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Subject Code: RMT531 Project Management Essential

Date: 9/2/2021
Time: 3.00pm
Index Number: 20001
Matric Number: P-RM0171/20

Question 1
Answer 1 (a)

There are five main level of processes in a project development which is Initiation, planning,
executing, monitoring and controlling and closing process. Initiation stage is considering the
as a conceptual phase where it is the begin of the project. The team will be listing out the project
requirements or any services, facilities that are needed to produce the final outcomes of the
project. As shown in the figure above, it is only involved level activity in the beginning of the
project development as all the project requirements are established at the phase. Besides, in
this phase, it feasibility study is important in developing the whole project as to make sure the
project is feasible and can move on to next level of project life cycle.

When come to in between of project initiating, the planning processes will also begin.
Planning processes is the phase where the project design is planned based on the requirements
obtained during the initiation stage. It is intermediate related to the initiation stage as the
requirement of the project is designed and to fulfil the requirements of the project. Plus, all the
works performed in this phase also comply with the feasibility study to know whether the
project is workable or not. Not only that, planning stage is also include the detailed scheduling
tasks for the whole project as the ensure all the tasks required, duration needed, resources
needed and so on. The phase has high level of activities and long duration of time as it is needed
to be present all the time during the early stage as well as during the project execution stage as
the planning, designing or scheduling will changes from time to time. For example, there is

Subject Code: RMT531 Project Management Essential
Date: 9/2/2021
Time: 3.00pm
Index Number: 20001
Matric Number: P-RM0171/20

variation order or some changes in design during the project execution phases. Thus, this will
surely affect the duration and activities of the project away from the original planning and
scheduling. Plus, during project execution there might be some unexpected issues occurred
which surely will delay the project execution duration. Thus, reschedule or re-planning is
necessary phase that are involved throughout the initiation and during the execution of project.
Besides, due to many activities involved in the planning process, the resources are highly
required in this phase and can be said high level of activity.

Next, will be the most activities focus on the project which is the project execution
phase. This is the phase where the project is implemented or constructed. It requires the highest
level of activities and interaction as well as the resources. The project execution phase is the
most important as it should follow the project requirements established in the initiation stage
and follow the design as planned in order to giving the best outcomes towards the project. In
this phase of project, the stakeholders or all of the activities has the highest level of interaction.
For example, when there is some problem faced in the project due to the design, they must take
action on it by informing the person in charge and have solutions on it. Besides, as mentioned
above it there is any unexpected problems occur and causing delays towards the project, they
should have informed and scheduled the best solution to overcome it. This is also the most
efforts focus stage where all the resources (time, money and other resources) will be used.

Next, controlling and monitoring. Controlling and monitoring phase involve throughout
the whole project timeline. From initiation, controlling and monitoring is important in
controlling and monitor the cost, resources and the others in planning stage. During project
execution, the control and monitor of cost, manpower, machineries, materials and other
resources should be take part while the quality control of the project should also take part. Plus,
it is also monitoring the whether the project execution is following the project as planned,
designed and scheduled. It also take part in closing and hand-over phase as the quality must
ensure the best before hand-over to the customer or clients and all the defects must be repaired
and maintain the best quality of control. The phase can be said not a high level of interaction
however it involves in the whole project development.

Last but not least the closing phase or can be named as commissioning and handover
phase. This is the phase where the project is completely implemented with confirmation. The

Subject Code: RMT531 Project Management Essential
Date: 9/2/2021
Time: 3.00pm
Index Number: 20001
Matric Number: P-RM0171/20

level of interaction is slightly lower and involved in half-way of project execution phase as the
phase is inspect and confirm on the completion of the project outcomes or products.

Theoretically, construction project is sequential succession which means the

deliverables from the previous phase are approved before work commences on the next phase.
However, when we look at the diagram, there is overlapping between each of the phase where
al the phase is approved progressively, and work in the following phases commence before the
previous phase is complete. This is called as fast tracking. It is a technique where activities that
would have been performed sequentially using the original schedule are performed in parallel.
In other words, fast tracking a project means the activities are worked on simultaneously
instead of waiting for each activity to be completed separately.

Answer 1(b)
In my point of view, one of the most important era 1900’s, Gantt Charts. Gantt charts is a tools
that are developed by the Henry Gantt, where it is a visual tools or aid in assisting the project
management to plan and schedule the whole project development into specified and detailed
schedule. It is very useful for simplifying complex projects where it is inserted with all the
project management timelines and tasks and then are converted into a horizontal bar chart,
showing start and end dates, as well as dependencies, scheduling and deadlines, including how
much of the task is completed per stage and who is the task owner or responsible to that tasks.
This is useful to keep tasks on track when there is a large team and multiple stakeholders when
the scope changes. Generally, it provides
➢ a visual display of the whole project,
➢ timelines and deadlines of all tasks,
➢ relationships and dependencies between the various activities,
➢ project phases

