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2OPORIO THE STATE OF TEXAS } } AFFIDAVIT FOR ARREST WARRANT OR CAPIAS COUNTY OF DALLAS } BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared the undersigned Affiant who, after being duly swom by me, on oath, stated: My name is Thomas Le Noir #479 and I am a Peace Officer in the Criminal District Attomey’s Office of Dallas County, Texas. ' have good reason to believe and do believe that on or about the 18th day of July, 2021, one Melvin A, , DOB 2/28/1981, did then and there in the City of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas commit the offense of Official Oppression, a violation of the Texas Penal Code Section 39.03(d), a Class A Misdemeanor, My belief'is based upon the following facts and information: On July 18, 2021, Dallas Police Officer Melvin A. Williams Badge # 8870, hereinafter referred to as the suspect, Frtorking off duty dressed in his Dallas police uniform at the Bitter End Dallas restewsarn located in the Deep Elum entertainment district at 2826 Elm Street, City of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas. At approximately 6:30 p.m., complainant. The incident was captured on video by a surveillance camera at Pepe's é& Mitos’s restaurant located at 2911 Elm Street and by a witness on their cell Phone. The combined videos Provided footage of the ‘suspect deploying mace in the erowd and then exchanging words with the complainont take pushing the complainant rom the fight. The complainant was treated at Baylor University Medical Center for injuries sustained from the assault by the suspect. On July 28, 2021, Detective Lee Allen Badge #7025 withthe Dallas Police Department's Public Integrity Division its assigned the eriminal investigation of complainant's assault by the suspect, In doing so, Detective Allen along with other members of the Dallas Police Department's Public Integrity Division mecarng prosecutors and igators from the Dallas County District Attorney’s Public Integrity Division on July 29, 2021, at which time Affiant personally viewed video footage of the assault where both the suspect and complainant were identified. cage minal investigation by Detective Allen concluded with a criminal charge filed against the suspect for Yiolation of Texas Penal Code Section 22.01, Assault (a) (1), in thatthe suspect intents nally and knowingly Dale 2oally injury to the complainant by punching him multiple times in the face. The oare Cec filed with the Dallas County District Attomey’s Office as Cause Number M2175209, Page 1 of 4 Affiant obtained the suspect's training records from the Dallas Police Department and other law enforcement training agencies. The training records demonstrate that suspect Melvin A, Willans anes in the use of force and deadly force per Texas Penal Code Chapter 9, JUSTIFICATION EXCLUDING CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY. is FURTHER alleged that suspect Melvin A. Williams violated Texas Penal Code Section 22.01, Assault (@)(1), when he intentionally and knowingly caused bodily injury to ‘complainant Jesus Ramiro Lule by Punching him multiple times in his face. The A fiant believes, based on the totality of circumstances and to the exclusion of the other police ofticers on scene, that probable cause exists to Support an arrest warrant for Suspect Melvin A. Williams for Official Oppression, Wherefore, Affiant requests that an arrest warrant or capias be issued for the above-accused individual in accordance with the law. ; of 7 34 a FEB 0 9 2922 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME on the day of, () >f t 2 mer UL) sees AFFIANT| 2022. Magistrate Dallas County, Texas N OF PROBABLE CAUSE On this the day of 2022, the undersigned Magistrate hereby ane Se ee acknowledges that he/she has examined the above affidavit and has determined that probable cause exists for the issuance of Arrest Warrant for the individual accused herein } Magistrate Dallas County, Texas Page 2 of 4 FD? pe roa THE STATE OF TEXAS } } AFFIDAVIT FOR ARREST WARRANT OR CAPIAS COUNTY OF DALLAS } BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day Personally appeared the undersigned A ffiant who, after being duly sworn by me, on oath, stated: My name is Michael Grice and I am a Peace Officer in the Criminal District Attomey’s Office of Dallas County, Texas. | have good