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CASE DIGEST: TAXATION I; set 2 FACTS: Aside from the issue on publication, private respondent bewails

that the market stall fees imposed in the disputed City Ordinance No.
1. TIO vs. VRB 7522, which regulates public markets and prescribes fees for rentals of
151 SCRA 208; GR No. L-75697, June 18, 1987 stalls, are diverted to the exclusive private use of the Asiatic Integrated
"The public purpose of a tax may legally exist even if the motive which Corporation since the collection of said fees had been let by the City of
impelled the legislature to impose the tax was to favor one industry over Manila to the said corporation in a "Management and Operating Contract."
ISSUE: Does the delegation of the collection of taxes to a private entity
FACTS: The petitioner assails the validity of PD 1987 entitled an "Act invalidates a tax ordinance and defeats its public purpose?
creating the Videogram Regulatory Board," citing especially Section 10
thereof, which imposes a tax of 30% on the gross receipts payable to the HELD: No. The assumption is of course saddled on erroneous premise. The
local government. Petitioner contends that aside from its being a rider and fees collected do not go direct to the private coffers of the corporation.
not germane to the subject matter thereof, and such imposition was being Ordinance No. 7522 was not made for the corporation but for the purpose
harsh, confiscatory, oppressive and/or unlawfully restraints trade in of raising revenues for the city. That is the object it serves. The entrusting
violation of the due process clause of the Constitution. of the collection of the fees does not destroy the public purpose of the
ordinance. So long as the purpose is public, it does not matter whether the
ISSUE: Is PD 1987 a valid exercise of taxing power of the state? agency through which the money is dispensed is public or private. The
right to tax depends upon the ultimate use, purpose and object for which
HELD: Yes. It is beyond serious question that a tax does not cease to be the fund is raised. It is not dependent on the nature or character of the
valid merely because it regulates, discourages, or even definitely deters the person or corporation whose intermediate agency is to be used in applying
activities taxed. The power to impose taxes is one so unlimited in force and it. The people may be taxed for a public purpose, although it be under the
so searching in extent, that the courts scarcely venture to declare that it is direction of an individual or private corporation.
subject to any restrictions whatever, except such as those rest in the
discretion of the authority which exercises it. In imposing a tax, the 4. PASCUAL vs. SECRETARY OF PUBLIC WORKS
legislature acts upon its constituents. This is, in general, a sufficient 110 PHIL 331; GR No. L-10405, December 29, 1960
security against erroneous and oppressive taxation. "A law appropriating the public revenue is invalid if the public advantage or
The levy of the 30% tax is for a public purpose. It was imposed primarily benefit, derived from such expenditure, is merely incidental in the
to answer the need for regulating the video industry, particularly because promotion of a particular enterprise."
of the rampant film piracy, the flagrant violation of intellectual property
rights, and the proliferation of pornographic video tapes. And while it was FACTS: Governor Wenceslao Pascual of Rizal instituted this action for
also an objective of the DECREE to protect the movie industry, the tax declaratory relief, with injunction, upon the ground that RA No. 920, which
remains a valid imposition. apropriates funds for public works particularly for the construction and
The public purpose of a tax may legally exist even if the motive which improvement of Pasig feeder road terminals. Some of the feeder roads,
impelled the legislature to impose the tax was to favor one industry over however, as alleged and as contained in the tracings attached to the
another. petition, were nothing but projected and planned subdivision roads, not yet
constructed within the Antonio Subdivision, belonging to private
2. CITY OF BAGUIO vs. DE LEON respondent Zulueta, situated at Pasig, Rizal; and which projected feeder
25 SCRA 938; GR No. L-24756, October 31, 1968 roads do not connect any government property or any important premises
"There is no double taxation where one tax is imposed by the state and to the main highway. The respondents' contention is that there is public
the other is imposed by the city." purpose because people living in the subdivision will directly be benefitted
from the construction of the roads, and the government also gains from
FACTS: The City of Baguio passed an ordinance imposing a license fee on the donation of the land supposed to be occupied by the streets, made by
any person, entity or corporation doing business in the City. The ordinance its owner to the government.
sourced its authority from RA No. 329, thereby amending the city charter
empowering it to fix the license fee and regulate businesses, trades and ISSUE: Should incidental gains by the public be considered "public
occupations as may be established or practiced in the City. De Leon was purpose" for the purpose of justifying an expenditure of the government?
assessed for P50 annual fee it being shown that he was engaged in
property rental and deriving income therefrom. The latter assailed the HELD: No. It is a general rule that the legislature is without power to
validity of the ordinance arguing that it is ultra vires for there is no statury appropriate public revenue for anything but a public purpose. It is the
authority which expressly grants the City of Baguio to levy such tax, and essential character of the direct object of the expenditure which must
that there it imposed double taxation, and violates the requirement of determine its validity as justifying a tax, and not the magnitude of the
uniformity. interest to be affected nor the degree to which the general advantage of
the community, and thus the public welfare, may be ultimately benefited
ISSUE: Are the contentions of the defendant-appellant tenable? by their promotion. Incidental to the public or to the state, which results
from the promotion of private interest and the prosperity of private
HELD: No. First, RA 329 was enacted amending Section 2553 of the enterprises or business, does not justify their aid by the use public money.
Revised Administrative Code empowering the City Council not only to The test of the constitutionality of a statute requiring the use of public
impose a license fee but to levy a tax for purposes of revenue, thus the funds is whether the statute is designed to promote the public interest, as
ordinance cannot be considered ultra vires for there is more than ample opposed to the furtherance of the advantage of individuals, although each
statury authority for the enactment thereof. advantage to individuals might incidentally serve the public.
Second, an argument against double taxation may not be invoked where
one tax is imposed by the state and the other is imposed by the city, so 5. COMMISSIONER vs. BOAC
that where, as here, Congress has clearly expressed its intention, the 149 SCRA 395; GR No. L-65773-74 April 30, 1987
statute must be sustained even though double taxation results. "The source of an income is the property, activity or service that produced
And third, violation of uniformity is out of place it being widely the income. For such source to be considered as coming from the
recognized that there is nothing inherently obnoxious in the requirement Philippines, it is sufficient that the income is derived from activity within
that license fees or taxes be exacted with respect to the same occupation, the Philippines."
calling or activity by both the state and the political subdivisions thereof.
FACTS: Petitioner CIR seeks a review of the CTA's decision setting aside
3. BAGATSING vs. RAMIREZ petitioner's assessment of deficiency income taxes against respondent
74 SCRA 306; GR No. L-41631, December 17, 1976 British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) for the fiscal years 1959 to
"The entrusting of the tax collection to private entities does not destroy the 1971. BOAC is a 100% British Government-owned corporation organized
public purpose of a tax ordinance." and existing under the laws of the United Kingdom, and is engaged in the
international airline business. During the periods covered by the disputed
assessments, it is admitted that BOAC had no landing rights for traffic strictissimi juris against the person or entity claiming the exemption. The
purposes in the Philippines. Consequently, it did not carry passengers taxpayer who claims for exemption must justify his claim by the clearest
and/or cargo to or from the Philippines, although during the period grant of organic or statute law and should not be permitted to stand on
covered by the assessments, it maintained a general sales agent in the vague implications.
Philippines — Wamer Barnes and Company, Ltd., and later Qantas Airways
— which was responsible for selling BOAC tickets covering passengers and 7. BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS OF LAGUNA vs. CTA, NWSA
cargoes. The CTA sided with BOAC citing that the proceeds of sales of 8 SCRA 224; GR No. L-18125, May 31, 1963
BOAC tickets do not constitute BOAC income from Philippine sources since "A tax on property of the Government, whether national or local, would
