Complex Numbers Housekeeping, Elementary Geometry, Arguments, Polar Representation

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MTH 101 (Elementary Mathematics I),

2019/2020 Session:

Module 3.4- Introduction to Complex


Lecture IV, Module 3

Olawanle LAYENI

Department of Mathematics,
Obafemi Awolowo University,

18th February, 2021

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Table of Contents

Introduction The Argument of a Complex

Question from a Little Bird
Properties of the Argument
Geometric Representation of
Complex Numbers Examples

The Sum of Two Complex

Numbers Polar Representation of
Complex Numbers
Argument of a Complex
Number Examples

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The contents of this sub-module are

Geometric representation of complex numbers.

Arguments of complex numbers.

Polar form of complex numbers.

In the following, we shall continue a systematic introduction to

the geometric representation of complex numbers.

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Introduction, A Little Housekeeping
We start this lecture with a little housekeeping.

An important note on terminology- the absolute value of a

complex number is also called its modulus.

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Introduction, A Little Housekeeping
We start this lecture with a little housekeeping.

The absolute value or modulus of a complex number has a

positive value.

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Introduction, A Little Housekeeping
We start this lecture with a little housekeeping.

Let λ, a, b ∈ R. Then
λ(a ± bi) = (λa) ± (λb) i
|λ(a ± bi)| = |λ| × |a ± bi| .

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Introduction, A Little Housekeeping
We start this lecture with a little housekeeping.

Let z ∈ C. Then,
z + z = 2 Re z
z − z = 2 Im z.
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Introduction, A Little Housekeeping
We start this lecture with a little housekeeping.

An important note on terminology- the absolute value of a

complex number is also called its modulus.

The absolute value or modulus of a complex number has a

positive value.

Let λ, a, b ∈ R. Then
λ(a ± bi) = (λa) ± (λb) i
|λ(a ± bi)| = |λ| × |a ± bi| .

Let z ∈ C. Then,
z + z = 2 Re z
z − z = 2 Im z.
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Introduction, A Little Housekeeping- A Question
from a Little Bird
A little bird recently asked me if the absolute value/modulus
of the sum of two complex numbers is the sum of their absolute

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Introduction, A Little Housekeeping- A Question
from a Little Bird

My response was,

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Introduction, A Little Housekeeping- A Question
from a Little Bird

“it’s a hazard, it’s here and

there Bird, . . . ,

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Introduction, A Little Housekeeping- A Question
from a Little Bird


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Introduction, A Little Housekeeping- A Question
from a Little Bird

. . . . It’s not so in general,

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Introduction, A Little Housekeeping- A Question
from a Little Bird

don’t give in
to . . . nonsense:”

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Introduction, A Little Housekeeping- A Question
from a Little Bird
A little bird recently asked me if the absolute value/modulus
of the sum of two complex numbers is the sum of their absolute
values/moduli. My response was, “it’s a hazard, it’s here and
there Bird, . . . , t’esumole1 . . . . It’s not so in general, don’t give in
to . . . nonsense:”

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Introduction, A Little Housekeeping- A Question
from a Little Bird

Let z1 , z2 ∈ C, then

|z1 + z2 |≤|z1 | + |z2 |

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Introduction, A Little Housekeeping- A Question
from a Little Bird

For the purpose of illustration,

√ √ z1 = i and z2 = 1. Then
2 2
|z1 + z2 | = |1 + i| = 1 + 1 = 2. But we √ observe that
|z1 | + |z2 | = |i| + |1| = 1 + 1 = 2. Clearly 2 ≤ 2, and the
modulus of the sum of two complex numbers is not in general
the same as the sum of their moduli.
1 Link
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Table of Contents

Introduction The Argument of a Complex

Question from a Little Bird
Properties of the Argument
Geometric Representation of
Complex Numbers Examples

The Sum of Two Complex

Numbers Polar Representation of
Complex Numbers
Argument of a Complex
Number Examples

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The Geometric Representation of Complex Numbers

Given an x − yi plane, every complex number is

geometrically a point on that plane.

