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E-Business Suite Patching Overview & Troubleshooting
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7 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

E-Business Suite Patching Overview & Troubleshooting
Eric Castillo (France), Anca Radulescu (Romania),
Yuko Saito (USA), Rüdiger Ziegler (Germany)

8 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Webcast Agenda

 Patching Overview
 Patching Options Release 12
 Troubleshooting Tips
 Patch Wizard
 New Patching features in Release 12.2
 Q&A

9 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Webcast Agenda

 Patching Overview
 Patching Options Release 12
 Troubleshooting Tips
 Patch Wizard
 New Patching features in Release 12.2
 Q&A

10 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Patching Overview
Ebusiness Suite Release 12.1.1 Architecture

11 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Anatomy of a Patch
A patch is a zip file called : p<patchnum_R12_<PLATFORM>.zip
A patch can also be generic in this case the name is p<
For NLS patches : p<patchnum_R12_<LANGUAGE CODE>.zip
A patch contains 4 kinds of components :

1. Patch driver
The patch driver contains the necessary commands to change files and database objects and generate new objects
For Release 12 the patch driver is called u<Patch mum>.drv (Unified driver)

2. Metadata Files
The metadata files discribed the list of the bugs the patch is fixing and the list of the files provided.
- b<patch num>.ldt
The prerequisite patch checking feature loads the patch metadata .ldt files and
then checks if all prerequisite patches have been applied.
- f<patch num>.ldt
Manifest of all files in the patch with their version number.
Those 2 files are very important as all the OAM patching reporting is based on those informations

3. E-business Suite files

Files provided by the patch with their version number

4. readme file (readme.txt.)

This file tells the user what bugs it is fixing, what are the special steps the user needs to perform (if any).

12 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Codeline and Codelevels
• Codeline : In Release 12, Oracle Applications
patches are grouped into codelines.
• A codeline begins with a point release
For example : Release 12.0

Consisting of a unique set of product features,

that includes all the patches created to
maintain that point release.

The initial Release 12.0 point release

introduced is codeline A.

Additional point releases introduce new

codelines, each identified by a unique letter.

For example : Release 12.1 introduced

codeline B, and Release 12.2 is expected to
introduce codeline C.

ATTENTION : Codelines are separated ,

you cannot apply a patch codeline B to
codeline A !

13 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Codeline and Codelevels
Codelevels : This is an Intermediate patch
within the codeline. They can be at product
level of family level.
All codelevels created after the initial point
release for a product or product family are
aggregated into release update packs RUP.

RUPs provide bug fixes. In addition,

they may also provide feature enhancements,
which provide new functionality that has a
limited impact on your system

Further, codelevels identify patches for

individual products.

For example : codelevel R12.GL.A.1 is the

first set of fixes to codelevel R12.GL.A,
R12.GL.A.2 is the second, and so on.

Codelevels are cumulative

12.0 RUP1 is equivalent to R12.0.1,

12.0 RUP2 is equivalent to R12.0.2,
and so on.
Steven Chan’s blog article “Products and Families and Versions – Oh, My!”

14 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

E-business Suite Patch Types
Release 12 introduced new terminology for patch type.
Patch type describes the way the patch is packaged and applied. If a patch format is described as cumulative, that patch contains a
consolidation of updates for a given codeline.

Individual bug fix

A patch that fixes an existing issue.
Can be included in RUP patch but not necessarily

Product family release update pack (product familly RUP)

An aggregation of patches on a given codeline created for all products in specific product family for a specific point release.
For example, R12.FIN_PF.A.1.

Release update pack (RUP)

A cumulative aggregation of product family release update packs on a given codeline created across Oracle E-Business Suite after
the initial release.
For example, 12.1.1.