reason to believe and do believe that on of about the 30'* day of May, 2020, one Melvin A, Williams, BM, DOB 2/28/1981, did then and there in the City of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas commit the offense of Aggravated Assault by a Public Servant, aviolation of the Texas Penal Code Section 22,02(b)(2)(A), a Ist Degree Felony, My belief is based upon the following facts and information: Da October 30, 2020, the complainant David MeKee, contacted the Affiant after viewing a Dallas County strict Attomey press conference seeking complainant and witness nema regarding the George Floyd aeons comPlainant advised that he had attended the protests on May 30, 2020, and had been struck by officers carrying a“ minal charges. Complainant McKee was instructed to contact the Dallas Police Department, Public Integrity Division, to file a ‘criminal complaint. Dallas Police detective Janie Tolden #7088 was assigned the case and her investigation Fcgaled complainant MeKee was struck on his person by Dallas 8. Wa? officer Melvin Williams #8870, who fired a 40mm Launcher containing an impact foam projectile. Detective Tolden filed DPD case # 07897-2021 ‘The ease was assigned to the Affiant for independent investigation OE MGY 30. 2020, a approximately 10:20 pam., uniformed Dallas §.W.A.T Police officers were in the 900 lock of Elm Stret, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas working in the capacity of crowd control during the George f[oxd protests. The S.W.A.T. officers had dispersed a group of eiviign when Dallas officer Matt Chatman S102! observed civilian positioned behind the officers. Oficer Charear body camera captured him grdering the civilians to move, and further captured complainant Meee holding a white cardboard sign on the Chatman’ body camera footage showed Dallas §.\W.AT. offices Ryan Mabry #10083 enter the field of view, then raise, point, and shoot one round from a 40mm Launcher, containing an impact foam projectile, in the direction of complainant McKee. Approximately 11 seconds later, the sound of another shot is heard on Officer Chatman’s body camera. As officer Chatman turned his body in the direction of the shot, captured Officer Will Detective Tolden personally advised the Aftiant that she Positively identified Officer Williams as the officer who fired the 40mm Launcher approximately 11 seconds after Officer Mabry had fired his 40mm Launcher. Detective Tolden interviewed complainant McKee, who advised thar he was hit by two projectiles; the first shot hit his right bicep, and the second shot, fired moments later struck his left testicle and thigh, Page 1 of 4 To SS Ths Affiant personally interviewed complainant MeKee, who advised that the fist shot went through his cargtoard sign and struck hs right bicep, and the second shot, fied moments after the fist chen gece his left teaice and thigh, Video footage confirmed a hole in complainant MeKee's sign that appeared to match the size hole in the sign and to bruises on his right bicep and left thigh. which matched. Complainant McKee advised the ‘Affine thatthe injury to his left testicle required surgery. Video Footage confirmed complainant McKee only held sign, backed away from officers as ordered, and didnot making any furtive evens before being shot Dallas County District Attomey Investigator Ron Cathcart and the Affiant hand measured the scene using reference points and body camera footage. The distance between officer Williome ant complainant McKee was approximately 90 feet, Officer Williams is trained and certified in the use of the 4mm Launcher, and use of force and deadly force per ‘Texas Penal Code Chapter 9, JUSTIFICATION EXCLUDING CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY. The 40mm Launcher is considered a deadly weapon per definition in the Texas Penal Code Section 1.07, (17) (3) and (B) and a firearm per Texas Penal Code 46.01 (3). The Affiant believes, ced on te totality of ‘circumstances and to the exclusion of the other Police officers on scene. that Probable cause exists to ‘support an. Srrest warrant for Officer Melvin A. Williams for Aggravated Assault by a Public Servent Wherefore, Affiant requests that an arrest warrant or capias be issued for the above-accused individual in accordance with the law. ~ Awd fom AFFIANT SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME on the