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rs *flo*l* i

My First Grammar is a fun and easy grammar book series designed for young English learners.
The grammar concepts and activities in this series are designed for the needs of elementary school
students from the second to fourth grade. My First Grammar uses a spiral approach in presenting
essential grammar points..This allows students to study from any book in the series without missing
important grammar points. My First Grammar provides various learner-centered activities, which
encourage active learning. Colorful illustrations and real photos help students.use visualization skills
in their learning process.

My First Grammar's main concern is nurturing a feeling of success while students learn grammar.
By providing age-appropriate grammar structures, sentences, and activities, this grammar series
helps students maintain the feeling of success and interest. Constant linking and cumulative reviews
ensure that students reuse the grammar concepts and retain them.
My First Grammar offers three books in the series. Each book consists of 6 units of four lessons.
Each lesson is designed to provide curriculum for one full class. For this reason, there is no need for
teachers to prepare individual lesson plans. Cumulative quizzes and progress tests which are
included in each book, enable teachers to monitor and assess their students' language development
throughout the course.
Teachers are of great importance to the success of their classrooms. The Teacher's Manual of
My First Grammar will assist them in using the materials to their greatest potential. With-thdfull set of
materials from My First Grammar, teachers will be given the tools to create a lasting English mastery
within their students.

Organization of the Workbook '1G


Q Look and Learn sections present the grammar concepts with an additional explanation in
Korean. This helps students clarify the grammar concepts they have learned in English in class.
Students will have the chance to learn grammar terminology both in English and Korean.

I Look and Practice sections provide a number of various activities that help consolidate the
grammar targets.

C Link and Review sections help students prepare for the cumulative quizzes in the following
lessons. All of the previous targets are revisited and linked through various learner-centered

Fre=en* $irr:#e e$d .Cs,€r+,*rr€
Lesson I Present Simple: Be-Verts 06
Lesson 2 Present Simple: Affirmatives and Negatives 09
Lesson 3 Questions
Present Simple: Yes/No 12
Lesson 4 Present Continuous 15

Future und Pa*f

Lesson I Future: WillAVon't 18
Lesson 2 Future:Will...? 21
Lesson 3 Past: Was/Were 24
Lesson 4 Past: RegularVerbs 27

fi*#+ g*.,F'g=*
Lesson I Past: lrregularVerts 30
Lesson 2 Past: Negatives 33
Lesson 3 Past: Yes/No Questions 36
Lesson 4 Progress Test 1 39
Lesson 2 Adverts 45
Lesson 3 Comparatives 48
Lesson 4 Superlatives 51

Lesson I 54
Lesson 2 Nouns and Articles 57
Lesson 3 Some/Any + Noun 60
Lesson 4 Prepositions of Place and Time 63

Lesson I 66
Lesson 2 What/Who/Whose with Be -Verts 69
Lesson 3 What with Common Verbs 72
Lesson 4 Progress Test 2 75
Presen* Simple and Gontinuous
Lesson 1 Prceent Simple: Be-Verbs

lBe E,tlsl flrt1,q41 Present Simpl*: tse-Verhs

O (Be) 5llts '-0lrf el Fg 7l^lq, (am, are, islet $ *+71 ?ltr|.
rbe + notrolq, gEE€ {Be} Ell€ +ol g0ll Ert.
@ (Be) 5^lel +83

AEE Atfirmative FBE Negative 9EE Question

Amy is in the classroom. , She is not a teacher. ls she a student?
The boys are in the house. They are not hungry. Are they thirsty?

o +qrE3 rllB^lef (Be) E^|.= Ge) €AEl {not}B €?l Soltrl,

l'm . We're You're They're r He's She's ' lt'$
l'm not , We're not You're not They're not He's not She's not lt's not
, We aren't You aren't They aren't He isn't She isn't lt isn't

A. Look and write.

ffi It isri+ a snake rt's an alligator.

@ She a nurse. an artist.

-+-W r,
we sad. happy.

@ - -
in the living room. in the kitchen.

e#€)€d The boys in the house. in the car.

[There +E] There is/afe... , .,, :'

O (There is/are.'.)ts '-ol ?ltrf'sl Eolq, SSE* {There isn't/aren' t"'), 9IBEB (ls/Are there"'?)0lc[.
B€€ Aftitr4iv€ S8B Negative 9EE Question
a book. a book' a book?
There is There i"nt ls there
some milk. any milk. any milk?
There are some pens. : There aren't any pens. ni" tn"t" unv p"nti
@ (There is"')ts E + ?l= E,{tel S+B sfB €.*-.E*.'*W+ A4 sg!r.l.
@ finere are"')ts € + ?lb g^f,si &.+*tl ##1,': B

Look and write.

There c,-rerdt any cats. There a radio. There any juice.

There a.r:e some dogs. aTV some milk.

B. Read and write dfli,ls or are.

Amy and I
Amy student. I a student too. Amy's

dad _ a policeman. My dad _ a doctor. Amy

and I friends. We _ in the classroom now.

There desks and chairs. The desks big and the chairs
small. There a clock in the classroom. The clock _ round.
C. Look, circle and write.

W r!
Yes, (}
they dogs?
they c.rerdt

you a bus driver?


Yes, No,

he a basketball player?
Yes, No,

it a school?
i Yes, No,

5 the boys in the classroom?

Yes, No,

6 there a knife on the table?

Yes, No,

D. Look and write the question.

fs *here a cake?
Yes, there is.

2 any orange juice?

No, there isn't.

3 any apples?
No, there aren't.

4 any milk?
Yes, there is.

Present Simple and Gontinuous
Lesson 2 Prcsent Simple: Affirmatives and Negatives

lEril,rlflol 38=zt +EE] Prerent Simple: Affirmatives and Negatives

o -d^H^l^11= E^|ig EJeqts as0lLl SE|E LIEIH Efl t&?]trl.
@ -d^H^l^ilol
3EE *t€*r**,tiv*Ul,\1 +cl7l 3?18 E+ *?z*t*.*!i1g 3+ts El.lel EEt|oil El-at E,'.fsl +lotl
(-s/-es)E EoJrl.
. +415/.|- :*S'*i*r,;*r**'..t/.loll (-s)E E0l= a0l 4+E0lLl, (-s, -ch, -sh, -x)E ELI= 5,\l"=
(-es)E E0lq, '^l= + y.Ltr Er-lE 5^l= (y)E (i)e H[+I (-es)= E?.!tl.
+ eats
eat watch + watches .. cry + cries
. E+rl=/.l irr*gzsi*r v'*r**'. +^l0l g.t[.
have * has go 4 goes do + does

@ E4,\lllol +EE rz*g=z,iv*01,'N +ol7t 1 '2EA ** z*;*z: lEts ga ,x*!y*zslz**yg Z+011ts

rdon't +
E.,tlflE,= #tt.
You speak English. ** You don't speak English.

@ E^ll^l^ll +E=oll,\J +cl7l 30Ja E+ *rz**=*tZz* €.+ 'doesn't +.Ei4ge.L= srl.

Amy drinks milk. 4 She doesn't drink milk.

@ (don't) ts (do not)sl. (doesn't)ts (does not)el +EEoltrl.

ok and Practice
A. nead and write the correct verb form.
s€ry My mom gets u.p late on Sundays.
t- '..takg., My dad a bus to work on Mondays.
? 'nav John baseball praclice on Tuesdays
:,, :,: ,,,t::,,

4 ,,,'..8[9,t.t' John to school by bus on Wednesdays.

5 ,,.'!*s,r My mom the laundry on Thursdays.

:.i:r ,::: :rij:t.:: :

6 * Amy Spanish on Fridays,

7 w,a,t ,: Amy movies on Saturdays.

B. Look and write.

I dor^lt drink orange juice every day.

ffi rrr::::r::r: milk every daY'

My dad a motorcycle.
ffi6= He a car.

Amy at 8 o'clock.

@ 'e she at 7 o'clock.

My grandpa reh(s
@Z They in an apartment.
%7 .?..

John soccer every day.

He tennis every day.

Mr. Lewis a taxi.

He a bus.

C- Number and write.


Jo1rn doesrJt speok chinese.,

nk and Review
A. Read and write.

, t He is not a teacher. I'le isrlt a teacher.

