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Veterinary Parasitology 145 (2007) 120–128


The prevalence of intestinal parasites in dogs from Prague, rural

areas, and shelters of the Czech Republic
S. Dubná a, I. Langrová a,*, J. Nápravnı́k a, I. Jankovská a, J. Vadlejch a,
S. Pekár b, J. Fechtner a
Department of Zoology and Fisheries, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources,
Czech University of Agriculture in Prague, Kamýcká 957, 165 21 Prague 6, Suchdol, Czech Republic
Institute of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic
Received 30 January 2006; received in revised form 30 October 2006; accepted 8 November 2006

The prevalence of intestinal parasites was evaluated by examination of dog faecal samples in the Prague city centre, agricultural
areas, and two shelters. The overall prevalence of parasites (i.e., protozoa and helminths, mentioned below) in Prague was 17.6%.
Toxocara canis was the most common parasite, and was recovered from 6.2% of dogs, followed by Cystoisospora spp. (2.4%),
Cryptosporidium spp. (1.4%), Trichuris sp. (1.1%), Taenia-type (1.0%), Giardia spp. (0.1%), Toxascaris sp. (0.9%), Dipylidium sp.
(0.7%), Sarcocystis spp. (0.6%), Capillaria spp. (0.6%), Neospora/Hammondia spp. (0.5%), Ancylostoma sp. (0.4%), Uncinaria sp.
(0.4%), and Spirocerca sp. (0.2%). The prevalence of infections with helminths and protozoans in two animal shelters in Prague was
examined at the dog’s admittance ir reception to the shelters and during housing. T. canis eggs (6.5%), Cystoisospora (4.4%), and
Giardia (3.3%) cysts were the most prevalent. Significant increases in the prevalence of some parasites were found after a stay in the
shelter. Giardia spp. showed an 11-fold increase in prevalence of dogs placed in the shelters for a longer time; Cryptosporidium spp.
had a 7-fold increase, Capillaria spp. a 5-fold, Spirocerca sp., Neospora/Hammondia spp., and Cystoisospora spp. a 4-fold increase
over dogs examined at the time of admittance to the shelter ( p < 0.01).
Dog in rural areas were infected significantly more frequently ( p < 0.01) than those in Prague. In 540 faecal samples from rural
areas, the overall prevalence of parasites (i.e., protozoa and helminths mentioned below) was 41.7%. The prevalence of T. canis was
13.7%, followed by Cystoisospora spp. (8.0%), Taenia spp. (3.5%), Sarcocystis spp. (3.0%), Giardia spp. (2.2%), Cryptosporidium
spp. (2.0%), Trichuris sp. (1.7%), Toxascaris sp. (1.7%), Dipylidium sp. (1.3%), Neospora/Hammondia spp. (1.3%), Spirocerca sp.
(1.1%), Uncinaria sp. (0.9%), Ancylostoma sp. (0.7%), and Capillaria spp. (0.6%).
Examinations of dogs in urban and rural areas showed, with the exception of Trichuris sp. in Prague, a higher occurrence of
nematode infection in autumn, notably T. canis (x2 > 8.3, d.f. = 3, p < 0.04).
# 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Toxocara canis; Prevalence; Dog; Intestinal parasites; Urban environments; Czech Republic

1. Introduction

Many potentially zoonotic organisms of parasitic

origin are associated with dogs. Since the number of
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +420 22438 2673;
dogs bred in cities (and in rural areas) has recently been
fax: +420 22438 2957. increasing worldwide, the risk of their parasites has
E-mail address: langrova@af.czu.cz (I. Langrová). been expected to increase as well. There are several

0304-4017/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Dubná et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 145 (2007) 120–128 121

