07 - Modul A + Kimia Tg4

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7 Kadar Tindak Balas

Rate of Reaction

7.1 Penentuan Kadar Tindak Balas

Determining Rate of Reaction

A Pengelasan Kadar Tindak Balas

Classification of Rate of Reactions
1. Tindak balas kimia terbahagi kepada tindak balas cepat dan tindak balas perlahan.
Chemical reactions are divided into fast reactions and slow reactions.
Tuliskan dalam Jadual 7.1 dengan contoh tindak balas cepat dan perlahan yang berlaku dalam kehidupan harian.
Write in Table 7.1 examples of fast and slow reactions occurring in daily life. TP 1

Jadual/Table 7.1

Tindak balas cepat Tindak balas perlahan
Fast reactions Slow reactions

• Pembakaran gas memasak • Pengaratan logam

Combustion of cooking gas Corrosion of metals
• Pembakaran bunga api • Fotosintesis
Combustion of fireworks

• Menyalakan mancis
Lighting a match

• Tindak balas sel elektrik

SI Photosynthesis

• Penapaian

• Pereputan buah-buahan
Electric cell reaction Decaying of fruits

B Maksud Kadar Tindak Balas

Meaning of Rate of Reaction
1. Kadar tindak balas ialah perubahan kuantiti bahan tindak balas per unit masa atau perubahan kuantiti

hasil tindak balas per unit masa.

reactant product
The rate of a reaction is the change in quantity of a or per unit time.

Perubahan kuantiti bahan tindak balas atau hasil tindak balas/


Change in quantity of reactant or product

Kadar tindak balas/ =
Rate of reaction
Tempoh masa perubahan berlaku/
Time taken for change to occur

Apabila tindak balas berlaku kuantiti bahan tindak balas yang digunakan berkurangan , manakala kuantiti
hasil tindak balas yang terbentuk bertambah. .
When a reaction occurs, quantity of reactant used , whereas quantity of product formed

Pautan Interaktif
Contoh soalan berkaitan Kadar Tindak Balas.
Example of question about the Rate of Reaction.

Unit bagi kadar tindak balas yang lazim digunakan/ Units for rate of reaction commonly used:
g s–1 atau/ or g min–1
cm3 s–1 atau/ or cm3 min–1
mol dm–3 s–1 atau/ or mol dm–3 min–1

C Perubahan yang Berlaku dalam Tindak balas
Changes that Occur during Reactions
1. Kadar tindak balas ditentukan berdasarkan perubahan yang dapat diperhatikan dan diukur dalam suatu tempoh
masa tertentu.
The rate of a reaction is determined based on the observable and measurable changes during a certain time period.
2. Pembentukan mendakan/ Formation of precipitates: TP 2
Contoh/ Example:
Apabila larutan natrium klorida, NaCl, ditambahkan kepada larutan argentum(I) nitrat, AgNO3, mendakan
putih argentum(I) klorida, AgCl terhasil.
When a solution of sodium chloride, NaCl is added to a solution of silver(I) nitrate, AgNO3, a white of
silver(I) chloride is formed.

Larutan natrium klorida, NaCl
Sodium chloride solution, NaCl Jan randik

Kertas putih bertanda ‘’

Larutan argentum(I) nitrat, AgNO3 White paper marked ‘’

Silver(I) nitrate solution, AgNO3

Rajah/Diagram 7.1

Contoh/ Example:

jisim kalsium karbonat, CaCO . SI
3. Pengurangan jisim bahan tindak balas/ Decrease in the mass of reactant: TP 2

Apabila ketulan kalsium karbonat, CaCO3 dimasukkan ke dalam asid hidroklorik, HCl cair, perubahan berlaku pada

When calcium carbonate, CaCO3 chips are added to dilute hydrochloric acid, HCl, changes occur in the
calcium carbonate, CaCO3.

Kelalang kon Gas CO2
Conical flask CO2 gas


Ketulan kalsium karbonat, CaCO3 Asid hidroklorik cair, HCl

Calcium carbonate chips, CaCO3 Dilute hydrochloric acid, HCI

Rajah/Diagram 7.2

4. Penambahan isi padu gas/ Increase in volume of gas:

Apabila serbuk magnesium, Mg dimasukkan ke dalam asid sulfurik, H2SO4 cair, perubahan berlaku pada
isi padu gas hidrogen, H yang dibebaskan.
When magnesium, Mg powder is added to dilute sulphuric acid, H2SO4, the changes occur in the of
hydrogen gas, H2 released.
Picagari gas
Gas syringe

Gas hidrogen, H2
Hydrogen gas, H2

Kelalang kon
Conical flask

Serbuk magnesium, Mg
Magnesium powder, Mg
Asid sulfurik, H2SO4
Sulphuric acid, H2SO4

Rajah/Diagram 7.3


Tujuan/ Aim:
Mengukur masa tindak balas berdasarkan beberapa perubahan yang boleh diperhatikan dan diukur.
Determining the time for reaction with reference to some observable and measurable changes.

Bahan/ Materials:
Serbuk zink, Zn, serbuk kalium iodida, KI, serbuk plumbum(II) nitrat, Pb(NO3)2, ketulan marmar, CaCO3, asid
nitrik, HNO3 2.0 mol dm–3, asid sulfurik, H2SO4 0.1 mol dm–3, air suling
Zinc powder, Zn, potassium iodide powder, KI, lead(II) nitrate powder, Pb(NO3)2, marble chips, CaCO3 , 2.0 mol dm–3 nitric
acid, HNO3, 0.1 mol dm–3 sulphuric acid, H2SO4, distilled water

Radas/ Apparatus:
Buret, kelalang kon 250 cm3, silinder penyukat 10 cm3 dan 100 cm3, besen, penyumbat getah, salur penghantar,
kaki retort dengan pengapit, kapas, piring Petri, penimbang elektronik, jam randik, botol penimbang, corong
turas, pembaris, kertas turas
Burette, 250 cm3 conical flask, 10 cm3 and 100 cm3 measuring cylinders, basin, rubber stopper, delivery tube, retort stand
with clamp, cotton wool, Petri dish, electronic balance, stopwatch, weighing bottle, filter funnel, ruler, filter paper

(A) Tindak balas antara zink, Zn dengan asid sulfurik, H2SO4
Reaction between zinc, Zn and sulphuric acid, H2SO4

Prosedur/ Procedure:

SI Buret Gas Kaki retort

Burette hidrogen,H2 Retort stand
Salur penghantar Hydrogen
Delivery tube gas,H2
Asid sulfurik, H2SO4
Sulphuric acid, H2SO4
Kelalang kon
Conical flask

Ketulan zink, Zn Besen

Granulated zinc, Zn Basin

Rajah/Diagram 7.4 Susunan radas/ Apparatus set-up

1. 20 cm3 asid sulfurik, H2SO4 0.1 mol dm–3 dimasukkan ke dalam sebuah kelalang kon.

20 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm–3 sulphuric acid, H2SO4 is added into a conical flask.
2. Buret dipenuhkan dengan air dan ditelangkupkan ke dalam besen berisi air. Buret diapitkan secara
A burette is filled full with water and inverted into a basin of water. The burette is clamped vertically.
3. Aras air dalam buret dilaraskan supaya bacaannya ialah 50 cm3. Susunan radas seperti Rajah 7.4 disediakan.

The water level in the burette is adjusted to 50 cm3 mark. Apparatus set-up as shown in Diagram 7.4 is prepared.
4. 5 g serbuk zink, Zn dimasukkan ke dalam kelalang kon.
5 g of zinc powder, Zn is added into the conical flask.
5. Kelalang kon ditutup serta-merta dengan penyumbat getah yang bersambung dengan salur penghantar.
Jam randik dimulakan.
The conical flask is immediately closed with the rubber stopper that is connected to the delivery tube. The stopwatch
is started.
6. Bacaan buret direkodkan pada selang masa 0.5 minit selama 5 minit.
The burette reading is recorded at 0.5 minute intervals for 5 minutes.

Keputusan/ Result:
Jadual/Table 7.2

Masa/Time (min) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Bacaan buret (cm3)
50.00 38.00 30.00 26.00 23.00 20.00 17.50 16.50 15.00 15.00 15.00
Burette reading (cm3)

Isi padu gas (cm3)

0.00 12.00 20.00 24.00 27.00 30.00 32.50 33.50 35.00 35.00 35.00
Volume of gas (cm3)

Berdasarkan Jadual 7.2, plotkan graf isi padu hidrogen, H2 melawan masa.
Based on Table 7.2, plot a graph of the volume of hydrogen gas, H2 against time.

Mentafsirkan data/ Analysing data:

Isi padu gas hidrogen, H2 (cm3)
Volume of hydrogen gas, H2 (cm3)








0 Masa (s)
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Time (s)

1. Semasa tindak balas, isi padu gas hidrogen, H2 yang dibebaskan
During the reaction, the volume of hydrogen gas, H2 released

2. Jumlah isi padu gas hidrogen, H2 dibebaskan pada akhir tindak balas ialah
The total volume of hydrogen gas, H2 released at the end of the reaction is
with time.


dengan masa.

3. Tindak balas tamat pada masa 4.0 minit kerana isi padu gas hidrogen, H2 tidak berubah lagi .
Lengkung graf mendatar selepas masa ini.
The reaction stops at 4.0 minutes because the volume of hydrogen gas, H2
did not change
that. The graph levels off after this time.

Perbincangan/ Discussion:

1. Tulis persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas asid sulfurik, H2SO4 dengan zink, Zn.
Write a chemical equation for the reaction between sulphuric acid, H2SO4 and zinc, Zn.

Zn(p/ s) + H2SO4(ak/ aq) → ZnSO4(ak/ aq) + H2(g/ g)

2. Nyatakan perubahan yang diperhatikan dan diukur dalam aktiviti ini.

State the changes observed and measured in this activity.

Pertambahan isi padu gas yang dibebaskan.
Increase in the volume of gas released.

Kesimpulan/ Conclusion:
Masa tindak balas zink, Zn dengan asid sulfurik, H2SO4 ialah 4.0 minit.
The time of reaction between zinc, Zn and sulphuric acid, H2SO4 is minutes.

(B) Tindak balas antara asid nitrik, HNO3 dengan ketulan marmar, CaCO3
Reaction between nitric acid, HNO3 and marble chips, CaCO3

Prosedur/ Procedure:

Cotton wool

Ketulan Asid nitrik, HNO3

marmar, CaCO3 Nitric acid, HNO3
chips, CaCO3
Penimbang elektronik
OFF Electronic balance

Rajah/Diagram 7.5 Susunan radas/ Apparatus set-up

1. 100 cm asid nitrik, HNO3 2.0 mol dm–3 dimasukkan ke dalam kelalang kon.

100 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm-3 nitric acid, HNO3 is put into a conical flask.
2. Mulut kelalang kon ditutup dengan kapas yang longgar. Susunan radas seperti Rajah 7.5 disediakan.
The mouth of the conical flask is closed loosely with cotton wool. Apparatus set-up as shown in Diagram 7.5 is

3. 10 g ketulan marmar, CaCO3 dimasukkan ke dalam kelalang kon. Kelalang kon ditutup dengan cepat dan
jam randik dimulakan.
10 g of marble chips, CaCO3 is added into the conical flask. The conical flask is immediately closed and the stopwatch
is started.
4. Bacaan penimbang elektronikdirekodkan pada selang masa 30 saat.

The reading of the electronic balance is recorded at 30 seconds interval.
5. Perubahan dalam kelalang kon diperhatikan dan direkodkan.
Changes that occur in the conical flask is observed and recorded.

