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oe oe, ee oe ee ee ee ee ud Development and Infrastructures of 2 Development Lesson - 1 Sustainable Development Very Short Answer Questions 1, Whatis sustainable development? - ‘Ans- Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is sustainable development What are the four dimensions of sustainable development according to UNESCO? The four dimensions of sustainable development according to UNESCO are: Ans- > Social > Economic > Natural, and > Political 3. Whenand which commission brought the concept of sustainable development? ‘Ans- In 1983 through Brundtland commission, UNO brought the concept of sustainable | development. 4, What is meant by Brundtland commission? ‘Ans- In 1983, UN General Assembly passed a resolution to establish the world Commission on Environment and Development, Gro Hariem Brundtland, the then Prime Minister of Norway was appointed as the Chairperson. This commission is known as Brundtland Commission. 5. When and which commission brought the concept of sustainable development? Ans- The concept of sustainable development was brought by the Brundtland commission 1987 AD. Short Answer Questions 1. What are the things to be considered for the sustainable development? Ans- The things to be considered for the sustainable development are: » It should be done without degrading environment. > Maintain balance between environment and development. » Conserve and protect the environmental resources. It should go side by side or parallelly > We should care for the bearing capacity of the earth, > — Project should be run according to the types of topography. 2. Write the advantages of sustainable development. Ans- The advantages of sustainable development are as given: It helps to conserve environment and conduct development activities. + Ithelps in poverty alleviation, + Ithelps to use resources and means carefully. + It makes development work long lasting and durable. 30 5. Ans- Ans- Increasement in employment opportunities Less chances of misuse of natural resources. Ithelps to gain human development and progress. tthelps to maintain social justice and equality Mention the objectives of sustainable development, The objectives of sustainable development are: To help in the poverty alleviation, To conserve the environment effectively, To use resources and means carefully To gain human development and progress What are the aspects to be considered while runnin concept of sustainable development? The aspects to be considered while run development are: 1g Projects according to the 19 projects according to sustainable Meaningful participation of people in development Discourage over exploitation of nature and natural resources. Environment friendly approach on development, Durable use and justifiable distribution of avaliable means and resources. Approach on helping future as well as present generation for creating golden future, Overall, geographical, social, economic aspects should be considered. What should Nepal do for the sustainable development? Nepal should do the following things for the sustainable development: Ban industries and vehicles that causes environment pollution. Establish of industry, factory, airport far from human settlement, Government should control ilegal excavation of stone, ‘sand, pebbles, etc from rivers recklessly, Use of solar power and wind power instead of coal, petrol, gas as source of energy. We should not carry out any type of developmental activities which creates pressure on earth. Government should pay attention on judicious distribution of means and resources, Priority should be given to all for use and promotion of resources according to 3R concept. Prepare a dialogue on the topic “Need of Sustainable Development”. (Genesis and Shreejana are daughter and mother. Mother enters in her daughter's room as she heard her daughter reading.) Shreejana : Oh! You are reading about sustainable development. Tell me something about it then. Genesis: Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the Present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Shreejana : Can you give any example of it? — is il hy not? Careful use of natural resources, ‘systematic Genesis: ree drinking water and drainage, expansion of roadways, management of electricity and communication for urbanization and development are its examples. Shreejana : Why is sustainable development necessary? Clarify please. 31 | Genesis : Sustainable development is necessary for conservation of natura, resources, control pollution, increasing public participation, increasing employment, eradication of poverty, emphasizing on balance development, ending social discrimination and to save the future of coming generations. Good. You have understood the subject matter very clearly. | am pleaseq with you. What are the problems and challenges of implementation of sustainable development in Nepal? Write points. The problems and challenge of sustainable development are as follows: Shreejana : > Poverty is the root problem. > Imbalance between environment and development. Lack of awareness about benefit of sustainable development. Lack of far sighted planning of the government. > Political instability. » Lack of sufficient budget. » Lack of manpower to run development programs according to the concept of ‘sustainable development. “Unmanaged development is destruction”. Discuss in groups on this statement and clarify it with example. Unmanaged development refers to development activities that cause negative effect on environment. For example: expansion of town and cities without planned infrastructures, industries that increase pollution, mixing drainage and sewage in water sources, over use of pesticides, insecticides and chemical fertilizers, etc. unmanaged development results in destruction. Use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides causes ‘several diseases and health hazards, scarcity of pure drinking water due to pollution. Here, unmanaged urbanization and industrialization increases pollution, shortage of drinking water, increase in dust and smoke resulting in health problem, loss of natural scene and beauty, etc. So, unmanaged development is destruction Ans- What are dimension of sustainable development according to UNESCO? Show in a chart. Ans- There are many dimensions of sustainable development which are concerned with social, cultural, economic and humanitarian dimension. According to UNESCO, there are four dimensions of sustainable development which are presented in a chart below: Dimensions Social Peace, equality and human right, people living together Economic __ | Building a strong, responsive and competitive economy, jobs, income, ete Political Democracy, stable politcal system, decision making Natural Conservation and enhancement of natural environment, all living things, resources ‘and life support system. Lesson - 2 Ongoing Development Projects in Nepal ‘ery Short Answer Questions - _ Whatis a development project? ns- Adevelopment project is the devised programme with certain objectives which should be completed in certain time frame with the help of allocated budget. 