Simultaneous PCR Detection of Haemophilus Ducreyi, Treponema and 2 From Genital Ulcers

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JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, Jan. 1996, p. 49–54 Vol. 34, No.

Copyright q 1996, American Society for Microbiology

Simultaneous PCR Detection of Haemophilus ducreyi, Treponema

pallidum, and Herpes Simplex Virus Types 1
and 2 from Genital Ulcers
Roche Molecular Systems, Alameda, California ; Section of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine,
Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans, Louisiana2; and Laboratory
Corporation of America Holdings, Ltd., Burlington, North Carolina3
Received 25 July 1995/Returned for modification 28 September 1995/Accepted 13 October 1995

A multiplex PCR (M-PCR) assay with colorimetric detection was devised for the simultaneous amplification
of DNA targets from Haemophilus ducreyi, Treponema pallidum, and herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2.
By using target-specific oligonucleotides in a microwell format, 298 genital ulcer swab specimens collected in
New Orleans during three intervals from 1992 through 1994 were evaluated. The results of the M-PCR assay
were compared with the results of dark-field microscopy and H. ducreyi culture on two different culture media.
HSV culture results were available for 99 specimens collected during the third interval. Confirmatory PCR
assays targeting different gene sequences for each of the three organisms were used to validate the M-PCR
results. Specimens were resolved as positive for the determination of sensitivity if the reference diagnostic test
was positive or if the results of both the M-PCR and the confirmatory PCR were positive. The resolved
sensitivities of M-PCR for HSV, H. ducreyi, and T. pallidum were 100, 98.4, and 91%, respectively. The resolved
sensitivities of HSV culture, H. ducreyi culture, and dark-field microscopy were 71.8, 74.2, and 81%, respec-
tively. These results indicate that the M-PCR assay is more sensitive than standard diagnostic tests for the
detection of HSV, H. ducreyi, and T. pallidum from genital ulcers.

The three major causes of genital ulcer disease (GUD) in is usually made by dark-field microscopic examination of lesion
the United States are herpes simplex virus (HSV), Treponema material or by serology. Currently, serologic tests are useful for
pallidum (the causative agent of syphilis), and Haemophilus the confirmation of a diagnosis based on clinical presentation
ducreyi (the causative agent of chancroid). Currently, the di- and for follow-up treatment, but sensitivities as low as 30%
agnosis of GUD is based primarily on the clinical presentation have been reported for the early stages of syphilis (21). Direct
of the ulcer itself, because H. ducreyi cultures are performed in examination methods, including dark-field microscopy and im-
very few clinical laboratories and dark-field examinations are munofluorescent-antibody staining, are limited by low degrees
not done in many clinical settings (29). However, agent-specific of sensitivity and specificity (15).
diagnoses based solely on clinical evaluation are often ob- The accurate diagnosis of H. ducreyi depends on the ability

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scured by the overlapping patterns of clinical presentation and to culture the organism; specimens must be cultured on solid
the occurrence of multiple and mixed infections (30). Efficient medium within 4 to 6 h after collection from the patient.
early treatment of GUD is becoming increasingly important, Because of its fastidious growth requirements, even on selec-
because studies report a correlation between GUD and human tive enrichment media, isolation rates have been only 53 to
immunodeficiency virus transmission (1, 14, 19, 31, 34). Addi- 88% (24). Very few U.S. laboratories are properly equipped
tionally, since treatment differs for each of these diseases, it is to perform H. ducreyi culture (29), and diagnosis dependent
important to correctly identify the causative agent. solely on clinical presentation has a reported accuracy of 33 to
Current methods for detecting HSV include virus isolation 53% (24). Because of these restrictions, it is believed that H.
in tissue culture, cytologic examination, immunostaining, and ducreyi is often underdiagnosed in the United States (29).
antigen detection. The ‘‘gold standard’’ is viral culture; this is
PCR assays for each of the three agents have been de-
followed by confirmation with immunofluorescent-antibody
scribed. T. pallidum DNA has been successfully detected from
staining. The sensitivity of HSV detection by culture depends
genital ulcers, as well as cerebrospinal fluid, amniotic fluid, and
on the stage and duration of the lesion. Although the sensitiv-
fetal and neonatal sera (2, 11, 13, 25, 37). Fulminant and
ity of detection approaches 100% for samples obtained from
vesicular lesions, it drops to 30% when samples are obtained asymptomatic shedding of HSV from genital ulcers and cere-
from crusted or healing lesions (7). The presence of HSV in brospinal fluid was detected by PCR with an increased sensi-
most specimens will be detected within 48 h of culture; how- tivity compared with that by culture (5, 7, 12, 17, 20). The low
ever, for some specimens up to 14 days may be required. detection limit of PCR offered a further advantage to culture
Recent studies suggest that the current methods used for the by identifying HSV in crusted-over lesions, as well as before
diagnosis of genital HSV in women may miss many cases (6, and after lesions appeared (7). H. ducreyi DNA has been de-
18). tected in genital ulcer specimens by PCR, and PCR was more
T. pallidum cannot be cultured in vitro. Laboratory diagnosis sensitive than culture (4, 16).
We report here the first multiplex PCR (M-PCR) assay for
the simultaneous detection of these three etiologic agents in a
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Roche Molecular Sys- single genital ulcer swab specimen. The goal of the study was
tems, 1145 Atlantic Ave., Alameda, CA 94501. Phone: (510) 814-2886. to evaluate the three-way PCR assay by using specimens col-
Fax: (510) 814-2810. Electronic mail address: lected in two different transport media during periods of a


