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Creative Non-Fiction 12

Literary Elements
3rd Quarter
Week 3-4

Development and Quality Assurance Team

Developer: Avelino C. Payot, Jr. II

Evaluator: Melanie M. Lamigo & Kate Gulpan-Bardoquillo
Learning Area Supervisor: Camela G. Lerio

Illustration Credits:
Title Page: Marieto Cleben V. Lozada
Title Page Graphics: Bryan L. Arreo
Visual Cues: Ivin Mae M. Ambos

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides
released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational
use and constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.
Competency: Create samples of the different literary elements based
on one’s experience (HUMMS_CNF11/12-Ib-d-4)

Objectives: At the end of the 2-week period, you shall have:

o familiarized the different literary elements;
o constructed a short story based on one’s experience; and
o shown the importance of one’s experience in coping with difficult
situations in life.

Learner’s Tasks

Lesson Overview

Literary devices are various elements and techniques used in writing that
construct the whole of your literature to create an intended perception of the
writing for the reader. Literary elements have an inherent existence in literary
piece and are extensively employed by writers to develop a literary piece.

Literary Elements Definition

It is the logical sequence of events that develops a
1. Plot
It refers to the time and place in which a story takes
2. Setting
It is the main character of story, novel or a play e.g.
3. Protagonist Cardo Dalisay in the TV series “FPJ’s Ang
It is the character in conflict with the protagonist e.g.
4. Antagonist
Lily in the TV series “FPJ’s Ang Probinsyano”
5. Narrator It refers to the person who tells the story.
It is the manner in which a narrative is presented
6. Narrative method
comprising plot and setting.
It is where characters of a narrative speak to one
7. Dialogue
It is an issue in a narrative around which the whole
8. Conflict
story revolves.
9. Mood It is the general atmosphere of a narrative.

10.Theme It is central idea or concept of a story.

The principal element or requirement that distinguishes creative nonfiction from

any other genre of writing is that while other literary genres canspring from the
imagination, creative nonfiction is, by definition, true.

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides
released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational
use and constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

The main elements of creative nonfiction are setting, descriptiveimagery,
figurative language, plot, and character.

This refers to the place where the story happens. Since we are
writing a nonfiction, it will consist primarily of facts. We include
facts not only about the characters and events, but also about
the setting- the ‘where’ and ‘when’ of the story. In writing the
setting,there are multiple aspects to consider. These include:
a. Place: Geographical location; Where is the action of the
story taking place?
b. Time: Historical period, time of day, year, etc.; When is the
1. Setting story taking place?
c. Weather Conditions: Is it rainy, sunny, stormy, etc.?
d. Social Conditions: What is the daily life of the character’s
like? Does the story contain local color (writing that
focuses on the speech, dress, mannerisms, customs, etc.
of a particular place)?
e. Mood or atmosphere: The tone and feeling of the story;
What feeling is created at the beginning of the story?
Cheerful or eerie? Is there a tension?
It is the way the writer paints the scene, or image, in the mind
2. Descriptive
of the reader. It usually involves descriptions of one or more of
the five senses: sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste.
It is using language in a surprising way to describe a literary
3. Figurative
moment. Figurative language can also take the form of simile:
"Aunt Lily's attitude was as sour as a lemon.
It is one of the basic elements of every story. Put simply, plot
refers to the actual events that take place within the bounds
of your narrative.
a. Exposition. Here, you’re setting the scene, introducing
characters, and preparing the reader for the journey.
b. Rising action. In this part, things start to happen. You (or
your characters) encounter conflict, set out on a journey,
meet people, etc.
c. Climax. This is the peak of the action, the main showdown,
4. Plot the central event toward which your story has been
d. Falling action. This refers to events that follow the climax of
the story. While rising action builds tension throughout the
story, falling action decreases that tension. This leads to the
character’s ultimate resolution.
e. Resolution. Also known as dénouement, this is where all the
loose ends get tied up. The central conflict has been
resolved, and everything is back to normal, but perhaps a
bit different.
They bring life to the story. A major requirement of any story is
5. Characters
the use of characters.
Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides
released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational
use and constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.


Activity 1. We Match Together!

Directions: Identify what literary element of creative nonfiction is being
described in each statement in column A. Write the letter of the correct answer
on a separate sheet of paper.