32 2 Ans- Ans- vove 4, Ans- Ans- What do you understand by the “Projects of National Priority”? Those projects which are of national importance, » given top priorit and for which we feel proud and humble and gives the ently of owhe notan understood as the “projects of national priority”. a What are the infrastructures of projects? Mention. The infrastructure of project are: Provision of capital provision of communication provision of human power equipment, machine, tools and technologies How many projects have been considered as ‘the projects of national pride’? 21 projects have been considered as ‘the projects of national pride’ Name two reasons for Projects of National Pride not being completed on time. The projects of National Pride can’t be completed on time due to the following reasons: Lack of budget Lack of proper plans and policies Short Answer Questions 1. Ans- > »> Ans- 3. Clarify the importance and need of development project. The importance and need of development projects are: To fulfil the needs of the citizen. To increase employment and self-employment. To expand the facilities of transportation, communication, health, education, electricity, drinking water, ete. For all round development of the country. To make country independent. To increase revenue and improve living standard of people. To increase prestige and dignity of the country. Why are the projects running in Nepal not completed within the specified 4? Mention the reasons and also list the measures of solution. perio : jin the specified period. The The projects running in Nepal are not completed reasons and solution are as follows: Reasons ‘Solutions: i Control corruption. Corruption. ipati -ase and give importance in public investment i ation. Increase and give imp. “Lack of public particip ree instabilit ‘Maintain political stability. stability. _ ep -d manpower. Preparation of skilled manpower by providing ae training and education. i Right use of foreign donations. condition. See Gino ec eben ear apameoh Tare projet bad 0 pe. eee nment. Regular supervision, monitoring from government lgnorance Fem oe level during project duration. stment in the projects? Present What is your opinion about the domestic inves your logics. 33 ‘Ans- The domestic investment in the proj 4. What advantages ca! . . ‘Ans- Mid-hill highway was aimed at cor nl nave ects is very Import” SMe They are: ‘ . Recast in national pride and prestige: + Remittance can be utilized proper + There won't be foreign interfere in intern?” + No need to depend on foreign donations ra + Strengthen the nation, national integrity, 74! + Develops the habit to be self-elient + Increase in public participation. + Develops the feeling of entreprene’ nthe Pushpalal Mid the mid-hilly districts with road network, he following benefits: . al affair of the country. development. self-respect, sovereignty, of, urship. Highway provide? Write yoy logics. - r necting After the completion of this project, sector. 2 Itcan improve education and health ; Itean contributein the establishment of several industries and creates self-employmey, 2 opportunities. ; Improves the living standard of people in hilly region. 3 itconnects east to west of Nepal with road networks. D_Ithelps to sell and distribute the local productions. D-_Ithelps to develop town and cities in hilly area. Hf you were a member of National Planning Commission, what project woulg your run in your province? Why? ‘Ans- If were a member of National Planning Commission, | would run the irrigation projec in my province. The detail of the project is as follows: (a) Name of the project : Chitwan Irrigation Project. (b) Location of the project > Chitwan District. (c) Objective of the project + To provide easy irrigation facilities. + To increase agricultural productivity. + To encourage the farmers for commercial agriculture. (d) Advantages of the project + Increase in agricultural production. + Agro-based industries can be established. * Generates employment opportunities forthe youths. + Helps to run agricultural business through out . the year. (e) Date to begin the project 2076 Ashwin 1 (f) Estimated cost for the project : About Rs 1.5 Arab (g) Fund for the project * Government of Nepal * Public participation * World Bank Make a list of infrastructures of project. Ans- The list of infrastructures of project are given bel low: > _ extension of roadways and airways > facilities of communication 34 reliable supply of electricity skilled manpower equipment, machines and machinery management of capital availability of technology wee e Despite the efforts made by federal and state government, the degradation ae elaid fg not been stopped. It has caused negative impacts in the . What roles can local level pl: is cit ite i aipaan tees level play in this circumstances? Write in Ans- The natural resources of Chure hill have been excavated and supplied to different place illegally due to which the bio-diversity of this region has degraded. The efforts of Federal government and State government have become effortless. In this regard, the local governments can play important role to save Chure region. For this, they can apply the following strategy: The local governments of Chure regions can stop the excavation of sand, soil and stone immediately which causes the environmental degradation, ‘2 Local levels can launch afforestation programme around Chure hill, They can launch awareness programmes to control the encroachment of forest and hunting animals, > The local government can allocate budget to control fire, for plantation and to save the water resources. Lesson - 3 Infrastructure of Development: Skilled Manpower-Human Resources and Employment Opportunity Very Short Answer Questions a3 What do you mean by resource and means? Ans- The way or method or instrument, by which a result is achieved is called means. The natural, economic, political or human assets of a nation is called resource. 