Keputusan/ Results:
Jadual/Table 7.3
Masa/Time (s) 0 30 60 90 120 150

Jisim kelalang kon + ketulan marmar, CaCO3 (g)

123.50 123.28 123.18 123.15 123.15 123.15
Mass of conical flask + marble chips, CaCO3 (g)

Berdasarkan Jadual 7.3, plotkan graf jisim kelalang kon + ketulan marmar, CaCO3 melawan masa.
Based on Table 7.3, plot a graph of the mass of conical flask + marble chips, CaCO3 against time.

Mentafsirkan data/ Analysing data:

Jisim kelalang kon + ketulan marmar, CaCO3 (g)

Mass of conical flask + marble chips, CaCO3 (g)





123.1 Masa (s)

0 30 60 90 120 150 Time (s)

1. Graf menunjukkan jisim ketulan marmar, CaCO3 berkurang dengan masa .

decreases with time
Graph shows mass of marble chips, CaCO3 .
2. Perubahan jisim ketulan marmar, CaCO3 disebabkan oleh kehilangan gas karbon dioksida .
loss of carbon dioxide gas
The changes in mass of marble chips, CaCO3 is due to the .

3. Jumlah jisim ketulan marmar, CaCO3 yang berkurang ialah 0.35 gram.
The total mass of marble chips, CaCO3 reduced is gram.

4. Tindak balas tamat apabila lengkung graf mendatar pada masa 90 saat.
The reaction ends when the graph levels off at time seconds.

Perbincangan/ Discussion:
1. Tulis persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas antara asid nitrik, HNO3 dengan ketulan marmar, CaCO3.
Write a chemical equation for the reaction between nitric acid, HNO3 and marble chips, CaCO3.

CaCO3(p/ s) + 2HNO3(ak/ aq) → Ca(NO3)2(ak/ aq) + H2O(ce/ l) + CO2(g/ g)

2. Nyatakan perubahan yang diperhatikan dan diukur dalam aktiviti ini.
State the changes observed and measured in this activity.
Pengurangan jisim bahan tindak balas./ Decrease in the mass of reactants.
3. Apakah pemerhatian bagi tindak balas ini?
What is observation of this reaction?
Ketulan marmar, CaCO3 larut dalam asid dan pembuakan gas berlaku./ Marble chips, CaCO3 dissolve in the

acid and effervescence occurred.

Kesimpulan/ Conclusion:
Masa tindak balas ketulan marmar, CaCO3 dengan asid nitrik, HNO3 ialah 90 saat.
The time of reaction between marble chips, CaCO3 and nitric acid, HNO3 is seconds.

(C) Tindak balas antara larutan kalium iodida, KI dengan larutan plumbum(II) nitrat, Pb(NO3)2
Reaction between potassium iodide, KI solution with lead(II) nitrate, Pb(NO3)2 solution

Prosedur/ Procedure:
Air suling
Distilled water
Kalium iodida, KI Plumbum(II) nitrat, Pb(NO3)2
Potassium iodide, KI Lead(II) nitrate, Pb(NO3)2

Piring Petri
Petri dish

Rajah/Diagram 7.6 Susunan radas/ Apparatus set-up


1. 2 g serbuk kalium iodida, KI dan 2 g serbuk plumbum(II) nitrat, Pb(NO3)2 ditimbang di dalam dua botol
penimbang yang berasingan.
2 g of potassium iodide powder, KI and 2 g of lead(II) nitrate powder, Pb(NO3)2 are weighed by using two separate
weighing bottles.
2. Air suling dituang ke dalam piring Petri sedalam 0.5 cm.

Distilled water is poured into the Petri dish to a depth of 0.5 cm.
3. Serbuk kalium iodida, KI diletakkan di dalam air pada bahagian tepi piring Petri.
Potassium iodide powder, KI is added into the water at the edge of the Petri dish.
4. Serbuk plumbum(II) nitrat, Pb(NO3)2 diletakkan di bahagian bertentangan dengan serbuk kalium iodida,
KI seperti ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 7.6.
Lead(II) nitrate powder, Pb(NO3)2 is added diagonally across from the potassium iodide powder, KI as shown in
Diagram 7.6.
5. Jam randik dimulakan dengan serta merta.
The stopwatch is start immediately.
6. Masa untuk tindak balas selesai apabila tiada lagi mendakan terbentuk direkodkan.
The time when the reaction is completed, that is, when no more precipitate is formed is recorded.
7. Kandungan dalam piring Petri dituras dan dicuci dengan air suling.
The contents in the Petri dish is filtered and washed with distilled water.
8. Mendakan dikeringkan dan ditimbang. Jisim mendakan direkodkan.
The precipitate is dried and weighed. Mass of the precipitate is recorded.
Keputusan/ Results: Jadual/Table 7.4

Masa pembentukan mendakan berhenti (s)

Time for the formation of precipitate stopped (s)
Jisim mendakan terhasil (g)
Mass of the precipitate formed (g)

Perbincangan/ Discussion: TP 4
1. Tulis persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas antara larutan kalium iodida, KI dan larutan plumbum(II) nitrat,
Write a chemical equation for the reaction between potassium iodide, KI solution and lead(II) nitrate, Pb(NO3)2

Pb(NO3)2(ak/ aq) + 2KI(ak/ aq) → PbI2(p/ s) + 2KNO3(ak/ aq)

2. Nyatakan perubahan yang diperhatikan dan diukur dalam aktiviti ini.
State the changes observed and measured in this activity.
Pembentukan mendakan/ Formation of precipitate
3. Apakah pemerhatian tindak balas ini?
What is observation of this reaction?
Mendakan kuning terhasil/ Yellow precipitate formed.

Kesimpulan/ Conclusion:
Masa tindak balas antara larutan kalium iodida, KI dan larutan plumbum(II) nitrat, Pb(NO3)2 ialah 90 saat.
The time of reaction between potassium iodide, KI solution and lead(II) nitrate, Pb(NO3)2 solution is seconds.

D Kadar Tindak Balas Purata dan Kadar Tindak Balas pada Masa Tertentu
Average Rate of Reaction and Instantaneous Rate of Reaction

Dua jenis kadar tindak balas/ Two types of rate of reaction:
(a) Kadar tindak balas purata/ Average rate of reaction
(b) Kadar tindak balas pada masa tertentu/ Instantaneous rate of reaction
2. Kadar tindak balas purata ialah nilai purata bagi kadar tindak balas yang berlaku dalam satu tempoh
masa tertentu
the average value of the rate of reaction that occurs in a particular time interval
The average rate of reaction is
time period

Pautan Interaktif

Contoh soalan berkaitan kadar Tindak Balas Purata.

Example of question about the Average Rate of Reaction.

Bagi tindak balas yang melibatkan pembebasan gas, kadar tindak balas purata boleh dihitung seperti berikut:
For a reaction involving the release of gas, the average rate of reaction can be calculated as the following:

(a) Kadar tindak balas purata bagi keseluruhan tindak balas/The overall average rate of reaction
jumlah isi padu gas yang terkumpul/total volume of gas collected
tempoh masa yang diambil/time taken
= cm3 s–1
t Isi padu gas (cm3)
Volume of gas (cm3)

Tindak balas lengkap atau berhenti

Reaction is complete or stops

0 Masa (s)
t Time (s)
Rajah/Diagram 7.7 Kadar tindak balas purata bagi keseluruhan tindak balas/ The overall average rate of reaction

(b) Kadar tindak balas purata dalam t1 saat yang pertama/The average rate of reaction for the first t1 seconds
jumlah isi padu gas yang terkumpul dalam t1 saat yang pertama
total volume of gas collected in the first t1 seconds
tempoh masa yang diambil/time taken
V1 – 0
= t – 0 cm3 s–1

V1 Isi padu gas (cm3)

= t cm3 s–1 Volume of gas (cm3)


0 Masa (s)
t1 Time (s)

Rajah/Diagram 7.8 Kadar tindak balas purata dalam t1 saat yang pertama/ The average rate of reaction for the first t1 seconds

(c) Kadar tindak balas purata dari t1 hingga t2 /The average rate of reaction from t1 to t2
jumlah isi padu gas yang terkumpul dari t1 hingga t2 / total volume of gas collected from t1 to t2

V2 – V1
t2 – t1
cm3 s–1

tempoh masa yang diambil/time taken

Isi padu gas (cm3)

Volume of gas (cm3)


0 Masa (s)
t1 t2 Time (s)

Rajah/Diagram 7.9 Kadar tindak balas purata dari t1 hingga t2/ The average rate of reaction from t1 to t2

Contoh/Example 1 TP 4

Rajah 7.10 menunjukkan graf isi padu gas melawan Isi padu gas (cm3)
Volume of gas (cm3)
masa./ Diagram 7.10 shows the graph of volume of gas
against time.
Hitung kadar tindak balas purata yang berikut: 140
Calculate the following average rates of reaction: 120
(a) bagi keseluruhan tindak balas
for the overall reaction
(b) dalam satu minit pertama 80
for the first minute
(c) dalam dua minit pertama
for the first two minute 40

(d) pada minit kedua 20

at the second minute
0 Masa (s)
(e) pada minit ketiga 60 120 180 240 300 360 Time (s)
at the third minute
Rajah/Diagram 7.10

Penyelesaian/Solution :
(a) Kadar tindak balas purata bagi keseluruhan tindak balas/ The overall average rate of reaction
jumlah isi padu gas yang terkumpul/total volume of gas collected
tempoh masa yang diambil/time taken
140 cm3
180 s
= 0.78 cm3 s–1

(b) Kadar tindak balas purata dalam satu minit pertama/The average rate of reaction for the first minute
jumlah isi padu gas yang terkumpul dalam 60 saat yang pertama/total volume of gas collected in first 60 seconds
tempoh masa yang diambil/time taken
80 cm3
60 s
= 1.33 cm3 s–1

(c) Kadar tindak balas purata dalam dua minit pertama/The average rate of reaction for the first two minute

jumlah isi padu gas yang terkumpul dalam 120 saat yang pertama/total volume of gas collected in first 120 seconds
tempoh masa yang diambil/time taken
120 cm3
120 s
= 1.00 cm3 s–1

(d) Kadar tindak balas purata pada minit kedua/The average rate reaction at the second minute
jumlah isi padu gas yang terkumpul dari saat ke-60 hingga saat ke-120
total volume of gas collected from 60 seconds to 120 seconds
tempoh masa yang diambil/time taken
(120 – 80) cm3
(120 – 60) s
= 0.67 cm3 s–1

(e) Kadar tindak balas purata pada minit ketiga/The average rate of reaction at the third minute

jumlah isi padu gas yang terkumpul dari saat ke-120 hingga saat ke-180
total volume of gas collected from 120 seconds to 180 seconds
tempoh masa yang diambil/time taken
(140 – 120) cm3

(180 – 120) s
= 0.33 cm3 s–1

4. Kadar tindak balas pada masa tertentu ialah nilai kadar tindak balas yang berlaku pada satu ketika sahaja
value of the rate of reaction that occurs at one instant only.
The instantaneous rate of reaction is the

Kadar tindak balas pada masa tertentu boleh diperoleh dengan memplot graf perubahan kuantiti bahan tindak balas
atau hasil tindak balas melawan..
The instantaneous rate of reaction can be derived by plotting a graph of changes in the quantity of the reactants or products
against time.

