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CAMBRIDGE WORKBOOK 1 Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks & Peter Lewis-Jones CEE ‘The authors would like to thank all those who have made contributions to the development, ceation and production of Think. ary thnks to teachers in vatious counties fr piloting the couse and for ‘Der vatuablefesback Ths too to ther students, for thei enthusiasm 20 for puttog up wih manuscrips rather than the atactive pages our ees have crested inthe meantime The members of ou digital eam, Helen Kenyon, Amafeet Purewa and Srencan Wighaman for ther expertise and creative tought “Thanks ao to Chis Willams for his invaluable reduction support We would ke to thank the Cambridge Eli tars around the world for ‘Per conansous support We would ke to thank very warmiy our eitoria team: Rebecca Raynes, (ena Dane Peter MeFaviane, Dela Kid and Kathryn Davie for al the ere 20s care they have put into ths promt Our special hanks go t2 1 Burges (Commasioning Eto), Kate La Storia and Claud Faceo Pubichers, Beinda Fenn Pubishing Manager) and James Dingle Editorial Deetor fr ther decication to Think, the great spin of calaborton and many excelent suggestions we got from them We ae indebted to the Cambridge University Press leadership Frances Lowndes (Global Pblshing Director Soo}, fr being rwoWed so actively inthe planing stages of the project despite her huge workload John Tul dd Net Tombs (Deputy Managing Directors; Michael Peluse (Managing Decor: anc Peter Pips (Chet Execute) for the constuctive dlogue ver the years. Last but not east. we woul like to thank our partners Maes, Ariana and Claus. wthout ther suppor this project would not have happened CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS LUnwersty Printing House, Cambridge CB2 885, United Kingdom Cambie Universty Press pat ofthe University of Cambridge, Tefurthes the Unversity’ mison by dseminating krawledge the pursuit of eauestio, learning ancl esearch a he highest interational levels of excellence vw cambridge 9 Information on ths tie: ww cambede orafthink '© Camoriige Unversity Press 2015 ‘This ubleaton in conyight. Subject to statuary exception {and to the provisions of levant colectve icensing agreements, no reproduction of ary part may take place without the writen permission of Cambridge Univesity Press, Fest published 2015 Printed in tay by Rotoito Lombardo 5.9.4 ‘catalogue record fr ths pubeaton is avalble fom the Brtsh bray |SBN 978-1-107.50882-8 Students Book Level 1 Isa 978--107-Sog80.4 Students Book th Online Workbook and nine Practice Leve! | ISBN 976-1-107-50G63-5 Workbook with Onine Practice Level 1 ISBN 978--107-50884-2 Combo A with online Wlkbook and (nine Practice eve 1 |SB1 978-1-107-S0885-9 Combo # with anne Workbook and Online Practice Lev | |SB'976--107-50868-0 Teachers Book Level ISBN 978-1-107-50893-4 Cass Auio CDs Level |SaN 978-1-107-50900-9 Vceo OVD Level} |SBN978-1-107-50907-8 Prexeatation Pls DVD-ROM Level 1 SBN 978-1-107-50908-5 Presentation Plus DVD-ROM A Level 1 |5BN 976-1-107-50909-2 Presentation Ps DVD-ROM ® Level 1 -Acktional resources for this publication at wi. cambidge oe hink Cambie University Press has no responsibilty forthe pesstence o accuracy of URL for external or thitarty internet webstes eerie tan ths publication, and does not guarantee that ay content on such \webstes i or wil remain accutate OF appropriate information regarding dries, travel tnetabes, nd other factual formation gen in th work S corect atte te of frst printing but Cambridge Univers Pres does not guarantes the accuracy of such information theater THINK WORKBOOK 1 Online Practice activation code Scratch off and gee your Online Practice activation cade, Use your code to ‘access the Think videos, extra vocabulary and grammar practice, readings and dagtal projects! ‘Your activation code can only be used once. Yu can acces the online resources for 12 math after you activate the code Online resources will be ready from September 2015. How to use your activation code «Go to wwe cambedgoims ort Clk Register Answer the questions + You a your parenttquardian il receive an email «= Follow the instruction inthe email “+ Log in and enter your activation code above you ate a regtered wer «+ Log in at wnercambndgaims omgthink + ck Actuate new product on your My Learning page * Enter your code Now you can use the One Practice the Think videos, extra vocabulary anc ‘grammar practce readings and total projets. To jon a cas, ask your teacher for als actvation code Ned Help and information on sistem requirements? Cck on Hal ard Suupoot at wawnacombridgelms.orgthink THINK WORKBOOK 1 Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks & Peter Lewis-Jones CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS NTENTS Grammar Vocabulary Reading Writing Listening Exam practice: Key UNIT 8 Sporting Moments ee eke ees Grammar Vocabulary Reading Writing Listening. Exam practice: Key Consolidation 7 & 8 UR aacuccekukan) Grammar Vocabulary Reading Writing Listening Exam practice: Key Ce keen * Grammar Vocabulary Reading Writing Listening Ustening i Exam practice: Ke “Beam practice: Ke practice: Key “Consclidation 3 4 “4 ‘Consolidation 9 & 10 ioe ye | Grammar 46 Grammar Wocabulary ae Vocabulary Reading 50 Reading Writing 3 Wrting Listening Py Listening Exam practice: Key 33 Exam practice: Key Pica 54 Cee enc Grammar 54 | Grammar Vocabulary 56 | Vocabulary Reading sa Reading Waiting 9 Writing Lstening 60 Listening Exam practice: Key a Exam practice: Key Consolidation 5 & 6 a Consolidation 11 & 12 Pronunciation page 118 Grammar reference page 122 Irregular verb list page 128 116 eee ME A ALL ABOUT ME 3. Match the sentences 0-7 in Exercise 2 with ah. Personal information 1 Match the sentences and the replies. We're from Madrid They're Russian. oO He's Argentinian. 1 What'syourname? [_] a I'm 14. id 2 Howoldareyou? [7] b HiLucytimLaur, ¢_Buthets alan 3. Where areyoufrom?|_| ¢ HijJim. Nice to Yes, 'm Brazilian 7 4 Hi, mLucy. meet you. # Wsan lian car. 5 Thisismy friend Jim 4. Nice to meet you, ¢. Imfrom Liverpool 6 Nice to meet you. ee hy Yes,she's American. [_] fe Myname's Steve. £ ImfromHereford | 4 Write the nationality of someone from... in Engler ‘The Netherlands 2. Write your answers to questions 1-3 in Exercise 1. Colombia Mexico Belgium Turkey Brazil nalities and be Argentina 1 Find 12 countries in the word search. Russia Iraly 10 The USA 11 Britain 12. Spain Names and addresses 1 Listen to the telephone conversation. Who is the man calling? wO>KA ZVI RA @mx-4>-Zx2—N rezOR4ZNO -r4-~-ccc--o@ ourzemzE mORCUn->m<7O en“oz>ramramZ A Mu 2. Complete with the verb to be. 0 It’s aFerrari 1 They from Moscow. = 2 1 (not) from London. 3 Paula from New Yor? ‘ you from Sio Paulo? 5 We (not) from Barcelona, 6 Augusto. froma small town near Buenos Aires. 7 Mydad___ (not) from Rome. WELCOME B WHAT'S THAT? Things in the classroom and prepositions of place 1. Find and ircle)12 classroom items in the word Listen again and complete the form. The Golden Duck SGontact number: * . City Walls Road 2. Complete with the classroom objects in the list. ruler | teacher | chair | pen | board | notebook check. [] MANAGER OK, Mr Hodgson. And can | have a contact number? [I] MANAGER. Sure t's 22 City Walls Road MANAGER Could you spell that? MANAGER The Golden Duck. How can Ihelp you Put the dialogue in order. Listen again and { MANAGER A table for four at 8 pm. Can I have your name? MANAGER Thank you. See you later tonight, Mr Hodgson. OO so MRHODGSON Just one more thing Can you give ime your address? MR HODGSON It's Hodgson. Bob Hodgson, MRHODGSON Sure. It's H-O-D-G-S-O-N. [_] mk HODGSON Hello, I'd like to book a table for four for tonight about 8 pm. [7] Mr HODGSON Yes, it's 0796 38888, (OO SUMMING UP 1 Complete the text with the verb to be and the nationalities. My favourite football team has players init from all 1 The is under the char. over the world, 2 The is behind the desk cua Nunes from Rio de Janeiro. 3 The isonthe- desk ey Ramos from Bogoti. He 4 The isin front of the board ‘ 5 The is between the door and Simenon” 8 He? the window. from Brussels. & Tie eae Jones and Lalas" i Jones 2 from New Yorkand Lalas from Miami The other players 5 They % from lots of different cities in Britain, Classroom language 1 Putthe words in order to make sentences. 4. Iafean [question fask? 2 again /can/say /that/ you/? 3. page/ your / open /at / 10 / books 4 dont/Irknow 5 I/understand / don't 6 mean word / does / what /this /? 7 that /do// word /spell/ you / how /? 8 English / how/ say / amanha in do / you /? 9 if |hands / your / know / up / answer / put /you/ the Object pronouns 1 Complete the table. = me you he she [it they 2 Girclé)the correct options in each sentence. © May's my best friend. I tell she Kte?leverything, 1. They/ Them don't speak English. That's why you don't understand they / them, 11 Me love this dress. Buy it for | me, please. Turn the music up. We/ Us can't hear it. Bob's got a problem and // me can't help he / him. We / Us love our gran. She gives we /us great presents on our birthdays. 3. Complete with the missing object pronoun. © I want my sandwich! Give it tome 1. That's Mr O'Brian, Say hello to 2 Mum wants some help. Can you help 2 2 Hove 4. We really want to go to the show. Can you buy some tickets? You're my best friend, 5 The children are very noisy. Tell tobe uiet, please. this, that, these, those “ircle)the right words. 1. This/ These homework is very difficult 2 That! Those shoes are really nice. 3. That! These house is really old 4 These! This books aren't very interesting, 2 Complete with this, that, these or those. 1. Can you pass me please? books next to you, Is my pen in your hand? 3 pencils broken. Can you give me another one? “4 shoes are too small forme. I need to take them off. SUMMING UP 1. Complete the dialogue with the words in the list. ask | know | spell | this | that pen | say | notebook | put ROBERTO — Excuse me, Miss Baker, can 1° _ ask youa question? MISS BAKER Of course you can, Roberto. ROBERTO How do you! ‘pizza’ in English? MISSBAKER Ahmed, Can you help? AHMED Sorry. don't? MISS BAKER Can anyone help Roberto? ? your hands up if you know the answer. Yes, Kim KIM W's easy. It's pizza ROBERTO How do yout that? KIM P-L-Z-Z-A; it's the same as in Italian! ROBERTO OK, let me write that in my > Is6 your? ?Can! borrow it? KIM No, ‘syour pen. You don't need to ask. WELCOME My day 1 Write the times on the clocks. nto three different groups. in each group. fourteenth | third | July tenth | March | Saturday ‘vext word in each sequence. Apri, June, Toursday, Wednesday, i: th, 12th, 2 W's 3 its ; Wednesday, Friday, , November, October, ‘the numbers in words. 4s 5 Its s ae * — : . 2. Read and put the events in order. . Thave lunch at quarter past one. > 25th 1 goto bed at twenty past eight. 10 29th | goto school at seven o'clock m1 30th \ hee ais half past five. ar Ihave breakfast at quarter past six I get home at half past one. 4 Answer the questions. 7] get up acha’dock pbenis I do my homework at quarter to two. 1 your birthday? 3 Now write about your day. 2. your country's national day? Lget up ato 3 your best friend's birthday? 1 2 3 4 4 the first day of your next school holiday? 5 ‘ 7 8 SUMMING UP D MY THINGS 1. EDIE Listen and write the times that Dandoes. My possessions the following things. 1. Dothe word puzzle and find the name of 4: getwpaiTedey omg Jims pet. 2 arriveat school 3. gethome after school 4 gotobed 5 get upon Sunday morning 2 Put the dialogue in order. Listen and check, ANA What!? Sixo‘clock! [_] ANA — Half past six in the morning? That's early. Why? ANA Oh. And what time does it finish? ANA. Soyoullove the weekend, You can get up late. [_] ANA What do you do after lunch? [J ANA — What time do you get up, Dan? DAN Yes, six o'clock. Ihave early morning swimming lessons. DAN I dohomework and watch TY. Sometimes | play football and basketball Then it’s dinner and | go to bed at nine o'clock DAN Well, my school starts at seven o'clock. DAN Notatall. On Saturdays and Sundays | ‘get up at six o'clock [[] DAN From Monday to Friday | get up at half past six [_] DAN Twenty past twelve, so get home at ten toone for lunch, have got 1 Complete the sentences about Jim with has or hasn't. Use the previous exercise to help you. 1 Jim gota lizard. 2 Jim gota camera. 3 Jim got a smartphone. 4 Jim gota bike, 5 Jim gota dog, 6 Jim gota car, ‘and the answers. got smartphones? se but she's got a sister. is called Mickey. option. .got three brothers. se Thasn't got a car. {have got a new phone. it) hasnt got any money. +/ hasn't got homework tonight. ‘2 hasn't got a pen. Have / Has you got one? the dialogue with have, has, haven't you got a laptop, Nick? No.1? but I'd love one. ‘What about your brother? ? he got one? Yeshe* and he 5 gota tablet too, That's not fai. He's older than me. My sster® __got ‘one but she's only three. pos” peck Yes, they® your parents got a computer? . Luse it sometimes, Write sentences. + Two things you have got and two things you haventt got. 2 Two things your bestfriend has got and two things helshe hasnt got. WELCOME I like and I'd like 1 Gircle)the correct option. 1A What's your favourite colour? B I like /‘d like blue best. 2 A Canthelp you? B. Yes, | like / like an ice cream, please. 3 A What do you want to do? ~ 8 Ike /‘d like to play computer games. 4A Do you want milk or orange juice? BI like /dlke milk, please. 5A Who'sthe best teacher at your school? B | like/ like Miss Dawes the most. 6 A Which day of the week do you like the most? Bike I'd like Fridays. 7 A Doyouwant anything to eat? B [like Jd like some chicken soup, please. 8 A What do you do in your free time? BI like [like swimming and playing football. SUMMING UP 1 Complete the mini dialogues with the mi questions. 1A 7 ie Yes, td love a dog or cat. 8 A B_ No, I dont. I donttlike any sports. Ro Yes, lam. Very. 'd love a sandwich please. 4a ? B_ Yes, Ido. Especially bananas and apples. A 8 A 8 Yes, I have. I've got a brother and two sisters. No, Rob hasn't gota cat but | think he's got a lizard. o> Yes, please. 'd love a glass of water. 'm really thirsty A 2 B_ No, we haven't got acar but we've all got bikes. oA is jet B Yes, love dogs. We've got two. WA u - B_ No, |haventt got a camera but I've gota smartphone. 10 nlaNAINie GRAMMAR Present simple EXEEEI © the correct option. (0 My mum go / (goes) to work by car. 1 He think [thinks Tm crany. 2 Jim look looks quite angry. 3 Dad wash / washes his car every Sunday. 4 I doesn't / don't feel very good. 5 Joe doesntt/ don't want to have a shower now. 6 We doesn't/ don't live very close to our school. 2 «kK Rewrite the sentences. Make the positive sentences negative. Make the negative sentences. positive. 0 Sally doesn't watch a lot of TV. Sally watches a lot of TV. 1 like dancing. 2. Tim plays the guitar in a band, 3. Kelly doesnt miss her family alot. 4 My parents work at the weekend. 3. ek Use the words to write questions in the present simple. © where / you! live? Where do you live? 1 you/speak French? 2. what / your mum / do? 3. your teacher / give you / lots of homework? ~ 4 what / bands / you like? 5 you/ play /instrument? 4 ok Match the questions in Exercise 3 with the answers below. a She'sabusinesswoman, — [_] Yes, Ido. The piano. ¢ Justoutside of London. [0 Yes, she does. Every day. e No,I don't. oO £ Idon'treally like music 5 kk Write answers to the questions in Exercise 3 so they are true for you. ° 6 k% Read about Brian's hobby. Complete the text with the correct form of the words in the notcollect | stand | phone | see \ write | say tell | turn | notthink | notdo | notplay | try My friend Brian has a really unusual hobby. He doesn’t collect stamps and he ' the piano. No, these are normal hobbies. Brians hobby is really strange. My friend Brian's hobby is being on TV. Every time he ? aTV cameraman and presenter in town he? behind the presenter and * to appear on TV. Then hes me and me to watch the news on TV. So!” on the TV and there he is. He® anything silly He's just there smiling, Then he? about iton his blog. He !° he's famous. " he's famous, just a bit crazy! Pronunciation Plurals and third person verb endings: Js\, [zl or /1z/ Goto page 118. ca like + -ing 7 x Complete the sentences with the verbs in the take | read | get | chat | go | do | help | tidy Best and worst things to do on a Saturday morning © Hove taking my dog fora walk 1. Lenjoy Dad make breakfast. 2 Ike for a bike ride with my friends, 3 Hove a book in bed. 4 Lenjoy to my friends on the phone. 5 thate my homework, 6 Iean'tstand up my bedroom. 7 thate out of bed before midday. 8 %%* What about you? What do you like (and hate) doing on Saturday mornings? Complete the sentences so they are true for you. 1 Hove 2 Lenjoy 3 Ilike 4 thate 5 Ieantstand Adverbs of frequency EINEM 9 % Match the particles in the list to make adverbs of frequency and write them in the correct place. occasion | ter 10 ne ways * rare ‘umes t some aly t al y t usu ally t of ver 0% 10 ** Rewrite the sentences with the adverb of frequency in the correct place. © I play computer games after dinner. (usually) Lassally play computer games after dinner. 1 You are happy. (always) 2. Mybest friend stays with usin the holidays. (often) 3 Mymum and dad go out for a meal, (occasionally) 1 HAVING FUN 4 My sisters nice to me. (rarely) 5 My fiends and | go to the cinema ona Saturday ‘morning, (sometimes) 6 Youare sad. (never) 11 kk Answer the questions so they are true for you. 1 What do you always do at the weekend? 2 What do you rarely do after school? 3. What do you usually do when you're bored? 4 What do you sometimes do in the evening? 5. What do you never do ona Monday? 6 What de you often do when you're happy? GET IT RIGHT! @& Like + -ing 3 We use like + the -ing form of the verb. If the verb © ends in consonant + -e, we drop the final e. Y live=living X live—liveing | Ifa short verb ends in consonant + vowel + £ consonant, we double the final consonant before adding the -ing. Ev swim—swimming X swim —swiming With verbs with two or more syllables, we do not usually double the final consonant. EW listen =Istening xX listen—listenning Correct the -ing forms. 1 writting comming studing waiting chating useing listening planing raipning __ 10 geting " VOCABULARY play an instrument / online bein adub games / football \ write a blog keepa pet take photographs ~~ make videos do crosswords collect things / stamps / autographs have fun /a good time havea rest have a problem have dinner have a shower ‘Adverbs of frequency ee cere \ always usually often sometimes occasionally rarely never Key words in context have time I never have time to watch TV in the morning, haveahobby | have lots of hobbies but my favourite is writing my blog tidy ‘My bedroom is very tidy. busy Sorry ~ I'm too busy to help you. relax My dad says that cooking the dinner helps him to relax. definitely That's definitely Bradley Cooper over there. I'm sure! strange Bird watching ~ that’s a strange hobby! You never smile when | take your photo. You always look so sad, positive | feel very positive today. I've got a good feeling about it. interests My dad's got a lot of different interests, lke reacing and playing the piano. pass the time How do you pass the time when you're waiting for someone? can't stand Football is really, really boring. | can’t stand it! 12 Hobbies ESE 1% Read the speech bubbles. Choose a word from each list and write the hobbies. write | collect | be keep ablog | aninstrument things photographs | in a club ° play | take apet H's about my life, 1's about my friends and my families. I's about the things 1 enjoy doing (and some of the things | dow't enjoy). It's about everything and anything. Read it! write a blog {nin a band. I'm the guitarist { play for about two hours every day. 2 We meet every Friday from 7 pm to 9 pm. We learn how to do things like hhow to make a fire or how to cook. 1's really good fun. I've got about 50 teddy bears now. I've got big ones, medium-sized ones and small ones. Every time I visit anew city | always buy one. It’s quite hard work. Every morning Hwake up early to take him for a walk and then when I get home from school I take hin for another walk, These are from my last holidays We were in Corfu. Kt was really great. spent hours with my camera. 2% Write four words that go with each verb in the boxes. ateam bein abond on orchestra aclub 1 HAVING FUN collect write play 3. dt Use your ideas in Exercise 2 to write four sentences that are true for you. I'm in the school football team, Ldon't collect anything, WordWise mmm | Collocations with have 4 +k Complete the sentences. Use the words in the list. shower | fun dinner | problem | rest | time © Do you usually have a_shower when you wake up or before you go to bed? 1. Who do you always ask forhelp when youhave = a with your homework? 2. Doyoualways have a when you feel tired? 3. What time does your family usually have 2 4 Doyoualways have a good when you're on holiday? 5. What do you do to have atthe weekend? 5. 44% Write answers to the questions in Exercise 4 so they are true for you. READING 1 Complete the sentences with the names. Then check your answers in the blog on page 16 of the Student's Book. ezy _ likes spending time with an older member of her family. 1 thinks she is probably different to most young people. loves nature. isinterested in what's happening in the world enjoys being with other people. 5 isinterested in finding out about new things. ‘ wants to meet some famous people. 7 sometimes finds her hobby very relaxing, the pictures. ‘na Jones and her sister [Karen have the same hobby. They both love photography. In fact, they arc both in a photography club. But they don't take photographs of their friends or the interesting places they go to. They take phorographs of other people taking photographs! They have a big collection of photos ~ ‘more than 2,000. They write a blog about their hobby and you can sce all their photos on it, The sisters don’t know the people in their photos. They are just people they see in the street, But they always ask them if they can use the photos for their blog. Most people say Read the text quickly. Write the names under 5 Sisaiecnes 3. Read the text again. Are sentences Snot enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B), choose ° 1 2. Dan Baker is married. 3 4 5 Gina and Karen put photos oftheir friends on their blog ‘Some people don't want their photos on the girls blog, Dan Baker's favourite roller coaster isin America, ‘Anna spends five hours every day looking after her pets. ‘Anna wants to look after elephants at the 200 one day. Every Saturday he visits the ‘Alton Towers theme park and spends all day on them Luckily he lives very near to it. Some days he has more than fifty rides. His favourites are Nemesis and Thi3teen, He doesn’t take his wife with him = she hates roller coasters ~ but he often takes his grandchildren or brother. He also collects postcards of roller coasters. Every holiday he travels to theme parks in different countries; Six Flags in Mexico, PortAventura in Spain and Eyerland in South Korea, But Dan wants more. He wants to ride every roller coaster in the world | A Right ‘A Right ‘A Right ‘A Right AA Right 1A Right Am Roberts is a bit different to a lot of other girls She likes animals, That's nothing strange. Many girls her age like animals. She also keeps animals as pets. There's nothing unusual about that, cither. But do most girls keep spiders, lizards and snakes? ‘Anna does. Anna has a spider from Brazil, a lizard from Australia and a snake from South Africa. She buys them from her local pet shop. She spends all her pocket money ‘on her pets and she also spends a lot of her time looking after them. Anna knows what she ‘wants to do when she is older. She wants to work in the insect | house ata zoo, 1-5 Right"(A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? If there is "Doesn't say’ (C)- (@Wrong _€ Doesnt say B Wrong Doesnt say B Wrong Doesnt say B Wrong ¢ Doesn't say B Wrong Doesn't say B Wrong ¢ Doesnt say DEVELOPING WRITING Routines 1 Read about Dana's hobby. feom her blog. ick (/) the photo UO 2. Choose phrases from columns A, B and C to make sentences. Then check them in the text. A 8 (c Fheresepopukr | so | dancingisguite dance showon FV popularity teenagersthese days Igotoaclub twice | but aweek learn new dances, Maybe you thinkits | and | | always have lots of an unusual hobby fun, fora teenager meet lots of friends | to here you are wrong, © There's popular dance show on TV so dancing is quite popular with teenagers these days, 1 1 HAVING FUN My hobby is ballroom dancing. | ove doing dances tke the watz, the samba and the cha cha cha. t's 30 much fun, Do you think i's an unusual hobby fora teenager? Well, you are wrong, There's a popular dance show on TV so. dancing is quite popular with teenagers these days. | go to @ club two times a week to learn naw dances. | meet lots of {riends there and | always have lots of fun |also write a blog about dancing. I's caled Dancing with Dana. | often take photos at the club and put then on my blog. | write something on it every day. I's a great way to ‘meet people who have the same hobby, 3. Answer the questions so they are true for you. 1 Whatis your hobby? 