2. What are the types of resources? Write with examples. ‘Ans- The types of resources are: (a) Natural Resource The resource which are available in nature freely and which can be used for economic gain is called Natural Resource. For eg: Minerals, forests, rivers, hills, etc. (b) Human Resource The people who are expert in doing certain task efficiently and contribute to the development of a country are called Human Resource. For eg: Teachers, doctors, engineers, pilots, etc. 3 Which profession do you want to adopt in future? Why? Give reasons. : i Nepal is an agricultural ‘Ans- | want to adopt agricultural profession in future because f county. | want to carry out commercial agriculture to support the argo-based industry, 4 Skilled Human Resources is the foundation of prosperous Nepal, Why? (SEE, 2072 AP) esources can utilize the available means and resources Re Ans- Only the Skilled Human ion of prosperous Nepal. properly. So, Human Resources is the foundali 35 Ans- Write any two measures to produce Skilled Human Resources. The two measures to produce Skilled Human Resources are as follows: Providing youths technical and vocational education, and Giving opportunities to people according to need and interest. Short Answer Questions M5 Ans- eovovve Ans- Ans- Ans- Highlight the importance of skilled manpower. The person who is expert in doing certain task efficiently is called the skilled human resource. They are very important for the development of a country. Importance of skilled human power are as follows: To utilize natural resource for development. For sustainable development of the country. To develop infrastructure of development. To expand economic and industrial activities. “To give right direction to the development of country. Why skilled manpower is considered an infrastructure of development? Give reasons. : : ‘The base of development of a country is skilled manpower. There is no possibilty of development of country without skled manpower. Skiled human power is considered €s infrastructure of development because of following reasons: They contribute to develop agriculture, trade, industry, tourism, etc. They fulfil the human necessities. They help to guide the nation in right path. They utilize natural resources for human benefits. They contribute to construct the infrastructure lke transport, communication, electricity, health, education and so on. What are the measures to produce skilled manpower in the country? Skilled manpower is very essential for prosperity of the country. In absence of it the country can't progress. There're several measures to produce skilled manpower in the country. Some of the measures are as follows: Practical and quality education should be provided to all, Develop technical and vocational education system according to the need of the country, Training opportunities should be given to the people as per their interest, Updating the knowledge with developed information technology, Study, observation, research, etc should be done, Formulation and implementation of scientific education policy as per the demand of time. Clarify the relationship between skilled resources and employment opportunity. Skilled human resources are the people having knowledge, higher education, technical knowledge. There is interrelationship between skilled manpower and employment opportunities. The skilled manpower can get job easily compared to other manpower. They can generate self-employment based on their qualification, skill and knowledge. The people with knowledge need not to stay unemployed. If the people have no technical knowledge, education, etc they can take training and be skilled in certain job. The person having training doesn't lack the jobs. The person having no skill and education should face the challenge to get job. The people having knowledge and education can create self-employment. For example: doctors, nurse, H.A., lab 36 ‘Ans- 1 Ans- technician can work in health sectors, engineers can get job in construction project, etc. So, there is close relationship between skilled manpower and employment. Write an essay on the topic “Inte lationship between natural resource and human resource” Interrelationship between natural resources and human resources Natural resources are gifted by the nature. They are rivers, lakes, forests, wildlife Mt. Peak, mineral, air, water, solar light, etc. Similarly, human resources are the people who are expert in doing certain task effectively and efficiently. They are skilful in several tasks. For the development of the country, there must be adjustment between human resources and natural resources. The development cannot be imagined without utilizing natural resources. Natural resources should be utilized for running development activities. For example: mineral is necessary for industrial products, medicinal herbs for Preparing medicines, water resource for hydropower, etc. All above mentioned production is possible with the help of skilled manpower. To either Tun a large project or small project, there is a vital role of manpower. Development of the country without natural resources is not possible and tis inevitable {o utilize natural resources for development. Natural resources should be utilized continuously for development. Similarly, for the maximum or optimum utilization of natural resources, sufficient production of skilled human power is necessary in the country. The Report of National Planning Commission-2013, shows that the poverty of Nepal has decreased to 23.8%. Why is poverty decreasing in Nepal? Give reasons. The report of National Planning Commission-2013, shows that the poverty of Nepal has decreased to 23%. Poverty in Nepal has decreased because of the following reasons; Improvement of living standard of people due to remittance from foreign employment. Decreasing dependency on agriculture. Increasement in employment due to development in private sectors like private schools, colleges, banks, etc Increased poverty eradicating projects by several donor countries and agencies. Increasing literacy rate, production of skilled human resources, and trend of self- employment. “Askilled manpower can produce more manpower.” Justify the statement with example. Skilled human powers are the persons who are expert in certain jobs due to higher education, training and technical knowledge, etc. A skilled manpower can train and educate other people and can make others too an expert in job. For eg: teachers can train and educate the students in several subjects, Similarly, a social worker can impress many other people and encourages the others to involve in social service. In the same manner, a trainer also trains in different subject and prepares expert manpower. So, there is no necessity of a large number of people to transform society. To transform the society, few capable and skilful people is enough. Because of inspiration, encouragement and support of few able and expert people, several people can become an expert too. Hence, a skilled manpower can produce more manpower. Write a model of speech on a topic “Development of a country is not possible without the production of skilled manpower”. 