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With this, the human person is defined by

the union of body and soul. This integration
defines the human person as an embodied
We cannot separate the two and they go
hand-in-hand in making us who we are.
Whatever affects the body also affects the
Embodiment enables us to do and
experience all the things that make us
human person.

Philosophers’ Idea of Human Person as

an Embodied Spirit
- Body is material; hence it is mutable and
- Soul is immaterial; hence it is immutable
Studying these questions will give us an and indestructible.
idea of what defines humans as a person, - The body’s existence is dependent on the
and what philosophers look in their search soul while the soul’s existence is
to define the human person. independent of the body.
- The human person is just a soul using a
Human Person has unique traits and body.
behavior possessing:
- SELF-AWARENESS (“Know Thyself”)
- SELF DETERMINATION (Capability of the
persons to make decisions based on their
own preferences)
- DIGNITY (Innate right to be valued and
Philosophers believe that the human being - The body and soul are in a state of unity.
is not just a mere animal. They are inseparable.
- It makes no sense to talk of a soul or mind
without a body, for the essence of a person
is embedded and intertwined with their
matter. You can’t take it out of the body.
- Soul is the realization of Life.

To be human is as simple as having a body

and soul.
What does it mean to have a body and
Recognize the limitations of our body
- There are many things we cannot do
simultaneously because we are only limited
by one body existing at a definite time,
space, and nature.
(e.g., Hunger, Fatigue, etc.)

Man is more than just a body

(e.g., Hard work, Love, Determination,
Happiness, etc.)
What is the significant of having an over himself or herself. Thus, freedom
embodied spirit? entails responsibility.
- Recognize the Uniqueness of the Human
Person: Self-Awareness, Self- Also understood as the power to be with
Determination, Dignity, and Capability to what you want to be and the ability to
Interact decide and create yourself.
- It enables us to realize our own limitations
and see our potentials. KINDS OF FREEDOM
- Man has limits but filled with potentials. Physical Freedom
- refers to the absence of any physical
FREEDOM OF THE HUMAN restraint. The person has the freedom of
PERSON mobility to go where he or she wants to go.

Psychological Freedom
- also called “freedom of choice”. A person
is free to act or not to act.
Example: When an individual is able to
surpass his or her weaknesses in attaining
his or her goal in life.

Moral Freedom
- using freedom in a manner that upholds
human dignity and goodness.
Example: Choosing right from wrong

Can we do evil to achieve a good action?

There must be a proportionality grave
reason for permitting the evil effect.

We are free if we can do what we want with Aristotle’s Notion of Freedom:

ourselves. We have the freedom to choose The Power of Volition
right from wrong.

- An intrinsic and essential property of the
This means that the human person by
nature is a free being and it is in his nature
to seek freedom.
- Ability to make choices and perform

Jean Paul Sartre’s Existential

“Existence precedes essence”

Freedom is rooted in the human person’s

self-determination and the exercise of
intellect and freewill. Freewill is the capacity
to choose a course of action from various
alternatives. Bad Faith
- A form of self-deception and inauthenticity.
Requires a degree of control from the A denial of human freedom.
person who exercise it. A person becomes - It is a natural outcome of how our minds
more free when he or she exercises control work.
Our simple achievement cannot be
achieved without our body. Taming your
body creates an opportunity, thus it focuses
on your life goal. We are directed to
transcend to our body’s limitation.

Being physically limited in our abilities does

not prevent us for aspiring for greater
Despite these natural limitations, we have
Jean Paul Sartre used our intellect to devise means to
To be human, to be conscious, is to be achieve several accomplishments.
free to imagine, free to choose, and be
responsible for one’s life. Our mind is an important tool that allows us
to go beyond our physical limits. We are
able to exercise our imagination and
RECAP reflection to go beyond our own thoughts.
Human Person as Embodied Spirit – the
Union of Body and Soul Transcendence also means overcoming
Body oneself or being in control even if the body
- Visible and Tangible reminds us of certain tendencies.
5 senses
(taste, touch, sight, smell, and hearing)

- Not Visible and Tangible
(Self-Awareness, Self-Determination,
Dignity, and Capability to Interact)


Given that we are capable of formulating
our goals in life, what limits you from
achieving your goals in life?
- The availability of enough resources such
as finances.
- Our physical ability as a person. Some are
blessed with intelligence but some are not.
- Our self is our main enemy.

We can see that although we want to

achieve something, there are limitations that
might hinder our goals in life.

St. Thomas Aquinas

“Of all creatures, human beings have the
unique power to change themselves and
things for the better.”

Despite our limitations, the human person is

capable of transcending. Transcendence is
the ability to surpass limits. It is an important
trait that distinguishes the human person
from other beings in existence.

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