Kadar tindak balas purata pada masa tertentu Kecerunan tangen pada masa tertentu
Instantaneous rate of reaction Gradient of tangen at that instant

Langkah-langkah menghitung kadar tindak balas pada masa tertentu.
Steps to calculate the rate of reaction at a certain time, t

(a) Lukis satu tangen pada lengkung pada (b) Lengkapkan segi tiga tepat untuk menentukan kecerunan
masa t. tangen lengkung graf.
Draw a tangent on the curve at time t. Complete the right-angled triangle to determine the gradient of
the curve.
Isi padu gas (cm3)
Volume of gas (cm3) Isi padu gas (cm3)
Volume of gas (cm3)
Segi tiga boleh dilukis dalam
Tangen pelbagai saiz. Saiz lukisan
Tangent segi tiga yang lebih besar akan
membantu anda memperoleh
jawapan yang lebih tepat.
The triangle can be drawn in any
size. A bigger size of triangle will
help you get a more accurate answer.
Masa (s)
0 Masa (s)
t Time (s) 0
t Time (s)

(c) Hitung kecerunan tangen lengkung graf.
Calculate the gradient of the tangent.

Isi padu gas (cm3)

Kadar tindak balas pada masa t,
Volume of gas (cm3)


∆y = y1 – y0
Rate of reaction at time t,
= kecerunan lengkung pada masa t
gradient of the curve at time t
= kecerunan tangen graf pada masa t
gradient of tangent at time t
= Dx cm3 s–1
x0 x1 0
∆x = x1 – x0 Masa (s)
t Time (s)

Rajah/Diagram 7.11

Semakin curam tangen, semakin tingi kadar tindak balas/ The steeper the tangent, the higher the rate of reaction.
Pada t = 0, kadar tindak balas adalah paling tinggi kerana kepekatan bahan tindak balas adalah maksimum.
At t = 0, rate of reaction is at its highest because the concentration of the reactant is maximum.

Bagi tindak balas yang melibatkan pengurangan jisim bahan tindak balas, bentuk graf yang akan diperoleh ditunjukkan
dalam Rajah 7.12.
For the reaction involving the decreases of the mass of the reactants, the shape of the graph obtained is shown in Diagram 7.12.
Jisim bahan tindak balas (g)
Mass of reactant (g)

0 t
Masa (s)
Time (s)

Rajah/Diagram 7.12

Pautan Interaktif
Contoh soalan berkaitan Kadar Tindak Balas pada masa Tertentu.
Example of question about the Instantaneous Rate of Reaction.

Contoh/Example 2 TP 4

Hitungkan yang berikut berdasarkan graf isi padu gas hidrogen, H2 melawan masa dalam Aktiviti 7.1 (halaman 180).
Calculate the following based on the graph of the volume of hydrogen gas, H2 against time in Activity 7.1 (page 180).
(a) Kadar tindak balas pada 0.5 minit/ The rate of reaction at 0.5 minute.
(b) Kadar tindak balas purata bagi keseluruhan tindak balas/ The overall average rate of reaction.

Penyelesaian/Solution :
(a) Kadar tindak balas pada 0.5 minit
Isi padu gas hidrogen (cm3) The rate of reaction at 0.5 minute
Volume of hydrogen gas (cm3)
= kecerunan tangen pada 0.5 minit
gradient of tangent at 0.5 minute
20 − 5
30.00 =
0.9 − 0.1
25.00 15 cm3
0.8 min
= 18.75 cm3 min–1



0 0.1 0.9 Masa (min)

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Time (min)

35 cm3
4 min
= 8.75 cm3 min–1
(b) Tindak balas tamat pada masa 4.0 minit/ Reaction is completed at time 4.0 minute
Jumlah isi padu gas terbebas/ Total volume of gas liberated = 35 cm3
Kadar tindak balas purata bagi keseluruhan tindak balas/ Average rate of reaction for the overall reaction
Contoh/Example 3 TP 4

Hitungkan yang berikut berdasarkan graf tindak balas asid nitrik, HNO3 dengan ketulan marmar, CaCO3 yang telah diplotkan
dalam Aktiviti 7.1(halaman 181):
Calculate the following based on the graph of reaction between nitric acid, HNO3 and marble chips, CaCO3 plotted in Activity 7.1
(page 181):

(a) Kadar tindak balas pada 10 saat/ The rate of reaction at 10 seconds.
(b) Kadar tindak balas purata bagi keseluruhan tindak balas/ The overall average rate of reaction.

Penyelesaian/Solution :

Jisim kelalang kon + ketulan marmar (g)

Mass of conical flask + marble chips (g)





123.1 Masa (s)

0 10
60 90
120 150 Time (s)

Kadar tindak balas pada 30 saat/ The rate of reaction at 30 second

= kecerunan tangen pada 30 saat/ gradient of tangent at 30 second
123.37 −123.20
49 − 10
0.17 g
39 g
= 0.0044 g s–1
(b) Tindak balas lengkap pada 94.0 saat/ Reaction is completed at 94.0 second
Jumlah jisim gas terbebas/ Total mass of gas released
= 123.50 –123.15 = 0.35 g
Kadar tindak balas purata bagi keseluruhan tindak balas/ The overall average rate of reaction
0.35 g
= = 0.0039 g s–1
90.0 s

D Menyelesaikan Masalah Numerikal Berkaitan dengan Kadar Tindak Balas

Solving Numerical Problems Based on Rate of Reactions

Contoh/Example 4
Rajah 7.13 menunjukkan graf isi padu gas lawan masa bagi tindak balas antara zink, Zn dengan asid nitrik, HNO3 cair.
Diagram 7.13 shows the graph of volume of gas against time for the reaction between zinc, Zn and dilute nitric acid, HNO3.

Isi padu gas (cm3)

Volume of gas (cm3)

Tindak balas 80
selesai 76
Reaction 70
completed 66


20 SI
Masa (s)
02 10.5
60 Time (s)

Rajah/Diagram 7.13

(a) Hitung kadar tindak balas/ Calculate the rate of reaction:

(i) pada 20 saat/ at 20 second
(ii) pada 40 saat/ at 40 second

(b) Bilakah tindak balas selesai?/ When is the reaction completed?

(c) Berapakah jumlah isi padu gas terkumpul?/ What is the total volume of gas collected?
(d) Hitung kadar tindak balas purata bagi keseluruhan tindak balas/ Calculate the overall average rate of reaction.

Penyelesaian/Solution :

(a) (i) Kadar tindak balas pada 20 saat/ Rate of reaction at 20 second
= kecerunan tangen pada 20 saat/ Gradient of tangent at 20 second
66 − 20 46
= =
36 − 2 34
= 1.35 cm s
3 –1

(ii) Kadar tindak balas pada 40 saat/ Rate of reaction at 40 second

= kecerunan tangen pada 40 saat/ Gradient of tangent at 40 second
76 − 46 30
= =
59 − 10.5 48.5
= 0.619 cm3 s–1

(b) Pada 60 saat/ At 60 second

(c) 70 cm3
(d) = 1.17 cm3 s–1

Uji Kendiri 7.1
1. (a) Nyatakan maksud kadar tindak balas./ State the meaning of the rate of a reaction.
Kadar tindak balas ialah perubahan kuantiti suatu bahan tindak balas per unit masa atau perubahan hasil tindak
balas per unit masa./ The rate of a reaction is the change in quantity of reactant or product per unit time.
(b) Nyatakan perbezaan maksud antara kadar tindak balas purata dan kadar tindak balas pada masa tertentu./ State the
difference in meaning between the average rate of reaction and the instantaneous rate of reaction. KBAT Memahami
Kadar tindak balas purata ialah nilai purata bagi kadar tindak balas yang berlaku dalam satu tempoh masa tertentu.
Kadar tindak balas pada masa tertentu ialah nilai kadar tindak balas yang berlaku pada satu ketika sahaja.
The average rate of reaction is the average value of the rate of reaction that occurs in a particular time interval. The
instantaneous rate of reaction is the rate of reaction that occurs at one instant only.

2. 2.5 g aluminium, Al bertindak balas lengkap dengan asid hidroklorik, HCl dalam 30 s. Lakarkan graf untuk
menunjukkan perubahan jisim aluminium, Al melawan masa.
2.5 g of aluminium, Al is reacted completely with excess hydrochloric acid, HCl in 30 s. Sketch a graph to show the change in the
mass of aluminium, Al against the time. KBAT Mengaplikasi

Jisim aluminium (g)
Mass of aluminium (g)


SI 0 30
Masa (s)
Time (s)
Pautan Interaktif
Soalan tambahan dalam Uji Kendiri 7.1.
Additional question in Uji Kendiri 7.1.

7.2 Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kadar Tindak Balas

Factors Affecting Rate of Reactions

Saiz zarah bahan tindak balas Kepekatan

Size of reactants particle Concentration

Faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas

Factors that affecting rate of reactions

Suhu Kehadiran mangkin

Temperature Presence of catalyst
Rajah/Diagram 7.14

KSSM = Kepekatan Saiz zarah Suhu Mangkin
A Saiz Bahan Tindak Balas = Kuih Siti Sangat Manis
Size of Reactants
Apabila suatu bahan tindak balas pepejal dihancurkan, serbuk yang terhasil mempunyai jumlah luas permukaan yang
lebih besar.
When a solid reactant is crushed, the powder produced has a much larger total surface area.
(a) Nisbah luas permukaan kepada isi padu bahan tindak balas akan meningkat.
The surface area to volume ratio of reactant increases.
(b) Semakin besar nisbah luas permukaan kepada isi padu zarah bahan tindak balas, semakin tinggi kadar tindak balas.
The larger the surface area to volume ratio of the reactant particle, the higher the rate of reaction.

Eksperimen 7.1
Tujuan/ Aim:
Mengkaji kesan saiz zarah bahan tindak balas ke atas kadar tindak balas.
To study the effect of size of reactants particle on the rate of reaction.
Penyataan masalah/ Problem statement:
Bagaimanakah saiz zarah bahan tindak balas mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas?
How does size of reactants particle affect the rate of reaction?
Hipotesis/ Hypothesis:
Semakin kecil saiz ketulan marmar, CaCO3, semakin tinggi kadar tindak balas.
The smaller the size of the marble chips, CaCO3, the higher the rate of reaction.

Pemboleh ubah/ Variables:

(a) dimanipulasikan/ manipulated: Saiz ketulan marmar, CaCO3/ Size of marble chips, CaCO3
(b) bergerak balas/ responding: Kadar tindak balas/ Rate of reaction
(c) dimalarkan/ fixed: Jisim ketulan marmar, CaCO3, suhu, isi padu, kepekatan asid hidroklorik, HCl/ Mass of

marble chips, CaCO3 temperature, volume, concentration of hyådrochloric acid, HCl

Bahan/ Materials:
Asid hidroklorik 0.1 mol dm–3, ketulan besar marmar, CaCO3, ketulan kecil marmar, CaCO3
0.1 mol dm–3 hydrochloric acid, HCl, large pieces of marble chips, CaCO3 small pieces of marble chips, CaCO3
Radas/ Apparatus:

elektronik, jam randik, kaki retort dan pengapit

Kelalang kon 250 cm3, buret, besen, silinder penyukat 100 cm3, penyumbat getah, salur penghantar, penimbang

250 cm3 conical flask, burette, basin, 100 cm3 measuring cylinder, rubber stopper, delivery tube, electronic balance, stopwatch, retort
stand with clamp
Prosedur/ Procedure: Gas karbon dioksida, CO2
Carbon dioxide gas, CO2 Kaki retort
Buret Retort stand
Salur penghantar
Delivery tube Burette

Kelalang kon

Conical flask

Asid hidroklorik, HCl

Hydrochloric acid, HCl

Ketulan marmar,CaCO3 Besen

Marble chips, CaCO3 Basin

Rajah/Diagram 7.15 Susunan radas/ Apparatus set-up

1. 80 cm asid hidroklorik 0.1 mol dm–3 dituangkan ke dalam sebuah kelalang kon.