15 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

adpatch – The intelligent tool
Adatch is the tool for applying patches to the E-Business Suite
 AdPatch uses a unified driver file, named u<patchnum>.drv, that contains the necessary commands to apply the
 AdPatch can run in Non-interactive mode
 AdPatch can run parallel workers.
 Adpatch creates a backup directory where the old version of each file updated by the patch is copied into the
backup directory.
 There is a tool to control the patch execution : adctrl (Ad Controller)
 Adpatch has options that can modify its behaviour
 Adpatch is able to restart from a point of failure

Adpatch has some limitations

 There is no automatic tool to back out a patch
 Only one adpatch session can be run at a time

16 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

AutoPatch Tasks
Autopatch gathers the required information about your system via a series of prompts.
When you have responded to the prompts, AutoPatch performs the tasks required to apply the patch :

 Reads patch metadata information to determine patch dependencies and requirements

 Uploads patch information from a prior patch session to the database (if applicable)
 Reads and validate the patch driver file and reads the product driver files
 Compares version numbers of object modules from the product libraries and version numbers of the existing files in the
APPL_TOP against the patch files
 Backs up all existing files that will be changed by the patch
 Copies files
 Archive files in libraries
 Relinks executables
 Compiles JSP files and invalid database objects
 Updates database objects
 Generates forms, reports, messages, graphics, and Java archive (JAR) files.
 Performs post-install tasks like AutoConfig
 Saves patch information to the database

17 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Patching Overview - Reference Documentation

AutoPatch and Patching is covered in depth in the following guides:

 Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Utilities

 Oracle E-Business Suite Patching Procedures
 Oracle E-Business Suite Patching FAQ for Release 12 (Doc ID 459156.1)

18 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Webcast Agenda

 Patching Overview
 Patching Options Release 12
 Troubleshooting Tips
 Patch Wizard
 New Patching features in Release 12.1
 Q&A

19 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Patching options Release 12

How to minimize the risk

How to reduce downtime

Patching Best Practices And Reducing Downtime (Doc ID 225165.1)

20 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Apply on a Test System First

To perform an analysis of the effects of applying a patch, always apply it first to a test system.

 Before applying the patch, use Patch Wizard perform a Patch Analysis and check the impact of the patch
 Clone your Production System in order to have an exact copy of your Production environment :
 Use OAM Timing Report to analyze the patch application
From OAM : Site Map > Maintenance > Timing Reports

- Provides accurate method to measure requirements for maintenance windows

- Useful when applying patches between environments
- help to extrapolate the number of workers for Production System based on the test system
 Monitor Resource Related Issues
Modify rollback segment sizing and temporary segment space to optimize resources during patch application
and extrapolate to the production system.
 Always have a valid backup of the file system and database before applying large patches.
If the patching process fails when running the database portion of the unified driver, you will not be able to back out the patch
and the only solution is to restore.

21 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Patching options Release 12 - Merge Patches
 Merges multiple patches into a single patch, reducing patch application time
 It removes duplicate driver lines from the database portions of the driver
 Steps and readme files of patches are also merged if they contain manual steps
 Restricted to merge either AD-only patches or non-AD patches

Basic syntax : admrgpch -s source -d destination –merge_name MyMerge

22 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Patching options Release 12
Shared Application Tier Filesystem
•  Risk - Eliminates the risk of patch levels getting out of
synch on the different nodes

•  Cost,  Agility - Eliminates overhead of maintaining

multiple copies

•  Cost,  Agility - Enables the use of advanced AD

features, distributed AD, to reduce patch downtimes

Sharing The Application Tier File System in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Doc ID 384248.1
Converting To Shared Application Tier File System (Doc ID 1324602.1)

23 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Patching options Release 12 - Distributed AD

• Parallel Processing
– Run AutoPatch workers on the primary node and the secondary nodes
– Works only for Shared Application Tier Filesystem
• Time to complete AD tasks reduced
• Better utilization of system resources

For example : to run an AutoPatch session with a total of eight workers (three workers on the local node and five
workers on a remote node) :

$ adpatch workers=8 localworkers=3

See Oracle Applications Patching Procedures distributed AD

24 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Staged Application System
Production Copy
Patch History

Clone 1. Clone
Update 2. Apply Patches In Test
Database 3. Update Prod database
4. Synchronize File System
5. Transfer Patch History
Using a Staged Applications System (APPL_TOP) to Reduce Patching Downtime in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12

25 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Patching options Release 12 - NLS Patching

If your system uses multiple languages, you can use AD Merge Patch to create merged patches in
the following ways:

1. A single, merged patch that contains all languages (including US).

2. One merged patch for US and a second merged patch for all other languages.
3. A separate merged patch for each language.