FeP og 2022 A : 2022. Ja, PRED Dev a Dalas Couey gst ie Magistrate Dallas County, Texas MAGISTRATE'S DETERMINATION OF PROBABLE CAUSE On this the day of FEB 0 9 2022 + 2022, the undersigned Magistrate hereby ME , acknowledges that he/she has examined the above affidavit and has determi ied that probable cause exists for the issuance of Arrest Warrant for the individual accused herein, Magistrate Dallas County, Texas Page 2 of 4 a? FF E12 THE STATE OF TEXAS } } AFFIDAVIT FOR ARREST WARRANT OR CAPIAS COUNTY OF DALLAS } BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared the undersigned Affiant who, after being duly swom by me, on oath, stated My name is Thomas Le Noir #479, and I am a Peace Orticer in the Criminal District Attorney's Office of Dallas County, Texas. Thave good reason to believe and do believe that on or about the 30th day of May, 2020, Melvin A. Williams, B/M, DOB 2/28/1981, did then and there in the City of Dallas, Dallac County, Texas commit the offense of Official Oppression, a violation of the Texas Penal Code Section 39.03(d), a Class A Misdemeanor. My belief is based upon the following facts and information: on Ma¥ 30, 2020, at approximately 10:40 p.m. the complainant, Vincent Doyle, was filming the George Floyd proves at the intersection of Pacific Avenue and Griffin Stret in downtown Dallas when he was etruck in ihe tas 2 an impact foam projectile that was fired from a 40mm Launcher by Dallas Police Otfiee, Menon alas #8870, hereinafter referred to as the suspect. The complainant suffered serious bodily injury that ented 4 fractured orbital socket on the left side of his face and vision complications, {The incident was documented withthe Dallas Police Department under Case Number 096560-2020, and assigned 1p Detective Jeflrey Johnson #9564, with the Dallas Police Department's Public Integrity Division wo investigate. During his investigation, Detective Johnson interviewed witnesses, obtained and reviewed area smvalltcg interriee orgines, body-worn camera footage from multiple police agencies, social media posts, news interviews, and cellular phone videos, which captured portions of the incident, Affiant reviewed Detective Johnsons case file and viewed the video footage described inthis affidavit. Afiant also reviewed records from the Irving and Garland Police Department and spoke with the complainant about the events that led to his serious bodily injury and his ongoing medical issues. Gis combined reports and footage revealed that the complainant was at the intersection of Pacific Avenue and Griffin Street at approximately 10:41 p.m. on May 30, 2020. The complainant is an aspiring photojournalist and Gis downtown to document the George Floyd protest. Uniformed Dallas Officers, Garland Officers: and Irving Officers were in the area staged in and along the streets. A crowd was at the intersection of Pacific Avenue and Griffin Street. Dallas SWAT Supervisor, Sergeant Kent Wolverton #8393, used the public address system (PA) and delivered verbal commands to leave the area. When those commands failed to work. a gas canister wore deployed toward the crowd and a large portion of the crowd dispersed, Some civilians remained in the parking lot area, including the complainant and an unidentified male, who is unknown to the complainant, The complainant ran up to the gas canister and kicked it back toward the siect and away from the parking lot area. Sergeant Wolverton used the PA system to address the complainant's action and Slated. “Nice one Pele, sake off.” Affiant reviewed the body-worn camera for Garland Officer Thomas Divers #10738, that provided an approximate timeline from the time thatthe complainant kicked the pas canister, to the time that the complainant was seriously injured by the impact foam projectile fired from the 40mm Launcher by Page 1 of 5 one Pele, take off”. Nine seconds later at 3:40:34, Sergeant Wolverton announced over the PA, “Less lethal those Bie and (wenty-four seconds later at 3:40:58, the suspect fired the impact foam projectile from a Om Larcher and struck the complainant in the face. Approximately thizty-five seconds elapsed from the time that the fomplainant kicked the gas canister to the time that he was struck inthe face by the impact foam projectile fired by the suspect. Gombined video footage from ational body-womn cameras, security cameras, and