2 How often do you do it? 3° Where do you do it? 4 Who do you do it with? 5 What do you like about it? 6 Isthere anything you don't lke about it? What? 4 Use some of your ideas in Exercise 3 to complete the sentences about your hobby. 1 and 2 but 3 s0 4 to 5. Write a short paragraph about your hobby (about 100-120 words), Try to use the sentences in Exercise 4. 15 16 LISTENING 1 Listen to the conversations. correct answer A, Bor C. Conversation 1 What instrument does Danny play? A guitar = 8 drums —€ piano Conversation 2 What pets has Dana got? A aliard 8 adog — alizardanda dog Conversation 3 How many stamps has Wendy got? A 100 B 800 © 900 DIALOGUE 1. Putthe letters in order to make phrases. 1 eb/fealure 2. twahe/tou 3 ntod! /od /tath 2 EDIT Use the phrases in Exercise 1 to complete the conversations. Then listen again and check. 1 Thanks, but Ws Alfie's guitar. It's not 2 No, Itbites. 3 Mike, Don't put your glass down there. 3 Writea short conversation for each picture: Use some of the expressions in Exercise 1. PHRASES FOR FLUENCY Sa) 1. Match the words 1-6 with their meanings a-f. upto ] come on look out that's right hurry up cool correct doing great let's go be careful f be quick 2. Complete the conversations with the words 1-6 from Exercise 1. TOM — Whatare you up to_? SHONA I'm ust doing abit of drawing. TOM Let'shavea look. SHONA Here. What do you think? TOM —_Isitapicture of jen? SHONA ' What do you think? Tom? Ht’ really good. wey? , Ben. BEN OK, OK. 'm coming Just give me a minute. wey 4 . Ben. Run. BEN lamrunning! wey § = Don't run into the door. Too late! BEN Ow! That hurts e711 34 1 XO) ele ee Reading and Writing part 3a 1 Complete the conversations. Choose the correct answer (A, Bor C). © Isshe Spanish? A Yes,she does. © Yes, sheis. © Yes, she isn't. 1 Cant help you? A Yes, she can. B_ No, Idont. © It’s OK.I'mfine. 2 Hilm Alex A. Nice to meet you. B Yes, youare. € I'mhappy. 3. Doyoulike your French teacher? ‘A Yes, like them alot. B Yes, lam. © He'svery good. 4 What would you like for lunch today? ‘A. Chicken and rice, please. B like fish, please. Yes please. 5 Doyoulike dancing? ‘A No, lean, B It’sOK. © Yes, 'dloveto. Exam guide: multiple-choice replies In the KEY Reading and Writing Part 3a you must choose the best way to reply to a statement or question. You have three possible replies to choose from. @ Read the question or statement carefully. Do you first possible answer. Does it sound OK? Read the understand it? Don't look at the possible answers. first part followed by the second possible answer. How many different ways can you think of to Does that sound better? Read the first part reply? Now lookat the answers. Maybe one of followed by the third possible answer. How does your ideasisthere for youtochoose. that sound? Ifany of them don't sound right, then ‘® Read out the mini conversations to yourself in cross them out immediately. your head. Read the first part followed by the © And finally ~ never leave a blank answer. 2 Complete the conversations. Choose the correct answer (A, Bor C). © Canlask youa question, please? @ Sure, what do youwant toask? —_-B No, you can, © Yes please. 1 What time do you wake up? Inthe morning B About? am © After breakfast. 2 When do you do your homework? A Yes,Lalways do it. 8 Lusually do itafterdinner. Sometimes 3. Howoften do you go to the cinema? ‘A About one time a week, B_ Atthe weekends. © About twice a month. 4 Have you got a tablet? ‘A Yes, Ihave got. B Yes, Ido. © No, havent. 5) Hurry up. A Yes, please. B_ I'mOK, thanks. © Ok,'mcoming v7 18 1 ° 1 2 3 » MONEY AND HOW TO > ax Dan GRAMMAR Present continuous EIREH Complete the sentences with the names. ‘Sophie and Stella are laughing about some crazy hats. is looking at the TV prices is buying a digital camera. is trying on a T-shirt. 2 kk — Complete the sentences. Use the present continuous of the verbs and the information in brackets. ° Adrian isn’t studying English, he's stadyi Maths, (- study English / + study Maths) We swe (+ take the bus to schoo! /— walk) Ben and Anna sag they Chavefun/+workona project) 1 i (+ ty to finish my homework /~ take a break) We wwe (play computer games / listen to music) Abigail she (Chave lunch /+ help her dad) 4 Match the questions and answers. Are you having fun? a IsJim in the garden? What are you studying? ‘Are they playing football? ‘Am talking too loudly? Ise studying for the test? Yes, he is. He's cutting the grass. No, they're watching a film. No, don't worry. I's OK. No, I'm not. I've got alot of work to do for school. Yes, he is. He's in his room. French. I'm trying to remember some new words. means 440% Complete the conversation. Use the cori form of the verbs in the list. do | try | notsit | sit | laugh run | get | try | ery | laugh LUCY —_Lookat that man over there! What ois he doing? GAVIN. Hmm. think he! todlimb, the tree, luey ‘Oh yes, there's a cat up there. Look. It z high up in the tree. GAIN. Ohyes. Poor cat. What's that strange noise? a it Lucy Yeah, it’s scared. Look. The man 4 closer to the cat GAVIN Butit’s scared of the man too. lucy Oh, no. It to jump down Ijust hope ... GAVIN.Thereit goes. I's down, LUCY Wow. Look how fast it GAVIN Well, guess it’s happy it” the tree any more. LUCY Hey, look at those people over there. They 8 so the cat must be OK. GAVIN That's right. And you” too Ldgelal a) Contractions Go to page 118. Verbs of perception EES 5% Lookat the conversations. Circle) the correct options. © A What do you think of this song? It Gound3) /is sounding really cool. What are you thinking about? My homework. It looks / is looking difficult. How do you like this T-shirt? It doesnt look / is not looking very nice. Would you like some cake? Yes, it smells / is smelling nice. Do you like the soup? Yes, it tastes / is tasting wonderful. Do you like this tattoo? To be honest, | think it looks / is looking awful er erererere 6 44k Look at the examples. Write four sentences that are true for you. Use look, sound, smell, taste and adjectives such as interesting, boring, cool, awful, wonderful, exciting. Raindrops on the window sound relaxing. Lemon ice cream with chocolate chips tastes auf. 1 A 3 ‘ Present simple vs. present continuous 5 7 * ‘Match the pictures with the sentences. She studies English every day. She teaches Maths. She is studying for her English test. She is teaching Maths. 2. MONEY AND HOW TO SPEND IT 8 kx Complete the email. Use the present continuous or the present simple of the verbs. HiAv, 19m sitting (st) in my room in the hotel | relly D (ike) Paris. From my window | can see ‘a park opposite the hotel. There aren't many people there. There is one woman. She? (walk) her dog, The dog * (en) after some ducks. OK, now aman + (ty) t help her. I can't believe it! The dog has got the man's hat now, and he (un) away with it. The (Ghout for the dog, but he (ot come) back How are you? What * (yousdoy? You alvays ? (lay) computer games in the afternoon - "2 (you'do) it right now, too? Love Toby GET IT RIGHT! © Present simple vs. present continuous Present simple: for things that happen regularly } or that are always true. 7 Ineverdo online shopping. X Famnever doing online shopping. Present continuous: for things that are happening at or around the time of speaking. ¥ We're studying English today. X Westudy Engish today. Remember: we don't usually use verbs that describe ‘emotions or the way we think in the present continuous (e.g. think / need /like, etc.). I think i's 0 good idea. X Hmthinking t's « good ideo. Gircle) the correct options. Bike for sale! | I sell / am selling my bike. It's 5 years old but | itis looking looks new. ike / am liking, | this bike very much, but I ‘want / am wanting | to sell it because it’s too small for me. My name is Liam and I Sanz coming / come to | school on my bike every day. I can show it to you. ©) This week I am studying I study in room 3C. You can find me there! | ” VOCABULARY It looks cool. It feels comfortable. It sounds nice. It tastes good. It smells awful newsagent’, shoe shop : \ J chemist’s —_ __ department ~ — "sore bookshop —~ supermarket boots shirt jacket jumper shoes dress belt shorts trainers trousers Key words in context customer There arerit many eustomers in the shop shopping mall Is there a shopping mall near here? right now. = interested in [mot interested in designer clothes. size ‘A. What size do you take? popular with — This shop is very popular with young, B_ Medium, please people. tryon Can] try on this jacket? laugh at \Why are you laughing at me? cost How much does it cost? good-looking Do you think he's good-looking? spend | don't want to spend so much money. interesting This bookshop looks interesting. market There are wonderful open-air markets in Let's go in mary cities 20 Shops A * Write the names of the shops under the objects. 2% — Complete the conversation. Use the shops from Exercise 1. MIA So, here's the shopping lis. LIAM. OK, where do we have to go first? MIA Let me see. Well, we need Dad's newspaper. Let's goto the "newsagent's first. LIAM. Wait a minute. What else do we need? MIA Well, we need to buy stamps for this letter. The! isnt far. Let's go. LIAM. No, no, no. Ineed to get jeans first. We could start at the? MIA Don't forget. We need to get a book for Mum first. Remember - it’s her birthday soon. The 3 closes at 5! LIAM Absolutely, and I need some medicine for Dad. The* isnt too far from there. MIA OK, and there's a5 where we can buy all the food we need for tonight. 3 kt Look at the sentences. Correct them so. they are true for you. 1 There's a very good shoe shop in our town. | Buy all my shoes there. I never go to.a clothes shop. I buy all my clothes on the Internet. ‘There's a newsagent’s in my street. | lke it 2. MONEY AND HOW TO SPEND IT Clothes EE 4 ik Write the words. 0 ble belt. 5 osetsrur 1 tobos 6 hoses 2 sreds 7 rtossh 3 keajet 8 hirst 4 erpumj 9 restnair 5 Complete the text with words from Exercise 4. Sebastian likes black. His ° trousers. and his are black, his? and his a are white, and he's wearing a grey 6 kkk Writea short text about what you are wearing today. 7% Match the questions and answers. (© What do you usually wear to school? é 1. Doyou lke buying clothes? 2 What's your teacher wearing today? 3 ‘4 Does your sister like wearing shorts? ‘What do you usually wear when youre not at school? 5 What do you usually wear when its cold? a Not really. hate shopping. bb She's wearing trousers and a jacket. € When!'m at home, my old jumper. love it. 4 Awarm coat and a hat © [can't choose. We all wear uniforms, No. She wears jeans all the time. 8 x %& Choose three of the questions in Exercise 7 and write answers that are true for you. 7 2 2 2 7 READING 1) (URITEEIWIIDRSIIGT Answer the questions. Then check your answers in the script on page 21 of the ‘Student's Book. (© What is Tom looking for? ‘A. a T-shirt and some jeans (@® ashireand some trousers € a T-shirt and some trousers 1 Who thinks a yellow shirt looks awful? A Tom B Toms parents © Toms sister 2. What does Tom think of the guy in the magazine? ‘A Heis very good-looking, B_ He looks boring © His clothes are not expensive 3 What does he think of himself? [A Helooks good ina yellow shirt. 8 His clothes are boring. © He's not good looking. 4 Who dreams of wearing fantastic clothes one day? ‘A Maddy 'B theguyinthe magazine ¢ Tom 5 What does Maddy dream of? A. icecream B being rich expensive clothes 2 Read the web chat and match the teenagers to the photos. There is no picture for one of them. Buying or swapping — what's best? eae rmagine youre looking around for clthes. Youre ina realy rice shop. You find @ fantastic T-shirt and a cool jacket. Then you lok atthe prices and don't like the clothes any more. Just too expensive! Does this sometimes happen to you too? ‘Then here's an idea for you-Maybe you should think about ‘clothes swapping’ where you give clthes you don't want any mare, and get others instead, at no cost Layla, 14 Hi, {love swapping clothes. My fiends and | sometimes meet on Saturday. We all bring one piece that we don't ike any mare ~a T-shirt, ajumper, a pair of jeans “Then wo put all the clothes on the flor. We look at them and try them on. That's @ lot of fun, and we laugh a lot. Sometimes we find something wo like. Then we swap. ‘Sometimes we don't swap. Anna, 12 | want to find something really nice at the swapping party tomorrow. A T-shirt maybe, or a jumper. My favourite colours pik - s0 I'm looking for pink clothes at the moment, ve even got pink trainers, and realy like them, but they are too small for me. Maybe | can fnd some boots — but notin pink ;)!ften talk about clothes with my friends, | ove it Wiliam, 13 We don’ say to other boys ‘really like your T-shirt’, or “You've got coo! jeans [think gs say these things more often, We think t's not coo! to talk about clothes. BBut I've got a sister, Victoria. She's 16, and she sometimes helps mo, and say6 “This T-shirt is nice for you' or ‘Don't wear brown, ts not a good colour for you 1 ike that (and my friends don’t know, 3. Read the text again. Write full sentences to answer the questions. © Who has got an oldersister? William has got an older sister. 1. Who has a lot of fun swapping clothes with her friends? ‘Who doesn't talk to friends about clothes? Who likes talking to friends about clothes? Who's going toa swapping party tomorrow? ‘Who wants to swap a nice pair of trainers? pas Rela eR UML N Le) ‘An email to say what you're doing 1. Read the emails. Who is writing on a mobile? Hi Luke, ‘Are you alright? | hope you're having more fun than | am right nom. Well, things are not so bad. Of course i's a bit boring here in hospital, but the doctors and nurses are really rice, And there are three other boys in my room, and we have lots of things to tak about. This is ust a short message -I haven't got my laptop with, ime, and typing on the phone isn't easy. ‘Anyway, please write to me. How are you? What's {going on at school? How is the team doing? The doctors say no sports for me for another six weeks! That's not good. Pease say hi to everyone. Cheers, Evan 2. MONEY AND HOW TO SPEND IT Hi Evelyn, How are things with you? Hope everything's going well I'm with Leah and Zoo, and we're studying for the Maths test together. You know Maths is really not iy fevourite subject, but Leah and Zoe are really ‘900d at it. And they give me a lot of help. We're not studying right now. Leah and Zoe are playing table tennis, 'm stil upstairs, but I'lljoin them soon, | guess you're having a good time in Landon right now. You're probably walking around a street ‘market or window shopping. Or maybe you're just buying @ nice present for your sister? I'm just kidding! By the way, we are practising for @ new play at school, The first show is in two weeks' time. | hope you can come. ‘That's it from me. Write soon Lots of love, Your sister Charlotte 2. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Evelyn's sister isin London now. 2. Leah, Zoe and Charlotte are taking a break from studying, 3. The three friends are playing a sport. 4 Luke is visting friends in hospital ‘The four boys in the hospital don't know what to talk about. 6 Luke isnt happy that he cant play in the team for a long time. 3 Write an informal email to a friend who is on holiday in another country (about 150 words). Use the language in the Writing tip to help you. @ Askhow your friend is, fe Tellhim or her where you are and what you are doing, ‘© Change the subject and ask your friend a fevr questions about something that you are interested in. ‘¢Say that you would like an answer as soon as possible. ‘¢- Finish with an appropriate ending, O onO0 0 © You write informal emails to friends or family members. Your language should be informal and friendly. ‘© You can begin your email by asking how the other person i, for example, How are you?, How are things with you?, Are you aright? hope everything's well. ‘© In an informal email you can use emotional ‘expressions such as Im just kidding, What a paint, How cools that2, What a shame! ‘To change the subject, you can use phrases such as By the way, Anyway, That reminds me of . ‘You can end your email saying what you would like the other person to do, for example, Write soon, Let me know... Say hito..., and an informal ‘ending such as Cheers, Love, A big hug, Talk-soon, cor simply Bye bye. B 4 LISTENING 1 EGE Listen to the conversations and complete the sentences. 1. The boy is interested in a ese He thinks i's? 2 The man is interested in? T-shirt The shop assistant thinks he wants a* The bookis in the section 3 The girl wants to see a pair of ¢ She wants them in” the man. She wants to® 2 Put the conversations in order. Listen and check. 1 BOY OK, thanks. B Boy Ah, OK. That's too much. BoY ‘Yes. This T-shirt, how much is it? WOMAN Hi. Can help you? WOMAN Well, havea look at the T-shirts ‘over there. They're not aspricey! [_] WOMAN Let me check. Here you go... i's twenty-four pounds fity 2 MAN Ididn't mean arecipe book . MAN Right. Where's that? CL) MAN Hello. Have you got any books on vegetarian food? O WOMAN WOMAN Is there anything | can do for you? ‘Oh, sorry. I think you need the healthy living section. Right behind you. Yes, of course. That's in the section over there. There are loads of books on cooking, WOMAN, WOMAN O oO 3 GIRL Yes, have you got these jeans in ere? O GIRL Thank you. Can I try them on please? GL Um...8, MAN Just amoment. Here you are. CL] MAN Let me look... What size do you ~ take? MAN Of course. The changing rooms are cover there, on your right. MAN Hello, Can | help? a) ESTRAINTOTHN Exploring numbers 1. Read the text. Can you work out how Logan finds the answer to the teacher's questions so fast? Check with the answer at the bottom of the page. a 1 { Note: ] | Evennumbers: | 2468.. | (Odd numbers: [1357 Logan is brillant at Maths. One day, his Maths teacher asks the class how quickly they can find the sum of the first 50 odd numbers. The other kids are starting to think when Logan calls out, ‘2,500'! The teacher thinks that Logan was just lucky. ‘OK;' she says, ‘let's make ita bit more difficult, Who's fastest at finding the sum of the first 75 odd numbers? Everybody is thinking hard. Fifteen seconds later, Logan cals out, '5,625'! He's right again. The teacher is puzzled. How does Logan do 2 Aquestion for yo odd numbers? /hat's the sum of the first 66 2990605 Anus ‘1 arty nok sioquinu ppo os 1s1y ays Jo ns ays 198 ol § i6X6 Aduruasny-apouip 2ou uieBy ¢sraquinu ppo out as1y a JO wins atp Ss e4 I6vansue aus ex ¢ Anus asf dsea gszaqunu ppo aan siy ay) Jons ap 5,1849q R007 1 Yum eas Ip Saquun Po antingasuo2 jo saa e Jo wns ayn areynqe> oy ASE 5 Jamsuy. Listening part 1 1 CBM You will hear three short conversations. ‘There is one question for each conversation. For ‘each question tick (7) A, B or C. ]c 1 What number is Keith's house? Ja B < 3. Which picture shows what's in Dawn's bag? Zan Ca Os Eye Exam guide: multiple-choice pictures In amuktiple-choice picture task, you hear short conversations and then have to choose the correct picture to answer a simple question. ‘© Before you listen, look at the pictures. What swords do you expect to hear? These are the words you need to listen out for. ‘© fthe pictures show numbers or times, practise saying them to yourself in your head before you listen © Be careful not to tick the fist picture you hear. Often, you will hear all three pictures mentioned. You need to listen carefully to select the right one. ‘© Listen carefully to the whole conversation. The correct answer is often only revealed at the end. ‘* Don't worry if you don't get the answer the first time you listen. You will hear each conversation twice. ‘e Ifyou get the answer on the first listening, use the second time to check the answer. ‘¢ Always choose an answer even if you have no idea which one is correct. CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: Ke 2. EDEEE You will hear five short conversations. ‘There is one question for each conversation. For each question tick (7) A, B or C. 1 What's the weather like? 2 Which is Anne's dog? 3. Where is Marco from? Portugal Chile Brazil A Os Oe 4 How far is jasmine’s house from her school? 2B CONSOLIDATION LISTENING VOCABULARY 3° Unscramble the words in italics. 1 CBEEY Listen to Annie talking about her %6 hobby. Which of these items has she got in her collection? 2 ECDEEM Listen again. Answer the questions. 0 Whatiis Annie's hobby and how is it different from. other teenagers’? ‘She shops for clothes. It's different hecanse she collects old clothes from the 1940s. 1 Who buys the clothes that Annie wears every day? 2. Where does Annie buy the things for her hobby? 3. Whyis her collection quite small? is 4 Where does she keep her collection? 5. Why doesn't she wear these clothes? GRAMMAR 4. Rewrite the sentences to include the words in © Can you go to the rapumkerest and get some milk? supermarket 1 Iyou‘te cold, then put on a premyj : 2 I'm going to the stop cofefi so can get you some stamps. 3. Mum, Ineed some new reatrins. hese have got holes in them, 4 The new prentatmed toser i really big. You can buy anything there 5 Putsome hostrs on. It’s really hot today. 6 fyour hands are cold, put on your levsog. My mum's a doctor. She works at the local sopithal. brackets. © | get up late on Saturday mornings. (never) Inever get up late on Saturday mornings, 1. Dad's in the bath again. (singing) 2 That sounds a great idea, (lke) 3. My dog runs after birds in the park. (always) 4. Polly like hot food but she's eating your curry. Goesn't) 5 Mum cooks at the weekend, (usually) 6 Why are you drinking the coffee? It awful. tastes) 7 like music but Im enjoying listening to this! (not) 8 | go swimming on Sunday mornings. (sometimes) 9 My mum likes most fruit she doesn‘ like apples. 10 James loves this band but he isn't the concert. (enjoying) READING 7 Read the text about Dan. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). the text with the present simple or ‘continuous form of the verbs in brackets. and | imhaving (rave) 0 great holiday place. At the moment | Gi with Jennie and. |? Corte) you 0 We — eat) a. pizza and. it | (haste) amazing. We * (watch) people in the street. The peer © fests beautiful clothes here in lealy and they Glock) 0 cool. Talking of cool ~ all the __ (ride) Vespas here - you know, eat motorbikes. (ake) the conversation with the words in’ | exoblem | much | making | looks S| careful | do | right Gore on _, Sue. Stop looking at the shoes. Butthey‘re really |__ et we're here to buy George a present. Remember? ‘Because it’s his birthday tomorrow. Pas? ___Now, he really likes * models so . ‘pihat about this ship? ing How* Wiha! We've only got £10. So let's forget the ship, then, shat aeroplane > ‘good. 8 are yous to, Ben? getting this aeroplane off the shelf —donit” that OK Don't worry. ate. | think we've got a? WRITING Write a short text about your hobby (120-150 words). Include th UNITS 1&2 Tye got quite an unusual hobby for a teenager. My hobby is bird watching, Some (of my friends think tsa silly hobby but they don't really understand what it’s all about. Love bird watching because | get to spend a lot of time out of the house. Many teens spend most of their time indoors playing on their tablets or watching TV. lke doing, that too, but not all day, like walking in the countryside and seeing what I can find. There's always a surprise or two. | usually go bird watching at the weekend, for three or four hoursin the afternoon. | sometimes go for an hour really early in the morning before school. It’s the best time to see birds. | keep alist ofall the birds I see. There are more than 250 birds on it. That's most of the birds that live in the UK, but there are still a few more to see. But the best thing about my hobby is that it doesn't cost much money. Ive got a pair of binoculars ~ a present from my grandad ~ and a few books. lonly need these things. Everything else is free. All of Dan’ friends think his hobby is great. Dan doesn't lke playing computer games. Dan always sees something different when he goes for a walk. ‘The best time to see birds is after lunch on a Saturday or Sunday. Dan writes down all the birds that he sees. 5 Youdontt need any money to bea birdwatcher. information. What itis. When and where you do tt How much money you spend on it. Why you like doingit. FOOD FOR GRAMMAR 4 kk — Complete the conversation with some. Countable and uncountable nouns EEA oheay. | 1 DAD It's Mum's birthday tomorrow. Let's make: cake for her. 0 ALEX Yeah, great idea. What do we need? 1 The milk is/are in the kitchen, DAD. Well frst wenced®_aaue_sugaranil 2 There is/are three English lessons this week. 1 butter. 3. The cheese is/ are old, ALEX What about fruit? 4 These apples is/are very good! DAD We're going to make a banana cake, so we! 5. Itis/ are six o'clock, need? bananas. 