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ANSWER KEY READING ANSWER KEY READING EXERCISES LD 6 ILD 16D READING DIAGNOSTIC PRE-TEST Ze ta A ima LA 8D 98D 1B oe RA 8D BB 18D 26 6A 10B 14C BD ‘ ot 3A 72D ILA 15. € 7 zo © me Bo 8B OD 6B = 19. tors abut sgreston to nstnce ae} ‘ve ase Swans aubuing aggenionowarned batman: £40) 2° ee BA ae a READING REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-6) Le 4A 7D IGA IB READING EXERCISE 1 2B SD one iD LB 6B ILC 1B LA BD 6B OBR 2D 72D ia ine aa he 8A 13B iB oR READING EXERCISE tA 80 1D IA ane TR SA 04 1D WR 5.B 10.B 15S. A 20D 2A OA 10. € 14 1B 3D 7D MD 1B 19D READING EXERCISE 2 ae ge 2B tea Le 3A 0B iB ine 2B 6B WA 4B A READING EXERCISES XA 7A ae sD LD SB 8 (IND ID uA 86 iA 6B 2A 6A 9B 1A 8B 3¢ 7D a iB ID READING EXERCISE (Skills 1-2) 4€ 8D D 16a LA 4A BA BORA cB @p 9D IRA con © A READING EXERCISE 3 LA 4B 7A 10D 13.8 READING REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 2D sc se WD ie LBoO4C) 2A A KC SA 6D0098B OIA ZA Sc kB 3D 6A 9D BB READINGEXERCISE 4 Le eer Use: READING ExeRCISE9 ze 4D 6D BD 1 [iggtataaw door READING EXERCISE (Skills 3-4) — Le 3B 5B 7B 8D ZA 46 6G 8D 0B 2, [dal ots n poplin Wate bld AEADING REVIEW EXERCISE (Sle 1-4) Sone Heee LA 4B 7B OWA .D ; pee Bee ae 4, [ chanctrsics shared by modern art 6) er ee READING EXERCISE 10 READINGEXERCISE 5 LD 6C ILA 1A 2c : aa ZA TA 2D inp 2D = sD aD ise ima = 2. [Bacar waar: ie 8B ob me pee ea an SB 1c 18D 0.D aoe fe ANSWER KEY 619. 620 4. | ik in the fret phase of his career READING EXERCISE (Skills 9-10) | Faukner in the second phacs othiscareor tt) (4) ae oom READING REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-10) 1Boo4D) 7B 2A SC SA 3D 6B 8B 13, [ferent medol fer anaivine tha case af ee) ‘eiaion making: READING POST-TEST Le SB &A 2B 6B 10¢ 3D 7D 18 4A BC IZD 19. [sea bran 10.4 1D 2 13n.¢ we 15.4 16.8 ae ow aae a LISTENING ANSWER KEY LISTENING DIAGNOSTIC PRE-TEST LB SYNNYY 9a 2.0,D 6A 10. C1, €3, C2 a6 2D 1 an wAc 2b LISTENING EXERCISE 1 1C 3B SA 7A 2A 4D 66 B&D LISTENING EXERCISE 2 Le 9B 17.B,D 2R AC IBA 3D 11 BD 1.8 4.4.0 12D 20. B,D 3.8 13.6 21 AB 6 RC mac 2D 7 15. BC 2B ac 16 B LESSON REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-2) LBoo3C = =6SAD 7.6D 2D 4A 6B LISTENING EXERCISE 3 1Bo05D 9B 3B 17.8 2A 6B 10D 14D A BC) 026 WA IC) 1D 4D 8A 12€ 186A ‘ANSWER KEY LISTENING EXERCISE 4 Ls 55 a RT. 26-44 25) gD LISTENING EXERCISE (Skills 3~4) LD 3B 5B ZA 4D 6A LISTENING REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-4) LD 3A 5D 7B 2¢ 4D 6B Re LISTENING EXERCISE 5 1B 8.YNYYN 2YNNYNY 9. €2,C3.C1 3. Cl, C3, C2 loc an ML C1.€2, €1, €3,€2,€2, €8 5. C3,C1,C4,C2 12. €2;¢3, C1 SNYMYY 12 cree 7D 14, €2,€3,C1 LISTENING EXERCISE 6 io) Bb Sh. Sg GR 24 48 Seo Ue LUSTENING EXERCISE (Skills 5~6) LA 43,0102 72. 20 SNYYNNY 3.@,03,c1 88 LISTENING REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-6) LA 3.(2,C.03 S.A. 2BD 4G 6B LISTENING POST-TEST 1B 3c 9.8 ZA 6D 10.€ 3NY TA LLY, YN,N aac aD Ia SPEAKING ANSWER KEY ‘SPEAKING DIAGNOSTIC PRE-TEST Sample Notes Qvestion 3 ‘TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: notice about cring for classes in Humanities Department main points of noti * too many students registering for classes without fling prerequisites + now students need signatures from advisors to register for humanities classes (except intro classes) + advisors must check that stadents have full pala ri ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: student ‘conversation about novice ‘main points of conversation: ‘+ woman has read the notice but man hasn't * they each need to go see their advisors ‘+ man wanis to read notice first ‘Question + ‘TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: nonverbal communication definition and examples of nonverbal ‘Sommurication: * definition (any communication without words) + examples (smiling, frowning, nodding, shaking head, shaking hands, waving hand) ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: to points of clarification about nonverbal commanication points of clarification: « there can be nonverbal communication without intent «there cannot be nonverbal communication without communication ‘Question 5 TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: problem the ‘woman is having with her college French class What the woman's problem. ‘ook 3 years of French in high school * intermediate French is teo difficuk (she can't understand anything) what the man suggests: * find out if other students have the same problem ‘talk with her professor Question 6 LISTENING TOPICS: echolocation used by whales points about echolocation used by whales: * only toothed, not toothless, whales use echolocation ‘+ whales send out clicks, clicks reflected from objects back to whales ‘+ whales can Iearn size, shape, distance, speed, ivection SPEAKING EXERCISE 5 ‘Sample Notes 1. TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: notice on problem ‘with bicycle parking on campus main points about problem: * too many students parking bicycles in unauthorized places ‘+ new policy ticketing bieycles parked in ‘unauthorized places + authorized parking for bicycles along east and west sides of campus 2. TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: message on retirement of professor ‘main points about message: ® retiring professor has served at university for 50 years = Will retire at end of next spring semester * praised for commitment to students and for publications 3. TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: part of a class syllabus on professor's policy against late assignments ‘main points in part of class syfiabus: ‘assignments arel due dates listed + no late assignment accepted, ever + grade on late assignment always 7210 ‘SPEAKING EXERCISE 6 Sample Notes 1, TOPIC OP LISTENING PASSAGE: student conversation on unhappiness with notice on bieyele parking main points about conversation: ‘= man ha seen notice bat woman hast + neither one is happy about notice seems unfair to both that they cannot park byeles near classrooms ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: student conversation about professor who is retiring main points about conversation: * both students somry professor is retiring * woman’ father took classes from professor 30 years 20 « both students want to take class from professor spring semester ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: student conversation about part of class syllabus on late assignments ‘main points about conversation: initially does not believe what syllabus s0y's bout kite assignments ‘+ woman tells story about injured student whese late ‘papers were not accepted ‘+ man then believes what syllabus says about late papers SPEAKING EXERCISE Sample Notes 1, reading paseage describes a notice; listening passage shows studens' unhappiness about the notice 2. reading passage describes a message about a profersne,Viciening paceagn cheuve ctndenls reaction tothe message 3. reading passage describes part of a sllabus: listening passage shows students’ reaction to the part of the syllabus SPEAKING EXERCISES Sample Anmwers 1, Inthis se of material, the reading passage is ‘a notice, and the listening passage shows some students! unhappiness with the notice, ‘The reading passage is « notice on a problem with bieyele parking on campus. The notice states that too ‘many students are parking bicycles in unauthorized places, that there is # new policy ticketing bicycles ‘Parked in unauthorized places, and that the only authorized parking for thek bicycles is along two sides of campus, The listening passage isa conversation between students who are unhappy with the notice on bicyele parking. In the conversation, the woman has already seen the notice, but the man hasnt. Neither one is happy about the notice because it seems unlair to ANSWER KEY 621 622 both of thom rhat they cant park their bicycles near their classrooms 2. In this set of materials, the reading passage isa message about a professor, and the listening passage shows some students’ reaction to the message. ‘The reading topic is a message on the retitement of a long-time professor. The message states that the professor who i retiring has served at the university for almost 50 years and will retire at the end of next spring semester. Throughout her career, the professor hhas been praised for her commitment to suidents and for her publications. The listening topic