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Collection of dried cocoa beans

 Beans are collected from different areas of India like; Karnataka, Andrapardesh and Tamil nadu. They
are weighed and store for further use
 Secondly, before processing we sensory analyze the Cocoa beans and check moisture content of beans.
It usually be 13-14% and may change frequently with Relative Humidity of the room.

Clean the beans

 While cleaning beans all impurities, dust, foreign particles, flatted beans, moldy beans are sorted out

 Beans are dried at 60-70°C for 50 mins in Deck Oven. It is done to reduce moisture content, water
activity for reducing bitterness, astringent and acidity of cocoa beans.
 Moisture content after drying process usually be 8-9°C.
 We sensory analyze it and move for further process.

 Beans are roasted at 120-130°C for 30-35 minutes. It reduces harmful bacteria, fungi etc. It also helps
to separate husk from inner bean and makes cracking and winnowing easier.
 Remove fully flatted beans because they get over roasted which can change the flavor.

 Clean nibs are grinded in granular form and pour in pre-grinder.
 In pre-grinder two wheel generate the heat. The granular nibs turned into paste form.
 The paste temperature is measured by infrared thermometer and it should be maintained around 50-
 Add unrefined sugar, cocoa butter according to quantity of nibs powder and scrapped the wheel as per
 Speed increases with the time and whole process run for 36-48 hrs.
 After that we use Hegman Scale for measuring viscosity of paste. If it’s viscosity not reaches around
15-20μm then the paste has not been ready for further process.
 Finalized paste are store in container for further use and its shelf-life last till 6 months.

 We melt pre-prepared paste in oven or in Melter.
 With the help of spatula, we beat the paste until temperature don’t reach at 45°C.
 After that we start tempering. This is a process in which chocolate mass is thermally treated to produce
a small fraction of homogeneously dispersed, highly stable fat crystals of the correct type and size. We
check the temperature time to time so that it shouldn’t be less than 32°C otherwise paste will be thick
which can create difficult for Molding
 After molding it could be cooled for an hour in refrigerator.
 Then we demold it for primary packaging.
 Finally, it gets wrapped in foil and packed in respective covers.
collection of dried
cocoa beans

moisture content
analysis(7-9 %)

Drying(P.T 70-


Cracking and








Demoelding and


Fig. Flow chart for chocolate manufacturing

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