Mini Research: Innovation To Use Film Media To Improve Listening Ability in English Learning

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NURUL SAPITRI 2192421001





Thank you, I say the presence of God Almighty who has given us all His blessings,
thanks to His grace, I was able to complete this Mini Research paper without significant
obstacles and finished on time.

In preparing this paper, I did not forget to thank Mrs.Farida Hanim Saragaih Harahap,
S.Pd., M.hum who have given this Mini Research assignment so that I can better understand
more about what exactly we have to do to improving listening skills with media film and
therefore I can finish the preparation of this paper well.

I realize this paper may still be far from perfect, for that I hope for suggestions and
criticisms from all parties to the perfection of this paper.

Finally, I hope that this paper will be useful for the authors themselves and all readers in

                                                                                                Sibolga, 16 November 2020

The Author


TABLE OF CONTENT...........................................................................................ii

CHAPTER I.............................................................................................................1


1.1. Background of the Study...........................................................................1

1.2. Formulation of The Problem.....................................................................1

1.3. Research Purposes.....................................................................................1

CHAPTER II............................................................................................................3


2.1. Listening Process.........................................................................................3

2.2. Understanding Film Media...........................................................................3

2.3. Principles of Listening..................................................................................4

CHAPTER III..........................................................................................................6


3.1. Research Methods.....................................................................................6

3.2. Research Objects.......................................................................................7

BAB IV....................................................................................................................8


4.1. Research Result.........................................................................................8

4.2. Description..............................................................................................10

BAB V....................................................................................................................11


5.1. Conclusion...............................................................................................11

5.2. Suggestion...............................................................................................11



1.1. Background of the Study

Language plays a central role in human life. It provides a vehicle for communication,
a tool for thinking, a means of creativity and a source of pleasure. An understanding of
language and the ability to use it effectively gives students access to knowledge, enables
them to play an active part in the society and contributes to their personal growth. Language
is the most significant possession of human being. It is a means for human beings to
communicate their ideas and to convey information.

Listening in English language as a foreign language (EFL) constitutes a part of

essential skills to be taught beside listening, speaking and writing. In studying a language,
receptive skills come first than productive skills. In everyday life, listening is the input skill
most often used. No other type of language input is as easy to process as spoken language
received through listening. Therefore, listening has an important role in understanding spoken
language. The roles of listening are to get information and to comprehend the meaning.

Listening was the difficult skill based on the observation in teaching practice. In fact,
students were unable to comprehend natural spoken English. Most of the students thought
that a spoken passage was difficult to understand because speakers speak too fast. Based on
some problems above, the researcher had tried to find the effective solutions to improve
listening skills for students by using film clips to be a learning media. Using film clips allows
students to see a whole of paralinguistic behavior, pick up a range of cross-cultural clues, and
entry into a whole range of other communication worlds (Harmer, 2007:308). Therefore, they
can convey the meaning after watching the film clips. This media can be come from
TikTok,YouTube and Instagram

1.2 Formulation of The Problem

1. how film media can improve listening skills and interest in English
2. What kind of film can be used
3. What kind of film media sources can be used to improve listening skills

1.3 Research Purposes

1. In order to obtain a good film media to improve listening skills

2. So that it can be applied in improving listening skills
3. So the listening skills can be improves

2.1 Listening Process

Listening is an input process of spoken language in early stages. It is based on the

assumption that the main function of listening in second language learning is to facilitate
understanding of spoken discourse (Richards, 2008:3). It gives the listener information from
which to build up the knowledge necessary for using the language. By listening, information
can be processed in the mind before conducting speaking or writing. The information is
easier to remind by using this receptive skill rather than reading.

2.2 Understanding Film Media

The word media comes from Latin literally medius means "middle", "introduction". In
Arabic, media is intermediary (wasilah) or messenger of messages from the sender to the
recipient of the message. There are also those who use it in explaining words "Middle" as in
the sentence "mid-19th century" (or mid 19th century)

2.3 Principles of Listening

Based on the type of listening processes which are bottom-up and top-down, there are two
principles for teaching listening:

Expose students to different ways of processing information: bottom up vs. top-down. In

bottom-up, learners focus on the linguistics features such as vocabulary, grammatical and
phonological competence. With bottom-up, students start with the component parts: words,
grammar and the like (Nunan, 2003: 26). In this case, learners learn some linguistic
competence in order to construct the meaning.