no service of carriage of passengers or freight was performed by BOAC merely have the effect of taking money from one pocket to put it in
within the Philippines and, therefore, said income is not subject to another pocket."
Philippine income tax. The CTA position was that income from
transportation is income from services so that the place where services are FACTS: National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority (NWSA), a public
rendered determines the source. corporation owned by the Government of the Philippines as well as all
property comprising waterworks and sewerage systems placed under it,
ISSUE: Are the revenues derived by BOAC from sales of ticket for air took over the Cabuyao-Sta. Rosa-Biñan Waterworks System in 1956. It
transportation, while having no landing rights here, constitute income of was assessed by the Provincial Assessor of Laguna, for purposes of real
BOAC from Philippine sources, and accordingly, taxable? estate taxes, on the real properties owned by Cabuyao Waterworks. The
respondent protested claiming it is exempted from the payment of real
HELD: Yes. The source of an income is the property, activity or service that estate taxes in view of the nature and kind of said property and functions
produced the income. For the source of income to be considered as and activities of petitioner. The petitioner denied the protest arguing that
coming from the Philippines, it is sufficient that the income is derived from such real properties are subject to real estate tax because although said
activity within the Philippines. In BOAC's case, the sale of tickets in the properties belong to the Republic of the Philippines, the same holds it, not
Philippines is the activity that produces the income. The tickets exchanged in its governmental, political or sovereign capacity, but in a private,
hands here and payments for fares were also made here in Philippine proprietary or patrimonial character, which, allegedly, is not covered by the
currency. The site of the source of payments is the Philippines. The flow of exemption contained in section 3(a) of Republic Act No. 470.
wealth proceeded from, and occurred within, Philippine territory, enjoying
the protection accorded by the Philippine government. In consideration of ISSUE: Are the real properties owned by the respondent public corporation
such protection, the flow of wealth should share the burden of supporting subject to real estate tax?
the government.
HELD: No. Republic Act No. 470 makes no distinction between property
6. ATLAS CONSOLIDATED MINING DEVT CORP vs. CIR held in a sovereign, governmental or political capacity and those possessed
524 SCRA 73, 103; GR Nos. 141104 & 148763, June 8, 2007 in a private, proprietary or patrimonial character. And where the law does
"The taxpayer must justify his claim for tax exemption or refund by the not distinguish neither may we, unless there are facts and circumstances
clearest grant of organic or statute law and should not be permitted to clearly showing that the lawmaker intended the contrary, but no such facts
stand on vague implications." and circumstances have been brought to our attention. Indeed, the noun
"Export processing zones (EPZA) are effectively considered as foreign "property" and the verb "owned" used in said section 3(a) strongly suggest
territory for tax purposes." that the object of exemption is considered more from the view point of
dominion, than from that of domain.
FACTS: Petitioner corporation, a VAT-registered taxpayer engaged in Moreover, taxes are financial burdens imposed for the purpose of raising
mining, production, and sale of various mineral products, filed claims with revenues with which to defray the cost of the operation of the
the BIR for refund/credit of input VAT on its purchases of capital goods and Government, and a tax on property of the Government, whether national
on its zero-rated sales in the taxable quarters of the years 1990 and 1992. or local, would merely have the effect of taking money from one pocket to
BIR did not immediately act on the matter prompting the petitioner to file put it in another pocket. Hence, it would not serve, in the final analysis,
a petition for review before the CTA. The latter denied the claims on the the main purpose of taxation. What is more, it would tend to defeat it, on
grounds that for zero-rating to apply, 70% of the company's sales must account of the paper work, time and consequently, expenses it would
consists of exports, that the same were not filed within the 2-year entail.
prescriptive period (the claim for 1992 quarterly returns were judicially
filed only on April 20, 1994), and that petitioner failed to submit substantial 8. PEPSI-COLA vs. CITY OF BUTUAN
evidence to support its claim for refund/credit. 24 SCRA 789; GR No. L-22814, August 28, 1968
The petitioner, on the other hand, contends that CTA failed to consider "The classification made in the exercise of power to tax, to be valid, must
the following: sales to PASAR and PHILPOS within the EPZA as zero-rated be reasonable ."
export sales; the 2-year prescriptive period should be counted from the
date of filing of the last adjustment return which was April 15, 1993, and FACTS: Plaintiff-appellant Pepsi-Cola sought to recover the sums paid by it
not on every end of the applicable quarters; and that the certification of under protest, to the City of Butuan, and collected by the latter, pursuant
the independent CPA attesting to the correctness of the contents of the to its Municipal Ordinance No. 110 which plaintiff assails as null and void
summary of suppliers’ invoices or receipts examined, evaluated and because it partakes of the nature of an import tax, amounts to double
audited by said CPA should substantiate its claims. taxation, highly unjust and discriminatory, excessive, oppressive and
confiscatory, and constitutes an invlaid delegation of the power to tax. The
ISSUE: Did the petitioner corporation sufficiently establish the factual ordinance imposes taxes for every case of softdrinks, liquors and other
bases for its applications for refund/credit of input VAT? carbonated beverages, regardless of the volume of sales, shipped to the
agents and/or consignees by outside dealers or any person or company
HELD: No. Although the Court agreed with the petitioner corporation that having its actual business outside the City.
the two-year prescriptive period for the filing of claims for refund/credit of
input VAT must be counted from the date of filing of the quarterly VAT ISSUE: Does the tax ordinance violate the uniformity requirement of
return, and that sales to PASAR and PHILPOS inside the EPZA are taxed as taxation?
exports because these export processing zones are to be managed as a
separate customs territory from the rest of the Philippines, and thus, for HELD: Yes. The tax levied is discriminatory. Even if the burden in question
tax purposes, are effectively considered as foreign territory, it still denies were regarded as a tax on the sale of said beverages, it would still be
the claims of petitioner corporation for refund of its input VAT on its invalid, as discriminatory, and hence, violative of the uniformity required by
purchases of capital goods and effectively zero-rated sales during the the Constitution and the law therefor, since only sales by "agents or
period claimed for not being established and substantiated by appropriate consignees" of outside dealers would be subject to the tax. Sales by local
and sufficient evidence. dealers, not acting for or on behalf of other merchants, regardless of the
Tax refunds are in the nature of tax exemptions. It is regarded as in volume of their sales, and even if the same exceeded those made by said
derogation of the sovereign authority, and should be construed in agents or consignees of producers or merchants established outside the
City of Butuan, would be exempt from the disputed tax. amounts on petroleum products which proceeds shall accrue to the Oil
It is true that the uniformity essential to the valid exercise of the power Price Stabilization Fund (OPSF) established for the reimbursement to ailing
of taxation does not require identity or equality under all circumstances, or oil companies in the event of sudden price increases. The petitioner avers
negate the authority to classify the objects of taxation. The classification that the collection on oil products establishments is an undue and invalid
made in the exercise of this authority, to be valid, must, however, be delegation of legislative power to tax. Further, the petitioner points out that
reasonable and this requirement is not deemed satisfied unless: (1) it is since a 'special fund' consists of monies collected through the taxing power
based upon substantial distinctions which make real differences; (2) these of a State, such amounts belong to the State, although the use thereof is
are germane to the purpose of the legislation or ordinance; (3) the limited to the special purpose/objective for which it was created. It thus
classification applies, not only to present conditions, but, also, to future appears that the challenge posed by the petitioner is premised primarily on
conditions substantially identical to those of the present; and (4) the the view that the powers granted to the ERB under P.D. 1956, as
classification applies equally to all those who belong to the same class. amended, partake of the nature of the taxation power of the State.

