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The terminology secret cult according to Jekayinfa (2007:151) was coined for these groups
by Nigeria’s former Military President, General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida (Rtd) between
1983 and 1984, adding that, before this time these groups were called fraternities. Secret cult
is a sect devoted to a belief or specific system of religious worship whose activities are kept
hidden from public knowledge. They are always violent when defending their course.

The Special Tribunal (Miscellaneous Offences) Decree No. 20 of 1984 defines secret cult as
a society or association, and solely cultural or religious body that uses secret signs, oath or
symbols; whose meeting or activities are held in secret and whose members are under oath
and obligation to promote the interest of its members or to aid one another under all
circumstances without due regard to merit, fair play or justice; to the detriment of the
legitimate expectation of those who are not members.

secret cult or Cultism as the name implies, literally means the system or practice of cult. A
cult which is a group of brotherhood whose activities are shrouded in secrecy can be traced in
Nigeria as far back as 1957 when Wole Soyinka and six others formed the seadog
confraternity (aka Pyrates) at the foremost university of Ibadan and since then it has
proliferated into various smaller units at different levels of life.

These include Black Axe, Vickings, Buccaneers, Black beret, Supreme Eiye, Black bra and
so on. The spread of these cults over time has known no age limit.

With activities such as drug abuse, killings, sexual assaults, gambling, vandalization,
intimidation, bullying, and other forms of activities carried out by these cults, the effects on
the society is alarming. Their activities including meetings and initiations which are often
gruesome and held in secret places. They are, therefore, wicked associations of mediocre
whose aim is to intimidate, frighten, terrorize, hurt or even destroy fellow people because
they see no authority which they can respect. They are lawless associations whose members
are anti-social in nature. They, therefore, break rules and regulations with impunity. Members
according to Nwanna – Nzewunwa, Girigiri and Okoh (2007:133) at initiation are bound by
solemn oath with threat of reprisals to keep mute about their hidden activities.
However, greater effect is on the individuals who are involved in these acts.

1. Untimely Death

One of the pathetic effects of cultism is the loss of lives prematurely. The government
through its law enforcement agencies on a constant effort, fights crime such as armed
robbery, kidnapping, drug abuse, murder etc. carried out by the cult members.

The outcome of such operations often results in exchange of fire, arrest, detention,
imprisonment and death. Many young people who indulge in these heinous acts have lost
their lives either in the course of a shootout confrontation or through inter-cult clashes.

In most cases, the death rate is higher on account of cult rivalry.

2. Loss of Moral Values

Cultism leads to loss of values in young people. This is because the belief system and
ideologies of most of these cult groups are against the objective morality of life.

The practice of vengeance and violence which they promote by their actions negates
objective moral values of life. Individuals who had values from home upbringing tend to lose
them through the negative influence of the system of cultism.

Such negative values have no regard for the sanctity of human life, orderliness and peace.
Most crimes common among youths are directly or indirectly influenced by cultism.

This is easy to understand because of the constant abuse of drug among cultists. Under the
influence of drug and alcohol, young people loss their morality and conscience, thereby
committing crimes such as sexual assault, burglary, armed robbery, killings etc. without any
sense of regret after wards.

3. Incomplete Education

Most cultists end up not completing their academic programme. Today, school authorities in
a bid to curb the rate of cultism and its activities, have adopted strict penalties for it which
include expulsion of students involved irrespective of the academic level they are.

This law has terminated the education of some students involved in cultism. Also with the aid
of Anti-cult Security outfit in the universities, the fight against cultism continues to intensify,
bringing culprits to face the full wrath of the law.
Some other students involved in cultism, fail to make an average cumulative points in their
examinations because of their lack of seriousness towards their studies.

In severe cases, they are asked to quit by the school or drop out due to frustration. All these
are because cultism is a big distraction to academics.

4. Drug and substance Addiction

Furthermore, drug addiction can be as a result of influence of cultism among our youths.
Within the circle of fellow cult members, they are constantly exposed to drugs through the
network of dealers on such substances who are regularly patronized by these cultists.

5. Behavioural Disorder

Cultism can affect behavioural pattern of young people. Just like every other social group,
cult wills an amount of influence in the lives of its members.

Through their interaction, members of cult usually have a similar strange character different
from others. A close observation on behavioral pattern in a group setting, can easily tell.

They sometimes exhibit tendencies of violence, suspicious secrecy, dubiousness, mischief,

melancholy etc. These behaviours can in some cases be products of external influence of

6. Unrealizable Life Ambitions

Also cultism can lead to termination of ambitions and goals in youths. Most young people
with bright future and potentials, end up not pursuing their career or goals because of the
negative influence of cultism.

In some cases of untimely death of the cultists, such ambitions become permanently aborted
and never fulfilled. To some who indulge in drug abuse, mental illness which is a common
consequence of it also makes the realization of such goals impossible.

