall process is one of generating a hypothesis
developed. The optimization algorithm integrated economic tree. More and more data are generated and analyzed. The
analysis, simulation and project design. solution of these problems requires the effort of several people
The layout of 33 new wells for a real oil field development as well as considerable computer work and physical time.
project was proposed by the company’s project team. The An optimization procedure requires the characterization of
algorithm was used to determine an optimal relocation of the the function to be optimized (minimized or maximized),
wells, by evaluating an objective function from a cash flow known as the objective function, as well as the choice of an
analysis for the production profile obtained from simulation at appropriate optimizing method. The complexity of predicting
each iteration. The wells were allowed to be placed anywhere hydrocarbon production profiles requires the use of reservoir
in the reservoir and could be vertical or horizontal and, if simulators. So, the simulator must be part of the evaluation of
horizontal, any direction in the same layer could be the objective function.
considered. A total of 99 decision variables were used to solve This work concerns the optimization of characteristic
this problem. All the real restrictions were included. Based on petroleum production problems considering economic factors.
the cost of the sea bottom flowlines a second level A hybrid algorithm based on direct methods such as Genetic
optimization found the best platform location. The results were Algorithm (GA), polytope search and Tabu search was
compared against the proposed solution, and showed that the developed. Hybrid techniques were found to improve the
algorithm performed very well finding an optimized well overall method. The objective function consisted of a cash
distribution. A reduction of the total number of new wells was flow analysis for production profiles obtained from simulation
found as part of the solution. An improvement of about 6% in runs. The optimizing procedure was able to interface with
the project profit was found, representing about US$70 million commercial simulators (generating their input data and
additional income. retrieving the results) that worked as data generators for the
objective function evaluation.
Introduction These hybrid mathematical approaches were found to be
The main task of a reservoir engineer is to develop a scheme to successful in obtaining the optimal solution with less time and
produce as much hydrocarbon as possible within economic and work than existing techniques. These approaches can speed up
physical limits. The solution of this kind of problem the study of a hydrocarbon reservoir development plan and

allow consideration of a wider range of hypotheses. The function value associated with each chromosome value.
engineer can also keep track of economics during the study,
allowing better project decisions. Genetic Algorithms are a subset of reproductive population
A real project was optimized using two approaches: the algorithms. This type of algorithm starts from a population of
first one had the proposed solution inserted in the initial parameter realizations and repeatedly performs the following
population and the second one did not. The first approach cycle of operations until the stopping criteria are reached3:
achieved the better solution, albeit at the cost of a larger 1. Evaluation: evaluate the fitness of each chromosome.
number of simulations due to premature convergence earlier in 2. Selection: depending on each chromosome fitness,
the calculation. select the ones to build the reproducing set in the
The Hybrid Algorithm Approach 3. Reproduction: from each reproducing set, apply
Optimization concerns the optimal solution determination reproductive strategies to generate a number of new
using an oriented search towards the best possible value. chromosomes.
Algorithms used in the optimization procedure are problem 4. Replacement: replace some or all of the original
dependent, so it is necessary to investigate the strengths, population with new chromosomes.
weaknesses and ranges of applicability of each. One of the
objectives of this work was to develop a hybrid algorithm to Selection can use one of the four common selection
overcome the limitations of individual approaches, and to take schemes4:
advantage of the particular strengths of each. The principal 1. Proportionate reproduction;
procedure used in the hybrid was the Genetic Algorithm, 2. Ranking selection;
combined with a polytope search between generations and an 3. Tournament selection;
initial distribution based on the Fang algorithm. Brief 4. Genitor (or “steady state”) selection;
descriptions of the component algorithms will be summarized
here. We present here a subset of the first selection scheme
which was the approach used in the GA5 method that formed
Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a robust search method based on the basis for this work. Further information for the other
analogies to biology and genetics. Survival of the fittest among schemes can be found in the Ref. 4.
a population of individuals, selection criteria, and reproduction
We adopted the model where all strings are able to mate
strategies are concepts copied from natural life and used as
with one another (random mating). The strategy of selecting
operators in this artificial environment1. Applications have
strings for reproduction is based on their fitness values and
been found for GA in business, engineering and science2. The
different methods can be used.
GA has four advantageous features:
1. GA begins the search with a population of parameter Possible reproductive strategies are combinations of:
realizations, rather than a single realization as most of • Reproduction
the conventional optimization methods might. In this • Mating or Crossover
way, the search domain is covered in a random • Mutation
distribution. Reproduction is an operator by which parameter strings are
2. The realizations are perturbed by probabilistic rules selected for possible propagation into the next generation. An
rather than deterministic ones. intermediate population or reproducing set, that is submitted
3. The parameter itself is not manipulated directly by the to the other genetic operations, is filled with copies of the
GA operators. GA would alter the chromosome (or selected strings. The value of the objective function evaluated
individual or string) that is a pattern of zeros and ones for each particular parameter realization is used in deciding
representing the whole set of parameters put all together whether the information will survive. One of the easiest ways
in one binary entity. For binary alphabets, the smaller to apply the reproduction operator is using the roulette wheel
piece of a chromosome is called a bit. selection. In this procedure the evaluations of a population are
4. Only function evaluations are used rather than summed and then the contribution of each string creature is
derivatives or other secondary descriptors. The fitness calculated. This fitness of a specific string creature will
is defined as determine how many times the creature gets into the mating
pool or reproducing set, an intermediate step to the next
Fi Fi
or .................................................. (1) generation. The roulette wheel selection6 method uses the ratio
F ∑ Fi of the fitness of each string to the total fitness of all strings to
i define its probability of selection, i.e.,
where Fi is the function evaluation of chromosome i Fi (x)
Pselection (i) = ............................................ (2)
∑ F (x)
and F is the average evaluation of the entire
i =1 i
population. So, the fitness is a measure of the objective