9. PEPSI-COLA vs. MUNICIPALITY OF TANAUAN ISSUE: Is there an undue delegation of the legislative power of taxation?
69 SCRA 460; GR No. L-31156, February 27, 1976
"Legislative power to create political corporations for purposes of local self- HELD: None. It seems clear that while the funds collected may be referred
government carries with it the power to confer on such local governmental to as taxes, they are exacted in the exercise of the police power of the
agencies the power to tax. State. Moreover, that the OPSF as a special fund is plain from the special
treatment given it by E.O. 137. It is segregated from the general fund; and
FACTS: Plaintiff-appellant Pepsi-Cola commenced a complaint with while it is placed in what the law refers to as a "trust liability account," the
preliminary injunction to declare Section 2 of Republic Act No. 2264, fund nonetheless remains subject to the scrutiny and review of the COA.
otherwise known as the Local Autonomy Act, unconstitutional as an undue The Court is satisfied that these measures comply with the constitutional
delegation of taxing authority as well as to declare Ordinances Nos. 23 and description of a "special fund." With regard to the alleged undue
27 denominated as "municipal production tax" of the Municipality of delegation of legislative power, the Court finds that the provision conferring
Tanauan, Leyte, null and void. Ordinance 23 levies and collects from soft the authority upon the ERB to impose additional amounts on petroleum
drinks producers and manufacturers a tax of one-sixteenth (1/16) of a products provides a sufficient standard by which the authority must be
centavo for every bottle of soft drink corked, and Ordinance 27 levies and exercised. In addition to the general policy of the law to protect the local
collects on soft drinks produced or manufactured within the territorial consumer by stabilizing and subsidizing domestic pump rates, P.D. 1956
jurisdiction of this municipality a tax of ONE CENTAVO (P0.01) on each expressly authorizes the ERB to impose additional amounts to augment the
gallon (128 fluid ounces, U.S.) of volume capacity. Aside from the undue resources of the Fund.
delegation of authority, appellant contends that it allows double taxation,
and that the subject ordinances are void for they impose percentage or 11. VILLEGAS vs. HIU CHIONG
specific tax. 86 SCRA 270; GR No. L-29646, November 10, 1978
"A tax law should be declared invalid if it fails to lay down standards to
ISSUE: Are the contentions of the appellant tenable? guide or limit the actions of the taxing authority."