the complainants eel phone showed that the complainant was unarmed, did not make any threats to cause bodily injury or serious bodily injury ‘oihe officers or anyone in the area, and did not cause any property damage or atempied fo cause any property damage, AC the time when the complainant was shot in his face by the 40mm impact round, be wes walking backwards in a parking lot aross the stret from the officers while filming the officers with his cell phone Aint viewed camera footage which confirmed that the suspect, and no other officer in the immediate Yeinity, was responsible for firing the round from the 40mm launcher that struck the complainant in the face, Combined footage from Officer Divers and DPD Officer Matthew Chatman #10021 showed thatthe suspen! sed ‘on the rear wheel well of the Dallas Police Armored Personnel Carrier, and then aimed and fired the 40mm {euncher inthe direetion of the complainant. The suspect was seen opening the barel of the 4Omm launcher, and ejecting a fired impact case onto the ground, further confirming that he had just fired the 40mm launcher, Officer Chatman's BWC also recorded the suspect making comments to the officers around him, “Did ‘you see that shit? Did you see who hit ‘em in the motherfucking face? Did you see that shit? I know you saw it Nobody in 112" The suspect made additional comments, “Yeah Bitch, Yeah Bitch, We ain't playing no games tonight, He fucking bitches up on sight, the fuck you talking about.” Laughter is heard following the suspest's commer te Based on the body-wom camera recordings and his own comments, the suspect was aware thar the complainant was struck in the face. AMTiant personally interviewed the complainant who described the pain and permanent physical complications he suffered from being shot in the face as described in this affidavit. Affiant obtained the complainant's medical ‘ecords which confirmed that the complainant suffered serious bodily injury which required surgery fiant obtained the suspect's training records from the Dallas Police Department and other law enforcement training agencies. The training records demonstrate that suspect Melvin A. Williams is trained and certified in the Sastre pUmm Launcher, and the use of force and deadly force per Texas Penal Code Chapter 9, JUSTIFICATION EXCLUDING CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY, FURTHERMORE, the 40mm Launcher is considered a deadly weapon per definition in the Texas Penal Code Section 1.07, (17) (A) and (B) and a firearm per Texas Penal Code 46.01 (3). The Affiant believes, based on the totality of circumstances and to the exclusion of the other police officers on scene, that probable cause exists to Support an artest warrant for suspect Melvin A. Williams for Official Oppression, Page 2 of 5 ‘Wherefore, Affiant requests that an arrest warrant or capias be issued for the above-aceused individual in accordance with the law. Ge Shera AFFIANT WN Fi SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME on the FEB 09 we day 2022. Magistrate Dallas County, Texas MAGISTRATE’ ‘S DETERMINATIO! OF PROBABLE CAUSE Fi On this the day of EB OS 2 DE acknowledges that he/she has examined the above alfidavit and has issuance of Arrest Wai urant for the individual accused herein, Magistrate Dallas County, Texas Page 3 of 5 f 9D? PE7/ THE STATE OF TEXAS } } AFFIDAVIT FOR ARREST WARRANT OR CAPIAS COUNTY OF DALLAS } BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared the undersigned Affiant who, afier being duly sworn by me, on oath, stated: My name is Michael Grice and Tam a Peace Officer in the Criminal District Atorney’s Office of Dallas County, Texas. Thave good reason to believe and do believe that on or about the 30" day of May, 2020, one Melvin A. Williams, B/M, DOB 2/28/1981, did then and there in the City of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas commit the offense of Official Oppression, a violation of the Texas Penal Code Section 39.03(d), a Class A Misdemeanor. My belief is based upon the following facts and information: On May 30, 2020, at approximately 5:10 p.m., uniformed Dallas police officers were positioned in a line in the 400 Block of S. Ervay Street, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas ‘working in the capacity of crowd control during the George Floyd protests. While viewing the body camera