7. Mental Illness

Cultism can cause mental disorder to youths involved in it. Drug abuse is very well
associated with cultism. They use these drugs to get high morale in order to carry out their

Substances like tramadol, marijuana, codeine etc are always found among them. These
substances have far reaching side effects on youths.
There do not just aid them in committing crime fearlessly, but also at the long run affect them
mentality. On a close observation, most mad persons on the streets are young people between
the ages of 20 to 35. Most of these cases of madness are associated with drug abuse and

8. Spiritual Problem

Another effect of cultism is the spiritual challenge it exposes such youths to later in their
lives. The process of membership to cult which involves fetish activities like use of blood,
oath taking, sleeping at burial grounds, use of charms and talisman for protection, marks on
members’ bodies etc. can initiate an individual into a spiritual covenant with dark forces.

Some members find it difficult denouncing their membership due to fear or threats arising
from such covenants. Some encounter strange experiences like voices talking to them, night
mares, physical manifestations of symbols of the cult, etc.

Even when desperate to quit, such individuals will require strong spiritual assistance of
prayers and deliverance to be able to break out.

9. Fear

Cultists usually live in fear. This is common especially during clash with other cult groups or
when an individual has been involved in some deadly operations in the past.

At the busting sound of a car’s tire, a cultist is likely to be the first to run or take cover. This
fear is as a result of bloodshed involved in most of their activities. So at every point in time,
every cultist is watching his back for any unforeseen attack.

The above suggests that the effects of cultism on the youths are of grave implication and
hence, total abstinence remains the only solution.


What іѕ drug?

A drug is a substance uѕеd for mеdісаl рurроѕеѕ thаt change thе ѕtаtе оr funсtіоn оf the bоdу.
Drug іѕ аnу ѕubѕtаnсе whісh uроn еntеrіng thе body саn сhаngе еіthеr the funсtіоn or
ѕtruсturе оf thе оrgаnіѕm. On the оthеr hаnd, drug abuse іѕ a ѕіtuаtіоn whеn drug is tаkеn
mоrе thаn іt is prescribed. It could bе seen аѕ thе uѕе оf іllісіt drugѕ, оr the abuse оf
рrеѕсrірtіоn or over-the-counter drugѕ. Drug аbuѕе саn bе further dеfіnеd as thе dеlіbеrаtе
uѕе оf chemical ѕubѕtаnсеѕ fоr reasons other thаn іntеndеd mеdісаl purposes and whісh
rеѕultѕ іn рhуѕісаl, mental emotional оr ѕосіаl іmраіrmеnt of thе uѕеr. Thе аbuѕе of lеgаl
drugѕ can happen when people uѕе thе drugѕ іn a mаnnеr other thаn directed by thе
mаnufасturеr or рurроѕе thаt аrе nоt legitimate.

Causes of Drug Abuse

There are a good number of causes of drug abuse in the country. Some causes of drug abuse
are peer pressure, curiosity, ignorance, frustration, and lack of parental care.

1. Peer Pressure

Nigeria is a country where the majority of people are greatly influenced by their peers. It is so
sad to further state that the population of people who guard against external influence are
low. Among the major causes of drug abuse, especially among the youths, is peer pressure.
Youths who keep the company of bad people tend to be under pressure, and without enough
help, they fall prey to this problem.

Peer pressure may be direct pressure or indirect pressure. Direct pressure is when peers
intention exerts pressure on an individual. On the other hand, indirect pressure can come in
form of a feeling of inferiority among peers.

2. Curiosity

Curiosity also ranks among major reasons why people get involved in drug abuse. Some
people get curious about drugs and decide to try it out when their curiosity reaches a certain
level. In a lot of cases, these people appreciate the experience, then do it over and over.
Before realizing, these people find themselves to have become drug addicts.

3. Ignorance

Ignorance is another popular cause of drug abuse. A lot of people have testified to being drug
addicts as a result of their ignorance. People said they partake in drug abuse, not knowing
their acts are forms of drug abuse. Some also said that they became victims of drug abuse
because they were ignorant of the effects of the problem.

4. Frustration

Frustration is another major reason why people become a victim of drug abuse. Nigeria is a
country populated with a high number of frustrated people. When frustrated, people often
desire to disappear from their frustration, for some time or while it lasts. When they feel this
way, one of the things they think of is drug abuse — they go ahead and engage in drug abuse.

These drug abusers end up believing that drugs are a way of making time pass them by. They
end up seeing drug abuse as a way of killing time when frustrated, and this ends up making
drug abuse a habit.

5. The Lack of Parental Care

The lack of parental care is another leading cause drug abuse, popular among youths of the
country. Youths of these days have great tendency to partake in great immoral activities.
When they do things that are immoral, it is the responsibility of their parents to correct them
and guide them on the right path. However, in a situation where there is lack of parental care,
youths get lost in the world of immorality.