Expose students to different types of listening. The main method of exposing students to
spoken English is through the use of taped material (Harmer, 2001: 98). It means that the
media supports the use of spoken materials. So, learners listen to the spoken materials clearly
in adsorbing the information and maintaining social relations.


3.1 Research Methods

This research method is descriptive research method quantitative. The quantitative

research method is a research method which is based on the philosophy of postpositivism, is
used for researching on a particular population or sample. The population used is students
and lecturers who teach listening courses. Data collection techniques are the most important
step in research, because the main objective in research is to get data.

Sources of research in this study are derived from articles that match the topic and
analysis based on the author's experience as an English education student. The data
collection technique used is data collected by including:

1. Observation, namely searching for data based on facts about an acquired reality
2. Documentation, namely records of events or similar research in written form. Study
documents are a fixture from the use of the observation method

3.2 Research Object

In this case the object observed is the way the writer as an English education student
improves listening skills from film media and from the results from many resources including
the journal.


4.1 Research Results

From the results of observations by analyzing similar journals and based on the author's
experience, it was found that

1. English-language film media can improve listening skills and speaking skills, increase
interest in English based on previous research and based on the author's experience.
Film media makes students feel interested because they directly witness native
speakers speaking in different genres. Students will feel enthusiastic about imitating
and trying to understand the contents of the conversation in the film because they are
attracted by an attractive appearance and what they enjoy doing..
2. Many types of films can be used to improve listening skills in English, not only
listening skills but also speaking skills. The type of film can be adjusted according to
the age and interests of the students. Some students like animated films, there are also
students who like fantasy films, dramas, funny videos. All films or clips can be
accessed by students anytime and anywhere. Of course this is very good, where
students can practice at any time while entertaining themselves by watching movies.
3. Sources of film media that can be used come from many sources that exelent and
creative sources so that students will be interested to understanding and listening
carefully. This media source is also applied by the author who is an English education
student. The source of this film media are

1. TikTok. John hiday, callmechia, jessica_ie, @ewraa, @cintakiehl

2. Instagram, Guruku mr.D, Kampung Inggris, movies clips
3. YouTube, Film, BBC Learning English, Jennifer ESL, VOA Learning
4. Netflix, HarryPotter, Toy Story, Frozen, The King’s speech, Finding nemo,
Hunger Games, The Babadook.
4.2 Description

The improvements were summarized below.

(1) The students got better motivation in learning English especially in listening activity.

(2) The students were actively involved in the observing the videos.
(3) The students were more interested to the materials given.

(4) The students paid attention more to the explanation given.

(5) The students got better understanding of the process how to listen.

(6) The students performed better understanding of identifying the components of that

(7) The students could minimize their mistakes in answering the questions based on the video

In terms of the quantitative data, the improvement of students‟ ability in listening

comprehension was supported by the result of students‟ listening score as performed. The
result of this research showed that the students score in listening increase.

The researcher used film clips media and viewing technique of using film clips in
comprehending a spoken text. This was revealed that film clips media could help the students
to understand the learning materials. This implied that the English teacher or students should
have creativity and boarder knowledge in teaching-learning process. Moreover, the teachers
needed to design the appropriate strategy in order that the students understood and focused
what the teacher explained. The students to,they have to have creativity to do something with
their social media.

Using film clips media in listening activities maintain the students„ attention. The
students were interested and enthusistic in listening to the explanation given. This implied
that the teacher should use and manage the teaching and learning strategy well to support the
activities in presenting materials. It means that the teachers must be creative. They have to
know how to make the students interested in listening.


5.1 Conclusion

From the above explanation it can be determined that watching English films can
affect mastery in English, such as in mastery and vocabulary. The influence of watching
English films on English lessons is to increase a child's interest in learning and thus increase
his English value. In addition, an important benefit derived from watching English films or
foreign films is both insightful and a medium of entertainment and learning.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the above conclusions, the suggestions can be given by the author is the research
results are expected to contribute an understanding of the use of film media that is applied in
improving listening skills in English and shows that film media can be used to support
English language skills, especially listening and speaking. It is hoped that this method can be
applied by both students and teachers.

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