Intelligent Business Pre-Int Workbook

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Workbook Pre-Intermediate Business English meng a ao Femi ron tl uinelien usin ‘© Ramon Eston timid 206 “The ri of ene Baral and Nia alo be dents ‘us fis Werk ha tue sce By er ‘etdane mid be Coppi esi tnd Pht sk Al is sees no pt hs publanon may be ‘eps neal Spero emda ‘im a yy men detone machani peeing ‘Bot Secs wn te pr mitch pra st publ 2006 Seco impresion 2006 sti es ecto et me 2 wer hs ei ot a Al ~ Retin amos uae sowie: osama ‘alg Bsns reemedie Worck and C pack SiNio onan nan pin by Cs senouledgemens “The pl te eal The Bonomi pean to ‘dap cop eral on ya (a pa aga ge 2s pe Sn pe Eh auc Sp 2 Sh pg 8 £010 Sp pa (0 om a (oy page coe ON Bass Mn spe 7 Ssh yond pe ‘Peso and (0 ato. Al are cpt Me Eas Nesspaper Lined Arges nso se en en cas of ‘i would enble wee doe em ‘ere ann Seashell Seoe scien ame 8 “Towers: pa2ubl bx. pets Ax Directors be TRIP: pen, 4 Spee hum oer cerns, Siopretittony ater ran Pan Uae pe cy a a 9, ‘our abe enoloes Ci pein tea? Photons pedi, Meet eo Neon Shoes ds” peop se ln 7 plage ppb cen pes ‘enn pt ele Gre a {Gonthoa! sate) geet samc Rex urs pt bw mor it Tote PL oer images br Gey mses Colo Inc, Rancsck fee” Grimes vey ef his been made ounce he opi drs aad Sapir cgonnce ar nines omen Re ‘ul itpie mer te snowmen Ip eilrqn ee oP AE con ‘eure Recarcher: es Bran ste by Kay Boers ohn Bay ese by Cay Marg Specs CO icy Fashion's favourite Brogden ‘ine bad nae: on ig. dobseekng The online job-market ot af pe te nto fen hae oe eC ee 9 Selling aso ligation acing suggestions Note mating suggestion 1 Activities 6 Present simple and present planing you job nai tocucingyoursell 4 10Price 2 data =a Countable and uncountable Dosing a graph Checking infrsaton Letter rqueting information apr descbing» graph AL Insurance Bequest Ofer ado eng wns seg pte cin Ema eying to requests 12 Service stone Ccontionat 1 Denn wth problems Leer responding to ompiane Deserbing produ Moms deseing products 5 Success 52 13 Productivity Fast single Aecive and avers ling story asagng tine Ema ansuring questions ano reapendng to questions 6 Future 56 14 Creativity ls of posi akg reition® Mame giving opinions Conditional 2 Firing creative solutions Note making suadestions 7 Location 6 15 Motivation Fate plans and intertions Making an appartment nal aranging 20 ‘aplntnent Fresentprfect and past simple (ieee Let appiying fo job ry 64 BEC Preliminary practice ing test The ipeative dios Erpling hat todo ee Letter feng an iteview 92. Answer key Activities wary: Activities Present simple and present continuous sills: Explaining your job vesog: Email introducing yourself i Find the eight jobs below in the word starch, banker engineer consult technician ‘ical e[n ple er N Ee Tele epee P Wilel [el Pe he pyle le leds you could ase to complete each ofer provide They __good sevice a 1 rensonable rate give purchae buy products for any company create design imagine We new products invest setup When you a ompany isa good dea tog Financial advice. nin close manage Does jl till ‘herr skepariment? [i complete the sentences with the present simple or present Continuous form of the verb in bold: Use an auxiliary verb where neces work 1 Bees Theo James wort inthe Yes he dos. Sales department? he there today? No. tes on holiday do What you atthe Tm designing What — ma design Sinsh Why — they eatly this The factoryis afernoon? closing For epi. ‘hey usually work No they usually odode finish at &ocock, develop the company new Yes it does Sofovare programs? What itcurently 2 Anew engineering program, EX complete the txt about a management training scheme with verbs from the box in the present simple or aresent continuous. lea oer spend yaa” work nothave not eam nds Gatela 4 Spanish graduate n business administration an she |_anze _tohave a cares in business management. At present she 2 fora age teleeomminications company in Madd. s+ one-year graduate urinee programme and she iarante of jo at she end af the year. The company usually «jobs fo only afew ofthe best raines = Inés hopes tobe ‘one ofthese. Tings on the programme ‘working in afferent depariments This is usually helpful because the teil work experience A disadvantage ic hat — upg sa wesks ‘inges?-—— very much money: Inds ans 1e = hard le just ow; bu it ood experience and 1*___ lot of ne things? Unit vats Listen to Matthew Davies register for a media industry conference and complete the information on his registration form. Nome: 2 bbs CCompony rome: ‘ype of company: 5 Which of hse actos describes wht your company does Hck one)? Monfocures goods Retails products Provides sie Adina ntrmation about your jos | Bi Put the words in the sight order and match the questions to Matthew's ancwers What do / company /kind / of for you / work? 1m Financia analyst, rm responsible for etimatin What in of compay do you work fo? ‘the cot of new lms 2 What /do/ your / company does? \e provide services for the 3 What’ job / your? film industry. & Whats /1oe / main / your? ‘iting You are working on 2 new project with a colleague from another branch of your company. Read the email from your colleague and write a reply (30-40 words) 1 introduce yourself. You ean write bout yourself or invent information. = Thank her for the email = Say what your ob tei and what you do. ~ Say what you are doing atthe moment. nd the email politely My pes Cheung oan ong forward working wih you anit new projet mh prj coordinator and wrkn he rent in he Hong Kong branes ieee Im taking extra English lessons o help with our work! Best wishes, hear ‘Then compare your answer with the suggested answer on page 92 muni vy Read the artile and choose the correct answer (a-e) ® companies not customers. + customers not companies both castomers and companies 2 The first supermarket was set up before 1920, inthe 980s, 5 The tre clerk's main job was to check items on the shelves ‘pen the supermarket. “The writer thinks that slfservie isa good ideafor © er 75, b> give customers the gods they wanted, {- Modem selfservice i increasing because people don’t wan o work with employes. ate using cafeterias and laundromat ae using the internet foe. 5 Mass production changed You’re hired! eet yur sidine’s tae feriloyec yo. You may not ive noleoh be you a alm vorking fr your Pho (Pov of the sfsence ony in fen fine benefit bot flex changing busines practices in many incase an seems i (become even ce wiped fie ‘The idea is 80 now fesse. SA Serie fas ben aod for decades, fer sine Clarence Sander an ‘Amscan enueprenear, opened the fit Py Wp supermarket in Wie in Memphis Tennesee. The iden is simple. Shoppers emer the store hep tenses to hatever the retail industry » the service economy. the manufararing industries. and save money ‘00 they. need and. then cary the pugs ote ehadeou eo ih were vara on she ste me Bat ma, ih he te the sie companies are takings Seree 10 ne Teele, Mans oF DpOpIE now manage thi Hanes, feck packages an Hy cinema aed theaue kes ule ating in ont of thr computer. They plan ther ‘um vel ress and make Het ‘un ‘ote and aitne bookings Ine tthe spo hey mayen chek these in Ata they ol ‘of thi wth mone in hand and 0 employes na aes: This sugssts that they could Tranonn the sence eonomy in much the sane way that mae fein trod reac, By allowing services tobe delved ato cost n lage voles Thos it may tke five years bene mest transactions ae onde vin sl servos weave diy roving in that diet. So, you never know ‘who you might be werkng for ne Unit Data Vocabulary: Data Looguage: Countable and uncountable ‘veer sills: Checking information ‘ug: Letter requesting informetion Hd Undertine the two verbs which can be used with each of the ‘nouns below. ata collst analyse advise ep ext heck duals check amend oss arrange file update conduct Took do Bh Write the words in italics as numbers That be swenty wine dollars and thirty cenoyplene #2950 “The room measures about Awe hunured a twenty ne metres The account numbers sk duble-seven nine evo eight. He owns a thin ofthe company. ‘he data shows that nought point our percent of people work from ly our thonsand, sx rred an to employees. This shows ris of nineteen point ie percent. The population of the United States is over two hundred al ninety sk millon ovsing If Read the article and decide if these statements are “Right” or "Wrong. If here is not enough information in the article © answer “Right” or ‘Wrong, choose "Doesnt say. 1 People steal more data now than inthe past. © Right b Wrong © Dost say 2 Thieves sole credit cards from a data processing fim in Alanta 4 Ba b Wrong © Dossy unprotected detsilsinclade information bos peo obs an Teunp ls include inf ‘bout peopl’ jobs and Right b wrong Doesnt say Europeans have worse dataprotetion problens than America a Right b Wrong © Doesnt say 5 In Bop, he ls tht companies must ave proce 1 ok ‘how to protect data. " = ie bong «Does ay In Japan companies don't have to tell he public i there are any problems with data security. «ight Wrong © Doesnt say Look atthe article again and comect any wrong numbers in these 40,000,000 “Thieves stole data from DA creditcard accounts in Alana, USA 2 More shan $8,000,000,000 was stolen by data thet. 5 Approximately 0000000 people may have their personal details unprotected. Europe began to take data proestion seiously over ten years aga “The 1985 European Union directive helps to poet data. ‘The Eeonomist ata protection Hot data Some simple, cheap measures could help protect personal data 1 thf of dat, ofeninselving personal information = such as Penonal” snfomation about rand dels heath records and casencn ands employes, is Socal Sew numbers" ef around sensitive infommaton Th simple ieteanng dangersly fase afer Sry Amex files have encouraged rms 10 eS om eden acounis Eoope has avoided ihe ales the sue of data sec. But SRS SGien on ne computes ofespenacrditeproezbon problems the bigeet wakes of he European SEESResine fron Boed “in het have boon happening nective stat i des nos rere SAS eSina, ine Teades) mecca That may bein. part firms wtepor privaey teaches As Indoliiane eeywhoe ae aking becuse i sared co. tke the aru ¢ 1s mpmsible © Sy how rate Doble serous a deed aa The eee fas realy ben. ‘ta het accounted fr over Enropesn Unies 1995" dat; In Japan compas have, to balan est yee in Ameren froin ce egies Ging make 3 Fab annancemers when Hse Curtiss inbratnseeurly ise ther detrpottion proces prvagyfreaches the place, America Seca have lek mulnrabe tie and dociment how thy Randle 8nd Eup shuld do the sme unit 2m 9 El Wy, Dai, ate 6 uy Tuy 8h 1O1ny om Unit2 ge check Complete the questions from a questionnaire using much, many ‘or any, More thar one answer may be posible, How —much do you spend on clothes each month? 