Descriptive Title - The Entrepreneurial Mind

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Descriptive Title: The Entrepreneurial Mind

Course Description:

The course provides an entrepreneur-student with a unifying theme of managerial decision process around
the theory of the firm. It is an integrative amalgamation of economic theory, which provides the analytical
framework for optimal decision making, and decision science, which provides the tools for optimization and
for the estimation of economic relationships in the face of constraints and uncertainties. The student is
required to have passed the Principles of Economics, either in Junior or Senior High School. The course is
taken in the last term of the third year level, regardless of discipline, before the thesis or practicum work.

Proposed Outcomes (from CMO 20 s.2013), after this course,

it is expected that the Entrepreneur-Student:
Appreciate Human condition,
Interpret human experience,
Reflect on moral norms/imperatives affecting individuals and society, and
Contribute personally and meaningfully to the development of the Filipino people.

Note You may define your own Outcomes and the Outcome Assessment

Suggested Minimum Topics:

Part 1 Nature and Scope of Economics and the Practice of Managerial Decision Process
(Nature and Scope :Economics-as a Social Science , Planning and Managerial Economics, The
Theory of the Firm, Nature and Functions of Profits)

Part II Techniques of Analysis

(Optimization Techniques, Risk Analysis, Estimation Techniques)

Part III Demand Analysis

(Demand Theory, Demand Estimation, Demand Forecasting)

Part IV Production and Cost Analysis

(Production Theory, Cost Theory, The Economics of Productivity)

Part V Market Structure and Pricing Practices

(The Economics of Competition, The Dynamics of Pricing)

Part VI Regulation, Capital Budgeting and Public Sector Management

(The Value of Human Life: The Government and Business, The Social Responsibility of Business)
Suggested References ( you may add more references):

Books written by the following :

Adam Smith
Alan C. Shapiro
Alfred Marshall
Alvin Toffler
Dan Ariely
David Ricardo
Dominick Salvatore
Ernst F Schumacher
Francis Y. Edgeworth
George Joseph Stigler
Jan Tinbergen
Jean-Baptiste Say
Joseph A. Schumpeter
Joseph E. Stiglitz
Karl Gunnar Myrdal
Kenneth E Boulding
Lars P Syll
Michael Todaro
Paul Krugman
Paul Samuelson
Richard H. Leftwich ·
Richard A Musgrave
Ronald H Coase
William J Baumol

Prepared by:
Professor in Economics and Sociology since 1977
Date : February 9, 2022

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