TABLE 1. M-PCR primer and probe sequences

Organism Target Primer or probe Sequence (bases)

T. pallidum 47-kDa membrane Primer KO3A 59-biotinyl-GAAGTTTGTCCCAGTTGCGGTT (537–559)

immunogen gene (35)
Primer KO4 59-biotinyl-CAGAGCCATCAGCCCTTTTCA (797–776)

HSV Glycoprotein B gene (3) Primer KS30 59-biotinyl-TTCAAGGCCACCATGTACTACAAAGACGT (1022–1050, HSV-1)

Primer KS31 59-biotinyl-GCCGTAAAACGGGGACATGTACACAAAGT (1453–1425, HSV-1)

H. ducreyi 16S rRNA gene (9) Primer KO7A 59-biotinyl-CAAGTCGAACGGTAGCACGAAG (56–78)


known chancroid outbreak in New Orleans. The M-PCR re- ation (958C), annealing (628C), and extension (728C) for 20 s at each step.
sults were compared with dark-field microscopic detection of Following temperature cycling, the samples were held at 728C for at least 15 min,
but for no longer than 2 h, prior to detection and analysis by oligonucleotide
T. pallidum, Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) capture in a microwell plate assay. All amplifications were performed in dupli-
and rapid plasma reagin (RPR) tests for T. pallidum serology, cate for each patient specimen. Analysis of each set of 40 specimens included
and culture for H. ducreyi and HSV. multiple negative controls lacking DNA and positive controls consisting of mix-
(A preliminary report of this work has been presented pre- tures of DNA from three plasmids containing cloned fragments of the gene
viously [26].) targets.
Detection of PCR products. Detection and identification of amplification prod-
ucts was performed as reported previously for Chlamydia trachomatis (22) by
MATERIALS AND METHODS using three separate microwells containing immobilized oligonucleotide capture
probes and a colorimetric detection system in the AMPLICOR (Roche Molec-
Specimens. During three intervals from 1992 through 1994, consecutive men ular Systems) kit format. Oligonucleotide capture probes (Table 1) were bound
presenting to the New Orleans Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic with genital to the bottom of separate microwells via a bovine serum albumin (BSA) mole-
ulcers were enrolled in the study if an adequate specimen for dark-field micros- cule conjugated to the 59 end of the oligonucleotide (33).
copy could be obtained. After first cleaning the ulcer with a sterile swab moist- Specimens were scored as positive for a specific pathogen if both duplicate
ened with saline, specimens were collected in the following order: (i) swab for reactions produced microwell signals with an A450 of $0.25. Specimens with split
HSV culture (last interval only) collected in viral transport medium (tryptose- positive and negative results (3%) were reamplified in duplicate and were rean-
phosphate with gelatin), (ii) swab for H. ducreyi culture, (iii) dry swab for M-PCR alyzed until the replicates were concordant.
which was vigorously agitated in 1 ml of transport medium (see below), ex- Confirmatory PCR assays. The T. pallidum, H. ducreyi, and HSV confirmatory
pressed, and discarded, and (iv) a specimen from the base of the lesion collected PCR assays were targeted to the T. pallidum basic membrane protein gene (8),
for dark-field analysis. Serum was also obtained for syphilis serology. the H. ducreyi groEL gene (27), and the HSV DNA polymerase gene (32),
The first set of 101 specimens was collected during the winter of 1992. The respectively. Of the 298 specimens in the study, 269 were analyzed by all three
specimen for M-PCR was collected in 1 ml of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) confirmatory assays. Because of limitations in the volume of specimen received,
containing chenodeoxycholate (Sigma) at 1 mg/ml. The second set of 97 speci- 29 specimens were analyzed by confirmatory assays only when a discrepancy
mens was collected during the late summer of 1993, and the third set of 100 between the comparative diagnosis and PCR existed or for specimens HSV
specimens was collected from May through October 1994. The last two sets were positive by M-PCR for which culture results were unavailable.
collected by using Roche AMPLICOR Specimen Transport Medium (STM). All Analysis of PCR inhibition. (i) First set. All specimens tested by M-PCR that