80 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm–3 hydrochloric acid, HCl is poured into a conical flask.
2. Buret dipenuhkan dengan air dan ditelangkupkannya ke dalam besen berisi air. Buret diapitkan secara menegak
pada kaki retort.
The burette is filled with water and inverted into a basin filled with water. The burette is clamped vertically.
3. Aras air di dalam buret dilaraskan pada aras 50 cm3. Susunan radas seperti Rajah 7.15 disediakan.
The water level in the burette is adjusted to 50 cm3. Apparatus set-up as shown in Diagram 7.15 is pepared
4. 5.0 g ketulan marmar, CaCO3 bersaiz besar ditimbang dan dimasukkan ke dalam kelalang kon.
5.0 g of large pieces of marble chips, CaCO3 is weighed and added into the conical flask.
5. Kelalang kon ditutup dengan serta merta menggunakan penyumbat getah yang bersambung dengan salur
penghantar. Jam randik dimulakan pada masa yang sama.
The conical flask is immediately closed with the rubber stopper which is connected to a delivery tube. The stopwatch is started
6. Kelalang kon dipusarkan perlahan-lahan sepanjang eksperimen.
The conical flask is swirled slowly throughout the experiment.
7. Bacaan buret direkodkan pada selang masa 30 saat sehingga buret dipenuhi dengan gas.
The burette reading is recorded at intervals of 30 seconds until the burette is completely filled with gas.
8. Langkah 1 hingga 7 diulang dengan menggunakan 5.0 g ketulan marmar, CaCO3 bersaiz kecil.
Steps 1 to 7 are repeated by using 5.0 g of smaller pieces of marble chips, CaCO3.

Keputusan/ Results:
Jadual/Table 7.5 Ketulan marmar, CaCO3 bersaiz besar/ Large pieces of marble chips, CaCO3

Masa/Time (min) 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300

Bacaan buret (cm ) 3
50.00 43.00 38.00 34.00 30.00 27.50 25.00 23.00 21.00 20.00 19.00
Burette reading (cm3)
Isi padu gas karbon dioksida, CO2 (cm3) 0.00 7.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 22.50 25.00 27.00 29.00 30.50 31.00
Volume of carbon dioxide gas, CO2 (cm )

Jadual/Table 7.6 Ketulan marmar, CaCO3 bersaiz kecil/ Small pieces of marble chips, CaCO3

Masa/Time (min) 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300

Bacaan buret (cm3)
50.00 39.00 32.50 27.00 22.50 19.00 16.00 13.50 11.50 10.00 9.00
Burette reading (cm3)
Isi padu gas karbon dioksida, CO2 (cm3) 0.00 11.00 18.00 23.00 27.50 31.00 34.00 36.50 38.50 40.00 41.00
Volume of carbon dioxide gas, CO2 (cm )

Mentafsir data/ Analysing data:

Graf isi padu gas karbon dioksida, CO2 melawan masa diplotkan pada satu set paksi yang sama. Menggunakan graf

yang telah diplotkan, hitung:
Graphs of volume of carbon dioxide gas, CO2 against time is plotted on one set of axes. Using the graph plotted calculated:
Isi padu gas karbon dioksida, CO2 (cm3)
Volume of carbon dioxide gas, CO2 (cm3)



SI Marmar bersaiz kecil
Small pieces of marble

Marmar bersaiz besar

Large pieces of marble


183 Masa (s)
30 5760 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 Time (s)

1. Kadar tindak balas pada masa 120 s/ The rate of reaction at 120 s
(a) Ketulan marmar, CaCO3 bersaiz besar/ Large pieces of marble chips, CaCO3
Kadar tindak balas pada 120 s/ Rate of reaction at 120 s
(27 – 13.5) cm3

(183 – 57) s
= 0.109 cm3 s–1
(b) Ketulan marmar, CaCO3 bersaiz kecil/ Small pieces of marble chips, CaCO3
Kadar tindak balas pada 120 s/ Rate of reaction at 120 s
(35.5 – 20) cm3
(180 – 60) s
= 0.129 cm3 s–1
2. Kadar tindak balas purata bagi keseluruhan tindak balas jika 48 cm3 gas dikumpulkan dalam masa 360 s
The overall average rate of reaction if 48 cm3 of gas was collected in 360 s.
(a) Ketulan marmar, CaCO3 bersaiz besar/ Large pieces of marble chips, CaCO3
Kadar tindak balas purata bagi keseluruhan tindak balas/ The overall average rate of reaction
48 cm3
360 s
= 0.13 cm3 s–1
(b) Ketulan marmar, CaCO3 bersaiz kecil/ Small pieces of marble chips, CaCO3
Kadar tindak balas purata bagi keseluruhan tindak balas/ The overall average rate of reaction
48 cm3
240 s
= 0.20 cm3 s–1

Pemerhatian/ Observation:
1. Pembebasan gas berlaku kerana terdapat pembentukan gelembung gas .
Liberation of gas occurred due to formation of gas bubbles .
2. Pembebasan gas berlaku paling cepat pada peringkat awal dan kemudian menjadi semakin
perlahan .
Liberation of gas occurred very fast at the initial stage and then became slower .
3. Ketulan marmar melarut dalam asid./ The marble chips dissolved in the acid.
4. Tindak balas menggunakan ketulan marmar, CaCO3 bersaiz kecil selesai lebih cepat daripada tindak
balas menggunakan ketulan marmar, CaCO3 bersaiz besar.
The reaction using small pieces of size marble chips, CaCO3 stopped ealier than the reaction by using large pieces
of marble chips, CaCO3.
Inferens/ Inference:
1. Kadar tindak balas adalah paling cepat pada peringkat awal dan kemudiannya menjadi

semakin perlahan .
The rate of reaction is fastest at the initial stage and then slows down .
2. Kadar tindak balas adalah lebih tinggi dengan menggunakan ketulan marmar, CaCO3 bersaiz kecil
The rate of reaction was higher using
chips, CaCO3.
Kesimpulan / Conclusion: SI
berbanding menggunakan ketulan marmar, CaCO bersaiz
small pieces
of marble chip, CaCO3 than using

Hipotesis diterima. Semakin kecil saiz ketulan marmar, CaCO3, semakin tinggi kadar tindak balas.
large pieces of marble
Hypothesis is accepted. The smaller the size of the marble chips, CaCO3 the higher the rate of reaction.
Perbincangan/ Discussion:
1. Seimbangkan persamaan tindak balas dalam eksperimen ini.
Balance the equation of reaction in this experiment.

CaCO3 + 2 HCl → CaCl2 + H2O + CO2


2. Ujian pengesahan bagi gas karbon dioksida yang terhasil adalah dengan menggunakan air kapur .
The confirmatory test of carbon dioxide gas liberated is by using limewater .
3. (a) Berdasarkan kadar tindak balas purata bagi keseluruhan tindak balas yang dihitung, ketulan marmar, CaCO3

bersaiz kecil bertindak balas lebih cepat daripada ketulan marmar, CaCO bersaiz besar. 3

Based on the calculated overall average rate of reaction, small size marble chips, CaCO3 reacts faster than
large size marble chips, CaCO3.
(b) Berdasarkan kadar tindak balas pada 120 s yang dihitung, ketulan marmar, CaCO3 bersaiz kecil bertindak
balas lebih cepat daripada ketulan marmar, CaCO bersaiz besar. 3

Based on the calculated rate of reaction at 120 s, small size marble chips, CaCO3 react faster than large size
marble chips, CaCO3.
(c) Maka, semakin kecil saiz ketulan marmar, CaCO3 semakin tinggi kadar tindak balasnya dengan
asid hidroklorik, HCl.
Hence, the smaller the size of the marble chips, CaCO3 the higher its rate of reaction with hydrochloric acid, HCl.
(d) Ketulan marmar, CaCO3 bersaiz kecil mempunyai jumlah luas permukaan lebih besar berbanding
dengan ketulan marmar, CaCO3 bersaiz besar.
Small size marble chips, CaCO3 have a larger total surface area compared to large size
marble chips, CaCO3.

Contoh/ Example:
0.1 g ketulan zink, Zn mengambil 50 s untuk bertindak balas lengkap dengan asid hidroklorik, HCl cair berlebihan, manakala
serbuk zink, Zn yang sama jisim memerlukan 30 s untuk tindak balas lengkap.
0.1 g of granulated zinc, Zn took 50 s to react completely with excess dilute hydrochloric acid, HCl, whereas zinc, Zn powder of the same
mass needed 30 s for complete reaction.
(a) Tulis persamaan bagi tindak balas zink, Zn dengan asid hidroklorik, HCl.
Write an equation for the reaction between zinc, Zn and hydrochloric acid, HCl.

Zn(p/ s) + 2HCl(ak/ aq) → ZnCl2(ak/ aq) + H2(g/ g)

(b) Kadar tindak balas serbuk zink, Zn dengan asid hidroklorik, HCl lebih tinggi
daripada kadar tindak balas
ketulan zink, Zn dengan asid hidroklorik, HCl kerana saiz zarah serbuk zink, Zn adalah lebih kecil .
The rate of reaction between zinc, Zn powder and hydrochloric acid, HCl is compared to the rate of reaction
between granulated zinc, Zn with hydrochloric acid, HCl because the particle size of zinc powder, Zn is .

B Kepekatan

1. Kepekatan larutan boleh diubah dengan menambah pelarut atau zat terlarut .
solvent solute
The concentration of a solution can be changed by adding or .

Semakin tinggi kepekatan bahan tindak balas, semakin tinggi kadar tindak balas.

Tujuan/ Aim:

The higher the concentration of reactant, the higher the rate of reaction.

kesan kepekatan bahan tindak balas ke atas kadar tindak balas.

To investigate the effect of concentration of reactants on the rate of reaction.
Penyataan masalah/ Problem statement:
Bagaimanakah kepekatan bahan tindak balas boleh mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas?
How does the concentration of the a reactants affect the rate of reaction?
Hipotesis/ Hypothesis:
Semakin tinggi kepekatan larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3, semakin singkat masa yang diambil untuk tanda ‘X”

tidak kelihatan./ The higher the concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3, the shorter the time taken for the ‘X’ mark
to disappear from view.

Pemboleh ubah/ Variables:


(a) dimanipulasikan/ manipulated: Kepekatan larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3

Concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3

(b) bergerak balas/ responding: Masa yang diambil untuk tanda “X” tidak kelihatan
Time taken for the ‘X’ mark to dissappear from view
(c) dimalarkan/ fixed: Suhu, isi padu dan kepekatan asid sulfurik, H2SO4, jumlah isi padu campuran, saiz kelalang kon
Temperature, volume and concentration of sulphuric acid, H2SO4, total volume of mixture, the size of conical flask

Bahan/ Materials:
Larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 0.2 mol dm–3, asid sulfurik, H2SO4 1.0 mol dm-3, air suling, kertas putih yang
bertanda ‘X’ di bahagian tengah
0.2 mol dm-3 sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3 2.0 mol dm-3, 1.0 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid, H2SO4 distilled water, white piece of
paper with a ‘X’ mark at the center
Radas/ Apparatus:
Kelalang kon 150 cm3, silinder penyukat 10 cm3 dan 50 cm3, jam randik
150 cm3 conical flask, 10 cm3 and 50 cm3 measuring cylinders, stopwatch

Prosedur/ Procedure: Pandang dari atas
Observed from above

Larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3

+ asid sulfurik, H2SO4
Sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3
+ sulphuric acid, H2SO4

Kertas putih bertanda ‘x’

White paper marked ‘x’

Rajah/Diagram 7.16 Susunan radas/ Apparatus set-up

1. 45.0 cm3 larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 0.2 mol dm-3 dituang ke dalam sebuah kelalang kon.
45.0 cm3 of sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3 is put into a conical flask.
2. Kelalang kon diletakkan di atas tanda ‘X’ pada kertas putih seperti ditunjukkan pada Rajah 7.16.
The conical flask is placed on the ‘X’ mark on the white paper as shown in Diagram 7.16.
3. 5.0 cm3 asid sulfurik, H2SO4 1.0 mol dm-3 disukat dengan silinder penyukat.
5.0 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid, H2SO4 is measured with a measuring cylinder.
4. Asid sulfurik, H2SO4 1.0 mol dm-3 dituang dengan cepat dan berhati-hati ke dalam kelalang kon. Pada masa yang

sama jam randik dimulakan.
The sulphuric acid, H2SO4 1.0 mol dm-3 is poured quickly and carefully into the conical flask. At the same time, the stopwatch is started.
5. Kelalang kon dipusarkan perlahan-lahan dan diletakkan semula di atas tanda ‘X’ pada kertas putih.
The conical flask is swirled gently and placed again on the ‘X’ mark.

