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Systems Plus Computer College

Basic Education Department

Services to God and Community

An Analysis of Having Enough Sleep to the Academic

Performance of Grade 12 STEM Students of Systems Plus
Computer College during Online Class: A Correlational

Calixtro, Carlito
De Ramas, Francis Jr.
Nabor, Eman Nedic
Ruin, Abegail
Tagle, Russell
Systems Plus Computer College
Basic Education Department
Services to God and Community



Imagine a stuedent who comes to class early, yet when he recites, he looks and sounds
exhausted. According to the study of Dawson D. (1997), the relationship between sleep and
cognitive performance has piqued researchers' curiosity for more than a century. Greater sleep
has been linked to a variety of improved cognitive functions, including better learning and
memory, in well-controlled sleep studies with healthy individuals


Slats, Claassen, Verbeek, & Overeem, (2013) indicated that sleep is very important to
a human being’s health. Sleep loss not only makes people feel sleepy in the daytime, it is even
a possible factor for Alzheimer’s disease. stated that the effects of sleep manifest in both health and performance.
The relationships between sleep and performance have been studied in many different fields
including human science, medicine, psychology, education, and business. Sleep-related
variables (e.g. sleep deficiency, sleep quality, sleep habits) have been shown to influence
performance of students and workers.

The relationship between sleep and academic performance was reviewed in a previous
study. Curcio, Ferrara, and Gennaro (2006) looked at 103 research that looked at sleep
deprivation, learning capacity, and academic performance in children from elementary school
to university level. Students from elementary or high school were participated in the majority
of the studies (31 out of 37).
Systems Plus Computer College
Basic Education Department
Services to God and Community

Pelayo and Guilleminault (2009) trace the history of sleep study back to the nineteenth
century. Adults in the United States sleep roughly seven hours each night, according to the
National Sleep Foundation's Sleep in America Poll, a drop of nearly two hours since the
nineteenth century (National Sleep Foundation, 2005). The National Sleep Foundation
reported in 2008 that Americans anticipated to sleep for 7 hours and 18 minutes every night,
but only slept for 6 hours and 40 minutes on average (National Sleep Foundation, 2008). Sleep
deprivation is a popular phrase meaning "lack of sleep."


The main purpose of this study was to determine the effect of sleep duration on
student’s academic performance, to ensure answers to the following questions;

1. What are the factors of sleep deprivation that can affect the academic performance of the
grade 12 STEM students of SPCC?
2. How will sleep deprivation affect the grade 12 STEM students of SPCC, specifically their
physiological health, and cognitive function?
3. What is the relationship between having enough sleep to the academic performance of the
grade 12 STEM students of SPCC?
4. What are the effects of sleep deprivation to the academic performance of the grade 12
STEM students of SPCC?
5. How has the new modality learning affected the sleeping hours of the grade 12 STEM
students of SPCC?
Systems Plus Computer College
Basic Education Department
Services to God and Community


The student who has a long duration of sleep will have a better academic performance
will be demonstrated by monitoring the sleep hours of participants of this study and tracking their
academic performance through data that we haved been gathered by surveying , inside of that form
ask about scores that they get by anwsering activities and points by being activeness of
participating to recitations.


This research will be conducted for the benefit of the society since sleep duration plays
an important role to the student’s academic performance and individual’s job on work. The
greater the answers that the researchers will get, the greater question the researchers will
solve. Sleeping is complex phenomenon, so throught this study, the researchers should be
able to determine the possible effects of having enough sleep on student’s academic

Students. The main beneficiary of this study are the Grade 12 students that are experiencing
difficulty in sleeping especially the STEM students. It will help them to unlock their difficulties in
academic performance. Through this study, students will also learn or will know the effects of
having a enough sleep to their academic performance.

