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Natal Chart Report

Birth Chart Report

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What follows is your personal natal chart information, as well as interpretations of the
positions and aspects in your chart.

With this report, you'll find out the positions of the planets in your natal chart by sign. The
most personal of these are the Sun sign, Moon sign, Mercury sign, Venus sign, and Mars
sign. Most people already know their Sun sign. If your time of birth is known, you will also
find out your Ascendant, or rising sign, as well as the positions of the planets in the houses
of your chart. Aspects between the planets are also listed and interpreted.

If the birth time is unknown, we cannot know the Ascendant or house positions. The natal
chart shown here is an Aries chart in that case. Additionally, you may not know the Moon
sign for certain. This is because the Moon changes signs approximately every 2-1/2 days.
Less probable but still possible is a change of signs for the other planets and luminaries,
depending on the planet itself (for example, the Sun changes signs every 30 days or so).

Each paragraph of interpretation refers to an individual position in your chart. All of these
positions and aspects are some of the "parts" that make up a "whole"--you! Some of these
interpretations will be contradictory, just as people are contradictory. A person can be timid in
love and aggressive in business, for example. As well, we evolve and grow throughout our
lives, facing challenges that help us to handle our positions and aspects in a different way.
We all have choices, and one of the major benefits of astrology is the chance to understand
ourselves so that we can work with our natal charts and improve ourselves. Any
computerized report that interprets the individual placements in a natal chart is somewhat
disjointed, simply because the different parts that make up the whole are not synthesized.

Some of the interpretations are more detailed than others. You can use this as a starting
point and do some further reading about different positions (such as Moon in Libra, Saturn in
the 10th house, Moon conjunct Mercury) in your chart by exploring our own site, other
astrology sites, and by reading astrology books.

The tables show the technical details of your natal chart, personalized based on your birth
data. Below the tables, you'll find your free birth chart report.

Saira Sitjar Pronoun She

Manila, Philippines 12/20/2001 20:45

Planet Positions, Ascendant, & Houses

The following table shows the position of the planets in your chart, by sign and degree. You
will also find the sign of your Ascendant and the signs on the cusp of each house in your
natal chart only if the birth time is known. The Roman Numerals refer to the houses, where
the Ascendant is also the first house and the Midheaven is also the tenth house. For
example, if the sign Taurus is next to Mars, you know your Mars is in Taurus. If the sign Libra
is next to Venus, you know your Venus is in Libra. If Cancer is next to Ascendant, you have a
Cancer Ascendant, and if Leo is next to II, Leo is on your 2nd house.

Saira Sitjar

Zodiac : Tropical Placidus Orb : 0

Sun Sagittarius 28°43' I ASC Leo 13°26'

Moon Pisces 3°15' II Virgo 11°14'

Mercury Capricorn 7°28' III Libra 11°57'

Venus Sagittarius 22°45' IV Scorpio 13°52'

Mars Pisces 8°29' V Sagittarius 14°46'

Jupiter Cancer 12°11' R VI Capricorn 14°20'

Saturn Gemini 10°08' R VII Aquarius 13°26'

Uranus Aquarius 21°58' VIII Pisces 11°14'

Neptune Aquarius 7°06' IX Aries 11°57'

Pluto Sagittarius 15°35' X MC Taurus 13°52'

Lilith Pisces 13°27' XI Gemini 14°46'

N Node Gemini 27°05' XII Cancer 14°20'

Sun in V

Moon in VII

Mercury in V

Venus in V

Mars in VII

Jupiter in XI

Saturn in X MC

Uranus in VII

Neptune in VI

Pluto in V

Lilith in VIII

N Node in XI

masculine 6 fire 3

feminine 4 earth 1

cardinal 2 air 3

fixed 2 water 3

mutable 6


The following table shows the planetary aspects in your natal chart. Interpretations of these
factors are found below. The numbers listed under the column "Value" serve as a relative
rating system for each aspect and are determined based on the planets involved, the aspect
type, and the orb of influence. Negative values suggest more stressful or challenging
influences while positive numbers show more flowing, easy energy.