Types of Famous Drugs and how they are Abused

MARIJUANA: Blunt, dope, ganja, grass, herb, joint, bud, Mary Jane, pot, reefer, green, trees,
smoke, sinsemilla, skunk, weed

Administration: smoked, swallowed

HASHISH: Boom, gangster, hash, hash oil, hemp

Administration: smoked, swallowed

HEROIN Diacetylmorphine: smack, horse, brown sugar, dope, H, junk, skag, skunk, white
horse, China white; cheese (with OTC cold medicine and antihistamine)

Administration:injected, smoked, snorted

OPIUM Laudanum, paregoric: big O, black stuff, block, gum, hop II, III, V/swallowed,

COCAINE Cocaine hydrochloride: blow, bump, C, candy, Charlie, coke, crack, flake, rock,
snow, toot

Administration:snorted, smoked, injected

FLUNITRAZEPAM Rohypnol (date rape drug): forget-me pill, Mexican Valium, R2, roach,
Roche, roofies, roofinol, rope, rophies
Administration:swallowed, snorted

KETAMINE Ketalar SV: cat Valium, K, Special K, vitamin K

Administration:injected, snorted, smoked

DEXTROMETHORPHAN (DXM) Found in some cough and cold medications:

Robotripping, Robo,

Administration: swallowed

INHALANTS Solvents (paint thinners, gasoline, glues); gases (butane, propane, aerosol
propellants, nitrous oxide); nitrites (isoamyl, isobutyl, cyclohexyl): laughing gas, poppers,

Administration: inhaled through nose or mouth

Health risk/effect: Euphoria; relaxation; slowed reaction time; distorted sensory perception;
impaired balance and coordination; increased heart rate and appetite; impaired learning,
memory; anxiety; panic attacks; psychosis: Cough; frequent respiratory infections; possible
mental health decline; addiction, drowsiness; impaired coordination; dizziness; confusion;
nausea; sedation; feeling of heaviness in the body; slowed or arrested breathing

Negative effect of Drug Abuse

Some of these negative effects on the youths and others drug addicts are:

Increases crime rate - youngsters and adults who are drug abusers are prone to commission
of deviant behaviour such as rape, armed robbery, murder and duping including being
members of secret cults in our institutions of learning.

It leads to mental and emotional disorder - there are many patients in psychiatry hospitals
who are drug abusers. Some have emotional disorders that make them psychotic or neurotic

It leads to low self-esteem and self-respect - a drug abuser when he is ‘high’ becomes over-
excited and when ‘down’ is withdrawn. Those that are fathers or mothers often neglect their
roles to their partners and children. They consequently lose their self-respect and self-esteem
in the communities they live.

Bringing shame to their kins and kiths as well as communities – drug abusers/addicts are
seen as
disgrace to their family names and positions in society due to the intake of drugs without
medical approval.

Dependence on productive members of society - chronic compulsive drug abusers (the

freaks), who are totally addicted are not engaged as part of the labour force. They are almost
totally dependent on those that are working. They, therefore, further impoverish the already
poor relative and friends who are working.

Educationally speaking, drug abuse blocks meaningful use of time and creative thinking of
the individual and therefore destroys a persons ambition to become great thereby making
such an individual hopeless and unproductive.

Measures to Curb Activities of Secret Cult and Drug Abuse in the society

Nigeria is currently undergoing difficult times. Jobs are not available, the economy is in bad
state, the family institution is weakening, it is therefore plausible to state that some of our
current social problems as presented above in the in the form of secret cultism and drug abuse
may continue for several years to come. These are no doubt social crimes against society.

Even though there are various decrees and laws both at the federal and state levels outlawing
secret cult activities and drug related crimes in Nigeria, the activities of cult gangs and drug
abuse have attained dangerous dimensions. The various societies appear incapable of solving
the problems.

General public should be sensitized on the inherent dangers of secret cults and drug abuse.
Religious bodies and organizations should equally supplement the efforts of the society in
this direction through their preaching and sermons where the evils and possible rewards

of these activities should be highlighted. With particular reference to drug abuse, information
on types of drugs, reactions and effects should be disseminated within the society.

The mass media should avoid exaggeration and sensational reporting of drug-related issues


The security departments should be strengthened both in terms of personnel and equipment
to fight the menace of secret cult.
Recreational activities should be provided within the society to enable the youths occupy
themselves of their leisure hours. This is to keep them busy as idle minds are usually the
devil’s workshops. In this direction, dramas, games (out and indoor) and educative films are
some of the channels through which authorities can engage the minds of these youths

Federal drug censoring agencies such as NAFDAC and NDLEA, that are in the forefront of

control and administration and elimination of drug trafficking should be provided with

manpower and material resources to carry out their assigned duties. Corrupt officials among

should be sanctioned and efficient officers rewarded. Again, more health workers especially
doctors and nurses should be encouraged to specialize on psychiatry and drug-related

Sales of alcohol and other dangerous drugs within the society should be discourage.

Known cult members and drug addicts in the larger society should be exposed and deprived
of certain privileges such as appointment into sensitive positions.

In the specific case of secret cult activities, the militarization of our societies especially
university campuses with the army, police and other uniformed personnel should be avoided.
This according to Nzimiro (1999:17) is one cause of the existence of secret cults when he
opined that the very nature of military coupists, their characteristics and operations are
similar to those of the cultists.


National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2012). Commonly abused drugs. [Online]. Retrieved May
20, 2013 from


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