For option 2 and 3 you can apply the US patches first during downtime.
Then, you can apply the merged NLS translation patches during uptime.

26 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Webcast Agenda

 Patching Overview
 Patching Options Release 12
 Troubleshooting Tips
 Patch Wizard
 New Patching features in Release 12.2
 Q&A

27 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

2.3 Troubleshooting Tips

• 2.3.1 Verify Resources – memory, DB tablespaces, etc

• 2.3.2 Which log files should be checked
• Which log to check for relinking failure
• Which logfiles to check for a FNDLOAD failure
• Which log file to check for a adodf failure
• Which log file to check for a compilation failure (Forms / Reports)

• 2.3.3 Patch Log File Troubleshooting

28 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

2.3.1 Verify Resources
• Check Your Hardware Configuration

Your hardware configuration consists of your application and/or database machine and operating system. You need this
information to select the appropriate Oracle patch. To learn more about your hardware configuration:

– In the General section of Enterprise Manager home page -> click the link next to Host -> host_name page appears
– This page lists your operating system, hardware platform, IP address, number of CPUs, memory size, and disk space.
– In the Configuration section -> click the links to drill down to pages that describe your operating system, hardware
platform, and disk space.

• Tablespaces: we have seen issues where patch wizard fails because of lack of space in tablespaces. So, before applying
any patch you need to check the space you have in tablespaces.

• Memory - you need to make sure that you have sufficient system memory available to run the patch wizard as it can take
much longer to run with systems that do not have the proper memory available.

29 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

2.3.2 Which log files should be checked
First place to look for a failed patch is the log file for patch. Log file for adpatch will exist in location which you mentioned by
running adpatch. Usually it will be stored in $APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/log directory.
Log File Used For

adpatch.log Main AutoPatch log file (default name)

adpatch.lgi AutoPatch informational messages (default name)

adrelink.log Relinking

adlibin.log Moving C object files into the C library of a product

adlibout.log Moving C object files out of the C library of a product

adworkxxx.log Database operations run in parallel (“xxx” is worker no.)

adctrl.log AD Controller log file (user defined name)

<language>_<filename>_ldt.log Seed data loader files

Autoconfig_xxxx.log Autoconfig log file

In addition to the main log file (adpatch.log), AutoPatch also creates other log files for specific purposes, for example, to record all the actions
associated with parallel workers.

The log files are written to $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/log (UNIX), where <SID> is the value of your ORACLE_SID or TWO_TASK variable, or
in %APPL_TOP%\admin\<SID>\log (Windows), where <SID> is the value of ORACLE_SID or LOCAL. Review these files when the AutoPatch
session is complete.
The log directory contains adpatch.log and adpatch.lgi, and may contain one or more additional files as described in the above table.

30 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

2.3.3 Patch Log File Troubleshooting
Why does Patching fail?
There are many reasons that can cause the adpatch to fail. These include:
• Incorrect patch versions.
• The environment was not properly set.
• Failure to stop some processes using adpatch.

Oracle Patching

During patching a database administrator is responsible to perform below tasks:

Moving the patch software: First of all the database administrator must move the patch software to the server and unzip the
Set up environment: Then the environment must be properly setup to run adpatch.
Shutdown: Shutdown the concurrent managers
Patching: Patch the APPL_TOP. This is often a time consuming and risky task and hence it should not fail. This step is
performed when the database is in ‘Maintenance Mode’ and unavailable for the users. Any problem in this step increases
the database outage and the database administrator must identify the problem and decide if the patch should be rolled back.
The gold copy Oracle home cloning eliminates this step by cloning.
Restarting: Enable the database by ending the ‘Maintenance Mode’ via adadmin

31 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Patching Troubleshooting
Sometimes you are facing errors when applying Oracle patches in Application level and you have the following

1. What to do if you encounter any problem while applying patches?

2. If AutoPatch fails during the copy portion of the unified driver, what should I do?
3. If a worker fails during the database portion of the unified driver, what should I do?
4. How to control patch workers and how to restart a failed patch?
5. I have reviewed the log file for the failed worker and determined the problem. What do I do next?
6. What should I do when the Oracle Applications AutoPatch Prerequisite Checking Feature fails?
7. What should I do if a worker process is hanging?
8. Can I restore my system after the database portion of the patch fails?