2 How times a week do you go tothe supermarket? Do you buy products on the interme? How —__ mesa month do you use your creditcard for hobbies Do you use your creditcard to buy —_ business purchases? Bl Undertne the correct word) in italics to complete these answers {o the questionnaire. Then match each answer 10 one of the questions in exercise I Four o ive | buy lot of/ much glf equipment, because I play every week Yes I buy any /some stuf from Amazon and eBay. No, don't buy any /some busines items with my eet card 4 Udon spend much /Tos of abou $80 month {don enjoy itso don't go much / many times a week, only once or stn to a customer calling his bank and complete the information the bank statement SIEETICS 0 Box 84 Current Account Statement. Ser code: == aourt mba id oe) Tuldtn CE) aan (OPENING BALANCE 2.750 NG Holdings 350 2.400 60 2,340 800 41140 10 BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD aalo 5) 74 Listen to the second conversation. Are these sotements true oF false? Correct any wrong information. ‘Mr Conway's creditcard number is 7299428. True 2 The expiry date on his card is 07708 Mr Conway isthe account holder. Sth offers to tansfer 209 dollars ta Mr Conny’ eursent account 5 The questionnaire i to cllect data about people’ slling habis 1s = Look at the adverisement, ft shows the servis offered by a data- protection consultaney. Decide which service (-h) would be suitable for each customer (-3). There are three services that are not used Is your data safe? Do you need expert advice in any of the following areas? We can ai ya » é ‘ ° ‘2p unertad emails and advertisements (spar ‘cently your company’s data protection requirements ‘check that your company knows about the lest data protection aus design data-protacion systems that ae righ for your carmpany arrange staff reining about the importance of deta contro and prtacton ‘check thatthe eoputers mn your company do net have viruses. input data safely and efcieel, protect confidence custome information Elizabeth Morris wants er emplees to lar about how to protect dite, © ‘Karim shah needs to stop emails that his company doesnot want 10 Anna Cleon wants ta sop oer eompanies geting private information shout her austomers ‘viktor Oro thinks that some of the computes in his company may have vires 5 Armold Hoffmann isnot sure that his company understands the laws about data protection. sie Write a shor letter (60-80 words) to Mr Newon, the Manager of | WRS Banke You do not need t0 include any fostal addresses. ~ You want information about the bank’ new besiness account ~ You want the bank to send you an informatior pack ~ Yow also have some questions. + Ask how mugh interest the hank pays on tis account. + Ask if the bank charges business customers write cheques. + Ask if the bank as a personal manager for business account, ‘Then compare your answer with the suggested answer on page 92 Unit 2m Etiquette Vocabulary: Etiquette Longuage: Offers and requests oreo skills: Beng polite we Email replying to requests style of language used in busines eters, rept alvayson time nice o people saying ‘please’ and thank you! showing politeness to people who ate older o: more senior ‘inking about how other people fel {Bi Use the prefixes inthe box 10 make the opposites of the djectives 346 in exercise I im ein El Use the adjectives from exercises 1 and 2 to write a short description of someone that you know, oF who is Famous. ‘Then compare your answer with the suggested answer on page 92 Listen to a conversation in a restaurant Are shese statements true of false? Howard is late, Te Alison ses one of het clients Nigel works inthe IF department Alison and Howard work forthe same comp. Nigel invites Howard and Alison ta hunch, 2.16 [tsten to the conversation afer the meal and answer the questions. Nigel thanks Howard for coming lunch help with an onder A lovely dessere In the restaurant customers © can smoke during the meal can smoke cigarettes but not cigars. «cannot smoke st any ime 2 Alison need 19 ® return to work, go ton appointment fo home. 4 Howard says that he wil ee Alison bat their nest appointment. ‘whe he returns 0 work, Bi who says these things: Howard (H), Alison (A) or Nigel (N)? Thisisa very nice meal WN ‘Thanks very much for your help. You're welcome. 4 Not for me, than 5. IsitOK to smoke cigars in heret im aad not, “Thanks for avery nice lunch, 8 Hm glad you enjoyed it Hi conc the minaes in these sentences ike to goo the conference in Basel? Ler met elp you with that ep. ‘Would! have anaher cup of coffe, please? 1 You can open the window, please? Cold you give me please some information? © Can The new designs se? Bi choose the best response to each offer or request. ‘Could Ihave the data by the end ofthe week, lease?» No atl. canainly. © Don't worn 1 could bring the files o your office. Thanks that very kind of you b Yes ‘That would be very nice Unit m3 Unit saing 3 Would you ike another cup of coffee? & Tmafaid not Not ust now, thanks © Noldont. 4 Can you give me a lift tothe tation, please? Yes please btm pleased vo. © Yes, no problem. 5 Let me show yo othe conference rom, 2 Ofcourse » You're weleome. Thank you, {Would you send this by express courier, plese? Is urgent {Tm sony, Lean atthe moment Iris possible. rm busy. «© Not atthe moment thanks, ‘Look at these notes and messages. For each one, which answer (9 is comer natn Re Order runber HI 195 Me Danson phones port of his arden ig missing Please eal his office ungenty ~ O50 se81243 What she problem? The order did not ative 1 Some ofthe order didnot arive © Some machine part te missing 2 Bridget should contact Sue | iagert before 3pm. Trade two tekors te The b afer spm PEA cactoranen wart © atspm, SProreaay re you Bran Can you gor wack to 0 WY aon Sue 9 Geonge has to « gotoapartyon Apri, Tor George Hauling oder new clothes. Taainaie ei here eee Clavissa at Zene Media, Yeu ave iwited to theie launch party on Fiday & Ail at 7B0pm. Casual aves. RSVP by Tuesaday | Apel {Westpark Food customers normally pay for goods «we the onder is delivered when the onder spaced when the accounts office sends a invoice ee aout Ce Fv Sean Me Lopes. cied Hs Fig i dyed arvieng Monenestr orgs at 239 tHe ie iring cor But wi Hake ae tho hous fo get tre offece Wad you Iie ne 10 pochuone dhe meeting? Me Lopee wil probably aeive afer 430pm. bat 30pm, before 40pm, 1» Hi Look at this email and rewrite the underlined requests and offers to make them less direct. Include correct punctuation where necessary. [nerpoing rege chore ft departments de ech ‘Boyce fo send you a copy of he po Pa bes Roe no Sosy orci wu evade 0c meee bee 2 | [wont you to help me, use Thanks for your balp. || Best wisher Hl [ee Bi wirite a polite email to reply to André (60-80 words). = Begin and end the email polity = Agee to check the Figures = Ask fora copy ofthe report = You can show him the design this aernoon convenient). = You cannot contact Tomas Pavel ashe is in Prague at the moment Offer to show Tomas the design when he ges tack on Wednesday ‘Then compare your answer with the suggested answer on page 93. unit 35 [osettee's Image Vocabulary: Image onouage: Comparatives and superlatives (Covee shill: Describing products writing: Memo describing products i Look at the adjectives in the box below. Which adjectives describe your ear (or the car that your family has) and whieh ones describe your ideal care fast big exciting old reliable economical” traditional safe slow boring small. smart modern nei unreliable Tong spacious uneconomical expensive year) Mytomiiveee Wyte EL use some of the adjectives to describe the two cars. My deal aris modern and ecg. fat and ‘Write four differences between your ides! car and the car that you have now. Ny deal car is more expensive than the car ae nok Read the article and decide if statements 15 are “Right” or ‘Wrong. IF there is not enough information jn the avicle to answer ‘Right or ‘Wrong, choose "Doesn® say. The success of a car esigneris 8 any does not depend on ow good the Right Wrong Doesn't say Acar is one of the mast expensive things that people buy. Right Wrong Dosti ay Wha a car looks ike s more important thar how reliable tis ight Wrong Doasat say (Ca designs ae es exiting now than inthe past. ight Wrong Dosa say ‘The sort of car that a persn drives can say someshing about the srt of person that they are ight Wrong Does say The tenant er eesigess Putting on the style Designers ate the ock stars of the car industry en. eee aie in digs is sot ne, bt ti even tore iporant rw thn iw in In the 1905 all modern cars were Teinning to lathe sme. the cats stoner sar and. more