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GRAMMAR The past tense of be: Review Statements. Questions 1 ‘Was your flight late? (Yes, it was. / No, it wasn't) He was Were there lats of people on the train? (Yes, there were. / No, there weren't.) She Waemt 0” vacation: ‘Where was your brother yesterday? (At the Smith Museum.) When were you in Seoul? (Last month) ‘Who was with you on the train? (My ginfriend.) i We | | They weren't How was the food at the airport? (wasnt very good) We were gm vacation, | WHO were yOUr parents wih? (My arandather) How were the activities on your cruise? (They were great) Contractions How long was the tour? (It was three hours, I wasn't = nas How long were you on the bus? (For two hours) 135, ‘rere rat The past tee of be form A FIND THE GRAMMAR Look at the Photo Story on page 75. Find five examples of the past tense of be. B. GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the conversations, using was, were, wasn't, of weren't. 1A: Welcome ack How thedive? 3A Where you as Thurscay? 3 Not great, There toomany buses. Br | intondon fs Too bad you alone? 1 No kdcina! Who with you? 8 Noy! “My brother with me. 8: My cousin, He Intondon,teo 2. How long your ight? &: Sohow long youthere? B: Six hours, But it OK. The flight Bs We in London for four days, attendants very nice 4 Ac When Kayla on vacation? aA Good, therealotof passengers? Br Actually, she an her husband in oll B: No, there Hawaii two weeks ago. A: Wow! they on a cruise? 8: Yes. They Ten ashy erie. =a VOCABULARY Adjectives to describe trips; intensifiers A. #09 Read and listen, Then listen again and repeat. ‘PH Itenstiors 0 very realy pretty fuite hind of (Our bus trio was so seary (Our train tip was pretty scenic. IL was quite comfortable The drive was kind of boring, 76 UNT7

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