isa student conversation about the professor who is retiring. In. the conversation, both students are sorry the professor is retiring. The ‘woman's Father took clacses from the same professor 30 yeers ago, and both students want to take class from the professor in the coming spring semester, 3. In this set of materials. the reading passage describes part of a syllabus, and the listening passage shows the students’ reaction to that part of the syllabus. The reading passage is part of a class syllabus on «professors policy against late assigaments, The reading passage iss assignments and due dates. It also sites that no late assignments are accepted, ‘ever, and that the grade on any lie assigns always zero ‘The listening passage is a student conversation about the part of the class syllabus on Inte assignments. In the conversation, the man initially does not believe ‘what the syllabus says about late assignments, Then the woman tells a story about an injured student whose late papers were not accepied, ad the man then believes wat the syllabus says about late Papers. ‘SPEAKING REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 5-8) Sample Notes TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: part of hictewy syllabus on research assignment ‘main points about research assigns * students must choose event or person from history * students must research the event or person + siudents must write about the event or person from. positive and regative perspectives ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: stadent conversation about research assignment ‘main points about conversai ing of assignment than, + man gives reasors why he thinks the professor gave this assignment (students should look at various sources, students should understand that a person ‘or event can be viewed in different ways) Sample Answer In this set of materials, the reading passage is part of a syllabus, and the listening passage i a student conversation about this part ofthe syllabus. ‘The reading passage is about a research assignment ‘or part ofthe history syllabus. The main points about ANSWER KEY the syllabus are that students must choose an event ‘or person from history, they must rescarch the event ‘or person, and they must write about the event or person from positive and negative perspectives, ‘The listening passage Isa student conversation about the research assignment. In the conversation, the rman has.a better understanding of the assignment than the woman, The man gives reasons why he thinks the professor gave this assignment; the reasons are that the students should look at variots sources | and that the students should understand that a | person or event can be viewed in different ways, SPEAKING EXERCISES Sample Notes |. TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: the Dead Sea ‘main points about Dead Sea: “dead” because high salt level prevents life in it ‘ landlocked with no outlet + in area with high temperature, which causes rapid ‘evaporation 2. TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: polling ‘main points about polling: * invalves asking people how they fee! about an ise er eandidate * representative sample can be pelled ifthe group to be polled is to0 large 3. TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: Polynesion ‘migration in the Pacific Ocean details about Polynesian migration: * started 4,000 years ago * covered 20,000 square miles of Pacific Ocean (Hawaii to New Zealand to Easter Island) + made use of outrigger canoes (2 tree trunks joined witha platform) ‘SPEAKING EXERCISE 10 1, TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: additional point about Dead Sea + sea is body of water that is part of ocean or opens, into ocean * lake is body of water that is entirely enclosed + Dead Sea has no outlet and is therefore lake 2. TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGL: pash poling characteristics of push polling + negative and-unfar kind of polling + involves asking leading questions to influence person being polled 3. TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: one special aspect of Polynesian migration Polynesians may have m: * surprising because they were traveling or outrigger canoes * South American plants in Hawaii may be indication this happened South America: SPEAKING EXERCISE 11 1. reading passage describes a body of water; listening passage provides addifonal information about the body of water 2 reading passage describes polling in general listening rascage describes one specific kind of poling 3. reading passage describes a migration by one culture listening passage describes one special aspect ofthat snigration SPEAKING EXERCISE 12 ‘Sample Answers 1, In this set of material, the reading passage describes 4 body of water, and the listening passage provides additional information about the body of water. The reading passage describes the body of water named the Dead Sea, This body of water is said to be “dead” because its high sal level prevents life ii. Us s0 salty because it landlocked with no outlet and, ite in an area with a high temperature, which causes pid evaporation, ‘The listening passage makes an additional point ‘about the Dead Sea. This point is that the Dead Sea. isn't really a sea. A sea isa body of water that’s part ‘of the ocean or opens into the ocean, while a lake is a s entirely enclosed. The Dead Sea therefore a lake, 2. In this set of materials, the reading passage describes polling in general, and the listening passage describes ‘one specific Lind of polling. ‘The reading passage describes polling, which is a process that involves asking people how they feel about an issue or candidate. A representative sample canbe polled if the group to be polled is too large. ‘The listening passage describes one particular kind of polling, which is called push polling. Push polling 4 a negative and unfair kind of polling that involves ‘asking leading questions io infiuence the person being polled. 3. In this set of materials, the reading passage describes ‘a migration by one culture, and the listening passage describes one special aspect of that migration, ‘The reading passage describes the Polynestan migration across the Pacific Ocean, This migration, started 4,000 years ago and covered 20,000 square ies of Pacitic Ocean, from Hawaii to New Zealand to Easter Island. This migration was accomplished ‘sing outrigger canoes, which consisted of two tree trunks joined with a platform, ‘The listening passage describes one special aspect ‘of Polynesian migration. This special aspect is that the Polynesians may have made ito South America, which would be surprising because the Polynesians ‘vere traveling on outrigger canoes. One indication ‘that this might have happened is that there are plants, from South America in Hawail, ‘SPEAKING REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 9-12) ‘Sample Notes ‘TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: equity theory of ‘employee satisfaction in pots about equity theory: + employee determines return for contribution and ‘compares their return fr contabution to other employees + employee content if renura for contribution is higher than or equal to retum for contribution of ‘ther employees and unhappy if itis lower TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: examples of equity theory examples related to employee X: + employee X satisfied when he and coworker have equal returns For contributions (similar job title, work, salary office) * employee X dissatisfied when he gets less return for contribution than coworker (same job ttle but more work, less money, smaller office) ‘Sample Answer In this set of materials, the reading passage describes 4 theory, and the listening passage provides examples of this theory. The reading passage describes the equity theory of employee satisfaction. According to this theory, the employee determines his oc her return for contribution and compares it to the return for contribution of other employees. An emplovee will be content if his or her return for contribution is higher ‘han or equal to the return for contribution of other employees and unhappy if iis lower, The listening passage provides examples of the equity theory of employee satisfaction. In the frst example, employee X Is satisfied when he and his coworker have equal returns for their contributions such as similar job titles, similar