This is a wide table that may require you to scroll right on smaller screens.

See also your full natal chart wheel graphic depicted below the report.

Planet Aspect Planet Orb Value

Sun Sextile Moon 4°32' 35

Sun Conjunction Mercury 8°45' 90

Sun Conjunction Venus 5°58' 274

Sun Opposition N Node 1°38' -147

Moon Sextile Mercury 4°13' 53

Moon Conjunction Mars 5°14' 86

Moon Trine N Node 6°10' 18

Mercury Sextile Mars 1°01' 223

Mercury Opposition Jupiter 4°43' -161

Mercury Trine X MC 6°24' 16

Venus Sextile Uranus 0°46' 254

Venus Conjunction Pluto 7°10' 91

Venus Opposition N Node 4°20' -62

Mars Trine Jupiter 3°42' 77

Mars Square Saturn 1°38' -73

Mars Conjunction Lilith 4°58' 121

Jupiter Trine Lilith 1°16' 55

Jupiter Sextile X MC 1°40' 87

Saturn Trine Neptune 3°02' 37

Saturn Opposition Pluto 5°27' -39

Saturn Square Lilith 3°20' -18

Saturn Sextile I ASC 3°19' 27

Uranus Trine N Node 5°07' 11

Uranus Opposition I ASC 8°32' -5

Neptune Opposition I ASC 6°21' -12

Pluto Square Lilith 2°07' -6

Pluto Trine I ASC 2°08' 7

Lilith Sextile X MC 0°24' 0

1562 -523 1039

Part of Fortune & South Node

The following table shows the positions of the Part of Fortune (using the classic formula) and
the South Node of the Moon (the True value).

Fortune Gemini 8°54'

South node Sagittarius 27°05'

Natal Chart Report

Birth Chart
This birth chart report shows the positions of the planets for Saira Sitjar.

The Sun
The Sun represents vitality, a sense of individuality, and outward-shining creative energy.

The Sun is in Sagittarius

Restless, cheerful, and friendly, Sun in Sagittarius people are generally on the go. They have
a love of freedom, and a disdain for routine. Generally quite easygoing, Sagittarians make
friends with people from all walks of life. They love to laugh and tease, and get along well
with both sexes. Sagittarians have an often blind faith in people, and in the world. Their
optimism is infectious, although it can get them into trouble from time to time. These are
curious people who love to learn. Their idealistic nature is hard to miss.

Although generally easygoing, Sagittarius is a fire sign. This gives natives a generally quick
temper. Fortunately, they're usually as quick to forget what got them angry in the first place.
The need for escape is generally strong, and some Solar Sagittarians come across as a little
irresponsible. They're generally easy to forgive, however. After all, their direct, honest
approach in life is admirable.

Short description:

She is good, idealistic, enthusiastic, and warm-hearted. She is independent, having a taste
for travel and freedom. She is curious and fair-minded.

Possible issues: She is too adventurous and may leave things to chance; may take risks
which cause problems; she is rebellious and sometimes tactless when offering opinions.

Sagittarius with ascendant Leo

Sun in V: The Sun is in the fifth house

You want to be noticed for your unique and special qualities and your creativity. You are
happiest when you are expressing yourself in a special way and attention comes your way
as a result. You have a flair for drama and/or sports. You are proud of your fun-loving attitude
towards life. As you demonstrate your ability to shine, avoid grabbing center stage all of the
time. Your happy disposition is enough to get noticed, but do find creative ways to express
yourself, as this is the path to true happiness for you.