Basically, a Gantt Chart is the most common tools in planning and scheduling the whole project.
In developing a Gantt Chart, firstly we need to identify the work breakdown or also known as
the ‘activities’ in the most details way in order to achieve the most accurate outcomes for the
scheduling. For example, construction of column, the work breakdown should include all the
steps in constructing the column including tying the rebar, setting up the formwork, pouring
vibrated reinforced concrete, curing and formwork dismantle. Besides, we can set the

Subject Code: RMT531 Project Management Essential
Date: 9/2/2021
Time: 3.00pm
Index Number: 20001
Matric Number: P-RM0171/20

predecessor or the link in between the activities. For example, the pouring of vibrated
reinforcement concrete started right after the tying the rebar and formwork thus the predecessor
will be Finish to Start (FS) and it is then linked to the curing step. Plus, we also need to set up
the duration for the activities to be complete. Other than that, we can also fill in other details
such as the number man powers, quantity and type of equipment or machinery, who is in charge
of the activity, cost spend and others into the software. With filling all the details into one of
the Gantt Chart software, we are able to see and track clearly on the schedule of the whole

Nowadays, the Gantt Chart is widely use not only in construction industry however also
being used in other industry as it is a general management tools that helps to emphasize the
whole project scheduling, planning, resources, execution and many more features in a simple
tools. It can also be modified and changed anytime if there is any changes to make sure the
project is always on time or on schedule.

Subject Code: RMT531 Project Management Essential
Date: 9/2/2021
Time: 3.00pm
Index Number: 20001
Matric Number: P-RM0171/20

Question 2
Answer 2:
Quality control is very important in developing construction projects and it can be breakdown
into the main 4 aspects.
(a) Concept
In planning and designing stage, we are able to control the quality of the concept by make
sure all the design and planning has met the specifications and requirements of the projects.
Firstly, we should define what are the specifications and requirements by the client.
Secondly, after the concept has developed, feasibility study is a musty to ensure whether
the project is feasible in terms of financial, technical and towards the market. Besides, we
must also ensure the project is comply with policies, rules and regulations, standard
guidelines and others.

(b) Development
Before implementing the project, we must make sure all the manpower, materials,
machineries, safety tools are available at before the construction start and also schedule the
project on time with respective resources needed within the time frame to make sure the
project outcomes can meet the desired time being. Besides, also need to make sure all the
delivers or transportation is prepared to avoid any delay in time.

(c) Implementation
During project implementation, quality control is the most important for each of the
building elements. For example, the height of the beam, types of the floor tiles used to make
sure all the components constructed is aligned with specifications and requirement. QA/QC
inspections are always have to be perform to make sure the best quality of work even from
the Work Beneath Lower Floor Finishes (WBLFF) such as piling, pile cap, ground beam
ground slab construction where a little mistakes will destroy the whole project.

(d) Close-Out
Before closing up and handover to the clients, we need to make sure all the defects are
rectified and all the works are done, clean so that are able to handover to the client. Thus,
all the projects are giving Defect Liability Period (DLP) to allowed the contractors to rectify

Subject Code: RMT531 Project Management Essential
Date: 9/2/2021
Time: 3.00pm
Index Number: 20001
Matric Number: P-RM0171/20

their works before totally handover it to the client act as a insurance or warranty to the
client towards their products received.

Subject Code: RMT531 Project Management Essential
Date: 9/2/2021
Time: 3.00pm
Index Number: 20001
Matric Number: P-RM0171/20

Question 3
Answer 3:
First of all, we should identify what is technical skills and what are the generally accepted skills.
Technical skills can be skills that applied in working activities. For example, technical skills in
construction industry included with project scheduling, project execution and others. In project
scheduling, a project manager should know which step comes first. For example, before
executing the project, site clearance is needed or when constructing the slab, what materials
are needed? Reinforced concrete? Framework? and what are steps to make it? Should we have
slab before beam or beam before slab? Not only that, when coming to cost control or project
monitoring, without intensive knowledges and experience how are we going to plan and
execute the project with the most effective cost and risk control? Besides, technical skills also
included with emergency plan where all we must react in the most effective and efficient ways
in handling kinds or emergency issues. These are all the example of technical skills.

When come to generic accepted skills such as communication skills, organisation skills,
team building skills, leadership skills, coping skills and others are all considered as generic
accepted skills. Communication skills is how do we communicate with each other between the
team members, top management, clients and other stakeholders. Besides, it is also an essential
skills where how do we interact with people so that people will share with us their thoughts,
their ideas or knowing what do they want. Organisation skills is how to manage the whole
organisation or team, including delegating the tasks to respective team members, solving the
problems or conflicts among them and many more stuff to be considered. Team building skills
is how to make sure the harmonies among all the team members in the same working
environment or group while also giving the best collaboration in produce the outcomes of the
products. Leadership skills is as a project manager, how do we lead the team, how are we going
to let everyone follow the instruction or leadership of us in performing their tasks and others.
Coping skills is where we can help ourselves and the entire team to tolerate, minimize, and deal
with stressful situations in life while managing the stress well can help the whole people to feel
better physically and psychologically and it can impact the ability to perform best outcomes.
Besides from that, as a good leader whey must have good Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in
handling kinds of tasks and people in the team not to get emotional or have good temper in
handling all the stuff. Now only that, setting goals and motivation towards ourselves and also