work, similar salaries, and similar offices. In the second example, employee X is dissatisfied when he receives less return for «contribution than his coworker, such as having the same job titles but having to do more work, making Jess money, and having a smaller office. ‘SPEAKING EXERCISE 13 ‘Sample Notes, |. TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: woman wants to [now about 1o different professors who teach the what the woman learns sbout the two professors: * Dr. Abbott has interesting discussions and gives essay exams * Dr: Becker concentrates on details and gives ‘multiple-choice exams what the woman thinks about the two professors: ‘interesting discussions sound good but essay exams do not + concentration on details doesn't sound good but ‘multiple-choice exams do 2. TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: man unable to go to big game because he needs 19 review notes for an what woman suggests to the man: + review and reorganize notes soon after taking them + not wait until just before exam to review notes ANSWER KEY what man decides: ‘can try this method with future notes ‘ needs to review old notes now and carit go to game 3. TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: woman's question about an independent study project each monthly meeting. '* expected professor to tell him what to do what the woman should do: work on project regularly throughout each month + determine direction research should go and discuss. ‘ideas with professor ‘SPEAKING EXERCISE 14 1. woman learns about two professors and states what she thinks about them 2. woman offers suggestion to help man solve a problem, and he reacts to this 3. woman learns how man completed a project and. Tears from what he says ‘SPEAKING EXERCISE 15, ‘Sample Answers 1. In this listening passage, the woman leams about two professors and states what she thinks about them. ‘The woman wants to know about two different professors who teach the same course. She learns, that Dr. Abbott hasa lot of interesting discussions ‘and gives essay exams and that Dr. Becker ‘concentrates on deta and gives multiple-choice After the woman learns about the two professors, she comes to the conclusion that interesting discussions sound good but essay exams do not and that concentration on details doesn't sound good but ‘multiple-choice exams do, 2, To this liseli pny, ne wonton offers a suggestion to the man to help him solve a problem he is having, and the man reacts to her suggestion. ‘The situation is that the man is unable to go to~ big ame because he needs to review his notes before an ‘exam. The woman suggests thatthe man review and reorganize his notes soon afier taking them and that he not wait until just before an exam to review his notes. Alter this discussion, the man decides that he ean try {this method with his notes in the future but that he ‘needs to review his old notes now and he cannot 20 to the game. 3. In this listening passage, the woman learns how the ‘man completed a project, and she learns what she should do from what he says, ‘The woman asks the man about an independent study project he worked on with Dt. Lee, The man tells the woman dhat the eo problems he hed were that he put off working on the project until 3 couple (of days hefore ach monthly mrwting and that ha ‘expected the professor to tell him what to do. 624 ANSWER KEY After she hears this, the woman comes to the ‘a conclusion that she should work on the project. regularly throughout each month and tha she should determine the direction her research shoul go and then discuss her ideas with the profesee SPEAKING REVIEW EXERCISE Skills 13-15) Sample Notes TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: mani boredom fn class because of lack of involvement how man shows he’s hore * sis in the back + almost falls asleep how woman suggests that he can become more invohed: * should sit in the front * should answer questions and ask the profesor questions ‘Sample Answer In this listening passage, the man describes a problem he's having in a certain class, and the woman olfers suggestions to solve the problem. The problem the man has is that he's bored in class. The man shows that he's bored by sitting in the back of the classroom and almost falling asleep. The woman suggests that the man can take specific steps to become more involved in the class, He can ‘ry sitting in the front of the classroom, He ean also answer questions the professor asks and ask the Professor questions, SPEAKING EXERCISE 16 ‘Sample Notes |. TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: Bank holiday of 1933 ‘main points about Bank Holiday of 1935: + was nota holiday (was a closing of unstable banks) + banlo were cloned while Federal governs reorganized the banking system, * one part of reorganization was federal deposit 2, TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: definition of creativity sain points in definition of creativity: * originality (idea must not be normal, everyday idea) ‘+ appropriateness (idea must fit the situation) 3, TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: how the Amazon River got its name two sourees contributed to its name ‘native inhabitants gave river the name Amana Cig wave") + chronicle by European explorers describes female warriors who resembled Amazons in Greek literature [SPEAKING EXERCISE 17 1, professor describes Bank Holiday of 1933 2. professor discusses definition of creativity 3. professor discusses how the Amazon river gotits ‘SPEAKING EXERCISE 18 ‘Sample Answers 1. Inthis listening passage, a professor describes the Bank Holiday of 1933. The main point the professor makes about the Bank Holiday of 1933 is that it was not a holiday but was instead a clesing of unstable banks. Banks were closed while the federal government reorganized the banking sy One part ofthe reorganization was federal deposit fnsurance, and since then, bank failures have decreased considerably. 2, In this listening passage, a protessor discusses a {efinition of creativity. The point the professor makes ‘about this definition is that It must include the ideas ‘of originality and appropriateness. Originality means that a ereative idea must not be a normal, everyday {dea, and appropriateness means that a creative idea must fit the situation, 3. In this listening passage, a professor discusses hhow the Amazon River go its name. Two sources contributed to its name. The first source is the name given to the river by native inhabitant \was Amanuzas, which meant "big wave.” The second source was a chronicle by European explorers, This chronicle described female warriors who resembled Amazons in Greek literature. ‘SPEAKING REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 16-18) ‘Sample Notes ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: seasonal alfective disorder (SAD) ‘main points about SAD: affects people living in areas where sunlight is low in winter (such as Alaska) + reduced sunlight causes reduced seratonin (hormone that causes cheerfulness) and increased ‘melatonin (hormone that causes sleepiness) Sample Answer In this listening passage. the professor discusses ‘seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. The professor makes the point that SAD affects people living in areas where sunlight is low in winter, such as Alaska, “The reduced sunlight causes reduced seratonin, ‘which is a hormone that causes cheerfulness, and {nereased melatonin, which isa hormone that causes sleepiness. ‘SPEAKING POST-TEST ‘Sample Notes Question 3 TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: problem atthe suniversitv’s main cafeteria details sbout problem: * main cafeteria closed from October 24 10 November 1 + students with meal cards can une them at 3 snack Iban on campus ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: student discussion. of the problem at the cafeteria, details of discussion: ‘both man and woman are going to snack bar for lunch + man saw the notice and woman heard about it + man can't believe cafeteria is closed during the semester + worman heard cafeteria is closed because of a fire Question 4 TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: importance for a teacher to choose appropriate social enviconmeat in the classroom types of social environments: * cooperative = students work together to come up ‘with best answers together + competitive = students work alone to come