Teachers. The teacher also can benefit at this study , the only teachers feeling groggy for sleeping
deprived and unable focusing their cognitive function can also suffer , dealing with a room full of
student , no matter what age can have a diffucult task even they have enough rest , it will help the
teacher to be mould the minds of others insight and teaching , however they can only do that when
Systems Plus Computer College
Basic Education Department
Services to God and Community

their mind and body is working of its optinum and have knowledge of effect of having enough
sleep to their perfromance.

Researchers. The first and foremost , total sleep deprivation impairs attention and working
memory , but it is also affect others function , such as long-term and making decision , partial sleep
deprivation is found to influence attention , especially vigilance . Studies on its effects on being
more demanding cognitive functions are lacking.

Future Researchers. . This study benefits the next generation or future researcher , it concluded
the sleep deprivating was negatively correlated with academic performance , they have found that
students perform poorly on learning capacity skills such as the attention , memory and and solving
the given task , and this affect the performance.


This study focuses on determining the possible effects of having a enough sleep to
the student’s academic performance of Grade 12 STEM student of Systems Plus Computer
College. Sleep are thought to play crucial and have specific role of memory consolidation ,
although that the exact mechanism of relationship between sleep , memory and nuero-plasticity
are yet to be unknown , the main understanding is that specific sypnatic connections were active
during the awake-periods are strengthened during the sleep , allowing for consolidation of memory
and the synaptic connections that were inactive are weakened , sleep provided an essential function
for consolidationing memory that allow us to remember what has been studied , which in turn to
critical for succesful academic performance of student .

The impact of sleep insufficiency of the Academic performance of student , a well-

controlled deprivation the study have shown the lack of sleep not only increases the fatigue and
sleepiness but can also worsen cognitive performance of the student.
Systems Plus Computer College
Basic Education Department
Services to God and Community



This chapter introduces the related literature and studies, both local and foreign
sources, that gave the researchers enough background to fully understand the current study.
This also includes the theoretical and conceptual framework of the study, as well as the
definition of terms.


A journal by Curcio, Ferrara and De Gennaro (2006) says there was a time when

several studies have highlighted the relationship between sleep, learning and memory

processes making the in-depth analysis of the effects of sleep deprivation on student learning

ability and academic performance appear to be essential. In fact, some authors were able to

actively manipulate sleep in order to observe neurocognitive and behavioral consequences,

such as learning, memory capacity and school performance. The findings strongly suggest that

students of different education levels are chronically sleep deprived or suffering from poor

sleep quality and consequent daytime sleepiness and that sleep quality and quantity are closely

related to the student’s learning capacity and academic performance.

A lot of parents would want their children to succeed in school, hence making

sleep as their priority. Naturally, understanding the causes and consequences of poor sleep and

knowing how to address it can allow both the parents and students to help them in their
Systems Plus Computer College
Basic Education Department
Services to God and Community

academic pursuits. Improve your child’s school performance with a good night’s sleep (Suni,

2021) identifies the common causes of childhood and adolescent sleep deprivation to be

inconsistent sleep schedules, lack of priority given to sleep, excess use of electronic devices,

sleep disorders and other health conditions. While the effects are decreased attention, impaired

memory, slowed processing, worsened sequential thinking and reduced creativity.

According to Johns Hopkins pediatrician Michael Crocetti, M.D., M.P.H., teens

need 9 to 9½ hours of sleep per night because teenagers are going through a second

developmental stage of cognitive maturation. (“Teenagers and Sleep: How Much Sleep Is

Enough?”, n. d.). However, insights from GENYOUth in partnership with Sleep Number and

in counsel with Edelman Intelligence (2018) found that on average, 71% of middle and high

school students (teens aged 13-18) are sleep deprived. According to the 2011 sleep poll, by the

time U.S. students reach their senior year in high school, they are sleeping an average of 6.9

hours a night, down from an average of 8.4 hours in the sixth grade. But American teens aren’t

the worst off when it comes to sleep because a 2012 study in Sleep by South Korean researchers

shows that South Korean adolescents sleeps on average 4.9 hours a night. These Asian teens

routinely begin school between 7 and 8:30 a.m., and most sign up for additional evening classes

that may keep them up as late as midnight (Richter, 2015).