32 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

1. What to do if you encounter any problem while applying patches?

Review the main log file

adpatch.log and the
adworkxxx.log file to
ATTENTION: determine the source of
AutoPatch will allow you to the error.
continue where the patch Verify that all steps in
left off. Re-running the patch the readme file were
from the beginning may completed.
result in it being applied

What to do if you
encounter any problem
while applying patches?
Check MOS for additional
Fix the issue and restart information regarding the
AutoPatch using the
adctrl command. patch you are applying and
Note: Some failed jobs are for the error you get.
deferred (not immediately
reassigned) by the manager.
These jobs do not cause the
manager or other workers to

Note: See “Monitoring and Controlling Parallel Processing”, Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Utilities for details on using the adctrl comm and “Managing Worker
Processes, Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Procedures.

33 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

2. If AutoPatch fails during the copy portion of the unified driver, what
should I do?

1. In the most cases, the issue can be resolved and the patching process can be restarted at the point of failure.

Review the log files and the copy portion of the unified driver to
2. If there is no feasible method of determine the files copied by the patch and the update actions
resolving the issue performed.

Depending on the number of files that were copied prior to the

failure, you must decide the best method for restoring the files.

Based on the actions recorded in the log file, you must decide which
files, if any, need to be relinked, restored, and generated.

For detailed suggestions about how to restore from a failed copy

section of a unified driver, refer to the Troubleshooting section of
Oracle Applications Patching Procedures.

34 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

3. If a worker fails during the database portion of the unified driver, what
should I do?

Attempt to correct the problem and restart the failed job. AD Controller Menu
1. Show worker status
-> To restart a failed job, run AD Controller and choose 2. Tell worker to restart a failed job
Option 2 to tell the worker to restart a failed job. Enter 3. Tell worker to quit
the worker number when prompted. 4. Tell manager that a worker failed its job
5. Tell manager that a worker acknowledges quit
6. Restart a worker on the current machine
7. Exit

Enter your choice [2] :

35 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

4. How to control patch workers and how to restart a failed patch?

• Check which worker is showing as failed state and then go to that worker log file in AD Controller Menu
same location: $APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/log.
1. Show worker status
• You will see log file like adworkXXX.log (ex: adwork001.log, adwork002.log, etc) so 2. Tell worker to restart a failed job
if your worker 01 failed open log file adwork001.log and fix the problem.
3. Tell worker to quit
4. Tell manager that a worker failed its job
5. Tell manager that a worker acknowledges quit
To review a worker status, perform these steps:
6. Restart a worker on the current machine
1. Start AD Controller. Set the environment and enter adctrl on the command line.
7. Exit
2. Review worker status. Select "Show worker status" from the AD Controller main menu.
Enter your choice [1] :

AD Controller displays a summary of current worker activity. The summary columns are:
Worker Status:
• Control Worker is the worker number ----------------------
• Code is the last instruction from the manager to this worker
Worker Code Context Filename Status
• Context is the general action the manager is executing ----------- --------- ---------------------------- ----------------- -------------
• Filename is the file the worker is running (if any) 1 Run Installing at R1211 afasdfa.dat Running
2 Run Installing at R1211 aftxt.drv Failed
• The next table describes the types of status that may be assigned to a worker and
reported in the Status column. 3 Run Installing at R1211 afatsaf2.sql Running
4 Run Installing at R1211 Wait
5 Run Installing at R1211 Wait

36 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Worker Status Values

Status Meaning
Assigned The manager assigned a job to the worker, and the worker has not started.

Completed The worker completed the job, and the manager has not yet assigned it a new

Failed The worker encountered a problem.

Fixed, Restart The worker should retry the failed operation now that the problem has been fixed.

Restarted The worker is retrying a job or has successfully restarted a job (note that the
status does not change to Running).

Running The worker is running a job.

Wait The worker is idle.