HELD: No. On the issue of undue delegation of taxing power, it is settled FACTS: The Municipal Board of Manila enacted Ordinance No. 6537 which
that the power of taxation is an essential and inherent attribute of prohibits aliens from being employed or to engage or participate in any
sovereignty, belonging as a matter of right to every independent position or occupation or business, without first securing an employment
government, without being expressly conferred by the people. It is a permit from the Mayor of Manila and paying the permit fee of P50.00. The
power that is purely legislative and which the central legislative body respondent challenged the validity of the ordinance upon the contention
cannot delegate either to the executive or judicial department of the that it does not qualify as a valid exercise of the power to tax for, as a
government without infringing upon the theory of separation of powers. revenue measure imposed on aliens employed in the City of Manila, the
The exception, however, lies in the case of municipal corporations, to ordinance is discriminatory and violative of the rule of the uniformity in
which, said theory does not apply. Legislative powers may be delegated to taxation, and as a police power measure, it makes no distinction between
local governments in respect of matters of local concern. By necessary useful and non-useful occupations, imposing a fixed P50.00 employment
implication, the legislative power to create political corporations for permit, which is out of proportion to the cost of registration and that it fails
purposes of local self-government carries with it the power to confer on to prescribe any standard to guide and/or limit the action of the Mayor,
such local governmental agencies the power to tax. thus, violating the fundamental principle on delegation of legislative
Also, there is no validity to the assertion that the delegated authority can powers:
be declared unconstitutional on the theory of double taxation. It must be
observed that the delegating authority specifies the limitations and ISSUE: Is there a valid exercise of the taxing power of the local
enumerates the taxes over which local taxation may not be exercised. The government?
reason is that the State has exclusively reserved the same for its own
prerogative. Moreover, double taxation, in general, is not forbidden by our HELD: None. First, the ordinance is not a regulatory or police power
fundamental law, so that double taxation becomes obnoxious only where measure; it is but a revenue measure guised in a police power measure.
the taxpayer is taxed twice for the benefit of the same governmental entity Second, the P50.00 fee is unreasonable not only because it is excessive
or by the same jurisdiction for the same purpose, but not in a case where but because it fails to consider valid substantial differences in situation
one tax is imposed by the State and the other by the city or municipality. among individual aliens who are required to pay it. Although the equal
On the last issue raised, the ordinances do not partake of the nature of a protection clause of the Constitution does not forbid classification, it is
percentage tax on sales, or other taxes in any form based thereon. The tax imperative that the classification should be based on real and substantial
is levied on the produce (whether sold or not) and not on the sales. The differences having a reasonable relation to the subject of the particular
volume capacity of the taxpayer's production of soft drinks is considered legislation. The same amount of P50.00 is being collected from every
solely for purposes of determining the tax rate on the products, but there employed alien whether he is casual or permanent, part time or full time or
is not set ratio between the volume of sales and the amount of the tax. whether he is a lowly employee or a highly paid executive.
On the illegal delegation part of the argument, Ordinance No. 6537 is
10. OSMEÑA vs. ORBOS void for it does not lay down any criterion or standard to guide the Mayor
220 SCRA 703; GR No. 99886, March 31, 1993 in the exercise of his discretion. It has been held that where an ordinance
" To avoid the taint of unlawful delegation of the power to tax, there must of a municipality fails to state any policy or to set up any standard to guide
be a standard which implies that the legislature determines matter of or limit the mayor's action, expresses no purpose to be attained by
principle and lays down fundamental policy." requiring a permit, enumerates no conditions for its grant or refusal, and
entirely lacks standard, thus conferring upon the Mayor arbitrary and
FACTS: Senator John Osmeña assails the constitutionality of paragraph 1c unrestricted power to grant or deny the issuance of permits, such
of PD 1956, as amended by EO 137, empowering the Energy Regulatory ordinance is invalid, being an undefined and unlimited delegation of power
Board (ERB) to approve the increase of fuel prices or impose additional to allow or prevent an activity per se lawful.
Internal Revenue should be given, in instances like the case at bar, the
12. ESSO STANDARD. vs. ACTG COMM. OF CUSTOMS necessary discretion to avail itself of the most expeditious way to collect
18 SCRA 488; GR No. L-21841, October 28, 1966 the tax as may be envisioned in the particular provision of the Tax Code
"Exemptions from taxation are construed in strictissimi juris against the above quoted, because taxes are the lifeblood of government and their
taxpayer and liberally in favor of the taxing authority." prompt and certain availability is an imperious need.

FACTS: Petitioner, engaged in the industry of processing gasoline, oils etc., 2. VERA v. FERNANDEZ
claims for the refund of special import taxes paid pursuant to the provision GR No. L-31364 March 30, 1979; 89 SCRA 199
of RA 1394 which imposed a special import tax "on all goods, articles or
products imported or brought into the Philippines." Exempt from this tax, FACTS: The BIR filed on July 29, 1969 a motion for allowance of claim and
by express mandate of Section 6 of the same law are "machinery, for payment of taxes representing the estate's tax deficiencies in 1963 to
equipment, accessories, and spare parts, for the use of industries, miners, 1964 in the intestate proceedings of Luis Tongoy. The administrator
mining enterprises, planters and farmers". Petitioner argued that the opposed arguing that the claim was already barred by the statute of
importation it made of gas pumps used by their gasoline station operators limitation, Section 2 and Section 5 of Rule 86 of the Rules of Court which
should fall under such exemptions, being directly used in its industry. The provides that all claims for money against the decedent, arising from
Collector of Customs of Manila rejected the claim, and so as the Court on contracts, express or implied, whether the same be due, not due, or
Tax Appeals. The CTA noted that the pumps imported were not used in the contingent, all claims for funeral expenses and expenses for the last
processing of gasoline and other oil products but by the gasoline stations, sickness of the decedent, and judgment for money against the decedent,
owned by the petitioner, for pumping out, from underground barrels, must be filed within the time limited in the notice; otherwise they are
gasoline sold on retail to customers. barred forever.

ISSUE: Is the contention of the petitioner tenable? Does the subject ISSUE: Does the statute of non-claims of the Rules of Court bar the claim
imports fall into the exemptions? of the government for unpaid taxes?