6. Tanda ‘X’ diperhatikan secara menegak dari atas mulut kelalang kon.
The ‘X’ mark is observed vertically from the mouth of the conical flask.
7. Jam randik dihentikan sebaik sahaja tanda ‘X’ tidak kelihatan. Masa direkodkan.
The stopwatch is stopped immediately once the ‘X’ mark disappears from view. The time taken is recorded.
8. Eksperimen diulang dengan menggunakan larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 0.2 mol dm-3 yang telah dicairkan
dengan air suling seperti dalam Jadual 7.7. Isi padu asid sulfurik, H2SO4 1.0 mol dm-3 ditetapkan pada 5.0 cm3.
The experiment is repeated by using 0.2 mol dm-3 sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3 that has been diluted with distilled water
as given in Table 7.7. The volume of 1.0 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid, H2SO4 is fixed at 5.0 cm3.
Keputusan/ Results:
Jadual/Table 7.7

Eksperimen/ Experiment I II III IV V

Isi padu larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 (cm ) 3

45.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0

Volume of sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3 (cm3)
Isi padu air suling (cm3)
0.0 5.0 15.0 25.0 35.0
Volume of distilled water (cm3)
Isi padu asid sulfurik, H2SO4 (cm3)

5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0

Volume of sulphuric acid, H2SO4 (cm3)
Jumlah isi padu campuran (cm3)
50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0
Total volume of mixture, (cm3)
Masa diambil bagi tanda ‘X’ tidak kelihatan (s)
18.0 20.0 27.0 41.0 82.0
Time taken for the ‘X’ mark to disappear from view
Mentafsir data/ Analysing data:
1. Kepekatan larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 yang telah dicairkan boleh dihitung dengan formula, M1V1 = M2V2.
The concentration of dilute sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3 can be calculated using the formula, M1V1 = M2V2.

M1 = Kepekatan larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 asal

The original concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3
V1 = Isi padu larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 0.2 mol dm-3 yang digunakan
The volume of sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3 used
M2 = Kepekatan larutan nartium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 yang telah dicairkan
Concentration of the dilute sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3
V2 = Isi padu larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 yang telah dicairkan
Volume of the diluted sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3

M1V1 M1V1
Maka, kepekatan larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 yang telah dicairkan, M2 = =
Hence, the concentration of diluted sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3 V2 50
2. Kadar tindak balas berkadar songsang dengan masa tanda ‘X’ tidak kelihatan.
The rate of reaction is inversely proportional to the time taken for the ‘X’ mark to disappear from view.
1 / Thus, the rate of reaction = 1
Oleh itu, kadar tindak balas =
masa time
3. Data daripada Eksperimen 7.2 digunakan untuk menghitung kepekatan larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 yang
telah dicairkan dan kadar tindak balas.
Data from Experiment 7.2 is used to calculate the concentration of diluted sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3 and the rate of
Jadual/Table 7.8

Eksperimen/ Experiment I II III IV V

Kepekatan larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 yang
0.2  45 0.2  40 0.2  30 0.2  20 0.2  10
telah dicairkan (mol dm-3)
50 50 50 50 50
Concentration of diluted sodium thiosulphate solution,
Na2S2O3 (mol dm-3)
=0.18 = 0.16 = 0.12 = 0.08 = 0.04
1 (s–1)

Kadar tindak balas,
1 (s–1) 0.056 0.050 0.037 0.024 0.012
Rate of reaction,

4. Berdasarkan Jadual 7.8, plotkan graf kadar tindak balas, 1 melawan kepekatan larutan natrium tiosulfat,

Kadar tindak balas, _

Rate of reaction,
masa/ time

Based on Table 7.8, plot a graph of rate of reaction, 1 against concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3.





Kepekatan (mol dm–3)

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 Concentration (mol dm–3)

5. Berdasarkan bentuk graf, garis lurus menunjukkan bahawa kadar tindak balas adalah berkadar
terus dengan kepekatan natrium tiosulfat, Na S O . 2 2 3

Based on the shape of the graph, the straight line shows that the rate of reaction is directly proportional
to the concentration of sodium thiosulphate, Na2S2O3.
Pemerhatian/ Observation:
1. Larutan dalam kelalang kon menjadi keruh . Kekeruhan larutan bertambah dengan masa .
The solution in the conical flask turns cloudy
. The cloudiness of the solution increases with time .
2. Gas tidak berwarna dan berbau sengit terbebas./ A colourless and pungent smell gas was released.
Inferens/ Inference:
1. Kekeruhan larutan dalam kelalang kon disebabkan oleh pembentukan mendakan sulfur. .
The cloudiness of the solution in the conical flask is caused by the formation of sulfur precipitate. .
2. Gas terbebas ialah sulfur dioksida .
The gas released is sulfur dioxide .

Kesimpulan/ Conclusion:
Hipotesis diterima. Semakin tinggi kepekatan larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 semakin
tinggi kadar tindak balas.
Hypothesis is accepted. The higher the concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3 the higher
the rate of reaction.
Perbincangan/ Discussion:
1. Tulis persamaan kimia seimbang bagi tindak balas natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3dengan asid sulfurik, H2SO4.
Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction between sodium thiosulphate, Na2S2O3and sulphuric acid, H2SO4.
Na2S2O3 (ak/ aq) + H2SO4 (ak/ aq) → Na2SO4 (ak/ aq) + S (p/ s) + SO2 (g/ g) + H2O (ce/ l)
2. Berdasarkan persamaan kimia di Soalan 1, tuliskan persamaan ion bagi tindak balas.
Based on the chemical equation in Question 1, write the ionic equation for the reaction.
S2O32-(ak/ aq) + 2H+ (ak/ aq) → S (p/ s) + SO2 (g/ g) + H2O (ce/ l)
3. Mengapakah jumlah isi padu larutan dalam kelalang kon ditetapkan?
Why is the total volume of the solution in the conical flask kept fixed?
Kepekatan larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 berkadar terus dengan isi padu yang digunakan.

The concentration of sodium thiosulphate, Na2S2O3 solution directly proportional to the volume used.

4. Mengapakah kelalang kon yang sama digunakan dalam eksperimen ini?

Why is the same conical flask used in this experiment?
Saiz kelalang kon boleh menjejaskan masa yang diambil untuk tanda “X” tidak kelihatan.

Contoh/ Example:
The size of the conical flask can affect the time taken for the ‘X’ mark to disappear from view.

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan suatu eksperimen untuk mengkaji kadar tindak balas magnesium, Mg dengan asid hidroklorik,
HCl yang berbeza kepekatan.
Diagram below shows an experiment to study the rate of magnesium reaction, Mg with different concentration of hydrochloric acid, HCl.

50 cm3 asid hidroklorik, 50 cm3 asid hidroklorik,

HCI 2.0 mol dm–3 HCI 1.0 mol dm–3
50 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm–3 5 cm pita magnesium, Mg 50 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm–3 of
of hydrochloric acid, HCI 5 cm of magnesium, Mg ribbon hydrochloric acid, HCI

Bikar A Bikar B
Beaker A Beaker B

Keputusan eksperimen ditunjukkan dalam jadual di bawah.

The result of the experiment is shown in the table below.

Masa diambil untuk pita magnesium larut (s)
40 80
Time taken for magnesium ribbon to dissolve (s)

Berdasarkan keputusan eksperimen/ Based on the results of the experiment:

(a) Masa tindak balas dalam bikar A ialah 40 s dan dalam bikar B ialah 80 s
40 80
The reaction time in beaker A is s and s in beaker B.
(b) Kadar tindak balas dalam bikar A =
The rate of reaction in beaker A = 0.025 s–1

Kadar tindak balas dalam bikar B =
The rate of reaction in beaker B = 0.0125 s–1

(c) Kadar tindak balas dalam bikar A adalah lebih tinggi kerana asid mempunyai kepekatan yang lebih tinggi .
higher higher concentration
The rate of reaction in beaker A is because the acid has a .

C Suhu
Kadar tindak balas meningkat dengan peningkatan suhu.
The rate of reaction increases with increasing of temperatures.
Peningkatan suhu sebanyak 10 oC akan meningkatkan kadar tindak balas sebanyak 2 kali ganda.
An increase of 10 oC in temperature will increase the rate of reaction by 2 times.

Eksperimen 7.3
Tujuan/ Aim:
kesan suhu ke atas kadar tindak balas.
To investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction.
Penyataan masalah/ Problem statement:
Bagaimanakah suhu boleh mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas?
How does temperature affect the rate of reaction?
Hipotesis/ Hypothesis:
Semakin tinggi suhu larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3, semakin singkat masa diambil untuk tanda ‘X’ tidak kelihatan.

The higher the temperature of the sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3 the shorter the time taken for the ‘X’ mark to disappear from
Pemboleh ubah/ Variables:
(a) dimanipulasikan/ manipulated: Suhu larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3
Temperature of sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3

(b) bergerak balas/ responding: Masa diambil untuk tanda ‘X’ tidak kelihatan
Time taken for the ‘X’ mark to disappear from view
(c) dimalarkan/ fixed: Kepekatan dan isi padu asid sulfurik, H2SO4
Concentration and volume of sulphuric acid, H2SO4

Bahan/ Materials:
Asid sulfurik, H2SO4 1.0 mol dm-3, larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 0.2 mol dm-3, kertas putih dengan tanda ‘X di
1.0 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid, H2SO4, 0.2 mol dm-3 sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3 a piece of white paper with ‘X’ mark at the center
Radas/ Apparatus:

Kelalang kon 150 cm3, silinder penyukat 10 cm3 dan 50 cm3, jam randik, termometer, penunu Bunsen, tungku kaki
tiga, kasa dawai
150 cm3 conical flask, 10 cm3 and 50 cm3 measuring cylinders, stopwatch, thermometer, Bunsen burner, tripod stand, wire gauze
Prosedur/ Procedure:

1. 50 cm3 larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 0.2 mol dm-3 dimasukkan ke dalam sebuah kelalang kon. Dibiarkan
selama 5 minit.
50 cm3 of 0.2 mol dm-3 sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3 is poured into a conical flask. The solution is leaved for 5 minutes.
2. Suhu larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 0.2 mol dm-3 direkodkan.
The temperature of the 0.2 mol dm-3 sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3 is recorded.
3. Kelalang kon diletakkan di atas tanda ‘X’ pada kertas putih.
The conical flask is placed on the ‘X’ mark of the white paper.
4. 5.0 cm3 asid sulfurik, H2SO4 1.0 mol dm-3 dituang dengan cepat dan berhati-hati ke dalam kelalang kon. Jam
randik dimulakan serta merta.
5.0 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid, H2SO4 is poured quickly and carefully into the conical flask. The stopwatch is started
6. Kelalang kon dipusar perlahan-lahan dan diletakkan semula di atas tanda ‘X’ pada kertas putih.
The conical flask is swirled gently and placed again on the ‘X’ mark.
7. Tanda ‘X’ diperhatikan secara menegak dari mulut kelalang kon.
The ‘X’ mark is observed vertically from the mouth of the conical flask.
8. Jam randik dihentikan sebaik sahaja tanda ‘X’ tidak kelihatan. Masa direkodkan.
The stopwatch is stopped once the ‘X’ mark disappears from view. The time is recorded.
9. Langkah 1 hingga 8 diulang dengan menggunakan 50 cm3 larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 0.2 mol dm-3 yang
telah dipanaskan pada suhu 40 oC, 45 oC, 50 oC dan 55 oC.
Steps 1 to 8 are repeated by using 50 cm5 of 0.2 mol dm-3 sodium thiosulphate solutions, Na2S2O3 that have been heated to 40 oC,
45 oC, 50 oC and 55 oC.
Keputusan/ Results:
Jadual/Table 7.9

Suhu Masa diambil bagi tanda ‘X’ tidak Kadar tindak balas relatif, 1 (s-1)
Eksperimen t
Temperature kelihatan t, (s)
(Co) 1 -1
Time taken for ‘X’ mark to disappear, t (s) Relative rate of reaction, (s )
I 35 36.0 0.0278

II 40 29.5 0.0339

III 45 22.5 0.0444

IV 50 17.5 0.0571

V 55 14.0 0.0714

Mentafsirkan data/ Analysing data:

Berdasarkan Jadual 7.9, plotkan graf masa diambil bagi tanda ‘X’ tidak kelihatan melawan suhu dan graf kadar tindak
balas relatif melawan suhu.

Based on Table 7.9, plot the graph of time taken for ‘X’ mark to disappear against temperature and the graph of relative rate of reaction
against temperature.
Masa (s)
Time (s)





0 Suhu (°C)
35 40 45 50 55 Temperature (°C)

Rajah/Diagram 7.19 Graf masa diambil bagi tanda ‘X’ tidak kelihatan melawan suhu
Graph of time taken for the ‘X’ mark to disappear against temperature

1 –1
Kadar tindak balas relatif, _
(s )
Relative rate of reaction, t







0.020 Suhu (°C)

35 40 45 50 55 Temperature (°C)

Rajah/Diagram 7.20 Graf kadar tindak balas relatif melawan suhu

Graph of the relative rate of reaction against temperature

Pemerhatian/ Observation:
1. Pembentukan mendakan menyebabkan larutan menjadi keruh. Mendakan ini ialah sulfur yang
berwarna kuning .
The formation of a precipitate causes the solution to be cloudy. The precipitate is sulfur which has a yellow

2. Gas sulfur dioksida yang dibebaskan tidak berwarna dan berbau sengit .
Sulfur dioxide gas is liberated is colourless and has a pungent smell.
Kesimpulan/ Conclusion:
Hipotesis diterima. Semakin tinggi suhu larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3, semakin tinggi
kadar tindak balas.
Hypothesis is accepted. The higher the temperature of sodium thiosulphate solution, Na2S2O3 the higher the
rate of reaction.
Perbincangan/ Discussion:

1. Tuliskan persamaan ion bagi tindak balas natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 dengan asid sulfurik, H2SO4.
Write an ionic equation for the reaction between sodium thiosulphate, Na2S2O3 and sulphuric acid, H2SO4.
S2O32-(ak/ aq) + 2H+ (ak/ aq) →S (p/ s) + SO2 (g/ g) + H2O (ce/ l)
2. Bolehkah asid sulfurik, H2SO4 digantikan dengan asid hidroklorik, HCl? Jelaskan jawapan anda.

Can sulphuric acid, H2SO4 be replaced with hydrochloric acid, HCl? Explain your answer.
Boleh. Ion tiosulfat, S2O32- bertindak balas dengan ion hidrogen, H+. Ion H+ boleh diperoleh daripada sebarang

asid akueus./ Can. Thiosulphate ion, S2O32- reacts with hydrogen ion, H+. H+ ions are present in any aqueous acids.

3. Nilai 1 digunakan untuk mewakili kadar tindak balas. Jelaskan.

The value of t is used to represent the rate of reaction. Explain.

Nilai t ialah masa untuk tanda ‘X’ tidak kelihatan apabila satu jisim sulfur, S yang tetap telah terbentuk. Kadar
Jisim sulfur yang tetap terbentuk
tindak balas = Masa diambil . Jadi kadar tindak balas adalah berkadar songsang dengan masa.

The value of t is the time taken for the ‘X’ mark to disappear when a fixed mass of sulfur, S is formed. Rate of reaction
Mass of fixed mass of sulphur
= Time taken . Hence, the rate of reaction is inversely proportional to time, t.

Contoh/ Example:
Magnesium, Mg bertindak balas dengan air untuk membebaskan gas hidrogen, H2. Tindak balas ini ditunjukkan dalam dua
tabung uji A dan B di bawah.
Magnesium, Mg reacts with water to release hydrogen gas, H2. The reaction is shown in two test tubes A and B below.

Air sejuk
Cold water

Air panas
3 cm pita magnesium, Mg Hot water
3 cm of magnesium ribbon, Mg

Tabung uji A Tabung uji B

Test tube A Test tube B

Berdasarkan pemerhatian pada kedua-dua tabung uji, jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut.
Based on the observations on both test tubes, answer the following questions.

(a) Gas terhasil dalam tindak balas kerana terdapat pembentukan gelembung gas .
gas bubbles
Gas is produced in the reaction because are formed.

(b) Kadar tindak balas boleh dirumus berdasarkan kecergasan pembuakan yang terbentuk.
vigorousness of the effervescence
The rate of reaction can be deduced based on the that occurred.

(c) Kadar tindak balas adalah lebih tinggi dalam tabung uji B berbanding dalam tabung uji A .
The rate of reaction is high in test tube compare to test tube .

(d) Semakin tinggi suhu, semakin tinggi kadar tindak balas .

higher rate of reaction
The the temperature, the higher the .

D Kehadiran Mangkin
Presence of Catalyst
1. Mangkin ialah bahan kimia yang mengubah kadar tindak balas tanpa mengalami sebarang perubahan kimia pada

akhir tindak balas.
Catalyst is a chemical substance that alters the rate of reaction without being chemically changed at the end of the reaction.

Eksperimen 7.4
Tujuan/ Aim:

kesan kehadiran mangkin ke atas kadar tindak balas.
To investigate the effect of catalyst on the rate of reaction.
Penyataan masalah/ Problem statement:
Bagaimanakah kehadiran mangkin mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas?
How does the presence of catalyst affect the rate of reaction?

Hipotesis/ Hypothesis:
Kehadiran mangkin meningkatkan kadar tindak balas.
Presence of catalyst increases the rate of reaction.
Pemboleh ubah/ Variables:

(a) dimanipulasikan/ manipulated: Kehadiran mangkin/ Presence of catalyst

(b) bergerak balas/ responding: Kadar tindak balas/ Rate of reaction
(c) dimalarkan/ fixed: Suhu dan isi padu larutan hidrogen peroksida, H2O2, jisim mangan(IV) oksida, MnO2

Temperature and volume of hydrogen peroxide solution, H2O2, mass of manganese(IV) oxide, MnO2

Bahan/ Materials:
20-isi padu larutan hidrogen peroksida, H2O2, serbuk mangan(IV) oksida, MnO2, air suling
20-volume hydrogen peroxide solution, H2O2 , manganese(IV) oxide powder, MnO2, distilled water
Radas/ Apparatus:
Silinder penyukat 10 cm3, tabung uji, rak tabung uji, kayu uji, corong turas, kertas turas, bikar 150 cm3, kaki retort
dan pengapit, spatula, penimbang elektronik
10 cm3 measuring cylinder, test tubes, test tube rack, wooden splint, filter funnel, filter paper, 150 cm3 beaker, spatula, electronic balance
Prosedur/ Procedure:
1. Dua tabung uji dilabelkan dengan I dan II.
Two test tubes are labelled with I and II.
2. 5 cm3 larutan hidrogen peroksida, H2O2 dimasukkan ke dalam tabung uji I dan tabung uji II.
5 cm3 of hydrogen peroxide solution, H2O2 is put into test tube I and test tube II.
3. Kedua-dua tabung uji diletakkan pada rak tabung uji.
Both test tubes are placed in the test tube rack.
4. 0.5 g serbuk mangan(IV) oksida, MnO2 dimasukkan ke dalam tabung uji II. Sebatang kayu uji didekatkan dengan
cepat ke mulut kedua-dua tabung uji.
0.5 g of manganese(IV) oxide powder, MnO2 is added into test tube II. A wooden splint is quickly placed into the mouth of both
test tubes.

5. Perubahan yang berlaku pada kayu uji berbara diperhatikan dan direkodkan.
Changes occured to the wooden splint is observed and recorded.
Pemerhatian/ Observation:
Jadual/Table 7.10
Tabung uji
Test tube
Kandungan Tanpa mangan(IV) oksida, MnO2 Dengan mangan(IV) oksida, MnO2
Contents Without manganese(IV) oxide, MnO2 With manganese(IV) oxide, MnO2

• Kayu uji menyala dengan lemah . • Kayu uji menyala dengan terang .

Wooden splint glows weakly . Wooden splint glows brightly .

Observation • Pembuakan sangat perlahan . • Pembuakan cergas .

Very slow effervescence. Rapid effervescence.

Inferens/ Inference:

1. Gas yang terbebas menyalakan semula kayu uji berbara.
Oxygen gas released rekindles the glowing wooden splint.
2. Lebih cepat penguraian hidrogen peroksida, H2O2, lebih cepat kayu uji berbara dinyalakan semula.
The faster the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, the faster the glowing wooden splinter rekindle.
Kesimpulan/ Conclusion:

Hipotesis diterima. Kehadiran mangkin meningkatkan kadar tindak balas
Hypothesis is accepted. The presence of a catalyst increases the rate of reaction
Perbincangan/ Discussion:
1. Tuliskan persamaan kimia bagi penguraian hidrogen peroksida, H2O2.
Write a chemical equation for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, H2O2.
2H2O2(ak/ aq) → 2H2O(ce/ l) + O2(g/ g)
2. Lakarkan graf untuk menunjukkan perubahan isi padu gas oksigen, O2 dengan masa daripada penguraian
hidrogen peroksida, H2O2 dengan mangkin dan tanpa mangkin.

Sketch graphs to show the change in volume of oxygen gas, O2 with time from the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 with
a catalyst and without a catalyst.

Isi padu oksigen (cm3)


Volume of oxygen (cm3)

Dengan mangkin
With catalyst

Tanpa mangkin
Without catalyst

Masa (s)
Time (s)

Uji Kendiri 7.2
1. (a) Nyatakan empat faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas.
State four factors that affect rates of reactions.
Kepekatan bahan tindak balas, saiz bahan tindak balas pepejal, suhu tindak balas, kehadiran mangkin
Concentration of reactants, size of solid reactants, temperature of reaction, presence of catalyst

(b) Nikel(II) karbonat, NiCO3 bertindak balas dengan asid nitrik, HNO3 mengikut persamaan yang berikut.
Nickel(II) carbonate, NiCO3 reacts with nitric acid, HNO3 according to the following equation.
NiCO3(p/ s) + 2HNO3(ak/ aq) → Ni(NO3)2(ak/ aq) + H2O(ce/ l) + CO2(g/ g)
Nyatakan dua cara untuk meningkatkan kadar tindak balas ini.
State two ways to increase the rate of this reaction.
1) Gunakan asid nitrik, HNO3 dengan kepekatan yang lebih tinggi.
Use a higher concentration of nitric acid, HNO3.