(real or integer) and then used as input to the objective

Crossover is a process in which pairs of chromosomes are function computation. The measure of evaluation for the
selected from the intermediate population and their strings are population will be the highest value of the objective function
cut at a random location and joined to the corresponding piece obtained in this generation.
of the partner string. There are several ways to implement such The GA will continue to cycle through the three procedures
an operator. The n-point crossover determines random of reproduction, crossover and mutation in its search for the
crossover sites on the entire length of the chromosome. The best patterns, until some convergence or stopping criterion is
crossover sites become the boundary points at which all the reached. The GA can investigate several individuals that
information on the first string is exchanged with all the satisfy specific patterns. This processing leverage is called
information on the second string within the same boundary. implicit parallelism10
This exchange occurs alternately from boundary to boundary Other variations of the technique have been suggested. We
until all crossover sites are exhausted. The uniform crossover can establish a threshold heuristic so that the best individual is
generates one bit at a time. Each bit is inherited from one of always saved from generation to generation (elitism) as is used
the parents according to the crossover probability. Each one of in the Genitor model11. This approach assures that evaluation
these crossover operators has its advantages and values will never decrease from one generation to the next and
disadvantages. Disruption is one of the effects caused by assures that crossover and mutation do not lead to a
crossover. It causes the loss of a specific pattern of bits, called degradation. Another strategy can be to consider the best
schemata, that can degrade the search when the bit value of the individual to be a permanent mate and the other to be selected
fixed position is changed (allele loss) causing the disruption of on spinning the roulette. This can force the convergence to a
the schema. De Jong6 showed that two-point crossover is less specific region in the domain and may be not appropriate.
disruptive than single-point crossover. However operators that Along with mutation the other two best individual
use higher order n-point crossover are much more disruptive strategies encourage persistence of patterns judged to be most
and should be avoided. Uniform crossover is highly disruptive fit as the population of patterns evolve from one generation to
because alleles not found in the parents can be produced. the next.
Although these results can be shown analytically, several
researchers have suggested that uniform crossover works better Limitations. One of the features of GA is the way that the
in some cases. Other crossover operators can be defined initial population is started, covering the domain randomly. As
according to the characteristics of the problem under any random process, this initial distribution can cover both
investigation. good and bad regions. The process of generating populations
Mutation is surrounded by some controversy in genetics. is also random and depends on the values of the initial random
Mutation is designed to avoid the loss of valuable genetic seed as well as on the crossover and mutation probabilities.
material, which theoretically may result from reproduction and The specific variants of the genetic operations (reproduction,
crossover1. Although mutation is one of the most familiar crossover and mutation) play an important role in the overall
terms in genetics, its role in the GA is sometimes procedure. Several GA runs may be required to test
misconceived. Its function is not to generate new structures or convergence. Premature convergence, which is convergence
patterns; the crossover operator does that in a very efficient behavior without guarantee of optimality5, has been a problem
way. Mutation's primary and unique role is to create a discussed by some researchers12,13,14 and some strategies like
mechanism by which information or small segments of incest prevention, niching and increasing mutation rate have
parameter strings can be reintroduced into a population. In the been suggested5,15. These strategies force the production of
simple GA, mutation is a random alteration of a variable in a string sequences not found in the parents, or in other words,
string. However, one might randomly choose a mutation site new regions in the search domain are visited.
bit once every second or third generation. Because of its The dependency of the method on so many genetic
nature, mutation is highly disruptive and the assumption of parameters requires extensive testing to determine the most
very low mutation probability is sometimes recommended. appropriate choice of strategies for the specific function to be
Some researchers suggest that a strategy with no crossover and optimized.
high mutation rate produces a fairly robust search7,8. Others
state that mutation alone is not enough9. The Polytope Search Method. This method, attributed to
In this way an individual vector of optimization problem Nelder and Mead16, is based on the movement of a set of n
parameters would be analogous to an individual chromosome. decision variable values in the search space. The polytope is
We assign a specific length for each of the parameters defined in multidimensional geometry as being a convex set of
compatible with their original domain and the desired n+1 linearly independent points in an n-dimensional space. In
resolution. The parameters are then mapped into the binary this way, the polytope is a geometric figure bounded by
domain to compose the chromosome. After the three hyperplanes. Each boundary of the polytope is the intersection
operations of reproduction, crossover and mutation have taken of two and only two hyperplanes17,18. The polytope
place, the new individuals are mapped back to their domain dimensionality must be preserved encompassing a finite n-