up with Detter answers than other students individualistic ~ students work alone to come up with beet anewers individually TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: how a teacher can establish diflerent social environments, ways 10 establish social environments: + cooperative (by putting students in pairs or groups and accepting only answers that have been agreed ‘upon by group) + competitive (by having students work individually fand evaluating rexponses in comparison with answers from other students) + individualistic (by having students work individually and evaluating responses based upon & predetermined scale) ‘Question 5 TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: student conversation about woman's class schedule main points of discussion: * woman scheduled lour classes in a row in different ‘corners of university and cannot get to her classes on time + man suggests thinking sbout where classes meet, not just when Question 6 TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: one reason people thought there were living beings on Mars linguistic error: + Tialian astronomer saw canal on Mars in 1877 * canali in Italian can be natural or man-made + in English canals are man-made and channels are natural + conali was translated inio English as canals (mass made) + conclusion was that astronomer said there were living beings on Mars ANSWER KEY — 625 626 WRITING ANSWER KEY WRITING DIAGNOSTIC PRE-TEST Sample Notes Question 1 ‘TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: childhood amnesia ‘4 phenomenon of human memory (inability to remember early years) studies of childhood amnesia: ‘lifficul to test whether memories are accurate + sill show tha people do not remember first 3 t0 5 years TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: why childhood possible cause of childhood amnesia * young chiklren encode randomly (before hippocampus matures and helps to organize memories) + adults encode in organized patterns (after hippocempus matures) ‘TOPIC STATEMENT: In this set of materials, the reading passage discusses a certain phenomenon in ‘human memory, and the listening passage discusses a possible expianation for ths phenomenon, WRITING EXERCISE 1 ‘Sample Notes 1. TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: the Sahara Desert today characteristic of the Sahara today: + world’s larzest desert (equal in size to the U.S.) + very dry climate (average rainfall under 10 cr per year) + litle surface water (only Nile River and some oases) 2. TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: polysemy (one word Ising diferent meaning) sound (19 noun meanings, 12 adjective meanings. 12 verb meanings, 4 meaning in verb phrases, 2 adverb meanings) + Sec (57 nou meanings, 120 verb meanings) 3. TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: Margaret Mead research on culture apd gender roles Meads studies of three societies in New Guinea: * first society = both men and wornen have feminine” characteristics + second society = both men and worten have “masculine” characteristics * third society = men have “feminine” characteristics, ‘women have “masculine” characteristies + conclusion = gender characteristics come more from society than from biclogy ‘ANSWER KEY WRITING EXERCISE 2 Sample Notes 1, TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: the Sahara * 10,00 years ago (wet aes, fret pata "vers, lakes, large animals, prehistoric hunters, fishermen, and farmers) + 6,000 years ago (began to dry ou) + 4,000 years ago (a desert) 2. TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: special subset of polysemic words (one word with opposite meanings) examples of words with opposite meanings: ‘bolt and fast (meaning "cannot move" ce "mow quickly?) + ston (oneasing “pert” 0 “not peri) 3. TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: criticisms of ‘Mead’s research ‘+ resulis “too neat” (research not usually this tidy) ‘results suggest Mead found what she was looking for rather than waat was there WRITING EXERCISE 3 |, reading passage describes presen; listening pasage describes past 2. reading passsge describes a category of words: listening passage deseribes subset of category 3. reading passage describes revearch: listening paceage describes criticisms of the research WRITING EXERCISE 4 1, TOPIC STATEMENT: In this set of materials, the reading passage describes some characteristics of the Sahara Desert todey, and the listening passage sescribes what the aren uae like in the past 3, TOPIC STATEMENT: In this set of metcrils, the reading passage describes a certain category of ‘words, and the listening passage describes a special ‘subset of words in this category. 3. TOPIC STATEMENT: In this set of materials, the reacing passage describes research by Margaret ‘Mead, and the listening passage describes some criticisms of the research, WRITING EXERCISES La 24 dea son on tial - this kind of error prosecuting attorney 9. 7\(this set, this legal concept, this legal idea, this kind, ‘This example, this situation, this situation) 10. 1 (that procedure) 11 thus 12 Tater poe 3 43 53 6 pa a WRITING EXERCISE 6 1. (A)_In this set of materials, the reading passage discusses one type of management style, and the listening passage presents the opposite type of management style. Both othe smanagement style ‘were proposed by Douglas McGregor (B) The reading passage discusses the theory X management style, which is an authoritarian ‘managment style. What a theory X manager believes is that employees dislike work aud will ry 1 avold it ‘Since this type of manager believes that employees do not like to work, he or she mast force employees 10 ‘work, A manager must force employees to work with threats and punishment (©) The listening passage discusses a very different ‘management style; it discusses the theory Y management styl, which isa participative style ‘of management. A theory Y manager believes that employees work for enjoyment. Emalepnes da mat reed to be threatened; they work for the pleasure ‘of working, The role that this type of manager needs to follow Is wo set objectives and then to reward. employees as they meet those objectives A) Im this set of material, the reading passage describes the different types of waves that oceur during earthquakes, and the lisicning passage explains how much damage each of these types of () According to the reading passage, thie different types of waves occur during an earthquake: primary (or P) waves, secondary (or S) waves, and ‘surface waves. Primary waves re the fastest-moving ‘aves, and secondary waves are not as fast 38 primary waves. Surface waves resemble the rigples in ‘pond after a stone has been thrown in it; they are very slow-moving waves, (©) According to the listening passage, the iypes of waves that occur during an earthquake do not catsse eqUal amounts of damage to structures. What eauuses moat dlamage to structures during earthquakes is surface waves, The really slow-moving surface waves cause ‘0st of the differential movernent of buildings during ‘earthquakes, and itis the differential movement of buildings that causes most ofthe damage, Because the primary and secondary waves vibrate much faster and with lese movement than surface waves, they ‘cause litle damage to structures. WRITING EXERCISE 7 1. (A). Inthis set of materials, the reading passage ddscusses an attempt to deal with the problem of spelling in many words in American English; the listening passage explains why this atterspe was not a successful one. (B)_ The reading passage explains that there is a probiem in spelling 2 number of words in English ‘where the spelling and pronunciation do not match; itthen goes on to explain that philanthropist Andrew Carnogie made an effort to resolve this. He gave ange amount of money to establish a board called the Simplified Spelling Board As the name ‘of the board indicates, its purpose was to simplify the spellings of words that are difficult ro spell in Euglisl. Bevause ofall of Whe work that the Doar’ did, spellings like ax (instend of axe) and program (instead of programme) beeame acceptable in ‘American English, (C)_Thelistening passage explains why the work of the Simplified Spalling Board did not last. According to thellistening passage, the main reason fac the boards probiems was that it went ‘oo far: It ried to establish spellings Uke yx (instead of you) and ‘ff Gnstead of