6 My homework tonight is / are easy. ‘ALEX. OK. But we've got ? oranges a 7. There is/are water on the floor, strawberries here as well, Can we use th too? da* Write the words from Exercise 1 in the DAD Well, maybe we can put * correct columns. strawberries on the top of the cake, but I beok | water | cheese | homework sure we don't need 5 ‘oranges. lesson | milk | time | apple ° abanana cake, Alex! a . ALEX OK. Oh, it’s going to be a great cake, Dad | Countable: Uncountable But don't forget the candles. A birthday cake isnt right if there aren't ® ——— uate candles on it i Fo ‘ DAD That's right. 2 ° ‘ALEX. So, can we please put” candles Pe ° onit? DAD Sure. Now - what do we do first? , e ‘ ‘ALEX. | can look on the computer to get 5 0 : information about cakes. OK? — » DAD No, we haven't got” time for that. Come on —let's start. 2b * Now write these words in thecorrect columns. (how) much / (how) many / butter | computer | juice | potato | shirt | pencil alot of / lots of 5. 4% Complete the sentences with much or many. a/an/some/ ony EYE 3% Complete the sentences with @ /an or some. aie stlokrarelberellgour © Iedlike some _ strawberries, please. classroom? 1 We've got lesson at 10o'clock, 1 My schoo! hasn't got computers. 2 There are apples in the kitchen, 2 How butter do we need? 3 Thisis old computer. 3. Thaver't got friends. 4 Let's make orange juice. 4 Thaventt got time before dinner. 5 Idlike cheese sandwich, please. 5 How legs hasa spider got? 6 Canthave water, please? 6 How ice cream is there in the fri 7 You've got nice shirts! 7 We haven't got homework tonight. 28 4 Replace a lot of with much or many. Thavent got alotef friends. There aren't alot of people here. many ‘There isn'ta lot of sugarin my coffee, We haven't gota lot of time. Please don't buy a lot of cheese. There aren'ta lot of songs on this CD. Hundreds of people went to the concert, but there werenta lot of teenagers. 7 There isn'ta lot of information in this book, o many / too much / not enough moun ‘SrEn Complete the sentences with the words in the list. seomuch trafic alot of people alot of traffic +00 many people alot of clothes too many clothes © Ican'terossthe road - there's “too much traffic | think throw some cold ones away. 2 Welllget there easily — there isn't & Icantget on the bus there are today! 5 Iwasreally happy because ‘came to my party. 3 FOOD FOR LIFE 8 xk Circle the correct words. (0 I can't go out tonight ~/ haven't got enough / ve got too muctp homework to do. 1. Let's dot later. There isn't enough / There's too much time now. 2. Weneed to go shopping; there isn’t enough | there's too much food for tonight. 3. We can't sit down because there aren't enough | there are too many chairs. 4 [need to tidy my room ~ there aren't enough / there are too many things on the floor! too + adjective, (not) + adjective + enough 9 kx Complete the sentences with a phrase from the list. nettired-enough | too tired too warm | not warm enough too old not old enough © Ican't gotosleep-l'm_not tired enough 1. Sorry, youre only 12. Youre to see this fim. 2 Sorry, tm Ljust want to go to bed! t0.go out tonight! 3. What? Go fora swim in the sea? Sorry, no, the water's 4 Idor't want to go for a walk. It’s a very sunny day, soit’s towalk. GET IT RIGHT! © alot of / lots of We use of + noun after a lot and lots. 2 ¥ There are a lot of fast food restaurants in my town. X There are aot fast food restaurants in my town. V We've got lots of money. £_X We've got lots money. We use a + lot + of but lots of. 7 There are a lot of /lots of people at the party. X There are alotsof people at the party. Correct the sentences. 0 There is lots food to eat. There is lots of food 1 We have alot of sandwiches and a lots of sausages. 2. We don't have much of water. 3. There aren't alot places to park the car. 4. Jobuyslots cakes and a lot ice cream. 29 VOCABULARY cheesecake carrots pre beans chips yoghurt chocolate tomatoes cury strawberries ee fish steak Food ham spinach —— _— icecream soup mushrooms: sausages omelette salad onions peppers pasta pears i coffee: fruit juice hot chocolate | mineral water tea : Words that go together Describing food Expressions with have roast chicken delicious have got an idea boiled potatoes disgusting have got a headache grilled fish fatty have got time fried mushrooms fresh ~ have got something to do ham and cheese omelette horrible have gota problem vanilla and chocolate ice cream salty mixed salad spicy } pasta with tomato sauce sweet : tasty yummy 30 3 FOOD FOR LIFE and drink BES 4 Look at the words in Exercise 3. Match them to the definitions. * ce the puzzle. Whi the Be raelunthe ached atiee © ithasa very nice taste (2 words) delicions, tasty 1 ithasa very bad taste (2 words) ithasa lot of fat in it ithas sugar in it <4 ithasahot and strong taste (for example, curry) 5 it isina natural condition (not froma tin or frozen) 5 %& — Invent two dishes, one that you think is really delicious, and one that you think is really disgusting. Example: Delicious — chicken curry with mushrooms and chips Disgusting — vanilla ice cream with spinach , . : and chips by ‘9 WordWise Expressions with have got ‘ 5 6 ; & 2 | 6% Match the sentences and the pictures, | 8 eee The mystery word is ives to talk about food EE © roast a chicken b potatoes. € strawber + grilled a soup bb fish ¢ sausages } 2 boiled a carrots b potatoes ¢ salad 3 fried curry b chicken —_€ onions | a. lvegotanidea! 4 mixed a salad — b vegetables ¢ chicken b I've got a headache. S hot awater b fruitjuice ¢ chocolate [haven't got time. 4. I've got something to do. * Complete the adjectives. Then chec ‘the word list ‘Describing food’. 7% Match the sentences to a-d in sous Exercise 6, su in weet 0 ‘Let'sgotothecinema’ [a my eo 1 'mtaking aspirin’ eh ietae 2 ‘Andi'm going to do itnow!" [| ew * te 3. ‘Let'splay tomorrow, OK?" 31 READING 1 Match the statements and the food. Then check your answers in the article on page 31 of the Student's Book. fs] OE © InJapan, they are sometimes square, 1 They have more sugar in them than strawberries. Ithas a lot of vitamins that are good for the skin and hair They help the body produce a chemical called ‘serotonin. 4. Alot of people think they're vegetables, but they're fruit. L oO bananas avocados watermelons honey © lemons 2 Read the text. Match the photographs and the ae. 32 countries. grasshopper If kudu 7 - EL ¥ ~ i rattlesnake chipsin guineapig — ] urysauee a theUSA —b Peru © Brazil Britain © SouthAfrica Mexico POSTED: THURSDAY Different food around the world Its fontastic to go to different countries. You can see ‘wonderful places and visi great cities. You can go to museums and markels, ond meet people with different ideas ond a diferent language. And, of course, you can ‘at diferent food, too. ‘Sometimes the food in another country is differant because it has a differen taste - for example, food in Indic is often very spicy. But sometimes itis because the {ood itself is very different. So, what things do people ect ‘noher countries that perhaps you don't eat in yours? Well, in Mesico, some people really ike fo ect ‘grasshoppers. Do you think that's stonge? Perhaps, but ‘of course the people who eat grasshoppers don’ think so, ‘and infact grasshoppers are very good for you It you go to South Aftica, ou see that some places serve udu ~ isc kind of big antelope. And in some pars of the USA, you can eat rattlesnake ~ some people say i tastes like chicken, but other people say's like fish. lot of people just say: I's delicious! Tokking of chicken, griled chicken hearts area big {favourite in Brazil, People eat them with meat and rice at barbecues. Finally if you go fo a restaurant in some parts ‘of Peru, it's possible that you wil see fried guinea pig on the menu. I's a very important food for many people in ‘the mountain parts of tne country. ‘So perhaps you are thinking: “Oh, no, please — just want 1 eat chips! Oh, yes, chips (or ‘ries’ in the USA). Now they're the same in every country, righ? Wrong! In many places in Britain, people eat their chips with a curry sauce! ‘So, when you eat a meal, stop and think. Perhaps people: trom other countries think that your food is really strange! Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct false ones. (© Food in India is sometimes very spicy. 1. Some people eat grasshoppers in Mexico. 2. Grasshoppers are good for you. 3. Everyone thinks rattlesnake tastes like chicken. 4 In Brazil, some people eat fried chicken hearts. 5 Guinea pigis an important food everywhere in Per. 6 Chips (or fries) are the same in every country. 7. In Britain, some people eat chips with curry sauce. DEVELOPING WRITING ipe Read the recipe for Bolognese sauce. About how long ‘does it take to make this sauce? Bolognese sauce What you need (the ingredients): 2p alive ol + small carrot, cut into small pieces + small onion, cut into small piaces 44209 can of tomatoes some fresh basil leaves 229 minced beet 12509 spaghetti toasted breadcrumbs ‘ow to make it: Heat the oll n a frying pan. Put in the carrot and enion and cook for 5 minutes. {Ad the minced beet to the carrot and onion. Cook for a few minutes (untl the meat is brown} ut the tomatoes into the frying pan, and cook for nother 5 minutes, Str all the ime. ‘Ad the basi loaves, then cook slowly for 15 minutes, Cook the spaghetti. (Usually eight to ten minutes) Put the spaghetti on a plate. Put the sauce on top of the spaghetti. Put some basil leaves on top and the jorumbs. 3 FOOD FOR LIFE 2. Read the recipe again. Answer the questions. 1 How long do you cook the carrot and onion? 2 When s the meat OK? 3. How long does it take to cook the spaghetti? 4 What do you put on top of the sauce? 3a Read the section 'How to make it’ again. ‘Match the verbs and the definitions. 1 heat (-] 2 add 3 stir a putone thing together with another thing b_ move round and round (often with a spoon) «make something hot 3b Tick (V) the correct option. All the verbs are in: the present tense [_] theimperative [| the past tense ‘© Choose the dish. Something simple is ‘a good idea! (A chocolate cake? Chips? ‘Anomelette? ..) ‘© Think of all the things you need (the ingredients). Write them down. Use a dictionary to help you with words you don't know. ‘© Think of any things you need to do to the ingredients before you start cooking (eg. cut / chop / dice /...) ‘Write the words down. © Think of the steps (How to make it). What are the verbs you need? Write them down, Use a dictionary to help youwith words you don't know. 4 4 Write a recipe for something that you know how to make or cook. 3 34 LISTENING 1 ECDEED Listen to the conversation between Sally and Maggie. Tick (/) the things that Sally puts in her dish. beans ] carrots [ chicken chillipepper |_| garlic meat C mushrooms [| onion Ol potatoes red pepper |_| tomato |_| 2 EDEEE Listen agai or F (false). 0. Sally is cooking something for dinner. }. Mark the sentences T (true) 1 Sally's got anidea for anew kind of food. PHRASES FOR FLUENCY S38 1 Put the sentences in the correct order. ‘A Hey, Fatima. I've got some news Well, they're from Italy. They're going to be [4 2. The onions, tomatoes and red peppers are here for a couple of weeks. grilled together 3. Sally's dish isnt spicy 4 Sally uses fried steak 5 They can eat Sally's food with salad and potatoes. & Maggie thinks chill con carne is from Mexico. 7. Chill con carne usually has mushrooms init DIALOGUE 1 Put the words in order to make phrases. 0 OK/it's. It's OK. 1 sorry /'m/ really 2 really/I/bad /feel 3. it! worry [Donit/ about 2 Use the phrases in Exercise 1 to complete the conversation. There may be more than one possible answer. ‘A Jacky? Do you remember that | borrowed your book? B_ Yes, | remember. Why? ‘A Well-| cant find it. haver't got it any more. ° tm really sorry 8 Oh, , Brian, I's nota very good book! az s Jacky. want to buy another one for you. 8 No,Brian.? Really. Look - I've got an idea A What? B_ There’sa film of the book now. It's at the cinema this weekend, Take me to see it! ‘A. Oh,OK then. Ohreally? What sit? Some friends are coming next week to visit Sowhat? Great. | love parties! Oh, 'm sorry, Fatima, I didn’t mean to. OF course | want you to come as well What about me? Don't forget me! (OK. Some Italians here in our town! That's good news. ] A. Yes, itis. want to have a party when they/n here. Me too! I'm going to invite Joe, and Garry, June, and Melinda, and 2 Complete the conversations with the words in the lst. ‘Actually | What about me I didn't mean to | as well So what a couple of Do you lke this curry? B Yes, its delicious.°_ Actually _,curry’smy favourite food, I think. But Ike other things ! , ofcourse. {im going to the cinema with? friends a3 2.Can| come too? A Jobris very angry with you 34 7 dont like him anyway. ‘A. Katie? Did | say something wrong? 8 Yes. And it hurt me! A Well, really sorry. $ oe Vowel sounds: /1/ and /i:/ Go to page 118. ading and Writing part 3b Complete the conversation between Jack and his dad. For each space 1-5, choose one of the sentences A-H. What's for dinner tonight, Dad? o€ ‘Again? We had that on Monday night 1 ‘Oh wel that's OK. I reall lke fish and chips Can we have some peas too? 2 JACK Actually, they're in the cupboard, not the fridge. DAD 3 JACK Sure. Here you are. Do you need any more help? DAD 4 JACK Yes, itis. Is that why you cook it ll the time? 5 JACK Yes, you're right. Sorry, Dad! No, thanks, Cooking fish and chips is easy! Can you get them for me? Fish and chips We haven't got any. That's not true. Sometimes | make curry. I know. And we're having it again tonight. | don't need any help, thanks (OK. | think we've got some in the fridge. Exam guide: dialogue matching ‘You choose five sentences (one is given to you) from eight possibilities, This means you have to be this exercise, you read a conversation and choose a sentence to go in each of the empty spaces. peas too?’ A possible answer is D: ‘We haven't got any’ BUT — and this is important —Jack then says: Actually, they're in the cupboard ... So Dannot be correct. The correct answer is H. (Another example: why is'G' NOT the right answer for space 4?) ‘When you finish choosing the sentences, read through the complete conversation again to check your answers. Does the conversation make sense? 35 A 36 FAMILY cin GRAMMAR 4 Possessive adjectives and pronouns 1* "11 Gay amily is quite big, There are 'I/ my three sisters Vicky, Mila and Madison, and there are 2us / cour brothers Dylan and Isaac. And 3// my name's Ryan, so we are three boys and three girls. {Us / Our sisters love playing football for the school team. “They / Their teamis really good. Vicky is “they / their goalkeeper. TShe | Her friends think she's the best goalkeeper in the world. ®Us / Our mum and dad love football too, ‘so on Sundays we all go and watch the three girls play. Dad's got a brother. *He / His name's Jonathan. He sometimes goes with us to watch the girls play. Uncle Jonathan often says to me, !'You | Your sisters are {good footballers, but Im sure youare better’ Ithink 5 that’s funny. (Circle) the correct words. 2 dk Rewrite the sentences using possessive pronouns. © Isthis your dog? Is this dog yours? 1 Isthat his car? 2 Are these your jeans? 3 Isthis my sandwich? 4 Are these our books? 5 Isthat her house? Whose and possessive 's E20 3% Lookat the example. Write sentences in the same style. In each sentence, put the apostrophe in the right position. © A Whose is this pen? Isis. Peter) think it’s Peter's, Whose are those shoes? They/te theirs. (my friend) Isthis your car? ~ INoyit’s hers. (Mrs Miller) ‘Are those your brothers’ bikes? No, they'te theirs. (my sisters) Isthis John's phone? No, t's his. (Tom) Whose are these keys? They're hers, (Sandra) ererererere Circle) the correct words. © A Canyou check @ho’)/ whose at the door? B It's Peter’) | Peter friend, Henry. 1A Who's/ Whose cari this? B It'sthe Miller's / Millers’ new car. 2A Isit Sam / Sam's bike? 8 No,itshis sister Barbara / Barbara's 3A Ourteacher’s teachers son isa doctor. You mean Mrs Smith's / Smith son? 4A Who's/ Whose your favourite band? B. really lke The Arctic Monkey's / Monkeys songs alot. 5A Who's/ Whose are these books? 8. Theyarer‘t mine. think they're James / James 44% Complete the conversations. 1A Ireally ike° your jacket, Bob. Itlooks really good on ! 8? isn't? It's Kev’s, He ke itto* Ie got to give it back to 5 later. 2A Do you know the Richard twins? § 4 next to Sally. In fact she ives at number 9, z house is number 11 B Yes, know Sally. My sister isa good friend a = She's friend of mine too. {'m sure that's Liam's dog over there. So * 2 He never goes anywhere wit % dog B It’snot" one is brown. Hey, what are doing, Henry? sandwich. It’s not a was hungry. Here are. Don't be angry with v LOK? is this camera? B_Let’s ask Joseph. I think it's 0 to Rebecca. Maybe it's Liam's dog is black andl Ldgodal ual Ls -er /a/ at the end of words Go to page 119. Jwere Gircle) the correct option. Breakfast this morning (a) / were delicious, but ‘the bananas wasn't /Cweren’Dvery sweet. ‘Mrs Donald, our English teacher, was / were really ‘cool yesterday, We was / were happy too. My parents wasn't/ weren't at home yesterday evening. They was / were at my school with my ‘teacher. > | was / were really hungry but there wasnt / werent any sandwiches left “& The film was / were really boring, We wasn't / werent very interested in it = They was / were very late. There wasnt/ weren't many people left at the party. Complete the sentences with was or were. = A Was _itcold this morning? Cold? Not really David and Daniel born in the same »o year? No. David is 9, Daniel is 11. your parents angry with you? Not at all. as all your friends at your party? Only Tony wasn't, He was il ___she hungry? Yes, very, very hungry. they at home? stillat school No, they orererere Complete the dialogue between a police (PO) and Eric with was, wasn't, were or So, just let me check your story again. Sure. Your mum and dad®_were in the garden. Yes, they ' They? very happy. ‘And your brother? inthe garden too. No, he * Hes inthe garage. He * very happy. In fact, he very angry. And® your sister, il, in the house? 9 kk Answer the questi 4 FAMILY TIES ERIC. Yes, she” She inthe kitchen. She very hungry. PO And the twins? "2 they in the kitchen with her? ERIC_ No, they ® They“ inthe living room — in front of the TV. PO And you, Eric. Where ' you? ERIC 18 tired and”, very well pe inbed. PO Sleeping ERIC. Yes, asleep. PO So, ifyou® asleep, how do you know where everyone was? ns so they are true for you. 1. Were you at school yesterday at 3 pm? 2. Was thot yesterday? 3 Was your teacher happy this morning? 4. Were you in bed early ast night? 5 Were youlate to school last week? 6 Was your bestfriend happy to see you this morning? GET IT RIGHT! © it's and its : We use it’s as a short form of itis. We always use an £ apostrophe (’) between it and the -s. Y It’smy mums birthday today. X Its my mum's birthday today. ‘We use its to talk about possession when the subject is an object or an animal*. its never has an apostrophe. This book's very old. Its pages are yellow. X This book's very old. It’ pages are yellow. } *We sometimes use his/her to talk about animals that are our pets. Put four apostrophes (’) in the correct place. ove my new mobile phone. | love the colour. Its red. Its my favourite colour. The screen is big and the camera takes good pictures. My sister loves her phone because of its modern design and its apps and because its small. Her friends gave it to her for her birthday, Its really nice, but | think mine is the best. 37 VOCABULARY Family members Feelings i (my grandparents) Sarah | Bill (my grandma) mi (my granddad / grandpa) a eta aeetinie Sally —~— lan Jenny — Sam (ony mother, (myfather) ——(myaunt,lan’s- | (myunele, Sarah & Bill's i Jenny's daughter) husband) — | i Josh ME Megan Ben (iny brother) (ny sister, Genny & Sam's Sarah & Bill's son, my cousin) granddaughter) ! Possessive adjectives and pronouns Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns my mine your yours his his her hers its - our ours their theirs Key words in context side of the family Here's photo of my dad's side of the family. fight They are three brothers and they fight quite a lt. spend time Do you spend allot of time with your family? hero Miyaand Tiffany are heroes ~ they saved their father’ life. ambulance Let's call the ambulance. Quick! disappear David disappears under the water. in trouble I think theyre in trouble. Lets help them. open presents Can we open our presents now? watch a performance Lets watch the 6 pm performance. ‘worried international ‘When is International Children's Day? national Today isa national holiday in Turkey. share Let's share the pizza's big enough. | together It’s good for children and parents to have time to spend = r together itation ‘Thanks for the invitation to the party. 38 members EYES Do the crossword. Find the famous ‘of Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Knox and in the shaded squares. Er ‘My parent's son, He's older than me. He's married to my sister. ‘My son's daughter. My dad's mum, My mums da. The son or daughter of my uncle. My mums sister. : My parent's daughter. She's younger than me, 44% Look at the example. Think of famous ‘people or other people you know and write sentences about them. © alittle brother Prince Harry is Prince William's younger brother. 1 abigsister 2 afather-indaw 3 cousins 4 agrandpa 5 anuncle 6 asistersinlaw 7 anaunt 4 FAMILY TIES Feelings 3 4 — Unscramble the words in the list. Write them under the pictures. purerissd | cusdefno | droup | drewori deliever | credas | estup | grany im ek How do you feel when ... (© youwatch a horror film? I feel scared! 1 you get bottom marks in atest? 2 youget top marks in atest? 3. you don't understand a lesson? 4 your bestfriend forgets your birthday? 5 you've got an important test in the morning? 6 atestis over (and it wasnt so difficult)? 7 your grandparents give you some money (and it's not even your birthday)? 39 READING 1 [UNENEENDRSN Complete the sentences. ‘Then check your answers in the article on page 39 of the Students Book. © Marge Simpson is Homer's. wife 1. Homers Lisa and Maggie's 2 Ben'son with his Grandpa and Gwen, 3. Ben and Gwen, the two sight quite alot. 4 Gregis the middle of the Heffley family. 5 He is Roderick’ brother. 2. Read the TV guide quickly. What relationship is... 1 Joeto Lucy? 2. John to Paul? 3. Read the TV guide again. Are sentences 1-7 % ‘Right’ (A) or Wrong’ (B)? If there isn't enough information to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn't say’ (C). © We're Watching You's on twice a week. A Right B Wrong — (€) Doesn't say 1 There are famous actors in the show. A Right B Wrong Doesn't say 2. The show makes the reviewer laugh. A Right 8 Wrong €_Doesrit say 3. The families behave badly for the camera A Right Wrong _Doesrit say 4 No-one in the Collins family is happy with what they watch. ‘A Right Wrong Deesrit say 5 Anna Collins is good at sport. A Right 8 «Wrong C_Deesrit say 6 The Lawson family like action films. ‘A Right Wrong Deesrit say 7. Saturday nights don't usually have a happy ending for the Lawsons. A Right —-B_ Wrong Deesrit say 4 Answer the questions. © Why do people ike watching the show? Its really fam. 1 What does Joe and Lucy's dad like watching? 2. What does Joe's sister want? 3. Whose grandpa can't hearvery well? 4 What does John’s grandson want to do? BMT Ca Ye RCO Watching TV fam Were Watching You's a simple but billantidea; puta tiny ‘camera on the front ofthe TVs in several family homes and record ther, and then make it into aTV programme. And that’ alt is, a TY programme that shows us real people watching real TV, Exciting? Not reall. But it's really really funny. Of course all the people on the show agree to the’ camera being on their TV but they soon forget it's there and then the problems star. “There are the Collins family from Huddersfield, Mike, the dad ‘can never find the remote cantrol, and soon starts shouting ~at hiskids, Joe and Lucy, to find it. OF course as his wife Anna says, he always finds it~ he usually sits oni. Anna only wants towatch sport her husband wants cooking programmes, Je wants cartoons and Lucy wants a quiet house without TV.No-one usually gets what they want. ‘And then there's the Layson family from Taunton. They sit down together and watch a film every Saturday night. always starts off well bt soon there's action. Grandpa John cen'thear very well. He always wants to turn the volume ups This upsets his daughter, Georgia, who hates the loud noise So Granda tums it down, bur then he asks his grandson, Paul, to tell him what people say. This makes Paul angry. Andy then his mum often walks in front of the TV into the kitchen to get a cup of tea Poor Paul ~ he doesn't want a cup of teal he just wants to watch the film. We're Watching Yous fun ta watch but Im glad these 4 FAMILY TIES EVELOPING WRITING 2. Look at the lines from the replies. Match them with the invitations. invitation d the invitations. Put the events in the order st they start on Friday. ° Mum and Dad want me back before lunch if that's OK. “ 1 By the way, what do you want for a present? O Of Tre secpover ; 2. Ican be there at 6 pm. | want seat right in — the front row! ou pe weeolatos 3. Sorry, | can't be there at that time. Id love to LD trepary see it Is there a later show ~ around 8 pm? Hayden, ‘enyou come tomy birthday party at The Fun Factory? ItSon Friday evening from 6 pm to 10 pm. They do food there so don't eat before! Please let me know if you can ‘come so I can tell the organisers how many people to expect. Hope you can come. Best, if you want someone to do something with you, you might send them an invitation. ‘Invitations don't need to be long but they do need to contain all the important information = what the event i, where it s, what time it starts, ete, ‘© Ifyou know the person well you might not need toinclude information such as where you live ‘or your telephone number. So think carefully about what the important information is. «ifthe invitation is to friend, use more informal language and make your invitation sound friendly. Remember, you want this person to say yes: Use expressions to make them feel very welcome; please come, hope you can come, please say yes) etc. ‘© More formal invitations need more formal language. Address the person with Dear and Use expressions like Would you lke to come... ? rather than Do you want fo... ? ‘© Don't forget to ask fora reply. vos te tnecama Boo nthe B06 tn? ort Sow et P80 8 Trae gpmarcaea pasate ra ae Lt mek YO! encome i= Dear Aunt Beth, There's & show on ab my schoo nest Priday Be ee CMe eas 3. Write an invitation (50-60 words). Choose one of tos wart gud seat The seeots at te these reasons. Rao pe Be Cet ed eons 2 You want your best friend to play tennis after school. ©} 3 You want your friend to go away with you and your Dear Jasmine family for the weekend. house Lyon ike to come toa sleepover at my Me ies neces some and pick you up at about Spm and take you back om Set mon. Please say yes: We'll have fa Susie sy mum ys yo have tash your parts fo a 2 LISTENING 1 CBE Listen to the conversations. Put the pictures in order. or F (false). © Inconversation 1 the girl wants to do her homework. 