2) Gunakan nikel(II) karbonat, NiCO3 dalam bentuk serbuk.

Use nickel(II) carbonate, NiCO3 in powder form.

2. Dua eksperimen dijalankan untuk mengkaji faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas 1.5 g magnesium, Mg
dengan asid hidroklorik, HCl berlebihan. Keputusan ditunjukkan dalam bentuk graf di bawah.
Two experiments are carried out to investigate the factors that affect the rate of reaction between 1.5 g of magnesium, Mg with
excess sulphuric acid, H2SO4. KBAT Menganalisis

Isi padu gas hidrogen (cm3)
Volume of hydrogen gas (cm3)

Eksperimen II
Experiment II
Eksperimen I
Experiment I

Masa (s)
Time (s)

(a) (i) Namakan gas yang terhasil/ Name the gas formed.
Hidrogen/ Hydrogen
(ii) Apakah radas yang digunakan untuk mengumpul dan menyukat gas yang terbebas?
What is the apparatus used to collect and measure the gas liberated?

Buret atau picagari gas/ Burette or gas syringe

(b) Apakah perubahan yang dilakukan untuk memperolehi graf seperti Eksperimen II?
What changes to be made to obtain a graph like in Experiment II?
1) Asid hidroklorik, HCl dengan suhu yang lebih tinggi/ Hydrochloric acid, HCl of a higher temperature.
2) Asid hidroklorik, HCl dengan kepekatan yang lebih tinggi/ Hydrochloric acid, HCl of a higher concentration.
3) Magnesium, Mg dalam bentuk serbuk/ Magnesium, Mg in powder form.

7.3 Aplikasi Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kadar Tindak Balas dalam

Application of Factors that Affect the Rate of Reaction in Daily Life

Semakin kecil saiz zarah, semakin besar luas permukaan untuk tindak balas berlaku. Kadar tindak
balas meningkat dan tindak balas tamat dalam masa yang singkat.
surface area
The smaller the particle size, the larger the for reaction to occur. Rate of reaction
and the reaction is completed in short time.

Contoh/ Example:
(a) Memasak daging/ Cooking meat
• Daging kisar cepat dimasak./
meat cook faster.
(b) Pembakaran arang/ Burning charcoal
• Cebisan kecil arang terbakar lebih cepat dah lengkap untuk menghasilkan api yang panas.
Small pieces
of charcoal burns faster and more complete to give a hotter flame.

(c) Tablet antasid dikunyah sebelum ditelan/ Antacid tablet

is chewed
before swallowing.

• Serpihan kecil lebih cepat bertindak balas dengan asid dalam perut. .
acid in the stomach.
Small pieces react faster with .
(d) Memasak kentang/ Cooking potatoe
• Jalur kentang cepat dimasak./ Potatoe
cook faster.

Semakin tinggi kepekatan, semakin tinggi bilangan zarah bahan tindak balas per unit isi padu. Lebih
banyak tindak balas dapat berlaku per unit masa. Kadar tindak balas meningkat.
number of reactant particles
The higher the concentration, the larger the per unit volume. More

reactions can take place per unit time. Rate of reaction increases.
Contoh/ Example:
(a) Pengaratan besi/ Rusting of iron
• Hujan asid mempercepatkan kakisan besi./ Acid rain speeds up rusting of iron.
(b) Meneutralkan asid dalam perut/ Neutralising acid in stomach

• Mengambil 2 tablet antasid lebih berkesan./ Taking 2 tablets of antacid is move effective.
(c) Pembakaran arang/ Burning of charcoal
• Mengipas arang mempercepatkan proses pembakaran./ Fanning burning charcoal speeds up the combustion process.
(d) Menghilangkan kesan kotoran/ Removing dirty stains
• Larutan peluntur yang tidak dicairkan lebih berkesan./ Undiluted bleach solution is more effective.
Semakin tinggi suhu, semakin tinggi tenaga bahan tindak balas . Lebih banyak tindak balas dapat
berlaku per unit masa. Kadar tindak balas meningkat.
energy of reactant particles
The higher the temperature, the higher the per unit volume. More reactions can
take place per unit time. Rate of reaction increases.
Contoh/ Example:
(a) Memasak makanan dalam periuk tekanan/ Cooking food in a pressure cooker.

• Takat didih air meningkat dengan peningkatan tekanan . Makanan cepat masak pada suhu tinggi .
increases with pressure high temperature
Boilling point of water . Food cook faster at .
(b) Menyimpan makanan dalam peti sejuk/ Keeping food in refrigerator
• Suhu rendah

melambatkan pembiakan mikroorganisma.

low temperature
The slows the growth of microorganisms.
(c) Membakar biskut/ Baking cookies
• Biskut terbakar lebih cepat pada suhu tinggi .
faster at higher temperatures
Cookies bake .
(d) Menghilangkan kesan kotoran/ Removing dirty stains
• Membasuh pakaian dalam air panas lebih cepat menghilangkan kotoran.
much faster
Washing clothes in hot water removes stain .

4. Mangkin ialah bahan kimia yang ditambah kepada suatu tindak balas untuk meningkatkan kadar
tindak balas supaya tindak balas dapat tamat dalam masa yang lebih singkat .
to increase the rate of reaction
A catalyst is a chemical that is added to a reaction to so that the reaction can
be completed in a time.
Contoh/ Example:
(a) Proses Haber untuk membuat ammonia ./ Haber Process to make

• Mangkin yang digunakan ialah besi ./ Catalyst used is iron


(b) Proses Ostwald untuk membuat asid nitrik ./ Ostwald Process to make
nitric acid

Mangkin digunakan ialah platinum ./ Catalyst used is platinum .

(c) Proses Sentuh untuk membuat asid sulfurik

/ Contact Process to make sulphuric acid
• Mangkin digunakan ialah vanadium(V) oksida ./ Catalyst used is vanadium(V) oxide .

(d) Proses penghidrogen untuk membuat marjerin ./ Hydrogenation process to make margarine .

• Mangkin digunakan ialah nikel ./ Catalyst used is nickel .

(e) Pengubah bermangkin./ Catalytic converter.
• Mengurangkan pencemaran oleh gas ekzos kenderaan./ Reduce pollution from vehicle exhaust gases.
• Mangkin digunakan ialah platinum./ Catalyst used is platinum.

Uji Kendiri 7.3

1. Namakan mangkin yang digunakan dalam proses berikut.
Name the catalyst used in the following process.
(a) Proses Haber/ Haber Process: Besi/ Iron

(b) Proses Sentuh/ Contact Process: Vanadium(V) oksida/ Vanadium(V) oxide
(c) Proses Ostwald/ Ostwald Process: Platinum/ Platinum
(d) Proses penghidrogen/ Hydrogenation process: Nikel/ Nickel
2. Terangkan pemerhatian berikut. KBAT Mengaplikasi
Explain the following observations.

(a) Serbuk arang meletup apabila dinyalakan/ Coal dust explodes when ignited.
Serbuk arang terdiri daripada zarah yang sangat kecil dengan jumlah luas permukaan yang sangat besar. Kadar
tindak balas dan haba yang tinggi dibebaskan semasa pembakaran menyebabkan letupan.
Coal dust consists of very fine particles with very large total surface area. The high rate of combustion and large amount of
heat released causes an explosion.

(b) Kentang masak lebih cepat jika dipotong kepada kepingan nipis atau jalur/ Potatoes cook faster when cut into thin
slices or strips.
Kepingan nipis dan jalur menghasilkan jumlah luas permukaan yang besar untuk tindak balas berlaku.
Thin slices and strips produce a large total surface area for reaction to take place.

(c) Makanan yang digoreng masak lebih cepat berbanding makanan yang direbus/ Foods that are fried cook faster than
Air mendidih pada suhu sekitar 100 oC, manakala minyak mempunyai takat didih yang lebih tinggi. Kadar
tindak balas meningkat dengan peningkatan suhu./ Water boils around 100 oC, whereas oil has a much higher boiling

point. The rate of reaction increases with increasing temperature.

(d) Penapaian glukosa kepada alkohol memerlukan ragi/ Fermentation of glucose to alcohol requires yeast.
Ragi ialah mangkin biologi yang mempercepatkan proses penapaian/ Yeast is a biological catalyst to speed up the
fermentation process.

(e) Dalam enjin kereta, campuran wap petrol dan udara dimampatkan sebelum diletupkan/ In a car engine, a mixture of
petrol vapour and air is compressed before it is exploded.
Apabila campuran dimampatkan, kepekatannya bertambah untuk membolehkan lebih banyak tindak balas
berlaku per unit masa. Kadar tindak balas meningkat dan campuran gas meletup./ When a mixture of gases is
compressed, its concentration increases to allow more reactions to occur per unit time. The rate of reaction shoots up
and an explosion occurs.

Pautan Interaktif
Soalan tambahan dalam Uji Kendiri 7.3.
Additional question in Uji Kendiri 7.3.

7.4 Teori Perlanggaran
Collision Theory

Menurut teori kinetik jirim, jirim terdiri daripada zarah-zarah yang seni dan diskrit
1. .
According to the kinetic theory of matter, matter is made up of tiny and discrete particles .

Zarah dalam jirim sentiasa bergerak dan berlanggar antara satu sama lain.
The particles in matter are in constant motion and constantly colliding with one another.

Semasa perlanggaran tenaga dipindahkan antara zarah. Maka, tenaga kinetik zarah-zarah adalah berbeza dan
sentiasa berubah.
During collisions the energy is transferred between the particles. Hence, the kinetic energy of the particles differ and
constantly changing.
Menurut teori perlanggaran, untuk menghasilkan suatu tindak balas, zarah-zarah bahan tindak balas harus:
According to the collision theory, for a reaction to occur, the particles of the reactants must:

(a) Berlanggar antara satu sama lain.

Collide with one another.

(b) Mencapai tenaga pengaktifan (tenaga minimum yang perlu ada pada zarah-zarah bahan tindak balas
supaya tindak balas dapat berlaku)
Achieve activation energy (the minimum energy required by particles of reactants for reaction to occur)

(c) Berlanggar dalam orientasi yang betul .

perlanggaran berkesan SI
Collide in the correct orientation

(d) Perlanggaran yang memenuhi kriteria dan menyebabkan tindak balas berlaku dikenali sebagai

A collision that meet the criteria and cause reactions to occur is known as an effective collision .
A Tenaga Pengaktifan
Activation Energy
1. Tenaga pengaktifan ditakrifkan sebagai tenaga minimum yang mesti ada pada zarah bahan tindak balas
untuk berlanggar dengan berkesan dan memulakan tindak balas. Tenaga ini diperlukan untuk memecahkan ikatan.

Activation energy is defined as the minimum energy the reactant particles must have to collide effectively and initiate
a reaction. This energy is needed to break the bonds.
Tindak balas yang berlainan mempunyai tenaga pengaktifan yang berlainan . Lebih tinggi tenaga
pengaktifan, lebih perlahan tindak balas berlaku.

Different reactions have different activation energies. The higher the activation energy, the slower
the reaction occurs.
Tenaga pengaktifan diwalkili dengan simbol Ea.
The activation energy is represented by the symbol Ea.
Pada rajah profil tenaga, tenaga pengaktifan merupakan perbezaan tenaga dari paras tenaga
bahan tindak balas dengan tenaga di puncak lengkung graf.
In the energy profile diagram, the activation energy is the difference in energy between the energy level of the reactants

and the energy at the peak of the curve in the graph.

