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So, in calculus, you determine the rate of

change of a quantity with respect of
BOB AND ROB, BROS another. Like finding y with respect to x,
Rob, I've been busy Well, Newton is one but I
with my calculus want to explore other people
studies lately. I need who made it the way it is.
to research a Maybe people whose work
historical person reflected in Newton's.
who contributed to Yes, and in making functions
calculus. Hey, I can help. Hmm, then why whose domain and range are
Newton discovered don't we explore infinite, you can graph a line out
calculus right? Why not more about it?
of these points that extends to

Graphing a line from points, it

is such a general truth yet it is
very fundamental in calculus.
Don't you wonder who said this Who discovered the concept of lines being made of points? Who is Euclid?
Euclid defined a line as an interval between two Euclid, Greek Eukleides, (flourished c.
points and claimed it could be extended 300 BCE, Alexandria, Egypt), the
indefinitely in either direction. Such an most prominent mathematician of
extension in both directions is now thought of Greco-Roman antiquity, best known
as a line, while Euclid's original definition a line for his treatise on geometry, the
segment. Elements.
lines | mathematics | Britannica
Oh, so Euclid was an important Woah, he lived a
mathematician during the time of
really long time
Ptolomy I Soter. He was a teacher at
ago! Apparently
You're right. the time.
he is known for
I wonder Euclid? Doesn't his work on
who first sound familiar. geometry.
established Who is he?
according to Look, the line statement is stated in that
this trusted Truths that cannot
I guess he was an ancient list of, axioms? Hmm, "postulates, now
website. It was be proven? That
mathematician. Let's called axioms, are unproved assumptions
Euclid who first sounds weird.
research more about him. that he made. Although, they are agreed
stated it. Although, his third
upon to be true." Oh, they're like truths
postulate about
that cannot be proven.
circles looks
Yeah, but instead of a given length of the radius, Euclid
Hey, just the other day
we learned about
we were given points in a Cartesian plane. that
signify the center and another point to determine NOTES
graphing a circle . the length of the radius. Then we used the radius
to construct a circle. General Equation of a Circle:
( x - h )^2 + ( y - k )^2 = r^2
Using the coordinates of the
center point and a given point,
Oh yeah? Did you Woah, could you
utilize Euclid's 3rd you can apply the distance
teach me how you
did it?
formula to determine the radius.
Using the radius, construct a
circle using a compass.


Using this formula, I input the coordinates

of the center and a point to get the radius.
Then, I use a compass to graph a circle.

Yeah, but what else did he

contribute? Surely he's done
more things that helped in Euclid
the creation of calculus.
Euclidean Geometry
Euclidean geometry, the study of plane
and solid figures on the basis of
axioms and theorems employed by the
That's really cool! Greek mathematician Euclid (c. 300
Constructing a BCE).
circle out of two
points in a Let's see...
Cartesian plane?
Yes. but woah, I didn't know Huh, there is also a
that Euclid first said that you branch of geometry
named after himself?
can make any circle out of a
center and a radius?

Really? Hmm,
Euclidean Geometry?
It's not exactly a
branch but a
definition for
geometry that follow
his theorems..
We are going to continue
explaining what Euclidean
Geometry is and end the story
with a recap on what they
have learned, as well as, a nice
ending to reward their learnings.

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