ough), There was a really negative reaction to the attempt to change speling too much, ‘and eventually the board was dissolved. (A) In this set of materials, the reading passage describes a type of learning, and the Hstening passage provides an extended example of this type of learning (B) _Thereading passage discusses aversive conditioning, which is defined as leaming involving aan unpleasant siimulus. In this type of learning, an Uunplessant stimulus ie applied every time that a conan behavior oooune im an attempt to atop the behavior A learner eam behave in (wo different ways in response to the knowledge that something ‘unpleasant will soon occur. Avoidance behavior is 8 change in behavior before the stimulus ts applied, 10 avoid the unpleseant aimulus, while cape behavior is the opposite, a change in behavior after the application ofthe stimulus, to cause it to stop. (C) The listening passage provides along example of aversive conditioning. This extended example is about the alarm in many cars that buzzes ifthe drive’ seat belt is not fastened. In this example, the method of aversive conditioning that is applied to drivers is that every time a driver tries to drive with the seat belt unfastened, Une buzzer goes off, The Ariver exhibits avoidance behavior if he or she has fastened the seat belt before driving, to avoid hearing the buzzer The driver exhibits escape behavior if fie or she attaches the seat bolt after the elarm has started to buec, to nop the buzzing, WRITING REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-7) ‘Sample Notes TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: ancient human body (ceman) in Alps (in Italy close to Austria) description of body: ‘more than 5,000 years old + short male aged 40 to 50 + wearing lots of clothing (coat, belt, leggings, shoes, exp, cape) + camying lots of equipment (dagger, ae, bo, backpack, quiver with arrows) TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: importance of iscovery of leeman importance of discevery: * fully preserved prehistoric man + going about normal day when died how Iceman probaly die * traveling in mountains * originally believe’ he host fallen asleep and froze in ‘+ now assumed (from wounds) he was killed in a fight ANSWER KEY 627 628 ‘TOPIC STATEMENT In this set of materials, the reading passage discusses the discovery of the body ‘of man from 3,000 years ago, and the listeire, passage discusses the importance of the discovery, WRITING EXERCISE 10 43 23 3, mysterious-sounding answer 4.1 do not know. 5. amazed 6. English 7. assignment 8, classmate 9, 3 (this language, this expression, this mysterious sounding answer) 10. 1 (these two examples) 11. For instance 12, an even more Interesting example 13, Overall (WRITING EXERCISE 13 (A) I definitely believe thot taking part in organized team sports fs beneficial However, itis bereficial for much more than the obvious reasons. Everyone recognizes, of course, that participation in sports proviles obvious physical benefits. It leads to ‘improved physical fitness; It also provides a release from the stresses of life. I spent my youth taking, ‘part ina number of erganized sports, including feotball, basketball, and volleyball; as a result of this experience I understand thatthe benefits of participation are much greater than the physical deneiits. (B)._ One very valuable benefh that children get from taking part in sports is that it teaches participants teamwork. What any player in a team sport needs to learn is that individual eam members must put the team ahead of individual achievement. Individuals fon one team who are working for individual glory rather than the good of the team often end up ‘Working against eich ouler A eau wade wp of individuals unable to work together Is often no ‘very suoveseil team: i is usually a complete failure (C) Whatalso makes participation in team sports valuable is that it teaches participants to work toachieve goals. Playing sports involves setting {goals and working toward them; examples of such goals are running faster kicking hander, throwing Straighter, or jamping higher Athletes leara that they ‘can set goals and werk toward them until the goals ‘are accomplished. It is through hard work that ‘goals can be met (D) By taking part in sports, one eam learn the ‘uly valuable skills of working tagether on teams ard ‘working to accomplish specific goals. These goals are ‘not just beneficial in sports: more importantly, the skills that are developed through sports are the basis of success in many other aspects of life. Mastering these skis leads to success not only on the playing field but also in the wider arena of lie WRITING EXERCISE 14 (A) Te-my first comnaetor atthe uniunesty: Tune ‘overwhelmed by the differences beiween university studies and high schoo! studies. n high school, Vhad ANSWER KEY easily been able 10 finish the amount of work that ‘was assigned, and if on a certain occasion I did not complete an assignment, the teacher quickly told me ‘to make up the work. The situation in my university ‘lasses was not at all like the situation in high school (B)_ Iwas tremendously surprised at the volume of ‘work assigned in the university. Unlike high school ‘courses, which perhaps covered a chapier in two ‘weeks, university courses regularly covered Woor three chapters in one week and two or three other ‘Chapters In the next work. [had been able to keep up “with the workload in high school, but it was difficul for: me to finish all the reading in my university classes even though I tried really hard to finish all of it (©) The role that the teacher took in motivating students to get work done was also very different in my university. In high school, if an assignment was ‘unfinished on the date that it was due, my teacher ‘would immediately let sxe how that I had really made a mistake and needed to finish the assignment right away In my university classes, however, professors did not regularly inform students to make sure that we vere getting work done on schedule. f ‘as really easy to put off studying in the beginning of ‘each semester and really have to work hard lates in the semester to catch up on my assignments. (D) Daring my first yearin the university, [had to set a firm goal to get things done by myself instead of relying on others to watch over me and make sure that Thad done what I was supposed to do. With so ‘many assignments, this was quite a difficult task, but | now regularly try todo my best because T dislike being very far belind. Lt seems tha! U haw turned inte: quite a motivated student WRITING POST-TEST Sample Notes TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: unintended consequences (efets that are unexpected after 8 feeision) example of parking ban on Main Stret itive consequence = some people get more exercise walking «+ negative consequence - some people stop shopping instores on Main Street ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: extended example of unintended consequences * Tocal government raised taxes to increase revenue + decision ended up decteasing revenue (citizens had less to spend because of increased taxes) ‘TOPIC STATEMENT. In this set of materials, the reading passage defines a concept and provides 2 brief example of the concept; the listening passe provides & more extended example of the concept MINI-TEST 1 ‘TOrIc OF READING PASGAGE: part of yllabus on, ignment to watch films. ‘main points about assignment: * given list of 20 films «+ must watch atleast 12 films # studenis write a report summarizing each film they watch ‘© may turn in extra reports for extra credit ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: student ‘conversation about assignment to watch films hhow students seem to fee! about assignment: ‘man initially sinks assigament is 100 much work + woman is enthusiastic about assignment + man Finally decides assignment not so bad {summaries not too bad, there are worse assignments than watching films) Question 3 ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: formation of elaciers (masses of moving ice) how glaciers form: * considerable snow accumulates « pressure on snow underneath causes change to small ice erystals + pressure causes small ice crystals to become lange ice erystals + large amoutt of crystallized ice begins to move WRITING ‘TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: uses of garlic throughout history hhow