37 Ans- 10. Ans- Respected Chairperson, Chief guest, guests, Judges, teachers and dear friends. | am thankful to the organizer for giving me a golden opportunity to deliver @ speech on ‘Development of a country is not possible without the production of the production of skilled manpower’. | request for permission to express my view. Skilled manpower are those people who have gained skill, knowledge, training ang experience in any field. To think about the development without human power is likg to think of fish without water. Only availability of natural resource is not enough for development. It needs human power for development too. We need human power to construct any kind of development work in the country. We can take example of developed countries like Japan and China. They have made tremendous progress in few decades. The main cause of this is production and mobilization of enough required human resources. Those countries provided technical education and training to the youths and motivated for involvement in development work. The government gave priority on infrastructure of development. The citizens of those countries established industries and provided employment to the youths. Hundreds of youths got job ‘opportunities. Because of this, these countries are in the pinnacle of development, (Bell rings) ‘At last, | want to say that skilled human power are the pillar of development. They are the source of development of a country. Hence, development of a country is not possible without the production of skilled manpower. Thank You. What do you mean by means and resources? Are ther resources available for the development of Nepal? The basic requirement needed to develop the infrastructures is called the means and resources. Land, rivers, minerals, forest, skilled manpower etc are few of the means ‘and resources of a country. There are enough means and resources available for the development of Nepal because: We have many rivers from which we can generate plenty of electricity and irrigate our land. Nepal is the country which is full of natural beauty such as Himalayas, fast flowing rivers, lakes, etc which can help to develop the tourism in Nepal. We have lots of fertile land which produces plenty of food and cash crops. Differentiate between Natural and Human Resources in four points. (SLC-2070) Natural resources and human resources are complementary to each other. The well co-ordination and adjustment of each other promotes the national development. Without these resources, the progress of the country is not possible. Following are the difference between natural resources and human resources: enough means and The resources which are available in natural| Which contribute to mobilize the natural] are called natural resources. resources. [Natural resources are categorized in dfferent| Human resources are classified as skilled, ways like renewable, non-renewable, etc. _| semiskilled and unskilled. ‘Natural resources are static and there is| Human resources are dynamic and it goes no future or new generation of natural| generation to generation with gradual resources. variation. 38 1. 12. Ans- d) 13, Ans- Availablity of natural resources like land, | Human poweris the most important resource| water, forest, minerals, etc affect the| because only the human power can mobile development of a place, other means and resources of a place, The development of a country is not possible without skilled human power, Nepal, at first, does not produce enough skilled human power that it heede, Whatever skilled human power it produces, are leaving for foreign countries, What are the reasons behind it. Discuss in groups and find the solutions to thic problem. The reasons for the skilled human power to migrate to foreign countries are as follows: There is no effective human resource plan and program for the proper use of existing human resources of the country. Political instability and frequent change in policy have brought a big problem to mobilize national resources and creating job opportunities. “There is lack of practical and job oriented education and similarly, there is no long term vision for the sustainable development in our country. People want to be free from the problems created by low salary, career instability and Prejudice in the country, So, they are attracted towards the developed countries. The solutions of these problem are as follows: More industries should be established i government should make encour interest. in different parts of the country. For this, raging policy and provision of providing loan at low Stable government having clear vision to utilize the existing human resources. Practical and job oriented education system should be provided, Promote strong feeling of nationality in the country by removing corruption prejudice and uncertainty. Despite Nepal being rich in natural heritage, there is no proper mobilization of these resources. How can such means and resources be properly used for development of the country? Write any four measures. Any four measures to utilize the natural resources are as follows: We have plenty of water resources. Micro hy mobilizing the local community. Similari invest in hydro-power. \ydro-power projects can be operated ly, private sector should be encouraged to Plenty of natural herbs are found in different areas. Our country can earn lots of foreign Currencies by exporting it. For this government should make good arrangement of collecting it The natural diversity and beauty of our country can be used for the development of tourist destination and tourism. Plenty of land are left barren or uncultivated in the village areas of Nepal. Such lands can be used to grow various types of cash crops, fruits and vegetables. Nepalese skilled manpower are leaving for foreign countries. Write a letter to your friend stating he had better work in his own country learning skillful training instead of going on abroad, (SLC-2067, CDR) Parbat Jan. 10", 2014 peer fed your desire to go overseas to work t Sunday | got your letter. You have expressed your desire to go overseas to wor ae eam, But T want to suggest you to stay In your own