2r not hungry. hungry.

3 They not dogs. dogs.

4 Amy not in class. in class.

5we not thirsty. thirsty.


B. Read and write rs or are.

A* fhe Loo

We at the zoo. There some flowers. There

lions. There an elephant. There alligators and snakes. There
- monkeys. There a tiger. There a zebra. We
thirsty. Oh, look! There some orange juice in the bottle.

C. Look and write the question or the answer.

1, ffi , les,,, Are low a- Aoctor ?

ffitr ,, r Yes, lam.


i ls it a school?

a candle on the table?

3i Ye1, there

Are there any spoons?
4: :

Presen* Simple and Gontinuous
Lesson 3 ;',,.'ffitt Simple: Yes/l.lo Questions

[fl{l,lllllgl Yes/No 9EE] Present Simple: Yes/No Questions

O fies/No) 9EE +#*sticn3 'Gl/olLl9.'e fifB sri***r6'lb etEEoltl.

@ E^H^llloll^l +ol7t 1 ' 2?18 Ely*zs Ei E+ w*Jy**lth*yB B+ stEE9 EEH=
'Do + +q +
O +cl7l 3oJe E+ she,rre'ri9 e+ql= rDoes + +ol + E,\lflE"'?r0ltf.
fYes, +ol + do/does..:, +89 trllb rNo, *ol + dont/ tllBEltrl.
@ 3tr9 ttlli

EE Question c|lgf Answer

Do you walk to school? . Yes, I do. No, I don't.

Does Amy walk to school? Yes, she does, No, she doesn't.

Look and Pra

A. Read and write.
Do they like basketball? Yes. thev do
Amy get up early? Yes,

you speak French? No,

John listen to radio? No,

Ken and Ben live in a city? Yes,


your dad drive to work? Yes,

Willy go shopping? No,

I the girls have short hair? No,

B. Look and write the question or the answer.

Do?S she pla-Y the piano?

Yes, she does.
they sports?

Yes, they do.

in your country?

Yes, it does.
Do you inline skate?

Do dogs like snow?

Does he speak Chinese?

C. Change the sentence to the question form.

I I drink milk every day. Do yo u drink milk every day?

2 He has lunch at 1 o'clock. he lunch at 1 o'clock?

3 Rabbits have long ears. rabbits long ears?

4 She watches TV every day. + she TV every day?

5 We do the dishes every day. + yoU .. the disher|r"r,:.:r,


A. Vtatch the question and the answer.

1 Are you hungry? t#, # Yes, there is.

2 Does he like dogs? " a, Yes, they are.

3 ls there any juice? :ffi::.

& No, he doesn't.
4 ls your mom a teacher? ..:€; ;@ Yes, they do,\

5 Do they play computer games? :.41s: iffi' Yes, I do.

' ''j
6 Are they tennis players? \-rltt
\t' No, l'm not.

7 Do you have a pet? ,&-.

@ Yes, she is.

B. Read and write.

o There a-rQ red pens on the desk,

x There red pens on the desk.

there red pens on the desk?


o il" her hands before meals.

x She her hands before meals.

she her hands before meals?


I a bus driver.

a bus driver.

you a bus driver?


PreenG $imple and Gontinuous
Lesson 4 Continuous

tflrt1lggl Present Continsour

O E^l|fl=de pr*s*r:t +*r'rti*r:**s8 Erl{ TIB Atl Ea€ *Etdtl.
'-oE ?l= el rbe EAI EIllE +
Erl -ing:E *r[.
=oltrl =01q,
A€E Afiirmalive +88 Negative : nlEE Question
Amy is eating. drinking.
She isn't : ls she drinking ?
The boys are playing. They aren't studying. i Are they studying ?

@ S/.lverbel <-inpBE trJEts SEg E&el EE}lc|l qal4 37rrl €.+7t ?ltl.
.718 gHJ4oJ e?-+ E,\loll (-ing)= E"Jrl.
stand -* standing speak -* speaking eat ** eating
. (e)e EL|.ts E,ile] 3? (e)E fi,ol|r (-ins)= E?1trI.
dance -* dancing write *S writing ride + riding
. rEE= + trJtrle-jotr. ELI= S/.lel 3? -d H tl l _L (-ing)E EoJtrl.
run -* running sit * sitting get :F getting

A. Choose and write the correct verb form.

speak *F speaking dance *F dancing
1 rea-din3 I riJig
,& $
run 4 runnrng
6 13
7 i4
stoB play drive go take hug wf,shl,',,,,,s
Word Balk
have walk \# V flv eat w,F
B. Look and write.
hD What is everyone doing now?

1r^x o o
nota I nota uut | "u*
John holdinq a
iSrJ+ --------------- ball. , The boys a cake.
They pvza.

4 **\

shep I write run I walk

Amy The horses

She a letter. They

J x o 6 xAa tftsag-\b
: ll :i' EH
I ,UJ cu
sing I dance sit I stand

The girl The clown

She He

C. Look and write the question or the answer.


1 fs your dad his car?

Billy: No, he isn't.

Hlryt'ded you your bike?

Billy: Yes, I am.
,,' .

3 ls your mom listening to music?

Bltlys mdm
4 Is you r sister playing the piano?


Link and Review
A. Look and write the correct verb form.

{ Every Day 3{

Now 3

@ @
They aredt pla.Ying basebal! now.
They Plt Y baseball every day.
They a-re pla-ying soccer.

@ awallm;)
She to school now.
She to school every day.
She the bus to school.
f €/

@ A!vgv.)

English now.
They English every day.
They French.

B, Change the sentence to the question form.

1 The kangaroos are jumping. + Are the kangaroos jr,trnPing ?

2 There are some flowers. *i any flowers?

3 We eat dinner at 7 p.m. + you dinner at7 p.m.?

4 She is doing the laundry now. -i she the laundry now?

5 The giraffe has a long neck. -+ the giraffe a long neck?

17 ::
. .',,n#iP#
Future and Past
Lesson 1 Futurc: WilllWon't

lolal|,rlfil9 a€Ert +€EI Furure:llgill/ltrron't

O ElaHi.l^ll {urureE LHg, ttg + Eleflel Lt+H q l^q, '-g Aolq'q
6 n1a1.t1xll9 3€ affir*ativ*3 =+
51lgBr0ll, +€ **g*?ive8 rwill not =oltt.
+ 5^lflEroltf.

*in"rrn-:- 3€E Affirmative +8E

,:-i ;ii;:-will -

. will study tomorrow.

not study tomorrow.
: Amy
It will be sunny tomorrow. It will not be sunny tomorrow.

@ (will not)E EG,\l (won't)tr *tl.

A. Read and write.

1 do the laundry t@*@
Tim wordf do fhe lc-,*ndry tor^omow
He will lo the la-u,ndrv this r"reekend

2 visit my friend tomorrow this weekend

3 go shopping tomorrow this weekend

My mom

4 clean the house tomorrow this weekend

My family


B. Look and write.

readabook [
%oz ffi.
*ur.t amovie bewindy I u"rrnny
A A'f:o
I wor{t rea"d a- book tomonow. It tomorrorar.

I wilt wa-tch a 'novi9 tomorrow. It tomonow.

3 A# Qflo4

-Yffi -4get up late

I s"t uR ""rtl wear boots I wear sneakers

Ken tomorrow. Amy tomonow.

He tomorrow. She tcmorrow.

o x o
. -r'-\
o. 6

rain ! snow study math I study fnglish

It tornorrow. We tomorrow.
It tomorrow. We tornorrow

C. Write the sentence in the right order.

My friends $oe*er ,tcme,nsw qren't ptfry

at a restalrrant have tBElor,rsirs My, fer*tlV '' ,,dififlsf;'':,lqlill

thie'$unday ttrE pf#s Bat 'vir*ntt


Link and Review ffi
A. Use the words on the Ieft and complete the sentences.

x | ),-,, not readirq a, book now.
,,,,,, , lread a bOOk
o I will real a. book tomorrow.

o The boys now.
o their homework
x They tomorrow../

x Sam now.
3 ,r,,.,, ride his bike
l l:; '
oHe tomorrow.

owe now.
,,snash the windows
xWe tomorrow.
B. Read and write the correct verb form.