After fixing the error, execute adctrl and select option Restart Failed Worker & then give worker number you want to restart.

Note: If still you can’t fix or you don’t find any related error message in MOS, raise a Service Request to Oracle.

37 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

5. I have reviewed the log file for the failed worker and determined the
problem. What do I do next?

A worker usually runs continuously in the background and when it fails to complete the job it was assigned, it reports a status of
Failed. When the manager displays an error message, confirm the failed status of a worker by using AD Controller to review
worker status. If the job was deferred after the worker failed, no action may be required.

• Set the environment and enter adctrl on the command line.


• Identify the failed process.

• Review the worker log file. Each worker logs the status of tasks assigned to it in adworkxxx.log. These files are
3 in the $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/log directory.
• Resolve the error. Resolve the error using the information provided in the log files. Contact Oracle Support
4 Services if you do not understand how to resolve the issue.
• Restart the failed job. Choose Option 2 from the AD Controller main menu to tell the worker to restart a failed
5 job.
• Verify worker status. Choose Option 1 again. The Status column for the worker that failed should now say
6 Restarted or Fixed, Restart.

38 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

6. What should I do when Oracle Applications AutoPatch Prerequisites
Checking Feature fails?

 If a prerequisite patch for the patch you are applying is missing, you will receive a message telling you what prerequisite
patch(es) are missing. Then AutoPatch will exit. If the patch hasn't been applied, you'll need to apply it first or merge it
with the patch that depends on it.

 If you have copied, cloned, or renamed your Oracle Applications system or changed the name of your APPL_TOP,
and applying a patch warns that prerequisites have not been applied even though they have been, you can fix the issue as
1. Run AD Administration and maintain snapshot information for the APPL_TOP on which the prerequisite checking issue occurs.
When it asks you the following question, answer "Yes“:
Refresh this APPL_TOP's snapshot with all bug fixes applied to all APPL_TOPs [No] ? Yes

Running the Maintain snapshot information task with this option lists all bug fixes applied to all APPL_TOPS in your Applications
system as having been applied to the current APPL_TOP.

2. Perform the above step for all APPL_TOPs in your Applications system.

39 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

 Patch is listed as missing, but a patch that supersedes it was applied

You can correct this situation by providing the automatic patch prerequisite checking feature with updated patch metadata that
lists patch A as being superseded by patch B.

This updated metadata is contained in the OracleAppsPatches.ldt file in the Patch Information Bundle File used by Patch
Advisor (See Note 233039.1 Patch Information Bundle File ( for more information about the Patch
Information Bundle File).

To make the updated patch metadata available, perform the following steps:
• Download from MOS and extract OracleAppsPatches.ldt from the Zip file.
• Copy OracleAppsPatches.ldt to x <patch_number>.ldt and place it under the patch top directory where
b<patch_number>.ldt resides.
• Run the AutoPatch utility to apply the patch.

AutoPatch automatically loads patch metadata from files named b<patch_number>.ldt and x<patch_number>.ldt as the first
step in the automatic patch prerequisite checking feature. The information in x<patch_number>.ldt (OracleAppsPatches.ldt)
should cause the feature to understand that patch A is superseded by patch B, which should allow the patch to apply

40 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

7. What should I do if a worker process is hanging?

When running AutoPatch, there may be situations when a worker process appears to hang or stop processing. If this
occurs, you may need to terminate the process manually. If you do, you must also restart the process manually.

Attention: A process that appears to be hanging could be a valid long-running job. Be careful when terminating
processes. For step-by-step instructions for terminating a process, refer to:

Troubleshooting in Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures

How to Troubleshoot "adpatch" Performance Issues: Slow, Hanging or Crashes (Doc ID 756063.1)

41 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

8. Can I restore my system after the database portion of the patch fails?

There is no general method of backing out changes that a patch makes to the Oracle Application database. To avoid the
need to restore a database, you should always test the application of the patch several times on a test system,
particularly if the patch is a release update pack (RUP) or pre-upgrade patch.

Have a valid backup of the system to be patched !

Do not apply the patch in production until the patch has successfully applied in a test system !