1. The girl can borrow her mum's laptop. 2. Inconversation 2 the girl can't borrow her mum's laptop. 3 Inconversation 3 the boy wants to play a video game. 4. He says his homework is for Thursday. 5 Inconversation 4 the father gives the boy the remote control. 3° Put the words in the correct order to make conversations. 1A [laptop /Can / borrow / your? © Can borrow your laptop? B_ Why/to/ you! borrow / do /it/ want? A. want /1/ homework /to/ do/ my. B can/course/ OK, you of. 2A we/TV/Can watch / some? 8 homework you/Have ! any / got? A Friday its Yes / only / but / for. B_ you/no/can't/Well. your /Do/ first / homework. [C-DEEM Listen again. Mark the statements T (true) METRAIN TO THINK Making inferences 1 Look at the text on page 40 of the Workbook DIALOGUE 1 Write a conversation for each of these pictures Use a request in each conversation, with a positive answer in one, and a negative answer in the other. TOM SALLY MUM SALLY MUM again, Who do you think says these things? ‘Choose from the names in the list. John | Georgia | Paul | Mike | Joe | Anna © What did he say? _ John 1. It’s my turn and we're watching football 2. Cantwe just turn it off! 3 Shh! Theyre giving us a really good recipe fora cake. ‘Why don't you look under your legs? No, Mum, | don’t want anything to eat, thank yo 6 Where is it? lwant to change channel. = 7 Can you turn it up a bit? 8 Not tennis again. | want to watch Batman. 9 Please ~turnit down! g and Writing part 6 d the descriptions of family bers. Complete the words. My mum's mumg rand m a ‘My mum's dad g My mums sister a ‘My mum's brother wu The children of 2 or 3 above guide: word pletion word completion activity you definitions and you have ‘the word. You are given the is activity it's important that spelling is correct, soit'sa d idea to write the words on a NATALIE °Was / (Were) you at the cinema with 1 DED Listen to the conversation. Circle) A, Bor C. our and vce stright? 1. What does the man want to drink? JOSEPH Yes, 'was / were. twas / were alot ‘A orange juice B_waterwithice ¢ water of fun, and lemon NATALIE And then? ?W/as / Were you all at the fast food place again? JOSEPH How do you know? We ‘was /were, actually. NATALIE Oh, | also know what you had. You always have Ssome / any sausages, Sa lot of! much chips, and you don't eat ’some / any vegetables. (© Why does the man order mineral water? JOSEPH Yeah, | know. I don't eat *too much | enough healthy food, you'e right. NATALIE Hey, I've got an idea. Come and have lunch at our place. My dad's a good cook. He's a vegetarian so he doesn't cook ?some / any meat but he makes 2 Whose isthe drink? much | lots of excellent salads, JOSEPH Thanks, that sounds good, NATALIE Well, come tomorrow at 12.30. JOSEPH Great, thanks. 2 What does the young woman want to drink? ‘A mineralwater B tea © lemonade 3 What soup would the man lke to have? ‘A mushroom chicken © tomato 2. ECBED Listen again. Answer the questions. Because there isn’t any orange juice. 1 What does the waitress bring the man? 3. Inthe third conversation what does the man want to eat? ao o VOCABULARY 4 What doeshe think about the place? 5 Unscramble the adjectives in brackets. Complete the sentences. © How would you lke your vegetables, 5 Where does he arrange to meet Lisa? hited (éeilob) or grilled (lrigde? 1 This curry isto (ypise) for me, i afraid. 2. msorry, but this smells so (unstsdgiig) that | cant eat it Greer 3 A Doyouthink the soup's too ‘the correct word. (aslyt)? 1A Isthatyour book? B_No,notatall.|thinkit's very B_ Nojit’s her/ hers Gress, 2 A letletyoingrandpas watt 4. This steak nice, and the salad’s B_ Yes, it's his/ hers. (cidesliou) 3 A. ve yourges acata 5A How do youlike the (taro) 8 Yes, Ihave. It's its name is Tigger. octet 4 A Doyoulike your new phone? ™ B t's absolutely (uymyrn). B Yes, do and it's/ its gota really good camera too, 6 These vegetables are all really 5 A Whose/ Who'sare those trainers? heft). 8 Theyre mine. 7. This cheesecake's just not very good. It’s too (weset), and it tastes a bit (igorbr). the sentences. Use words for family rs and feelings. Use the ideas in brackets the first letters to help you. ‘ts my little sister's (\'m her big brother) birthday next week, She doesn't know that I'm organising a ‘party. She'll be very surprised when she finds out. My (mother’s father) loves taking photos. He's always p. when he can show them to us, My (uncle's wife) wasin hospital for ‘afew days. We're all she's OK again. My (uncle's daughter) Joanna hates, hhorror films. They make her really s Roy and Christina are and wife (rarried), They are u because their daughter Caroline never visits them. OGUE the conversation. Use the phrases in feel really bad | what about stmean to | can|, please | a couple of so sorry | don't worry | of course | that's OK Jordan,°_camt | borrow your MP3 player? a you can. Your big brother never says no’, does he? “That's right. Thanks so much. Bye Where are you going? I'm going to meet Mia and Emily. ‘And?___ my MP3 player? ‘Are you taking itwith you? aoe 2It'sonly 4 7 hours. ll be back soon. 5 But make sure you bring itback ‘Ah, you're back ‘Well, yes, but The MP3 player It’s broken. Iear't believe it = sJordan. | . ____ break it. twas an accident. OK, 9 These things happen. But next time ... Your big brother will say ‘no’! UNITS 3&4 READING 8 Read the magazine article about unusual birthday traditions. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). ty birthday HOW do you celebrate your birthday? With a cake, a party for your friends with games and fun for al? In some countries birthday celebrations are really unusual. In some parts of Indi, for example, when a child has their first birthday, ther parents cut off all their air. The birthday child wears colourful clothes and gives chocolate toall their friends In Vietnam, they celebrate everybody's birthday on New Year's Eve. Parents give their children a paper envelope with ‘coins in it— lucky money’. ‘In Korea, they celebrate day number 100 after the child is bom, Children get rice cakes with honey and red and Dick beans, Families make sure a child gets a lot ofthese rice cakes. When a child gets hundred rice cakes this ‘means that they will ive a happy and long life. When children in Denmark wake up on their birthday, there are presents all around the bed on the flor. That's ‘why some ofthe children are so excited that they find it difficult to fll asleep the night before! © Inindia children get chocolate from their friends on their birthdays. 1 Parents in some parts of India cutoff their children's hair on their first birthdays. 2 In Vietnam they only celebrate children's birthdays on the last day of the year. 2. In Korea they celebrate before a child is four months old. 4. Children in Korea get ots of rice cakes with chocolate and ice cream 5 In Denmark children get their presents the night before their birthdays. WRITING 9 Write a paragraph about how you celebrate your birthday (about 80-100 words). Use the questions to help you. ‘eHow important are birthdays in your family? ® Howdo you celebrate them? © Are there any interesting traditions? LT FEELS LIKE GRAMMAR Past simple (regular verbs) ERE) 1% Find nine more verbs in the word search and write them next to the past forms. S T= ¥) DO Gans TWTREVIR ORMDVESU PLANKLIK LiRERRVA 0 stay 5 studied 1 ‘ wanted 2 arived = 7 visited 3 planned 8 stopped ‘4 died 9 used ek Use the past tenses in Exercise 1 to complete the sentences. © Thebus__ arrived _ thirty minutes late. 1 We to goto the beach 2 The test was really important so all weekend for it, 3. [really the film. twas so funny. 4 We my uncle in Spain for our holidays. 5 We in areally expensive hotel on our last holidays. It was great 6 She playing football because of an accident. 71 my birthday party very carefully. | wanted it to be perfect. 8 Myhairwas wet so itwith your towel 40k Write the past forms of the verbs. © call called. 6 love 1 start 7 ask 2 ty 8 finish 3 seem 9 look 4 watch 10 show 5 enjoy 1 decide ‘4% Complete the story with the past forms of the verbs in brackets. ‘When |was younger! loved (love) Lego. My sister and |! (play) with tall the time, lalways? (ask) for Lego for my birthday. | was a member of the Lego Club. Every three months a magazine? (arrive) in the post. It was full of ideas for models you could build and there were photos of models from club members. Each time I* (open) the magazine, 1 (look) at that page for hours. 1® Gream) of seeing one of my models on that page. One day my sister and v (decide) to build the best model ever and send a photo to the magazine. For days s (work) on it. We® ce so many different types of bricks, big ones, small cones, square ones, round ones, red ones, blues o every shape and colour you can imagine. After a aweek we (nish. twas amazing ‘we were so happy. Then we ™ (need) to take a photo oft. Very carefully |? (pick it up and ® (carry) it down the stairs. My sister (open) the kitchen door and there were three more steps to the kit table. Unfortunately the dog was siting between me and the table. He '° (jump) up and "6 (knock) the model to the floc Ih” (smash) into thousands of pieces. We '@ (try) to fixit but it was useless. be (look) at my sister and we both » (realise) it was the end of our di Ldkdal uae stot) Regular past tense endings Goto page 119. 5 IT FEELS LIKE HOME ifiers: quite, very, really EXE 9 %* Complete Jenny's hi rect form of the word: ‘Write sentences with the words in a hich Ses. not like | not look | arrive | not think stop | not work | not want | want timnot happy today. (very) _'m not very happy today. Joh) ‘Your grandmother is young. (really) ae . xy 8 Ice cream in Rome We° arrived in Rome last night at about 7 pm, Dad really wanted to see the Trevi Hurry up. We'e late. (very) fountain. |! to see it.I wanted to watch some TV and get an early night. But Dad is the boss and so we all followed him there. Then Dad asked me to take a photo of him by the fountain. He? very cool in his silly hat so | refused. He ? that very much. On our way back to the hotel we Can | have a sandwich? I'm hungry. (quite) Ii tired. | want to go to bed. (quite) #* Circle) the best word. It's 40°C today. It's quite /ealy) hot! ‘That song's OK. It's quite / very good. This bed isso uncomfortable. I's quite / very hard. ‘The sea’s quite / very cold today. Don't go in it. You'll freeze! That food is quite /really delicious. | want to eat it all. ple negative EES Match the sentence halves. to buy some ice cream. | didn't want to stop. | just © to get to bed. But Dad, as | already said, is the boss so we stopped. Well this time I was wrong. What a fantastic ice cream. It was delicious. The best ice cream ever.1® anice cream could taste so good! Anyway, we arrived back in the hotel about 10 pm. I tried to watch some Bepetted io her foran hour £ TV but it” so I ust went to bed and pe cowl ciceet the eames bn dreamed about ice cream all night. She posted the card on Monday He cooked them a really special meal [_} ‘The team played really well but it did't arrive for my birthday GETITRIGHT! © but we did win Past simple (regular verbs) but we didn't talk about you. We add -ed to verbs ending in vowel + -y bout they did't really ike it, | (eg played). but it didn't work. ¥ ploy played X play - plaid the verb ends in consonant +-y (e.g. try), we ‘change the -y to-iand add -ed. ‘+* Make the sentences negative. © | liked the ice cream. I didr’'t like the icecream. 8 y=tied 4 We enjoyed the fim, xe eel Correct the past simple forms. 2 They went 0 France for ther holidays. (rs E 2 staid nee 3. She wanted to go to the party. eer BD Hewon \stpricein the photography competition. | 4 wed 5 enjoied 6 tidyed You met Dan at my party a7 VOCABULARY shower sofa Look have / get into /get out of) (sit down on) bokup wardrobe (word /a person) (open / close) armchair fridge look into ‘Gitin) (open I close) (crime) desk carpet look at (study at) (lay / vacuum) (picture) i look after 3 mirror _— lamp (children / pet : (ook in) (turn on /turn off) (ildren pets) : fl . look for shelves cooker ourkey) toile Putup) (urn on /turn off) ust) curtain (draw) i annoying i annoyed (cild / problem) bored ‘ relaxed boring relaxing (lesson / day) Céeatngs (afternoon) i amered interested amazing teresting (feeling / day out) (idea / subject) Key words in context charity My dad gives money to a charity that helps children in poor countries. creative She's a writer so she always has very ereative ideas care for This charity eares for dogs that have no home. work together Let's work together and finish this job quickly. uncomfortable This sofa s uncomfortable. We need a new one comfortable Mybedis really comfortable. | dont want to get out of tin the mornings. ~ untidy Your room is untidy. There are books and clothes allover the floor. safe Youte safe now. There's no danger anymore. at home | don't think Bob is at home. All the lights are off. homeless There are many homeless people living on the streets in London, Payattention | want you to stop taking and pay attention to me re ED Use the sentences to complete the crossword. 5 IT FEELS LIKE HOME ACROSS 3. lanislooking at hishairin the __- 5 Liamisstanding at the __ inthe kitchen making dinner. 8 Timis putting his clothes in the 10 Dontturn the —_ off. musing itto read. 11. Priscillais washing her hair in the 12. Ollieis doing his homework at his _ DOWN 1. The dogis ying on the floor onthe __in frontof the TV. 2. Mumissiting in the __ reading the ‘What are your favourite pieces of furniture? three pieces and write about each one. wir in onr living room because it's -ing adjectives ETS) Find nine more in the word snake he bing, S i 2 3 : : oR e & -Gircle) the correct adjective. \s @mazing>! amazed. is boring / bored. holidays. They're so relaxed / relaxing. ‘Mr Evans's window with our ball. | think he isa / annoyed with us. the exam! m amazing / amazed. ‘nan the TV off, ad. Ths programme is really interested. with Sally and Jim on the _. & Ben’ litle brother over the road is watching us from behind the 7 Dads putting his books up on the _ 9 Cantuse the before we go out? Yes, it's in the bathroom upstairs. : WordWise i | Phrasal verbs with look : 5 Match the questions with the replies. 0 What are you looking at? a 1 What does ‘circulation’ mean? o 2. Did you find out what happened to your sandwich? 3. Doyyouwant to come to my house after school? ‘What are you looking for? I dont know. Let’ look it up in the dictionary. I cant. Ive got to look after my little brother. My pen. can't find it anywhere. Some old photos. No it’s a mystery but I'm still looking into it. Circle) the correct option to . complete the sentences. 0 The police are looking (nid) / after / up / for what happened lastnight. 1 Hooked after / up / for /at her number in the phone book. 2. Look up / or at into that bird. I's amazing, 3 My mum and dad are looking for! to into! after anew house 4 She helps her dad look at into ofter/ up her litte brothers. o 49 50 READING % NiaeNEx @ Read the article on page 49 of the Student's Book again. ‘What do the numbers refer to? © Halfpastfour time 1 1,200 More than 3 million Seven weeks 7 2 2 Read the article quickly, then write the name of the country under the photos. c= ‘of us live in big houses, some of us live in small houses. Some of us live in apartments in very tall buildings, some of us live in bungalows next to the sea. But most of us live in houses that look like... well... houses. But not everyone. Some people like things that area bit different and that includes their home. For example, theres a house that looks like a strawberry in Japan, another one that looks like a mushroom in Ohio, USA, and theresa toilet: shaped house in South Korea. There’ even a house in Poland that is completely upside down! Maybe you know the children’s poem about the old lady who lived in a shoe. In Pennsylvania, USA there is areal shoe house. Of course, it’s not really a shoe, ust a house in the shape of a shoe. A local shoe manufacturer called Mahlon N. Haines had the idea of building it. He used it asa guesthouse. When he died it became an ice cream shop for a while. These days, it’s a museum. ‘The One Log House in Garberville, California, USA is a one-bedroom house inside the trunk of a2,000-year-old giant redwood tree. It took two people seven months to remove all the inside ofthe tree and make a living space that is just over two metres high and nearly 10 metres long. Joanne Ussary from Benoit, Mississippi in the USA lives in aplane. It's Boeing 727, without the wings. The plane cost $2,000 and it cost another $4,000 to move it on to her land. She spent another $24,000 making it into a home. 3 Read the article again. Answer the questions. 0 Whats the shoe house in Pennsylvania today? How old isthe tree trunk of the One Log House? ‘Who built the walking house in Denmark? How many houses in the article are in the USA? Itsnot the only ‘lying’ home in the USA. In Chattanoog there is house in the shape ofa spaceship; a round hill disc with four legs. And believe it or not, there isa walking house in Denmark. It. hexagonal tube supported by six metal legs. Itcan move over most surfaces. Itis a collaboratioa| between Danish artists and scientists. Moving home couldn't be any easier. When you want to live somewh new, just push a button and walk your house toanew | It's a maseum. How much did Joanne Ussary spend on turning the plane into a home? ‘Which two houses have legs and how many legs have they got? EVELOPING WRITING 5 IT FEELS LIKE HOME come to my world - my room to the bathroom at the top ofthe stairs in my Suse is a very special room. I's a small but cosy it's a special room because it's the place 2 | feel most at home in the whole world. It's bedroom, my bedroom. i's bright and friendly, The ‘are light biue and it’s got a big window. The shines through it every moming, There's a rtable biue bed, a small wooden desk and shelves where | keep all my favourite books. ‘he wals there are some really cool posters of feourite films. ays feel really relaxed in my bedroom. i's the room in the house where | can be on my own, {rom ail the noise of my family | always go = to do my homework, read a book, listen to of just to le on the bed and think. | never jbored in my bedroom. cs 16 comments re the sentences from the text with the igadjectives. fsa small__but___cosy room. Hove my bedroom. its and Trere'sa bed A desk 3 Look at the three paragraphs of wo ‘We can use more than one adjective to make our writing more descriptive If the adjectives come after the noun or pronoun ‘we use and or but to separate them, Look at example sentences 0 and 1. Why do we use but insentence 0 and and in sentence 1? ifthe adjectives come before the noun we don't use and, however, we need to be careful about the order we use them. The usual order is: my opinion / size / colour! what it’s made of. Try not to use more than two adjectives. 'sblog. Which paragraph ... a describes the room? bb talks about how the room makes Mia feel? € introduces the room and says where its? Think about your favourite room. 1 Where isit? 2. Describe it. What'sit got inside? 3. How do you feel when you are there? Why? 4 Think of some good adjectives to use, Write a blog about your favourite room in about 100-130 words. Use Mia's blog and the language above tohelp you. 51 52 LISTENING 1 BEB Listen to Dan and Emily talking about raising money. Tick (/) the things they talk about. Alaa 2 Listen again and complete the sentences with no more than four words, 0 They want to raise money for people who lost their homes in an earthquake in China, 1. Danny wants to raise of money, 2 Most of Emily's toys or have bits missing, 3. Danny thinks that most people use to clean their cars, 4. Tickets for the rock festival will cost 5 Theycanuse the festival for the rock 6 Theyneed to get permission for the festival DIALOGUE 1. Put the words and phrases in order to make part of the dialogue. © DANNY to raise / something / money /let’s do/a lot of Let's do something to raise a lot of money. 1 EMILY we could / think /do you? 2. DANNY and sell we get /old toys / why don't /all ‘our/ them? 3. EMILY not/so/I'm/sure, 4 EMILY theircars/ going round / how about / and washing I for them / to people's houses ? 5. DANNY think / good idea / that's a/I don't PHRASES FOR FLUENCY SES. 1 Put the dialogue in order. ‘A. Onno! But | know what you mean —he gets angry really easily ‘A. Did Chris invite you to his party? A. Well, hope you come anyway. ‘A. What did you say? A 8 EC Hang on. Why not? | thought you were frien We were. But | said something he didn't ike and now he doesn't talk to me. No he didn't I's no big deal, though. To be honest, | don't want to. | just said he wasr't a very good footballer. got really angry with me. Anyway, it's not my problem he's angry. Andi really dontt care about his silly party. 2. Complete the sentences. Use words in the list. deal | honest | problem | hang | mean | though 1A Why are you so annoyed? It's really not a big deal B_ Maybe it ist. 'm still angry, 2A. Idon'twant to go to the match, to be | don't really like football. BI know what you Itis really boring 3A on, We can't just leave this dog here on the street 8 Of course we can. It's not our AMBRIDGE ENGLISH: Ke ding and Writing part 5 d the article about home. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. hat is a home? Example: For” _ home is aplace where I feel safe at all Fearn Bia times. Itis a place where I always feel welcome. Itis areal ae Se always full of friends ' family. Home is more arte ia Caer han justa house. I's the street where I live too. Its tthe park? the bottom of the road. I's the shops 3 A bought — buy € buys swhere ?__my comic every week and where 1 4A that B this € these “ety crisps and sweets. When I walk down * 5 Ahappen 8 happened —_C happening Sereets,Isee the friendly faces of people who know my 6 Aask B say C tell ‘same and say ‘hello’ [stop to talk to these people to ook Katee cplgianked <--- iveanta ‘Gnd out whatis* __ in theirlives. they* _me 8 Aahays 6 sometimes C never “qeestions about my life too. When someone stops and asks me for directions ‘tknowwherehe” to goand can tell him the “best way to get there. Home isa place where 1° ‘sskother people for directions. guide: multiple-choice cloze multiple-choice cloze, you are given three choices of words that could fit the gap to complete a text. ‘must select the correct one. ‘Read al the text to understand what it isabout. «© «If you can't guess the word, look at the answers. Put each one in the gap and read the sentence to yourself in your head. Look at each gap carefully. Look at the ‘words before and after it. an you guess what word is missing without looking at the “answers? If your guess is one of the options, then tis probably the correct answer. ‘Which one sounds correct? Iyouare not sure which is the correct word, then cross out the ones that don't sound right and choose ‘one of the others. ‘Always choose an answer even ifyou have no idea which one is correct. . ‘Read the story. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. “East week my mum and dad decided to get a cleaner to.come Example: “eedclean the house ___ aweek. They both work and they o Apo B first ©once “eothave! time todo the housework. They arranged Fok Bigeye sells ‘the cleaner to come?