Amy hc-s a big family. She doesrit |i.,re, tn

l. have 2. live (X)

a big city. She in a small town. She a puppy.

3. live 4. have

It very cute. There a big garden in her

5. be 6. be

house. There many beautiful flowers in the garden.

It is Sunday today. lt sunny. lt now

8. be (X) 9. rain

Amy now. She a computer

10. study (X) 1 1. play

game. lt tomorrow. Amy to school

I 2. snow 13. walk (X)

tomorrow. She a bus to school.

1 4. take

Future and Past
Lesson 2 Future: will...?

lElEll/.ldol 9IEEI Future:Will...?

rWitl +
O Elatl,t.l^llel 9EE qu**ti*n8 fol + EilEiB."?:0lrl.
@ ttl'J a*swerP 3dg q= #ol + will..l, +BE rllE tNo,
rYes, +ol + won't.Jolq.
xlE/ Question
=u : 4B
you I I

will they study tomorrow? Yes, they will. No, they won't.
Ar"y she she
wiil it be windy tomorrow? Yes, it will No, it won't.

A. Read and write the answer.

1 Will Mrs. Green do the laundry tomorrow? Yes,

2 Will they get up early tomorrow? No,

3 Will it be sunny tomorrow? No,

B. Change the sentence to the question form.

I lt will rain tomorrow.

Will it ra-in *ornorr ow?

I will wash my dog tomorrow.

They will have lunch at school tomorrow.
Tim will play basketball tomorrow.


B. took and write the question or the answer.

to Do

Will yo* prnartice terrnis

(n't"-t-re {w
Yes, I will.
1 tomorrow?

2 Will you listen to music tomorrow?

3 tomorrow? Yes, I will.

x x
to Do

Yes, she will.

Amy .s tomorrow? No, she won't.

i5 Will she practice dance tomorrow?

to Do @w
( playgamesl Cj@ @er--!@
,f Will the boys play games tomorrow?

The Boys: I tomorrow? Yes, they will.

i9 tomorrow? Yes, they will.

nk and Review
A. took and write the answer.
ls she playing the flute now?

No, she isrlt

2 Does he study English every day?

3 Will they watch a movie tomorrow?

B. Look and write the question.

she every day?

Yes, she does.

the horses now?
Yes, they are.
they tomorrow?
Yes, they will.

a tennis ball in the box?

Yes, there is.

Future and Past
Lesson 3 Fs " VUas/UVerc

lBe EJ'lel 3[4J.lfil] Past WasFuLere

O (Be) E:,tlol zfz,\lril pastts '-olHrf e.l *€ TlrlH (was, were)9 F ?Itr|.
(amlis i was are i were) =+71

eEE Affirmative : +€E Negative 9EE Question

l/He/Shellt was . l/He/Shellt wasn't Was l/he/she/it... ?
YouAfle/They were YouMe/They weren't
was wasn't ;i Was
There There there... ?
were: weren'tiWere
@ (Be) alz/.lfilsl +88 negative$ (was/were + not)olrl"
@ (Be) =/.l
E^l Tlz,rl^Jl9 e.lEE questionp (Was/Werel# +01 S0ll Et[.
@ (was not)9 4e+EE (wasn't), (were not)el *EEg (weren't)0lrl.

A. Rewrite the sentence in the past tense.

Today Yesterday

1 l'm not at the library today. -* I wasn't at the library yesterday.

2 She isn't sad today. :*

3 There aren't any monkeys today. -+
4 My friends are at the park today. -*
5 There is some milk today. :*
6 My dad is sick today. *+

7 Are there any students in the room? -+

B. Look and write.

jD Write was, were, wasn't, or weren't.

11 wa^s
Sunday yesterday. lt very $unny.

There any clouds in the sky. There a baseball

3 4

game at the baseball stadium. The game in the afternoon.


John and his friends at the baseball stadium yesterday.


There many people there. The baseball game

very exciting. lt a good game. John and his friends


happy yesterday.

Ken at the stadium yesterday. He sick.

1t 12

;l> Write the question and the answer.

I Wc-s it cloudy yesterday? No, i* wa^srd*,

& there a tennis game yesterday?
3 there many people at the stadium?
4 Ken at the stadium?

5 the baseball game exciting?

A. find the mistake and correct it.

they have-dinner at school t%*,

My mom doesn't go shopping tomorrow.
There aren't any milk in the glass.
Are the girls siting on the chairs now?
Amy and her mom are at home yesterday.
o @ @
?s-: aa> uP. ,* '2-n -t;t:

B. Use the word on the left and complete the sentence.


? 2, :, gS",,,,'.,,.' i, . Ben to a movie every Sunday.
?. . : .. ,i
,. be.,,,. ,,'$',,:, I at a party yesterday.


4: praetice t? you baseball tomorrow?
i i'1' """',

5i ,r
*'1, .t they dinner now?
1. i
6. be It cloudy tomorrow.

i :
, 7 have iX Karen a pet.


i sutf, ! X They the Internet now.

: '' ":' :'''"'

9i be, i X There a soccer game yesterday.

Future and Past
Lesson 4 P,aet; Hegular Verbs

lut7{/.ll{I t=l5,^.tl Past: Regular lierbs

6 gx1.rlfl presenti +ol7t 3?.!e E+ she/helitB B+ E/.l.Fl0l (-s/-es)E E0lr*f, rtT.l/.lll pastoll,lE
5^fol atzEol +c10il qal gel^l^l gbE+.

trx]|ltI1l Present lMeffou/They walk. i She/Hellt walks.

4:j^l4l Pasl lANelf ouff heylShe/He/lt walked.

€) +rlE/.t regurar verbts rl4Eg Et= nll gEEl ;+Elg tll-.Etrl.

.7|.8 "JHJ4?I
'J?E 51l0ll (-ed)= E?.!rl-.
ask =* asked clean + cleaned wash + washed
. e-tr Et-[ts 4?
E/.lsl (-d)oJ EoJtl.
dance *+ danced practice * practiced live * lived
.'x[3 + ylE E+= E,\lel 3+, (y)E (i)e H[+-Z (-ed)= E?.!tt.
study 4 studied cry * cried try -* tried

E <rE
€lr9lr! EPr"3r

A. Choose and write the correct verb form.

ask 4 asked dance 4 danced
worked g


cry * cried
6 T2

Word Bank
study play try Iike watch SNOW
I practice live try wash te/. visit
Wli:\:Y",, '

B. took and write the correct verb form.

@ (o
My dad coo?eA for us yesterday. My brother yesterday.

She yesterday. They yesterday.

5 6

My mom yesterday. My friends _ a movie yesterday.

C. Look, choose and write.

O @ @

yesterday yesterday yesterday

1 Ar",v)s /r^on1 c'rt AaA wa-lked in the terda-y,


Amy's brother
word Bank lT' .
listen to music walk$re park
wash her dpg

A. Use the verb on the left and complete the sentences.

1 work every day.

work 2 now.

{o} 3 yesterday.

4 tomorrow.

5 Mike every day.

6 He now.
7 He tomorrow.

I We our mom every day

help "',,
o We our mom now.
We our mom tomorrow.

, 11 Ken tennis every day

12 He tennis now.
13 He tennis tomorrow.

B. Write the sentence in the right order.

at yesterday ,,, $am ,, hsme vYas

friends tomorrow $!g***tg :,:i .- . . ,* =.-Yg!l. ,,.,- {Y,*, ' .+;,:S9-*.

3 yesterday weren't
,r"LlYg. classes
afl! 6!
";.;.4. --: _

More on Past
Lesson 1 ,ffit trryegular\brbs

lul7.l,l'lfl E+ElS.[tl Past: IrregularVerbs

O -dfi,\l4l presentts +Gl7l3?18 E+ shelirelitg 3+ 5,ll Fl0ll (-sl-es)E Eolr-1, ufz,\lfl past0ll,\iE
E^lsl rtzBol +c10il 4a[ Eal^lrl Lr=rl-.
Ailllr1l Presenl lMeffoulThey come. i She/He/lt comes.
r.l71^lr1l Pasr lAtVeff ou/They/ShelHe/lt came.

@ irregularverbsL rl7.lB= EjE= g8?l tulot S,tl.