dimensional volume, otherwise the polytope is degenerate. to explore the solution space beyond local optimality. The
The polytope movement consists of a series of reflections algorithms described so far can converge to a local optimum
of the worst point about the centroid of the remaining n nodes. neglecting other regions within the domain that may contain a
In this way, the polytope flips about the centroid towards the better function value. TS provides a mechanism that forces the
optimum (in this section the minimum value is considered to search into other regions far away from the current one by
be the best one). forbidding the current region to be revisited for some finite
A set of n+1 points together with their function values is number of iterations.
required to start the method. For each iteration, after sorting Each parameter set is stored in a short or long-term
the function values F in a descending order so that, memory. When a parameter happens to be repeated from one
Fn+1 > Fn >,...,> F2 > F1 .................................... (3) iteration to another, it is forbidden (tabu) and a new parameter
must be generated to fill this slot. This forces the new
the worst point xn+1 is taken as being the initial starting point
parameters to try other regions for however many iterations or
cycles the tabu restriction exists. The original region can be
The worst point xn+1 is then replaced with a new point that visited again only from new locations or after there is no more
is the reflection of xn+1 about the centroid c of the remaining n tabu for an existing parameter.
points19. This movement can be represented mathematically as: An aspiration criterion works as a threshold heuristic
where an existing parameter can be accepted, even if it is tabu,
1 n
c= ∑ xi ............................................................. (4)
n i =1
if no improvement in the function value is obtained by visiting
new regions.
Limitations. Because of the characteristics of the TS
x new = c + α ( c − xn+1 ) .......................................... (5) method, the algorithm must be adapted to every different
problem. Also, the Tabu search may force the search to go
where α is called the reflection coefficient, which is always unnecessarily to other regions spending function evaluations
positive. This step is constructed to conserve the volume of the instead of refining better regions.
polytope (α = 1), avoiding its degeneracy. The idea behind this method is strongly related to niching
Three cases can occur when evaluating the new point: in the GA search.
1. The new point has the function value between the best
and the worst points: Fang Algorithm22. This method may be used to generate a
starting distribution for GA. The algorithm assures an even
Fn > Fnew > F1 ............................................. (6) coverage of the search domain by populating a given search
space as uniformly as possible for a specific number of points.
So, accept the new point and go to the next iteration
Further discussion concerning technical issues about this
2. The new point is the new worst point:
algorithm can be found in Ref. 23.
Fnew > Fn ...................................................... (7) Limitations. The Fang algorithm works quickly for levels
(population size) smaller than 100 but for those greater than
Try a contraction factor α < 1 and guess a new point. If this value it is recommended that the level be a prime number
successful, accept the contraction factor, i.e., the new or a prime number minus one. An implementation is required
volume, and go to the next iteration. Otherwise, try a to handle irregular domains.
smaller α.
3. The new point is the new best point: Other Approaches
A long term memory that works as a strategy to avoid function
Fnew < F1 ...................................................... (8) evaluations and to surface shaping was found to be useful in
Try to expand the polytope using an expansion factor this work. In this approach we defined a neighborhood with the
α >1. If successful, accept the expansion factor. same function value around a point in the n-dimensional space.
Otherwise, use the original xnew for the next iteration. Through the generations of the GA calculation, the
neighborhood is reduced according to a certain criterion and
Limitations. The main limitation of this method is its the n-dimensional surface is shaped gradually. This feature
sensitivity to the initial size and location of the polytope20. pushes the search to better regions without spending function
Tests have shown that convergence to a local optimum may evaluations.
occur during the search. As the optimal location is not known Another approach is to use multivariate kriging
in advance it may be necessary to make several optimization interpolation, as implemented by Pan23, to describe the
runs with different initial polytope sizes and locations. multidimensional search space using a reduced number of
function evaluations. This method speeds up the detection of
Tabu Search. Glover21 defines the Tabu Search (TS) as being an optimal region without expending function evaluations.
a metaheuristic that guides a local heuristic search procedure

The Decision Variables value.