country doing the work of 39 14. iii) iv) 15. Ans- 16. Ans- ‘oige. There is lack of human resources in our own country. There are several institutions to provide skilful training. You can take the training of your interest and run your own business or take a job here. Government of Nepal has establisheg Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) to provide training your chi on various sectors. No country in the world has made progress by sending their citizens to overseas country In fact, one gets due respect only when his own country is developed. But itis sad to say that our own country is stil poor and underdeveloped. Those Nepalese who are working in other countries as Bahadur and Kanchhas are shedding their blood ond sweat for the development of other countries. Therefore | suggest you to take the proper training and work in our own country. Yours, Gokul Write any four needs and importance of skilled human power. Skilled human power is needed for sustainable development of a country. The country Should be able to produce enough, efficient and trained human power every year according to the need and requirement of the country. Skilled human power can be produced by providing technical, vocational and skill developing education. The need and importance of human power is as follows: For sustainable development of a country, For better use and protection of natural resources, For the expansion of economic and industrial activities, and ‘To enhance the economic status of the nation by substituting foreign manpower and foreign goods. How can natural means and resources be properly utilized for national development? Write in four points. Natural resources and means are inseparable factors from human welfare and well being. Its proper utilization enhances the national development. If natural resources are utilized, country can make tremendous progress in social and economic field. The following ways can be fruitful to utilize natural resources and means: Maintenance of political estability, Far sighted planning and effective implementation of it, Providing modern technical, vocational and practical education for the production of skilled manpower, and Increasement and encouragement for people's participation for development. Write any four efforts made by the government to prepare skilled human resources? Skilled manpower is Key to national development. A country’s success and failure depends on the availability and the number of manpower. The government should give priority to prepare skilled human power. In the recent years, the government has made various efforts to prepare human power. The efforts made by the government are as follows: Government has started to provide technical education, scientific education, etc from the school level, The trend to establish training centres has been increased nowadays for practical education, The government has co-ordinated with NGOs, INGOs and developed countries for preparing skilled manpower, and 40 47. iv) The government has made the policy of development of education facilities and services. Analyse the role of skilled human resources in the e conomic development in federalism. Ans- Skilled human resources are the backbone of economic development. In federalism, 18. Ans- 19. different states have distinct types of natural resources and means. To utilize these resources and means, skilled human power is very important. The state would not be competitive with other state if there is absence of skilled human resources. The concept of balance and proportionate development in federalism will be materialized with the support of skilled human power, itis obvious that Nepal is a developing country. Ithas to develop social, economic, political, cultural, religious aspects after the implementation of federalism. As Nepal is divided into 7 provinces, there is an immediate need to carry out numbers of development works in each of the provinces. Every states has to prepare the required number of manpower for the development of respective states. For better development of the states, the skilled human power has to prepare farsighted plans and programmes; and the planning must be effectively implemented. Skilled human resources can make planning to utilize the available resources and means of the state properly. They carry out the development programmes without over using the resources in sustainable manner. Skilled human resources can teach or train the others and increase public participation in development. So, skilled human resources play vital role in the economic development in federalism. Why is ‘skilled human resources’ necessary for the development of a country? The people who are experts in doing certain tasks efficiently and contribute to the development of a country are called skilled human resources. They have specific skill and knowledge in particular field. They can utilize the available resources for the development. Skilled human resources are necessary for the development because of following reasons: i) For better use and protection of resources, ii) For sustainable development of the nation, ili) For qualitative and large scale production of goods and services, iv) To expand economic and industrial activities, v) For enhancing the economic status of the nation by substituting foreign manpower and goods. Mention the role of natural and human resources for the development of a country. Explain in brief in four points. Ans- Natural resources are the gift of nature whereas human resources are result of 20. investment, education and training. The important role of natural and human resources for the development of a country are as follows: a. Natural scene and scenary attract the foreigners that helps to earn foreign currency which can be used for development. Various raw materials are found in the nature which help to establish industries. c. Human resources utilize the natural resources and means for development. d. Human resources can focus on sustainable development for both consumption and protection of nature and natural resources. What is skilled human resource? What kind of skilled human resource does the man in the picture want? Differentiate between short term human resource and long term human resources. Write two points only. Al 21. Ans- Ans- 23. Ans- A person who is expert in doing certain task efficiently is called the skilled uma, resource. Doctor, engineer, mechanic, carpenter, etc are some examples of skijey human resources. The skilled human resource wanted in the picture is computa, operator. Difference between long term human resource and