!if4 E t lrregularVerbs
do *t did : go 4 went , run 4 ran stand 4 stood
drink ** drank have 4 had
see *? SAW take *+ took
eat ,,4 ate read 4 read sit 4 sat wake 4 woke
get * got " ride €*e rode sleep .*4 slept write wrote

A. Look and write the past form of the verb.

I 2 3

eat * read **

4 E 6

: ride ** sleeP ** drink 4

7 I I

sit + See *F write *4

B. Look and write.
h) What did everyone do yesterday?

My dad at 6:00 yesterday. My mom

3 4

( r!qE-l Gry"ffi-@
John at 11:00 yesterday. They at 7:00 yesterday.

5 6

He yesterday. Amy yesterday.

7 8

@l cffi@]
She yesterday. The women yesterday.

C. Write the sentence in the right order.

1 ! wrote I yesterday ! letter : a I nllr.Johnson

2: .l
a lw": movie
T yesterday : SAW

3: at home
yesterday I
dinner ! ate ! rney I

31 :

. i:G
A. Use the words on the left and complete the sentences.
xtt doesrit rc,in every day:
olt rc-ined yesterday.

X Tom every day.

2 ride hls bike
OHe yesterday.

X John every day.

slcep a lot
OHe yesterday.

X Bill and Kate every day.

4 study math
O They yesterday.

B. Look and write the question or the answer.

Will he play the piano this Sunday?

No, he wodt
€iA,h&i"mt He will plav the violin this Sunday.

2 Amy now?

Yes, she is.

was there a tennis ;;;; y"steroay ?

%W No,

ffiR a baseball game yesterday.

4 Do they go to church on Sundays?


5 Will you get up early tomorrow morning?


More on Past
Lesson 2 Pas* Negatives

lrll.t\l{lol +€81 Past: Negativer

o al-z^l^lle] +8E nesativeS +cl0ll 8sH0l rdidn'r + S,\lgErE *EI.
388 Affirmative +8E Negative
lffoulShe lffou/She
The boys came. The boys didn't come.
Amy Amy

Look and Practice

A. Look and write.
F) What did everyone do yesterday?

x, Q 2
:ffi lm ,. r@-

-?*lfle \J-) *Jo [4 r

-- \\!7; \ 1,
I didrl+ clea-n my room yesterday. Tim yesterday.

I plc,yed outside yesterday. He yesterday.


@@.'aB (I;*atr*D.G@
They in line yesterday. We at home yesterday.
They in line yesterday. We yesterday.


B. took and write.


Do-List 'i

fsr ,

lbster'day !
=.-* +* 4.. -4. >:,. /5.4

1 I 1ot trp 9c,rlY yesterday.

li 2 I Jid'{t wc,lk to school yesterday.
3 yesterday.
:::.::= =



? Do-List
ifari: =

i Yesterd ay 1

.:: := : @AE""rqtirm
+:= --.. ---.s=

4 They yesterday.

2 rhey Z
5 They yesterday.
x= 6 They yesterday.


,Ntr -.iir i'c! ,.++: .a+r; j:? DPi

7 Sam


Link and Review
A. Circle the correct answer.

ls she wearing boots?

@ Yes, she is. @ No, she doesn't. @ No, she won't.
Mike and his friends at the school concert yesterday.
O aren't @ was @ weren't
My sister sad yesterday. She yesterday.
C is, cries @ was, cry @ was, cried
John clean the windows tomorrow? Yes, he
@ Does, does @ Will, will @ ls, is
Are you reading now?
@ Yes, you are. @ No, I'm not. @ Yes, Iwill.
We our grandparents yesterday.
O didn't visit @ arevisiting @ don't visit
It hot yesterday. They ice cream yesterday.
@ was, eating @ is, eat @ was, ate

She her homework tomorrow.

@ won't do @ didn't do @ doesn't do
He now. He is walking now.
I @ won't run @ isn't running @ doesn't run
It sunny tomorrow. lt will be cloudy tomorrow.
@ won't @ wasn't @ won't be

Will you come to school tomorrow?

O No, lwon't. @ Yes, I did. @ Yes, you will.

They soccer yesterday. They practiced baseball.

@ won't practice @ didn't practice @ aren't practicing

More on Past
Lesson 3 Fas* Yedt'lo Questions

lut4,\lrllq 9IEEI Pasr Yes/No Questions

o zful.r.lrllol Yes/No 9E=e 'Did + +ol + tAlgB..'?r0ltt.
@ 3tr"J ullts Yes, +q + did.r, +8"J 41ts *Ol + didrit.jB E]|=J-Llrt.

EE Quesiion r[|EJ Answer

youlhe llhe

Did the boys come? Yes, they did. : No, they didnl.
Amy she : she

Look and Practice

A. Choose and write.

I DiA John qo ioqqinq yesterday? Yes, he did

2 the boys yesterday? No,

? it yesterday? No,

4 they yesterday? Yes,

5 VOUT yesterday? Yes,

6 Amy yesterday? No,

I _ she yesterday? No,

I vou yesterday? Yes,

so)qgfiins do the dishes get up at 7:00

Word Bank have soccer practice drink juice rain
study at the library study for the test

B. Look and write.

ffi @
DiA he lrive
No, he didn't.
his car yesterday?

she her hair yesterday?

Yes, she did.
( wash )

Did you listen to music yesterday?
Did it snow yesterday?
he TV yesterday?
Yes, he did.

Did they go to the concert yesterday?


C. Change the sentence to the question form.

1 I listened to music yesterday. -l Di

2 -|
They went shopping yesterday.

3 He drove to work yesterday. +

4 Tim ran home yesterday. +
5 We slept a lot yesterday.
Link and Review
A. wtatch the question and the answer.

\.(tJ(iDtltJl t
, {a{ ,",, .ARsvver ''
1 D.idvoud|ve1oworkyesterday?',,, 6 No, there wasn't.

2 u
Yes, did,

3 Are the dogs playing outside? Yes, they are.

4 Was there a party yesterday? o

Yes, he does:

5 Does he like basketball? No, they won't.

B. Use the verb on the left and complete the sentences.

2r run i*.,Sh,9"'I9.:9|9o!v9:I9Fqy:
to she school yesterday?
, ?:

a. a 4 4 ei44 4 2 4 + -n.; rlz e4 ? Z Z 4 AZ 4 A a l e A + Z r 4 4 + 4 41.4 e. Z + * 4 + a E e 44 eZ* 4 + * a 4.
' =

' ' ' '

windy tomorrow

4 be ix It windy tomorrow.

iz windy tomorrow?

i No,

More on Past
Lesson 4 Test 1

A. Wirte the correct verb forms.

1 stand sfa-nd in3

2 eat

3 try

4 live
J sit / -l

B. Read and write the correct verb forms.

We Jidn't ride our bikes yesterday.
yesterday x
tomorrow o We will ride our bikes tomorrow.

2 go
My mom to the gym on Mondays.
on Mondays x
on Fridays o She to the gym on Fridays.

3 study
John English now.
now x
yesterday o He English yesterday.

4 be
It sunny tomorrow.
tomorrow x
this weekend o It sunny this weekend.

C. Read and write the correct verb form.

Thursday yesterday. !t sunny.

i. be 2. be

Amy a fight with her sister. She sad.

3. have 4. be

March 12 She . She the piano.

Thursday 5.cry 6. practice (X)

Friday today. lt now.

7. be 8. rain

Amy rain. She her breakfast now. {X) 1 0. eat
| 'l ,r,r 1; ['1I
She milk and pancakes for breakfast
1 1. drink 1 2. have
March 13
Friday every day. Oh, no! There any milk today.
13. be (X)

Saturday tomorrow. lt windy.
14. be

Amy outside tomorrow. She at

16. play i z, be (X)

home. She kites with her friend. She

18. fly i 9. visit

March 14 her friend tomorrow. Amy and her friend a

20. watch
movie together.

F) Write the question and the answer.

1 Wa-s Amy happy yesterday? No. she wc-sJ+
2 she practice the piano yesterday?
3 it raining now?
4 there any milk today?
5 Amy visit her friend tomorrow?
6 she be at home tomorrow?

