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Directions: Create graphic organizer that shows what aerobic exercises do for your health. Accomplish this task at
the back of this paper or on a separate sheet of paper. Refer to the rubric for scoring below.

Above Average Average Satisfactory Fair

Criteria Weight Score
(4 points) (3 points) (2 points) (1 point)

Sequence of Sequence of Sequence of Sequence of

information is information is information is information is
logical, well logical and somewhat difficult to
Organization 5 ordered, and easy to follow. disorganized. follow. The
interesting. The sequence The sequence sequence of
The sequence of the graphic of the graphic the graphic
of the graphic organizer organizer is organizer is
organizer makes sense. hard to follow at unclear.
makes sense. times.
Each Each Most The
amendment is amendment is amendments amendments
complete, complete, are complete & are not
explained well explained well explained. The complete. The
Summarization 5 and translated and translated student has student has
in the in the some difficulties
student’s own student’s own difficulties understanding
words. The words. The explaining the the
student student amendments in amendments
demonstrates demonstrates her/his own and explaining
a full a good words. them in her/his
understanding understanding own words.
of each of each
amendment. amendment.
Graphic Graphic No more than Design of
Organizer is Organizer is three or four graphic
attractive, attractive, graphic organizer is
uniform and uniform and improvements sloppy.
Design 5 well designed. well designed. are needed. Major
The organizer No more than Consultation improvements
has balance one or two with teacher are needed.
and uses up graphic could have
all space improvements been useful.
available. The are needed.
fonts used are
easy to read.
Total 15


How aerobics affects your body?

To me Aerobic exercise may ease the gloominess of depression, reduce the tension associated with
anxiety and promote relaxation. It can also improve your sleep .

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. Otherwise, change the underlined word to make the statement
correct. Write your answers on the space provided before the number. (2pts each)

TRUE 1. Studies show that people who participate in regular aerobic exercise live longer than those who don't
exercise regularly.

TRUE 2. It can even help prevent the onset of dementia and improve cognition in people with dementia.

________________________3. Aerobic exercise may ease the gloominess of depression, reduce the tension
associated with anxiety and promote relaxation..

________________________4. This may result in less buildup of plaques in your Atherosclerosis.

TRUE 5. A stronger heart also pumps blood more efficiently, which improves blood flow to all parts of your body.

TRUE 6. Combined with a healthy diet, aerobic exercise helps you lose weight and keep it off.

TRUE 7. Feel tired when you first start regular aerobic exercise.

TRUE 8. Weight-bearing aerobic exercises, such as walking, help decrease the risk of osteoporosis.
TRUE 9. Aerobic exercise activates your immune system in a good way.

TRUE 10. You can also gain increased heart and lung fitness and bone and muscle strength over time.

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