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specimens for M-PCR were frozen and stored at 2708C after collection until were negative for all three gene targets were extracted with phenol-chloroform,
they were thawed and divided into aliquots for use. Unused aliquots were ethanol precipitated (23), and reanalyzed.
refrozen and were then thawed when needed. (ii) Second and third sets. Twenty copies of plasmid pSYC38 DNA, containing
Comparative diagnostics. For T. pallidum diagnosis, dark-field microscopy, the the HSV primer binding sites, a scrambled HSV amplicon sequence, and an
serologic RPR test, and the VDRL test were performed. For H. ducreyi isolation, alternate probe binding site, were incorporated into each M-PCR to flag inhib-
specimens were inoculated onto two different selective media (16). Specimens itory specimens. Inhibition was defined as a microwell plate signal with an A450
for HSV culture were frozen at 2708C after collection. Prior to culture, peni- of ,2.0 for pSYC38 and negative signals for all three gene targets. Samples that
cillin-streptomycin-amphotericin B solution was added, and the specimens were were negative for all three targets and pSYC38 were subsequently phenol ex-
incubated on ice for 1 h. A specimen (0.25 ml) was inoculated onto two tubes of tracted, ethanol precipitated, and then reassayed. No specimens were inhibitory
low-passage-number MRC-5 cells (BioWhittaker, Inc., Walkersville, Md., and following phenol extraction. The M-PCR results were scored once the specimens
Bartels Diagnostics, Inc., Bellvue, Wash.), and cultures were examined for cyto- were free of inhibitors.
pathic effects at 24 h and subsequently every 48 h. All cultures showing cytopathic Discrepant result analysis. Specimens for which PCR results were discrepant
effects were stained with fluorescent antibody (HSV typing; Bartels Diagnostics, with the results obtained from the comparison diagnostic tests, H. ducreyi culture,
Inc.) to confirm the presence of HSV type 1 (HSV-1) or HSV-2. HSV culture, and dark-field microscopy (after decoding of the clinical diagnostic
Preparation of specimens for M-PCR. (i) Chenodeoxycholate specimens. Prior results), were reanalyzed by using a fresh aliquot of specimen with the M-PCR
to PCR analysis, specimens were heated at 1008C for 10 min and were then and a confirmatory PCR assay targeting a different gene.
diluted 10-fold with Roche AMPLICOR Specimen Diluent containing Tween 20 Specimens that were consistently positive for the target DNA by repeat M-
and 6 mM magnesium chloride. Diluted specimens were incubated for at least 15 PCR and confirmatory PCR assay but negative by the reference test were re-
min at room temperature before M-PCR was performed. solved as being true positives for the target.
(ii) AMPLICOR STM specimens. Prior to PCR analysis, specimens were Specificity testing. The following strains were used for the inclusivity testing of
diluted twofold with the specimen diluent described above and were then incu- M-PCR: (i) T. pallidum Nichols, a gift of Michael Norgard, Southwestern Med-
bated for at least 15 min at room temperature. ical School, Dallas, Tex.; (ii) HSV-1 KOS and HSV-2 G, gifts of Patricia Weber,
PCR amplification. The M-PCR mixture contained 50 ml of processed swab Houghten Pharmaceuticals, Inc., San Diego, Calif.; and (iii) H. ducreyi ATCC
specimen and 50 ml of a mixture that resulted in the following final concentra- 27721, ATCC 27722, and ATCC 33940, obtained from the American Type
tions of reagents: 10 mM Tris buffer, 3.0 mM MgCl2, 50 mM KCl, 12% glycerol, Culture Collection (ATCC), Rockville, Md. H. ducreyi 174, 175, 176, 178, 179,
200 mM (each) dUTP, dATP, dGTP, and dCTP, 2 U of Taq polymerase (Am- 181, 182, 186, 187, and 189 representing 10 HindIII ribotypes were obtained from
pliTaq; Perkin-Elmer), 1 U of uracil-N-glycosylase (AmpErase; Roche Molecu- the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Ga.
lar Systems) to prevent amplicon carryover contamination, and 25 pmol each of For exclusivity testing, a panel including commensal and pathogenic microbes
the three pairs of biotinylated oligonucleotide primers (Table 1). found in the genitourinary tract, organisms that comprise the normal skin flora,
Amplification was performed in a thermal cycler (Perkin-Elmer PCR System and organisms closely related to the intended target species, was obtained from
9600) on a MicroAmp base (Perkin-Elmer) with the following parameters: 508C ATCC and propagated, with the following exceptions. A spirochete panel was
for 2 min to allow uracil-N-glycosylase inactivation of any carryover product; obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The viral DNA
958C for 5 min to inactivate the uracil-N-glycosylase; and 35 cycles of denatur- isolates were obtained from cell culture (Table 2).