2 Complex numbers with no imaginary parts.

3 Complex numbers with no real parts.
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The Geometric Representation of Complex Numbers

This plane is called the complex plane or the Argand plane.

2 Complex numbers with no imaginary parts.

3 Complex numbers with no real parts.
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The Geometric Representation of Complex Numbers

Purely real numbers2 are points on the abscissa, that is on

the x-axis, of the complex plane.

2 Complex numbers with no imaginary parts.

3 Complex numbers with no real parts.
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The Geometric Representation of Complex Numbers

Purely imaginary numbers3 are points on the ordinate, that

is the yi- axis, of the complex plane.

2 Complex numbers with no imaginary parts.

3 Complex numbers with no real parts.
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The Geometric Representation of Complex Numbers

Given an x − yi plane, every complex number is

geometrically a point on that plane.

This plane is called the complex plane or the Argand plane.

Purely real numbers2 are points on the abscissa, that is on

the x-axis, of the complex plane.

Purely imaginary numbers3 are points on the ordinate, that

is the yi- axis, of the complex plane.

2 Complex numbers with no imaginary parts.

3 Complex numbers with no real parts.
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The Geometric Representation of Complex
Numbers, Continued

The point-geometric representation of a complex number

a + bi on the Complex or Argand plane is that of the
position of a coordinate (a, b) on the x − yi- plane.

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The Geometric Representation of Complex
Numbers, Continued

The shortest distance between any point and the origin on the
complex plane or Argand plane is through a straight line.

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The Geometric Representation of Complex
Numbers, Continued

The length of that straight line which joins a complex

number, which is geometrically a point on the complex plane,
with the origin (of the complex plane) is the absolute value
or modulus of that complex number.

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The Geometric Representation of Complex
Numbers, Continued

The point-geometric representation of a complex number

a + bi on the Complex or Argand plane is that of the
position of a coordinate (a, b) on the x − yi- plane.

The shortest distance between any point and the origin on the
complex plane or Argand plane is through a straight line.

The length of that straight line which joins a complex

number, which is geometrically a point on the complex plane,
with the origin (of the complex plane) is the absolute value
or modulus of that complex number.

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The Geometric Representation of Complex
Numbers, Diagram

Figure: The Argand or Complex Plane and the Situation of a Complex

Number a + bi and its Conjugate a − bi.

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The Geometric Representation of Complex
Numbers, Sum of Two Complex Numbers
Now that we give a procedure for geometrically representing
the sum of two complex numbers.The corresponding diagram
is given on the next slide.

Represent two complex numbers a + bi and c + di, a, b, c, d

real numbers, as points on the complex plane.

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The Geometric Representation of Complex
Numbers, Sum of Two Complex Numbers
Now that we give a procedure for geometrically representing
the sum of two complex numbers.The corresponding diagram
is given on the next slide.

Represent two complex numbers a + bi and c + di, a, b, c, d

real numbers, as points on the complex plane.

Draw straight lines from these points to the origin of the


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The Geometric Representation of Complex
Numbers, Sum of Two Complex Numbers
Now that we give a procedure for geometrically representing
the sum of two complex numbers.The corresponding diagram
is given on the next slide.

Represent two complex numbers a + bi and c + di, a, b, c, d

real numbers, as points on the complex plane.

Draw straight lines from these points to the origin of the


Construct a parallelogram from these two straight lines,

having them as concurrent sides, with the origin and the two
points representing a + bi and c + di as vertices.

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The Geometric Representation of Complex
Numbers, Sum of Two Complex Numbers
Now that we give a procedure for geometrically representing
the sum of two complex numbers.The corresponding diagram
is given on the next slide.

Represent two complex numbers a + bi and c + di, a, b, c, d

real numbers, as points on the complex plane.