___ Monday morning, Iwas very ee Hh zon prised when my dad asked ?____totidy my room on the ae ae a What about the cleaner?’ I asked. We have to tidy a y “he said. ‘The house +a mess.’ So tidied my room, 4 Ak ed So m tidied the rest of the house and Dad vacuumed. Then 5 A bedroom B bathroom ¢ kitchen d started cleaning the windows and Mum started cleaning 6 Awere Bis was fridge and the cooker and the rest ofthe ® ‘They 7 A for Bin cto Saned from morning to evening and when they finished the 8 Ais ring ower 6 sparkling clean. The next morning the cleaner school and Mum and Dad went to work. anote went? ‘we got home later in the afternoon there ® ‘the kitchen table, Itwas from the cleaner. ‘I'm sorry’ tread, ‘can't clean your house. There is nothing to clean!” 54. dies. | FRIENDS GRAMMAR Past simple (irregular verbs) EXE] 1 © Write the past simple forms of these verbs. Use the irregular verb list on page 128. © know knew 6 drink 1 buy 7 have 2 bring 8 say 3 take 9 tell 4 5 eat 10 get leave M1 cost 2 kk Complete the crossword. N ACROSS 1 Yesterday we ___a rally good film 4 His name is Bill? Really? 8 We met last year. We 9 It was my sisters birthday. 10 Last night Down 1. Mydad played the guitar and | asong. 21 to the cinema three times last week. 3. liked the blue shirt and the red one. In the end the red one. ‘We hada party lastnight. We We ___astrange noise, but it was only the wind itwas Brian, really good friends era co. my homework. alotof noise! ‘When he came in to the room, everyone up. ‘The match at three otdock. tok Complete the text with the verbs in brackets in the past simple form. (Careful! Some verbs are regular and some are irregular). It was hard to believe, but it was true~a concert by Kings of Leon, in our town! When 1° saw (see) the poster, 1 (phone) all my friends to tell them. Ar first they (pasa (not believe) me, but then they all 3 (get) really excited! ‘We all really * (want) to goto the concert — it was our favourite band and we® (hear) that you could buy tickets online. The tickets were too expensive, I ‘ (not have) enough money, but my dad? (give) me some money as an carly birthday present and we # (buy) four tickets near the stage. We were all very excited. For two weeks we . (not talk) about anything else ~ just the concert. And then finally, the big day uf (arrive). My friends (come) to my house and we all "= (get) ready. Then we (take) a bus to go to the concert. We (have) a great time at the concert. The band '* {play) really well and they '6 (perform) for three hours! My friends and 17 (sing) t00, because we 1 every song! Unfortunately they (not sing) my favourite song, but you can’t have (know) the words to everything, I guess ‘After the show we all food place, We” (go) to a fa (cat) hamburgers and ® (talk) about the show. Allie ue (say) it was the best concert ever and we (think) the same! Ble genitive EE For each sentence,ircle) the correct answer BorC). Last week | meta friend of. A you B your € yours He gave me ajacket of Aim B his che ‘Oh, yes, Jack and Sue are very good friends of A ours B our c us Idon't know her, but she's a cousin of A Johns B John’s € John Hlove their music. I've got eight CDs of A them 8 their € theirs Hound out that our teacher is an old friend of A myfather's 6 mefather — myfather simple: questions EZ Use the words in brackets to form questions. use the information in brackets to write the rs. Did you like the film yesterday? (you like) Yes, Idid. _ /) any clothes at the weekend? he / buy) ~) alot of photos last weekend? (you take) * with you to the party? (your friends / e) ” Who in town this morning? (you / see) Genny) Where on holiday last year? (they /go) (Corfu) is What for dinner lastnight? (you / eat) (pizza) 6 BEST FRIENDS 6 *#& Complete the questions. 0 I saw someone yesterday. Who did you see ? 1. I bought something last week What 2 2 They went somewhere last weekend. Where 2 3. Iheard something What 2 4 Yousaid something, What ? 5 She told me something. What ? 6 met someone, Who 2 7 found the answer somewhere Where 2 8 I phoned her last night. Who ? GET IT RIGHT! © Past simple: questions We form past simple questions with question word + did + subject + base form of the verb. Remember to use did in the correct © place. |v Where did you meet your fiend? |X Where you met your friend? X Where you-die:meet your fiend? Write a cross (x) next to the incorrect sentences. Then write the correct sentences. 1 Why you didn't cometo my party? {_] O 2. What you did at the weekend? 3 Where did they go on holiday? t | O 4 Who you went to the cinema with? O 5 What he saw at the cinema? 55 VOCABULARY Irregular past participles last week last night buy bought come came choose chose find found give gave Past time ee get got expressions have had e five years ago leave left make made sy said see saw stand stood yesterday yesterday anhour__twoweeks ago think thought morning afternoon ago take took z0 went cheerful fide i a ee Possessive pronouns ine, easy-going Personality _—- adjectives funny intelligent generous horrible helpful they | theirs Key words in context certainly Love parties, so | will certainly come to yours! friendship It was the start of great friendship, gosurfing Isa great day to go surfing — look at the sea! have an accident Be careful when you cross the street ~| dont want you to have an accident. in public it's OK to do thatat home, but not in public! myth Alotof people think’ true, but itisrt~ it's just amyth patient | know you're hungry, but be patient - dinner willbe ready in 15 minutes right now. No, I can't wait~I want it right now! save someone's life Firemen often save people's lives. score The final score was 3-1 stressed It's an important exam, so Im a bit stressed right now. upset Iwas very bad news, so she was upset. expressions EEG ~ Gircla) the correct option. ‘saw her two weeks (agoy yesterday. fe were you last / yesterday afternoon? ‘arrived last | yesterday week. started school five years ago last tried to phone you three hours ago / afternoon. ‘didn't feel well last / yesterday morning, “We went out last/ yesterday right. Complete the puzzle. What is the word"? cal siz L [ ‘We went tothe cinema __last The time now is 725. was 7.10. Today is Monday. J's 25th August. Two the 11th. was late for school this watched a great film last — Sunday. minutes ago, it was Sunday. ago it was Iwas born fifteen years — t's December, October. ‘We went out toa restaurant yesterday _- months ago it was + Complete each sentence about you / your your country, or anything / anyone else know. Two years ago, my sister got married Last night, Z Three weeks ago, - an hour ago. Fifty years ago, : a Last Sunday, g yesterday morning. Last year, Yesterday afternoon 7 6 BEST FRIENDS Character adjectives EXT 4 x Complete the adjectives and then match them with the definitions a-i. = S i OCI als ie} exons ynae relaxed and not easily worried happy and positive unhappy because you want something someone else has _ happy to give other people money, presents ortime not interesting or exciting ‘making you smile or laugh certain about your ability to do things well happy to help others able to learn and understand things easlly 5 *k Lookat these character adjectives. Which ones do you think are positive (P), or negative ww? cheerful confident ‘easy-going funny horrible (J eenerous helpful jealous {| intelligent (| boring 6 %& Choose four adjectives from Exercise 5. Write sentences about yourself. mm usually a cheerfl person. Un not really jealous at all 7 Lego boca Stressed syllables Go to page 11 ST READING 1 For each sentence, ircle) the correct option. Then check your answers in the article ‘on page 57 of the Student's Book. © Charlotte / The music teacher suggested that the two friends could sing together. 1 Jonathan wasn't sure about going on TV because of his appearance I voice 2 When they came onto the stage they were very reloxed I nervous 3 One judge on the TV show said that jonathan / Charlotte should sing alone. 4 They won / came second in the TV competition, 5. Their first CD was called Two of Us/ Together. 2 How many of the friends in the photos can you name? Read the text quickly and check your ideas. ‘AS we al know, having friends is relly important in our lves. But of course there are also great frendshis in books and films —and some of them are very famous. In JK Rowting’s books, Harty Potter's ‘wo great friends are Hermione and Fon. Harry relies on them a lot and they often help him in dificult situations. And ‘though they don't alvays all agree on everything, they're friends for ie Back in the nineteenth century, ‘an American writer called Mark Twain Created two characters called Tom Sawyer and Hucklebeny Finn. They ved in southern USA near the Mississippi River. Together they had problems with ther famies and with slavery Also inthe nineteenth century, in Famous friends in literature Britain, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle created one ofthe most famous detectives ever: Sherlock Holmes. His frend, Dr Watson became very famous too... and Watson always tried to help Holmes. in a recent fim, te two frends were played by Robert Downey Junior and Jude Lan. Meanwhile in 1844, over in France, Alexancre Dumas wrote The Three ‘Musketeers The charectrs Athos, Aramis and Porthos were ina special part of the King's Army and fought against injustce, Together with D'Avtagnan, they showed tel frendship with a ry of: ‘Al for one, and one for all! These famous friends have also appeared in fms on ‘many occasions over the yeas. OK, 0 what about a friendship between a boy and a bear? That's what we saw in the film of Rudyard Kipling’s famous story The Jungle Book, Mowal is a small orphan boy. He was found in the jungle and looked after by wolves, His great friend is an easy-going bear, Baloo. He helps Mogi in his ght against the dangerous tiger, Shere Khan. There are many stories about friendships between men or boys (and there's Baloo too), but famous stories about friends don't seem to inciude many girls or women. There's Lite Women, of course — Louisa May Alctt's story of four sisters in New England and how they love each other, but they were sisters and not just friends. Has anyone ‘ut there got some great female Iterary friendships, please? Read the text again. Answer the questions. 4 Doyou know any other famous friendshi in stories or in films, or on TV? Write two 1 Who are Harry Potter's friends? sentences. tread a book where there are thy 2. When did Mark Twain write his stories about two Mac gE PRE friends? called 3. Which friends shouted: ‘All for one, and one for all? 4 What did Baloo help Mowgli to do? saw a film 5 Whyis Little Women different from other examples of friends? /ELOPING WRITING pology d the messages. Match them with the 1s. There is one extra answer! Thomas, ‘didn't comme to your birthday party. My ancl came t vist us on Sabarday, and sind James, my cousins, wvee with tens. We eon very well with each other. To be honest teers all together and when | ‘remembered about ty ns oe lat, | cit want phont Pern writing to explain what happened. {hope Sa forgive ne! om really S07 writing to say I'm so sorry about what epened last week. | don’t know why we started ‘Soht. I'm really sorry for the things | said. | hope can still be friends because | really ike you. Fve got tickets for the concert on Sunday. Suid you like to come with me? Please say yes. iting tip: informal messages ‘your message with Hi (name), short forms, em, We dd, you aren ee: now I reall lke you. Please say yes. 1 soon, (name); or use only your name. ke it personal. For example, use sentences such as! sorry 6 BEST FRIENDS Dear Joanne, ‘sory about what | use mobile phones al tat your oranda wail sient ea wo sey oa Ho" sand wat vou grey a HA ty re not angry with me any more. made a ‘nope you' ‘istake, but I relly didn't want to nut you Love, Kacen [711 Hi... Thanks for telling me. | didn't understand why you didn't come to the party. Now | do and Frm'not angry because we all make mistakes. Next time — don't forget! 2 Hi... ,How could I be angry? Your message is so funny! I's OK you forgot about the money. Let's not talk about it any more. cant wait to see your present [1] 3 Hi... , Thanks for writing, Do you know what? | kind of feel the same. There wasn't really a reason to starta fight. And, yes, we are normally great friends. Thanks for the invitation, but I can't come. it’s my dad's birthday this weekend. T] 4 Hi... Thanks so much for writing, Im really not happy myself when people have their mobiles on all the time. Only it was different for me this time. Thanks for understanding! | hope we can meet soon. Oo you send an email or another message to a friend, use an informal style of writing ‘or Hello (name). You can use Dear (name) in informal and formal messages. ‘about what happened. | hope we can still be friends d your message with one ofthe following: Love (name); Cheers, (ame); Take care, (name); Hope to hear fom te an email to apologise. Choose one of the following situations. i ca bis LISTENING 1 1 Samantha is telling Jack about a man and his cat. Listen and find out their names. 1 Listen again. Circle) the correct answers. 1 At first, Jack ‘A. thinks the story of the catis very interesting, B thinks Samantha’ telling him a joke. €_isn'tinterested in the story. 2. James became a writer. His book is about . ‘A. the time when he played music for little money. how his friendship with a cat changed his life © people in London and their pets. 3 Bob the Cat ‘A. isnow well known and may become a film star 8 can do some tricks and play the guitar. is now living in ahhome for street animals 4 Jack would like to ‘A. have acat like Bob, B_ watch the film about Bob. © read the book too, DIALOGUE 1 [CDBG Listen to the sentences. Write the past tense verb you hear in the spaces. Then put the sentences in the correct order. [1] 4 what did weekend? you do in London at the 8 Indian food? fm sure you Indian. | know it's your favourite. © And what that? | D Yes, it's delicious, isn't it? And Im sure you lots of things as well some nice clothes in cone thing. E Well yes, the shops but lonly Oh, we lots of things. And we some great food. ~ ] 6 Ofcourse! But we some Chinese food, too. That nice. HI this belt It's for you. 'm sorry i your birthday last week! [CDE Listen again. Complete each space with between one and three words. 1 James was.a street musician, siting on and playing his guita ‘When James saw the cat forthe frst time, ithad a problem with When James went home on the underground, the cat him 4. When James had the cat near him, more people stopped and gave him money. 5 James decided to write a book about his the cat 6 Samantha thinks that about i people bought A Street Cat named Bob. HEETRAIN TO THINK Making decisions 1 You can invite a famous person to your birthday party. Who do you want? Write the names of three people you like in the circles. Why? 2 Next to each person write one reason for invitis him/her. Use your mind map to make a decision. * Write a sentence saying who you want and why. Iwant Ed Sheeran because he can sing for me. ing part 2 Listen to Kevin telling Abigail about his thday. What present did each person give him? For estions 1-5, write a letter A-H next to each person. Presents ~ book sports shoes DvD tickets camera video game laptop money ro7mone> Granddad [| guide: matching ing part 2 you are given alist of five of eight different items. You listen to a dialogue and match each of the items with an item from the other list. ‘Before listening, quickly read through the two lists. Usten carefully ~ the first object you hear is not always ‘the correct answer. In the example above, you hear: ‘Abigail: What did you get from your sister? Kevin: Well, she usually gives me a book, but this time she bought me this video game. It's a sports game, I's great fun to ploy. Sometimes, you will not hear exactly the object you ‘22 in the list, but a paraphrase’ - a word or group ‘of words that mean the same as another word. In the example below from Exercise 1 when Kevin says ‘poiners he is talking about sports shoes. Example: Abigail: Oh! And what did your mum give you? Some money? Kevin: No, she bought me these trainers? Do you hike them? EEEE Listen to Charlotte talking to her friend Christian about a photo of her old school friends. ‘What clothes were her friends wearing? For questions 1-5, write a letter A-H next to each person. People Their clothes © Ella [4] A jacket mn B trousers taco = cee 2 Olivia D. jumper 3 Cynthia [] E shorts = F trainers 4 sia) T] Coane s Adam [] Hi shirt Reading and Writing part 2 1 Read the sentences about a TV talent show. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. 1 Lastyear! toenter a talent show. A decided 8 realised € thought 2. I sanga song infront of three ‘A audience B contestants ¢ judges Exam guide: multiple-choice sentences In Reading and Writing part 2 you have to complete a sentence from a choice of three words. The sentences are all about the same topic or tell a simple story. This exercise tests vocabulary, not grammar. © Read the sentence without looking at ‘the words. Try to guess what the missing word i ‘© Check the words. Is the word you guessed one of them? If iti, then that is probably the correct answer, ‘© Ifthe word you guessed isnt one of the ‘options, read the sentence in your head and put each of the words in turn into ‘the gap. Which word sounds best? Read the sentences about friends. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. © Steve and Allan are friends. (@pest —B fist better 1 They at school when they were five years old, Amade B met —C knew 2 Theyget___really well. Aon Bover —_€ together 3 Theyereally __ friends and they share all their secrets. Anear 8 far C dose 4) They never fight or arguments. Ado Bmake have 5 They havea great A friends B friendly ¢ friendship 6 slr teala ti a LISTENING GRAMMAR 1 E-DED Listen and tick (7) the 3 Complete the conversation. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct room. correct form of the past simple. JASON 1° went (go) toa party at Jack's house on Friday. It w great. PAUL Good. 'm happy that you ! (lke) it Jack’s part are good fun. JASON Yes, they are. |? (dance) with Alison Gardner. We? (have) a great time there! PAUL Yes, Alison's nice. (take) her to the cinema three weeks ago. We * (see) a great film. JASON. That's nice. But you ® (not go) to Jack's party! Why not? PAUL Jack? (not invite) me. He ® (have) another party two months ago, and he? (ow me to that. JASON Two months ago? | (not know) that! Now I'm annoyed! PAUL Oh.I"! (say) the wrong thing. Sorry. VOCABULARY 4 Complete each adjective. The frst letter is already there. © She always understands what's happening Shesveryintelligent 1m sure I passed the exam, m very ¢ aboutit. 2 The film was awfull | was really b 3. love the new mirror in your room! I'm really ! 4 After along day, lke to have a long, + shower! 5 Iwas late with my homework again. The teacher was quite a with me, 6 He looks sad today. He usually smiles and looks ¢ q 7. The game yesterday was great - really a loved it. 8 Shewas veryh and painted my room with me. Circle) the correct options. 2 ECSED Listen again and answer cs e the questions. Near our town there’s a famous old house where some rich lived about two hundred years last /@g0). Last weekend my mm said," Why / How about going to visit that house?” And we did. 1. Why does she like blue walls? 2 Why does she lke the fact that I brought a friend of my / mine with us. We went / go by bus her desks near the window? my mum ‘paid / took for us all to go in. I didn’t really want to. 3 When did she get her new at first because I'm usually Sboring / bored by museums and t wardrobe? But When we got there, I thought it was “amazing | amazed. 4 Who gave her the money for the ‘The house has got about sixty rooms and they were really, wardrobe? interesting / intelligent. There was an enormous *sofa / desk ~ Um 1 & Howdidtheysinowthat she sure twenty people could sit on it! The windows were really big intl teccltnadbn with beautiful red carpets J curtains on them. My dad "took / Geifelbe teri wardrobes take a photograph in one of the rooms, but a man working th gor annoyed / annoying because there was a sign that said:‘No Photographs! 6 How does her sister feel about the new wardrobe? UNITS 5&6 OGUE z te the conversation. Use the words in the list. about | ago | boring | could | didn't | enjoy | let's | sure | thought | went | why Ym so°__bored. E i How! {going for a walk? ; No, 1? for awalk yesterday. ? do something here in the house. Acomputer game! 4 don't we play a computer game? No. Do you remember? We played on the computer last Saturday and | ° win a single game! Oh yes, remember! 16 itwas great fun. : Yes. But I didn't?” itvery much, i Sorry, Mike. It's just a joke, OK? But here's an idea. We ® ‘watch my new DVD. 3 bought it two days” i Ym not so "° =Isit one of those romantic films? They're so" No, dor't worry I'san adventure. Come on, let's try it. DING WRITING sad this newspaper article about making 8 Write a paragraph about you and your decisions sions. Circle) the correct ending (A or B) for in about 80 words. Use the questions to help ch sentence. you. ‘¢ How often do you make decisions? What type of decisions are easy / difficult? ‘# Doyou ever ask for advice when making a Psychologists at a university in the USA wanted to find out A ifteenagers and their friends are good car Es hers decision? what decisions teenagers make when they are @ With your friends do you make decisions for the with friends. group or does someone else? They noticed that teenagers behaved ina more dangerous way when 7 A. they thought their friends were not watching, 8 they thought their friends were watching them. The experiments show that teenagers need to be careful about making decisions when A. they are with their friends. 8 they are on their own, en teens make BAD DECISIONS PSYCHOLOGISTS at Temple + Answer the questions. Your answers can funny or serious. Give reasons. Should children get money for helping at home? Yes, they should because parents get moncy. for their work too. Should students get money for going to school? Should the Internet be free for everybody? = Should every child have a tablet? stn't / don't have to Look at the rules for a youth hostel. (C “Se correct words in the sentences. HOSTEL HOUSE RULES fe Last time for check out: 1130 am. «Music? OK, but use headphones. «Switch off lights at 10 pm! «Breakfast 730-930 am. «Please wash up after eating. Don't waliinto the bedrooms with your shoes on. in’ / don't have to have the lights on after You mustn't/don't have to leave the dinner table without cleaning up. You mustn't/dontt have to play music out loud. ‘You mustn't/ don't have to wear your shoes in the bedrooms. ‘You mustn't /don't have to check out before 10 oiciock 5 You mustn't don't have to have breakfast at 7.30. 7 THE EASY LIFE 9 *& Match the sentences and complete them ‘with mustn't or don’t have to. My parents aren't very strict. Ol) Sarah hasn't got any problems with her work. The test will be hard. Isa secret, The doctor says Ella's fine. Thanks for Jim's number. ooo You help her, 1 forget to cal him. ¢ You. d She ‘eI don’thave to do anything in the house. f You forget to study every day now. tell anyone, take medicine any longer. 10 %k& Answer the questions so they are true for you. 1 What work do you have to do at home? 2. Whatare two things you mustn't de in your class? 3 Name three things you have to do during the week, but not on a Sunday. 4 What does your friend have to do that you don't have to do? GETIT RIGHT! @ Have (got) to / don't have to / must / mustn't / should / shouldn't ‘We always use the base form of the verb after have (got) to | don't have to / must | mustn't/ should / shouldn't. ¥ You should ask your sister to help you. XX You should to ask your sister to help you. Circle) the correct verb form. 1. You don't have to making / made / make coffee. We've gota coffee machine. 2. That musics very loud. You should use / to use /using headphones. 3. You must be /to be /being careful I's darkin the garden. 4 He shouldn't worry / worried worrying about the exam. He always gets good marks. 