TABLE 2. Specificity panel TABLE 3. M-PCR results

Bacterium or virus No. of specimens at collection intervala:
Result Total %b
Achromobacter xerosis Haemophilus ducreyi 1 2 3
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus Haemophilus haemoglobinophilus
Acinetobacter lwolfi Haemophilus haemolyticus HSV 30 33 39 102 34
Actinomyces israelii Haemophilus influenzae T. pallidum 15 36 24 75 25
Aerococcus viridans Haemophilus paracuniculus H. ducreyi 37 19 9 65 22
Aeromonas hydrophila Haemophilus parahaemolyticus Negative 21 13 29 62 21
Agrobacterium radiobacter Haemophilus parainfluenzae Specimens analyzed 101 97 100 298
Alcaligenes dentrificans Haemophilus segnis
Alcaligenes faecalis Herpes simplex virus type 1 Coinfections 2 Hd, HSV 2 HSV, Tp; 1 Tp, HSV 7
Bacillus subtilis Herpes simplex virus type 2 2 HSV, Hd
Bacteroides fragilis Human papillomavirus type 16 a
Hd, H. ducreyi; Tp, T. pallidum.
Bifidobacterium adolescentis Human papillomavirus type 18 b
Percentages add up to more than 100% because of coinfections.
Borrelia burgdorferi Kingella kingae
Branhamella catarrhalis Lactobacillus casei
Brevibacterium linens Lactococcus lactis cremoris
Campylobacter fetus Lactococcus lactis lactis when all three targets were present in the same reaction tube.
Campylobacter jejuni Legionella pneumophila Reactions in which 10 copies of a target were analyzed in the
Candida albicans Leprospira interrogans serovar presence of 106-fold excess DNA from the other two organisms
Candida glabrata icterohaemorrhagiae resulted in a decreased signal, but the target present at 10
Candida guilliermondii Leptospira interrogans copies was still detected in each case.
Candida kruisei Leptospira species Specificity testing. M-PCR assay analysis of unrelated bac-
Candida parapsilosis Micrococcus luteus terial, fungal, and viral DNAs showed no nonspecific amplifi-
Candida tropicalis Mycoplasma genitalium cation, as indicated by the fact that all signals were below the
Chlamydia trachomatis Mycoplasma hominis
Chromobacter violaceum Mycoplasma pneumoniae
cutoff for the microwell plate assay (A450, ,0.15). In addition,
Citrobacter freundii Neisseria gonorrhoeae gel analysis indicated that all specific DNAs were amplifiable.
Clostridium innocuum Neisseria meningitidis M-PCR detected all H. ducreyi ribotypes assayed.
Clostridium perfringens Peptostreptococcus anaerobicus Analysis of clinical specimens. The following M-PCR results
Corynebacterium genitalium Propionibacterium acnes were obtained for the 298 genital ulcer lesion specimens ana-
Corynebacterium pseudo- Proteus mirabilis lyzed: 75 were positive for T. pallidum, 65 were positive for H.
tuberculosis Pseudomonas aeruginosa ducreyi, and 102 were positive for HSV (Table 3). Of these,
Corynebacterium xerosis Staphylococcus aureus four specimens contained both H. ducreyi and HSV DNAs and
Cryptococcus neoformans Staphylococcus epidermidis three contained both HSV and T. pallidum DNAs. Sixty-two
Cytomegalovirus Streptococcus agalactiae
Deinococcus radiopugnans Streptococcus mitis
specimens were negative for all three targets.
Derxia gummosa Streptococcus mutans M-PCR versus dark-field microscopy. Dark-field micros-
Edwardsiella tarda Streptococcus pneumoniae copy detected T. pallidum in 65 specimens, of which 58 also
Eikenella corrodens Streptococcus pyogenes were positive in the M-PCR assay. The M-PCR assay, as well
Enterobacter cloacae Streptococcus sanguis as the confirmatory T. pallidum PCR assay, detected an addi-
Enterococcus faecium Treponema denticola tional 17 specimens that were negative by dark-field analysis