garlic has been used: «+ Egyptians (to cure 22 ailments and make workers stronger) + Greeks and Romans (to cure illnesses, ward off spells and curses, make soldiers courageous) ‘+ Homer, Vikings, Marco Polo (to help during long, vovages) # World War I (to fight infections) TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: scientific evidence showing benefits of garlic evidence of benefits: + raw garlic + heated garlic (ihins blood) ‘TOPIC STATEMENT. In this set of materials, the reading passage describes the various uses of garlic ‘overtime, andthe listening passage describes scientific evidence that proves its benefits. MINI-TEST 2 LISTENING. LBC 2A 2 NYYNN ac nebe & sreaKine ‘Sample Noter Ovestion 2 "TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: group leadership two types of group leadership: +turenal leadership concern wih geting tks + Spree knerhlp conser for th wellbeing of moun) ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: examples of eroup leadership two situations showing diferent pes of group leadership * group | had expressive leadership (activities to Fev ie Unovt cau her, postive comments about project, e-mail describing felings) + ooup Za instrumental Idership (detailed Kit of SNork tobe done, mectings bout what wae and was tot accomplished, emphasis on geting work done cn time) ‘Question 3 TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: student conversation about attending an open student council ‘meeting main points of discussion: = meeting will be about changing final exam schedule + proposed change from six to three day + Sudents who support change want earlier summer «= both oppose change because both have five exams + both decide to attend meeting to voice opinions ‘ANSWER KEY 629 630 5. . zu 6c 10.¢ 3B 7. C1,€2,€2,63 1D aA BBC SPEAKING ‘Sample Notes ‘Question 2 TOPIC OF BEADING PASSAGE: notioe about rales in the library library rules: + reading. working on research, or stulying only + no music, no talking, no sleeping, no eating or drinking ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: student conversation about notice hhow students feel about notice: ‘woman is happy about new rules (she wants to study in peace and quiet) ‘+ man is unhappy about notice the wants to talk, sleep, eat and drink, play music while studying) ‘Question 3 TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: attempt during ncoclassic period to make English more like Lats ‘main points of this attempt: * during neoclassic period (17th and 18th centuries) high regard for ancient Greeks and Romans « aradamice tried to male Englich mere Hike Lain ‘+ an example = rule in English against split infinitives wrrrins, TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: unique flowering ‘and seeding cycles of Asian bamboo unique characteristics of lowering and seeding ks: + all members of a species tend to Gower and seed at * flowering and seeding tend to ocear at long imervals ‘example of one species of Asian hamboo: * all members ofa species around the world flower ‘and seed atthe same time « flowering and seeding occurs ess than ance a ‘century ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: problem for giant panda caused by flowering and seeding cycles of Asian bamboo siant panda’s orablem: # some giant pandas stil live in wild ANSWER KEY * bamboo is main source of food * giant panda loses food source when bamboo flowers and seeds + dangerous when giant panda has to move TOPIC STATEMENT In this set of materials, the reading passage discusses unique characteristics of Asian bamboo, and the listening passage explains how these unique characteristics have an impact on. the giant panda. MINI-TEST 4 TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: issue of nullification * docrine by which sats belived they could refuse to accept federal laws * Tedral government didnot believe states could nulity federal laws ‘TOPIC OF LIETENING PAEGAGE: siwation wha issue of nullification arose main points about situation: * in 1828 federal government authorized tariffs on some imported goods * one southern state refused to pay tariffs (nullified federal law) + federal government sent troops to southern siate + compromise lowering tariffs was reached to resclve situation Question 3 ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: student conversation about a paper for psychology class main points about paper + roan wrote simple, direct answer to question + man’ paper was praised by professor ¢ woman wrote creative anster to question + womans paper was not praised by professor (epee ee toenie ert!) + foman decides to write simple. direct answer instead of erative answer in nest paner MINI-TEST 5 ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: significance of tile Caiche22 READING significance of tke: Lc 4D 7C OB in station tho ued ice ZBOSD OBA MA * phrase now part of American eltare 4, G4 fa ie “aie 2 han spel esi cou ferent number 13, [sgl ehinoprona a Paveptrnl cpr | ‘TOPIC STATEMENT: In tis st of material, the sarc ehacohn reading passage describes the novel Catc22, andthe tate eowzepien: ; Sn ecapire 4 Unie paste cans the sian of thee ustENING 1D spe 2Y.YNN 6B MINI-TEST 6 3A TA eS me Te as jar G08 SPEAKING ih $b kb te Sample Notes 3B 6c 9c IZA Gonnions 13, [etry ofthe Boon velar =) "TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: announcement of posto for studeptssitani in Adeaitration LUSTENING Building Le 5B c uaa ar eas ze 6D 108 + fll-me wth at eet 60 unite BA Sec.e AB + 3.0 minimum grade-point average 4D aA '» mornings or afternoons Monday-Friday '* computer and telephone skills oes pplication submited by Friday aternoon Sample Notes Question 2 ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: woman discusses applying for position with man woman doesnt meet most requi ‘ has only 45 not 60 units ‘has 2.5 grade point average not 3.0 ‘= not available every morning or afternoon ino tlephione kills but not computer calle * already submitted application anyway # man thinks its a waste of her time ‘ouestion 3 TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: zero-sum game theory and application in economies theory + etal poets ied i mtoingame 1 exal pins not fined in non-ero-aum game pplication of theory to economics: $ etal resaices fed in yeo-sum economy ‘onal resources not ficed in nom-ero-tum game TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: how our solar «ysiem and our planet were formed main points of formation of solar systern and Earth: + solar system started as spinning cloud of dust and mas «+ dastand gas began clumping together ‘majority of dust and gas became Sun + smaller clumps became planets + Earth formed globe with layered structure * heavier material in middle and lighter material on the outside ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: how the layered structure of our planet was formed two cetegories of theories: * the core formed first and the lighter layers came later ++ material champed first and layers formed later Question 3 WRITING ‘TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: Joseph Heller's novel Catch-22 what the novel is about * takes place during World War IL + features bombardier who does not want tobe in + book was originally not successful «+ daring later war, Book became very successful ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: student conversation about a guest speaker tonight ‘main points about the convers ‘woman saw sign saying guest speaker will appear tonight * both thought speaker was next week * both think schedule must have been changed * both decide to fet tends know about change ANSWER KEY 631 632 LB sD 9A 2D OB 10.4 3A TNNYN 1. €3,¢3,¢1 a6 ae ‘SPEAKING Sample Notes Question 2 TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: part of sllebus describing professor's policy on preparation for class discussions ‘professor’ policy: + scudents must complete assigned reading before class + must ake part in class discussions 4 should not come to class if they have not completed the reading + should not come to class if they are not going to take part in class discussion ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: students’ reaction. te policy on preparation for class discussions students’ reaction: ‘© woman at first questions policy ‘man explains that he knows policy is real from friend who took class ‘+ woman comes to believe that