HELD: No. The contention runs smack against the familiar rules that HELD: No. The reason for the more liberal treatment of claims for taxes
exemption from taxation is not favored, and that exemptions in tax against a decedent's estate in the form of exception from the application of
statutes are never presumed. Which are but statements in adherence to the statute of non-claims, is not hard to find. Taxes are the lifeblood of the
the ancient rule that exemptions from taxation are construed in strictissimi Government and their prompt and certain availability are imperious need.
juris against the taxpayer and liberally in favor of the taxing authority. (CIR vs. Pineda, 21 SCRA 105). Upon taxation depends the Government
Tested by this precept, we cannot indulge in expansive construction and ability to serve the people for whose benefit taxes are collected. To
write into the law an exemption not therein set forth. Rather, we go by the safeguard such interest, neglect or omission of government officials
reasonable assumption that where the State has granted in express terms entrusted with the collection of taxes should not be allowed to bring harm
certain exemptions, those are the exemptions to be considered, and no or detriment to the people, in the same manner as private persons may be
more. Since the law states that, to be tax-exempt, equipment and spare made to suffer individually on account of his own negligence, the
parts should be "for the use of industries", the coverage herein should not presumption being that they take good care of their personal affairs. This
be enlarged to include equipment and spare parts for use in dispensing should not hold true to government officials with respect to matters not of
gasoline at retail. their own personal concern. This is the philosophy behind the
government's exception, as a general rule, from the operation of the
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- principle of estoppel.
1. CIR v. PINEDA GR No. 86785, November 21, 1991; 234 SCRA 348
GR No. L-22734, September 15, 1967; 21 SCRA 105
FACTS: Respondent corporation Citytrust filed a refund of overpaid taxes
FACTS: Atanasio Pineda died, survived by his wife, Felicisima Bagtas, and with the BIR by which the latter denied on the ground of prescription.
15 children, the eldest of whom is Atty. Manuel Pineda. Estate proceedings Citytrust filed a petition for review before the CTA. The case was submitted
were had in Court so that the estate was divided among and awarded to for decision based solely on the pleadings and evidence submitted by the
the heirs. Atty Pineda's share amounted to about P2,500.00. After the respondent because the CIR could not present any evidence by reason of
estate proceedings were closed, the BIR investigated the income tax the repeated failure of the Tax Credit/Refud Division of the BIR to transmit
liability of the estate for the years 1945, 1946, 1947 and 1948 and it found the records of the case, as well as the investigation report thereon, to the
that the corresponding income tax returns were not filed. Thereupon, the Solicitor General. CTA rendered the decision ordering BIR to grant the
representative of the Collector of Internal Revenue filed said returns for respondent's request for tax refund amounting to P 13.3 million.
the estate issued an assessment and charged the full amount to the
inheritance due to Atty. Pineda who argued that he is liable only to extent ISSUE: Failure of the CIR to present evidence to support the case of the
of his proportional share in the inheritance. government, should the respondent's claim be granted?

ISSUE: Can BIR collect the full amount of estate taxes from an heir's HELD: Not yet. It is a long and firmly settled rule of law that the
inheritance. Government is not bound by the errors committed by its agents. In the
performance of its governmental functions, the State cannot be estopped
HELD: Yes. The Government can require Atty. Pineda to pay the full by the neglect of its agent and officers. Although the Government may
amount of the taxes assessed. generally be estopped through the affirmative acts of public officers acting
The reason is that the Government has a lien on the P2,500.00 received by within their authority, their neglect or omission of public duties as
him from the estate as his share in the inheritance, for unpaid income exemplified in this case will not and should not produce that effect.
taxes for which said estate is liable. By virtue of such lien, the Government Nowhere is the aforestated rule more true than in the field of taxation. It
has the right to subject the property in Pineda's possession to satisfy the is axiomatic that the Government cannot and must not be estopped
income tax assessment. After such payment, Pineda will have a right of particularly in matters involving taxes. Taxes are the lifeblood of the nation
contribution from his co-heirs, to achieve an adjustment of the proper through which the government agencies continue to operate and with
share of each heir in the distributable estate. which the State effects its functions for the welfare of its constituents. The
All told, the Government has two ways of collecting the tax in question. errors of certain administrative officers should never be allowed to
One, by going after all the heirs and collecting from each one of them the jeopardize the Government's financial position, especially in the case at bar
amount of the tax proportionate to the inheritance received; and second, is where the amount involves millions of pesos the collection whereof, if
by subjecting said property of the estate which is in the hands of an heir or justified, stands to be prejudiced just because of bureaucratic lethargy.
transferee to the payment of the tax due. This second remedy is the very Thus, it is proper that the case be remanded back to the CTA for further
avenue the Government took in this case to collect the tax. The Bureau of proceedings and reception of evidence.
4. COMMISSIONER v. ALGUE, INC. respondent, on the other hand, contends that it should be based on
GR No. L-28896, February 17, 1988; 158 SCRA 9 specific taxes deemed paid under Sections 1 and 2 of RA 1435.

