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Concept of Islam

The religious faith of Muslims including belief in Allah as the sole deity and
in Muhammad as his prophet.
‘Islam’ is derived from the Arabic word ‘slm’ which means ‘to surrender, submit or yield’. It means to
resign one’s self to the will of God. Islam also means ‘peace’ which is mentioned in Sayeed Ameer Ali’s
book ‘The Spirit of Islam’.

The main basis upon which Islamic life is founded upon includes:

1) A belief in the unity, power and mercy of Allah

2) Charity and brotherhood amongst mankind

3) Subjugation of passions

4) Being grateful to Allah and remembering to thank Him and behind humble

5) Accountability for human actions in another existence; being conscious of how we treat others and
the sins we commit

6) Finality of the Prophet

The whole concept of Islam rests on the understanding that Allah is sovereign, all-mighty and powerful,
He created the universe and man, gave him guidance, and gave man the choice between being a Muslim
or a Kaafir, on the basis of which he will be judged in the hereafter. Reciting and believing in the qalmah
allows man to join the fold of Islam; the first part of the kalmah presents the concept of Tawhid
(oneness of Allah) and the second part affirms the Prophethood of Muhammad.

Fundamentals of Islam, which is a complete code of life, cover the political, social, economic and legal
aspects of life because Islam contains clear and definite rules and practices. The mission of the
Prophets/messengers has been to preach Islam and its teachings and to establish divine order on earth.
As a religion, Islam stands for the complete submission and obedience to Allah and it is only through the
submission that one can achieve peace of body and mind.

· Ayat of Quran: “Indeed, it is in the remembrance of God alone that the heart of man finds rest”

Islam is composed of five articles of faith; belief in Tawhid (God), angles, books, prophets, day of
resurrenction/predestination. As well as the five pillars of Islam; kalimah, salat, zakat, saumm, hajj. As
well as jihad forming a central concept of islam.

The concept of Islam is divided into two main broad categories according to which a person should lead
his life;

1) theoretical (beliefs and principles of Islam, or ‘aqaid’ and ‘usul’ of Islam) or the iman/faith

2) practical (hukums or ‘orders’) deeds or actions

Difference between deen and religion
Characteristics of islam

Universality and humanism: Allah is “rehmat ul alameen” which means a mercy on entire humanity, not
just muslims. Message of Islam is for all, not God of Muslims but God of all. Humanism entails dignity,
human rights and equality; all of which are the essence of Islam
Permanence and change: An equilibrium is maintained. Permanence entails pillars, articles of faith, basic
laws, shariah. Change entails flexibility/change in law in modern times via ijtihad. It is not extreme in its
rigidity which would have made it redundant.

Complete record of teachings preserved: Judaism and Christianity have been subject to adulterations.
Islam is still pure and pristine; how it was 1400 years ago

Balance between individual and society: individual has been given liberty, freedom, rights,
responsibilities. Whereas society, on the basis of the notion of collectivism, has been given social
responsibilities such as zakat, congressional prayer, jihad.

A complete way of life: guidance pertains to both public and private sphere, touches on
eco/social/political/legal facets of life. Islam says no to secularism, which means that religion should not
retreat within the private sphere but should be practiced in public life and collectively too.

Unity of matter and spirit; material and spiritual life both given importance and equilibrium. Not too
extreme towards one side.

Simplicity (no mythology, understandable, no complex rituals or hierarchy of priests, simple sources of
guidance being Quran and sunnah), Rationalism (no superstitious beliefs, invokes intellectual faculties of
a person, importance given to education and knowledge) and practicality (belief and actions have no
contradiction, easy to practice)

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