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Enterococcus faecalis Treponema pallidum (Table 4). The M-PCR assay detected T. pallidum DNA in two
Epstein-Barr virus Treponema phagedenis Reiter specimens that were negative by dark-field analysis and the T.
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Treponema refringens Noguchi pallidum confirmatory PCR. These specimens were resolved as
Escherichia coli Trichomonas vaginalis
Flavobacterium meningosepticum Ureaplasma urealyticum
falsely positive for T. pallidum by M-PCR. Of the 283 speci-
Gardnerella vaginalis Varicella-zoster virus mens analyzed by both the M-PCR and the T. pallidum con-
Gemmella haemolysans Vibrio parahaemolyticus firmatory PCR, the confirmatory PCR detected no additional
Haemophilus aegypticus Yersinia enterocolitica positive specimens. The concordance of the M-PCR results
Haemophilus aphrophilus with the confirmatory PCR results was 99.3%. Dark-field mi-
croscopy was not performed on specimens from three patients,
one of which was positive for T. pallidum DNA by M-PCR. A
total of 79 (27%) specimens resolved as positive for the pres-
The organisms for the specificity analysis were subjected to the same sample
preparation protocol as the clinical specimens. For all samples, at least 104
genome equivalents were added to each M-PCR mixture. Bacterial and yeast
samples were determined to be suitable for PCR by amplification with the TABLE 4. Detection of T. pallidum by M-PCR
universal bacterial 16S rRNA gene primers RW01 and DG74 (10) and the fungal versus dark-field microscopya
18S rRNA gene primers NS3 and NS8 (36). Viral DNAs were determined to be
suitable for PCR by amplification with primers specific for each virus. Dark-field No. of specimens
microscopy result M-PCR positive M-PCR negative Total
Positive 58 7 65
Negative 17 213 230
Assay sensitivity. To assess the sensitivity of the M-PCR
Total 75 220 295
assay, purified target DNAs from T. pallidum, H. ducreyi, and
HSV-2 were amplified by M-PCR, either alone or together a
Dark-field microscopy was not performed on three specimens, which were
with the other two DNAs, at input levels ranging from 107 to excluded from analysis. A total of 80 specimens were resolved to be positive. The
sensitivity of M-PCR was 73 of 80 specimens (91%). The sensitivity of dark-field
1022 genome equivalents. The M-PCR assay was found to have microscopy was 65 of 80 specimens (81%). The specificity of M-PCR was 213 of
a sensitivity of 1 to 10 copies when each control DNA was 215 specimens (99%). The specificity of dark-field microscopy was 213 of 213
evaluated independently and a sensitivity of at least 10 copies specimens (100%).