One of the main issues in this work was to determine how well During the simulation each different set of parameter
placement would affect the profitability of the development values generates different production profiles. We can expect
project. Therefore the well locations were the decision that the maximum production rates of oil, gas and water will be
variables used in the optimization. The approach needed to different from set to set. Platforms or site preparation,
handle any number of parameters to allow, for example, free production facilities, fluid transport and other installations are
choice of the number of wells for a given rig capacity. Also, dimensioned based on the production level to be achieved.
the reservoir model needed to account for any type of reservoir Kennedy25 demonstrated how these costs could be
geometry and drive mechanism. Some works have shown that evaluated as well as their behavior according to several project
a symmetric or an evenly-spaced well placement strategy may parameters. Kennedy’s economic model was the one used in
not be a good choice for heterogeneous reservoirs24. All this work. Figs. 1 to 6 show the average international costs
reservoirs are naturally heterogeneous. It is desirable to have a estimated by Kennedy for the offshore case.
method that can compute an optimal strategy considering not
only the reservoir as it occurs in nature but also the economics The Simulator as a Data Generator
related to the operations required to develop the field. We investigated the solution of this problem using a
commercial simulator as a data generator for the objective
Drilling costs, production facilities costs, workover function.
operation costs and other operation costs required us to Using a commercial simulator avoided the need to restrict
achieve the maximum recovery factor governed by the best problem size and complexity. It also allowed the objective
well placement and scheduling as well as the platform location. function to take advantage of any resource offered by the
Wells were allowed to be placed anywhere in the reservoir software to better represent the requirements of the
domain, subjected to the real project constraints such as well development plan. Some of these resources are a drilling
scheduling and production capacity. queue, rig scheduling and different production controls.
The optimizing algorithms interfaced with the simulator,
The Objective Function generating the appropriate input data and retrieving the
The optimization procedure requires that the function to be simulation results from temporary files. The economic analysis
optimized be properly defined, considering the constraints and was then performed to calculate the cash flow for each set of
adequately representing the real problem. parameters.
In order to compare a heterogeneous group of parameters, From the simulation we obtained the number of wells and
we had to choose a reference applicable to different kinds of the oil production during a given time interval. The objective
entities regardless of their nature. The cash flow (expressed as function computation then set the rig allocation and the well
a net present value in US$) of the operations required to placement, applied associated costs and handled time
develop the reservoir was chosen as that reference. Hence, we requirements.
were evaluating a problem concerning the minimization of the Rig allocation required us to keep track of the already
costs or maximization of the profits. allocated rigs and to perform an economic analysis to check
During the search, we considered that the maximum profit whether it was cheaper to drill one well immediately after
must be obtained at the end of the production time constrained another or to pay the rig mobilization cost for each well.
by recovery factors. The cash flow analysis provided the value This approach required that the objective function
of the objective function for a specific combination of the evaluation algorithm interact with the simulator, generating the
decision parameter values considered for the optimization task. proper input file, dispatching the simulator run and recovering
So, each set of decision parameters p = ( p1 , p 2 ,... , p n ) its results when the run ended. In this way, the values obtained
was associated with a cash flow value C, or: from the simulation run could be considered in evaluating
& costs and placing them in the correct time scale.
C = C ( p) ............................................................. (9) The optimizing procedure was responsible for generating
the set of parameters and composing the chromosomes for the
As we did not have a closed-form equation for this function population to be used by the GA. The first population was
due to the complexity of the problem, the function value was started either randomly or using the Fang algorithm to assure a
evaluated numerically by first generating the production data good initial domain coverage. The chromosome was then
using the simulator and then subjecting this production to the decoded into the specified parameters and their values were
cash flow analysis. passed to the simulator. An interface procedure generated the
Relevant costs such as rig rental, drilling costs, facility input data to the simulation run by reading a problem-specific
costs, drilling platform cost and production cost represent template. In the template, special keywords signal where to
together the local expenditure and the oil production sales place the parameters. In this way, the procedure did not know
represent the local income. After computing these values in the which program is going to generate the data, freeing the
proper time scale, we correct each of them to the net present approach from any specific commercial code. The optimizer
value (NPV), then we add them up to obtain the net cash flow