5 Tell Sarah she mustn't forget /to forget /forgot to tidy her room. {6 What do Ihave to doing /do/did to join this dub? 65 VOCABULARY F Word list | Ss eS games docking console station calculator headphones coffee machine eS control torch hairdryer (MP3 player vacuum the makethe load /empty floor beds the dishwasher set/ clear the tidy up table do the washing dothe ironing E Expressions with like one : cooking like (Ryan) do the washing-up (i looks lke ‘canhiph (i) sounds ike Like what? Key words in context 5 dream come true Going on safari in Africa would be a dream come true! E illness ‘After along illness she returned to work invention ‘The wheel was a fantastic invention. It changed our lives care about someone/something_ | really care about John. | want to do something to help him. environment | think we should all protect the environment better. appearance Do you care @ latabout your appearance? quality How important for you is the quality of your work? inventor Thomas Edison was a famous inventor. have access to something Do you think students should have access to the Internet curing exams? switch off Let's switeh off the computer now. Its time to relax! robot Id love a rebot that did all the housework 5 create problems Youte giving him his own computer! Are you trying to create problems? fair ‘Mum says I can't have a phone until 'm 11. It’s not ts Do the crossword. Can you find the mystery ? work ERS Match the sentences and their endings. Luke's friends are staying for lunch. Can f There are no clean plates left. Can you {dropped some sugar on the floor. Will you My room is a mess, but 'm too lazy ‘Can you do the cooking tonight? I did it Fido the washing, but I really don't want We have no food left in the house. Can you ‘Can you load the dishwasher, Sarah? ‘My mum showed me how to make my bed do the washing up quickly? yesterday, and the day before yesterday. to tidy it. sehen | was stil a chil. «do the shopping if I tell you what we need? youset the table, please? ut t's Pete's tur. l emptied it this morning help me vacuum it? ‘0 do the ironing too. + What housework do you like/dislike? four sentences about you. (¢ like ironing clothes. | think it’s boring. ‘¢ mind doing the cooking. It’s cool when the like my food. aol think it'S WordWise sm Expressions with like 4 Jane's like her mum. They both 7 THE EASY LIFE 1. Many people need it to make a drink for their breakfast. 2 Anelectronic gadget that allows you to store music ina special format and play it. 3. Drivers use it to find their way. 4 Youneed it when your hairis wet. 5 Asmall light you hold in your hands it usually has a battery, 6 Asmall electronic device that helps you with numbers. 7 The controls for a machine to play games. 8 Agadget that allows you to switch an electronic machine on or off from a distance. 9 Apiece of electrical equipment to which another piece of equipment can be connected Match the sentences and the pictures. © love nature. fa 7 It looks like a heart. (| ; I think Dad's home. That sounds 4 like his cart It smells ke an apple, but it doesn't look like one, Oo o7 68 READING 1 CEE NOES the Student's Book. ircltthe correct option, A-C. Then check your answers in the text on page 67 of © How did Ludwick Marishane get the idea for his invention? A A friend gave it to him, (B)from talking with friends. He got itfrom the Internet. 1 What's big problem for 2.5 billion people? ‘A They've got trachoma. B Their waters dirty, C Medication is too expensive for them. 2. When Ludwick was at university, he spoke to a lot of people about ... ‘A money. B hisideas. € the name of his invention. 3. From the first idea to the production of ‘DryBath; it took more than A three years, B ten years. ¢ two years. 4 Ludwick is very much interested in ‘A making money. B not having to take abath. ¢ helping people, Read the article quickly. Write the name of the inventions under the photos. ‘few years later, Emily art about the situation in some Afrcan counties where women and chien often wak mary : kilometres a day to get water for their la t vilges. They an only cary one bucket 5 atime, and they usualy put thom on their He latest projects sme ridge that heads, Emi’ invention isa simple water runs without electricity using only the cari I's made of wood, sts esy to energy that comes rom the sun. There Tepe For example, the wheel onthe re now thousands of amis in ilages water cartier ismade fom branches of in Zambia, Namib and South Atica who tees. hmakesitposible forthe women us it to keep milk, food and medicines Change for the better ransootupto ve buckets eas me. col. hen Emiy Gunns wastcuryears They dont have to cary tontherheass. Emi is now a young woman. She is ol, er granathe gave her a the winner of several prizes for her hammer, She ved using, rd stated iveritons. She was name one of the toleam ow to make toys rom oe things work's top ten young people. Se aso thatrobody used any mar. tthe Peace Honouts Piz rom a jury When she was a teenager, she thought of Nobel ize winners dung an awards alot about making inventions o help ceremony in Nowa. ther peopl. Emi’ other grandéad has Ein requenty vss schoals and talks nines ced artis. He had aot of to teenagers. She wants tne them pain in his hands an fingers. One cay, to.come up with new idea that make Emly saw that he had problems getting tho wore abet place. She wants to toothpaste out ofthe tube. She made an se her sil to make a iference. She invention that helped him with this, and istinterested in making abgger TV or wn the Young Engineer for Bran Award better sound system. She wants to create {or her toothpaste dispenser. 2 ett ‘change for the better. 4 Read the article again. Are sentences 1-5 ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (BY? If there isn't enough information to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn't say’ (C). | © Asachild, Emily loved making things herself A Right 8 Wrong Doesn't say 1 Atthe age of 13, she invented a toothpaste dispenser. ‘A Right B Wrong C Doesnt say 2. When she went to Africa, she got an idea forawatercarrier. A Right —-B Wrong Doesnit say, 3. Her latest projectis a solar ice cream machine. A Right 8 Wrong Doesnt say 4 Emily gota prize in Norway. A Right 8 Wrong Doesnt say 5) Shed lke to invent a high quality sound system. ‘A Right —B Wrong Doesnt say 7 THE EASY LIFE EVELOPING WRITING king notes and writing a short summary ead the text. Tick (/) the things that Alexander Graham Bell experimented with. Alexander Graham Bell was 29, he made one of ‘most Important inventions in the history of the wort ‘elephone. A year later, he started the Bell telephone ary. It became very successful. He became sinessman and eamed a lot of money from his, phone company. ‘Alexander Graham Boll wasn't so interested in ey. He was interested in making inventions. He wanted to lear, and to try and create new He never stopped thinking of new ideas. He used smoney to open laboratories with teams of engineers -c0uld help him make his dreams come true. was also fascinated with propellers and kites, id lots of experiments with them. In 1907, four eS after the Wright Brothers made their fst fight, fomed the Aerial Experiment Association with -young engineers. Their plan was to buld planes. ‘group was successful. Ther plane named iver made the frst successtul fight in Canada on 23 1909. at a student's notes on the first paragraph | ithe text in Exercise 1. Underline the ideas ‘text that the student used. Write a short text using full, connected sentences. Use the notes from Exercise 2. 4. Read the second and third paragraphs of the text about Alexander Bell again. Underline five important points and write them in the form of 1 29iwented teleohone notes. Then write a short summary of the text based on your notes. 2. Bell telephone company 5 success (businessman) 4 lotofmoney Pa hoo WU Aus oI Suhel eR aed whole text carefully through the text again. Select the most important information. Underline tin the text and use it to write notes. words, not sentences, Use abbreviations, eg. inv for invented, tel. co for telephone company. st write down words that are unnecessary, eg the, a, and, etc. ke sure your notes are clear and meaningful. Check them again and ask yourself: Do these notes give me a ed summary of the most important information in the text? ‘up your notes. 6 70 LISTENING 1 Listen to the conversations. Circle)A, B orc. 1 What's the problem? ‘A The camera doesn't work. B The USB cable isn't plugged in. © The laptop doesn’t work. 2. What does Daniel have to do? A tidy his room 8 walk the dog © wash up 3 What did James borrow without asking? ‘A adigital camera B anMP3 player © alaptop 2 Listen again. Complete the sentences from the conversations. STELLA Let °me 's You th. am. ‘switch %y Se ‘on. DANIEL Alright. 6G. Th tot desk *t ? you. Do! up my uty Well,you "®m use 1m Mth os without DIALOGUE 1 Complete the conversation with the expressions in the list. do you mean | Like what OLIVER I want to doa minitriathlon on Sunday. MAYA? 2 Sorry OLIVER A mini-triathlon. That's three races in one. MAYA Three races in one? What 2 ? OLIVER Well, you have to run 3 km, swim 1 km, and cyde 10 km. MAYA. Really? That sounds like hard work, Why sit called mini? OLIVER Because the races ina normal triathlon are much longer. MAYA > ? OLIVER Well, in the Olympic triathion they cycle 40 km, run 10 km, and swim 1.5 km. MAYA — Wow! I think we should try the mini race! OLIVER I think you're right. 2. Writea short conversation for this picture. Use _ some of the expressions from Listening Exercise and Dialogue Exercise 1. PHRASES FOR FLUENCY fa 1 Complete the conversation with the expressio in the list. se | nochance | and stuff | never mind absolutely | such good fun MAX © So after school? «Isaac, what are you doing: ISAAC After school? Why? MAX —_Ijust want to know ifyou want to play football ISAAC Football! ! sve got to do housework ? MAX OK? - What about tomo Can we play then? isaac 4 MAX Great It's going to be ® ! Vowel sounds: /u/ and /u:/ Go to page 120. g and Writing part 1 ch the notices A-H with the meanings 1-5. Under 12s Please DON'T feed bed Wanted - waiter Prease enquire inside. Keep off Ue Lt) closed from ‘Oct - 12th Nov Be careful when you cross here. E Children pay less than adults You must give food to the animal [ if you are interested in the job, come in and ask for more details. QO School children can't come in here. Things in this shop are half price. tice says. “= Read through al the notices. Tick the ones that you think you understand best. Look at these Cones first. Try to think how you would describe what they say. Then look through the answers to see if any of them match what you think, AMBRIDGE ENGLISH: Ke as O Chocolate £2 each CR et) Baby rabbits free to good homes WAVY IW KK: Last meals * at9 pm Ga ° LOST qd Black and white dog. ear Answer omenme TEI sU ° — ) ET don't make * Magic Car Race — a noise ~ FB cetyourshereon ff it disturbs Saturday morning. the animals © tecremenaeee! © We're looking for our pet. E 1 You should only call them in the ferro Oo 2 You can buy the new game this weekend. oO 3. It's cheaper to buy more than one. 4 Please be quiethere. Oo 5 lfyouwantto eathere, order before nine. | m guide: match notices with meanings tis exam task you have to read some notices and then match them to sentences that describe what each «IF you're not 100% sure what a notice means then focus on some of the words in it that you do understand. Try to match or connect these with ‘words in the sentences. For example, teachers and school children are obviously connected so. there's agood chance these two belong together. ‘@ Becareful — there are always more notices than sentences. n SPORTING MOMENTS GRAMMAR 3. tk Complete the sentences. Use the past ‘i “ys continuous of the verbs and the information in Past continuous Drades, 1% © Complete the text with was or were. 0. Paula wasn’t watching TV, she Iwas a cold winter's morning. It? was was playing games raining a little. Mums and dads ' standing (watch TV / + playing games) by the school football field, They ? 11 an chatting and drinking coffee to keep warm. They write an email /+ write my blog) 4 waiting for the game to begin. On the 2 They »they field, their daughters * getting ready for : the big match. Some of them $ running oars aa and others kicking balls about. The ane am, joalkeeper ” ctising catching the ball ae goalkeeper practising catching the ball. aa fa Everyone was excited. It was the final of the under 16s girls football tournament. Mr Fletcher, the headmaster, (Cread J+ listen to the radio) ‘ Cleaning his glasses. He put them on, 4 kx Match the questions and answers, took the whistle out of his pocket, and blew it. 0 Were you listening to me? IE 1 Was he laughing? G 2% Complete the text. Choose the correct words and write them in the correct form. 2 Was kang? G jump | take | cry | clap | sit | hold 3. Were they talking? Q not feel | talk | not enjoy 4 Was sleeping? GQ I got there very late. The game was over. The girls of 5 Wererwe making aloe ethene q Blacon High School ® were jumping_up and down. a. Yes, twas. We got really wet. They were the champions. Their proud parents Yes they were but I didn't hear what they said - One gil? up the Yes, | think you were. trophy and showing it to the crowd, She wasn't being 4 Yes, | heard everything you said. very careful and I was afraid she might drop the ‘¢ No, Idon't think we were. ‘reply bullalysie clei A Journal £ No, he wasn't: He did't think it was very funny. lots of photos. But not everyone was happy. The girls onthe losing team 4 on 5. ** Answer the questions so they are true! the ground. Some of them had their heads in their you, hands an they * They certainly What were you doing the celebrations. Mr letcher 1 at7amtoday? 2 to them but they ° great ‘Another year and stil no trophy. 2 mépuyenentayt | > sme eed Strong and weak forms of was and were Goto page 120. co sree eam eee 4. at 10 oclock last Sunday morning? n tinuous vs. past simple Match the sentence halves. the teacher was talking, é was drinking coffee Te boys were fighting ey were looking at the map “While | was reading in the bath, ‘peas brushing my teeth “zed he burned his mouth. ‘when their mum walked into the room. ‘Icropped my book in the water. ‘Sut my toothbrush broke. ‘}put my hand up to ask a question. “when they realised they were lost. - Girclethe correct words. Matthew played / Was playing) the guitar when he Dy ws falling off the stage. {icbd | was doing my homework when my sister ‘came / was coming into the room. John and his sister walked / were walking to school sehen the accident happened / was happening. Stalked /was talking about Kiki when she phoned/ ‘wos phoning me. ‘While Anna tidied / was tidying up her room, she ‘found / was finding her watch. While Alison studied / was studying, she remembered /was remembering it was her mum's Birthday. When we found/were finding out about the accident, we watched /were watching TV. and while “= Complete the sentences wile when or © While vas trying to get to sleep, the dog started barking > She was eating an apple she bither tongue. 2 We were driving in the car we saw Robin on his bike a I was paying for the T-shirt realised I didn't have any money. 4 Olivia was having dinner the phone rang. s | was walking into town, saw I had different socks on. 8 SPORTING MOMENTS 9 kkk Write two sentences about each picture, 0 Paul/jog//trip over / stone ~ While Paul was jogging, he tripped over a stone. Paul was jogging when he tripped over a stone. Ae 1. Gordon /rock-climb / drop / bag 2 May /windsurfing/fall/ sea 3. Sue / volleyball /run into /net GET IT RIGHT! © Past continuous ‘We form the past continuous with was/were + the -ing form of the verb. We use was with singular subjects and were with plural subjects. ¥ We were playing football when it started to rain. X Wewes playing football when it started to rain. ¥ Iwas windsurfing when the accident happened. 4X were windsurfing when the accident happened. Complete the sentences with was or were. The rain started while they __havinga picnic. 2 Myfriendsand|___ enjoying the competition, when the TV stopped working, 3. Mybrother_____winning the race when he fell, off his bike, 4 yeu driving when it started to snow? B VOCABULARY NAcoiKenieas tenni Sports an basketball Coley.) golf volleyball { rugby i gymnastics Frock-climbing athletics mountaineering i sailing diving horse racing oe Coen) snowboarding a windsurfing Sequencing marathon spectator athlete medal (bronze, silver, gold) stadium trophy goal winner accident shine dream practise competitive lose control take place cross grab 4 atfirst > then > after > finally Key words in context ‘The marathon is just over 42 km. More than 100,000 spectators watched the final. ‘There are athletes from all over the world at the Olympics. ‘We didn't win a medal but we had a lot of fun. Tne stadium was completely fll There wasnt an empty seat anywhere. ‘The captain put the trophy above his head and showed it to the spectators. | scored the winning geal in the last minute of the match. The winner of each race gets a gold medal. ‘The driver had a serious accident but luckily no-one was hurt. The sun is shining Let's go to the beach. My dream is to play football for Manchester United one day, You need to practise every day if you want to be the best. My dad's so competitive. He always wants to win. The drive lest control ofthe car and crashed into a wall ‘The 2014 World Cup took place in Brazil ‘The first person to crass the line is the winner. She grabbed the dog to stop it rom running away. 8 SPORTING MOMENTS Use the picture clues to find the sports, then fit the sports into the word lines. The black boxes in the last letter of one word and the first letter of the next word. There are four sports that don't the word lines. What are they? 2 “4% Which sport is the odd one out in each and why? tennis / rugby / windsurfing / basketball Answer: windsurfing. because the other sports all use balls. + skiing / snowboarding / swimming /ski jumping Answer: because 2 windsurfing / rock-climbing / sailing / diving Answer: because 3 tennis / rugby / volleyball / football Answer: , because ‘+H Write sentences. Use the expressions in the list to start each sentence. Atfirst | Finally | Then | After half an hour © nervous At first, was nervous, 1 instructor/ show | what todo 2 could stand up 3 ski down the hill 90% Write a mini-story. Use the expressions and your own ideas. The Tennis Game 1 Atfirst... 3 After 2 Then 4 Finally 75 6 READING 1 Answer the questions. Then check your answers in the article on page 75 of the Student's Book. © How long was the race Derek Redmond was running in? 400 metres 1 How far did he run before his accident? 2 How many people were there in the athletics stadium? How high is the mountain K2? 4 How far from the top did Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner ‘et in the summer of 20102 5 How many times did she climb K2 before she was successful? 2. Read the article. Match the high jumping styles with the names in italics. 7 People who changed sport: Dick Fosbury - | | | world, and he only just made it into the USA Olympic team, When he arrived in Mexico no one knew his name. On the day of the high jump final he walked on to the field with all the other jumpers. As the competition started, the 80,000 people in the crowd began to notice that one of the jumpers had a very strange style. At first they thought it was, funny and laughed each time Like many American teenagers, Dick Fosbury wanted to be a professional sportsman but he hhad a problem ~ he wasn’t very good at any sport. He didn't play football very well and although he was very tall he wasn'ta very good basketball player either. He decided to try athletics. He tried running, throwing and jumping, and of all these events, he found that he ‘wasn't too bad at the high jump. At that time there were two popular Fosbury jumped over the bar. styles of jumping over the bar. Instead of jumping face first, he After nearly four hours there were There was the scissors, where the turned around and jumped back only three jumpers left. The crowd athlete jumped over using his legs first. The results were amazing, __weren’t laughing at Fosbury any like a pair of scissors, and there Ina few hours he improved his. _-more - they were cheering him was the straddle, where the athlete personal best by 21 cm. Over the on. The bar was at 2.24 m—a jumped over face first. Fosbury used next months he spent all his time new world record. The other two the straddle. The best height he practising, getting better and jumpers knocked it off but Fosbury ould jump was 1.63 m. It wasn't etter. He still wasn't winning any flew over. The gold medal was h bad bur it was along way from the competitions and most people were Dick Fosbury was now famous all world record of 2.23 m. confused by his strange style. A over the world and his Fosbury flop One afternoon Fosbury decided to year before the 1968 Olympics he changed forever the way that high do something completely different. was the number 61 jumper in the jumpers jumped. 3. Read the article again. Answer the questions. ® Why did Fosbury choose to do the high jump? 3 How good was he atthe high jump in 19672 Because it was the only sport that he wasn't bad at. 4 Was he the favourite to win the gold medal in th 1 How high could he jump after afew hours ‘Olympics? Explain your answer. practising his new style? j 5 How do people remember Dick Fosbury today? 2. What did people first think about his new style? ELOPING WRITING icle d the text below. Where do you think it s from? Anewspaper Aschool magazine Aholiday magazine A story book 0000 d the text again. Where do these missing go? ‘and when we arrived, we weren't disappointed Oe) was soon climbing up and down the rocks. and we had to stop No-one really wanted to get onto the coach. and of the spectacular ocean on the other Write an article for a school magazine (about 120-150 words). Choose one of these topics. “= A ports match between your school and another one "= Aschool trip "= special event that happened at the school © Anartice should be interesting, It should be ‘© Think about your audience and who is going to ‘© Your style can be quite informal but it shouldn't & SPORTING MOMENTS East us ‘Anarticle isa piece of writing that you find in a newspaper or magazine. An article can be about anything, but often an article i a report or a review. something people will want to read. read it. be as informal as an email to a friend. You can use short forms but don't use slang. ‘© Think ofa good ttle~ something that will make people want to read more. ‘© Use good descriptive language. Adjectives and adverbs willhelp you make your writing more interesting, If you are writing areview or report, ‘you want to try to tell your reader what it was lil to be there. If you just give facts, it wll make your ‘writing boring © Think about how to structure your writing. You need a good opening paragraph to introduce the reader to your topic and a good condlusion where you give your opinion. Last week, year 12 students spent four nights at the Mini-Don adventure centre in North Wales. There §was a lot of excitement on the coach journey there ‘A] The centre is in a small wood. It has views of ‘the magnificent Welsh mountains on one side | B We put our bags in the bedrooms, had some lunch, ‘and then we met our friendly instructors. ‘Over the four days we had the chance to try out come realy exciting new sports. In the mornings | chose rock-cimibing. At first | was quite scared, but my instructor, Dave, was really good at keeping me calm. |C} In the afternoons | did windsurfing. It was quite difficult. On the last day | was starting to get cuite good when unfortunetaly the weather got bad 1D]. Now t really want to take lessons here so | can get realy good at it it was a shame to say goodbye to the centre on Fiday morning. [E | We had a wonderful ime and it you ever get the chance to go there - take it! 7 78 LISTENING 1 DED Listen to the street interviews. Who does, cor wants to do, these sports, the girl (G) or the boy (B)? 