Draw straight lines from these points to the origin of the


Construct a parallelogram from these two straight lines,

having them as concurrent sides, with the origin and the two
points representing a + bi and c + di as vertices.

The fourth vertex making the parallelogram represents the

sum of a + bi and c + di.
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The Geometric Representation of Complex
Numbers, Sum of Two Complex Numbers, Continued

Figure: The Sum of Two Complex Numbers a + bi and c + di

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The Geometric Representation of Complex
Numbers, Geometric Definition of the Argument

An alternative geometric perception of an arbitrary complex

number a + bi on the complex plane is that in terms of the
length of the straight line from the complex number to the
origin and the angle that line makes with the abscissa.

The length of the straight line from the straight line to the
origin is its absolute value or modulus.

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The Geometric Representation of Complex
Numbers, Geometric Definition of the Argument

An alternative geometric perception of an arbitrary complex

number a + bi on the complex plane is that in terms of the
length of the straight line from the complex number to the
origin and the angle that line makes with the abscissa.

The angle the straight line makes with the abscissa is called
the argument of the complex number.

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The Geometric Representation of Complex
Numbers, Geometric Definition of the Argument

An alternative geometric perception of an arbitrary complex

number a + bi on the complex plane is that in terms of the
length of the straight line from the complex number to the
origin and the angle that line makes with the abscissa.

The length of the straight line from the straight line to the
origin is its absolute value or modulus.

The angle the straight line makes with the abscissa is called
the argument of the complex number.

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The Geometric Representation of Complex
Numbers, Geometric Definition of the Argument, A

Figure: The Argument of an Arbitrary Complex Number z = x + yi.

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Table of Contents

Introduction The Argument of a Complex

Question from a Little Bird
Properties of the Argument
Geometric Representation of
Complex Numbers Examples

The Sum of Two Complex

Numbers Polar Representation of
Complex Numbers
Argument of a Complex
Number Examples

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The Argument of a Complex Number
We give another definition of the argument of a complex
number in the following.

Let a + bi, a, b real numbers, not both zero, be given. The

argument of a + bi, denoted Arg(a + bi), is defined as
− 1 b

 tan a>0

Arg(a + bi) =

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The Argument of a Complex Number
We give another definition of the argument of a complex
number in the following.

Let a + bi, a, b real numbers, not both zero, be given. The

argument of a + bi, denoted Arg(a + bi), is defined as


 − 1 b

 tan +π a < 0 and b ≥ 0

Arg(a + bi) =

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The Argument of a Complex Number
We give another definition of the argument of a complex
number in the following.

Let a + bi, a, b real numbers, not both zero, be given. The

argument of a + bi, denoted Arg(a + bi), is defined as

Arg(a + bi) =
tan −1 b − π a < 0 and b < 0

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The Argument of a Complex Number
We give another definition of the argument of a complex
number in the following.

Let a + bi, a, b real numbers, not both zero, be given. The

argument of a + bi, denoted Arg(a + bi), is defined as

Arg(a + bi) =

 π

a = 0 and b > 0


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The Argument of a Complex Number
We give another definition of the argument of a complex
number in the following.

Let a + bi, a, b real numbers, not both zero, be given. The

argument of a + bi, denoted Arg(a + bi), is defined as

Arg(a + bi) =

 −π

a = 0 and b < 0


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The Argument of a Complex Number
We give another definition of the argument of a complex
number in the following.

Let a + bi, a, b real numbers, not both zero, be given. The

argument of a + bi, denoted Arg(a + bi), is defined as
− 1 b

 tan a>0

 b

 +π a < 0 and b ≥ 0

Arg(a + bi) = b
tan−1 −π a < 0 and b < 0

 π
a = 0 and b > 0

2 π

 −

a = 0 and b < 0

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The Argument of a Complex Number, Examples
Example 1
Question: Compute the arguments of
(i) 1 + i , .