FACTS: Privaterespondent corporation Algue Ince filed its income tax ISSUE: Should the petitioner be entitled under Republic Act No. 1435 to
returns for 1958 and 1959showing deductions, for promotional fees paid, the refund of 25% of the amount of specific taxes it actually paid on
from their gross income, thus lowering their taxable income. The BIR various refined and manufactured mineral oils and other oil products, and
assessed Algue based on such deductions contending that the claimed not on the taxes deemed paid and passed on to them, as end-users, by
deduction is disallowed because it was not an ordinary, reasonable and the oil companies?
necessary expense.
HELD: No. According to an eminent authority on taxation, "there is no tax
ISSUE: Should an uncommon business expense be disallowed as a proper exemption solely on the ground of equity." Thus, the tax refund should be
deduction in computation of income taxes, corollary to the doctrine that based on the taxes deemed paid. Because taxes are the lifeblood of the
taxes are the lifeblood of the government? nation, statutes that allow exemptions are construed strictly against the
grantee and liberally in favor of the government. Otherwise stated, any
HELD: No. Private respondent has proved that the payment of the fees exemption from the payment of a tax must be clearly stated in the
was necessary and reasonable in the light of the efforts exerted by the language of the law; it cannot be merely implied therefrom.
payees in inducing investors and prominent businessmen to venture in an
xperimental enterprise and involve themselves in a new business requiring 7. MARCOS II v. CA
millions of pesos. This was no mean feat and should be, as it was, GR No. 120880, June 5, 1997; 293 SCRA 77
sufficiently recompensed.
It is well-settled that taxes are the lifeblood of the government and so FACTS: Bongbong Marcos sought for the reversal of the ruling of the Court
should be collected without unnecessary hindrance On the other hand, of Appeals to grant CIR's petition to levy the properties of the late Pres.
such collection should be made in accordance with law as any arbitrariness Marcos to cover the payment of his tax delinquencies during the period of
will negate the very reason for government itself. It is therefore necessary his exile in the US. The Marcos family was assessed by the BIR, and
to reconcile the apparently conflicting interests of the authorities and the notices were constructively served to the Marcoses, however the
taxpayers so that the real purpose of taxation, which is the promotion of assessment were not protested administratively by Mrs. Marcos and the
the common good, may be achieved. heirs of the late president so that they became final and unappealable
But even as we concede the inevitability and indispensability of taxation, after the period for filing of opposition has prescribed. Marcos contends
it is a requirement in all democratic regimes that it be exercised reasonably that the properties could not be levied to cover the tax dues because they
and in accordance with the prescribed procedure. If it is not, then the are still pending probate with the court, and settlement of tax deficiencies
taxpayer has a right to complain and the courts will then come to his could not be had, unless there is an order by the probate court or until the
succor. For all the awesome power of the tax collector, he may still be probate proceedings are terminated.
stopped in his tracks if the taxpayer can demonstrate, as it has here, that
the law has not been observed. ISSUE: Is the contention of Bongbong Marcos correct?