endoparasites in dogs: Toxocara canis, Ancylostoma dogs inhabiting the metropolitan area of Prague and to
caninum, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, Echinococcus, compare the parasite intensities in stray dogs in shelters
Dipylidium caninum, and recently also Uncinaria and in rural dogs.
spp., which can cause occasional infections of humans
and can even develop in to a disease, though not very 2. Material and methods
frequently (Svobodová et al., 1994).
There have been some surveys performed in the 2.1. Study area
Czech Republic in the past (Vokoun and Slezáková,
1977; Valkounová, 1981; Kuchařová, 1989; Svobodová During a 3-year period, from January 1998 to
et al., 1994, 1995), and recently, for instance by December 2000, we collected a total of 3780 samples of
Uhlı́ková and Hubner (1999), Svobodová (2003), and dog faeces from streets, grass strips along streets, and
Borkovcová (2003). Results of these studies showed parks of the city of Prague. The faeces originated mostly
that the change of parasitic infection is moderate, from privately owned dogs. Stray dogs practically do
depending on various factors (age, locality, origin of not occur in Prague, as dogs on the loose are quickly
dog, etc.). Svobodová et al. (1995) confirmed ascarids caught and transported to a shelter. The samples were
(T. canis) in 17% of dogs. She monitored the prevalence collected in each of seven districts of Prague once a
of parasitic infections and the general parasitical month for 3 years, thus allowing us to review individual
situation in the environment of shelters for dogs and differences in contamination by developmental stages
cats (Svobodová, 2003). She detected infections of the parasites and to ascertain seasonal differences in
primarily with T. canis (prevalence 6.2–14.3%), D. the occurrence of individual parasitic genera.
caninum (4.54–7.14%), Trichuris vulpis (4.16– Prague 1 consists mainly of built-up areas; greenery
10.52%), and Giardia intestinalis (18.18–36.8%). is represented only by small parks. The inhabitants are
Borkovcová (2003) reported the prevalence of T. canis predominantly retired people, however, recently also
eggs in 9.5%, Toxascaris leonina 0.8%, D. caninum people with higher incomes (these represent only a
2.3%, Trichuris vulpis 4.1%, and Giardia spp. 0.4%. small share of inhabitants). Prague 2 also consists
In Poland, the situation was monitored recently by mainly of built-up areas. The parks, however, are larger
Borecka (2005), who investigated the prevalence in and more extensive. In Prague 3, you can also find large
intestinal nematodes of dogs in the Warsaw area. She areas of green apart from built-up areas (usually new)—
found eggs of T. canis, T. leonina, T. vulpis, and parks and cemeteries. Prague 4 has comparatively larger
Ancylostomatidae (A. caninum and U. stenocephala) in areas of green (parks, not-built up areas). The
dog faeces. The prevalence of infection with parasitic inhabitants of Prague 2, 3, and 4 are of mixed
nematodes in adult dogs from shelters was very high backgrounds. There are complexes of large blocks of
(71.2%). It was considerably higher than for rural dogs flats in Prague 5, and predominantly people of low
and household dogs. The most frequent parasite eggs in income live there. Prague 6 is a region with family
all groups of dogs were from the Ancylostomatidae. houses, villas, etc. There are many embassies, and
Fok et al. (2001) observed a moderate rate of diplomatic representations. It is a prestigious address
incidence of some parasites in eastern and northern often inhabited by people of high income. There are
regions of Hungary. The prevalence of eggs (%) in non-built-up areas, a large number of parks, and
urban and rural areas was as follows: T. canis (24.3– extensive greenery in Prague 7.
30.1); Trichuris vulpis (20.4–23.3); Ancylostomatidae From January 1999 to December 2001, we collected
(8.1–13.1); Capillaria spp. (0–7.3); Toxascaris leonina 540 samples of dog faeces from rural areas (the region
(0–2.1); Taenia-type (2.4–2.8); and D. caninum (0.4–1). of Central Bohemia) with animal breeding (cattle,
In many studies the most commonly found parasite is sheep, goats, horses, rabbits, and poultry). Approxi-
T. canis, 17.4% reported in Belgium (Vanparijs and mately one-third of dog samples were obtained from
Hermans, 1991), 6.9% in Switzerland (Sager et al., owners; others were collected from the soil, street, etc.
2006), and 16.6% in Slovakia (Antolová et al., 2004). In A further 524 samples of dog faeces were taken in
Utrecht, The Netherlands, the prevalence of T. canis in two animal shelters situated in Prague. The samples
family-dogs was very low—2.1% (Overgaauw, 1994). were collected from incoming dogs as well as from
Understanding the epidemiology of zoonotic para- dogs, which had spent 2 months or longer in the facility.
sitic infections is important for the minimization of risks However, a majority of these dogs had been housed in
to humans. Therefore, the objective of this study was to the shelters for more than 1 year. The dogs represented
determine the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in various breeds and crosses, the majority of them being
122 S. Dubná et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 145 (2007) 120–128