tea The designers ain was to make cas that didnot csplnse rsp. Nowe designers can be more [ndvenows Ina competicve mae, {Geta ml fat snd So whee makes 8 winning. designe Mos designers sve the ord ‘motion’ when deseribing ‘what rakes a sucess ode. They ate thatthe design communictes Ti complete the table. something important about the ex. Some deygnes think thar can als ‘ommuntnte something. about the peso ho is diving theca, So itis Posurpse hat the now ea designe looks ghmoreus a rook as They ow th you have co cents ocd impression in person aswell 35 on the nod Adjective | Comparative Superative adventurous moneadntuve most adterureue 3 bie 4 cheaper 5 i the most competitive 6 wy r © more economical © good i ° Abe highest ‘0 more popular the safest strong more sensible Unit am Bi Write the comparative or superlative form of each of the Adjectives in brackets to complete the txt. Better deals for loyal customers? ‘Consumers may be getting |__moreadvertvous_ (adventurous) about changing brands, but do they Feel the same way about changing services? Some customers feel *________ (safe) purchasing something that they know, whether ts Clothes, food or services. In busy’ world, saying sith company tht yo Bow ca be {easy} option bu itis not 2p el vey ‘making a decision, For example, competition between service companies such as eal providers and iniemet service providers can benefit customers. Consumers ean often save money if em Units they compare prices on the intemet find +__(ctrap) option. tis a Similar ease with banking where some banks offer at_____(compettive) deal dan ‘others, Again, @ quick check on the internet will et yout ow your ak paying — thigh) rate oF interest on sccounts than others, o perhaps that they hase " (expensive) charges on business and personal accwunts. I is good to know what you Tike, bat ts even ®—_— (e004) to know that you sre geting w. gna) dal posible Listen to Four conversations, Which of the three abject is being Aeseribed in each conversation? Vocablry 2 Writing Do these words describe shape, material or size? Put them in the right columns in the table. square long wood _-metal_—_Tange round tiny wide eather rectangular glass high, curved plastic straight she Materia sausre You are reading » mail-order catalogue, Lookat the pictures in Listening on page 18 and above and write a note (30-40 words) about ne of the products to a colleague, Describe vhat the product looks Tike. appropriate, you can inlude information about = material hat you use i fr. ‘Then compare your answer with the suggested answer on page 93. unit sm 20 m Units Success Success Past simple ls: Telling a story Email answering questiens Hi choose the correct word (a-<) to complete the text. Conrad Asher is an entrepreneur. When he was a boy he decided that he didn’t want a job where he worked *_¢ 9am 2 Spm every day. Conrad wanted something more wn he finished college 3 1999, he worked exciting, wh 25 an events organiser two years, Then, \ugust 2001, he launched his own company to help to sponsor. The organisations choose which sporting event ‘company made a loss forthe first few yeas, but 6 vyear, It made a good profit. Conrad likes to star: work early. He is usually at his desk 7__ 7am. He often yoes to sporting events # the evenings. °__ the weekend, Conrad NN matches.“ plays rugby and hockey and goes to watch foot enjoy my free time, but | always enjoy geting back to work Monday morning.” Conrad says, ‘Sport is my work and ey life; 'm very lucky. then the ast Complete the ace using he verbs nthe box inthe pst simple want stan buy expand be bein give produce ‘Timberland. — began in 1918. 2 Ba small shoe company bused in Boston, Massachusets, Nathan Swarts made boos, Tn 1955, he = ‘The Abingdon Shoe Conan Lass sors, werk fore emp io Tht ey seine of the wis mage meee In 1973, the Tibetland same was bow It sand a the brid rane of the orignal Saerpoot letter hoot, The boot $0. popular that the company hinged its name (0 The ‘Timberland Company. Inthe 1980s, the company * ni mterational marke. The ‘epany inmoduced shildsen's 1900s. Timberland bezin ha eri ployee pte off 0 work on Joel gummunity projects. The company 1o show that twas posible fora company to do ‘vel Fnacaly an do goo inthe community lo BU so0k ot thee ways to pronounce pa simple endings Pat the vere nthe bor int the ig colo in he abe ih changed expand work study vist export order arive dius ak ic set ‘nay 0 stored Complete the table Noun sces eicebe faite export ‘nparter profit retier sup rout rade /poduction Unit sm 2 EL Use words from exercise I to complete the sentences in B so that they have the same meaning as the sentences in A Oliva calls products in her shop Olivia is a eter She buys products fom abroad, She —____ prodiats Oliva can usally sell the products ata higher ‘livia usually makes a : pice than she paid for them ‘The companies that Olivia buys fom are ll livia —__ areal fir ace “fir ade’ companies, companies Olivia believes that ts important thatthe people Olivia believes that its important thatthe tno make the goods are paid a fair pie people who the goods are paid @ fair price i Look at the photo of the Gibbs Aquada, What do you think is special about i? Bi tisten to an interview with a transport expert about the Gibbs ‘Aguada. Choose the correct answer (0) ‘The Gibbs Aquadais ° car tat can become a boat ‘cat that can goon a boat a boat that can goon a cr. (On the rad the car can travel at 8 maximum speed of 30 mpl 8 maximum speed of 100 mp © = maximum speed of 0 mph, [ell Jenkins ise jb was at British Leyland. |b Bish Aerospace. design engineering compan: Unit s 5 tn Neil | heard about anew projet. tb employed an engineering consultancy. «started his on company. ‘When Alan Gib es in Detroit, he was studying engineering > working ona carboat project working on TV Alon and Neil decided to {jin their two companies together ‘> work in the telecoms indus, stata business designing farm equip ‘Writing I Look at this email from a journalist who wants to write a short profile of you for a business magazine. Write an email (60-80 wore) fo the joumalist answering the questions. Hi ae alco tees apneic aleve elke eee be ore Cree ee ‘Mis woe bd et ead ole br oe cal Wars cdyovaA nom herr re goon be ee ‘When did you start your English course? ‘What was your first job? aly Saree ey ett Soe pee n Cee interview in next month’s issue of the magazine. tok = ‘Then compare your answer with the suggested answer on page 93. Unit 525 24 m Unit 6 Future Vocabuianye Future Longuage: Modals of possibility Career skills: Making predictions viriting: Memo giving opinions Hi Look at the groups of words. Underline the two verbs in italics that can be used with each noun, take / open / a Suttle bus a flight rides takes off lands drive (hire board a car 1 complete the sentences using verbs and nouns from exercise t Use each word only once We could —teke the _shvtlebue_o the hotel Yousan your to the city entre but you might not find a parking space. time docs your —_ Pi may be vou fron the airport Complete the questions using make or co. Then answer the ‘questions Are shoreterm investments a good way to make _ money? Which busines sector will he bigest profit in your country Wit posible to busines with someone that you don’ like? Will you any changes in your carr inthe next twelve months? 9 you hope to any raining couse this yar What new leisure activity you think you might try nex? Do you prefer 10 _ plans forthe Future o dei things atthe i Match the words (1-6) with the defi ctiminating reminder ‘aby ns (a. ending ~ through or by reception not social 4 message to help you to remember {Bi read the amicle and complete it with the correct words (ad). ‘The Economist Change is in the air ‘smart travel: New technologes promis o make ar travel smoother for passengers and cit costs for airlines techno coold ree cos fray and mae ee Sie sd emooer fr travel retailers books savings ideas ‘he fst po oF LATS ph wend he ae of paper 2 yh i of 207 std pene wa ae pes and meu in hge © feat: Sr ear cons ound $110 faue and poss, compared wih fr a paper tee. sinning pper dee coud ‘ve the ody oer 927 bile ee ‘Ober changes rain tht jou could sk oo your ight om hme vt he wed even leone sae SR Mtge od eage soe two ours ek fr eheein by 000 The Kote might no be ud iyi sport cold son be pen ear ote, and then w check im fe your Aight Ie sem that © visit moet pilos passengers workers tikes maps invioes money sanks expenses post explain send expect requie like by of for technology customers research a 2 ongunge check TEN Match the pairs of sentences 1 You could sing him he He wont be atthe ncting afternoon. him hy \ There may be mosquitoes. 