(a) Energy

tindak Ea
Reactants Hasil

Lintasan tindak balas/ Reaction path

Rajah/Diagram 7.17 Rajah profil tenaga bagi tindak balas eksotermik

Energy profile diagram of exothermic reaction

(b) Tenaga

Bahan Products

Lintasan tindak balas/ Reaction path

Rajah/Diagram 7.18 Rajah profil tenaga bagi tindak balas endotermik

Energy profile diagram of endothermic reaction

Apabila zarah bahan tindak balas yang tidak mempunyai tenaga pengaktifan mencukupi berlanggar, zarah akan
melantun balik tanpa berlaku tindak balas.
bounces back
When the reactant particle with not enough activation energy collides, the particle without any
reaction occur.

B Orientasi Perlanggaran
Collision Orientation
Zarah bahan tindak balas juga perlu berlanggar pada orientasi yang betul untuk menghasilkan
perlanggaran berkesan.

Contoh/ Example:

The reactant particles also need to collide in the

Tindak balas gas hidrogen, H2 dengan gas klorin, Cl2 untuk menghasilkan gas hidrogen klorida, HCl.
Reaction between hydrogen gas, H2 and chlorine gas, Cl2 to form hydrogen chloride gas, HCl.
H2(g/ g) + Cl2(g/ g) → 2HCl(g/ g)
orientation to produce an effective collision.
H Cl H Cl H Cl

H Cl H Cl H Cl
Berlanggar Pemecahan ikatan dan
Collide pembentukan ikatan
Bond breaking and

bond formation

Rajah/Diagram 7.19
(i) Molekul mempunyai tenaga mencukupi untuk mengatasi tenaga pengaktifan.
Molecules possess enough energy to overcome activation energy.
(ii) Molekul berlanggar dengan orientasi yang betul./ Molecules collide at the correct orientation.

(iii) Perlanggaran berkesan./ Effective collision

(iv) Tindak balas berjaya. Tindak balas berlaku./ Reaction successful. Reaction occurs.
Cl Cl
Cl Cl
Berlanggar Melantun
Collide balik

Rajah/Diagram 7.20
(i) Molekul mempunyai tenaga mencukupi untuk mengatasi tenaga pengaktifan.
Molecules possess enough energy to overcome activation energy.
(ii) Molekul berlanggar dengan orientasi tidak betul.
Molecules collide at incorrect orientation.
( iii) Perlanggaran tidak berkesan. Maka, molekul melantun./ Ineffective collision. Thus, the molecules bounce.
(iv) Tindak balas tidak berjaya. Tindak balas tidak berlaku.
Reaction not successful. No reaction occurs.

C Perlanggaran Berkesan dan Kadar Tindak Balas
Effective Collision and Rate of Reaction
Kadar tindak balas bergantung kepada kadar perlanggaran berkesan.
The rate of reaction depends on the rate of effective collisions.
Lebih tinggi frekuensi perlanggaran berkesan, lebih tinggi kadar tindak balas. Lebih rendah frekuensi perlanggaran
berkesan, lebih rendah kadar tindak balas.
The higher the frequency of effective collisions, the higher the rate of reaction. The lower the frequency of effective collisions, the
lower the rate of reaction.

D Kesan Kepekatan ke atas Kadar Tindak Balas

Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Reaction
Zarah bahan
tindak balas
Particles of

Kepekatan bahan
tindak balas bertambah
Concentration of reactant
(a)  Kepekatan rendah (b)  Kepekatan tinggi
  Low concentration    High concentration

Apabila kepekatan bahan tindak balas

bilangan zarah per unit isi padu
the number of particle per unit volume
SI .
Rajah/Diagram 7.25

,/ When concentration of the reactant

frekuensi perlanggaran antara zarah bertambah./ the frequency of collisions between particles increases.

frekuensi perlanggaran berkesan antara zarah bertambah.
effective collisions
the frequency of between particles increases.

kadar tindak balas bertambah ./ the rate of reaction

E Kesan Saiz Bahan Tindak Balas ke atas Kadar Tindak Balas


Effect of Size of Reactant on the Rate of Reaction

Bahan tindak balas
Bahan tindak balas dihancurkan bersaiz kecil
Bahan tindak balas kepada saiz kecil Small size reactant
Reactant is broken up

bersaiz besar
Big size reactant into small size

LuasKetulan bahanbahan
permukaan tindak balas (b)  Cebisan
Luas bahanbahan
permukaan tindak balas
tindak balas of
   Block terdedah
reactantkepada tindak balasfragments
   Small terdedah kepada
of reactant
perlanggaran kurang perlanggaran bertambah
Surface area of reactants Surface area of reactants
exposed to collision is less
Rajah/Diagram 7.22 exposed to collision increases
Apabila bahan tindak balas bersaiz kecil,/ When the size of reactants is small,
• jumlah luas permukaan terdedah bahan tindak balas kepada perlanggaran bertambah.
total surface area
the of reactants exposed to collision increases.

frekuensi perlanggaran antara zarah bertambah .
the frequency of collisions between particles .

frekuensi perlanggaran berkesan antara zarah bertambah .
the frequency of effective collision between particles .

kadar tindak balas bertambah .
the rate of reaction .

F Kesan Suhu ke atas Kadar Tindak Balas
Effect of Temperature on the Rate Of Reaction

Apabila suhu bertambah,/ When the temperature increases,

• tenaga kinetik zarah bahan tindak balas
Zarah bahan tindak balas
Particles of reactant bertambah.
Zarah bahan tindak balas kinetic
Particles of reactant the energy of the reactant particles

frekuensi perlanggaran antara zarah
(a)  Suhu rendah
bertambah .
Suhu tindak balas meningkat
   Low temperature
Temperature of reaction increases the frequency of collision between particles
Suhu tindak balas meningkat increases
Temperature of reaction increases

lebih banyak zarah dapat mengatasi tenaga
Zarah bahan tindak balas
Particles of reactant pengaktifan.
Zarah bahan tindak balas overcome
Particles of reactant more
Tenagaparticles able to the
activation energy.


frekuensi perlanggaran Tanpa
mangkin bertambah./
Ea No catalyst
effective collision
the frequency
Bahan of Dengan mangkin increases.
(b)  Suhu tinggi •
tindak balas
Ea' bertambah
With catalyst
   High temperature Reactants

Rajah/Diagram 7.23

G Kesan Mangkin ke atas Kadar Tindak Balas

Effect Of Catalyst On The Rate Of Reaction
SI the rate of reaction

Hasil tindak balas/ Products

Lintasan tindak balas/ Reaction path

Tanpa mangkin
Tanpa mangkin
Ea No catalyst
No catalyst
Bahan Dengan mangkin
tindak Dengan mangkin
Ea' With catalyst Ea With catalyst
Reactants Bahan Ea' Hasil tindak balas/ Products

Hasil tindak balas/ Products Reactants

Lintasan tindak balas/ Reaction path Lintasan tindak balas/ Reaction path

Tenaga (a) Tindak balas eksotermik (b) Tindak balas endotermik

Energy Exothermic reaction Endothermic reaction

Rajah/Diagram 7.24
Tanpa mangkin
Apabila mangkin ditambah kepada suatuNotindak
catalyst balas/ When a catalyst is added to a reaction,
Dengan mangkin
• Ea
mangkin menyediakan lintasan alternatif
With catalyst dengan tenaga pengaktifan yang lebih rendah bagi tindak balas.
Bahan Ea' alternative
Hasil tindakpathway
balas/ Products
the catalysttindak
provides an with a lower activation energy for the reaction.

lebih banyak zarah bahan
Reactants tindak balas dapat mencapai tenaga pengaktifan yang rendah.
more reactant particles able to the lower activation energy.
Lintasan tindak balas/ Reaction path

frekuensi perlanggaran berkesan antara zarah meningkat .
the frequency of effective collision between particles .

kadar tindak balas bertambah ./ the rate of reaction

Ek stra
Ekstra Tip
Mangkin tidak merendahkan tenaga pengaktifan bagi suatu tindak balas. Mangkin menyediakan lintasan tindak balas alternatif
dengan tenaga pengaktifan, Ea yang lebih rendah daripada tenaga pengaktifan asal./ Catalyst do not lower the activation energy of a
reaction. It provides an alternative pathway with lower activation energy, Ea compared to the original activation energy.

H Tindak Balas Eksotermik dan Endotermik
Exothermic Reaction and Endothermic Reaction
Tenaga Tenaga
Energy Energy

Bahan Hasil
tindak Ea tindak
balas balas
Reactants Hasil Bahan Products
tindak tindak
∆H (negatif/ balas balas ∆H (positif/positive)
negative) Products Reactants

Lintasan tindak balas/ Reaction path Lintasan tindak balas/ Reaction path

(a)  Tindak balas eksotermik (b) Tindak balas endotermik

Exothermic reaction Endothermic reaction
Rajah/Diagram 7.25 Gambar rajah profil tenaga bagi tindak balas eksotermik dan endotermik
Energy profile diagrams for exothermic reaction and endothermic reaction

Perubahan tenaga boleh berlaku semasa tindak balas kimia./ Changes in energy can occur during chemical reactions.

• Tindak balas yang membebaskan tenaga haba ke persekitaran dinamakan tindak balas eksotermik .
Reactions that release heat energy to the surroundings are called reactions.

• Tindak balas yang menyerap tenaga haba daripada persekitaran dinamakan tindak balas endotermik .

Reactions that absorb energy from the surroundings are called
• Perubahan kandungan tenaga semasa bahan tindak balas bertukar kepada hasil tindak balas dinamakan
haba tindak balas dan diwakili dengan simbol ΔH.
The change in energy content that occurs when reactants are changed into products is called as
represented by the symbol ΔH.
heat of reaction
Uji Kendiri 7.4
1. Nyatakan perkara penting dalam teori perlanggaran untuk menghasilkan suatu tindak balas.
State important facts in the collision theory for a reaction to occur.
1) Zarah-zarah bahan tindak balas harus berlanggar antara satu lain./ The particles of the reactant must collide with one

2) Zarah-zarah bahan tindak balas harus mencapai tenaga pengaktifan/ The particles of the reactant must achieve
activation energy

3) Zarah-zarah bahan tindak balas harus berlanggar dalam orientasi yang betul/ The particles of reactant must collide

with correct orientation

2. Gunakan teori perlanggaran untuk menerangkan pemerhatian yang berikut.

Use the collision theory to explain the following observations.
(a) Pisang hijau yang disimpan dalam peti sejuk tidak akan masak/ Green bananas kept in the refrigerator will not ripen.
Pada suhu yang rendah, tidak banyak enzim dalam pisang mempunyai tenaga mencukupi untuk mengatasi
tenaga pengaktifan. Bilangan tindak balas berjaya per unit masa adalah sangat rendah. Maka, kadar
pisang masak adalah sangat perlahan./ At low temperatures, not much enzyme inside the banana have enough
energy to overcome the activation energy. The number of effective reactions per unit time is very low. Hence, the rate of
ripening of the banana is very slow.
(b) Bangunan daripada marmar dalam kawasan perindustrian lebih cepat terkakis.
Marble buildings in an industrial area corrode faster.
Kilang membebaskan gas berasid ke dalam atmosfera. Gas berasid larut dalam air hujan untuk menghasilkan
hujan asid. Kepekatan asid dalam hujan asid adalah tinggi. Frekuensi tindak balas kakisan berkesan bertambah.
Kadar kakisan marmar bertambah./ Factories in industrial zone releases acidic gases into the atmosphere. These
acidic gases dissolve in rain water to produce acid rain. Concentration of acid in acid rain is high. Frequency of effective
corrosion reaction increases. Rate of corrosion of marble goes up.


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