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The Argument of a Complex Number, Examples
Example 1
Question: Compute the arguments of
(ii) 1 − i , .

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The Argument of a Complex Number, Examples
Example 1
Question: Compute the arguments of
(iii) −1 − i .

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The Argument of a Complex Number, Examples
Example 1
Question: Compute the arguments of
(i) 1 + i , .
− 1 π
(i) Arg(1 + i) = tan 1 = tan−1 (1) = .
1 4

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The Argument of a Complex Number, Examples
Example 1
Question: Compute the arguments of
(ii) 1 − i , .

(ii) Arg(1 − i) = tan−1 = tan−1 (−1) = − .
1 4

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The Argument of a Complex Number, Examples
Example 1
Question: Compute the arguments of
(iii) −1 − i .

(iii) Arg(−1 − i) = tan−1 − π = tan−1 (1) − π =
π 3π
−π = − .
4 4

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The Argument of a Complex Number, Examples
Example 1
Question: Compute the arguments of
(i) 1 + i , (ii) 1 − i , (iii) −1 − i .
− 1 π
(i) Arg(1 + i) = tan 1 = tan−1 (1) = .
1 4

(ii) Arg(1 − i) = tan−1 = tan−1 (−1) = − .
1 4

(iii) Arg(−1 − i) = tan−1 − π = tan−1 (1) − π =
π 3π
−π = − .
4 4

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The Argument of a Complex Number, Properties

In the following, some properties of the arguments of complex

numbers are given.

Let z1 , z2 be complex numbers, then

Arg(z1 z2 ) = Arg(z1 ) + Arg(z2 ) .

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The Argument of a Complex Number, Properties

In the following, some properties of the arguments of complex

numbers are given.

Let z1 , z2 be complex numbers, then

Arg = Arg(z1 ) − Arg(z2 ), z2 6= 0 .

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The Argument of a Complex Number, Properties

In the following, some properties of the arguments of complex

numbers are given.

Let z1 , z2 be complex numbers, then

Arg(z1n ) = nArg(z1 ) , n ∈ Z .

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The Argument of a Complex Number, Properties

In the following, some properties of the arguments of complex

numbers are given.

Let z1 , z2 be complex numbers, then

Arg(z1 z2 ) = Arg(z1 ) + Arg(z2 ) .

Arg = Arg(z1 ) − Arg(z2 ), z2 6= 0 .

Arg(z1n ) = nArg(z1 ) , n ∈ Z .

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The Argument of a Complex Number, Examples
Example 2
Question: Calculate the arguments of
(i) ,
i 50

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The Argument of a Complex Number, Examples
Example 2
Question: Calculate the arguments of
√ !,
1 3
(ii) + i (−1 − i) .
2 2

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The Argument of a Complex Number, Examples
Example 2
Question: Calculate the arguments of
(i) ,
i 50
1 1
(i) Arg 50 = 50 Arg = 50 (Arg(1) − Arg(i)) =
 i π  i
50 0 − = −25π .

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The Argument of a Complex Number, Examples
Example 2
Question: Calculate the arguments of
√ !,
1 3
(ii) + i (−1 − i) .
2 2

√ !, ! √ !
1 3 1 3
(ii) Arg + i (−1 − i) = Arg + i −
2 2 2 2
√ , ! 
− 3 1
Arg(−1 − i) = tan 1 − tan−1 −π =
2 2 −1
√ π π  13
tan−1 3 − tan−1 (1) − π = −

−π = π .
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The Argument of a Complex Number, Examples
Example 2
Question: Calculate the arguments of


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The Argument of a Complex Number, Examples
Example 2
Question: Calculate the arguments of
√ !,
1 1 3
(i) 50 , (ii) + i (−1 − i) .
i 2 2
1 1
(i) Arg 50 = 50 Arg = 50 (Arg(1) − Arg(i)) =
 i π i
50 0 − = −25π .
√ !, ! √ !
1 3 1 3
(ii) Arg + i (−1 − i) = Arg + i −
2 2 2 2
√ , ! 
− 3 1
Arg(−1 − i) = tan 1 − tan−1 −π =
2 2 −1
√ π π  13
tan−1 3 − tan−1 (1) − π = −