35 Sextile between the Sun and Moon

Your emotions and your will are at peace with one another, suggesting a rather balanced
personality. The "messages" you received in childhood were not contradictory overall, and
you have a stronger sense of purpose and appreciation of harmony than most people. You
are likely personally popular, mainly because you expect harmony in your relationships. You
are attractive to most people, and your self-confidence and security make you easy to deal
with on many levels. Your relaxed, easygoing disposition puts others at ease. You may not
be prepared for conflict and you often avoid "rocking the boat". You may acquiesce to others
a little too often, if only to maintain a feeling of balance and harmony, as conflict is something
you not only dislike, you might fear it. The tendency towards too much acceptance--of the
self and of others--is usually present. You must be encouraged to question life, or you run the
risk of taking things for granted.

Vitality is usually good and quite constant. You are not necessarily hard-driving, unless other
indications in the chart point to it, but your constitution is generally strong. At any rate, you
are not as prone to the kinds of ups and downs that plague those with challenging aspects
between the Sun and Moon. This is because even though your life goals and your emotional
needs are different, they are in harmony.

Short description: She has lots of vitality. She likes public life, she is popular and her
company is appreciated. She is balanced, at ease with herself and usually gets on very well
with her parents or guardians.

90 Conjunction between the Sun and Mercury

Because your ego and your mind are usually on the same page, you possess much mental
energy. You are always in a position to think about what you want, and in many ways, this is
an interruption of the will. You are highly intelligent with a great drive to communicate with
other. You invest a lot of pride in your intellectual capacities. You may not always listen as
well as you speak, however! You might be too busy thinking about what to say next. But you
are very curious and although you enjoy expressing yourself, you usually don't dominate
conversations completely.

As far as studying or learning goes, you are better off reading the material than listening to a
teacher. These traits come from a strong need to take an active role in communications. It is
very hard for you to passively listen and absorb information.

Your opinions are usually strong and you are an independent thinker. You tend to be proud of
your opinions and thoughts, and might easily get a bruised ego if you are not "heard", if your
opinions are pushed aside or ignored, or if your opinions are criticized. You are expressive
and possibly a very animated speaker. You are also very witty and others enjoy your playful
and sometimes mischievous sense of humor.

274 Conjunction between the Sun and Venus

Social relationships are extremely important to you. You are generally charming with an
easy-going manner. It is generally quite important to you that you are personally popular, to
come across in a pleasant way, and to be liked and appreciated. Sometimes, vanity is part of
the package. Venus is a peace-making, harmony-loving planet, and those with Sun conjunct
Venus do their best to seek peace and harmony. You are diplomatic and a veritable expert at
smoothing over (and sometimes glossing over) problems. You are openhanded with others,
tolerant and accepting. When expressed negatively, you can be superficial and two-faced,
and you can be very much tied up with appearances--your own, and sometimes others'. You
might be too agreeable, too pleasant (at the expense of honesty), and downright lazy at

You have a fine eye for style and enjoy pleasing surroundings. You generally dress well and
enjoy a certain amount of luxury. You are gracious, romantic, and sometimes romantically
impulsive. You tend to rely on the power of attraction to bring people to you, rather than
aggressively pursuing love interests. There can be some vanity involved here--you are most
attracted to people who express interest in you, or who respond well to your charms! You are
not the type of person who overtly pursues people who appear to be indifferent to you.

You are not competitive in the aggressive sense of the word, and you are not someone who
loves a good chase. Instead, you work your charms and draw people to you. Your ability to
attract others (Venus) is very much tied up with your ego (Sun). Because Venus rules all
things feminine, all those with this aspect tend to be quite attractive.

The Moon

The Moon represents the emotional responses, unconscious pre-destination, and the self-
image. The Moon represents the emotions, and the Moon sign shows how a person
expresses themselves when at home, at ease, and comfortable.