Table 1
Gastrointestinal parasite faecal stage excretion in dogs in Prague
Parasite genera n np p Maximum Mean Minimum
Toxocara 3780 235 6.2 469 72.7 4
Toxascaris 3780 34 0.9 1124 461 112
Ancylostoma 3780 17 0.4 27 16.8 10
Uncinaria 3780 15 0.4 14 8.3 4
Trichuris 3780 43 1.1 105 24.4 7
Capillaria 3780 23 0.6 27 20.3 10
Spirocerca 3780 9 0.2 7 6.4 4
Taenia-type 3780 39 1.0 48 15.2 4
Dipylidium 3780 26 0.7 14 4.6 1
Cystoisospora 3780 92 2.4 707 101.6 4
Cryptosporidium 3780 52 1.4 98 24 6
Sarcocystis 3780 24 0.6 37 18.4 7
Neospora/Hammondia 3780 19 0.5 14 8.3 3
Giardia 3780 37 0.1 38 17.5 2
Total 3780 665 17.6 – – –
n, number examined; np, number positive; p, prevalence (positive %); Maximum, maximal number of faecal eggs/oocyst/cyst per gram of positive
sample; Mean, mean number of faecal eggs/oocyst/cyst per gram of positive sample; Minimum, minimal number of faecal eggs/oocyst/cyst per gram
of positive sample.

German shepherds. They were between 3 weeks and 12 shelters, and season of the year. If any of the
years of age. Both shelters have similar veterinary and occurrences was less than 10, the Yates correction of
zoohygienical care, and the dogs were regularly walked. continuity was applied (Crawley, 2002).

2.2. Parasitological procedures

3. Results
The faecal samples were stored in plastic tubes at
4 8C for a week prior to analysis. All the samples from Gastrointestinal parasites in dog excretions in Prague
dogs were examined individually for GI nematode eggs are shown in Table 1. Evaluation of the faeces samples
(faecal egg counts, FEC), coccidial oocysts (faecal indicated that 17.6% of samples were infected with at
oocyst counts, FOC), other protozoal cysts (faecal cyst least one of the following parasites: Toxocara spp.,
counts, FCC), using the modified Breza flotation Toxascaris sp., Ancylostoma sp., Uncinaria sp.,
(Na2S2O3, MgSO4 with specific gravity 1.3) and Trichuris sp., Capillaria spp., Taenia-type, Dipylidium
McMaster method (Wetzel, 1951). Identification of sp., Sarcocystis spp., Cystoisospora spp., Neospora/
Ancylostoma sp. and Uncinaria sp. eggs was performed Hammondia spp., and Giardia spp. Agents with
as described by Euzeby (1982). zoonotic potential were detected in the faeces from
Cryptosporidium spp. was detected by means of the 10.1% of samples, including Giardia spp., Cryptospor-
modified Ziehl-Neelsen method. Faecal smears of the idium spp., Dipylidium sp., Toxocara spp., Toxascaris
specimens were taken and stained by the modified sp., Uncinaria sp., and Ancylostoma sp. The most
Ziehl-Neelsen technique (Henriksen and Pohlenz, prevalent species was T. canis.
1981). Moreover, wet amounts of the concentrate were The prevalence of dog endoparasites in individual
examined under a stereomicroscope. Excretion of regions of the city is shown in Table 2. Considerable
Giardia oocysts was determined in accordance with variation in the prevalence of infection was noted
the Faust ZnSO4 flotation method (Faust et al., 1938). among the seven Prague districts (x2 = 138.2, d.f. = 6,
p < 0.0001). The most infected dogs were in the centre
2.3. Data analysis (Prague 1) (23.5%) and in the southwestern area
(Prague 5) (22.3%), respectively. The least infected
Data analysis was performed using (R) (R Devel- were dogs in the northwestern area (Prague 6) (7.8%).
opment Core Team 2004). As these data were Statistically significant differences among regions were
incidences (approximated by a Poisson distribution), found in the occurrence of Toxocara spp. (x2 = 41.3,
x2-test was used for comparisons between study sites, d.f. = 6, p < 0.0001), Cystoisospora spp. (x2 = 37.2,
S. Dubná et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 145 (2007) 120–128 123