policy is real Question 3 ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: problem called NIMBY (not-invmy-backyard) sluuation with NIMBY: response when govemment wants to construct facility that will impact community (prison. landfill, ‘mental hospital, power plant) citizens want these facilities but somewhere else # NIMBY takes form of meetings, demonstrations, picketing, letter writing, WRITING ‘TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: hernophilis (disease where blood clots slowly or fails to clot) transmission of hemophilia: * disease usually passed from mother to son + daughter ean carry gene for disease and pass it 10 next generation + son will develop disease ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: royal hemophilia (examole of hemophilia) ANSWER KEY ‘how royal hemophilia has been transmitted: * Queen Victoria in England became carrier somehow + Quven Victoria passed gene for disease 0 309 children (1 son and 2 daughters) + daughter Beatrice carried gene for disease fo royal family of Spain ‘daughter Alice carried gene for disease o royal families of Austria and Russia TORIC STATEMENT: I this yet of materi de reading passage discusses the characteris Pr hlaretertapepereniiey: describes a famous situation where this disease MINI-TEST 8 READING LBoo4C 7D 10D 2B SA RA ILD 3D 6B 9A IDA 1. [onthe New Yorkers: ae only the New Engl mer: o® Both the Now York anc Now England inners: (4) 0) LISTENING LD 7. €2,C4, 1,03 Le 8.B,C 36D ac an 10. D SA MA 6A ‘SPEAKING ‘Sample Notes Question 2 ‘TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: characteristics of, somnambulism (sleepwalking) characteristic + perhaps caused by fatigue, exhaustion, antety, drugs ‘+ may result in simple actions (siting up, geting up, ‘walking around) «+ may renule in complex setions (deessing, washing dishes, moving furniture, operating machines) ‘+ may be brief or last more than an hour ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: common, iisconceptions about somnambulism (sleepwalking) {10 common misconceptions: * that itis dangerous to awaken a sleepwalher * that ssleepwalker can't get hurt ‘Question 3 ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: student conversation about a problem the woman is having in aclass ‘main points about the conversation: ‘= woman taking a class that man already took ‘+ man dient enjoy class at frst bur ai ater ‘+ woman just starting clas and doesnt like it + problem is that professor goes $0 fast + man says solution isto ask a lot of questions « professor slows down to answer questions ‘+ woman decides to start asking a lot of questions COMPLETE TEST 1 READING 1 LB 4B 7A 10D 2p 3D ac A xc) 066A) 8B OD 13, [Budy of aatrenory as refers prehistoric ‘ours: aoe READING 2 4D 12C «2B 2B BIKA 21D 24. IA 1D CLA 26, [Toman and ommizedibor OO READINGS. 7.C WA 33D 6B WA $C MB 37D 29D 3B BSAC 39, [ganar system: 08 ecimal syst: 2110) a0) Vigesimal sytem: ‘sexagosimal system: 0) LISTENING LA 18.B ZYNYNYN 19.€ 3B 20D 4D 21D 5D ne ac ac LG 24 A 8B 25D 9. CL 26D 10.A, 27.3 1D 28 C2, C1,C3 12B 20.8 13.€ 30. B 14.@2,¢1,¢3 3B 15. A.D 32. NY.NY 16. 32D 17, €3,€2,c1 Bac ‘SPEAKING. Sample Notes ‘Question 3 ‘TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: notice about getting tickets for special show points about notice: ‘Spring Show is annual event ‘tickets go on sale for students on March 1 + remaining tickets go on sale to public on March 8 * tickets always sell out early ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: student ‘conversation about getting tickets for Spring Show ‘what each student thinks: ‘woman has not seen notice and does not know about show (because she is new to schoo) ‘+-man emphasizes that she should see show and should get tickets soon (before they sell out) Question & ‘TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: communication by ‘preat apes (gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans) ‘characteristics of ape communis = communicate in variety of ways (facial expressions, gestures, calls) + express wide range of ideas (anger, fear, canes, dominance, acceptance) ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: Limitations of ape communication. ‘Two kinds of limitations * lack of displacement (communicate only about alas that are present) + lack of productivity (communicate without ‘manipulating to create new meanings) Question 5 ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: student conversation about woman's schedule for next semester ‘main points about conversation: woman mus take a sclence class next semester ‘= woman Is dreading this class + man says it isnot a problem + man says there are many science classes 1o choose from «+ man says she should have a more positive altitude about the science class ‘+ man says she should choose a selence class and maybe they can take i tozether + Woman io plonsed saith mane ‘Question 6 TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: mercantilism (economic policy of trading nations from 1580s 10 1720s) main points about mercantlism: ‘+ was based on developing trade between nations + had as goal to amass national wealth + created national wealth by reesiving payments in ‘gold for exports over imports WRITING TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: characteristics of planet Venus haracter + shines brightly (so is called morning star and evening star) + Covered with clouds (clouds reflect sunlight) + extremely hot (around 600 degrees Fahrenheit) orci ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: surprising heat on Venus ANSWER KEY 633 634 + clouds reflect sunlight away from Venus «+ Venus is farther away from Sun than Mercury but is hotter than Mercury possible explanation forhest: dense atmosphere made of carbon dioxide * heat trapped by dense atmosphere TOPIC STATEMENT In this set of materials, the reading passage describes certain characteristics of ‘Venus, and the lisiening passage provides a possible explanation for one of the surprising characteristics. ‘COMPLETE TEST 2 READING 1 LB o4C 067A 10.8 2A 5B BD ILA 3D 6B 9C 12 13. [dreetion: @ 7 C; lettude 86 o engi: @ READING 2 MD IA 20D BA I5C 1B 2A LD 1B WC 2B 35.C 26, [barwnderstanding of Neandarhalie O68) READING 3 2A WC BA HC 26. 340 3kc | 37.0 20R 2A 3B RA 39, | pintive ore eee “transitional ora: 8 mature er: 0) LISTENING 1D 3B 25, C1, C3,C2 2¢ 1YNYY 26 GD 3.AD ISAC 21, @,(3,C1 aa te BD 28D SAD 2D 2. 6D we 3 AC ZA 19D BLD BC 20.A.C 32. NNY 9.BD 21.€2,C1,C3 38.4 JOYNYN 22 A 3B 1. AD 2B 12D mae ‘SPEAKING ‘Sample Notes Question 3 ‘TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: notice from Business Department on internships ‘main points about not + some internships in local businesses available * internships require 10 hours per week for 12 weeks + students with internships sign up for Business 500 + students submit application and three references ANSWER KEY ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: student ‘comversation about notice on internships what students think about internships: ‘woman not interested in internships at first because there is no pay ‘+ man explains that they get units and experience + woman changes mind about intemships ‘Question 4 ‘TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: speed of aircraft snain points about speed of aircraft: * subsonic = slower than speed of sound «+ supersonic » faster than speed of sound “© Mach 1 = at speed of sound ‘+ Mach 2 = twice speed of sound ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: sound in relation to supersonic aitorart when sound from supersonic aircraft is heard: ‘person on ground will not hear supersonic aircraft before it approaches (its fying faster than the speed of sound) + person on ground will hear sonic boom after supersonic aircraft passes (creates a shock wave 2s it passes) ‘Question 5 TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: conversation about a project two stuxlents are starting, ‘main poin's about the conversation: ‘man and woman working on project together + worms roommate did same progect last quarter so ‘woman knows about it + professor gives a few instructions each wee + roommate says itis best 10 work on 2 few steps each week + roommate did not do the project step by step * man and woman decide to start now on frst steps enation & ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: mul personality disorder (one person