2 Dont pone him his right net be a senon, mecing > Yon could tak ict ‘here wil defied be resent rong Take inset repellent 5 Tm not sie ifshe can He won’ be back i he office speak Italian, We may need to ask for an 6. She cant speak Halon interpree, 7 _Joa’s in hospital He might be back inthe office Jo int cing very wel, afer lunch ‘Wel ask foram interpreter Fi choose the best modal verb to complete each sentence. ‘The wffe’s quite bad. We might / wont mis our tain 2 Um certain thatthe sales results may / wil improve next quarter, 5 Jame i in a long meeting, so she might nor could be abe to stend the presentation this afernoon {Mr Henry wants to know if we could / may snd him some brochtes We have a huge budget for tis projet, so money won't / might not be 3 problem. | Ustening © 19 I. You will hear an interview with Alex Tig, a leisure consultant, talking about the future ofthe leisure industy. Listen and tick the column that matches each prediction. people wll have es eure tine. - people wil ke lang hain people wil ake shor breaks ‘ne weather wil eles predictable : peopl will want 0 tre broad. people will spend les ime using echnoogy i athome. people will spend les ime on traditional Tesi atvties rem Units Wi You are the marketing manager for Ronoa, a company that produces electric bicycles Look at this draft ofan advertisement. Find and correct ten mistakes. °» BY hour knew electric bikes — their grate! Ene ees They are cheep too run Bou your company plans to run the advertisement in New Wave, 2 serious magazine aimed at young professionals. The magazine often has anicles about saving energy and ‘green’ sues. Do you think the syle of the advertisement will work in the ragaziner Now could ft bbe improved E Write a memo (60-80 words) from the marketing manager Louis Docker, the editorial assistant responsible for producing advertisement ~ Say you think thatthe sve ofthe adverssement wil work in the magazine give reasons why / why not ~ Suggest changes that could make the adver mention the language mises corrected in etter (do not ‘Ask Lous to send you a copy ofthe advertisement after the changes have boen made ‘Then compare your answer withthe suggested answer on page 93 Unit 6m 27 LOjetteval Location Vocab Location Language: Future plans and intentions Cares stills: Making an appointment wet Email arranging an appointment. Dh match the words 2) with the definitions (a) port builng projects attractions base systems that make esonomic acti Jecommodation| possible for ecample oad inks) facilities entertainment and places tose developments where ships ave zones places for eating shopping and doing places for people ta ive stay complete the table, Country Natiooaliy Person Denar ven ‘Abane India aly Jspan Poland Russia Dh esd the article and answer the questions In india, the best al centres ae ry quickly very slowly. a seady rte How much of Indias BPO industry revenue comes fom cal centres? exactly half more than hal es than al Inthe fature Ini wil face competion. less fe ame amountof © more The quality of india infrastructure i goingto bet Bl which of these words describe a facility, and which deseribe part of infrastructure? Complete the table. “See —_svimming pool wad ower suppl foFcourse airport restaurant “Daketbal court Feciiy © Glossary infrastructure isnesspracssetsouclng when one companys alla ampany ToGo eninate wok ‘tite lor work work Fon oe, Tot on Te Econo The place to be Inthe lobo! marke for white collar work, tia rule supreme, But other are ining up og Americans or Britons would and thee causes ¢ year The find tical so name ther compinye chairman, "Narayana ies muons all cence tap) Mnf” sa nafs me provides of sence In India the ean fiber The heads: oF feo who rin the cll ens ate Infos in Bangalore has cies Fieeck sors endesly fused tn tha inclide openatr returns an the madi fmphihestre, baseball cour India FT industy i going at stmming. pot and even Goll ap incl oa ane in Industry ached sles Ss lon. Indis BRO _(hines-proces ‘he bi ime eng about 000 oscar) sy Junge nd (eahtes a monty staght fam smaller, ut sowing ve fer ast Indian techni ells Year 6 sles wee $36 billon: by "he ste of nflons alone, one of Bok they ave ected to Teach $3 ‘he tp providers of senses have billion er ever 24 bslbon. About bee apy in the fat Fie years TOK of the APO Indust vesenue he fis clans toon the tgues mes from cl eens 20% fon ferparte tsining faaity ine ighsolume,lowsaue data work, ‘wrk wih 0 Sade a's ime such ance fal nsurance ‘ls an the ening 0% rom Iiersase ana sor, uc 2 deling wth nsarance dams or the moment nda seounts fox abont Non of th ‘hore mate. tn he Teorcost Frome, fi sure 10 fe hates amperisn,especally fom China Stir en te ln OF ie ince become {rus The mest mporane hig o improve finds spon a Mr hy of tnlogs: the moment ‘rth uns en ger ann Inia. Tey need to fel comiable ‘fer snp Mr My is beer hotels ads, school and power ‘Spl: inti order Unie 7m 29 Find and correct the mistakes. Tick the sentences that are comect. por the restaurant and book a table fr our lunch meeting Doo forge Pi leaving ary this aenoon, {spoke to Ronan today. He not going to Japan until next month Are you going Finish te report on sie? "hope wel find a good location for They is visting the production pant at 3pm, Tm aad {wont finish she plans until net Thursday Soy hat time you messing the supplier? cu warehouse listen to four conversations with property buyers who work for ‘online villarental companies. For cach cowersation, tick the picture that best describes the location ofthe villas ‘ing Hl Complete the sentences with words from the box. fee see bay See male wy meet Tike to ange an appointment with yu, please. 2 Areyou fon Monday? 3 Canwe ext week? 4s teat ‘Thursday Fm aa 5) Ym afiaid tm —___ on Tuesday 6 tts 9302 1 you at 920 on Wednesday then. Bi Look at the email from Hilary Mason. Use the diary information and waite an email reply from Chris (30-10 words). Thank Hilary forthe email, -Apoogise for being unable to make the new appointment. ~ Give the eason why it snot suitable ~ Suggest another date and time. ~ End the email ina fiendly way. Dear Chris 1m ofoid | won't be able 0 make our meeting an Wednesday caernoan. fm fying to Tonto on business Could we change the meeting to Monday 21 Jina? rm very sory for any inconvenience ond ook forword to seeing you soon. Rogers Hilary JUNE Monday21— | wostoy22 | can to zea aimee Wednesday 23 ‘Then compare your answer with the sugested answer on page 94, nit 7031 Beis: Job-seeking ips! f % Job-seeking DB Look at these words connected to work Underine the two words or phrases in each group that ean go with the verbs in bold, cam a living send require eich cla ned sm Units Ei Match the types of work with the definitions. 1 falaime work from home using a computer 2 parctime: 1b work that needs special training 3 flexisime © start and finish work at convenient times jabshare work shorter hours or fewer days each week contract work e- sometimes workat night and sometimes woke 6 teleworking in the day Shift work NF gotoa place of work five fll days a week 8 Sill work © work fora company fora fixed time until 2 project is insted b divide a jb berween you and another person Bi vvte an advange anda dsadvaniag fo each ofthese pes of| wor tare money 5 contac work 4 telework 5 shi work i complete the stages of a career with the imperative forms of the verbs in the box. Then put the stages in ord. Take apply go accept ae? write * —8##_ promotion aw © job offer catty retirement faran interview fora job BI Underiine the best word in italies to complete the sentences 1m going for 2 job interview this afternoon. Do et’ ell my boss 2 When you arrive forthe intervie, pense / dos’ report to reception. 5 Pease / Don be lat for the training course 4 Ifyou arent sure how to find our office, please / lets phone for directions 5 Rig et lease move onto the nest question, Great news about your jo ole, don / ler gv and celebrate? Uni easing Read the article about what companies want from MBA graduates and decide if these statements are tue or fase The Canoe ‘Companies think that MBA graduates have ite chance of becoming Senior managers. alee Employers want new employes to do a good job quickly TFyou change carcr it might be difficult at the start ‘There isnt much change in the sills tht employes want In the mid1990s employers needed staff wo could speak German, Career advisors akways know what employes want Career advisors think that employers might not know what they want. Employers prefer knowledge to skills "Employers want ro hire employees for longterm cater rather than & pamiula job {nan employment situation where ther ae lot of changes i is important tobe exible Glossary Ita grates gegla sha Fave + porate ag Baa management What companies want from an MBA graduate Requirements change as markets Mes anes king or people with senior management potential. In heir ew. MBA" graduates havea aboseaterge chance of falling {his need but they are cael nok {g rase expectations to igh. They also. want people who can be fcr quite pid The many MBA sdents wanting 10 change Career drection ean therefore have Aieattis inthe shor tem, twhatver thee Long erm potential ‘an engincer tying to move over Finance may be ces, bat my be rowricted to ajo as Rina naive specitsing in ihe nginerng sto. sm Unit change Emplojes’ menitment opeation. Rim, where candidates needed are becoming much more shore redone qualfestions as el 8 term in response fo astchanging the appropiate languages Macs and cholo Cormpans |" Such rapid_change has ed Frequency look for specie mines some cases oifices fo complan of Skis and the min can change thatthe have problems tying "0 fapidly. Th the midi¥90s, for Work cat what employers want, fsmple, here was a stong and. they. suspect that the ‘demand for Germanspeaking MA employe do not know either, twaduares" because companies They detect 9 general desire for Wanted. to Intoduce amore skills ar well a knowles, snd a International "eure nd” to wich te hite for a specific ib fxpund into “east European rather than fomgiecaee. Al ‘counties here German i widely employes ate facing change and Spoken, ‘his was followed by 4 fcrutmant polices have to tefl demand for watts able to Work the need for Mei. ffietvely nthe” fst growing tanks of China snd the Pace Listeniag@® TB isten to Dave, who is inthe Final year of «business course, talking to Carla, who graduated from the same course last year. ‘Tick the subjeets that Carla mentions. applying forjobs —) accepting jobs] preparing for interviews [—] reworking [the job marker i isten again and complete the notes that Dave made after bis, conversation with Carla, Networking Professional, mere, Discussion with Carla Thursday 20% February Interdiws \fhiak about what questions the Interviewer right ask 2 the interview ith fer [ities Julia Ormond is applying fora job as an IT manager: What expression does Julia use to say that | she is writing about the advertisement? Wihrefrnce co people say good things about the company? 