Column A Column B

1. The use of language in a surprising way to

a. Character
describe a literary moment.

2. The way the writer paints the scene, or

b. Plot
image, in the mind of the reader.

3. The place where the story takes place. c. Figurative Language

4. The actual events that take place within

d. Descriptive Imagery
the bounds of your narrative.

5. They bring life to the story. e. Setting

Activity 2A. Do the Recalling…

Directions: Recall a significant experience in your life. Make a story based on
your experience and conceptualize a fitting title for your story. Write the story
on a separate sheet of paper. Please be guided with the rubric.

Rubric for story writing

Needs more
Excellent Very satisfactory Satisfactory
4 3 2
Title The title is well- The title is The title is The title is not
thought, creative and interesting. interesting.
creative, catchy, catchy.
and intriguing.
Setting The setting is fully The setting is fully The setting is The setting is
described using described and described and mentioned.
imagery and at least three at least one -
descriptive senses are two senses are
language developed. developed.
Plot The plot of the The plot of the The plot of the The plot of the
story contains all story contains story contains story contains
aspects. four aspects. three aspects. one to two
Characters Characters have Characters have Characters have Characters have
names; are names, are names and are names and one
physically physically physically descriptive
described, and described, and described. quality about
Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides
released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational
use and constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

personalities the reader has them.
shine through; an idea about
relating to the their
characters is personalities.
Theme The theme of the The theme of The theme of the The theme of the
story is clear and story is clear but story is quite story is not clear
consistent has 1 clear and has 2 and has 3 or
throughout the inconsistency. inconsistencies. more
whole story. inconsistencies.


Activity 2B. Mind Map Me!

Directions: Organize the literary elements of creative nonfiction based on the
story you made in Activity 2A using the mind map below. Use a separate sheet
of paper.

Descriptive Figurative
Imagery Language
(Your Title)
(your name)

Plot Character

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides
released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational
use and constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

Activity 3. Time to Reflect…
Direction: Based on the story you have made, answer the given questions on
a separate sheet of paper.

1. What moral lesson can you draw out from your experience?

2. There are many ways one can use to cope with difficult situations in life.
How about you? How do you relieve tension and pain when you
encounter some problems?

Formative Test

Directions: Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Write

only the capital letter of the correct answer.

1. Which is NOT a main element of creative nonfiction?

A. character
B. narrator
C. plot
D. setting

2. Among the following, which is NOT to be considered in writing the setting?

A. climax
B. mood
C. place
D. time

3. Which refers to the way the writer paints the scene, or image, in the mind of
the reader and usually involves descriptions of one or more of the five senses:
sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste?
A. descriptive imagery
B. figurative language
C. narrative method
D. theme

4. “The room was silent. As she walked to the oak podium, the carpet muffled the
sound of her footsteps. Beyond the windows, there was only blue, and she
remembered her own days as an undergraduate, days when she sat, pen in
hand, far at the back of a room, filled with excitement.”

What aspect of setting is exemplified in the text above?

A. time
B. place
C. mood
D. weather condition

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides
released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational
use and constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

5. Why are literary devices important in writing a story?
A. In writing a story, literary devices are important because writers use them to
express their ideas creatively and elicit emotional reactions from the
B. In writing a story, literary devices are important because these help the
writers make the story long.
C. In writing a story, literary devices are important because these help the
writers impress the readers.
D. In writing a story, literary devices are important because these show how
good the writer is in writing.

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides
released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational
use and constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

Answer Key

Activity 1. We Match Together! (5 pts.)

1. C
2. D
3. E
4. B
5. A

Activity 2A. Do the Retelling… (20 pts.)

Answers may vary.

Activity 2B. Trace Me! (25 pts.)

Answers may vary.

Activity 3. Time to Reflect… (10 pts.)

Answers may vary.


SPRING 2013. (n.d.). Retrieved September 4, 2020, from

S P R I N G 2 0 1 4. (n.d.). Retrieved September 4, 2020, from

S P R I N G 2 0 1 5. (n.d.). Retrieved September 4, 2020, from

Mazzeo, T. (2012). Writing Creative Nonfiction Course Guidebook. The Great Courses.

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides
released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational
use and constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

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