D. flnd the mistake and correct it.


John is writes a letter now.
They {l#n:t drank coffee yesterday.
0@ @

4 Does she read a newspape,r yesterday?

My family went shopping tomonow.
6 Wi!! it srow tornorrow? Ye$, it dses.
c@ 6

E. Look, choose and write.

1 Yesterday Nour 3 Tomorrow

Ken Ken's sister

clean her room play tennis

1 yesterday.

2 now.

3 tomorrow.

, ::iai]

Adiectives and Adverbs
Lesson 1

tEEAll Adjectives
O EE^t adjectivets EAl nounE Tq+ZLl g^tE *El{E #EEFI.
rf+ 4 e8,t.i Common Adiectives
happy = sad , easy difficult ,
big small hungry

big little hot cold boring interesting : thirsty

long short : fast slow ; cheap expensive . funny

tall shott , new old : uglY beautiful . nice

old young high low safe dangerous : angry

€) Et^t7l E&= +q= q= 'BE^l + E^tr +&01trt.

Amy has a backpack. -i Amy has a new backpack.
We see buildings in a city. -i We see tall buildings in a big city.

o EE/.lTl- E/.lel diEfl= €E--J nllE rbe E l + EE^l., +AJoltl.

hungry Ken ** Ken is hungry. fast airplanes * The airplanes are fast.

A. Choose and write the opposite adjective.

1 a player a tall player (-) a Short player ffi ffi
Word Bank
2 coffee cold coffee +-) coffee
J a movie a boring movie H movie funny

(-) heavy
4 a cat a happy cat an cat
E {-} horse
a, a horse a fast horse
o a box a light box F+a box shefr

v a man a young man (.{an man slow t

small i
I a room : a big room +-) room ,..,**',*..w.

B. Look and write.
1 2

She is a girl. It is a camera.

She is s bea.rf i{nl girl, It is an

It is a train. They are horses.

Itisa They are
5 6
,Iohn is a student. It is a mountain.
Heisa Itisa
7 I

It is a table. They are dogs.

Itisa They are

tltbrd Bank
high be\fiful round smart
fast happy young expenstve

C. Read and rewrite the sentence.

1 lt is an interesting story. + The story is interestinc,
2 lt is a hungry tiger. -l
3 They are big alligators. +
4 lt is a safe place. -i
5 lt was a new car. -l
nd Review .

A. Use the words on the left and complete the sentences.

O Sara AoeS gxQ,rcis9 every day,

do exercise X,She every day.
2' she every day?
,o tomorrow.
2 go Joggrng :x We tomorrow.
.2 you tomorrow?

o They yesterday.

3 wash the windows X They yesterday.

? they yesterday?

o Jimmy now.

* have lunch X He now.

2 he now?

B. Look, choose and write.

boring hungry sweet angry

& t.,,

The baby is saA . Mom

She wants her mom. I want a snack. Let's clean up the mess.

4 5 6

This book today. The cake

I don't want to read it. Wear your winter jacket. I want to have some.

Adiectives and Adverbs
Lesson 2

t+.[ll Adverbs
O +,t.l adverbL EltE/.t action verbE +4lsE, EqEl.fel e.lnl= +i1l4o-e -u.flalrl.
rl+ Fll
iAts Common Adverbs
slowly fast well poorly r carefully : easily
early late quietly
ioudly : hard , happily

@ +,\l= "JHJ4ge E;{ Fl0il +l^l-drf: r5^l + +ll.r

My grandma drives. 4
My grandnna drives slowly.
Ken gets Ken gets up early on Sundays.

@ E^l0ll +4ol7l 9l= q= '5^l+ q4q + +^L +^l0ltrl.

I play the drum. -* I play the drum loudly.
Amy speaks English. *+ Amy speaks English well.

k and Practice
A. Look, choose and write.
'l ne eats. He eats fast. H Hs e6-*s slowly
2 She tatks. She talks loudly. (-) She

3 I speak English. I speak English wel!. +-)

4 They get up. They get up early. {-) They

5 She smiles. She smiles happily. (-) She

S The train came. The train came early. {-} The train
V We play. We play loudly. (-) we
& She drives. She drives fast. {-} She

poorly slowly late quietly sadly

Word Bank
(x 1) (x2) {x2} ix2) (x 1)


B. Look and write. Match the picture with the sentence.


E :',r.WCfd Bank
loudly well
, early

k) What did Amy do before and after the test?

Amy s* for the test ha-rd

She got up

Sfie did on the test.

g*@fr* back home

5 $he *ang a,*Eg

C. Write the sentence in the right order.

1 playing I quietly I John I piano I the lisl
2 easily I her I Ann I does I homework I

3 They I fast I comic I books I read

4 rides I carefully I motorcyele I his I Mr.Lewis I

and Review
A. Look, choose and write.
They d idri+ ea-+ sandwiches yesterday. (X)
They a-*€ pizzayesterday. (O)

you your room tomorrot(


3 HM
at school yesterday. (X)

at the hospital. (O)

4 ###
Sunflowers aren't short.
They are

@ The baby is sleeping now.

ffi# My dad is walking out

Miss. Green works
Ken is
@* He wants some snack.

#'s6ffi; It is outside.
li, i+i..\at-11::' \' . !:1..-'.-: ;-ir+!:L.:, ri:+r.:.lij!::ra!-i:-,lriijiii:!ltii

be clean beautiful tall early fast

drink \ef dangerous hungry hard happily
ride watch hot nGw Ioudly quietty
Adiectives and Adverbs
Lesson 3

Look and Le

tHlEEl Comparatives
O ultrE comparative3 Tllel tll8g Hllu-g q $H, rHli[B + thanL0l4.
My qister is older than l. I think skydiving is more dangerous than snowboarding.

@ 13tr E8^te-l HijlE

. EE^tel Eoll (-er)E EEtl.
fast -* faster -) cheaper
cheap high :i higher
.EE^l7t IEES + E^|g-ro+ E'J 3? -d E tl 4r (-er)E EoJtrl.
big *| bigger ^tE=
hot { hotter
. eE EL[ts EEIIE 2J+ (-r)"J E?.ltt.
nice * nicer safe -; saler large ** larger

G) 2=tr oldi= TITI EE^IE HIE=

. EEI[e.l Soll (more)= EoJtl.
dangerous -+ more dangerous beautiful -* more beautilul
.23atr BE/.l7l (y)E Et-tE (y)E (i)e u[+r (-er)g EoJtt,
easy ** easier happy -) happier heavy * heavier

@ gE-d +.101 Hts EE^tel HIEE

good ** better bad *i worse

Look and Practice E+_q:k

A. write the comparative form.
1 old * 7 difficult *+

7. heavy + I smart -+
3 good *+ I interesting **

4 expensive + 10 big -+

5 easy + 11 beautiful -i
6 cheap *i- 12 happy :l

B. Look and write.

1 *,?
ffi I Yor+n$er tharr
am--.---r--.--------?- my dad.
\v W
My dad is older *ha-n t.
@ w
The airplane is the train.
The train is the airplane.
E/ a;*
ffil-V ffi1qt John is Mike.
@87 \C7
, | @_
,,t -(talllsirore
Mike is John.

The car is the bike.
The bike is the car.

T" d.y
Yesterday Amy didn't feel good.

R Tday Amy feels yesterday.

6 Iuw@ _tl*:l t@TE1 Amy thinks English is math.

,- <.-: I l^-
- t t--* =7
/- -l t- *t
Amy thinks math is English.

The basketball is the tennis ball.
The tennis ball is the basketball.

MP3 player is my cell phone.

My cell phone is my MP3 player.


,. l,l,tl
A. Circle the correct answer.

Sam is climbing the tree

C easy @ easily @ easier

I think swimming is than jogging.

0 more fun @ fun @ funny

0 play poorly socoer @ soccer play poorly @ play soccer poorly

Bangkok is Moscow.
O hot @ hotter @ hotter than
My dad's watch is than my watch.
0 more expensive @ expensive @ expensively

to the beach yesterday.

@ don't go @ didn't go @ doesn't go

Ken studied for the test

O harder @ hard @ hardly

Today lfeel yesterday.