dispatched the run using a script file (in the UNIX system) to of the polytope content given by26:
launch the simulator. The retrieval procedure transferred the x11 x12 ... x1n x1,n+1
results in the proper format to the economic analysis module.
x21 x22 ... x2 n x2,n+1 .......................... (11)
This economic analysis module then returned the calculated 1
... ... ... ... ...
function value to the optimizer. This cycle was repeated for n!
every set of parameters being considered. x n1 xn 2 ... xnn xn,n+1
1 1 1 1 1
Hybridization Issues where xij are the coordinates i of vertex j. The effect of a
The hybrid algorithm attempts to use the best feature of each degenerate polytope is to perform the search in a dimension
method to speed up the search and to free the procedure from lower than the one used for the original problem. It can throw
limitations of the individual approaches. The main the search to undesirable regions, spending time and function
hybridization was the combination of the Genetic Algorithm evaluations. The second issue concerns the polytope
search with the polytope method. Over the generations of the efficiency. This criterion rejects the polytopes that cannot
GA search many function evaluations were required and it improve their own maximum function value (internal
must be remembered that the functions are costly to evaluate. efficiency). Although a function evaluation was wasted here, it
Each of the hybrid procedure components contributes to the was felt to be better than wasting space in the population with
overall method in one or more of the following ways: weak individuals. In this way, the polytope was also submitted
• applying gradient effects to the search to ensure an to genetic concepts and the pure GA was allowed to try to
improvement at each stage; generate a stronger individual.
• reducing the number of function evaluations; Finally, the number of polytope movements needed to be
• avoiding premature convergence; considered. The question is how many steps should the
polytope to be allowed to take in each step of a hybrid
The polytope search was implemented as a primary option algorithm. To answer this question we must go back to the
for the selection procedure followed by the crossover option. principles of the hybrid algorithm. The main algorithm is a GA
An individual was generated by the polytope and if rejected by search that carries genetic material along the generations. The
the acceptance criterion then a new individual was generated main role of the polytope is to add gradient effects to increase
according to the GA selection and crossover procedures. the search efficiency. We do not want the GA to become a
Mutation may or may not be applied to the polytope generated polytope launching base and then allow the several polytopes
individual -- both options were analyzed in this work. The to find the optimum. Why not? Because the polytope can miss
polytope was allowed to move on the genetic (string regions of the search space and nothing assures us that the
represented) grid only in order not to disturb the genetic same region is not being visited by different polytopes at
environment. different times. The polytope should not destroy the GA
In an n-dimensional search the polytope requires n+1 strategy. The polytope already disturbs the genetic material by
vertices. We can pick n+1 vertices randomly, but we do not working as a type of mutation operator. The difference here is
want to pick a polytope that does not improve the search. The that mutation can generate unpredictable parameter values
number of possible polytopes to be chosen from a population while the polytope tries to apply some sense to the search
of size N individuals in an n-dimensional problem is given by: through the gradient effect. The maximum number of
N! .................................. (10) movements beyond which the polytope would overcome the
P = Cnn+1 =
(n + 1)!( N − n − 1)! GA material is unknown and it clearly depends on the type of
the function to be optimized. To keep things simple we
This equation requires that the population size be greater allowed just one polytope movement in each generation with
than the dimension of the search space. So, for a population no further expansion or contraction. So, the polytope had just
size exceeding the dimension of the search space by one we one chance to improve its own maximum function value.
have just one single polytope to choose from. The number of Memory strategy is a technique introduced in this work in
possible polytopes increases drastically for larger population which each coordinate, or chromosome, has a neighborhood of
sizes. If the polytope succeeds in generating a new individual variable n-dimensional radius. Any new individual placed
according to the criteria described below, the individual is within this neighborhood assumed the already evaluated
placed in the new population. Otherwise, if the polytope fails, function value. When the number of individuals coexisting in
the pure GA is allowed to generate the new individual the neighborhood reached a specified limit the radius was
according to the normal rules. decreased and the function was evaluated for new individuals
Another issue that had to be addressed is the polytope that fell outside the reduced neighborhood. This technique
existence and polytope improvement capacity. The first allowed us to save function evaluations and to detail the
concerns the polytope degeneracy. To avoid degeneracy, all domain only when it was required, shaping the
the polytopes were tested and only the fully n+1 dimensional multidimensional surface gradually through the generations.
ones accepted. The test of existence is based on the evaluation The initial set of coordinates (initial population for GA) can be