Westchester III (2017) believes that not having enough sleep can have a negative

impact on college students’ grades. There are many reasons why a student can be sleep

deprived, for example, changes in sleeping patterns by pulling all-nighters to finish a paper or
Systems Plus Computer College
Basic Education Department
Services to God and Community

cram for an exam and watching television at bedtime. According to the American Academy of

Sleep Medicine (AASM), the best way to maximize performance on final exams is to both

study and get a good night of sleep. Sleep deprivation effects is not only whether a student can

stay awake in class but how they perform as well. Sleepiness and poor sleep quality are

prevalent among university students, affecting their academic performance and daytime

functioning. Students who stay up late on school nights and make up for it by sleeping late on

weekends are more likely to perform poorly in the classroom. This is because, on weekends,

they are waking up at a time that is later than their internal body clock expects. The fact that

their clock must get used to a new routine may affect their ability to be awake early for school

at the beginning of the week when they revert back to their new routine.

The interaction between sleep quality and academic performance (Ahrberg et. al,

2012) presents medical students who are generally poor sleepers are not the ones who perform

worse in the medical board exams, instead those who will perform worse on their exams seem

to be more stressed and suffer from poor sleep quality. Jalali et. al (2020), on the other hand,

concludes that there is no significant difference between sleep quality and academic

achievement. The results indicated no significant difference between students with high grades

and those with low grades. However, there were moderate and sometimes severe sleep

disturbances in both groups.

Systems Plus Computer College
Basic Education Department
Services to God and Community


According to Healthy Living Index Survey (2016), Filipinos have one of the highest

rates of sleep deprivation; 46 percent of Filipinos do not get enough sleep, while 32 percent

sleep for fewer than six hours. This reflects a problem that metropolitan dwellers all across

the world are facing. More than 8 in 10 persons (84 percent) think that a range of activities

take precedence over a good night's sleep in the 2017 Philips' Unfiltered Sleep: A Global

Prioritization Puzzle, a worldwide study that looked at how people across the world perceive,

prioritize, and prepare for sleep.

According to Sleep Cycle’s recent survey, an application that monitors people’s

hours of sleep, Filipinos were spending 6 hours and 30 minutes to 6 hours and 45 minutes of

sleep per day. The lack of sleep or sleep deprivation may sabotage one’s mental and physical

health at risk causing short-term and long-term memory problems, mood swings, anxiety and

depression, inability to focus, weight gain, and others, Sleep Cycle (2019) said.

Sleep deprivation is also a factor in mental health disorders. Cited in the study made

by Delos Reyes RC (2019) is a study among medical students which revealed that there is a

relationship between psychiatric disorders,specifically depression and anxiety and sleep

disturbance. People who don’t get enough sleep react more severely when placed in stressful

situations. It is either they can develop psychiatric symptoms or it can aggravate the symptoms

that they already had.

Systems Plus Computer College
Basic Education Department
Services to God and Community says that lack of quality sleep affects an employee and student’s

work performance. Sleep-deprived individuals have more difficulty concentrating, learning

and communicating. Their memory lapses increase and problem-solving skills decline.

Moreover, they tend to be moody and less tolerant of co-workers' differing opinions, making

them more prone to reactionary outbursts and other relationship-destroying behaviors.