TABLE 5. Detection of T. pallidum by M-PCR versus serologya TABLE 7. Detection of H. ducreyi by M-PCR
VDRL or RPR No. of specimens H. ducreyi culturea
test result M-PCR positive M-PCR negative Total
H. ducreyi No. of specimens
Positive 64 24 88 culture result M-PCR positive M-PCR negative Total
Negative 11 197 208
Total 75 221 296 Positive 45 1 46
Negative 17 226 243
Serology was not performed on two specimens, which were excluded from Total 62 227 289
the analysis. Concordance 5 (64 1 197)/296 5 88.2%.
Culture was contaminated for nine specimens, which were excluded from the
analysis. A total of 62 specimens were resolved to be positive. The sensitivity of
M-PCR was 61 of 62 specimens (98.4%). The sensitivity of culture was 46 of 62
ence of T. pallidum. The sensitivity of M-PCR detection of T. specimens (74.2%). The specificity of M-PCR was 227 of 228 specimens (99.6%).
pallidum was 91%, compared with 81% for dark-field micros- The specificity of culture was 227 of 227 specimens (100%).
copy. The specificity of M-PCR was 99%, compared with 100%
for dark-field microscopy.
M-PCR and dark-field microscopy versus serology. When The concordance between M-PCR and the H. ducreyi confir-
the results of M-PCR detection of T. pallidum DNA in genital matory PCR was 99.6%. Nine cultures were contaminated, and
ulcer lesions was compared with serologic detection (positive data for those cultures were not included in the final calcula-
by the VDRL or the RPR test) of T. pallidum, the concordance tions. However, swab specimens corresponding to three of the
of the assays was 88% (Table 5). When the RPR and VDRL contaminated cultures contained H. ducreyi DNA by both the
test results were analyzed separately, M-PCR detected 11 spec- M-PCR assay and the confirmatory H. ducreyi PCR assay. A
imens containing T. pallidum that were negative by the RPR total of 62 specimens (22%) resolved as positive for the pres-
test and 15 specimens that were negative by the VDRL test. ence of H. ducreyi. The sensitivity of M-PCR detection of
Results comparing the combined serology with the direct H. ducreyi was 98.4%, compared with 74.2% for culture. The
detection of T. pallidum were also tabulated (Table 6). Of the specificity of the H. ducreyi M-PCR assay was 99.6%, com-
58 dark-field microscopy- and PCR-positive specimens, 55 pared with 100% for H. ducreyi culture.
were detected by serology, and of the 15 specimens that were M-PCR versus HSV culture. HSV culture detected 28 pos-
dark-field microscopy negative and PCR positive, 9 were de- itive specimens, of which 27 were HSV-2 and 1 was HSV-1.
tected by serology. Serology was positive for an additional 18 The M-PCR assay detected HSV DNA in all 28 specimens that
patients whose ulcers were negative for T. pallidum by direct were positive for HSV by culture and detected 11 additional
detection. specimens that were negative for HSV by culture (Table 8). Of
M-PCR versus H. ducreyi culture. Culture of genital ulcer the 99 specimens for which culture was performed, 39 (40%)
lesion swabs for H. ducreyi with two media detected 46 H. resolved as positive for the presence of HSV. The sensitivity of
ducreyi-positive specimens, of which 45 were detected by M- M-PCR was 100%, compared with 71.8% for culture. The
PCR (Table 7). The M-PCR assay was positive for an addi- specificities of both M-PCR and culture were 100%.
tional 17 specimens that were negative by culture. Sixteen of Detection of HSV in the first and second specimen sets.
these were positive by the confirmatory H. ducreyi PCR assay. HSV culture was not performed on the specimens collected
One specimen was culture positive but M-PCR negative. The during the first two intervals; however, both the M-PCR assay
confirmatory PCR was also negative for this specimen. The and the HSV confirmatory PCR assay detected HSV DNA in