chosen according to the Fang algorithm to better cover the evaluate the flowline length using a Bezier curve drawn from
entire feasible domain. the wellhead to the platform location.
The Tabu Search was implemented through the use of The objective of the optimization work was to locate the
counters associated with each memory cell. Every time that a wells and the platform subject to the given development
location was revisited, its counter was incremented. If there schedule in the two different accumulations. The objective
was a tabu then the new individual was refused and another function had to handle some simulation issues because the
created, pushing the search towards regions not yet visited. available simulators were not fully prepared for optimization
tasks. Some features that the simulators would require to be
The Petroleum Engineering Problem more suitable for optimization work can be listed as:
A real case of an offshore oil reservoir development project
was optimized. The optimizing algorithm was allowed to run • Well properties and constraints assigned by geological
considering two cases: in the first one the solution proposed by region;
the project design team was not included in the initial hybrid • Well location specified by sequence domain. This
Genetic Algorithm (HGA) population and in second one the domain is specified by geological region;
proposed solution was considered to be known. The • Generation of return codes reporting the ending status
restrictions applied in the real project were also considered in of the simulator;
the optimizing runs. Injector and producer wells had the same • Verticalization/shrinkage of horizontal wells when
domain and the optimization algorithm determined their best completions occur in the same block;
location. The solution found had no restrictions concerning • Wells defined by head location, orientation, length
well spacing and injector/producer patterns. and/or parametric curve (two-dimensional/three-
The reservoir has three layers: the top one with gas, the dimensional);
middle one with oil and the bottom one with water. The three • User-defined action when a predictable misuse occurs,
parts of the reservoir are connected to each other in the eastern e.g., a well is completed in some wrong way (out of the
part of the field and were modeled using a 40x80x3 grid with a grid, same location as another);
commercial three-dimensional, three-phase flow simulator • Injection/producer specification by geological region;
(ECLIPSE) to generate the production profile. Because of • Production/economic criteria defined by geological
existing sealing faults in the oil layer two independent region;
accumulations, AREA-1, the larger one, and AREA-2, were
• Time specification of some items not associated with
the only areas considered for development. The region of
the schedule data structure;
interest is shown in Fig. 7 although the entire system was
• Flexible drilling queue allowing changes in the
considered in the simulation runs. As the wells will produce to
sequence of the queue;
the same production facilities installed on a single platform the
• Restart file should have a “save report” feature because
wells of both areas were submitted to the same field
the data do not accumulate information from the
constraints. AREA-1 can accommodate 14 oil producing wells
previous steps;
and 12 water injectors and AREA-2 can accommodate three
oil producers and four water injectors (Table 1). The well
Well locations given by a pair of (i,j) coordinates were not
layout proposed by the project design team is shown in Fig. 8.
suitable decision variables for the optimization problem
The oil layer is saturated with 20% connate water and no
because the optimizer could then place wells outside the
gas. The reservoir body is a sandstone with permeabilities
reservoir. To handle this issue the feasible domain for well
varying from 1000 md to 2000 md, and porosities varying
placement was considered to be a vector with the indices of the
from 0.20 to 0.25. The oil has a variable API gravity which
active cells only. An additional one-block strip was taken out
affects the calculation of the pressure loss in multiphase flow
all around the two accumulations to avoid having horizontal
in the pipelines. The real project development plan proposed
wells with their head in the reservoir and the tail outside. In
the location of 33 wells in addition to the two existing wells,
this way, the first domain represented AREA-1 with 369 grid
LOC-1A and LOC-2H, which were not considered as
blocks, the second one represented AREA-2 with 140 grid
parameters for optimization although they were specified in
blocks and the platform domain was considered to be the union
the simulation runs. The well LOC-1A started producing 36
of both plus the intermediate cells with a total of 785 grid
months before the other wells and is going to be connected to
blocks. The well scheduling was the same as that in the real
the planned permanent facilities as soon as the development
project because it was constrained by rig availability. So, the
plan is implemented. As the sea bottom flowlines connecting
optimization had to determine the best well completion
the subsea wellheads to the platform are expensive, the
sequence for the given well schedule. Another restriction
platform location was also optimized in a secondary
imposed by real limitations was the horizontal well length of
optimization task. This secondary optimization also considered
about 820 feet, requiring two adjacent grid blocks. Also, all
that the flowlines should approach the platform avoiding the
wells were completed in the oil layer only, even the injector
anchor lines. A simplified way to solve this problem was to
wells, because the water layer does not communicate with the