C bad than @ badly than @ worse than

B. Write the sentence in the right order.

1 is / bird / The / happily / blue / singing /

2 shorter / The Mississippi / than / the Nile / is I . I

3 are ldangerous / Sharks/than /dolphins / more I .l

4 angry / drum I is I boy I loudly / The / ptaying / the I.I

Adiectives and Adverbs
Lesson 4

tElSEI Superlatives
O 818= superlative8 lll 7tl olAtsl tl|Sg HIE-* q r q, '7ttt ':e!'e.l *E 7tl!tl.
@ 5l8E $ollts (the)E 3tt: rthe + il#Er
The Nile is the longest river in the world.

€) 13tr E8^tel Et.s;

. E$/.le] E0ll (-est)E EoJtl.
fast 4 fastest cheap 4 cheapest high 4 highest
. BE^tTt rEEB + trJrlBrotr E'J 3+ rlg= -d H rl 1 r
(-est)E EoJrl.
big *+ biggest hot * hottest
. eE El|ts EE/.lel ZP (-st)oJ E?.ltl.
nice * nicest sale ** safest large 4 iargesl

@ zPgtr ol8= TtTl eE&9 El8;

. BE/.le] Soll (most)E E?.!tt.
dangerous -+ most dangerous beautiful -l most beautiful
.z=tr EE^l7l (y)e E4E (y)E (i)e Hf]tr (-ssD= E?ltl.
easy *"9 easiest happy *+ happiest heavy *+ heaviest

@ g€-d +riot g.= E8^le_l d8E

good * best bad * worst

A. Write the comparative and superlative forms.

ffi cold calder colJest

ffi bad

ffi beautiful

ffi easy

ffi safe

ffi expensrye

ffi big

B. Look at the chart and write,

, ,
. 140cm k) How tall are Tim, his brother and his dad?

Tim's brother , 160cm 1 Tim is shorter fha-n Tim's brother.


Tim's dad 175cm 2 Tim's brother is tc'ller thc.n Tim.

tall / short 3 Tim's dad is the tc,llest of all.

sudan ,2,503,890km2 F) How big are Sudan, Brazil and Russia?

Brazil ,8,514,047krn2 4 Sudan is Brazil.

Russia , 17,075,400km' 5 Brazil is Sudan.

.-:- big / small =,

6 Russia is of all.

English Test : 100 h) I took the tests yesterday.

French Test i 90 7 English was French.

Science Test , 85 8 French was English.

t. easy / difficult ,
9 Science was of all.

CITIC Plaza . 391m F) How high are the buildings?


Sears Tower MZm 10 rne CITIC Ptaza is the Sears Tower.


Taipei 101 509m 11 The Sears Tower is the CITIC Plaza.

nlon / low 12 ffre Taipei 101 is of all.

shirt.':. : $40 F) How much are the clothes?

jeans i $65 13 ffre shirt is the jeans.
jacket :
$100 14 rne jeans are the shirt.
15 ffre jacket is of all.
. :hTp/:11.:':il:
write the correct superlative form.

-.: :t. ta:: : -,:..1..\ ;,a:-. :


hi3hes+ 8 rnoSt di{€ic.nlt

3 10
4 11

5 12
6 13

7 14

beautiful cheap dangerous

Word Bank easy


B. Use the verb on the left and complete the sentences.

to the concert yesterday?

to the concert yesterday.

her homework yesterday?

her homework yesterday.

computer games yesterday?

computer games yesterday.

lunch at school yesterday?

lunch at school yesterday.

Pronouns, Nouns and Prepositions
Lesson 1 Prronouns

lEllB,t'tl Pronouns
O tI|B/.t pronounE E,tjE tt|*l6G ll= gtr fleqE^lel
@ (l/we/you/he/she/it/they)E ?lErl|E tE +4 subiecto= +o1q qgg ol4, '-?ltslol7l'=

. xA

we +al= : our

he I Hrl= : his :1 Hrig
she rqri= : her lqrfol J=-l

il rAP its :ftel I they rAEB their rAEe.l

@ (my/your/ourlhislher/its/their)ts flerflB^ls] A*4 psssessive0lrf. 434 F{0ll= E,\tTl 9q, '-el'E


book your hat his dad

my its tail our school their bags

@ E^tel 4+43 E^t Floll ('s)= EEtl.

Amy's book the cat's tail Tom and Jerry's tent

O xl,l.lrl|B,l.f cen"cnsrai,'Lr€ eisncu'l= /.FJ, 5E, ,[.l-= lE= 84= TtalZ+.

. T\DE 7l= 7ltl"J eg E+= (This), q+b fihese)E *rt.
. Eal ?l= zS3 tltl'J e" E+= fihat), g+b fihose)E Ert.

A. Circle the correct word.

1 Hello. ( I /@) name is John. Nice to meet you.
7. Look at the baby monkeys! ( They / lt ) are so cute.
3 Tom has a sister. ( She / Her ) has long hair.
4 llike ( you're I your ) dress.
5 ( Mydad / Mydad's )shoesarebiggerthan (l lmy )shoes.
6 John lives in an apartment. ( He's / His ) apartment is old.
7 ( That / Those ) is Mt. Everest.
B. took, circle and write.

,@, rhat I is ArnY)s

dog. IThis/That]is

I That / Those ] is
ffiG house. IThis/These]are

5 6

lThis/Thatlis food. IThis / That l backpack.

C. Read, choose and write.

Family Pets
family likes animals.

have many different pets. have a

hamster. eyes are small and beautiful.
brother has two iguanas. _ are
s. il / My l 6. [They / Their ]

one year old. My rabbit is white.

7. I sister / sister's ]

has a short tail.


. -t*
A. Look at the chart and write.
Sam I F) How old are the boys?
Jshn 10 1 John is yournqQ,r tha-n Mike.

Mike 13 2 John is Sam.

young / old 3 Sam is of all.

Sam 37kg )) How heavy are the boys?

Mike 45kg 4 Mike is John.

John 50kg 5 Mike is Sam.

light / heavy 6 John is of all.

John's Town 11,C F) How warm are the boys' towns in spring?
Sam's Town 14"c 7 Sam's town is John's town.

Mike's Town 20b 8 Sam's town is Mike's town.

cool / warm I Mike's town is of a!!.

B. Use the word on the left and complete the sentence.

1 s;i;a X We JiJdt qet ur.e early yesterday.
I WrEe l
o Amy her diary yesterday.

5 study ';

? they at the library yesterday?

;o The monkeys many bananas yesterday.

', ? you soccer practice yesterday?
6 ,i drive ,X My mom to work yesterday.

Pronouns, Nouns and Prepositions
Lesson 2 Nouns and Articles

Look and Learn

tA. .J+Bltsl Singular and Plural Nouns

=+B,\ll g0l*.
O E/.l 58,
nounts IIEF,
84 €g LlEtt-Ib
E+B,r.t singular noun! d|"LfE, ++EAl pluralnou*! ol€rE gg irll *ri.
@ ++E^t= 'JE= HJE= =
E^rE EEfl0ll r4el-^1 Szl-xl ffi21 91gt.
.7l.8 "JHJ4?I 3?e B,iFll (-s)E E?.!tt.
book ** books apple ** apples bird -+ birds
. E,^.lTl r-s, -ch, -sh, -xl -tr ELI= 3? (-es)E EoJrt.
bus *& buses watch ** watches dish ** dishes box * boxes
. E,t.lTt r-f, -ferE ELI= 3? r-f(e) -* -veslE HlErl.
leaf "* leaves knife 4 knives
. rx[8 * y.,E ELI= g&g e+ .Il= +,i * + ieslE Hlltrl.
baby ** babies city cities
** ^l=
man -.* men child -l children foot -' feet mouse -* mice

tB. € + 9t= BAtgf € + S= E.tfl Count and ltoncount Nouns

O E^lollts € + 9t= $1[ count noungl g + g= gA[ noncount nounzl glcl..
@ tr + 9l= E^loil= E+84 E+eol ?,Itr'I.
a cookie -* cookies a bus .* buses a leaf ** leaves a foot + feet
@ €+ H.= E^t noncount nounollb E+, q+g BqTf gtq"
water cheese juice money bread

@ tr + fl= E^|ts (a/an)zl --J7ll # + fitl.

k and Practi
A. Read and write.
Singular Plural Singular Plural
t bus bu.Se5 5 milk
2 water x 6 umbrella
3 ;ni; i b;bt
4 bread I man

B. Use the word on the left and complete the sentence.

1 clty There are many big in the U.S.