5 she has put her CV inthe same envelope as th eter? With roferonce to your advertisement in The Economie, aan ‘writing to apply forthe post of IT manager ‘Your company hasan excellent reputation and feel that ean offer alt your organisation. As you wil see from the enclosed CV, have had Tot of experience working wih computers, Write a letter to Julia about her letter of application (60-80 swords). ‘Ofer her an interview, giving a day and time ~ Teller that there isa map and directions to your office in the same. envelope a the leer = Check that ts OK wo contac Jui’ referees before he interview: ‘Tell her to contaet you if she needs ny more information End the eter in friendly wa. ‘Then compare your answer with the suggested answer on page 94. Unit sm 35 Selling Selting Modals of obligation Making suggestions Note making a suggestion Di aiatch te words to make phrases cornected to selling sal selling ponsorsh marketing intact phrases from exercise 1 wih the examples in each pup Special offers, compettions, re gifts Ses representatives, sles py mows personal Dire mail catalogues teleph TV radio, news Fl onestne the word hat doesnot beng in each grup. der reuiler clint buy purchase 7 1e promotion Then match the underlined words with the cornect groups. 6m Unit 9 Choose one of the words (a-c) to complete cach of the sentences. ‘The should not trade any products that are poor quality buyer b seller © warthouse ‘You should buy your new laptop in the They're selling last year’s models very cheaply. a sell bb sold © sale 3 My customers know what they want and they don’ like to be pressurised 50 T don't need to use any sal strong ard heary 4 Yes it very popular~ infact its our __ selling design a top high © ead 5 Wedon't have an agressive sales sje. We prfr to use _ sll to encourage consumers to bay our products 2 kind nice soft 6 Tim afraid we —__ out ofthat syle last week, Would you ike me taotder one for you? lest sold bow [etenins © 122 took atthe notes about a publishing company’s plans for Promoting a new busines magazine. Listen par of their meting End complete the masing information (ase ane word or gue for cach item Bi Find and correct six wrong facts about the magazine inthis advertisement. Introducing WorldBusiness Magazine Teng why agin or eattl bss sa 20% of normal cover pice fr hei Ses! Dont mis these eat foe pees: istus I: a buss oary Issue 22 hay Issue 3a book of elation techniques that yu can use in he of. Pace an crer wih yer nensagent er ssue 1 aaiabe in Newent Unit 9m 57 [eating Read the article and choose the corest answers (a-s) “The writer suggests that in the past 2 manufacturers were more powerful thar exstomers. ‘manofactres were less powerful than astomers, retailers were less powerful than customers. 2 The write ays that some people use the intent 0 fet information about companies, compare reviews compare prices. ‘The writer thinks thatthe younger geneatcn are important because © the start their ovn companies. 1 they are familia ith dhe ectnoloy. they have more money 4 The writer thinks dat, inthe future, shops might be used «to give product intormtion to suppliers > toshow customers the range of products to sell more products directly othe customer In she neat fate traditional advertising ‘The Economist Survey: consumer power, ill no longer be used wil become cheaper. ill sil be use, Buying the future "Now that consumers have power, what will they do witht? eer eres so a Met cava iat See come Inca and became or Eaicee Sea ae alee SPS Scns oes set Phe eecemneet Gees Sima cane coer the best del This could stil ‘besa weir, bat ico ao be 8 manvfacter sling deco onames et 2 adr on ey “he Boop 1 atch closely the sournger generation. to Sayearcls Sere intra a on of thi ost |ngortant source of information nd. eterainment. For tht ae ‘rou, the ner remy the ‘dma medium in tee lies. 5 eal befor the” flowing Senetation This does not mean they Soil reece the wadional ea {vronment ene shops val be {= muh pa of the scene 3 ey ia he ae angen Bt some Shope my Ee"ised in ferent wayes Ont \" Indication i the growth of brand shongoons, sich asthe ABBE ae Sony ste Their main tee demonsrate a tange "of "he companys. “products, with, Snledieabe ahd enh at fn hand oho re under no presse {0 cling sale Where people cul the prod in the end Becomes af seeondy importance "Aviva ecome ineresenghy intact conser wl be able ferese more choke. Geting ‘adertsing ill be opal "30H ‘wll need 0 be goed, tefl and Felevant tee lesa waitin] mrasmlia avers wil sntnae {o ave a ole at eat for the Foesceate are Hopwood ltd sent out a direct mail fetter to advertise its portable airconditioning units. Underline the best modal verbs to complete the let. Be You 'should/must be joking! But you 2don' have to / shouldn't be ‘an expert to notice that the weather fs changing and the climate Is getting warmer. Well, now you ‘must / dont have (0 invest in an expensive al.conditioning sym! What you should / must do is install a Hopwvoed TF9 Poriable Air Conditioning Unit. So small that you cax move it from room to room and it stores away easily when not in use. You ‘shouldn't / don't need to place a large order as we sell the ‘Hopwood TF units individually. But ence sou try one youl want one in every office and mecting room in your company! The Hopwood TF9 is something that you ¢mustrt / don't need to be ‘without this summer! For further information call today: 00555 837249 ‘You work fora catalogue company that sll electronic products ‘Write a note (30-40 words) © your boss about the airconditioning units in Uanguage check. ~ Suggest that you sll he airconditioning units in you catalogue = Te him or her abou he deadline fora discount Say that isnt necessary to place a large order ‘Then compare your answer with the suggested answer on page 94 Unit om Price Price Present perfect Describing a graph Report describing a graph Bi complete this exact from a company report using the prepositions in the bos. eee onion _of up inno The price of ur shares hes increased tom _ 12 in February the present price of €16. Te price remained steady March ond Apel « 15. There wos o fal €2 per shar However is year we have spent new aquipment and, as a result productivity increased 5% in Soptomber. So, the shore price rose ct the end of October. We have recently put — our prices, and this moy lead to a slight aaa © share pnce, but we expect fo make @ ful recovery by the end of the next quarter, «@ considerable amour E complete the table. verb Noun ‘o drop ofall a decease 89 m Unit 10 Pistening @ 113 Ei Undertine the stressed syllable in the verts and nouns $-10 in ‘exercise 2 sample toMuate Listen to four descriptions of graphs and tables. For each one, choose the visual (ac) thatthe speaker is describing. Te bv te | 655 in| om | ny | a ym fer =| ‘ot | 0502 ay | 2800 | 508 eS, mon |imoe Spaeastass | Seaweed Seven | 2000 eeeee. unit 10m 31 “ Longuege ech Complete the table. a : | se upidown i } | Complete eens with ep ipo ret poe Bao Stina he sor rst deed ou 29 2 Inthe per prin a 0 ns 8. it fincrease) by $100, 1 i j | ‘The prise — {not change. 4 At the start ofthe week, share prices in Tato rose by 35% ‘Tey are not ising naw They — (remain) steady © Prices started to fall last yea. This ear they ae stil falling very quickly. ‘They —_ (drop) the west pain 10 genre The price was the same in January 2005 8 & was in Desember 2005, rces —__ not rs) in 2005 Visiting Tungsten is used in industry to make objects harder. Look at the {raph showing the price of tungsten compound in 2004 and 2008. ‘Write a shore deseription (60-80 words) of the changes inthe price ‘of tungsten I is now April 2005 ~ Start by giving an overview comparing the banning of the period and the end ofthe peri, Since January 2004, the price of tungsten. ~ ‘Then desrbe the main changes bencen farary 2004 and April 205, uring te fist quarter of 2004. i Between May and mid Jane i ‘Then compare your answer with the suggested answer on page 95. Unit 10 193 Read the article and match these headings to the paragraphs ‘9 What other counties supply tungsten? 