The Moon is in Pisces

Lunar Pisceans are known to be dreamy and not always in touch with reality. However,
though these people may not always show real-world savvy in day-to-day, practical affairs,
they make up for this with remarkable intuition. They can put themselves into anybody's
shoes with extreme ease. On the plus side, this endows them with remarkable compassion
and love. The down side with this apparent ability to break down boundaries is that these
people can easily lose themselves in the suffering of others. Their sense of humor is
delightfully silly and a bit odd. These are perceptive souls who seem to be in touch with all
the nuances and subtleties of human nature. Often this comes through in a strong sense of
humor that is more of the receptive kind than the type of sense of humor that would make
people the "life of the party". It's generally pretty easy to get them giggling.

Moon in Pisces people may get tagged as spaced out, but there's a lot more to them than
meets the eye. They feel things out, and rely on their intuition. It just doesn't feel right for
them to do otherwise. Their dreaminess can mean plenty of moments of absent-mindedness.

These times of oblivion can land them in all sorts of predicaments with others who can too
easily misunderstand these complex souls. Without plenty of space and time to daydream,
Pisces Moons easily get overloaded with life. Give them room to be alone with themselves,
and they're generally able to take on the world--even if their style when they do so is not
always conventional or understandable. Generally considered soft-hearted and sweet, Lunar
Pisceans care about others and are easily touched by human suffering. This tendency gains
them the reputation as suckers for sob stories. Although this may sometimes be true, many
Lunar Pisceans learn, in their lifetimes, how to discern between sincerity and manipulation.
Still, they definitely do have plenty of soft corners.

In personal relationships, Lunar Pisceans are giving and yielding. They are generally open
on a sexual level, in a quiet way. Their fantasies can be far-reaching, intricate, and rich with
emotion. Love is closely tied in with their sexuality. Most Lunar Pisceans are shy; they need a
trustworthy lover to bring them out. There's a delightful accepting side to Moon in Pisces that
is sometimes mistaken for weakness. Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, and
thus carries with it a little of each sign of the zodiac. As a result, they see themselves
reflected in the behavior of others, giving them seemingly boundless compassion. Since the
Moon represents our instinctive nature, Moon in Pisces seems to know how things feel
without actual experience. For example, they may have never had sex, but seem to know all
about it -- even, or especially, the subtleties of it. The ones that aren't too shy make
awesome actors and actresses. This ability to empathize even in the absence of experience
gives them an open mind and heart. Most long to express this through writing, music (both
listening and making), poetry, and art -- in fact, the happiest people with this position do just
that. Though some are doormats, most Pisces Moon people instinctively know when they're
due for a much-needed recharge. It's at these times that they retreat from the world (and its
harsh realities) if only to gather strength to face everything and everyone again. Solitude is
important to them, but they also need people, so their retreats will usually be short-lived.
Pisces Moon individuals believe; and, let's face it, the world needs Piscean leaps of faith.

Short description:

Imaginative, sharp insights. She is impressionable, with an abundant imagination. Gentle,

warm, humorous, artistic.

Potential issues: troubles caused by too much sentimentality, worries, problems, unhealthy
imagination, escapism, nervousness.

Moon in VII: The Moon is in the seventh house

Partnership can be very important for her, for better or for worse. She works well in business
relationships, especially partnerships.

You are drawn to partnerships and prefer to have a companion for emotional support. You
are not a person who would happily take in a movie by yourself, or dine alone, for example.
A partner awakens feelings in you that you may never know you had, and you seem to need
a partner to learn about your own needs and feelings. Emotional fulfillment is sought through
relationships, but you may have many relationships one after another, each time believing
that this is "the one". Taking time between relationships is something that is hard for you to
do, but quite necessary, as you tend to jump into relationships out of fear of being alone. You
are very adaptable to others' needs, and usually quite likeable as a result. Be careful that you
don't become overly dependent on a partner, or assume that a partner is going to treat you
the same way as you do them.