footage of Dallas police officer Donald Francikowski #7453, Dallas County Assistant Distriet Attomey Bryan Mitchell f i they came into close contact with the civilians, with both entities maintaining 7 Stationary position until approximately 5:30 p.m., when Dallas police unilormed §.W a T. artived. Officer Francikowski's body camera further captured a S.W.AT. officer, Positively identified as Melvin Williams #8870 by the Affiant, walk toward the civilians, point and fire a 40mm Latsncher Containing an impact foam Brojectile inthe direetion ofa group of civilians standing in a packing lot, The projectile struck a male subject in the posterior. The innpact caused the male subject to jump, limp and run from the ona The subject, yet to be identified, was unarmed and did not make any furtive movements atthe time he wes shot. The Affiant, using Google Earth and landmarks, approximated the distance between OMicer Williaime sry the subject at the time of the shot as 49 feet. ‘The Affiant has personally viewed video footage uploaded to social media that shows Officer Williams walk from the Dallas 8.W.A.T. vehicle and point his 40mm Launcher at the group of civilians standing in the parking lot before he fired one round ultimately striking the unknown male subject. spisistant District Attorney Bryan Mitchell and the Affiant interviewed Dallas §.W.A.7. Sergeant Kent Wolverton #8393, Officer Keith Rieg #6809, and Officer Matthew Kalinee #8022, whe ware shown a series of stil photographs and each positively identified Officer Williams being atthe location, Officer Williams is trained and certified in the use of the 40mm Launcher, and use of force and deadly force per ‘Texas Penal Code Chapter 9, JUSTIFICATION EXCLUDING CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY. [The 4omm Launcher is considered a deadly weapon per definition in the Texas Penal Code Section 1.07, (17) (A) and (B) and a firearm per Texas Penal Code 46.02 (3). The Affiant believes, based on the totality of “Sicumstanees and to the exclusion of the other police officers on scene, that probable cause existe. support an. Page 1 of 4 arrest warrant for officer Melvin A. Williams for Official Oppression. Wherefore, Affiant requests that an arrest warrant or capias be issued for the above-accused individual in accordance with the lv a5 WY 6 AFFIANT SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME on the fewga tering WLS Dates Courts agate Magistrate Dallas County, Texas MAGISTRATE'S DETERMINATION OF PROBABLE CAUSE On this the day of FEB 0 9 2022 » 2022, the undersigned Magistrate hereby acknowledges that he/she has examined the above affidavit and has determined thee probable cause exists for the issuance of Arrest Warrant for the individual accused hevein. Q vee FREAD Magistrate Dallas County, Texas Page 2 of 4 29 19810 THE STATE OF TEXAS } } AFFIDAVIT FOR ARREST WARRANT OR CAPIAS COUNTY OF DALLAS } BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared the undersigned Afiant who, after being duly sworn by me, on oath, stated: My name is Michael Grice and I am a Peace Officer in the Criminal Dis County. Texas, Attorney's Offfice of Dallas | have good reason to believe and do believe that on or about the 30" day of ‘May, 2020, one Melvin A. Williams, B/M, DOB 2/28/1981, did then and there in the City of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas commit the offense of Official Oppression, a violation of the Texas Penal Code Section 39.03(d), a Class A Misdemeanor, My belief is based upon the following facts and information: On October 30, 2020, the complainant David MeKee, contacted the Affiant after viewing a Dallas County District Attomey press conference seeking complainant and witness information regarding the George Floyd Protests. The complainant advised that he had attended the protests on May 30, 2020, and had been struck by officers carrying a “grenade launcher.” Complainant McKee advised that he wanted vo pursue criminal charges. Complainant McKee was instructed to contact the Dallas Police Department, Public Integrity Division, to file a criminal complaint. Dallas police detective Janie Tolden # 7088 was assigned the case and her investigation Frage Complainant McKee was struck on his person by Dallas S.W.A.T. officer Melvin Williane deere who fired a 40mm Launcher containing an impact foam projectile. Detective