; . .,.

2 ) dish We need many for the party.

3 homework We don't have today.

4 : toy My baby brother has many

5 .
foot My dad has big

6 money I have some in my pocket.

tB,rlgt tr.ltl A*irle*

Nouns and
O +^l0ll= +ES^|.(a/an).zl 8*l\l (thelzl ?JrL
@ +EB^l- (a/an)P E+ E^1. 90fl I&q, '6lt*lsl";'.€ E*r.f.
a chair a bird an umbrella

O 8tr^1.(the)ts g0ll g-d E^lE trf^l Et H gg q ecl.

I see a bird. The bird is blue.
@ 6tr_lH+0ll S.L (sun, moon, sky) # B ffi'{the)E Srt.
the sun the moon the sky

Look and Practice l

A. Read and write a, an or the.

1 There is _ umbrella under the desk.

2 I see blue bird. !t is flying in _ sky.

3 We have garden in our house. garden has many flowers.

4 Do you have _ pet? Yes, I do. I have puppy.

6 We don't have ice box.

Link and Revi
A. Look and write.
*gek z


This is c. hou,sQ,
Thc.t is a. school,
3 4
(lonjfsGffirt-_l @
John's pants are The toy robot is
Tim's pants. of all.

B. Read and circle the correct word.

A Trip to the Zoo

It was Sunday yesterday. Amy and ( she I ) friends went to the

zoo. ( They / Their ) saw manyanimals. Therewas ( a I an ) elephant.

2 3

( An / The ) elephant was very big. ( lt / Its ) tail was very short. Amy
wantedtosee( a / the )zebra. But( she / her )friendswantedtosee
monkeys. They all went to see monkeys. (X/ The ) monkeys were eating


Pronouns, Nouns and Prepositionq
Lesson 3 Sme/Any + Noun

Look and Learn

lsome/Any + B,tll SomelAny + Haun

O (some/any)E 'e+,J9 -'a[!
There are some pens. Amy has some pens.
Affirmative There is some milk. )
Amy has some milk.
--r-ctI There aren't any pens. Amy doesn't have any pens.
Negative There isn't any milk. Amy doesn't have any milk.

E== : :
Are there any pens? Does Amy have any pens?
Question : ls there any milk? Does Amy have any milk?

@ 3trEoll^1ts (some)E, +884 el=E0ll^l= tuny)E *cl.

@ (some/anv) Flollts E + ?l= E^lel € + frts B^l7f g + ?ttt.
some/any apples some/any cookies some/any milk some/any homework

@ (some/any)ts € + ?l= E^lE S+84= -*rd € + trtl.

somelany cookie (X) some/any apple (f,)

A. Use the word on the left and complete the sentence using some or any.
1 child o There are Sorn€, children in the room.

2 leaf o I see under the tree.

3 orange o They have for John.

4 sandwich X We don't have for you.

5 bread X There isn't in the fridge.

6 homework ? Does she have today?

7 biscuit 2 Are there for us?

B. Look and complete the sentence using some or any.

1 There ar€ Sorn€, bananas in the fridqe.

2 There milk.

3 There apples.
4 There Iemons.

5 There cheese.
6 any strawberries?
No. There strawberries.

C. Look and complete the sentence using some or any.

I see Sorn€, Spoons
I don't see a-nY knir€S
candy #. '

@ cookie

2 I see

I don't see

@- bird * monk&y

@ I see

I don'see

@ rce cream * yogurt
4 I see

I don't see

@, # child

@ I see

I don't see

: .
Link and Review
A. find the mistake and correct it.

t, . *" yesterday.
Jidn'* ffi B "orputer
Mrs. Green drives careful.
Those are Kate socks.
.....-,...,,..,-. -..
c @@
This is the worse picture of all.
The baby is smiling happy.
o@ @

My shirt is cheap than his shirt.

This is my friend's CD player. A CD player is very niec.
I'm thirsty. I want some waters.
e @ @

o@ @

There aren't any money in my wallet.

There are two mouse in the room!
I see some peaches and a orange in the box.
12i ; o
\tj./ @
,+#e#4ys.*a@%e a

Pronouns, Nouns and Prepo{tions
Lesson 4 Prcpositions of Place and Time

t8tgl ,\lz!91 dil,\ll Prepositions of PIa<e and Time

O dxli+ prepositionts EII-IE= rllBJ.l-g0ll tsq 84, All 5€ Ll-EtUrf.
@ 84= L|EILH= Erl& prepositions of place
in on under in front oJ behind near
agjolt , ='-+lotl = next to
-olaHql -goti -Floll -ulz7lololl -Eoll
@ elE,tt (where)ts '-01 olrl0ll' ?l=rl 84'8 EE Etl Egel E! g0ll &b "Joltrt.
Where is the dog? lt's in front of the door.

@ /.lzJ= LIEILH= E^l/.l prepositions of time

in (in + gTEg) I in January in 20'10

at (at + llrJ) at 2 o'clock at noon al7:30

@ elE/.l (when)3 '-01 flx{?.!xl' Eg q g0| alts goltrl.
^lz= =gE ""!
When is Amy's birthday parly? lt's on Tuesday.

k and Pra
A. Read and write at, on, or in.

Tom's Birthday
Tomorrow is Tom's birthday. Tom's birthday May 23. He was
'r ?
1997. He will be 10 this year. Today is Monday, May 22.Tom's

birthday it _ Tuesday. Tom will have a birthday party tomorrow. The party

will begin _ 45
1:30 p.m. and finish 4:00 p.m.

Look and write.

Where is the TV?

It's rn the living room.

iffil the library?
2 l"t**llffil
Effi:JtEffiFJ It's the hospital.

the giraffes?
They are the tree.

your dad?
He's the car.

the boxes?
They are the desk.

the piano?
It's the sofa.

the plate?
It's the kitchen table.

the restaurant?
I It's the lake.

the puppies?
I the dog house.
They are

Word Bank I in on under in front of behind near next to

A. Look, choose and write.


ts ffi
& W'@
rulip sunflower roof

"Hi, everyone. l'm Amy. Welcome to garden. tsa
2. {lt, They}

small garden. There are flowers in garden.

3. tsome, any) 4. (a, the) 5. {This, Thesei

are roses. are tulips. There are lilies. But we don't

6. fhese,These) 7. {some, any}

have -
sunflowers. The flowers are , I like roses
8. {some, any} 9. (beautiful, smart)

than tulips. I like lilies sister

10. {good, bette4 1 1. {the better, the best} 12. (1, My)

likes tulips
1 3. (the better, the best)

We have big tree in the garden. There is dog house

14. {a, the} 1 5. {a, the}

the tree. dog house has a red roof. There are two
16, ton, under) 17. (A, The)

in the dog house. are sleeping now."

W 19. {They,Their}

Helping Verbs and Question Words,.
Lesson 1 Flelping Verbs : Can/tlllay/Utli I ilShou Id

t4$,tll Helping Verbs: Can/Mayflflill/Should

O l5/f helping verbb EE I= s.el f. 5^fE 6rq= 6JaJ, Elat|, E9 ,)11-elrl. rEl{ts
E=^l9 g0ll 9l^16lr EE^IE g8 gEo= *tl. =aJ, =r ==
Ahility can -:* # ?lrl.' lcan swim
-oJEf Permissibn canlmay -allE €tl. You may/can sit here.
Elell Future --g aot+. She willcome.

Er. Advice should -61+ riol You should eat more.

@ Zt5^le.l +€E= zs5^f Floll (not)E Eq "J=q, +e+Bg ,uzl=. :*r[.
I can't swim. She won't come. You shouldn't eat more.
@ (may not)P $.trl..

E Look and Practice fuel,:il ,

A. took, read and circle.

( Can I May ) he swim? Mom, ( may/will ) lplayoutside?

Yes. He is a good swimmer. No. lt's dinner time soon.

Todoy Tomorow

.a Uffi
It is raining today. You ( may lshould ) read this book.
It (will / should) be sunny tomorrow. It's a really good book.

B. Choose, write and match.

can can't will won't i

1 t earlf fly. It will be eunny.