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DNA of the organism cultured from this patient was success- 63 specimens. Of the 279 specimens from all three collection
fully amplified by M-PCR. One specimen was positive for H. intervals analyzed by both assays, the HSV confirmatory assay
ducreyi by the M-PCR assay but was negative for H. ducreyi by did not detect any additional positive specimens, resulting in a
both H. ducreyi confirmatory PCR and culture. This specimen 100% correlation between the two assays for HSV detection.
was resolved as a falsely positive result by H. ducreyi M-PCR. Inhibition and transport media. Two different transport me-
Of the 275 specimens analyzed by both the M-PCR and the H. dia were used over the course of the study. During the first
ducreyi confirmatory PCR, the confirmatory PCR did not de- collection interval, specimens were collected in PBS containing
tect any additional positive specimens undetected by M-PCR. 1 mg of chenodeoxycholate per ml. The PBS-chenodeoxy-
cholate transport medium was found to be optimal for PCR
when it was diluted 10-fold. Specimens that were found to be
TABLE 6. Comparison of T. pallidum serology with negative for all three target DNAs were extracted with phenol
direct detection of T. palliduma and reevaluated. No additional positive results were found
No. of specimens with the
following serology: Assay resultsb
Positive c
Negative TABLE 8. Detection of HSV by M-PCR versus HSV culturea
No. of specimens
55 3 Dk1, M-PCR1, C-PCR1 HSV culture
9 6 Dk2, M-PCR1, C-PCR1 result M-PCR positive M-PCR negative Total
0 1 Dk2, M-PCR1, C-PCR2
6 1 Dk1, M-PCR2, C-PCR2 Positive 28 0 28
13d 184d Dk2, M-PCR2, C-PCR2d Negative 11 60 71
Total 39 60 99
Serology was not performed on two specimens.
Dk, dark-field microscopy; C-PCR, confirmatory T. pallidum PCR; 1, posi- a
Culture was not performed for one specimen which was excluded from the
tive result; 2, negative result. analysis. A total of 39 specimens were resolved to be positive. The sensitivity of
Serology positive was RPR or VDRL test positive. M-PCR was 39 of 39 specimens (100%). The sensitivity of culture was 28 of 39
Confirmatory T. pallidum PCR was not performed for 15 dark-field micros- specimens (71.8%). The specificity of M-PCR was 60 of 60 specimens (100%).
copy-negative, M-PCR-negative specimens. The specificity of culture was 60 of 60 specimens (100%).

after treatment, suggesting that none of the specimens in this present study are known to give false-positive results in some
set contained significant amounts of inhibitors to PCR. patient populations, and without some other evidence for the
During the last two collection intervals, specimens were col- diagnosis of syphilis, a nonreactive treponemal test does not
lected in Roche AMPLICOR STM and were then diluted define a current T. pallidum infection (21). The RPR and
twofold in specimen diluent prior to PCR. Twenty copies of VDRL tests are considered to be generally equivalent in sen-
control plasmid pSYC38 DNA were added to each M-PCR sitivity. In the present study, of the specimens from 69 patients
mixture to monitor the inhibition of DNA amplification. For with confirmed T. pallidum infections on which both VDRL
the second and third specimen collection intervals, a total of 22 and RPR tests were performed, the VDRL test detected 53
(11%) specimens were found to be inhibitory. After extraction positive specimens and the RPR test detected 57 positive spec-
with phenol and ethanol precipitation, none of these speci- imens.
mens remained inhibitory, and four additional positive M-PCR M-PCR and the T. pallidum confirmatory assay detected
results were obtained. Control phenol extractions of 44 other nine specimens that the combined T. pallidum serologic tests
specimens did not result in any additional positive M-PCR did not detect. This is also not unexpected since nontrepone-
results. mal tests, such as the VDRL and RPR tests, have a sensitivity
of 75% in patients with early syphilis (21).
DISCUSSION Both the M-PCR assay and the H. ducreyi confirmatory PCR
assay did not detect H. ducreyi DNA in one specimen that was
The M-PCR assay for the detection of three etiologic agents positive by culture for H. ducreyi. However, the H. ducreyi
of GUD described here provides for the simultaneous detec- strain isolated from this patient was successfully amplified by
tion of the three agents from a single swab specimen. The both the H. ducreyi M-PCR and H. ducreyi confirmatory PCR
multiplex PCR assay was at least as sensitive as that described assays. The negative M-PCR result with the swab specimen
in published reports of individual PCR assays for the three collected for M-PCR was most likely due to a lack of target
target organisms (4, 7, 11, 16, 37) and is more efficient and less DNA in this particular swab specimen. In the present study,
prone to error compared with the individual assays. the sensitivity of H. ducreyi culture was greater or equivalent to
M-PCR was able to establish the presence of an etiologic that in a previously published report (24).
agent in 80% of the collected genital ulcer lesion specimens. In Detection of HSV by M-PCR assay was clearly more sensi-
the present study, 28% (n 5 11) of resolved M-PCR HSV- tive than HSV culture. PCR not only detected all 28 culture-
positive patient specimens were negative by HSV culture, 26% positive specimens but also detected 11 specimens that were
(n 5 16) of resolved M-PCR H. ducreyi-positive patient spec- negative by HSV culture. The sensitivity of the HSV culture
imens were negative by H. ducreyi culture, and 18% (n 5 14) of may have been compromised because of specimen freezing. It
M-PCR T. pallidum-positive patient specimens were negative is interesting that seven specimens contained HSV DNA in
by dark-field microscopy. addition to T. pallidum or H. ducreyi DNA. We do not know
The individual confirmatory PCR assays were as sensitive whether these represent genital ulcers resulting from two etio-
and specific as the simultaneous M-PCR, with a correlation of logic agents, a latent HSV infection reactivated by the pres-
results of nearly 100%. Therefore, the confirmatory PCR as- ence of another GUD agent, or the detection of asymptomatic
says were used for resolving specimens discrepant by the stan- HSV shedding.
dard diagnostic tests. The presence of substances in the analyzed specimens in-
The M-PCR and the T. pallidum confirmatory assay did not hibitory to PCR was not unexpected, given the nature of the
detect T. pallidum DNA in 7 specimens that were positive by lesions and frequent attempts by patients at self-treatment with