53 Sextile between the Moon and Mercury

You can be quite expressive and animated in your speech. You have an outstanding memory
and tend to pick up a lot of information from your environment. You love to chat and to
exchange ideas. Even if you are shy, once you're friends, you love to talk about pretty much
anything under the sun, and you enjoy sharing stories from your past! For the most part, you
are focused on day-to-day activities in your communications rather than on grander
philosophies. You are naturally curious and interested, and others find you very easy to talk
to. You are accommodating and curious, but you are not as well equipped to handle heavy
emotional demands. You thrive on change and variety. You might be a little addicted to
gossip! More probably, however, you are simply very curious about others. There is a twinkle
in your eyes, and you are never short on humor. You are playful and versatile--you make a
fun companion and an interesting friend. You listen! Yes, you do talk and occasionally
interrupt in your excitement, but you are a curious person who does want to hear what others
have to say, and that is a real pleasure. In fact, you are more able than most people to get
others talking, simply because you are very receptive and sympathetic. You pick up others'
feelings and body language readily.

She has good judgement, a good memory. She is intelligent, imaginative, vivacious, and
develops, adapts, and grows throughout life. This adds a youthful, lively quality to the
personality. She may haave an aptitude for, or interest in, learning foreign languages.

86 Conjunction between the Moon and Mars

You are a passionate person who loves life. Although your emotions are powerful and
immediate, your passion is generally controlled and directed. You are a sexual person who
nevertheless doesn't get too carried away or controlled by your passions. Because your
emotions are strong and you know how to channel them into constructive channels, you don't
easily understand such things as "crimes of passion", impulsive behaviors, or emotional
excitability in others. You're generally open, accepting, and natural in your sexual expression.
You need an emotional connection in order to feel complete on a physical level. You may
have an affection and talent for sports, but other factors in the natal chart are necessary to
provide the motivation and commitment.

Short description: She is frank, honest, full of vigor and ambition. She is strong-willed and
powerful at work. She is a little hard on herself but perhaps more on others whose capacity
for action is not as great or inherent.


Mercury represents communication, Cartesian and logical spirit.

Mercury is in Capricorn
Her mind compartmentalizes impressions, and she appreciates structure and order. The
mind learns best when it can see practical uses for information. Resourceful, reflective, deep
thinker; a fine and vivacious mind. May undertake lengthy studies or, if circumstances do not
allow, will teach herself. A rational person. Can be pessimistic, skeptical, and sarcastic,
possessing a very sharp sense of humor. Notices everything.

Mercury in V: Mercury is in the fifth house

Taste for intellectual games, sports that require skill and finesse. She is very curious about
everything, even in love. She likes children.

You tend to use your voice, whether written or spoken, as a means of creative self-
expression. You can be witty and humorous, an engaging communicator, and a fun friend.
You love playing games, especially ones that employ your intellect. You love tricks, jokes,
plays on words, and mimicry. You might be skilled at impersonations. Some of you could be
clever at lying. You might have a tendency to promise more than you can deliver, or
overstate your case. In some way, you are very entertaining with the spoken and/or written
word. Communication and intellectual rapport is most attractive to you when it comes to
romance. In some cases, this can indicate more than one lover at once. Curiosity can be a
strong motivator for making social and romantic contact. You might also take much pride in
your children's intellectual abilities and talents. You would make a good teacher, as you are
very curious about how people learn and can come up with many ideas that allow you to
teach others creatively.

223 Sextile between Mercury - Mars

She likes discussions, debates, polemic. She has good judgment and can be very
determined. She is a worker and has lots of energy. She has a lively intelligence and usually
goes to the heart of things. She is enthusiastic, incisive, and energetic in thought and

-161 Opposition between Mercury - Jupiter

She is frivolous and imprudent at times. She may lack judgement, and may be full of self-
importance. She can have difficulty realizing her plans largely because she lacks clarity and
she often overshoots.

16 Trine between Mercury - Midheaven

She likes to have her own ideas about things, to form an opinion and think over the problems
it poses. She is an intellectual.

Venus represents an interest in emotions and values, exchange, and sharing with others.