3 happy ending fora Canadian mine. ‘What tungsten can be used fr 4 Adeseription of prices 2008-2005 Ed choose the best answers (a-c) to complete the sentences 1 Industry uses tungsten to make objects 9 sofer China isthe worlds main buyer 5 InChina the prise of wngsten remained steady stronget Tiger oF tungsten imponer cexponer in a0 decreased quickly © increased quickly 1 In early 205, pices went up » shaeply slightly steadily other countries are able to supply tungsten. No 1 Aletof © Not many ‘The Canadian mine plans to mining tungsten again. start Finish seuss Tengen Hard luck ‘Demand is wp, prices have rocketed. The bigest supplier knows why. hardens anvhing fom saw blades turbine blades ie goes i tight bulb and weapon. tung, ands pee has gone eran. Wye China contrat Fwodcuput ses aye Yes oF Fd 8 ‘demand hasten, hss ken ses tht ci sp Inside Chia, pies rs sharply in 200, by some 70% Bt in 200 pets rahe. othe yer stn, exporters ‘were fering s compound ofthe meals suns 9.0 ‘home; in arch S000 a Api ney 22000 usa spr the wor has othe potential sours 2 age Canaan mine closed Deceber 0 Bem is tasomers went off to buy cheaper cewhere. Slee Temanian one aso ies ne Fog ac 2 few tiny munes here snd eA bg apenas mine in Vietnam planned by another Canadian empaay i Hkly come om teen onl nt 200 il rovkting pies have doe one god thing As i ‘exe producon, Nath Arsscan Tung owner of the dosed Canadian ne, had ek proton fom Ts cers Tey hs seed wit them red fe ‘Spit plans ecm fo reopens ne and taking OF $s trcond one, Unit om Insurance _ yy: Insurance nguage: Passives Expressing arguments Completing a form i How many natural and man-made insurance risks can you think of in five minutes? Use @ dictionary to help you. EV ave these statements trie oF false? ‘Over te las 100 years ite expectancy has increased by over 68% Experts want to lear fom lking past sks Epidemiologist predict storms and earthy. Insurance spreads the cost of paying for rablems from an individual to soup ‘the Eenomist sey: isk Living dangerously For businesses, governments and citizens, misjudging risks ean be costly Tie wos a risky place especially or those foncerned with business and. Anaace Globalisation has inceased the sense oF per Natural and manmade 2, including foeest ies, earhguaes big indus accidents and ‘various transport disasters, have added the fel ing of danger. Part of this fear is iational. The world is not ecesarly_more dangerous. Aer all earthquakes fe pot afeted by a rise in fee tade. What has Changed is that ° and media coverage fhow mean that sach disasters ste reported fom fen the mast distant places For most people in countries, lie has become much safer in a namber of important ways. Over the past century their life expectancy has risen by around eworthinds he wider fnvionment and many diseases have become les hazardous. So it not sell te 0 sy that Hie has become more risky: instead, some risks have bcome smaller and some new ones have arrved Pay premiums Sette claim It is now easier for people to study and learn from past risks by using & "technolo For eaample,life-nsurance companies have looked Tack at records of births and deaths to imate Tifspans’ and set ‘premiums. Thanks to computer models, the & a biter chance oF predicting 2 storm or earthquake, epidemiologists re more siceesfl at tacking diseases. and eve manmade cnses such a6 8 rashes ca be catalogued and studi to produce better forecasts, This technology is also providing beter information an the cass of he problems wen they so occu Insurance works by shifing risks from a party that doce not want t© deal wt them to one that does For example, the cat of hosse burning down can be moved fom 1 home © the insurance company and its shareholden. A Stockmarket listing can shit business sks from 2 single family 10 thousinds of, sword Di Put these stages of the insurance process in the correct order. © Find an insurance company Sign an insurance policy Make claim Geta quote Check tems and eonlitions Unie tm 6s som Unit snguage cneck Bi Undertine the noun that is not usually used with each verb. estoy a howe > acupofcofize © a document 2 lose money b keys © a strereom 5 damage sa piece of paper an antique computer © seal 8 wear » afaaary wallet 5 injure 9 achair by apeson © star ‘Complete the sentences with verbs from exercise 2 in the correct ‘Two people were ured when the machine fll 2 The window in our office has been badly 9 She —___ her briefeas, but she ford it agai, {The warchouse was totally — byire Somebody broke into my ear, but nothing was by the storm, Wi correct the mistakes in these sentences | The police pr nformed about the thet at night. 2 The gods wil being replaced by the insurance company next week How many insurance quotes is processed each month? 4 Oureat was damage in the accident 5 Sory forthe delay, your insurance claim will are deat with as soon as possible The premiums on my insurance policy hae go up, Three people were injure in the aeciden. The terms of insurance polices have be changed by some insurance companies Bi Pur these sentences into the passive form. Omit the agent iF it isn't important. Acar injured Me Lewis (Mr Lewis P98 ior cae 2 The storm has damaged our house, Ourhouse The oer broker quoted us a beter pre. we 4 Has the insurance company contacted you yet? Have Hurricanes destroy over 300 homes each yas, ach year Weare processing your insurance claim a he moment Your _ Insurance claim | Name of policy holder Policy number Item(s) to be replaced Value winen purchase Cause of damage Date of damage ‘Subjects nwronce dim be betas cone dogs Could you compte this form ond send itt theinsurance company please? My loptop hasn't worked sine | dropped it yesterday. The insurance policy number is GH7S FO90S, The policy isin my nome ond the laptop cos! €1900 Usten to Dave, Susan and Maria discuss which medical insurance ‘cover to choose for employees. Answer the questions Who thinks thar cost isthe most important thing? 2 Who thinks that medical cover isthe most important 5 Wo wants 0 compromise? Wha do they desi to do in the end? Dove unit um a7 Service Service Conditional 1 Dealing with problems Letter responding to 2 complaint Match the w demand 8m Unit 12 Listen to an interview with Mr'V Mahesh ef the University of Buckingham, about the universiy’s post geaduate course in Service ‘Management. Complete the notes. Post-graduate cour Service Management arse staveed: eduention, in ho 5 The progranaue helps students Learn how to nal eustower service tra feuding Choose the best option (-c) to complete each of these sentences, “The writer thinks that American companies & are god at dealing wit complaints ae ba at dealing with complains. don't get complaints “The worst area for customer satisfaction was the © seve industy » manufacturing indus © computer industry. “The American Consumer Satsetion Index can help predict how mach money companies will make how much taining corporate America nee uate profits for markets for goods and services, Unita 0 ‘Training in retiling can be ineffective because companies don't want to invest in it staff change jobs quicly. itis to expensive ‘Anew study suggests hat ‘customer complaints aren’ important customers are satisfied with the level of sevice it sa good idea w encourage customer to complain, In the experiment a the gym ri custome who were invited 10 complain vere ore likely to jin up for membership. less Tikely to join up for membership, ‘more likely tobe offered membership The Esnoatet Moaning for America Customer service in the US may not he as good as we thought provides 4 measure of how well aes for goods and series are working. and is a signal 10 invest about fue prt. suggests" era invewment in Training. Howeve, he hin oF Arica lbour make us made taining in anes such as reling and cll centes ineetve ~ stath turnover is just 100 high CGampris need aot despa though new study by Prashanth Nye, of Chapman’ Univesity in California, “shows. that merely He 10 etre geting an Univesity of Michigan Business pole fom an atin for Gelayed fight or persading. none company that they have changed you? Ifyou ty it America, youll find that) moxt firms. are bad at dealing ‘with complains i ‘rth them al The latest figures from the ‘American ConsumerSaisiction Index (ACSI indator developed by indeed they deal som Unit 2 Schook show that satisfaction in most every area of business as fallen sine the inde sea sored in 95 Mos of the worst fenders are in services inchading Broadcasters ailines and life insures; but manufase sch 3 compuer makers do ile beter "There may be 2 serious Ison here for corporate America. Claes Forel. she profesor behind the ACSI, claims thatthe index ‘our estomers to compsin heps to increase their sation, fen iF the complaint never get resolved. In” an experiment Published in the Journal of ‘Consumer Maven, 9 rou of ‘consumes was ge aie tla jm: Those who were encourage {o complain on joining vere 57% more ley 0 sgn ip for rule rembersip than those who were [engoa Hl choose the correc verbs in italics to complete the sentences. that customer has / will have a problem wih his next purchase someone a / il have to visi him. 2 Theres willbe touble iF we dont / von’ ive ou customers beter We give / il give you a refund, ifyou return wll rerun the product inthe original box 4 Ife don’ / won’ improve oar aersals serie our reputation safer wil sur. any more customers make / will make complaints do /wil you deal swith them please? © He handles / will hone she problem beter ifyou give wil give him all the information this afternoon, Use if or wil to complete the advice about handling customer complaints Handling customer complaints Ustn:|__at___ you ttn to your custome, tay PAT pes nga ven the olen cart be completly saved, te astower esl mae poi aout yur cman. ‘be poite The posem 5_be much ese to det ou renain caiman pst. 1 easter ges any show that you derstand why they are pst {0-80 words} Wop You work in customer services for an electron extract from a letter of complaint from Mrs Ma (Offer a sluton:*_you aot able odes eth the prabiem youl, pu the eusamer contact wth the conc person. °—__—— yu cant sate the bie, ofan alteratve such a fund, 2 replacement ar ed te Apogee castors ® ee JOU Simpy 55m hows that you vest thet problem and wat to hls tem se ‘company. Read this ‘and write a reply ~ Apotogise for the problem (Offer two posible soltions: Arrange a refund (money will ake to weeks to go into er aecount) bb Send a replacement (vill be with her in thee workin days) ~ Ak Mrs Marks tet you know which option she prefers ~ She can contact you ifshe needs any father help ‘Then compare your answer with the suggested answer on page 95. [bought a DVD player from your company aad its not working When I telephoned customer services they sail that they would send @ replacement but it never arived, Ofvigke Productivity Vocabulary: Productivity Language: Adjectives and adverts Career sills: Managing time woting: Memo responding to questions ook atthe tiles of eight business training books (ah). Decide ‘which book would be suitable for each person (1-5). Three of the books will not math, ‘The Ar of Stack Conta Seven Steps to Efetve Time Management ‘The Essential Guide to Investing in Technology ‘Be a Beter Leader in 24 Hours! Gating the Most out ofS ‘Them (General Industrial Maintenance: A Bginn Solve Your Budget Problems Forever A Ste>by Sep Guide Motivation froblems and How to Solve Manel International approaches 1 Analysing Productivity Teresa Martinez has recently ten ove @ new department ‘She wats o improve her employees morale and increase the a Wray ind it sare organise ult to meet dealires. He wants tobe Lucy Spencer vats to reorganise the warehouse so that talways has exactly the right amount of goods avaiable vo complete order. Sandra Rankin isin change ofa departert tha always spends too much money Tom Meikle s trying to decide whether to uy new machinery snd computers fr his small compen David, Tim and Erica are attending a time management traning ‘course. They are working as a team to complete a task Listen to their conversation and choose the corect answer (a<) What do they have io build? ¢ a wide bridge ah high and wide Which ofthese items can they use to built? RES som Unit Which ofthese tems cannot be used t build ie? Ss A a) O@ How long do they have to complete the ask? five minutes ten minites Ficcn minutes ‘Who thinks thatthe team should have a plan? David b Tim ca What happens tothe structure? 1efals down, eis wide but leis high but not high not wide, i complete the memo with verbs from the box. elvered implemented invalled _gulere vested SUBJECT: Installation of new plant esuipment We |_2rdered_the new equipment last December adit was six weeks later. Our engineers» it during the first part of February. Over the next few weeks the system was «7 thoroughly to make sue that there were no problems When we were sure that everything was functioning correctly, we 5 the new system, Eh complete the phrases with words from the box. ‘ime quali” uptodate assembly sat chonage tty conte ‘management Tine technology sta costs EX complete these sentences with the phrases from exercise 2. ‘Tere wer lot of orders returned because of fuls last month Perhaps swe need to check our 400087 conte procedures. Your department went over budt ain, yor need 19 immediately. The old computer system sas vet Sows So twas replace sith 1 wanted 1 lear how to organise my workload moe efficiently, so my manager sent me ont traning semi ‘The proton staf put the machines together the ‘employees all goon holiday atthe same time, wel have & re Surin our busiest periods, unit aa Di complete the table ac | a oh ou oe had : - oy i choose the correct words in italics to complete the sentences. Your department did very good/wll ast wonth The sales figures are looking very good el We need 19 mansge our resources move esenteicenty, The machine stops awtomaticatomsavialy if there is «problem ‘Gur staff dont usual/usually work tthe weekend. computer program, ly driver, ies easyensy vo use the ne ea very oareil/creil You are the production manager for a company that makes components for the electronics industy. Liok at the memo from the (CEO'of the company and write a reply (60-80 Words). Give reasons why productivity fll (dered new machinery 12 weeks 3go “installed incortetly / caused implementation del) ~ Problem solved now; possible wo increase podctvty Say when qualitecontol procedures were reviewed 5 wes ago «sta shortage = quality problems ‘Say i this problem is now solved or not ‘SUBJECT: Productivity and quality-conto prob thas come to my notice that productivity has fallen in the lst three ‘months. We need to increase it by 59% ovr the next quater to be able to compete with our competitors. Inadditon, we have hada numberof complaints recently Customers were returning components because of poor quali When did you last review your quality-control procedures? Please lt me Know your thoughts on these points Then compare your answer with the suggested answer on page 95 Reading 2 [| What is your definition of manufacturing’ What is your Xefintion of a service indostry? What are the similarities and differences between them? Bi kead the amicle about manufacturing. Are sentences 1-8 ight (a) oF ‘Wrong’ (bP IF there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn't ss’ (0 Modern descriptions of manufearing ae the same 38 traditional destiptions ’ 2 AL McDonald, workers have special traning inthe prodetion ‘ofthe food. “The process of cooking the burgers and geting them to customers is similar an assembly ine Ford wanted 1 know how MeDonolds makes diffrent burgers allsround the world 5 Ford wanted tobe fess regional and more global 6 Ford managers worked at MeDonals The Futare ofthe car industry will depend on the power ofthe engines Service and manufacturing indusves ar becoming more similar. ae Survey: Manufacturing Post-industrial manufacturing ocdbye othe old dividing ine beween manufacturing and services ‘Treat Occdionayeite tine craarce ty fin pli abe Ythe Ba Sandan st {Gseason mani inte Un _ ‘anormson of tert Now go and nd ‘bere he gos oh ins of mined tee Some Wosers ae teding 2 the ane aing pote chips iow fe at hes king oe packing th stot ofthe colle no ‘snd earns adding whatever eas the estore cl fi Would ya cl his a sere ctv or he re anuficu of caked peduch? The mpton of leet taste lening and ureading of the cocking machines ey sila cay ne ‘Akt Tan te ciotan of For, sent a thie -MeDonlt when he et tsi he i op Sur eas at ts how Mona us ute se aus all rund the wo ed ated to he sme hich dened and pred cs on obo ai wth Blbal supply cn Me Toman het long beled tat in fre a cr company wl att cen bythe spe he aso the power of is nein by nit he omy ‘ain do rts umes we ey cm he ea he new ening ined y the new ecaloes, ho teed wo ele evo wa bring erly part of he se hing what wed be calle ncn Unit 8m 55 Creativity Vocabulary: Creativity Language: Conditional 2 Corser skills: Finding creative solutions wie Note making suggestions Di complete the table. ‘ei ia aie 2 ioeladen profit 6 succeed economical Ei choose the correct word in italics to complete each of the We made ap Were economy/economising on RAD, fprafiable last quater ivsuccess at everthing she dows Or company encourages innovation imovatve ‘This isa compeitive/commpetiton indus He's avery create/eeaive designer. We need to use ou imagine/imaginaion and think of new ideas. ‘Choose the correct word (a-c) to comalete each of the sentences. We ran James a the restart Miles Ashcroft has ken ____ as the head of product development. Are you working. the new web design? (Ones went afer our competitor launched a cheaper mode. on down cover Well need to bring the deadline; they want it a weck ears Forward back off Wi ach the multipart verbs 15 fom eerie 3 with these i srethng ater © et some mercy Da stn that somebody id ee Secome las in amount por eel Be nthe proce of pring sachin Complete the sentences using the past simple or would form of the verbs in brackets 11 ad ehink__ oe think) the idea would work, oul nvest_(not inves) in it Ihe —_____ listen to otter peop’ opinions he Tsim) more Sales fnereaeif we ___ improve) the esin, t___ (help) ityou ___ (complete) the project, a ok ear we (lok) at his from a ferent perspective it ie ener a find soliton. What —__we dy ifproiss —_ (go downy ‘Your manager, Andrew Morris, has asked employees to think of 1wo ‘ways to improve staff motivation. Write nate (0-40 words) with {Your suggestions. Use your own ideas or chcose two from the list Below. Star the note with a grecting and end it in a friendly way. Flextime (staff staetifinish work shen they want) Staff bonus (for reaching tages) Pata holiday (oven age ofr vcllont we) Staff party (at fom dierent departments socialise together) Employee ofthe month (every month the top employee gets a prize) Then compare your answer with the suggested answer on page 96 Di think about these questions. What 3 products do you know? What do you know about the company? ‘what do you want to know about SM? Write tece questions Unit 57 I Read the article about 3M and see if it answers your questions, Ei ead the article again and complete each gap with the correct option, -€, The Economist Suey: evan in indy Leaps of faith Innovators break al he rules. Trust them. 16 novation hs fren built into the company !_#_ For ceample, technic aff are ‘encouraged #0 spend 19% oF thee time working onthe oom 2 hat they hope wll ane day Bee ‘ew prostuceRrthe oman. Noe only do they get ime 810 sve thes ides but hey an lo set +___ 0 buy equipment of ven hire era he. Foran idea wo get _ a 38, ft mst frst win the personal acing of at Sent one member af the sin board it received bucking then a 6 of researchers engines, maces and nie accountants would eset pt ph the idea fier. But emposes do not net 1 be afaid of lure At 5M the copaate*___is he one who continues apunst all the cls we sce innorston from an idea verone thought ily A shining esample is 3M Art Fry He realised tht the sky, hut removable piee of coloured paper he used mark his place in his book had wider use for writing feminder 2. The special tttive wed war aledy 2 filed Sinoaton because the time no one saw any use fra gue a i rot dy The diference was in the «culate building 2 jobs professions son » of 2 money » bills refused bb ought gang team ss thik chief «create b sell enters memos 8 creative b strange 2 nets > erwoeks 2 continued —— stopped 10__ way Me Fy pes he top bas adopt is de. Fist he ‘made up a batch of sticky ite ypllow reminder pads and Aistibued chem 10 secretaries, ong they were he best in the company, jst by wing the rout daly a they le eminder ots hie boses, de sexes enseed ait go note by senie ‘managers. Then, when everyone was hooked on the reminder pcs, Me Fry handing them out ‘There would be no mor he nie, unless the product got ofall Jaume Toay, the Post noe i tone of bigest eller. « office «ideas © through © accepted © ew hero © expensive © networks started Ustening O17 Paul Spiers, a training manager, calls Visiontc, a company that runs creativity courses for business people. He speaks to Al Bennet, Listen to their conversation and choose the best answer (a-e) foreach ‘question. 