5. CIR v. YMCA HELD: No. The deficiency income tax assessments and estate tax
GR No. 124043, October 14, 1998; 298 SCRA 83 assessment are already final and unappealable -and-the subsequent levy
of real properties is a tax remedy resorted to by the government,
FACTS: Private Respondent YMCA--a non-stock, non-profit institution, sanctioned by Section 213 and 218 of the National Internal Revenue Code.
which conducts various programs beneficial to the public pursuant to its This summary tax remedy is distinct and separate from the other tax
religious, educational and charitable objectives--leases out a portion of its remedies (such as Judicial Civil actions and Criminal actions), and is not
premises to small shop owners, like restaurants and canteen operators, affected or precluded by the pendency of any other tax remedies instituted
deriving substantial income for such. Seeing this, the commissioner of by the government.
internal revenue (CIR) issued an assessment to private respondent for The approval of the court, sitting in probate, or as a settlement tribunal
deficiency income tax, deficiency expanded withholding taxes on rentals over the deceased is not a mandatory requirement in the collection of
and professional fees and deficiency withholding tax on wages. YMCA estate taxes. It cannot therefore be argued that the Tax Bureau erred in
opposed arguing that its rental income is not subject to tax, mainly proceeding with the levying and sale of the properties allegedly owned by
because of the provisions of Section 27 of NIRC which provides that civic the late President, on the ground that it was required to seek first the
league or organizations not organized for profit but operate exclusively for probate court's sanction. There is nothing in the Tax Code, and in the
promotion of social welfare and those organized exclusively for pleasure, pertinent remedial laws that implies the necessity of the probate or estate
recreation and other non-profitble businesses shall not be taxed. settlement court's approval of the state's claim for estate taxes, before the
same can be enforced and collected.
ISSUE: Is the contention of YMCA tenable? On the contrary, under Section 87 of the NIRC, it is the probate or
settlement court which is bidden not to authorize the executor or judicial
HELD: No. Because taxes are the lifeblood of the nation, the Court has administrator of the decedent's estate to deliver any distributive share to
always applied the doctrine of strict in interpretation in construing tax any party interested in the estate, unless it is shown a Certification by the
exemptions. Furthermore, a claim of statutory exemption from taxation Commissioner of Internal Revenue that the estate taxes have been paid.
should be manifest and unmistakable from the language of the law on This provision disproves the petitioner's contention that it is the probate
which it is based. Thus, the claimed exemption "must expressly be granted court which approves the assessment and collection of the estate tax.
in a statute stated in a language too clear to be mistaken."
6.DAVAO GULF LUMBER CORP v. CIR GR Nos. L-49839-46, April 26, 1991; 196 SCRA 322
GR No. 117359, July 23, 1998; 293 SCRA 77
FACTS: Petitioners JBL Reyes et al. owned a parcel of land in Tondo which
FACTS: Republic Act No. 1435 entitles miners and forest concessioners to are leased and occupied as dwelling units by tenants who were paying
the refund of 25% of the specific taxes paid by the oil companies, which monthly rentals of not exceeding P300. Sometimes in 1971 the Rental
were eventually passed on to the user--the petitioner in this case--in the Freezing Law was passed prohibiting for one year from its effectivity, an
purchase price of the oil products. Petitioner filed before respondent increase in monthly rentals of dwelling units where rentals do not exceed
Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) a claim for refund in the amount three hundred pesos (P300.00), so that the Reyeses were precluded from
representing 25% of the specific taxes actually paid on the above- raising the rents and from ejecting the tenants. In 1973, respondent City
mentioned fuels and oils that were used by petitioner in its operations. Assessor of Manila re-classified and reassessed the value of the subject
However petitioner asserts that equity and justice demands that the refund properties based on the schedule of market values, which entailed an
should be based on the increased rates of specific taxes which it actually increase in the corresponding tax rates prompting petitioners to file a
paid, as prescribed in Sections 153 and 156 of the NIRC. Public Memorandum of Disagreement averring that the reassessments made were
"excessive, unwarranted, inequitable, confiscatory and unconstitutional"
considering that the taxes imposed upon them greatly exceeded the ISSUE: Are insurance companies not required to withhold tax on
annual income derived from their properties. They argued that the income reinsurance premiums ceded to foreign insurance companies, which
approach should have been used in determining the land values instead of deprives the government from collecting the tax due from them?
the comparable sales approach which the City Assessor adopted.
HELD: No. The power to tax is an attribute of sovereignty. It is a power
ISSUE: Is the approach on tax assessment used by the City Assessor emanating from necessity. It is a necessary burden to preserve the State's
reasonable? sovereignty and a means to give the citizenry an army to resist an
aggression, a navy to defend its shores from invasion, a corps of civil
HELD: No. The taxing power has the authority to make a reasonable and servants to serve, public improvement designed for the enjoyment of the
natural classification for purposes of taxation but the government's act citizenry and those which come within the State's territory, and facilities
must not be prompted by a spirit of hostility, or at the very least and protection which a government is supposed to provide. Considering
discrimination that finds no support in reason. It suffices then that the laws that the reinsurance premiums in question were afforded protection by the
operate equally and uniformly on all persons under similar circumstances government and the recipient foreign reinsurers exercised rights and
or that all persons must be treated in the same manner, the conditions not privileges guaranteed by our laws, such reinsurance premiums and
being different both in the privileges conferred and the liabilities imposed. reinsurers should share the burden of maintaining the state.
Consequently, it stands to reason that petitioners who are burdened by The petitioner's defense of reliance of good faith on rulings of the CIR
the government by its Rental Freezing Laws (then R.A. No. 6359 and P.D. requiring no withholding of tax due on reinsurance premiums may free the
20) under the principle of social justice should not now be penalized by the taxpayer from the payment of surcharges or penalties imposed for failure
same government by the imposition of excessive taxes petitioners can ill to pay the corresponding withholding tax, but it certainly would not
afford and eventually result in the forfeiture of their properties. exculpate it from liability to pay such withholding tax. The Government is
not estopped from collecting taxes by the mistakes or errors of its agents.
GR No. 112024, January 28, 1999; 302 SCRA 250 11. PHILEX MINING CORP. v. CIR
GR No. 125704, August 28, 1998; 294 SCRA 687
FACTS: Petitioner PBCom filed its first and second quarter income tax
returns, reported profits, and paid income taxes amounting to P5.2M in FACTS: Petitioner Philex Mining Corp. assails the decision of the Court of
1985. However, at the end of the year PBCom suffered losses so that when Appeals affirming the Court of Tax Appeals decision ordering it to pay the
it filed its Annual Income Tax Returns for the year-ended December 31, amount of P110.7 M as excise tax liability for the period from the 2nd
1986, the petitioner likewise reported a net loss of P14.1 M, and thus quarter of 1991 to the 2nd quarter of 1992 plus 20% annual interest from
declared no tax payable for the year. In 1988, the bank requested from 1994 until fully paid pursuant to Sections 248 and 249 of the Tax Code of
CIR for a tax credit and tax refunds representing overpayment of taxes. 1977. Philex protested the demand for payment of the tax liabilities stating
Pending investigation of the respondent CIR, petitioner instituted a Petition that it has pending claims for VAT input credit/refund for the taxes it paid
for Review before the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA). CTA denied its petition for the years 1989 to 1991 in the amount of P120 M plus interest.
for tax credit and refund for failing to file within the prescriptive period to Therefore these claims for tax credit/refund should be applied against the
which the petitioner belies arguing the Revenue Circular No.7-85 issued by tax liabilities.
the CIR itself states that claim for overpaid taxes are not covered by the
two-year prescriptive period mandated under the Tax Code. ISSUE: Can there be an off-setting between the tax liabilities vis-a-vis
claims of tax refund of the petitioner?
ISSUE: Is the contention of the petitioner correct? Is the revenue circular a
valid exemption to the NIRC? HELD: No. Philex's claim is an outright disregard of the basic principle in
tax law that taxes are the lifeblood of the government and so should be
HELD: No. The relaxation of revenue regulations by RMC 7-85 is not collected without unnecessary hindrance. Evidently, to countenance
warranted as it disregards the two-year prescriptive period set by law. Philex's whimsical reason would render ineffective our tax collection
Basic is the principle that "taxes are the lifeblood of the nation." The system. Too simplistic, it finds no support in law or in jurisprudence.
primary purpose is to generate funds for the State to finance the needs of To be sure, Philex cannot be allowed to refuse the payment of its tax
the citizenry and to advance the common weal. Due process of law under liabilities on the ground that it has a pending tax claim for refund or credit
the Constitution does not require judicial proceedings in tax cases. This against the government which has not yet been granted.Taxes cannot be
must necessarily be so because it is upon taxation that the government subject to compensation for the simple reason that the government and
chiefly relies to obtain the means to carry on its operations and it is of the taxpayer are not creditors and debtors of each other. There is a
utmost importance that the modes adopted to enforce the collection of material distinction between a tax and debt. Debts are due to the
taxes levied should be summary and interfered with as little as possible. Government in its corporate capacity, while taxes are due to the
From the same perspective, claims for refund or tax credit should be Government in its sovereign capacity. xxx There can be no off-setting of
exercised within the time fixed by law because the BIR being an taxes against the claims that the taxpayer may have against the
administrative body enforced to collect taxes, its functions should not be government. A person cannot refuse to pay a tax on the ground that the
unduly delayed or hampered by incidental matters. government owes him an amount equal to or greater than the tax being
collected. The collection of a tax cannot await the results of a lawsuit
10. PHIL. GUARANTY CO., INC. v. CIR against the government.
GR No. L-22074, April 30, 1965; 13 SCRA 775
FACTS: The petitioner Philippine Guaranty Co., Inc., a domestic insurance GR No. L-12353, September 30, 1960; 109 PHIL 511
company, entered into reinsurance contracts with foreign insurance
companies not doing business in the country, thereby ceding to foreign FACTS: The petitioner sold more than 2M boardfeet of logs to General
reinsurers a portion of the premiums on insurance it has originally Lumber Co. with the agreement that the latter would pay the sales taxes.
underwritten in the Philippines. The premiums paid by such companies The CIR, upon consultation officially advised the parties that the bureau
were excluded by the petitioner from its gross income when it file its interposes no objection so long as the tax due shall be covered by a surety.
income tax returns for 1953 and 1954. Furthermore, it did not withhold or General Lumber complied, but later failed, with the surety, to pay the tax
pay tax on them. Consequently, the CIR assessed against the petitioner liabilities, and so the respondent collector required the petitioner to pay
withholding taxes on the ceded reinsurance premiums to which the latter thru a letter dated August 30, 1955. Twice did the petitioner filed a request
protested the assessment on the ground that the premiums are not subject for reconsideration before finally submitting the denied request for appeal
to tax for the premiums did not constitute income from sources within the before the Court of Tax Appeals. The CTA dismissed the appeal as it was
Philippines because the foreign reinsurers did not engage in business in the clearly filed out of time. The petitioner had consumed thirty-three days
Philippines, and CIR's previous rulings did not require insurance companies from the receipt of the demand, before filing the appeal. Petitioner argued
to withhold income tax due from foreign companies. that in computing the 30-day period in perfecting the appeal the letter of
the respondent Collector dated January 30, 1956, denying the second 15. PUNSALAN v. MUN. BOARD OF CITY OF MANILA
request for reconsideration, should be considered as the final decision GR No. L-23645, October 29, 1968; 95 PHIL 46
contemplated in Section 7, and not the letter of demand dated August 30,
1955. FACTS: The plaintiffs--two lawyers, medical practitioner, a dental surgeon,
a CPA, and a pharmacist--sought the annulment of Ordinance No.3398 of
ISSUE: Is the contention of the petitioner tenable? the City of Manila which imposes a municipal occupation tax on persons
exercising various professions in the city and penalizes non-payment of the
HELD: No. This contention is untenable. We cannot countenance that tax, contending in substance that this ordinance and the law authorizing it
theory that would make the commencement of the statutory 30-day period constitute class legislation, are unjust and oppressive, and authorize what
solely dependent on the will of the taxpayer and place the latter in a amounts to double taxation. The burden of plaintiffs' complaint is not that
position to put off indefinitely and at his convenience the finality of a tax the professions to which they respectively belong have been singled out
assessment. Such an absurd procedure would be detrimental to the for the imposition of this municipal occupation tax, but that while the law
interest of the Government, for "taxes are the lifeblood of the government, has authorized the City of Manila to impose the said tax, it has withheld
and their prompt and certain availability is an imperious need." that authority from other chartered cities, not to mention municipalities.