Table 2
Prevalence of dog endoparasites in individual districts of Prague
Parasite genera n np p
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7
Toxocara 3780 235 10.2 7.6 3.9 5.2 8.7 4.4 3.5
Toxascaris 3780 34 1.3 0.7 0.4 1.1 1.5 0.6 0.7
Ancylostoma 3780 17 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.0 1.1 0.4 0.4
Uncinaria 3780 15 0.9 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.7 0.0 0.2
Trichuris 3780 43 2.0 0.9 0.9 1.5 1.7 0.4 0.6
Capillaria 3780 23 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.6 1.1 0.4 0.4
Spirocerca 3780 9 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.9 0.0 0.0
Dipylidium 3780 26 0.6 0.9 0.4 0.7 1.3 0.4 0.6
Taenia-type 3780 39 1.1 0.9 0.6 0.9 2.4 0.6 0.7
Cystoisospora 3780 92 5.4 3.3 2.0 1.5 2.6 0.9 1.3
Sarcocystis 3780 24 0.6 0.7 0.4 0.6 1.3 0.2 0.7
Neospora/Hammondia 3780 19 0.7 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.7
Cryptosporidium 3780 52 3.2 1.7 0.6 0.9 2.4 0.4 0.6
Giardia 3780 37 1.5 1.3 0.7 0.9 1.1 0.7 0.6
Total 3780 665 23.5 16.4 9.2 12.0 22.3 7.8 8.9
P 1–P 7, Prague administrative districts 1–7; n, number examined; np, number positive; p, prevalence (positive %).

d.f. = 6, p < 0.0001), and Cryptosporidium spp. October (x2 > 8.3, d.f. = 3, p < 0.04). But with some
(x2 = 31.4, d.f. = 6, p < 0.0001). parasites (Taenia-type eggs, Cryptosporidium cysts),
Parasite stages from dog faeces from agricultural higher prevalences were also found in the spring,
locations are shown in Fig. 1. Comparing urban and especially in rural areas ( p < 0.01), and the prevalence
rural areas (Table 3), it turned out that the incidence of of Giardia cysts in rural areas was significantly higher
Toxocara spp., Taenia-type, Spirocerca sp., Cystoisos- in summer (4.4%) than at other times of the year
pora spp., Sarcocystis spp., and Giardia spp. was ( p < 0.01) (Table 4).
significantly higher in rural areas than in Prague The prevalence of infections with helminths and
( p < 0.01). protozoans in the two animal shelters in Prague was
The effect of season on the occurrence of different examined at the dogs’ admittance to the shelter and after
parasite genera could be observed (Figs. 2–4). their staying there (Fig. 5). T. canis eggs, Giardia and
Investigations of dogs in urban and rural areas showed, Cystoisospora cysts were the most prevalent. A
with the exception of Trichuris sp. in Prague, a higher significant increase in the prevalence of some parasites
occurrence of nematode infection in autumn. Particu- was found there. Giardia sp. showed an 11-fold increase
larly in T. canis, an increase in the percentage of dogs in its prevalence in dogs placed in the shelters for a
shedding eggs was observed in both urban and rural longer time; Cryptosporidium spp. had a 7-fold
areas, with peak occurrence during September and increase; Capillaria spp. a 5-fold increase; Spirocerca

Fig. 1. Presence of parasites in rural and urban regions. Asterisk (*) denotes significant difference ( p < 0.01).
124 S. Dubná et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 145 (2007) 120–128

Table 3
Gastrointestinal parasite faecal stage excretion in dogs in rural areas
Parasite genera n np p Maximum Mean Minimum
Toxocara 540 74 13.7 340 32.9 8
Toxascaris 540 9 1.7 49 4 7
Ancylostoma 540 4 0.7 28 1.8 4
Uncinaria 540 5 0.9 22 2.2 12
Trichuris 540 9 1.7 120 4 8
Capillaria 540 3 0.6 10 1.3 4
Spirocerca 540 6 1.1 6 2.7 2
Taenia-type 540 19 3.5 19 8.4 3
Dipylidium 540 7 1.3 4 3.1 1
Cystoisospora 540 43 8.0 240 19.1 22
Cryptosporidium 540 11 2.0 120 4.9 34
Sarcocystis 540 16 3.0 48 7.1 12
Neospora/Hammondia 540 7 1.3 30 3.1 6
Giardia 540 12 2.2 54 5.3 14
Total 540 225 41.7 – – –
n, number examined; np, number positive; p, prevalence (positive %); Maximum, maximal number of faecal eggs/oocyst/cyst per gram of positive
sample; Mean, mean number of faecal eggs/oocyst/cyst per gram of positive sample; Minimum, minimal number of faecal eggs/oocyst/cyst per gram
of positive sample.