short term human resources arg as follows: Long term human resource = The human resource prepared to fulfil tha need for the long period of time is calleg Short term human resource = The human resource prepared to fulfil the need for a short period of time is called short term human resource. long term human resource. = Itis prepared to fulfil the immediate need. Training on bee keeping, silk production etc, = Tt is prepared to fulfil the need of country for the long time like computer training, science & technology ett. are the examples of it. Which occupation do you like to follow in future and why? Give as many reasons as possible. | want to follow the business as my occupation in future because it is my family profession. Since many generations, this has been the main occupation in my family, My nature and habit also matches for this occupation because | can not work under the command of others. | cannot work for fixed salary. One can make good progress in hisfher own business rather than working for others. | am good at mathematics and account. | am also good in different strategy of business. | am hard working and can work for long hours. | can not tell lie. | can not dance and play musical instruments. | do not like to waste time on unnecessary things like gambling, taking alcohol, etc. There are very limited opportunities available at present. If you have your own business, you should not move door to door to find the job. Ido not want to go to foreign country because | am confident that | can make progress in my own country doing my own business. “Developing countries should spend large amount of money in the development of education.” Do you agree? Give reasons. Yes, | agree with this statement because education is the base of all infrastructures of development of a country. Education is knowledge and power. Education produces the skilled human resources who can utlize the resources of a country. Development of a country will be possible through the utilization of natural resources. No country in the world has made progress without the development of education. Science and technology should be developed to develop the country and it can be developed only through the education. Basic infrastructures of development like transport, communication, health, electricity, drinking water, etc can be developed only after the development of education. Industry, trade and commerce, technology, etc will be developed if there are plenty of educated human resources. Therefore, developing countries should spend a large amount of money in the development of education. What sort of human resource does the following picture show? In what areas does the human resource shown in the picture help to develop the country? The picture shows the skilled human resource of health sector. This type of human resource helps to improve the condition of health in the country, There is scarcity of skilled human resources in health sector in our country. Many people of rural areas are dying due to lack of health service in their areas. There is lack of doctors, nurses, health workers and medicines in Nepal. This type of human power helps to serve the people and save the life of many people. Health 42 24. Ans: 4 Ans. facihty @ very essential for the development of any country because health is one of the important infrastructures of development Write any four efforts made by the government to prepare the skilled man power. {SLC 2066, FWOR) The four efforts made by the government to brepare the skilled man power are as follows Goven ment has established Education and Vocational Tr people fike hotel man, an institution called CTEVT (Council for Technical ‘2inINg) To Provide short term and long term training to the agement, plumbing. olectrician, etc raat agua taining 1s being given to the women of rural areas lke knitting Producing handicraft goods, mushroom production, ate Government has been giving priority to technical education. For this. affilation has » Many colleges to establish engineering. medical. nursing and other echneal colleges So, several medical, engineering and other technical insttutons Rave been established throughout the county which are producing many skiled human power been given The education programs on new subjects like Information Technology, Rural Gevelopment, Pilot training, etc has been started to produce the skilled human ‘resource to fulfil the need of the country, What are the roles that can be played by skilled human power for the development of a country? OR Write a paragraph on ‘Skilled Human Power for Development’. Homan Power iS considered as very important amongst the various essential means and resources for the development like capital (money), materials, method formation, etc. Development scholars focus on the view that both means and goal © sevelopment should be human. Use of other resources without human power is almost impossible, Skilled human resources can: Conduct economic activities, create employment opportunities and increase income of peop'e by the scientific mobilization of available means and resources of the country Develop and manage infrastructures of development like education, health, drinking water electricity, communication, etc by using their efficiency and skill. Formulate and implement the plan and policies for the sustainable and proportional lopment on the basis of empirical and scientific research, pitt all sectors and bring positive change in the life of people of the nation by the development and use of modern scientific tools and technology. Carry out remarkable improvement in the fields of social development like education, health, social equality, etc. The government of Nepal has recently declared the “Social Security Fund” to all the employees. What do you know about it? Give your opinion about the total implementation of it. (PABSON Board Exam, 2075) The government of Nepal launched contribution based security scheme on 11° Mangsir, 2075 It will prove to be a milestone in enhancing cardinal relationship between workers (government officers and private officers) and employers, as per Stakeholders. As per the plan, private sector employees will have to Mandatorily Contribute 11 percent of their basic salary to the fund while employers have to contribute 20 percent of the employees’ basic salary. Once these contributions are made, employees will be entitled to compensation if they lose a job or cannot attend the workplace because of pregnancy, iliness or accident or any other problems. iH collected SSF will allocate 3.22 percent for medical treatment, health oa palin twill allot 0.78 percent for dependent family security and 91.39 percent of old age security in the name of pension. 