Tolden filed DPD case # 078897-2021. The case was assigned to the Affiant for independent investigation, Blo 2020. at approximately 10:20 pin, uniformed Dallas 8.W.A.T police officers were in the 900 Block of Eim Street, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas working in the capacity of eromd conn during the George Floyd protests, The $.W.A.T. officers had dispersed a group of civilians when Dallas officer. ‘Matt Chatman #10021 observed ilians positioned behind the officers. Officer Chatman’s body camera captured him grfering the civilians to move, and further captured complainant MeKee holding a white exrloceed sign on the sidewalk complying with the order by backing away. The body camera, which the Affiant has personally Chane Shawed complainant McKee alone on the sidewalk as he backed avvay from the ofMeee Otc Chatman's body camera footage showed Dallas S, W.A.T. officer Ryan Mabry #10083 enter te fogs of view, then raise, point and shoot one round from a 40mm Launcher, containing an impact foam projectile, in the Chection of complainant McKee. Approximately 11 seconds later, the sound of mother shar heard on Officer Chatman’s body camera, As Officer Chatman turned his body in the direction ofthe shot his body camera Sipruted Officer Williams opening his 40mm Launcher and removing a spent cartridge from the Lochen The Galant has also viewed the body camera of Garland police officer Thomas Divers #10738. which show OMicer Williams point and shoot one ound from # 40mm Launcher in the direction of complains: Nek e, Detective Tolden personally advised the Affiant that she positively identified Officer Williams as the officer JMho fired the 40mm Launcher approximately 11 seconds after Officer Mabry had fied his 10a, Launcher. Detective Tolden interviewed complainant McKee, who advised he was hit by two Projectiles; the first shot hit his right bicep, and the second shot, fired moments later, struck his left testicle snd thigh, ‘The Affiant personally interviewed complainant McKee, who advised that the first shot went through his Page 1 of 4 circumstances and to the exclusion of the other police officers on scene, that probable cause exists to support an arrest warrant for Officer Melvin A. Wi illiams for Aggravated Assault by a Public Servant. Wherefore, Affiant requests that an arrest warrant or capias be issued for the above-accused individual in accordance with the law. m wh} 6 AFFIANT | FEB 09 2022 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME on the day of, Dovsa.tiooont es Ca aga ar arenas ian aan eeEESEES Magistrate Dallas County, Texas MAGISTRATE! DETERMINATION OF PROBABLE CAUSE On this the day of FEB 09 2022 acknowledges that he/she has examined the above affidavi » 2022, the undersigned Magistrate hereby issuance of Arrest War it and has determined that probable cause exists for the urant for the individual accused herein, a) Magistrate Dallas County, Texas Page 2 of 4 a DO99 707 ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS } } AFFIDAVIT FOR ARREST WARRANT OR CAPIAS COUNTY OF DALLAS } BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared the undersigned Aliant who, after being duly sworn by me, on oath, stated: My name is Michael Grice and | am a Peace Officer in the Criminal District, Attorney’s Office of Dallas County, Texas, {'have good reason to believe and do believe that on or about the 30° day of May, 2020, one Melvin A. Williams, B/M, DOB 2/28/1981, did then and there in the City of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas commit the offense of Aggravated Assault by a Public Servant, a violation of the Texas Penal Code Section 22.02(b)(2)(A), a Ist Degree Felony. ‘My belief'is based upon the following facts and information: Ga,May 30, 2020 at approximately 5:10 p.m, uniformed Dallas police officers were positioned in a line inthe 400 Block of S. Ervay Street, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas working in the capacity of crowd control during the George Floyd protests. While viewing the body camera footage of Dallas police offer Donald Fenelane #7453, Dallas County Assistant District Attorney Bryan Mitchell found, and which the Affiant has also petsonally viewed, a group of civilians standing in the street and on the sidewalk a short distance from the povce officers. The police offices and civilians