oil layer in the western part of the reservoir. network of UNIX workstations where the programs are
In the optimization task any well was allowed to be vertical installed in different computers and the simulator does not
or horizontal and, if horizontal, to have any orientation in the issue any ending status code. So, after each simulation run the
oil layer. From the GA point of view we used three parameters interface module analyzed the files generated by the simulator
per well: well location, well direction (vertical or horizontal) and signaled to the optimizer if the simulator had completed
and horizontal well orientation (Fig. 9). To represent the the run successfully. If any problem occurred with the
parameter values of AREA-1 wells in the binary form 13 bits simulation run then the job was stopped. If not, another
were required: nine bits for the well location, one for the program retrieved the results file generated by the simulator
direction and three for the orientation. For AREA-2 wells 12 and translated the data into the proper format required to
bits were required because the range of the first parameter is generate the objective function. This format included the
smaller for this area. A chromosome length of 422 bits was production profile for oil, gas and water for the entire run.
required to represent the 33 wells as summarized in Table 1. The production system (platform) cost was evaluated
Using the results obtained from test functions27 the considering the available infrastructure for the area to be
following genetic parameters were adopted: initial population developed and the kind of environment (benign or harsh). In
generated by the Fang algorithm, single-point crossover, our case, the area has a good infrastructure and the
crossover probability of 0.6, mutation probability of 0.05, environment is benign. For this situation the platform cost was
elitism, memory used for sets of parameters with exact match evaluated as US$250 million. This value along with the
(same as zero radius), polytope activated every other production facilities cost and sea bottom pipeline cost
generation with one movement allowed and no mutation composed the base cost.
applied to the generated individual. The Tabu search strategy When the production profile was retrieved by the objective
was not used for this problem. function program, the highest production levels for oil, gas and
An important matter was the population size. If we had water were detected. These values were used as input to obtain
adopted the same strategy used in the test function runs27 then the production facilities cost for each phase. The total
a population size equal to the chromosome length would be production facilities cost (TPFC) for all phases was then
used, namely 422. On the other hand, the polytope requires evaluated.
that the minimum population size must exceed the number of The cost for the sea bottom flowlines was obtained from
parameters by one, which is 34. Considering that each the pipelines cost table by setting the optimally evaluated total
simulation run was taking about two minutes on a DEC length of flowline.
ALPHAstation 500 (400 MHz) then it would take about 14 Using a project interest rate of 10% per year the total base
hours to run one single generation, or less than two generations cost payment was considered to be paid over two years before
per day. As this example had to optimize a real project it could the production started according to the following payment
take weeks to find a better well distribution. However as the plan:
polytope was expected to improve the search, we were able to • 30% of the total base cost at the beginning of the
work with smaller population sizes, which was advantageous payment period
for such costly function evaluations. We tried a population less • remaining 70% distributed along 23 monthly installments
than the half of the chromosome length and adjusted it to the using the rate:
Fang algorithm requirement for populations greater than 100. 1
A population size of 198 was used to handle the problem. interest per month = (interest per year + 1)12 − 1 ........ (12)
Having the well domain as a vector with the indices of the
active cells caused the Fang algorithm to generate a well The production facilities followed the same payment plan
distribution that was not evenly spaced on the three- but over a one year period.
dimensional grid. Even so, the Fang algorithm produced a The next step was to evaluate the drilling and production
better initial generation than the random approach. In order to cost and income due to production for each time step of
prepare the input data to the simulation run the hybrid production activity. The production rates for oil, water and gas
parameters were translated into the proper format required by for the current time step were obtained from the production
the simulator. At that time, when the well locations were profile table generated by the simulator. The costs and income
mapped from the sequentially ordered vector into the (i,j) grid associated with this production level were then computed.
coordinates, the platform location optimization took place by The well drilling costs were evaluated based on the number
calculating the minimal total sea bottom flowline length of vertical and horizontal wells. Horizontal wells were
connecting each well to the platform. This minimal total length considered to be 50% more expensive to drill than the vertical
would be considered later in the economic analysis. ones. This is an intermediate value in the normal range of 1.3
How the simulation results were retrieved by the objective to 1.8 and because the horizontal well length did not vary
function and how the economic analysis was performed is significantly this assumption seemed reasonable. Because we
described next. An interface module was required to analyze assumed this fixed factor the cost for drilling wells was
how the simulation run ended because this job was run in a calculated by:

(number of wells) ⋅ (intangible drilling cos t + .................. (13) The variation of the number of function evaluations and
+ completion cos t ) ⋅ facw objective function value through the generations are shown in
Fig. 19 and Fig. 20 for both strategies.
where facw is the factor that increases the unitary drilling well
Fig. 20 shows how the insertion of the proposed solution
cost due to horizontal wells and is given by:
affected the optimization behavior. The fitness associated with
(number of vertical wells) + 1.5 (number of horizontal wells) (14) the individual that carries this knowledge was about three
(number of vertical wells) + (number of horizontal wells) times greater than the worst fitness in the population. This
We also considered the minimum cost per well. This cost is produced a tendency towards premature convergence since
applied even if the well is not producing or injecting. Injecting predominance of this individual over the others and a
well operational cost was considered to be 30% of the relatively smooth function mean that significant improvements
operational cost for producing wells. were difficult to obtain. As can be observed in Table 3 and
After having all these economic factors calculated and Table 5 the main effect of the optimization was to favor
located in time, the cash flow was calculated correcting the horizontal wells causing more oil to be produced earlier and so
values to the reference time. This was the objective function making money earlier, although the improvement in the final
value passed to the hybrid GA algorithm. cumulative production was not significant. The location
parameters were harder to optimize because the knowledge of
Results the proposed solution produced a dominant individual.
Applying this methodology first to the proposed solution we Basically the only move that the algorithm could try was the
obtained the reference for the optimization task as a profit of direction and orientation of wells. Probably a fitness scaling
US$1,135.15 million at the end of the project life of 336 mechanism would be helpful to assure a better regulation of
months (Fig. 10). At this time the cumulative production of the number of copies in the new populations. The case where
oil, gas and water were 269,851 x 103 STB, 119,833 x 106 the proposed function was not known had more individuals
SCF and 238,029 x 103 STB, respectively. with high fitness, contributing to a better regulated generation
In the first of two approaches, using the optimization of new individuals.
approach that did not initially include the proposed solution In both approaches an improved solution was obtained.
the algorithm generated a profit of US$1,189.92 million with The improvement of 4.82% for the case that did not include
the proposed solution represents US$54 million improvement
the well distribution as shown in Fig. 11 and summarized in
distributed over the project life. For the case that included the
Table 2.
proposed solution an improvement of 6.08% was obtained
The net present value for this approach is compared to the
which represents US$68 million.
net present value of the proposed solution in Fig. 12. Total
incremental improvement was US$54.8 million (4.82%). The
cumulative oil production for both strategies is shown in Fig. Conclusion
13. A hybrid GA algorithm was developed and an improvement in
In the other poorer attempts (not shown), we could observe finding the optimal value was demonstrated. The approach of
wells completed very close to the faults or in the same location using each specific optimization algorithm to add to the overall
or with an inappropriate juxtaposition. procedure allowed the best features to be available when they
In the second approach the proposed solution was inserted were required.
as an individual in the initial population of the hybrid GA. We Purely mathematical functions of various types were tested
investigated how the algorithm would behave when such with the new algorithms, demonstrating their efficiency when
information was provided. This approach generated a profit of compared to conventional methods27. The best value of the
hybrid parameters were determined for the three different
US$1,150.96 million at generation 6 but converged
types of test functions and then applied to the real petroleum
prematurely and became steady until generation 17 with the
engineering problem. The success in the optimization of the
well distribution as shown in Fig. 14 and summarized in Table
real problem supports the values suggested for the hybrid
parameters from the test problems.
From generation 18 until generation 28 the well
The genetic algorithm is very sensitive to parameters such
distribution shown in Fig. 15 and summarized in Table 4
as crossover and mutation probability, population size and
generated a profit of US$1,171.90 million.
selection method. The population size used in the petroleum
Generation 29 introduced the well distribution shown in
engineering problem was about of 10% smaller than the one
Fig. 16, and summarized in Table 5, with a profit of
that would be tried according to common population sizing
US$ 1,203.83 million.
rules. Even so, the hybrid approach produced good results,
The net present value for this approach is compared to the
mainly because of the advantageous effect of adding the
net present value of the proposed solution in Fig. 17. Total
gradient-following components to the algorithm.
incremental improvement was US$68 million (6.08%). The
The petroleum engineering optimization problem was not
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Fig. 1 - Drill days curve

Table 1 - Proposed well distribution

Type Producers Injectors Total
Direction Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal
AREA-1 11 3 5 7 26
AREA-2 0 3 0 4 7
Subtotal 11 6 5 11 33
Total 17 16 33

Table 2 - Optimized well distribution (the proposed solution was

not known)
Type Producers Injectors Total
Direction Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal
AREA-1 8 6 6 6 26
AREA-2 2 1 2 2 7
Subtotal 10 7 8 8 33
Total 17 16 33
Fig. 2 - Gas pipeline cost
Table 3 - Optimized well distribution (generation 6 to 17)}
Type Producers Injectors Total
Direction Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal
AREA-1 8 6 5 7 26
AREA-2 3 0 2 2 7
Subtotal 11 6 7 9 33
Total 17 16 33

Table 4 - Optimized well distribution (generation 18 to 28)}

Type Producers Injectors Total
Direction Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal
AREA-1 0 14 4 8 26
AREA-2 2 1 3 1 7
Subtotal 2 15 7 9 33
Total 17 16 33 MBOPD

Fig. 3 - Oil pipeline cost

Table 5 - Optimized well distribution (generation 29)
Type Producers Injectors Total
Direction Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal
AREA-1 0 14 4 8 26
AREA-2 1 2 4 7
Subtotal 1 16 8 8 33
Total 17 16 33

Fig. 4 - Oil and gas production module

Fig. 7 - Region of interest in the oil layer

Fig. 5 - Well tubulars cost

Fig. 8 - Proposed well locations

7 0 1
6 w 2
5 4 3

Fig. 9 - Codes for horizontal well orientation

Fig. 6 - Platform cost (jacket payload of 5000 short ton)


Fig. 10 - Cash flow for the proposed solution

Fig. 13 - Optimized cumulative oil production (the proposed
solution was not known)

Fig. 11 - Optimized well locations (the proposed solution was not

Fig. 14 - Optimized well locations (the proposed solution was

Fig. 12 - Optimized cash flow (the proposed solution was not


Fig. 15 - Optimized well locations (generation 18 to 28)


Fig. 19 - Function evaluation consumption

Fig. 16 - Optimized well locations (generation 29)

Fig. 20 - Objective function behavior

Fig. 17 - Optimized cash flow (the proposed solution was known)

Fig. 18 - Optimized cumulative oil production (the proposed

solution was known)

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