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Document Code FM-STL-013

Saint Louis University Revision No. 01

School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
Page 1 of 2


A. Finalize your Initial Service Learning Program and submit/send to your Supervising Instructor for
approval. Final Service Learning Program will be submitted after project implementation.

B. Read and understand the following guidelines and general principles for your project
implementation and monitoring.

1. Supervision and monitoring co-exist alongside with each other. When we supervise, we monitor
the implementation of your project. Both are synonyms for the act of overseeing the execution of
a task or activity. Some speakers use them interchangeably, but they do differ in
connotation. Supervise implies more interaction than monitor. Supervisors have the responsibility
of informing and directing, while monitors observe without instructing.
2. The Supervising Instructor will be the supervisor which monitors you, and you, the student, is the
supervisee, who will also monitor the progress of your home-based project. We will work together
distantly in fulfilling your project to make it successful.
3. Collaboration and communication is very important for the success of your community
engagement learning project.
4. Please be guided with the following on the implementation of your project:
a. Familiarize yourself with the content of your Service Learning Plan
Follow your timetable or program of activities in your Service Learning Plan while honestly
updating your Project Monitoring Checklist.
b. Establish a support group - create learning partnerships with your supervisor and other
supervisees through a group chat/scheduled text messaging for you to share your common
c. For online (OBL), you may show or share (documented also) your everyday
activities/accomplishment to your Supervising Instructor and you may suggest alternatives or
solutions which are supported with credible source/s if problem arise.
d. For correspondence (CBL), record and document your everyday activities and
accomplishment to be included in your final output. Fill in the monitoring forms once you started
your project.
e. Collaborate with other stake holders in the supervisory arrangements - e.g., your family
members, neighbours, organizations or community members that you can collaborate with your
home-based project (where applicable). They will serve also as your witnesses in your project
f. Perform the best service possible for your project.
g. Write your everyday activity and learning or reflection in your journal.
h. Share to your family/ neighbour or community members your projects’ product or output and
get feedback from them.
i. Before, during, and after project implementation is well-documented. (video, photo or other)

Be guided with the following monitoring form because this is a part of the 35% in the grading system
(one for Midterm and one for Finals, to be submitted per week or per term):

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Document Code FM-STL-013
Saint Louis University Revision No. 01
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
Page 2 of 2



Project Implementer: ________________________________ Program: _____________________

Home Address: __________________________________________
Partner (if any) ___________________________________

Start date: _________________________ Target completion date: ___________________

Schedule/date/time Activity/accomplishment (detailed Attested by: name

narration of activities) and signature
Day 1: August 28, 2021
: 3:00 pm



Project Implementer: ________________________________ Program: _____________________

Home Address: __________________________________________
Partner (if any) ___________________________________

Start date: _________________________ Target completion date: ___________________

Schedule/date/time Activity/accomplishment (detailed Attested by: name

narration of activities) and signature
Day 1: August 28, 2021
: 3:00 pm

Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any2
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited.

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