43 Its success oF failure depends on its implementation. If it is implemented proy about 3.5 millon employees will be benefited. Till now, | have not seen any Se total implementation of the scheme. Many employees are unknown about it ond te ‘employers of private sectors are trying [0 ignore it. So, for the total implementatio, of this, the government should make strict regulation, and supervise each private business houses, schoo, colleges. The employees also should raise this Issue to gy their right to be secured, Otherwise, the scheme of government can't be implementag too easily and quickly. like to carry out in the future? Why? 27. Which profession would you ‘Ans- There is no doubt that | would like to be @ teacher though it is not considered wey, paid profession in Nepal. But | don't think any profession can sarpase the teachi profession, The reasons whty | tke {0 follow taaching as 0 profession are as follows ‘> Teachers are considered as the guardians of the social civilization; | want to be a teacher so as to be a social forerunner, 4» Flowing other professions is changing the self, Put by being a teacher we can change the mass, » Today's students are the future pillar of the nation so it's a matter, ‘of immense pride to, sone) imate friendship and work together withthe future stars. ‘+ | want to contribute in the development of the nation by making students patriotic {Sweating inthe native land rather than going to alien country.) Lesson - 4 Contemporary Development Goals and Nepal SSF Very Short Answer Questions 4. What do you mean by Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)? ns ‘Those development goals which are prepared according to UN Summit of 2000 AD with measurable targets and clear deadlines for improving the lives of the world's poorest people is called MDGs. 2. present your opinion on the goals set by Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2076 AD-2030 AD. Ans- My opinion on goals set by SDGs 2016-2030 AD are: > Poverty can be eradicated by 2030 AD. 3 End of social discrimination and formation of inclusive society, maintaining social ‘security, employment opportunities can be made possible. 2 Plantation, ways to minimize pollution, decrease climate change, protection of wildlife and vegetation can be done by 2030 AD. 3. How many goals are there in SDGs? ‘Ans- There are 17 goals in SDGs. 4. When did Millennium Development Goal start? ‘Ans- Millennium Devielopment Goal started in 2000 AD 5, Write one important achievement that Nepal achieved in reference to Millennium Development Goals. (SEE, 2074 CC) ‘Ans- One important achievement that Nepal achieved in reference to Millennium Development Goal is that Nepal was able to reduce poverty to 23.8% 44 Short Answer Questions 4. Ans- Ans- vii vii xi Did Nepal achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)? Present your logics. Yes, Nepal is one of 189 countries committed to the Millennium Development Goals. Nepal, despite suffering from a number of problems has achieved significant progress on most MDG targets. Some targets have been met in advance and others have been met within the 2015 deadline. Nepal's target to reduce the population under poverty line was to 21% but it can achieve only 23.8%. Various women empowerment and gender equality can be seen in Nepal. Recently in local election also, the participation of women is made compulsory. Nepal is able to decrease maternal and child mortality rate due to awareness, increase in health service, etc. Production of hydropower, solar energy, elc had helped to end energy crisis. Similarly, Nepal has failed to implement the concept of sustainable development in construction of infrastructure of development, failed to provide safe settlement and basic needs. Deforestation and raising pollution has challenged our eco-system. Nepal is unsuccessful in decreasing corruption according to MDGs. Amongst the SDGs, which goal do you think is the most important? Why? Compare with other goals and write. Among the SDGs, | think SDG 9 is most the important because it has given emphasis {o develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructures, industrialization, etc. According to the goals of quality, sustainable and resilient infrastructures, it helps in balance development of the country, expand industry and trade, increase living standard of people, produce skilled manpower, improve health status and increase employment opportunities, etc. This goal has given priority to industrialization and new search so it can increase revenue, employment and great possibility for our country’s development. So, I ike it more than other goals, What should Nepal do to achieve the set goals on time? Discuss in the groups and present the conclusion of groups. Following should Nepal do to achieve the set goals on time: Available means and resources should be utilized properly. Plan should be implemented effectively and efficiently. Political stability should be maintained. Frequent meeting should be conducted to set goals but the set goals should not conflict with the government's policy. Production of human resource and capital by the use of means and resources. Educational facilities, women empowerment programme should be provided in all nook and corner of country. Non-renewable sources should be utilized properly and hydro electricity production should be generated Employment opportunities should be provided to youth who are seeking for abroad foreign employment. Increase public participation in development work. End corruption and misuse of power. Continue supervision and monitoring in every field. 45 Very Short Answer Questions on ot development PFO 1. Lesson Local Level Formulation of Development osal at “5 Prop’ posal? tain objectives within hieve ce! one is meant by formant What is meant by formulati a e PrePavailable resources A draft of complete programm« Ans- i period with the appropriate use of aval sal. development propos idered as very important skill? 