1 Wingnet Electronics usually ron more adventurous training courses yor traditional training courses no taining courses 2 Thecousses can help pariipamts to Jook at problems 2 in new ways carefully «logical 2 Atte star ofthe course they «ive people a badge with thet name on b give people badge to put their own name on. «et people to make their own badge 4+ They encourage people 10 gre with each othe as much as possible 1 icagree with each other as much as posite. «argue noisily when they disagree. 5 The morning session ends with »- marketing a new prod. b> building an object «© finding a new use for an existing objec. 6 ‘Introduction t creative thinking lasts half do. be oneday. & to days 1 Al prefers courses t be run «atthe lent company » ina hoel conference facility «at Visions 8 The company runs upto 9 ISeoures a week bb 1Seaures a month, © 50 courses 2 month, Motivation Vocabulaeys Motivation Losguoge: Present perfect and past simple Career shils: Giving reasons writing: Letter applying for a job i think of three ways in which a company could reward good ‘work, apart from offering a pay rise. Read the article and see if any ‘of your ideas are mentioned suey: ay A fair day’s pay How to tallr pay to performance panies frequenty combine However, he company resource staff think they have a everal diferent schemes to. reinfores the message with power efit beeause thy ae 50 vad diferent kinds of something that makes it easier to much mere publi Dan pay res, achievement. Eadie Bover, rv teamwons th prtaes for They aso pot to other pects oF clothing retailer, used t0 poy good behaviour The most bac is a job thal individuals find people mainly by he kind of eb 4 sta, about four inches across, rewarding: does thee ofc have 3 they did, noc by how they cid i which can be stuck on a fling window? Do they have & packing People knew they could change cabinet or a all tt can be given Spe? Can they work rom home? their pay by rewriting their job by any ‘soca, ae Bauer people Such things cam be immensely scription, not by raising their calleich other to anyother at any eetive in rewarding good producti? says Loc Fosnes the time, in recognition for doing pesfoemaace, and generally cast ior compensation manager But somehing well The Oscar of ere less thn & pay se nov staf fit into one of three awards is the ‘Best of iuer, Pay abne rarely heeps people ‘bands: enim: intermediate or decided by a "lagnd® commitee with an employer In the war for specials. They can win mote iy and handed out ata ceremony in talent, companies need Better By being promoted ~ sideways as March, Employes who receive this weapons than cash They ned to well 26 upwards 2s long 3s they accolade wear 2 special name tag guarantee her sta a sequence of acquire new silk inthe press all year fascinating jabs; to ve them a for by immosnd thor” pesonal "Sich schemes may sound ike sense of belonging and 10" tell performance Kindergarten But Bisers man hem theyre tops Sine this acl was published, die Bauer has de rer change ta the way it ewan sw co munis Bi Read the artcte again. Are these statements true or false? Eadie Bauer has changed the way that staff performance i ewarded, 2 Inthe pas, the company rewarded the job you di and not how well you digit Now staff have tobe promoted upwards to gt higher wages, The company rewards staff wha leatn new sks ‘Any person who works at Edie Bauer can give another employee a sat. you win a Bes of Baer award you can wear a special badge all sont ‘These schemes are more private than a pay rv. Pay isnot the only sing that motivates employees to stay with a compa. Hi undertine the odd one out in each group encourage » praise criiie help onder support compete » teach instruct stimulating interesting fiendly prometion talent «ll ‘2 ambitious bb responsible determined Bi Match the verbs (1-6) with the adjectives and nouns (a-f). show » confident 2 meet — skills > este © achievement ‘develop Ne initiaive fee! praise rear challenges ‘Are these sentences corect or incorrect? Correct the verbs that are Land — ave you ever to Korest 2 Wen dd he ie oer the company? 3 Where have you been yesterday? ‘She has lef the company fast ya “They have worked for he company for wo years. We have stared ible working hours ix months ago. Irworke her since last March. Sve finshed my report Lets go What ime have yous rived his morning? 10 cent esd schemes have improved staff msivation Unit ism at 116 Ei Nathan Donald wants some extra help with a market research project he is working on. Listen to his conversation with Lydia Maton, a reenutment consultant, and complete the notes, nits [writing EL complete the sentences using words or phrases from the box. ‘Then listen again to check at order DeestSe means bacauseat so 1 Toast sure PSH haven't heard from you. ‘We have another to staf leaving this week, —__ ned si now. 5 This ___ char there might be some eres in the orignal information 4 In __tochec tis do you mind if 4 over some ofthe job detailer 5 Ms probably __ the tow salary that there hasnt been any 6 Tye ust gota few more questions. so the intoemation is cones. swe can beste that all Read the job advertisement from The Globe mayszine and write a Fetter (60-80 words) in reply. Begin and end the leer politely Say where you saw the advertisement Say that you ae intrested in working forthe company = Givea shor description of your work or study experience to date Describe youself using three adjectives (GGG NEW TALENT WANTED Sistetes ‘You might have worked for some good companies but we guarantee that you have never worked for a company like Wonderola. We pay uur employers ant excetet salary Our staf have 30 days’ paid holiday a year But what really makes us afferent is our commitment to helping you devalop new skils and the fact that we reward achievement atl levels of the company’ We don want you to try ane fit into a particular jo tte Instead, write and tellus a litde about your work experience oF ‘what you have studi, Also, tell us what three adjectives describe you Who knows? It could be the start of anew adventure! Wisite a short letter of introduction 1 Pote Bowler ‘ffuman Resources Manager) ‘Then compare your answer with the suggested answer on page 9. Unit sm BEC Preliminary practice test Introduction to BEC (Business English Certificate) Preliminary This workbook contains complete EC Preiinary practice tet on ages 66-81) The BEC Preliminary ‘eamination isa Cambridge ESOL (UCLES) business English examination a approximately ower intermedate lve BEC Preiminary cone of four Components reading writing ening and speaking Reading test Diferere pare ofthe Renin paper res ferent reading sil Part | ets yur underseanding of short notices and mertages Pats 2nd 4 erasing for Gotaed facta information Pare tet your 3 to nerpree val mater Par tat ean fr ‘Ettand speci formaion Par test our {rinmar and understanding of exe suctre. Part? {ests your abit ware formation om one mer preparing for he examincon iusto ~ practise readings many eypesoftoxe2 you en, Slug shore notices and messages information ints and categories graph and chart articer a newspapers nd gues ~anays ones and the way thoy ae writen Fecord of your typi mas. Weiting cost For theWring paper you have to produce 0 piece of wring Part | teste your sity 10 rite 3 Sort message such as note message, memo or ‘era. () ealleage(s} win your company. Pare? {ess your ably co produce longer business Ccorrespondens, sich lester fx or eal. 22 Somebody ausie che company When preparing for the examination you shoul read and arly real busines correspondence, looking atch eel of formal and how ee orgs ~ practise wing business corespandence, {hiking Sbout he reason for wring formaliy and how > open and lose (6m BEC Preliminary practice test Listening tose The Listening papers varie of ating sil, for example tein fr speci informa parts) undertandingsurbers nd speling Part 2, otetakngin Parte and 3yisteing for gitin Part ‘Wen preparing for eh examination kos ~ gotas muchlsaning practi x possible ~ prac latningfor numbers and speling rate taking note when ou are tering wy te understand speaker opinions 38 wall Speaking test “The Speking paper ents difleres sil n Pare | you sretered on oor sity ro talkaboutyursell (oorinerest et) Ty 2 rower the questions 3 ly posse. In Pare2 you chante on of wobusiness opie and vominpresenaton (or aporaimatly one Frute} on the tpi Bofors yu stare you fare one ‘inate o prepare At he ena. othr cand hed to comment on wise you rove se Osnng your presentation. ls importre hat you ~ express your points ealy = sve rensons or your pois In Parc3 of he Speaking paper you are giana voplc with she examiner is importre tha ou yur opinion and ge satan for your kts othr candids for Wiser opiniont “The ables on page 6 dseribe he components of ‘efer you to unin the wordbook wth exercises {hae aresimasrn frm 0 BEC Preliminary ake “You may in thee exercises uel you ae prepanng forthe examination,

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