−π = π .
3 4 12 18 / 23
Table of Contents

Introduction The Argument of a Complex

Question from a Little Bird
Properties of the Argument
Geometric Representation of
Complex Numbers Examples

The Sum of Two Complex

Numbers Polar Representation of
Complex Numbers
Argument of a Complex
Number Examples

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The Polar Form of Complex Numbers

Having understood the algebra and geometry of complex

numbers so far presented, we shall give the representation of
an arbitrary complex number in terms of only its absolute
value and its argument.

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The Polar Form of Complex Numbers

Having understood the algebra and geometry of complex

numbers so far presented, we shall give the representation of
an arbitrary complex number in terms of only its absolute
value and its argument.

Such a representation as we intend is called a polar

representation of a complex number.

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The Polar Form of Complex Numbers

Having understood the algebra and geometry of complex

numbers so far presented, we shall give the representation of
an arbitrary complex number in terms of only its absolute
value and its argument.

Let a + bi ; a, b ∈ R , be given. Then

a + bi = a + bi e [Arg(a+bi)] i .

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The Polar Form of Complex Numbers

Having understood the algebra and geometry of complex

numbers so far presented, we shall give the representation of
an arbitrary complex number in terms of only its absolute
value and its argument.

Such a representation as we intend is called a polar

representation of a complex number.

Let a + bi ; a, b ∈ R , be given. Then

a + bi = a + bi e [Arg(a+bi)] i .

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The Polar Form of Complex Numbers

In general, for any nonzero complex number z, the polar

representation of z is

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The Polar Form of Complex Numbers

In general, for any nonzero complex number z, the polar

representation of z is

z = |z| eArg(z) i

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The Polar Form of Complex Numbers


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The Polar Form of Complex Numbers

In general, for any nonzero complex number z, the polar

representation of z is

z = |z| cos (Arg(z) + sin Arg(z) i

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The Polar Form of Complex Numbers, Examples
Example 3
Question: Express the following in polar form
(i) −1 − i ,

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The Polar Form of Complex Numbers, Examples
Example 3
Question: Express the following in polar form
(ii) (−2i) 69 ,

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The Polar Form of Complex Numbers, Examples
Example 3
Question: Express the following in polar form
(iii) √ .

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The Polar Form of Complex Numbers, Examples
Example 3
Question: Express the following in polar form
(i) −1 − i ,
√ −1

(i) | − 1 − i| = 2; Arg(−1 − i) = tan−1 −π = − .
−1 4

√ − i
Therefore −1 − i = 2 e 4 or


2 cos − sin i .
4 4

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The Polar Form of Complex Numbers, Examples
Example 3
Question: Express the following in polar form
(ii) (−2i) 69 ,

(ii) Hint- Moduli and arguments of integral exponents of z ∈ C.

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The Polar Form of Complex Numbers, Examples
Example 3
Question: Express the following in polar form
(iii) √ .

(iii) Hint- Moduli and arguments of reciprocals of nonzero z ∈ C.

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The Polar Form of Complex Numbers, Examples
Example 3
Question: Express the following in polar form
(i) −1 − i , (ii) (−2i) 69 , (iii) √ .
√ −1
− 1 3π
(i) | − 1 − i| = 2; Arg(−1 − i) = tan −π = − .
−1 4

√ − i
Therefore −1 − i = 2 e 4 or


2 cos − sin i .
4 4

(ii) Hint- Moduli and arguments of integral exponents of z ∈ C.

(iii) Hint- Moduli and arguments of reciprocals of nonzero z ∈ C.

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End of Lecture IV


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