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Ms-Access (Fill in the blanks) 26. A table contains records and field.

1. Database is an organized collection of related data in tabular form. 27. Query help us to retrieve and view only those records from the database
2. A collection of related data of a person or anything is known as database. tables that meet a specific condition or criteria set by us.
3. DBMS is a general program designed to manage a database. 28. A query is a database object that creates a datasheet of selected fields
4. DBMS is a complex set of software program that controls the and records from one or more tables.
organization, storage, management, retrieval of data in database. 29. A query extracts and arranges information from a table in a manner that
5. Ms-Access is a relational database management system where data is you specify.
arranged in the form of tables. 30. Action query is used to change record in a table at a single operation.
6. Data is the raw facts to generate information. 31. Delete query is used to delete records from the table.
7. Information is the processed value which we get after we get after 32. Query that makes changes in table is called update query
processing by the computer. 33. A form is a database object used primarily to display records on screen, to
8. SQL stands for structured query language. make it easier to enter new records and to make changes to the existing
9. A primary key cannot contain the null values. records.
10. A primary key is a fixed field which uniquely identifies every record in a 34. The report design View window is the place where you design reports
table. from a scratch or add your own touches to reports you create with the
11. You cannot enter duplicate values in a primary field. report wizard.
12. Foreign key is the linking field between two values. 35. Report enables you to format your data in an attracting and informative
13. A combination of two or more keys which can be used as a primary key is layout for printing
called a composite key.
14. A text data type allows the field to contain up to 255 characters.
15. The default field size for text type is 50 characters.
16. Memo field can hold 65535 characters.
17. Maximum width of field is 64 characters.
18. An input mask is the format we will assign for the introduction of values
into a field.
19. The default value property is used to define a default value that is
automatically entered in field when you add a new record, at o time of
data entry.
20. Filtering allows you to retrieve specific information from a table in
Microsoft Access 2003.
21. A column in a table is called field and row in a table is called record.
22. The smallest unit of data organization is called a field.
23. Auto number field type automatically enters number in a field which
increase by one for every new record.
24. We can change data type of field in table design view.
25. Validation rule is used to make sure that the data entered in a field is
within the criteria set by the user.

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