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His father was an engineer and his mom were a model and nutritionist. He is the most
established of three children in a driven family. His brother is presently a financial speculator
and earthy person. His sister is an honor winning maker and chief. he was good at computers
and machines then at 10 years old, he was acquainted with a computer with the Commodore
VIC-20. He quickly learns how to program and at 12 years old sold a game called Blaster to
Spectra video for $500.

 At 17, He moved to Canada to avoid serving in the South African military, whose main
duty in the late 1980s was implementing politically-sanctioned racial segregation. He
would later get Canadian citizenship through his mom.
 After two years at Queen's University, He moved to the University of Pennsylvania. He
took on two majors, however, his time there wasn't all work and no play. With a fellow
friend, he purchased a 10-room society house, which they utilized as a specially
appointed dance club.
 He graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Physics, just as a Bachelor of Arts in
Economics from the Wharton School.
 The two majors address the heading He's profession would take later; however, it was
material science that established the most profound connection on his reasoning.
 He was 24 years of age when he moved to California to seek after a Ph.D. in connected
material science at Stanford University.
 With the web detonating and Silicon Valley blasting, He had pioneering dreams moving
in his mind. He left the Ph.D. program after only two days.
 In 1995, with $28,000 and his younger brother next to him, He began Zip2, a web
programming organization that would enable papers to create online city guides.

The organization got purchased out, and He utilized his Zip2 buyout cash to make, which
he proposed to shape into the eventual fate of banking. X was converged with an organization
called Confinity and the subsequent organization came to be known as PayPal.
His early enthusiasm for perusing theory, sci-fi, and dream books is reflected in his feeling of
optimism and worry with human advancement. He expects to work in the regions he has
recognized as essential to our future, explicitly the Internet, the progress to sustainable power
sources, and space colonization. With his work with PayPal, Tesla Motors, SolarCity, and
SpaceX, he has resisted pundits and made advances in each of the three of these boondocks

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