Subject Code: RMT531 Project Management Essential
Date: 9/2/2021
Time: 3.00pm
Index Number: 20001
Matric Number: P-RM0171/20

the whole team is also considered as generic accepted skills as to provide the goals and motivate
the whole team the achieve the goals with specific approaches.
In my point of view, both technical skills and generally accepted skills are very important to a
project manager and it is a must to acquire them. However, I agreed that the project manager
should first and foremost possess technical skills in a degree that is over and beyond the other
generally accepted skills of a manager. As mentioned above, technical skills are skills that
required intensive knowledges in certain area and it also required intensive experience in
holding the job. For example, a project manager in construction industry for 25 years is
assigned to be a manager in a telecommunication industry. The project manager doesn’t have
any knowledges and experience in telecommunication and even the new employees that work
for only 2 weeks will be better than the new manager. Plus, even though the project manager
has possess high level of generic management skills, when those team members who is more
senior and has more experiences in the telecommunication field need to work under a person
who do not know everything, how they are going to work with him and listen to his order?
When emergency happen, how is he going to handle and solve the issues? Thus, I think that it
is crucial for a person to have intensive knowledges and experiences or what we so-called
technical skills in certain field as priority and then generic management skills only can become
a leader. Although we have a good generic management skills but without technical skills, we
also can’t to anything and we couldn’t lead our team members in performing works or lead the
whole project. As we can see in reality nowadays, from most of the industry, all the leaders or
managers are picked or assigned after they have works for few years or have intensive related
knowledges and experiences on top of the generic management skills posed.

Subject Code: RMT531 Project Management Essential
Date: 9/2/2021
Time: 3.00pm
Index Number: 20001
Matric Number: P-RM0171/20

Question 5
Answer 5:
There are 3 main types of System View Approach which include Systems Philosophy → the
view things as systems, interacting components working within an environment to fulfil some
purpose; Systems Analysis → the use a problem-solving approach and Systems Management
→ that address business, technological and organizational issues before making changes to

One of the System Management Approach in System View Approach is the Three Sphere
Model in system management. The Three Sphere Model deals with the business, organizational
and technological aspects and/or issues related to the project that should be defined and
considered in order to select and manage projects effectively and successfully.

Firstly, as a project managers, we should focus on what is issues in each aspects. First aspect,
business. Business issues is supplement or serve of a project as an answer to the business goals.
Example of the issues:
✓ What are the costs will incur to the company?
✓ How does the project cost affect the company business? (Do we need to come out with
amount of capital? If so, how does it affects?)
✓ Is the profit margin do really able to cover the project cost or improve the company financial?
✓ If there are some specific technologies need to be implemented in the project, how the
resources cost?
✓ With the project cost and profit set, the final selling price will attract people to invest or
people have other choices?
✓ Who are the competitors? What do they have? Are the company able to compete with them
in terms of quality and cost?

Subject Code: RMT531 Project Management Essential
Date: 9/2/2021
Time: 3.00pm
Index Number: 20001
Matric Number: P-RM0171/20

✓ What are the other benefits available to the company (reputation, relationships between
suppliers and other organisations)

As a project manager, we should have good analysis and planning in questioning these issues
related to the business and developed, how do we going to manage the these and are these
issues really affect us and becoming risk towards the company and the whole project.

Secondly, the technology issue. The technological sphere should state the proper delivers and
ways of executions issues to be resolved. Example of the issues are:
✓ How does the project deliver for example in planning stage? (using Autocad, Gantt Chart,
✓ Does the company have this technology, machineries, tools or professionals in deliver the
✓ Is the company’s resources are able and enough in dealing with the project?
✓ Will we able to implement the technology such as IBS, BIM or some Green Buildings

By analysing the technology or skills or resources available in the company, as a project

manager we should able to know will we able to manage these things and how are we going to
manage them, what do we lack. From this, we are able to verify and prepare ourselves in
planning and executing the whole project. For example, the project implementing green wall
concept and thus as project manager should have preparation on the materials, tools and
manpower in constructing the green wall.

Thirdly, the organisation sphere. Organisation emphasize the issues related to matters
involving the stakeholders should be taken into full considerations as well as the whole project
team. Example of issues:
✓ Is the existing man powers are able to meet the requirement of project?
✓ How to get the support from higher management?
✓ How to get the authority approval?
✓ How to engage with the end users and also other stakeholders?
✓ How to manage the whole team?

Subject Code: RMT531 Project Management Essential
Date: 9/2/2021
Time: 3.00pm
Index Number: 20001
Matric Number: P-RM0171/20

These are all the issues related to organisation. As a project manager, we are able to figure the
issues for example get approval and support from the higher management support as they are
the one who providing the adequate resources, approving unique project needs in a timely
manner, and also monitoring and coaching throughout the project. Thus, with good analysis
and evidence towards the project (for example with specific technologies or new recruitments
will improve the project performance), we are able to convince the higher management team
to approved the needs of the project and thus solving the issues by managing the issues.


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