42 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Webcast Agenda

 Patching Overview
 Patching Options Release 12
 Troubleshooting Tips
 Patch Wizard
 New Patching features in Release 12.2
 Q&A

43 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Patch Wizard Overview
• No install necessary. Free tool that is part of Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) in
both R11i and R12.
– Navigation: System Administrator > Oracle Applications Manager > Patching and Utilities > Patch Wizard

• Displays the recommended EBS patches on your current code line and the latest
patchsets available.
• Determines the status of the patch: Applied, Not Applied, and Missing (indicates un-
applied hard prerequisites exist).
• Conducts an automatic patch impact analysis, showing the changes that the patch
will introduce to your system.
• Enables you to analyze specific patches and download/merge patches.
• Checks 11.5.10 baseline patches required for extended support.
• Provides an alert for changes that affect your customization via the Flagged Files
feature (R12).

44 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Create Recommendation Process Flow

45 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Patch Wizard Navigation & Main Screen

46 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Patch Wizard Setup

47 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Patch Wizard Filters

48 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Register Flagged Files

49 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Run the Create Recommendation Process

50 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Create Recommendation Process Output

51 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Patch Wizard – Impact Analysis Summary

52 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Patch Wizard – Impact Analysis Details

53 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Patch Wizard – Analyze Specific Patches

54 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Patch Wizard Resources
R11i: Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities
R12: Oracle E-Business Suite Patching Procedures

•Additional Information
Patch Wizard Utility (Note976188.1)
Patch Wizard FAQ (Note976688.1)
Patch Wizard Training Videos (Note1085668.1)
Patch Wizard Overview Videos (Note1210479.1)
New ARU Access Protocol Requires Patches for Patch Wizard in Oracle E-Business Suite...
(Note 1267768.1)
How to Find E-Business Suite Recommended Patches (Note1400757.1)

•To log a Patch Wizard SR

Product: Oracle Application Manager
 Problem Category: Application Manager (OAM) Issues

55 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Webcast Agenda

 Patching Overview
 Patching Options Release 12
 Troubleshooting Tips
 Patch Wizard
 New Patching features in Release 12.2
 Q&A

56 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Planned for 12.2: Online Patching
• In 12.2 all Patching operations are online
• Oracle E‐Business Suite will remain available to users during
patching operations

• Downtime will be measured in minutes not hours or days

 Downtime windows will be very predictable
 Patches are applied while the Production Application remains

57 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Planned for 12.2: Online Patching
• Allows an application to efficiently store multiple
editions of its Application Definition in the same

• Provides an isolation mechanism (The Edition)

that allows pre-upgrade and post-upgrade
schemas to co-exist

• Client code chooses the particular “Edition” that

it wants to connect to

58 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Planned for 12.2: Online Patching

59 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Applications Technology Group Webcasts
o April or May 2012 : E-Business Suite – SOA Gateway

Additional Webcasts are planned – they will be promoted soon.

For complete details on all upcoming Oracle Advisor Webcast Events, please see
Note 740966.1, Oracle Advisor Webcast Schedule.

For EBS Technology Specific Webcasts please check Note 1186338.1.

Do you have any requests for future ATG Advisor Webcast Events ?
Please email your suggestions to me :, subject: Topics of Interest.

60 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Communities in My Oracle Support

61 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

EBS Technology Communities in MOS available
Following Communities are available in My Oracle Support

Oracle E-Business Suite

BI Publisher - Business Intelligence Products (not only EBS)
Core Concurrent Processing - Anything around Concurrent Processing and Concurrent Managers
Core Workflow - Any Workflow isse not only E-Business Suite
Diagnostic Tools - Anything around EBS Diagnostics
E-Business Customizations - Your Customizations
Installation - Fresh Install of the E-Business Suite
Patch Review EBS - Review of Patches around the E-Business Suite
Performance - EBS Performance
Upgrade - EBS Upgrade
User Produktivity Kit - User Productivity Kit (UPK) available for the E-Business Suite
Utilities - Utilities / generic EBS DBA issues
This is the current list for the E-Business Suite – Applications Technology Group

62 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

EBS ATG Product Information Center Note 1160285.1

63 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


64 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

for attending our Advisor Webcast !

65 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

66 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
67 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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