maintained this position until approximately 5.20 pm, when @ uniformed Dallas police officer gave the verbal order forthe officers to “push them to the other side ot Wend Zhe officers moved forward until they eame into close contact with the civilians, with both enitce maintaining gtationary position until approximately 5:30 p.m., when Dallas police uniformed §,W A.1 arrived Often, Francikowski’s body camera further captured a S,W.A.T. officer, positively identified as Melvin Williams #8870 by the Affiant, walk toward the civilians, point and fire a 40mm Launcher containing an impact foam Projectile in the direction of a group of civilians standing in a parking lot. The projectile struck a wale subject in the posterior. The impact caused the male subject to jump, limp and run from the area, The subject, yet to be identified, was unarmed and did not make any furtive movements a the time he was shot. The Allie using iooele Earth and landmarks, approximated the distance between Officer Williams and the subject athe ieee of the shot as 49 feet. ihe Affiant has personally viewed video footage uploaded to social media that shows Otficer Williams walk fiom the Dallas 8.W.A.T. vehicle and point his 40mm Launcher at the group of civilians standing in the parking lot before he fired one round ultimately striking the unknown male subject. Assistant District Attomey Bryan Mitchell and the Affiant interviewed Dallas $.W.A.T. Sergeant Kent Wolverton #8393, Officer Keith Rieg #6809, and Officer Matthew Kalinec #8022, who were shown a series of still photographs and each positively identified Officer Williams being at the location, Ollicer Williams is trained and certified in the use of the 4Omm Launcher, and use of force and deadly force per ‘Texas Penal Code Chapter 9, JUSTIFICATION EXCLUDING CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY. The 40mm Launcher is considered a deadly weapon per definition in the Texas Penal Code Section 1.07, (17) (A) and (B) and a firearm per Texas Penal Code 46.01 (3). The Affiant believes, based on the totality of Page 1 of 4 cardboard sign and struck his right bicep, and the second shot, fired moments after the first shot, struck his left testicle and thigh. Video footage confirmed a hole in complainant MeKee’s sign that appeared to match the size and shape of a 40mm Launcher projectile and was consistent with the location of the right bicep. Complainant McKee further advised that he later found an impact foam projectile and compared it to the circumference of the hole in the sign and to bruises on his right bicep and left thigh, which matched. Complainant McKee advised the Amant that the injury to his left testicle required surgery. Video footage confirmed complainant McKee only held a sign, backed away from the officers as ordered, and did not make any furtive movements before being shot. Dallas County District Attomey Investigator Ron Catheart and the Affiant hand measured the seene using reference points and body camera footage, The distance between Officer Williams and complainant MeKce was approximately 90 feet, Otficer Williams is trained and certified in the use of the 40mm Launcher, and use of force and deadly force per Texas Penal Code Chapter 9, JUSTIFICATION EXCLUDING CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY. ‘The 40mm Launcher is considered a deadly weapon per definition in the Texas Penal Code Section 1.07, (17) (2) and (B) and a firearm per Texas Penal Code 46.01 (3). The Affiant believes, based on the totality of circumstances and to the exclusion ofthe other police officers on scene, that probable cause exists to support an arrest warrant for Officer Melvin A, Williams for Official Oppression, Wherefore, Affiant requests that an arrest warrant or capias be issued for the above-accused individual in accordance with the law. ~ pr) net is AFFIANT FEB 0 9 2022 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME on the day of. 2022 Magistrate Dallas County, Texas MAGISTRATE'S DETERMINATION OF PROBABLE CAUSE FEB 09 2022 On this the _ day of , 2022, the undersigned Magistrate hereby acknowledges that he/she has examined the above affidavit and has determined that probable sause exists for the issuance of Arrest Warrant for the individual accused herein, cap Dallas County, Texas Page 2 of 4

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