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Born in poverty, he had to face defeat throughout life. He lost eight elections, twice failed in
business, endured a mental meltdown and was laid up for a half year. He could have stopped
ordinarily, however, he didn't stop and ended up perhaps the best president in America.

 His family was constrained out of their home and He wanted to work to help them.
 His mom died when he was young.
 Failed in business.
 Kept running for State governing lost.
 Also lost his employment needed to go to graduate school yet couldn't get in.
 Acquired some cash from a companion to start a business and before the year's over
 He was bankrupt. He went through the following 17 years of his life satisfying this
 Kept running for state assembly once more—won.
 Had an absolute mental meltdown and was sleeping for a half-year.
 Looked to progress toward becoming speaker of the state legislature, but defeated.
 Tried to move toward becoming voter – defeated.
 Kept running for Congress and lost.
 Ran for Congress again – this time he won-went to Washington and worked superbly
 Ran for re-appointment to Congress-lost
 Looked for the activity of land official in his home state-rejected
 Kept running for Senate of the United States-lost
 Looked for the Vice-Presidential selection at his party's national show – got under 100
 Kept running for U.S. Senate again he lost *
 Chosen President of the United States.
 He evokes the declaration of Independence.
The part was worn and dangerous. My foot slipped from under me, thumping the other off the
beaten path, however, I recuperated and said to myself," It's a slip and not a fall". Abraham
Lincoln During his Political career, he did many great things for his country. He was the one who
reshaping the cause of civil war from saving the union to slavery. When the Union army had
their first-year battle and half defeated becomes difficult for him to motivate and support
strong to reunion and fight. He was famous about his speeches and the way he addresses it
those speeches were the most important in American history." The Gettysburg Address"
Addressing to a crowd of 15000.
As a Political career is going, He also wanted to be a lawyer so, in 1844, he started his practice
of law with William Herndon Both of them had a different style of addressing but they made a
good relationship. He wants to pursue his law career but couldn't find much work. So, he
followed it much later on and kept the focus on his political career as he has great skill of
conveying the message and know about politics. Although later on in the late 1850's he brought
himself back to Springfield to practice law again. He found several court cases brought him
success and after he continues it till the end.
Abraham was one of the great Politician in his time. He was one of the youngest Politician when
his career started. Today people may know about him as a great Politician but a successful
person always come from struggling phase and hard work.

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