2. Why is the formulation of plan consi important skill because it is the m, Ans- Formulation of plan is considered ert eae means and resources properly. It het guideline for development which helps oti a to present clear vision for the future activities. — : at has already been do, 3. What more do you like to do in your school than eaacneia tetany ait ona ‘Ans- I would like to equip the science lab with equipments, IClent books. Short Answer Questions motor 1. Is development possible without formulating development planning? Conducts speech program on it. Ans- Respected Chairperson, judges, teachers and dear friends. | Iam very glad to get a chance to express my views on “Development is not possible without planning proposal". A development planning proposal presents what to do, why to do, where fo do, when to do, how to do, etc. Ithelps to obtain goals on targeted time. There is less chance of delay and no question will raise on what to do there after The development will be faster and will move to right direction with right utilization of resource and means. There will be no chance of misuse of budget. Public participation will increase and people will get the fruits of development easily. So development planning proposal should be presented before running projects. It helps to gain support from the public. Running development activities without proposal is like a crow in the fog. At last | want to quote a saying ‘Well begun is half done’ Thank You. 2, Make separate lists of advantages of public participation and disadvantages of its absence in the local development work. ‘Ans- Advantages of public participation: > _ Improves living standard of people ‘> Fulfills the will and aspiration of people > Well utilization of budget > Increases social unity > Increases employment opportunities, and > Fulfils the objectives of sustainable development. Disadvantages of absence of public participation: 2 Delay project completion 2 Obstacle may rise due to political motif 2 More chances of budget corruption 2 Project remains incomplete Less chances of getting job by local people, and 2 Misuse of means and resources. 46 Ans- eeeeeee Write in short about the local plan formulation proce: Plan is essential for achieving targeted goals. Formulation of plan is beginning steps oF condition of development. it is a guideline of development too. The local plan formulation process is as follows Identification of need Selection of the option Preparation of proposal Estimation of sources for the investment Agreement and contract Implementation, and Supervision and evaluation. “Formulation of well and effective development proposal Is half completion of the project.” Present your logic in the support of the statement. Well and effective development proposal include the clear vision like what to do, why to do, where to do, when to do, how to do, etc, Such development proposal helps to: Utlize means and resources effectively. ‘Complete the project in stipulated time. Utilize budget. Get fruits of project easily. Settle the dispute during work. Obtain the goal easily, Increase public participation. Why is the participation of people of affected area important in the formulation of development planning at local level? Mention the reasons. The participation of people of affected area is important in the formulation of development planning at local level. Participation of people of affected area means involvement of local people in development work. It is considered compulsory to participate local people in the formulation of local planning because of following reasons: It helps to fulfill public will and desire. Support is obtained for work from local people. thelps in maximum utilization of means and resources. Less chance of corruption. There won't be obstacle if local people are involved in development work. Concept of sustainable development can be materialized. “The local level development plan and its implementation bring positive impact in the development of local level.” Clarify in four points. (SEE, 2074 BC) Local level development plan is important for local level. So, the plan should be implemented properly to bring positive impact in the development of local level. It can be clarified in the following ways: The plans prepared for the development helps to fulfill the needs of the local people. The local people can take part in the development and implementation of the plans which creates wide public participation It helps to utilize the means and resources available at the local levels. Concept of sustainable development and millennium development goals can be achieved. TRE 47 Preparation of Diagram or Chart Things to be kept in mind: © Topic should be compulsorily mentioned at the top or bottom of the diagram. Similarly, index should be made if necessary. But, index is compulsory in multiple bar-graph arg} pie-chart, * Mentioning scale in bar-graph may not be relevant in all cases. However, some examiners take it as a parameter of marks. So, you can mention scale ifitis appropriate to show. * Calculation of number or percentage into degree should be mentioned before yoy draw pie-chart. ® Figure and information should be attractive and clear. Don't make figure or diagram in remaining space of the page. Include all information of the figure or diagram in the same page. . Rainfall and temperature graph should be made in the same place. Where left scale measures rainfall and right scale measures temperature. Similarly, rainfall is shown by bar and temperature is shown by line. Example 1: Show the following data in a bar graph. [ [Development Regione Area (sq. km) Round Figure Eastern 24,456 28,000 Central 27,410 27,000 Western 27,398 29,000 Mid-western 42,378 42,000 Far-western 19,539 20,000 Bar graph: Area according to Development Regions of Nepal 45,000 40,000 42,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 I 20,000 Area (sq. km) Eastern Central Western Wid-western Far-westeri ——————— Development Regions < ‘Seale 10.5 cm = 5000 sq km 48 eee ee Example 2: Show the following data in a bar graph. (SLC 2069, MWDR) Sex wise distribution of students of Jyoti Secondary School { Bar graph: Sex wise dis: tribution of students of Jyoti Secondary ary School | 55 | 50: Si Zow| A 45 40: 35 30) Student number 25 | 20 | 15 Example 3: Show the following data in pie chart. (SLC 2069, MWDR) ‘Types of Light Use Percentage Electricity 39.39% Kerosene 57.16% ‘Other various things 2.26% Others 1.18% Total 100% Ans- Here, 100% = 360° 360° = 200 23.6" 1% car Now, Electricity 9.39 x 3.6° = 141.8" Kerosene = 57.17 x3.6" = 205.8" Other various things 2.26 x 3,6" = 8.13" Others = 1.18% 3. Total = 360" 773) Pie chart: Sources of Light in Nepal symbol Electricity Kerosene Other various things Others | — Example 4: Show the following weather records in appropriate graph. [Emonths Jan | Feb [Mar] Apr Jun [July [Aug Nov] Dec [Remarks Avg. Temp| 13 15 20 | 23 17 | 13 "c 24 31 54 [124 24 | 22 E E £ = 2 (x Rainfan A graph showing rainfall and yi “lTemperature| temperature of Pokhara 2 ,aimosadwiay mm

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