sp., Neospora/Hammondia spp., and Cystoisospora spp. of infecting and inducing disease (larva migrans
a 4-fold increase over that in the dogs at the time of syndromes) in human beings who accidentally ingest
admittance to the shelter ( p < 0.01). the infective stages (eggs or larvae, respectively).
The present epidemiological investigation revealed
4. Discussion that T. canis is the most common parasite in the urban
areas of Prague (6.2%). The prevalence of this parasite
Understanding the epidemiology of zoonotic para- has not greatly changed over time. Valkounová (1981)
sitic infections is important for minimization of the risk detected the eggs of T. canis in 4.2% dogs, in 1989
to humans. Zoonoses involving dog parasites are both Kuchařová in 9.62%, respectively. Epidemiological
common and important, with some causing serious studies in European cities showed that infection rates
disease. First of all, Toxocara spp. (T. canis) are capable vary from 3.6% in Ireland (O’Sullivan, 1997), 11.1% in

Fig. 2. Seasonal prevalence of Toxocara spp., Toxascaris sp., and Trichuris sp. in rural and urban regions: rural region ( ); urban region
( ).
S. Dubná et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 145 (2007) 120–128 125

Fig. 3. Seasonal prevalence of tapeworms in rural and urban regions. Asterisk (*) denotes significant difference ( p < 0.01): rural region (& &);
urban region ( ).

Fig. 4. Seasonal prevalence of Cystoisospora spp., Cryptosporidium spp., and Giardia spp. in rural and urban areas. Asterisk (*) denotes significant
difference ( p < 0.01): rural region ( ); urban region ( ).

Italy (Legrottaglie et al., 2003), 24.3% in Hungary (Fok

et al., 2001), to 31.5% in Poland (Luty and Mizgajska,
Table 4 Findings of the prevalence of other parasites show
Comparison of the presence of some parasitic species in rural and parasite similar to those patterns described by others,
urban regions with the exception of the low prevalence of hookworms.
Parasite genera Rural Prague x2 P-value According to other authors, T. canis and hookworms
Toxocara 13.7 6.2 38.8 <0.0001 (Ancylostoma sp. and Uncinaria sp.) are the most
Spirocerca 1.1 0.2 8.0 0.005 commonly found helminths in dogs. Sager et al. (2006)
Taenia-type 3.5 1.0 20.2 <0.0001 reported 6.9% hookworm prevalence in Switzerland
Cystoisospora 8.0 2.4 45.9 <0.0001 increase; Vanparijs and Hermans (1991) reported 11.4%
Sarcocystis 3.0 0.6 25.4 <0.0001
in Belgium increase; increase; Kirkpatrick (1988)
Giardia 2.2 1.0 5.5 0.019
14.4% in the U.S.A., Nolan and Smith (1995) 9.7%
126 S. Dubná et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 145 (2007) 120–128

Fig. 5. Prevalence of endoparasites in two shelters. Asterisk (*) denotes significant difference ( p < 0.01): average number of individual parasites
upon admittance of dogs into shelter (&) average number of individual parasites after their long-term stay ( ).