Combined, work and relationship problems increase stress levels, making you less productive

at work. having said thatstudies have shown that those who

sleep less are more prone to weight gain whether you’re an adult or in your teens. Poor sleep

also negatively affects your hormones and brain function. Depriving yourself of sleep can

cause different negative results. Aside from memory loss, you can acquire cognitive problems

and even heart disease. In 2014, researchers of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies

reported strange effects to a person’s well-being when they’re sleep deprived. People with

unhealthy sleeping patterns made them less concerned about what work they are doing.
Systems Plus Computer College
Basic Education Department
Services to God and Community




1. What are the factors of sleep The researchers will gather the The researchers would like to
deprivation that can affect the data that they need for their
know the effect of having
academic performance of the study through the following
methods: enough sleep to the academic
grade 12 STEM students of
SPCC? 1. Giving out surveys to performance of Grade 12 STEM
2. How will sleep deprivation the Grade 12 STEM students of System Plus
students of System Plus
affect the grade 12 STEM Computer College. This can also
Computer College. This
students of SPCC, will help them gather help the students by informing
specifically their enough data for their
them on what could happen if
physiological health, and study.
they lack sleep. They will know
cognitive function?
2. Gathering multiple
3. What is the relationship the effects of being sleep
studies and literature
between having enough sleep that is related to their deprived to their minds. How a
to the academic performance own research. This will tired student will perform
help them build up
of the grade 12 STEM academically. They will also
enough evidence that
students of SPCC?
they need for their know the importance of having
4. What are the effects of sleep study.
a proper sleep schedule as it
deprivation to the academic
Using these methods, the
performance of the grade 12 also helps on their cognitive
researchers hope to know the
STEM students of SPCC? relationship between having thinking which has a big impact
5. How has the new modality enough sleep and the academic on how they will perform in
performance of the Grade 12
learning affected the sleeping school.
STEM students of System Plus
hours of the grade 12 STEM Computer College.
students of SPCC?
Systems Plus Computer College
Basic Education Department
Services to God and Community


Academic performance: grades on exams/important projects, grades in courses, and/or course

completion (National College Health Assessment, 2011).

Conservation of resources (COR) theory: a theory about stress and motivators of stress; the
theory was developed by (Hobfoll, 1989). When people predict or experience stressful challenges
resulting in the threat of or actual loss of resources, they are motivated to protect or gain resources
(Halbesleben, Neveu, Paustian-Underdahl, & Westman, 2014; Hobfoll, 1989).

Daytime sleepiness: one’s tendency to fall asleep during the day (Shen, Barbera, & Shapiro,

Delayed sleep: a behavior whereby a person goes to bed later on weekends than weekdays
(Singleton & Wolfson, 2009).

External resources - three of the four categories of resources which are objects, conditions, and

Health - “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence
of disease and infirmity” (World Health Organization, n.d.).Internal resources: one of the four
categories of resources which is personal characteristics.

Resources - anything owned by a person; examples of resources include time, money, energy, and
personality traits (Hobfoll, 1989).

Shift workers - people who work an evening shift, night shift, rotating shift, split shift, or
employer-arranged irregular schedule (USDL, 2005).

Sleep disturbance - something that interrupts someone when he/she is sleeping (Longman
Dictionary of Contemporary English, 2003).
Systems Plus Computer College
Basic Education Department
Services to God and Community

Sleep duration - typically refers to the total amount of sleep obtained, either during the nocturnal
sleep episode or across the 24-h period.

Sleep health - “A multidimensional pattern of sleep-wakefulness, adapted to individual, social,

and environmental demands that promotes physical and mental well-being. Good sleep health is
characterized by subjective satisfaction, appropriate timing, adequate duration, high efficiency,
and sustained alertness during waking hours” (Buysse, 2014, p. 12).

Sleep latency - the length of time it takes someone to fall asleep (Buysse, Reynolds, Monk,
Berman, & Kupfer, 1989).

Sleep quality - quantitative and subjective aspects of sleep. Examples of quantitative aspects of
sleep are sleep duration, sleep latency, and numbers of arousals. Examples of subjective aspects
of sleep are depth or restfulness of sleep (Buysse et al., 1989).

Stress - “an event or events that are interpreted as threatening to an individual and which

elicit physiological and behavioral responses” (Mcewen, 2000, p.173).

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