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dark-field microscopy, while they detected T. pallidum DNA in salves and ointments. The difference in the frequency of oc-
15 specimens that were negative by dark-field examination. currence of specimens containing substantial amounts of in-
The results for the seven specimens that were falsely negative hibitors between the two transport media was probably due to
by PCR may have been due to sampling error or a lower the dilution factor used prior to PCR. The PBS-chenodeoxy-
specificity of dark-field microscopy because of the presence of cholate transport medium was diluted 10-fold to avoid inhibi-
commensal spirochetes in the specimen. A monoclonal anti- tion of the M-PCR because of the substances in the medium
body immunostaining test can be used to increase the speci- itself, and no specimens were found to be inhibitory. However,
ficity of microscopic diagnosis of syphilis (15, 28). STM required only a twofold dilution with the same sample
In a study of other lesion specimens, we have analyzed swabs diluent to abrogate PCR inhibition because of the medium,
collected first and fourth in the collection order. We found that and 11% of the specimens were inhibitory to the PCR. A
some of the specimens of the first swab that tested positive by 10-fold dilution of STM specimens decreased the level of in-
M-PCR (chiefly T. pallidum-positive specimens) were negative hibitors to a background level in most of these specimens (data
when the fourth swab was tested (unpublished data). In the not shown). Other commercial collection and transport media
present study, during collection intervals one and two, the as well as improved sample preparation protocols are being
M-PCR swab specimen was collected second; it was third dur- investigated for use with the M-PCR assay.
ing the last collection interval. Thus, sampling error could have Because of the speed, superior sensitivity, and ability of the
accounted for at least some of the false-negative T. pallidum M-PCR to give three diagnoses from one assay, M-PCR could
M-PCR results. be used not only for the definitive diagnosis of these sexually
The combined T. pallidum serology tests detected an addi- transmitted diseases but also as an epidemiologic tool in prev-
tional 18 specimens not detected by M-PCR or dark-field mi- alence studies and for the determination of the etiologic base
croscopy. This is not unexpected because many sexually trans- of sexually transmitted disease in various locales.
mitted disease clinic patients will have had prior or untreated
syphilis. There is also the possibility that some of the serology- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
positive, dark-field microscopy- and PCR-negative specimens We thank the following people: Shari Kurita for providing graphics,
could be due to serologic false-positive results because trepo- Sheng-Yung Chang for constructing plasmid pSYC38, Catherine Cam-
nemal serologic tests were not used to confirm the serologic marata for coordinating the clinical results, and Stephen A. Morse for
results. The two nontreponemal serologic tests used for the facilitating the study.

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