2 Sam go to school tomoncw. He's a good driver.

3tt rain tomorrow. I don't have wings.

4 My brother ,I drive. a a Tomonow is Monday.

may may not should shouldn't l

5 wateh TV tonight. @
Run outside.

6 You we this pen. @

I have a test tomonour.

7 I go home now' a a I ha,ve another one.

I 'You run in the classroom. € It's dinner time.

C. Write the sentence in the right order.

1 Can / your / telephone I I/ use I ?I

fire / shouldn't / Children / with I play I

You I a/ ask I may / question I . I

4 go / We / won't / nextyear / to / Japan I . I

thisyear / eleven / will / years I I / be / old I

6 good / should I eat / food / exercise / We / and I

Link and WW
A. Look and write.

i.:n mw$y*

B. Find the mistake and correct it.

samHlunch atsehoor
H %*,
!!y grandma always dfivqs carefrll.
This shirt is more elean than that shirt.
Sam jg q tallest student in hig class.
e@ €)

Lesson 2 llUhatl\lUhot'Utlhose with Be-Verbs

[elE,(l + Be 5Al] What/lltlho/Utfherse with Be-Verbs

O olE^l7l 9t= slEBoll^,tL e.lE^f7l EA slEEct X*iel4
@ elE^l (what)P ,tlEolLt EEoll Et|6ll trE-g q (be) E,ilel -*zll llolE '-3 S1flr-Vil?';Ll=
7ldrt. ^fE6t?,
(Er[l) What is it? lt's a coat. (4zl) Wnat was it? lt was a cat.

@ el=^| (who)ts /.taJq q6]| tr=-g q J.l8dlr, (be) El.tei -drll r olE '-.o ++gll7ll?'tf= TlTltl.
(Exll) Wno are they? They are soccer players. (zlzl) Wno were they? They were doctors.

@ elE/.t (whose -)E a?oll r|16ll trE--J q l.186}I, (be) E:rll 4 olE '+?sl - gt_1Dll'al= *=
7lcLl. =Atel
(Exfl) Wfrose book is it? lt is Amy's book. (4zl) Wnose cat was it? lt was John's cat.

Look and Practice

A. Look and write What, Who, or Whose,
1 2
W hc..t is it? book is this?
It's a grammar book. . lt's Mary's book.
3 4

is that? ;r"6;"n i. ir' ,z

He's Andy. He's a new student. It's Andy's backpack.

B. Look and write the question using What, Who or Whose.

Who they?

They are policemen.

They are monkeys.

It is Sam's bike.

ffi He's Andy. He's Amy's friend.

C. Write the answers about you.

1 Who was your best friend last year?

2 Who was your homeroom teacher last year?

3 Who was your English teacher last year?

4 What was your best subject last year?

Link and Review
A. Write the comparative and superlative forms.
' light
,2 l'rappy ,

3, intere*ting
4 fast , '

B. Read and write Who, What, or Whose.

1 is his name? His name is Harry Potter.

2 shoes are those? They are Andy's shoes.

3 were they? They were John's friends.
4 are they? They are blue whales.

c. Look, choose and write.

:rll: .rr!.:

, t Look! There is a bird in the tree.

.ffi ffi
Word Bank
Where? I ca-rlt see it some
2 ls there _ milk? What
3 trto. There was _ milk, but I drank it.

4 tennis racket is that? Andy's
I can
) It's tennis racket.
6 I use it?

7 you be at John's birthday party tomorrow?

8 Yes, I be there at 2:00.

Helping Verbs and Question Words
Lesson 3 Whflt urith Common Verbs

lWfrat + SHJE,I[] tlUhat with eem:*en,Verbg

O elE,\l (what)B gHJE,tt common verbsl gfil $g r#, 8X€ fialb X€ TtTlEt.

@ EAq rt|at EE=oll^1 4E^lel'Ei+7l BalA+.

^F1loll ^fE6lE
;' :
" ';riSFIT
r..:-a--i--:-:it,,fl: -.:- - - -- -: - -----:


Bxll Present Simple What does Amy do every day?

dlS=S lresent..c"-!lily_":-...,
what is she doins now? She is playing the piano

It71rPast : What did she do yesterday? She went to the park.

Elafi.Futurp ,. i What will she do tomorrow? She will go camping.

A. Use the words on the Ieft and write.

1 What does Amy reaA every day?

3 What Amy now?
3 What Amy yesterday?

4 What Amy tomorrow?

5 What _ you every day?

6 What _ you now?

7 What you yesterday?

I What _ you tomorrow?

B. Look and write the question or the answer.
Every day
[r,]ha.* Jo they do every day?
They work at the office every day.

Wha.t they doing now?

They are watching TV now.

2 yesterday?

$he played the piano.


She will play tennis with her friend.

Every day
3 tffhat dses he do every day?

What is he doing now?

4 What did they do yesterday?

What will they do tomorrow?


C. wrlte the answers about you.

1 Wfrat do you do every day?

2 What are you doing now?
3 What did you do yesterday?
4 What will you do this Sunday?
A. flnd the mistake and correct it.

sirr cryinsff
e s#ly tr B
The turtles are slowly animals.
What will Sarah does tomorrow?
There aren't any ice cream in the bowl.
c@ @

Do you see any stars in a sky?
There are many leaf under the tree.

B. Write the sentence in the right order.

1 shouldn't I in / Iibrary / Children / run / the t

2 telephones / more I are / than / expensive / Computers t

3 didn't / John / yesterday / practice / piano / the t

4 tallest tin /class/Andy/the/is/boy/his t

Helping Verbs and Question Words
Lesson 4 Prryrcss Test 2

A. Use the words on the Ieft and complete the sentences.

Mary s+rldies Enqlish euery Oay.
study English
2 Mary yesterday.

? It today.
be sunny
4 It tomorrow.

5 Tom now.
have lunch
& Tom at school OuV.
{ walk to school yesterday.
(x) tomorrow.
g My dad now.
drink milk
?s (x) My dad every day.

B. Read and write What, Who, Whose, or Where.

T are you doing? l'm doing my homework.
& are the boys? They are in the classroom.
E backpack is this? It's Sam's backpack.

4 is in the bag? It's my new dress.

h will you eat for lunch? I will have an egg sandwich.
s did you see yesterday? ! saw my teacher.

7 is the clock? It is on the wall.

I is her best friend? Amy is her best friend.

C. Look and write.

1 There are two rabbits in the box.

2 Thgir tails are short.


3 A girl is standing the house.

4 name is Sarah.

5 Two boys are the tree.

6 They are friends.

7 The school is the park.

8 That is school.

9 A boy is reading a book the floor.

10 It isn't book. lt's his teacher's book.

D. Look at the chart and write.

1 tfre pen is lo€er tha,n the pencil.

2 The pencil is the pen.
3 The ruler is

:ffifiii,. ,, :,,.Id,{, ktffi

4 The horse is the lion.
,:,,,'i.' F , ,?Tkrllfh;
i,.,,..t:.::[ 64,kffi/h.,
5 The lion is the horse.
r""-**-*-**!*j!ilgv*-**-----:; 6 The cheetah is
My mom 6:00 a.m. 7 My mom gets up my dad.
.?jffi,fiii ?;
8 My dad gets up my mom.

9 I get up
+tn'rj:j?j;<1?.4=r47rtrfi11t42+a:6:?jjyafV. €)a:

E. Circle the correct answer.
*&=*.**?4 *2*-4.&*24.*,9ee*a@*2?ar4&*&@@%@#*#.@&@&

: you playing baseball with your friends now?

;' Cls @Do @Are @Witl

.r There was _ cat in the garden. _ cat was brown.

Oa,A @a,The @the,A @the,The

John wants and

hamburger orange juice.
: C a, an @ a, some @ some, some @ some, an

There aren't students in the classroom now.
: O, @ some @ any @ the

.. My English teacher is in the school.

@ the tallest @ tall @ taller @ taller than

I think rock climbing is not a sport.

e safely @ safer @ safest @ safe

What will John for lunch at school tomorrow?

, Oeat @eats @eating @ate

g , Clean your room first. Then you _ go out and play.

, @will @can't @may @won't

, g , ,y grandparents live in .

. Catownsmall @asmall town @small atown @townasmall

,:,,,i iii
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