with Iwo or mare personalities) characteristics of multiple personalities in one Person: + have different names, genders, and ages (young, female Mary versus elder male Michael) ‘+ have different personalities (shy and quiet versus outgoing) « have different talents, abilities, knowledge (musical talent, knowledge of card game. ability to speak foreign language) WRITING TOPIC OF READING PASSAGE: Ibraty at Alexandria (ancient library) description of library + founded by Ptolemy | + expanded by Prolems I + ad 300,000 to 700.000 scrolls bewiseretls sbeaineds ‘+ borrowed or bought and copied by hand + from foreign powers in trade from citaens in payment of debs + from ships in port ‘TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGI destroyed thought to have heen destroyed by Julius Caesar: * Julius Caesar invaded port of Alexancria (48-47 Bc) + Caesar's forces set ships in port on fire «fire could have spread to library ‘clues that Julius Caesar did not destroy library: * library mentioned in literature long aiter time of Caesar ‘+ movement to destroy temples and libraries in 4th entry ow library was ‘TOPIC STATEMENT: In this set of materials, the reading passage discusses the library at Alexandria, and the listening passage discusses the cause of the ‘esinuction of the library. APPENDIX A ‘APPENDIX EXERCISE AT 1, pleases; chance 2 speaks; energy 3. competitor; shocked; ouicome 4 ronarks; brief 5. problems; resolved 6 acts: positive: determined 7, indicated: finish; eventually & answers; succinct 9. comps; explanaiion 10, novel; conoepe 11. appreciates: animated: discussions 12, reasons; involved: episode APPENDIX EXERCISE AZ 1. this; herself shes them: her tis 2 our: ourselves; your; mine; ou; w its ourselves: this APPENDIX EXERCISE A3_ 1. However 11. surprisingly 2. For stance 12. om the other hand 3. Furthermore 13. for example 4 In fact 14. as aresull 5 Fortunctely 15, i conclusion 6 incontast 16, consequently 7. nonetheless. 17, tradition 8 thersfore 18, nevertheless 9, morcover 19, interestingly 10, tesummmary 20. mdeed [APPENDIX EXERCISE (A1-A3) 1. 1: (B); he (B); His (B); fear (A); act (A) 2, However (C); this (B): main (A); point (A); board (A) 3. her (B); lecture (A); these (B); concepts (A) 4. He (B); objected (A); Nonetheless (C) plan (A) 5. no late (A) assignments (A): In fet (C); assignment (a); submitted (A) . Unfortunately (C); this (B); account (A); newspaper (A): these (By; inaccuracies (A) you (B); this (B); decision (A); yourself (B); thesis (A); ‘comprehensive exam (A); decision (A) Indeed (€); outset (A), huge amount of elfort (A): project (A); Not surprisingly (A); their (B); effort (A); they (B); project (A) . However (C); assignment (A); assignment (A); he (B): “These (B); contradictory things (A); students (A), confused (A) these (B); corporations (A); students (A); inierviews (A); corporate (A); representatives (A); campus (A) interviews (A); Thus (C); interviews (A) APPENDIX B APPENDIX EXERCISE B1 1.1 reasons 2.1 (When) everyone. .decidea 3.€ I found 4.1 discusses 51. prference 6. € piece... was found 7.1 (Assconas)..-article... appears BL is 9.1 agreement 10. € Teg 11.1 @s}noane-.. would have made 12,1 made 13, C agreement .. has been reached 14.1 poem 15,1 (Now that) you have cold 16, C We forgot nt 18.1 (1) you think 19. © manager... made 20.1 (Even though) you gave APPENDIX EXERCISE B2 1 2 1 matter was ()1 could to decide +-Chud,. parents did find © children broke out ‘Sho expected ..., however) she did. graduate Eapoeal. Gms adpie tet Tnade’ and) Tyowed Sam dia Tso) he signed scene. (Fay thos gt | Cotherwise) we will ave However) she racer) SST aie ema ae “(or al cia 1 plan Bas it. hag © directions must be followed - ‘outcome will be -Cotherwi ANSWER KEY 635 APPENDIX EXERCISE BS 11 round nk 2c Gin)... man di 3 dks (ha T ded 41 (What). ieguard di iw 5.1. day (when) I found. 6.€ teacher (whose). Ti (iter) we went 8.1 Cha he asd 9.1 man (who) helped he 10. Gow). paper got 11.1 (What) caused 18 12. C plans (that) we made... were 13,1 process, (Which). déisions were made it was 14, © GWhatever he gets Is (vba) she deserves ~ 15, © employee (who) Fag that) you Bewde eT What he wrote i could. be taken” 31 fern sped Te ve 18. C (How) he could believe (Uti. i 19. reauon (bat) Lapplied yas (that) tuition 20.1 Why) they said (what) dhe sel. (who) ‘fied. ma APPENDIX EXERCISE (B1-83) (possible corrections) 1. relations, the should be relationships: the 2. reached but Should be reached, bur ‘lock, that should be o'clock hae 3. mmomving twas should Be moruing was Pilday would ——shunild be Priday would because did should be beeen I did 4 scholarship they have should be scholarship have 5. moves, i should be moves, but it carer, 50 we should be carer, we 6. (no e708) To rised, however shad berated; however 8 confidential they should be confident they want should be tfsu want ais should be dois 9. tresand Should be (ree, and ward they would should be heard would 10. (no errors) APPENDIX C [APPENDIX EXERCISE C1 © 1, rangers (in the eastern section) (ofthe park) have spotted 1 2 ERS (on the pam tee in te gate) is sane Gowers... have stared) 3. cont (of the books) (For all) (of his classes) are (cost. «.i3) © 4, reports. (by the staff (forthe manager) contain 15: igi te cand) fon deen ble pre Tight... provides) 1. 6, ideas. (ai the meeting (o the counci) was (ideas... were) © 7. gemstones fin the necklace)... (by the actress) 636 ANSWER KEY co 1 16 Mos 1 8, specch (ona variety) (of topies) (of erent importance) (tothe citizens) are being broadcast (speech... is being broadcast) tites (for the front) (oF the car) are being installed exams... (forthe last week) (of The semester) Cece 10 APPENDIX EXERCISE C2 © 1. All. .. (experience) has contributed 12 Most... (dishes)... was (Most... dishes... Wer) 13, Some... (details), .. requires ( « detals. requl © 4 Half... (material) neede 15. AT. (homes)... was (all. hommes... were) 7 Most... (children) -.. has improve (lost children... have tmproved) \ f Some... (money)... bas 18 half... (eggs). was! half. eggs. were) © 9. all... (medicine) has C10. most. (time). [APPENDIX EXERCISE C3 1 1, sas really scary (but) was stl gute pleasure (Gleasurable} © 2 thathe was sorry (and) that he would make amends 1 3. idealism, {dedlicar‘on) tall jet). athlete (achieicd 5 call ..., waite 6. inthe spring semester (but) nt in the fll semester 7. Los Angeles (and) New York... pick up ... (and) delivers eliver) 18 work. .. (or) studies (studs) ae € 5. palm angen resentment, fractrotion, (a a 10 Selasheancd GeO natursaourding wegrity. (and) dedicate soo APPENDIX EXERCISE C4 11. (notonly) plays football (but also) baseball (plays basebal) © 2. Gither) praised (or) scolded 13. (both) in the refrigerator (and) the freezer (ithe freezer) 1.4, (neither) what you prefer (or) what 1 prefer (nor) © 5. Gootonly) misplaced... (hut also) couldnt find 1 6 Gither) you (or) jon (,oryou can join) © 1. She was (both) challenged by (and) f © & (Neither) the manager (noe) any members 5. (ether register for inree courses (or) for four courses {register forfour courses) 110, (Both) the children (as wel as) the babysitter (anc) APPENDIX EXERCISE C5. T 1, (the unusualest) (the most wnustal) 2. (more expensive than) 3. (the angriest) 4. (the hotter than) (hotter than) 5. (more clousier) today (than) (cloudier... than) © 6. (the most ancient) © 7. (wider than) T 8 (the most tallest) (the tallest) 1.9. (inost efficient) (the mos eficent) 10. (stronger)... (more Mayorful than) =o ‘APPENDIX EXERCISE C5 © 1 Che frionlinet) 12. (the most difficult of) (more difficult han) 1.3. (anicest disposition than) (a nicer disposition than) © 4. (eho best party) I. 5, (the most fuel-efficient of) {more fuel-efficient than) 1. 6. (the drier that) (ihe driest thas) © 7, (the most understanding of) 1 8 earlier tha) (ihe earliest that) I. 9. (the highest of) (higher than) ©10. (more reticent than) ‘APPENDIX REVIEW EXERCISE (C1-C6) (the nearest) (fe) — 1 2 3 4. 6. (the most important) 7 8 9. 0. | (a more honorable) fod lea! Thad .. “Tenown) 10, hve gotien APPENDIX EXERCISE CB 1 1. will be inaugurate: oo ‘aed 2. wore presented» are unchas a ened cg ees precast U5. ares IR fa happens Tis happening) I. 6. should... have been smoke... was (should. Fave beer-smmoKing) © 7. way ring 1s Stef {were frozen) = © 9. iswondering will he deparin 110, were ke of <

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