2. ECDRTY Listen again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). “The girl thinks the sports centre looks good. [T- The girl isn't very interested in sport. ° 1 2 You can do water sports at the sports centre. [ 3. The boy thinks the building cost too much, [_] 4 The sports centre hasa golf course. DIALOGUE 1 Put the words in order to make questions and answers. © about/ sports / do /think / What centre / you/ the new What do you think about the new sports centre? ~ 1 brilliant / think /1/ it's 2. sports do I feel / you / centre / How / the / about / 3 money / of f1/a/ waste /it’s / think HE TRAIN TO THINK 2. Putthe sentences in order to complete the conversation. DAN DAN DAN DAN Well, we need a new swimming pool. don't agree. What do you think about the new library? I think it’s a waste of money. There are better things to spend our money on. ANA ANA ANA ANA For example? [ike it. think its really good for our town, So what do you feel about it then? 1'm sorry but | think a library is more important than a swimming pool. Sequencing 1 Lookat the words 1-4 in table A and the grot A-EintableB. a What group does each word belong to? b What position [1], 2], [3] or [4] does each word: take in the group? Table A Group afternoon ¢ 1 baby today [ | 3 Saturday ‘wake up Table B Group | i} child (2 weonager i} ack GroupB | []] Monday [2] Wednesday 3) Friday Group | [1] morning [2 ewenng Gl nee crowd |e, Oi tome coupe | {) wsterhy @) tomorow Gl eat 2 Put the lists of words in order. Add one more item at the end of each list. © October / March /June March, June, October, (November) 1. third second /fourth 2. ask for the bill ook at the menu / order your 3 sometimes / often / rarely -AMBRIDGE ENGLISH: Ke ining parts 4and 5 You will hear a woman, Sally, asking about women's football team. Listen and complete ‘each question. AFC Women’s Football Club ame: AFC Women's Football Club Training day: ° Thursday Time: 4 Cost: % (Contact: John Phone number: * CEE You will hear aman talking about the London Olympic stadium. Listen and complete each question. Distance from London -° Work started - 122 2008 Work finished ~? Fist event - celebrity ° Cost - 46 milion pacity ~ third & stadium in the UK Exam guide: listening - filling in notes In the KEY listening parts 4 and 5 you must listen to a text and then complete some notes “About it. The only difference between the two Parts is that part 4 is a conversation between ‘two people while part 5 is a monologue (just ‘one person talking). © Before you listen look at the form you have to fillin, Look atthe title and the questions. This tells you what the listening is about and helps you prepare. © Look closely at the spaces you have tofillin ‘on the form. You have to fillin each one with a word or a figure (for example, a date, a price or a number). What kind of information do you think s missing? ¢ Youwill hear the missing information in the order that it appears on the form. Ifyou miss something, don't worry. You will have a second chance to hear it agai. "Use the first listening to write in as many of the answers as you can. Use the second listening to check these answers and focus on any that are missing 9 CONSOLIDATION LISTENING 1 Listen to the conversation /Cirel©A, B orc, 1. What kind of lesson is Lucy going to the sports centre for? A gym B rock climbing © swimming 2 Whatisin the bathroom? A ahairdryer B_ anMP3 player © headphones 3 Whatis on the living room floor? ‘A. magazines B_ agamesconsole © adocking station Listen again. Answer the questions. (0 How long is it until Lucy's lesson starts? Two hours. : 1 Why does she want to go to the sports centre earlier? 2 What does her dad want her to do? 3. What was Lucy's dad doing when he sat on the headphones? 4) Where is Lucy's MP3 player? 5 Where does he want Lucy to help him? 6 Why does he think cutting wood is a good idea for Lucy? es VOCABULARY 3 GRAMMAR 4 5 Circlethe correct words. Unscramble the letters. Write the words. 0. {'d love to go nagils, but can't swim and I'm scare | might fallin the water, sailing. . 1. We dor'tall want to listen to your music Put your oehadpenhs on, 2. I can't do this sum, Have you got aalalutocr? 3. tried to play fog! once, but | couldn't even hit the ball 4 Icar't see anything. Have you got acorth? Complete the sentences. Use the correct form: the verbs in brackets. 0 They had. (have) the accident while they were programming, (program) the satnay vt (tidy) up my bedroom when I ____ (find) my torch, 2 She (use) the coffee machine when she (burn) her hand. 3. Dad (tell) us to do our homework when we (play) on the game 4 isten) to my MP3 player when it (Gtop) working DAD Hey, Ben, why are you looking so sad? BEN. Welost the match. DAD You ieooiary! et ‘worry so much, You ‘musta always / don't always have to win. BEN. Yes, but we never win. We ®should / don't have to try to win sometimes. Our coach wwe shouldn't /must try harder. He thinks: “should / mustn't have extra training sessi DAD. What! You already have three. Is he crazy?! think | Sshouldn't /have to have a chat with BEN It’s OK, Dad. You ‘mustn't don't have to de that. I dont think | want to play for the anymore. DAD Come on, Ben, you ’shouldn't/ must give casly BEN But you always told me that you *should/ ‘have to love what you do. | don't even like playing football DAD Well, you ’must/shouldn' always listen to I say. Sometimes even | get it wrong. GUE the conversation. Use the words in windsurfing | sorry | tell | mean fear | doing | what | do fm bored. You® should. then Like! 2 Well, maybe you could start doing a sport. get yourself a hobby, You? , do some exercise? Eracty, What about a water spor? Salling o* ;or something lke that ING the text. Match the titles with the phs. Seizes (E] 2 Trysayingthet Theplaces [_] 3 Youngandold you need to know about the pic Games in 150 words ‘Zondon is the only oty to hold the Games three ‘times (1008, 1948 and 2012). The USA held ‘them four times but in three different cities. “Ai the Paris Games in 1900, there were more ‘athletes than spectators. The oldest athlete ‘ever at the gamos was Sweden's Oscar Swahn. #e won a silver medal in shooting in 1920 at tthe age of 72. The youngest medal winner was ‘inge Sorensen from Denmark, She was 12 ‘when she won a bronze medal in swimming, Inthe first modern Olymple Gamos, in Athens in 1806, there were no gold medals. The winners all got silver medals. In the 1900 Games, the winners got trophies instead of ‘medals. Winners first got gold medals in the 1004 Olymples in St Louis, USA. ‘And finally, the longest name for an ‘Olympic champion was Prapawadee ‘daroenrattanatarakoon from Thailand. She won a gold modal in weightlifting. UNITS 7&8 [ANNA But I've got aquaphobia - you know,a fear of water. DAN OK, what about rock-cimbing? They ‘ lessons a the gym. ANNA. No, I've got acrophobia. DAN © 2 ANNA Acrophobia —it'sa® of heights DAN. Snowboarding?” 2 ANNA No, I've got chionophobia DAN Don't? ANNA Exactly. DAN think you've got lazyitus ANNA What's that? DAN The fear of? me ~a fear of snow. any exercise! WRITING 8 Choose a sport or a sportsperson that you like. ‘Write a text called ‘All you need to know about +++" (about 150 words). Choose some interesting trivia. Try to organise it into three or four short paragraphs. ‘© Can you do it in 150 words exactly? 81 82 | THE WONDERS OF THE GRAMMAR Comparative adjectives EEE 1% Write the comparative form of the adjectives. older © old 5 good 1 bad 6 happy 2 beautiful 7 interesting 3 easy 8 nice 4 expensive 9 young 2 Complete the B sentences. Use the ‘comparative form of the adjectives in the A sentences. © A Question number 1 is difficult. Yes, itis but question number 2is more difficult | Was your laptop expensive? Yes, it was, but the old one was She's young, Yes, but her sister's than her. This book's interesting, You're right, but the other one is Wow that's a good camera, Irs not bad. Actually, Iwant to buy a cone than this! 5A This films bad! B Yes, but the other one was ! e>e>e>o> 3% Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. Sandra___Justine Age: 2 B Height: 158 156 Doeshomework: sometimes lays English score: 93% 74% © Sandrais younger than Justine. (young) 1 Sandrais Justine. all) 2 Justine is Sandra. (hard-working) 3 Sandrais at English Justine. (good) ek Write comparative sentences using your leas. Use the words in brackets to help yo your school / another school in your town (big/ good ...2) 2 you /your bestfriend (old /toll/inteligent ..2) 3. two TV programmes (funny /long /exciting ..2) 4 (any two things you want to compare) can/ can't for ability 5% — Lookat the pictures. Write a sentence each picture. 6 x Write sentences so they are true for Use the verbs in the list to help you, or other verbs you know. sing | speakFrench | walk play the guitar | fly | swim run fast © Lean sing _, but Ican't speak French, 1 Heant 2. My father can but lean. but he can't 3. Mybest friend can , but he/she «a 4 Birds can , but they can't lative adjectives EEE Complete the conversations. Use the ss in the list. the best | the oldest | the worst most expensive | the most interesting most difficult Who's _ the laziest kid in your class? Steve. He never does anything! Tat test was hard! twas In fact it was test this year. Do you think they're a good band? Yes,1do. They'e band around at the moment, That's a great shirt. Yes it's really nce. But | can't buy it. I's shirt in the shop! What a horrible day. Rain, rain, rain. Yes, | think it's day of the summer, Who's person in your family? Grandpa. He's 74 You really lke History, don't you? Yes, think it's subject at school irclethe correct words. Is the Amazon longer / the longeib river in the world? ~ Alexis taller /the tallest than me. Yesterday was colder / the coldest day of the year. My father is younger /the youngest than my mother. He wants to be richer /the richest person in the country. Is this exercise more difficut/ the most dificult on this page? Complete the sentences, Use the superlative form of the adjectives in the list. rich | boring | delicious | high fast | important | strong ‘0. She's gota really big house and a Porsche. She's the richest person | know! 1 He can pick up a 50 kilo bag of potatoes. He's rman | knov. 2 Lalmost fell asleep in the film. Itwas film out for along time! 3 Wow! This sh isso good! I's food that my mother makes! 4 This car does 280 kph. Maybe it’s car inthe world. 5 Whichis mountain in the world? 6 Some people say that the day you get married is day of your life. 9 THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD 10 *&& Write one comparative sentence and one superlative sentence about the things in each group, using your own ideas. Use the adjectives in the list to help you, cold | hot | healthy | enjoyable | delicious fast | cheap | interesting | good | difficult boring | big © winter ~summer~ autumn Summer is hotter thar auton. Winter's the coldest time of the year. 1 running ~ football ~ swimming 2. pizza—chips—salad 3 music~ films — books 4 Brazil China — Britain 5. train plane bus GET IT RIGHT! © Comparative and superlative adjectives We form the comparative of long adjectives with more + adjective. We form the comparative of short | adjectives (one syllable) with adjective + -er. Don't © use more with adjective + -er. | / My-cousin is younger than me. X My cousinis more younger than me. | We form the superlative of long adjectives with (the) | most + adjective. We form the superlative of short adjectives (one syllable) with the + adjective + -est. Don't use (the) most with short adjective + -est. Itwas the coldest winter in history. X Itwas the most coldest winter in history. Complete the text with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets, Hove climbing mountains. For me, it’s (exciting) hobby. think? (beautiful) ‘mountains in the world are in New Zealand. But 3 (tall) mountains in the world are in Asia The mountains in England are * (small) than inAsia and the weather is° (cold). The USA has® (warm) weather than England, but Asis weather is” (hot). $0, Hlove going cdimbing in Asia. 83 VOCABULARY The weather beach mountain he: desert i cloudy j Geographical jungle features forest & bill humid freezing Phrases with with to be busy with something CF (to have nothing) to do with (me) CO to be with someone ee to be good with something (e.g. animals / children) a place with (big rooms / lots of animals / lots of tourists) dry attractive brave courage dangerous extreme ice medicine ‘on record ‘temperature Key words in context The butterfly is a beautiful blue and red insect- it's very attractive. ‘When the lion attacked the girl, a brave man helped her. I wanted to tak to the President, but | didrit have the courage, It'sa dangerous animal ~ don't go near it might bite you ‘There was @ 150 kph wind! That's relly extreme weather Be carefull was very cold lastnight and there's ice on the roads, He was illso we went to the chemist’ to buy some ‘medicine for him. Last ight was the coldest night on record in this country Sometimes the temperature goes up to 37° Celsius sunny cold rainy warm, ical features EXE ‘Match the words and the definitions. sland | shill | “desert river | ake | Imountain "beach | fjungle with lots of trees growing together [a of sand (or rocks) near the sea cf land with water all round it bit of land (not as high as a mountain) ‘that moves across the land and into sea QO high piece of land ‘area of water with land around it large area of sea water ina hot country with trees and plants ‘together and wild animals hhot, dry area of land (often with sand) Use the words in Exercise 1 to complete . Make the words plural if you ito. Jmportant to take lots of water with you if you intothe __desert scar isa very big inthe ‘Ocean. sitting on a and swimming in sea. : Tre longest in the world is the Nile. “Tre Himalayas has the highest__inthe world, was very tired after | cycled up the ‘Let's go for a walkin the and look for ‘wid mushrooms! | We took a small boat and went round the Tigers live in the in India and lndonesia ‘The ship hit a rock and went to the bottom of the weather EEE Complete the ‘weather’ words letters. Yesterday was od but today it's realy f___2in_tWtsabitw___ ytoo. 2 Itwasnice and w____ yesterday. But today is even betteri'ss _ry,h_tandd_y! 2 itsahorrible day today. It's¢___ dy and cold. This morning itwasr____y soit’sw__ there, too. 4 Whenit'sf where you're going! like today, i's hard to see 9 THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD 4 +k Use the words in Exercise 3 to complete the text. 1'm from Britain but live in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil. The weather here is usually good ~ the temperature is normally between about 12 degrees and 28 degrees Celcius, so it's never really 2 cold. Some days in summer's really Xh , buta lot of the time it's just nice and? , especially in the evenings. ‘There is one period in the year — from about May to July or August - when itjust doesnt rain! So everything isvery ?d_ Atother times of the year, the weather can be *r ~and when it rains, trains realy hard! Some days in the morning, when you wake up, the sky is grey and % , but then the clouds go away and the morning can be bright and. ’s So, the weather here is quite nice really ~ not lke my home country, Britain, where it's F some days in winter! WordWise sx Phrases with with 5 * Complete the sentences. Use the phrases in the list. with220-bedrooms | busy with with tomato sauce | good with ‘to do with you | with you © ks abighotel with 220 bedrooms. 1 A Isn't Alice here? B_ No. | thought she came 2. It'sdelicious ~ pasta and chicken, 3. She looks after my little brother. She's really children 4 Please don't ask me about it I's got nothing 5 I phoned him but he didn't answer. He was his homework. 85 86 READING 11 EGEUSUEENSTA Match the phrases to make sentences. Then check your answers in the article on page 85 of the Student's Book. © The San people —— insmall houses 1 When they are ill, ‘The people in the tribe live San children have to learn near fre San bushmen Inthe evening, the San people sit ~~ hunt animals ~ In the Kalahari life can be Tourists to the Kalahari often have 2. Read the information. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 0 The Inuit do not move around like they did in the past. 1 The Inuit get their food from hunting and fishing 2. Inuit houses made ofice are called igloos. 3 Aharpoon isa kind of animal. 4 The Inuitstil use sledges, but not with dogs The Inuit - in the past and nowadays difficult for people and animals they get medicine about the dangers around them “The Inuit are people who live in the north of Canada, the USA and Greenland, in a place of snow and ic. and tell stories about hunting, from the older people. from plants, with bows and arrows. to show them the places and anit because it's very dry. made from wood and grass, T the animals that they killed Inthe past Nowadays Tiving Areas| in the past, the Inuit people livedin camps and [Now they Ive in fixed communities, groups of houses they moved all the tine, depending on the | mostly near the sea and at the mouths of rivers. weather. Homes | The Inuit people lived in tents made from animal | These days they live 1 wooden houses that are builtin skins, orn igloos (traditional houses made of ce, |the south of Canada, But they still use tents, t00, next to the houses, and igloos when they are hunting [Clothes | They wore dothes made from the skin or fur oF [ Now the Inuit mostly wear modern, ready-made clothes, but they stil also use traditional fur boots, loves and clothes, especially in the winter. Food Supply] The Inuit got their food by hunting and fishing, Using bows and arrows but also harpoons {special tools for king fsh or seals). They also ‘@ught animals that they could eat, using traps. Now, the Inuit continue to hunt and fish but they usualy get their food using guns and modem fishing lequipment. Transport | They had dogs that carried things and that also pulled the sledges for people to move around, }On the rivers, they used kayaks (a special boat for one or two people). Now they use sledges with motors and their boats also] have motors. And in the communities, they use cars, the boxes. 3 Read the text again. Are the facts 1-5 true about only the past, only the present, or both? Tick (7) Only the past Onlythe present Both past and present © Living in camps v4 J 1 Living in igloos J O O 2. Wearing clothes made of fur | 2 Using guns Oo Oo 4 Using dogs oO _] x Dangboan Ol { 9 THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD ELOPING WRITING ormal email {Jake's email to Monika. Answer the questions. re is Monika going on holiday? 2. Which two places does Jake recommend? ‘Monika, at fo get your email yesterday. So, your summer holiday fate in Thailand? That's wonderfull | hope you have a tastic timo, ibe you know (or maybe not?) that | went to Thailand two ‘ago with my family. I's a great place and | enjoyed ita Food, people, places ~ so afferent from Europe! ay, 'm writing to give you some ideas. People usually in Bangkok and stay there a few days. Wel, when you in Bangkok, don't miss the Royal Palace! t's just fabulous, attaching a photo | took. You have to go there! if you like beaches and swimming and things ~ and | think you do! ~ then make sure you go to the Phi Phi ds. They're in the south of Thailand and you can swim and go.diving and see lots of wondertul fish. I's very iful there and it's a great place to relax, 'd really recommend it! Wel, Ihave to go now, but if you want any more ideas, please write to me, OK? Nour friend, Jake PS You mustn't forget to take your camera to Thaiand, OK!? Jake's email again. Underline the adjectives 4 Youre going to write an email to an English- at he uses to give his opinion of things in speaking friend and tell them about a place Thailand. that you know and that you really like. (You ‘can imagine that you know the place.) Plan your email. Think about the place you want to write about. © What is special about it? © What adjectives do you want to use to describe it? ‘What things or places there do you want to 1 Are the adjectives positive or negative? 2 Does jake use any adjectives that are new for you? Look them up in a dictionary if you need to. ‘Complete the phrases that Jake uses. What is he doing when he writes these things? recommend to your friend? ‘© What do you think your friend should take there? © Don't __missthe Royal Palace pie 1 You gothere! © How can you start and finish your email? 2 u go to the Phi Phi Islands. Ss 5. Write your email (about 150-200 words). Make ay sure that you give your opinion about the 4 You forget to take your camera! place(s) you are talking about. Use Jake's email to = help you. ethene Vowel sound: Go to page 120. 87 88 LISTENING 11 ECDEEH Listen to the conversations. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). CONVERSATION 1 © The girl wants to go for a walk 1. The girl doesn't know what ajigsaw puzzle is. 2 The girl doesn't want to do a jigsaw puzzle. 3. Wsraining CONVERSATION 2 4 Itsacloudy day. 5 The boy doesn't want to wear trousers & The boy likes the gir's T-shirt. CJ 7 The girl doesn't understand what's written con her T-shirt IO) 2 CBRE Listen again. Complete the lines from the conversations. CONVERSATION 1 Boy GIRL Boy GIRL ° What Yes,it! a horrible day today. | just thought, well, something different, you know,? jigsaw puzzle. know. What a? !Ona rainy day like today, it’s a nice thing to do! CONVERSATION 2 BoY Wow, * fantastic day. I's so warm and 5 ! GIRL Solet’s go out ® GIRL Hey, nice” ‘They look great. BOY Thanks. And I really ike your T-shirt ~ ® colour! DIALOGUE 1 Complete the conversation. Use the words in the list. an | can't | idea | perhaps | maybe | let's BOY What a horrible day. It's cold and snowing, GIRL I know. What? can_we do? BOY Well, we! g0 outside, So, 2 do something here. GIRL Well, | thought,? we can watch a film. is BOY Well, OK, yes. Or# we could play some computer games. GIRL That'sagreat® 2. Write a conversation for the picture. Use Listening Exercise 2 and Dialogue Exercise 1 to help you. PHRASES FOR FLUENCY S32i9 1 Put the conversation in order. ‘A No problem. I'l callJenny in a minute, she'll probably know. ‘A Oh, yes, that’s fixed it! Well done. Thank yout ‘A Can you help me with my camera? Somet ‘wrong with itand I don't know much about Oh So you cantt help me, then? Oo} Not really. 'm sorry. Good idea. She's really good with these ‘Oh— hang on! How about if you press this button here? [716 I don't know much either. 2. Complete the conversation. Use the phrases in the list. ine-minute not really | either | then | no prok ‘A. (onthe phone) Hi John? Sorry, I'm abit late. But A. Idont realy like it 4 beat your place in.a minute : , Steve. Is there a lot of traffic, 2 > 3 But im cycling and it's raining, Ugh. | hate cycling in the rain! But | havent ‘any money for the bus. Anyway, | shouldn't re be cycling and talking on the phone at the same time. So, bye! MBRIDGE ENGLISH: Ke g and Writing part 7 the text. Write one word in each space. ume (0) is _Alison Davey and I live (1) Alice Springs, Australia. I's not a very — only about 25,000 people (2) here. ~ Springs (most people just call it ‘Alice’) is in the north (3) the country. It’s not a bad place 4 it isn't very exciting. There’s a nice park that you can visit and outside the town there ¢ mountains where you can (5) walking. svery hot place and it’s very dry too because it doesn't (6) very much. 19, it’s really hot and sometimes the (7) can go up to 36 degrees. Alice is a very long from the sea so there aren't any beaches here. now I'm at school but I want to go to university later. I want to go to Sydney because it’s bigger Alice and a bit (10) interesting too! guide: open cloze kind of exercise, you have to write one word in each space. These exercises test your grammar and lary, but mostly grammar. “First, read the text from beginning to end ‘© Look at spaces 9 and 10 - what's the word that comes after ‘without worrying about the spaces. Then you a comparative adjective like bigger? And what's the word _get a good idea of the overall meaning, that goes before longer adjectives lke interesting? “Then, when you go back to the beginning, think @ have to think about meaning too. For about meaning and grammar - for example, in ‘example, n space 6, the text says that the town is very dry ‘space number 1, you know that peoplelve ina _ because something doesn't happen very much, What stops city or town, so the answer isin, place being dry? That's right ~rain. ‘Complete the email. Write one word in each space. Well, here we (0)___are __at last. Niagara Falls! We flew from London (1) Toronto and shen (2) dad hired a car and we drove to see the waterfalls. Wow ~ it's a fantastic place. | don't think there is anything more beautiful (3) this in the world. | read that Niagara Falls isn’t « highest waterfall in the world ~ | think that's the Angel Falls in Venezuela — but itis really big. When you go close, the noise from the water is so loud, you can't (5) other people talking! We stayed for about two hours. We walked around and took a lot (6). photos. Then we went to the hotel - it's a really small hotel (7). only ten rooms. I'm happy because I've (8) my own room, and my parents are in another room. Well, we (9) having a great time here. Tomorrow we go back to Toronto. Can I (10) to you again from there? See you! Beth 90, GRAMMAR AROUND be going to for intentions ETE Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be. Use the contracted form. © | ’m_ going to buy some stamps at the post office. 1 We 2 Iimtaking my children to the sports centre. They ‘going to have a swimming lesson. going to see a show at the concert hall, 3. l'mgoing to the shopping mall to meet my wife. She going to take me for lunch, 4 We're going to the bus station. We catch the number 51 home. going to 4k — Complete the questions, then match them with the answers. Use the verbs in brackets. © Are yougoing to watch _ the game? (watch) 1 __ they going ina hotel? (stay) 2 __we going Gran this weekend? (visit) 3 __ Dave going a taxi? (take) 4 __Jogoing the competition? (enter) 5 ___ Katie going tonight? (cook) No, they're not. They/re going camping, No, he's going to walk there. Yes, she is. She's going to win! hope so. moire. I Yes, 1am. Iove football. Yes, we are. We're going to go on Sunday. Osi 4 Complete the answers with going to and the verbs in brackets. What ®are you going to do (do) when you leave school? at (study) Maths at Nottingham University, Two ofmy fiends. (go) there too so we 3 ind) a house and live init together’ B ‘imnot sure. My best friend * (¢ravel) around the world and he wants me to gowith him. 1° (ot do) that Ihave got enough money - but (ot go) to university either. 4. doke% Write five plans you have for this year. 5 kk going to. I'm going to Present continuous for arrangements Sra Look at Claire's diary. Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of ‘the verbs in brackets. ‘Morning Afternoon Evening ‘Monday tennis- kids ~ sue cinema breakfast with Tim il party at meeting dentist ~ with Jen 4 pm Friday golf fly to Ro © Claire and Sue are playing (play) tennis on ‘Monday afternoon. 1 Chaire {fly)to Rome on Friday evening, 2 Claire (go) toJo's party on Wednesday evening 3. Cire (g0) to the dentist on Thursday afternoon 4 Claire and Tim Tuesday morning. 5 Claire (play) golf on Friday mo 6 Claire and her children (g0)to cinema on Monday evening. 7 Claire and Jen Thursday morning, (have) breakfast (have) a meetings “k Write the questions for the answers about re. Use the present continuous of the verbs. Is Claive going to the dentist on Thursday? Yes, she is. Her appointment is at 4 pm. No, they're having breakfast. No, she's flying n the evening, ‘Yes, but they don't know what film to see yet. That's right. They're playing in the afternoon, #% Mark the sentences P (present arrangement) or F (future arrangement). © Henry's not at home. He's fishing with his dad. [P + Sorry, | can't help you. I'm studying. oO 2 Are you doing anything this evening? 3 Look at the baby! She's trying to walk. 4 5 ‘ Is Aunt Mary coming to stay next week? We'te looking at new houses this afternoon. | I'm staying at my friend's house tonight. oO 44k Write five arrangements you have for this ‘weekend. Use the present continuous. verbs FXH Read the sentences. Write the names under the pictures. Bella paints really well. ‘Molly paints quite badly. Tim rides his bike dangerously Ben rides his bike carefully 10 AROUND TOWN 10 *% Unscramble the words to make adjectives. ‘Then write the adverb form. adverb easily adjective saye easy wols kique souranged revosun teiqu dab larefue dogo 11 44% Circle) the correct words. ©. Jackson played very good / (well), and won the match easy / Gasily) 1. Itwasan easy / easily test and I finished it really quick | quickly 2. My dad isn'ta very careful/ carefully driver land sometimes he drives quite dangerous / dangerously 3 Please be quiet / quietly in the library - you can talk, but not too loud / loudly 4 Ididn't do good/ wellin the test | had a really bad | badly day. 5 He's quite a nervous / nervously person and he talks really quiet / quietly. GET IT RIGHT! © ‘Adverbs usually come immediately after the object © of the sentence or after the verb (if there is no | object). They never come between the verb and the object. Ev Hedrives his car dangerously. AX Hedrives dangerously his car. Change the adjective in brackets into an adverb and put it in the correct place in the sentence. © He-can run fast, but he can't swim. (good) He can ran fast, but he can’t swim well, 1) You should drive when i’ raining (careful) 2. She speaks French and German. (fluent) 3. She was walking because she was late for school. (quick) 4 They did the homework because they worked. together: (easy) 1 VOCABULARY Things in a town zebra crossing bs station concert hall football stadium ‘conpark police station Places 4 shopping mall opera house eval }opping mal i post office ss are i sports centre skyscraper castle raft wal Tea cyde lane Key words in context culture Hove meeting people from different cultures ~ there's so much you can learn from them. population The population of our town is about 20,000. local ‘Our local shop is just across the road from our house. invite The Jacksons invited us to dinner at their house. billboard tourism ‘Tourism is very important for our country. Millions of people vist us each year. pedestrian Pedestrians must be careful when they cross the road fluent He speaks really good French, He's almost fluent tourist attraction The museum isa really big tourist attraction. Lots baghestrens of people vist it sand Newest bah andro esa em my ha 7 mine This mine goes more than 200 m under the ground skat ar diamond Isthat a diamond ring? Wow, is beautiful stale et resort Cannes is a popular resort in the south of France. e demolish They demolished the old stadium because they want to build anew one. 92. cesinatown EEE ‘Complete the words. Use the picture 6 sp rts c_ntr + Complete the text. Use the words in Exercise 1. ‘Our town is great. I's got everything I need. There's ‘really good sports® centre... You can do lots of different sports. There's a big! hall as well and | often go to see my favourite bands there, Most Saturdays | go to the football? to see our football team play. There's a realy big shopping with lots of shops init. And if you ever get Sal pa can go to the bus * tocatcha bus and visit another town. 10 AROUND TOWN 3. keke Where are these people? Choose from the places in Exercise 1. 0 ‘What time does the swimming pool lose?" sports contre 1 ‘Iwantto send this letter to Australia! 2. ‘think Manchester United are going to win today! 3 "What time is the next bus to Liverpool?” 4 ‘Iwant to buy some new shoes. 5 "The band start playing at 8 pm’ 6 ‘Iecosts £2 every hour we stay! 7 "There's a problem at the bank. Come quickly! Things in town 4% Write compound nouns using the nouns in, the lists. eyele | graffiti | speed | zebra | bill | litter lane | board | camera | crossing | bin | wall © ole lane 3 1 2 5 Match the words from Exercises 1 and 4 to the definitions. © Cars slow down for ths. speed camera You find lots of shops here. You can ride your bike safely here. Iadvertises things on the side of the road. 4 Use this to cross the road safely. 5 Agreat place for local artists to paint: 6 Agood place for young people to meet and have fun, 7 Throw your rubbish inthis. 6 sctok Which of these sentences are true about your town? Correct the ones that are false. 1 Cars always stop at zebra crossings. 2. There are lots of things for young people to do. There are graffiti walls and a really good youth club. 3 Speed cameras make the roads safer. 4 You can get everywhere on your bike using cycle lanes. 5 People always use the litter bins to throw away rubbish 6 There are lots of billboards. 7 The high street is full of shoppers atthe weekend, 93 94 READING 1 ELGNSRESENUNRELSS What are these things? Check your answers in the blogs on page 93 of. the Student's Book. 0 The Burjal Arab A building in Dubai that looks like a ship's sail. Jebel Ali Khali 3. Yellowknife Snowking Winter Festival 2 Read the article. Write the names of the towns under the pictures. Monowi, USA Elsie Eiler is Famous in the town of ‘Nonow in Nebraska and everybody knows her name. That's because Elsie is the only person who lives there. Monowi was never a big town. In the 1930s the population was 150 but over the years people slowly started leaving. In 2000 there were only two people left; Elsie and her husband, Rudy. When Rudy died, Elsie became the only citizen. Thames Town, China Shanghai is one of China's biggest cities, But just outside of Shanghai is a rather unusual town called Thames Town. It cost £500 million to build and itis part of their One City, Nine Towns’ project. When you walk down the streets there you might forget you are in China, You might start thinking you are in England. 3. Read the article again. Write the names of the towns after the sentences. © Aretherealienshere? Roswell 1. They wanted more people to visit here. Ithas a population of one. I’snearto a really big city UAL TOWNS That is because Thames Town is a copy of an English town. The streets and the buildings all look English. Tt hhas red phone boxes, London street signs, fish and chip shops and English pubs. There are also statues of Harry Potter and James Bond. Elsewhere in China, you can find the Eiffel Tower, an Austrian village and even Stonehenge. Sheffield, Australia In the 1980s, the citizens of Sheffield con the Australian island of Tasmania decided they wanted more tourists to visit their town. They had an idea to ‘turn their streets into an outdoor art gallery. They asked artists to paint huge paintings on the walls around town. Children from the local school helped too. They painted little murals, on the rubbish bins. There are now more than 60 of these murals, which show important scenes from history. People didn't want to live here Wes. great place if you like art. it'slike being in another country 4 5 6 It’s mysterious place. 7 ‘The plan worked and these days ab 200,000 people visit Sheffield ever year. Roswell, USA Some people betieve that in 1947 an alien spacecraft crashed near t ‘town of Roswell in New Mexico. believe that the American military seized this UFO and took it to a seq place outside of the town. These. Roswell sees many tourists who a interested in life on other planets. There are many shops that sell souvenirs and there is one fast fo restaurant with a UFO theme. Th also a museum about aliens. 10 AROUND TOWN EVELOPING WRITING informal letter / email Bee Joscio, nk for your letter and all your news. Sorry about your broken arm - what a “erriblo thing to happen. | hope you fee! better soon. Just be careful when you leet back on your bike! “Anyway, 'm sorry my roply is abit lat, but there's so much happening it’s Stfcut to find any free time. “The move here was OK. The new house is nice and big, I've finally got my own bedroom, Worcester is quite a small town (well, compared to Manchester) but seems quite nice, There are lots of good shops on the High Street and there ‘722 few parks to hang out in. 'm sending you a photo of the cathedral. t's 4 really beautiful building, 'm spending most of my time at the sports centre, ffm quite ft at the moment, | haven't got any friands hore yet but I'm starting ‘school on Monday. I'm sure Il find some. I'm fealing a bt nervous. Anyway, | miss you loads, of course. | can't wait to hear all your nevrs. Please {give my love to everyone, especially Tom and Jasmine. By the way, Mum says we're going to visit next month so I hope I'l see you all soon. Hope everything's OK. Lots of love, Olvia Read the email. Answer the questions, WU CULL ae 0 How did Jessie break her arm? ‘he fll off her bike. 1 Where is Olivia living now? ‘We usually write informal letters to family and friends to keepin touch and pass on our news. These days most people do this with emails. 2 Where did she live? ‘© Use informal, friendly language. © Ifyou are writing a reply toa letter, don't forget to react to your friend's news. We usually do thisin our opening paragraph. ‘© Always ask how the person you are writing to is. You can do this at the beginning or the end of your letter. © Use the main paragraph of the etter to give 3 How does Oliva feel about starting school? Read the email again. Write the expressions that mean: 1. Iwas sad to hear about your news. Write an informal letter toa friend (about 120-150 words). Choose one of these situations, 2. I think about you a lot. 3 3. Please write tome soon, © Your pen friend wants to know more about the town where you live, Write and tell them Youre going to move house. Write to your fiend to.give them the news and tell them a bit about the town. Sayhelloto . You are spending the holiday with your aunt and uncle. Write to your friend and tell them about the town where you are staying, 95 96 LISTENING 1 Listen to the converse table. | Invitation accepted ions. Complete the Invitation not cepted Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation3 |] Listen again. Complete the sentences. Kate and Jim Kate invites jim to the sports centre He says! because 2 lan and Ruth lan invites Ruth to? on She offers to pay for $ He says the tickets are ¢ Dan and Anna Dan invites Anna to”. at ‘ She's? 0 until ‘They arrange to meet " DIALOGUE Put the first two conversations in order. Then listen again and check. 1 [1] KATE Do you want to go to the sports centre later? KATE OK, maybe next week then, KATE What about tomorrow? JIM No, 'm busy ll week (Jum Let'ssee. (1sim rm sorry. | can't. 'm busy. 2 [_J1AN It’s Madam Butterfly. I've got tickets, right at the front. []1AN No, it'sa present from me. [J 1An Well, you deserve it [J1AN Would you like to go to the opera house with me on Saturday? RUTH That would be great. What's the opera? RUTH Wow. How much were they? You must let me pay for mine. RUTH That's really kind of you. 2. Write two short conversations. Use these situations. Conversation 1 Boy invites gil to cinema, © She says yes. They agree onatime. Conversation 2 © Girl invites boy to party. @ He asks what day and when. @ He can't make it and says why. HEETRAIN TOT: Problem solving 1 The town council has money to build one new building. Look at the first three suggestions and match the advantages and disadvantages to each one, good to get bands into town bad for shops on high street create lots of jobs stop people parking on street ‘could bring more cars into town could be noisy at night Suggestions Advantages concert hall good toget bands into town shopping mall car park ae 2. Think of an advantage and a disadvantage for these three suggestions. Suggestions Advantages _Disadva football stadium bus station sports centre 3 Complete the statement, Use your own i I think the is the best idea because and deere sco) Voiced /6/ and unvoiced /@/ conson: Goto page 121. AMBRIDGE ENGLISH: Ke ding and Writing part 4 id the article about Shanghai. Are sentences 1-4'Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (BY? If there isn't enough information to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn't say’ (C). \ 0. The population of Shanghai is more than 20 million, Meat Late Museum. The models huge. Its} @Right 8 Wronj € Doesr't say 93 m? and it covers the whole floor Re 8 " aficuR to know exactly HOW Fhe museum, Infact, t's too big 1 The model is on the top floor of the museum. people von the Chinese | 7 estonia tits aeast 10K aphotogranh of tho whole | A Right B Wrong Doesn't say a thing. You can try butyau' find you | 2 Youare not allowed to take photos of the model. millon. For sue, sone of hee a ptos | Pl Y's biggest cies. Of course, a ent A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say needa paced Ofcom, Shrgha actyihas | 3 The model shows Shanghalin the future forso many people, and to growing fast and every year there ais oi Stu you an idea of ust how big are about 200 new skyscrapers, | ht i Ee eae wis hereisammodelot Themodel does at stow what | 4 The model city isa popular tourist attraction. hale cityon te third loor Shanghai looks tke now. t shows | A Right B Wrong Doesn't say Shangha’'s Urban Planning ‘Shanghai inthe year 2020. Exam guide: right, wrong or doesn’t say the KEY Reading and Writing part 4 you must read a text and then decide if th tences about the text is right or wrong. Sometimes there isn't enough information to decide, and for sentences you should choose the ‘Doesn't say’ option. Read through the text quickly to get an idea of what If youcan't find any information to decide if the itis about. Then read a second time, more slowly. question is right or wrong, this probably means the Read through the questions. Can you answer any of _text doesnt say’ For example, question 1 says the them immediately? Check in the text to make sure ‘model is on the top floor of the museum. In the text itsays it’s on the third floor. We don't know how ‘many floors the museum has. The third floor might be the top floor but we car't be sure. We have to choose the ‘Doesn't say’ option here. you have the correct answer. For each question, find the part ofthe text it refers to. Use the key words in the question to help you find the correct part of the text. For example, in question Othe words 20 millon are thereinthe fst ® The order ofthe questions isthe same asthe order sentence of the text. This is the part of the text you cof the information in the text. need to look at. Read Jenny's article about moving home. Are sentences 1-5 ‘Right! (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? If there isn't enough information to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn't say’ (C). © Jennyis 13 years old Amovetothe countryside ‘A Right (8) Wrong Doesnt say For the first twelve yeas my fe my family ived in alarge cy. Two years ago 1 Jenny wasn't happy with the idea of moving to ny patents decd to move tothe countryside. was horfied. How could eave the countryside. ally fiends? Howe coud | ive somewhere with no cinema, with na skateboard A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say park, where the nearest shop was more than 3km away? 2 Jennidmunftiorkrfora newspaper But Mum and Dad dit listen to me. Tey were tired of the city life. Mumisa A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say ‘titer so she can lve anywhere and Dad looks afer me and my two younger 3. There are five people in Jenny's family. brates. Tey thought he cour wasa eter lato bing chen Were Wega icbreneat ‘Well, two years later and | agree with them. ove it here love the freedom of 4 Jenny has got more friends now. being outside. You can ride your bike everywhere. You doit have to worry about ‘A Right B Wrong € Doesn't say as. Ofcourse | found new friends. No as many as Ihad, but that isnt problem, 5. Jenny went to school with Anna when she lived in [msn ty eybesfend or te cy, ra ands comes a vist most holidays. She loves it ee, She wants her parents to move oo, 1A Right 8 Wrong ¢ Doesn't say 7 LISTENING 1 Listen to the conversations. Circle) A, B orc. 11 What kind of holiday is Emma going to suggest to her parents? A hotel B houseboat ¢ camping 2 Who's got the best idea about what they can do? A Mike B Dad c Mum 3 When are Emma and her family going on holiday? A 4 july B 18july © 8 August ETI Listen again. Answer the questions. © Why don't Mike and Emma want to go to the same hotel aslast year? They think it would be boring. 1 What does Emma think about a camping holiday? 2 What does Dad think about Emma's suggestion of a holiday on a houseboat? 3. What is Mum going to suggest to her and her husband's parents? 4 Mum makes a joke. What does she say? 5 How soon are Emma and her family going on their holiday? VOCABULARY 3. Circle) the correct words. Before you go on a holiday, you need to think carefully about where 10 g0.IFyou decide to gotoa place in the iid I beach, for example, you have to know that the weather can be "freezing / hot even in summer), and itcan also be quite ‘windy / warm. 4. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the concerthall | postoffce | cycle lane | liter bin 0 I car't believe we can't get tickets for the show. There's room for 2,000 people in the concert hall. 1 I need some stamps. Can you go to the 2. Careful don't drive so fast! There's a 3. want to throw this paper away. Isthere a 4 Didyou see that driver?! There was someone: the 5 There'sanew beach! It's great - we ride along it on Sundays. 6 He'sa professional photographer. His photos: onallthe » GRAMMAR . 5. Circle) the correct words. uty OLIVER uty ouiver uty ouiver uty OLiver Everybody knows that deserts have 2dry/ wet weather, | but people sometimes forget that a beach | forest holiday means you are close to a lot of water, so the air can be quite °dry / humid. During the summer months, this can mean that it can get too *hot / cold, and not everybody likes that. Here are my familys plans for our next holiday: First we're going to “spend J spending two weeks ata °hill lake. Then, on the 1 September, we are “leaving / leave for a weekend in the mountains uty OLIVER billboards | speed camera | zebra crossing forme? __ ahead, so keep to 50 kph, OK? ___ around here? and he didn't stop! that goes along the: __ at the moment. When are you going on holiday? Next weekend. And we are all looking forward to it. I's going to be the °more Gaosi)relaxing time of the year! That place on the coast where you are staying, isit "hotter / hottest than itis Not really. I's more cald/ colder than here, and there's usualy ’more / most So the temperature is normally five or degrees lower ‘more | than here. And it’s the world's Smore / most coast Do you think so2 Well it's Smore / most beautiful than other places, but we swim in the ocean. Can't you? No, the water temperature is just too) ‘And I don't think it's safe {safely (Oh, really. Are there any ®dangerous! dangerously ish? | don't think there are, But the waves really high because of the wind. Yout to swim really ®good / wellto go in. you'd come out "quick quickly again |ALOGUE Complete the conversation. Use the phrases in the list. goingtogo | goingto come | can't go | Id ‘no problem | like to | busywith | be with me are goingto | youlike to EVA Jack, 'm® going to.go_to the concert on Saturday. Would ' come along? My friend Nick? 150 l've gota ticket if you want it. Saturday? I'm sorry, | can't. 'm? a project. EVA _| see, Well, maybe another time. JACK. Yeah, thanks for asking, Oh, would you and Nick + come over to our place next Sunday, maybe? We can stin the garden, and enjoy the beautiful weather. Gavin and Claire ® come too, Eva & love to. That would be great Let me talk to Nick. | know he's going to visit some relatives on Saturday, but | think he's i back on Sunday morning, So it should be fine. Can I tell you this evening? Jack ® Talk to Nick first, and give me aring any time. (ater, on the phone) JACK Hello? EVA Oh, hi,Jack. I's about next Sunday. 'm really sorry. Nick won't con Sunday, He's coming back after 7in the evening, so I'm going to come alone, JACK. OK. JACK READING 7 Read the magazine article about Peru,Circlelthe correct endings (A or B) for each sentence. © Peruisa very popular holiday place ... because it offers tourists a lot of attractions. bbut the weather is often not very good. 1 Aholiday on the coast in summer is good A. ifyou like hot and dry weather. B_ if you don't mind a lot of foggy and rainy days. 2. Inthe Andes, in winter A it’s usually foggy, and not very cold. B it'susually dry, and it can be very, very cold. 3 Inthe east of the country there are no mountains .. ‘A and the weather doesn't change much throughout the year. Band there are extreme differences between summer and winter. UNITS 9&10 So many kinds of weather! pa isn't just a beautiful country. Tourists love itbecause ofits attractive jungles, its stunning beaches and the fantastic Peruvian food. And many people come to see Machu Picchu, a very interesting “Inca site that’s more than S00 years old. But Peru is, also famous for its many different climates. If you travel from one place to another, you can have very different weather on the same day! ‘The weather on the coast is usually dry and warm, often hot. In the summer, it’s hardly ever rainy there. Inwinter, the coast is often foggy, and the fog even has its own name, garia. In the areas near the ocean, the so-called ‘rainy season’ starts around late May and comes to an end in October. Inthe mountains, the famous Andes, it’s often cool, and sometimes cold. The summers there are usually rainy, but the winters are very dry, and can be freezing. In the east, where there are no mountains, the weather is usually hot and humid all year round. WRITING 8 Write a paragraph about the weather in your country (about 80-100 words). Think about these questions. 4 Isthe weather the same all over the country, or are there differences? ‘Ifthe weather is different, can you say why? © What times ofthe year are good for tourists who ‘want to visit your country? 9 FUTURE ]186pies 100 3. you? /1/to/ know / where / find / Will, 4 come /the//party./ to / won't / Sebastian ‘Complete the sentences. Use the will future form of the verbs. Then match sentences 1-5 to sentences a-f. 0 [e] Don't worry. 'm sure you won't have. problems with the test. (not have) 1 [) This year at school cool. (be) 2 |_| Imnotsure a picnic is such a great idea. 3 [_| Kate's not sure if she tothe ‘cinema tonight. (go) 4 [[] Ben and Mason back from their trip soon, (be) 5 [_] Don't try to repair your bike without me. a Ourteachers probably us toa youth camp in the last week before the holidays. (take) Perhaps she her project. stay) at home and work on ¢ It probably raining later today. (start) * 4 'msure they lots of stories to tell. (have) © You always study hard. £ We Ittogether. (do) That much more fun. (be) Ldeedileis The /h/ consonant sound Goto page 121. GRAMMAR 3 x Complete the questions. Use the will will / won't for future predictions ad a : lee ried | he | live 1% © Put the words in order to make sentences. Peeters eee a $5 fatiiniogf70 oe © When will you learn to drive? er in another country ll be home by 730. : oe omy “4 1 Sunday /home J and / we / stay / at /relax./ On/'tl key P 3. How many children you 2 4 When do you think you 24 2 1d / you/ to / place / Will / tomorrow? / ea my 5 you touniversity after = school? ek Complete the answers. Use the will f form of the verbs in the list. Then match them with the questions in Exercise 3. have | drive | live | get | take | do © 1 Whave lots. love childeen, 1 Ithink inJapan fora year before | go to university. 2. Asports car? No. don't think! ever even aca. 3. think the driving test before | go to university 4 Ireally don't know but I'm sure | Ss married fora long time. 5 Yes Ithink | that but m not sure what I want to study yet. e+ Answer the questions from Exercise they are true for you. Use the will future the verbs. Oa

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