13. LUTZ v. ARANETA ISSUE: Does the law constitute a class legislation? Is it for the Court to
GR No. L-7859, December 22, 1955; 98 PHIL 148 determine which political unit should impose taxes and which should not?

FACTS: Plaintiff Walter Lutz, in his capacity as judicial administrator of the HELD: No. It is not for the courts to judge what particular cities or
intestate estate of Antionio Ledesma, sought to recover from the CIR the municipalities should be empowered to impose occupation taxes in addition
sum of P14,666.40 paid by the estate as taxes, under section 3 of the CA to those imposed by the National Government. That matter is peculiarly
567 or the Sugar Adjustment Act thereby assailing its constitutionality, for within the domain of the political departments and the courts would do
it provided for an increase of the existing tax on the manufacture of sugar, well not to encroach upon it. Moreover, as the seat of the National
alleging that such enactment is not being levied for a public purpose but Government and with a population and volume of trade many times that of
solely and exclusively for the aid and support of the sugar industry thus any other Philippine city or municipality, Manila, no doubt, offers a more
making it void and unconstitutional. The sugar industry situation at the lucrative field for the practice of the professions, so that it is but fair that
time of the enactment was in an imminent threat of loss and needed to be the professionals in Manila be made to pay a higher occupation tax than
stabilized by imposition of emergency measures. their brethren in the provinces.

ISSUE: Is CA 567 constitutional, despite its being allegedly violative of the

equal protection clause, the purpose of which is not for the benefit of the
general public but for the rehabilitation only of the sugar industry?

HELD: Yes. The protection and promotion of the sugar industry is a matter
of public concern, it follows that the Legislature may determine within
reasonable bounds what is necessary for its protection and expedient for
its promotion. Here, the legislative discretion must be allowed to fully play,
subject only to the test of reasonableness; and it is not contended that the
means provided in the law bear no relation to the objective pursued or are
oppressive in character. If objective and methods are alike constitutionally
valid, no reason is seen why the state may not levy taxes to raise funds for
their prosecution and attainment. Taxation may be made the implement of
the state's police power.


GR No. L-23645, October 29, 1968; 25 SCRA 827

FACTS: Petitioner Benjamin Gomez mailed a letter at the post office in San
Fernando, Pampanga. It did not bear the special anti-TB stamp required by
the RA 1635. It was returned to the petitioner. Petitioner now assails the
constitutionality of the statute claiming that RA 1635 otherwise known as
the Anti-TB Stamp law is violative of the equal protection clause because it
constitutes mail users into a class for the purpose of the tax while leaving
untaxed the rest of the population and that even among postal patrons the
statute discriminatorily grants exemptions. The law in question requires an
additional 5 centavo stamp for every mail being posted, and no mail shall
be delivered unless bearing the said stamp.

ISSUE: Is the Anti-TB Stamp Law unconstitutional, for being allegedly

violative of the equal protection clause?

HELD: No. It is settled that the legislature has the inherent power to select
the subjects of taxation and to grant exemptions. This power has aptly
been described as "of wide range and flexibility." Indeed, it is said that in
the field of taxation, more than in other areas, the legislature possesses
the greatest freedom in classification. The reason for this is that
traditionally, classification has been a device for fitting tax programs to
local needs and usages in order to achieve an equitable distribution of the
tax burden.
The classification of mail users is based on the ability to pay, the
enjoyment of a privilege and on administrative convenience. Tax
exemptions have never been thought of as raising revenues under the
equal protection clause.

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