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Issues and Challenges in CRM

Employees Customers
Verbal Verbal Weighte
Statements Weighte Weighte Interpretatio
Intepretatio Intepretatio d Mean
d Mean d Mean n
n n
3.41 Agree 3.39 Agree 3.4 Agree
Employees’ Strongly Strongly
3.42 Agree 3.57 3.52
training Agree Agree
3.44 Agree 3.46 Agree 3.46 Agree
CRM process
3.44 Agree 3.41 Agree 3.42 Agree
3.43 Agree 3.46 Agree 3.45 Agree
3.44 Agree 3.47 Agree 3.46 Agree
Accessibility to Strongly Strongly Strongly
3.53 3.52 3.53
information Agree Agree Agree
Use of customer Strongly
3.52 3.44 Agree 3.47 Agree
information Agree
management 3.49 Agree 3.45 Agree 3.46 Agree
and security
engagement to 3.49 Agree 3.44 Agree 3.46 Agree
Strongly Strongly Strongly
and dispute 3.54 3.53 3.53
Agree Agree Agree
CRM long-term
Strongly Strongly
goals and 3.51 3.49 Agree 3.5
Agree Agree
3.47 Agree 3.47 Agree 3.47 Agree

Based on the table, majority of the statements both for employees and

customers got a verbal interpretation of Agree. According to respondents, one

of the major issues and challenges in CRM for employees I the use of

customer information, accessibility to information, complaints and disputer

resolution and CRM long-term goals and objective. These statements got a

verbal interpretation of Strongly Agree. Meanwhile. For customers,

employees’ training, accessibility to information. And complaints and dispute

resolution are the major issues and challenges in CRM with a verbal

interpretation of Strongly Agree. In employees, statement Complaints and

Dispute resolution got the highest mean of 3.54 wit a verbal interpretation of

Strongly Agree. Meanwhile, the statement CRM infrastructure got the lowest

mean of 3.41 with a verbal interpretation of Agree. In customers, statement

employees’ training got the highest mean of 3.57 with a verbal interpretation

of Strongly Agree. Meanwhile, the statement CRM process planning got the

lowest mean of 3.44 with a verbal interpretation of Agree. For both employees

and customers strongly agree that complaints and dispute resolution, and

accessibility of information are the issues and challenges in CRM.

Nevertheless, the composite mean if 3.47 with a verbal interpretation of


According to Laksmana et al. (2018), the goal of this research is to see

how effective customer management is at keeping and satisfying customers.

Customer relationship management. It has a major impact on customer

happiness and loyalty. CRM is used as a capital by the firm to increase

customer satisfaction and loyalty. CRM has a significant impact in boosting

customer happiness, deep customer knowledge, and customer loyalty. With

this, complains and dispute resolution could be prevented. A superior CRM

will contain detailed information about what consumers desire, their needs,

and what will make them happier.

Nevertheless, Buttle and Maklan (2015) studies was to keep existing

clients or those that are starting to become regulars In the business world,

activities to establish relationships with customers (Customer Relations) are

run by a special section called customer service, because customer service is

a frontline company that serves all of the consumer's needs satisfactorily,

including receiving complaints and delivering value and high customer

satisfaction in order to increase loyalty subscribes.

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