in the U.S. Interestingly, Borkovcová (2003) found a pora spp., Sarcocystis spp., and Giardia spp. The
very low Ancylostoma sp./Uncinaria sp. prevalence difference between urban and rural dogs may be a result
(0.6%) in Moravia, the Czech Republic, as well as Epe of the persistent custom of rural people feeding their
et al. (2004) (1.4%) in Germany. dogs uncooked remains of farm animals. Rural dogs
The prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. is rarely also more frequently acquire T. canis infection through
presented in surveys monitoring parasitic infection in the ingestion of paratenic hosts. Urban people are
dogs. We detected Cryptosporidium oocysts in 52 of accustomed to feeding their pets commercially prepared
3800 faecal samples (1.4%) from Prague and in 11 of products. It is also possible that urban dwellers pay
540 faecal samples (2.0%) from urban areas. Epide- more attention to their pets and that they treat them
miological studies on the prevalence of Cryptospor- more frequently with antihelminthics, due to their
idium spp. in dogs showed that infection rates vary greater health awareness and better accessibility of
according to the geographic area and range from 0.4% veterinary doctors. Likewise in Austria, high (44%)
in Germany (Cirak and Bauer, 2004), 1.4% in Japan seroprevalence (detection to the T. canis antigen) has
(Uga et al., 1989), 7.4% in Spain (Causapé et al., 1996), been reported among farmers, whereas in only 2% of
19.6% in Australia (Hinaidy, 1991), to 20% in Chile individuals from urban areas (Deutz et al., 2005). The
(Araya et al., 1987). authors concluded that exposure to Toxocara spp. is
As also applies for other large cities, there are many significantly higher in rural than in urban areas, and that
varying factors in the city of Prague—built-up areas, the this phenomenon is due to the rather low standard of
types of buildings (industrial premises, family houses, health care (i.e., deworming) for cats and dogs in rural
blocks of flats). A very high percentage of areas built up areas. Twice as many dogs from rural areas (48.4%)
with blocks of flats is typical for Prague districts 1 and 5. harboured egg-shedding nematodes compared to urban
Only a small percentage is represented by small parks. ones (26.2%) as reported by Habluetzel et al. (2003). A
Prague 6 is an area where family houses are higher prevalence in gastrointestinal parasites of dogs
predominant. Many embassies and diplomatic repre- from rural areas was also reported by Fok et al. (2001).
sentations can be found here, and in general it is one of In older reports (Dubin et al., 1975; Kirkpatrick, 1988),
the ‘‘better addresses’’. This is perhaps also the reason the authors identified urban locality as a risk factor for
why residents of Prague 6 see veterinary doctors more parasitic infection in dogs. They suggested that the
often and the number of parasites found in their pets is results reflect the higher density of dogs in the city, the
smaller. higher level of environmental contamination with
Published data indicate a higher prevalence of all parasite-laden faeces and, consequently, the increased
parasites except Capillaria spp. in rural areas. A rate of transmission.
significant difference between prevalence in rural areas Our observations regarding seasonal changes in
and in Prague was found in the following parasites: parasitic prevalence correspond with the previous report
Toxocara spp., Taenia-type, Spirocerca sp., Cystoisos- from the Czech Republic presented by Borkovcová
S. Dubná et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 145 (2007) 120–128 127

(2003) and reports from other European countries. Six parasite genera found in the dog faecal samples of
Kirkpatrick (1988) observed the same as we did in our this study – Toxocara, Giardia, Cryptosporidium,
report, that the infection of dogs with ascarids was Echinococcus, Dipylidium, and Uncinari – are a proven
lowest in summer. He also observed that infection with zoonotic agent. The public health significance of Giardia
Giardia spp. was lowest in both spring and summer. On spp. from dogs and cats remains unclear (Capelli et al.,
the contrary, in our study Giardia spp. prevalence was 2003; Ponce-Macotela et al., 2005). T. canis is of
found to be highest in summer. particular importance, causing visceral and ocular larval
T. canis eggs, Giardia and Cystoisospora cysts were migrans. The results of this study suggest that pets may
the most prevalent parasitic genera in both Prague contribute significantly to the environmental burdens of
shelters. These findings show parasite prevalence these agents, in urban as well as rural areas.
comparable to that described by others (Vanparijs
and Hermans, 1991; Svobodová, 2003; Le Nobel et al., Acknowledgements
2004; Borecka, 2005). The prevalence of all parasites,
except Toxocara spp. and D. caninum in dogs in the two This study was supported by the Research Project of
animal shelters increased during their stay there. the Faculty of Agrobiology, Food, and Natural
Giardia spp. showed an 11-fold increase, followed by Resources, Czech University of Agriculture in Prague,
Cryptosporidium spp. with a 7-fold, Capillaria spp. No. MSM 6046070901. The authors thank Mr. Jan Piet
with a 5-fold, Spirocerca sp., Neospora/Hammondia van Til for his kind help.
spp., and Cystoisospora spp. with a 4-fold increase of
prevalence over that in the dogs at the time of their References
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dogs from a shelter. On the contrary, Borkovcová (2003) Pietrobelli, M., Bianciardi, P., Giangaspero, A., 2003. Prevalence
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