Venus is in Sagittarius
When Venus in Sagittarius people are in love, they need to feel they can grow and expand
their horizons through their relationship. They want to learn new things, and experience
everything together. These are idealistic lovers who want you to appreciate their beliefs,
visions, and ideals. They can be a confusing mix of the lighthearted and serious. They are
roamers and seekers, and don't commit in their relationships as easily as others. Venus in
Sagittarius people turn others on with their big smiles and laughs, their jokes, their grand
schemes, their dreams, and their friendly, flirtatious behavior. They pride themselves on their
open minds, but you may notice they can be judgmental too. They are threatened by
inhibitions on the part of their lover, dullness, and emotional overkill. They are restless, and
won't put up with lovers who dwell on any one thing. When the going gets tough in their
relationship, they have an overwhelming need to run away. Usually this only means getting
out and experiencing something new before they come back, but sometimes it can be for
good. They are attracted to people in love with life. You don't need to be refined, polished, or
graceful to win their favor.

Pleasing Venus in Sagittarius involves allowing them lots of room in the relationship to grow.
Avoid getting stuck in a rut, and understand their need to move on. Learn to laugh, but take
their rants and raves seriously. Avoid criticizing their beliefs, join them in debates, and
philosophize along with them. When they feel the need for more experience, join them! Learn
to look past their clumsiness with you and your feelings, and avoid cornering them or forcing
them to commit.

Venus in V: Venus is in the fifth house

She wants to succeed more than almost anything in the love life. She meets pleasant people
and has very good friends, usually without too much conflict. She especially likes
amusements, parties. She may have many children or love affairs.

Interest in love and/or sex for you likely started young. Playful, sensual, and amorous, you
are in love with love! You thrive on romantic attention, and it is easy and natural for you to
always have a crush or romantic interest. There is a romantic, playful side to you that is
unmistakable. It keeps you young at heart! You are sensuous and enjoy indulging in the
pleasurable senses to the fullest possible extent. You enjoy surrounding yourself with
beautiful art and music, and these may play a role in your ideal date scenario. There is a

touch of the dramatic in you when it comes to love and sex. You are generally quite loyal to
your partner, and you are both charming and easily charmed. It's also easy to turn your head.
You are a warm, fun and playful date.

254 Sextile between Venus - Uranus

Independent in love. Her love life is rich, but possibly with passing love affairs. She can tire
quickly and can be scared of losing her liberty. Traditional marriage may not be for her. She
has that little something that attracts others. She likes amorous adventures or unusual
pastimes, she is romantic, although a little detached or unpredictable. She is the eternal
lover and is more likely to break something off than live untruly. She likes art, anything new.

The ability to get along with--and accept--people from all walks of life as friends is strong with
this position. She can readily see through insincerity in others. In relationships, tolerance is
the most important "ingredient" to her. Her sexual preferences can be somewhat
unconventional, and she may not be happy with a partner who tries to limit her sexual
expression. She is usually quite capable of maintaining relationships that require a great deal
of freedom and tolerance, such as long-distance romances or set-ups in which partners are
unable to see each other consistently. Her style in love can be somewhat free and breezy,
and possibly noncommittal. She quite naturally accepts the idea that her partner might need
some personal space and freedom.

91 Conjunction between Venus - Pluto

Her emotional and sex life can be powerful and rich. She lives out truly passionate love
affairs. Extremely resourceful, she is also excellent at determining the worth or value of
material things. She can help others to discover their own worth as well. She is naturally
attracted to relationships that transform her, that are growing and evolving, and that are
intense. She can use her strong intuition and understanding of others for good or for bad,
and this depends largely on other aspects in the chart. She can be highly devoted and
passionate to the things (and people) she loves. She can be quite persuasive.


Mars represents the desire for action and physical energy.

Mars is in Pisces
Mild-tempered and gentle, these guys and gals move through life in a manner that can hardly
be considered direct. Mars is the planet of action and assertion, and Pisces is a passive sign
that rarely asserts itself in a direct fashion. So the placement of Mars in Pisces is an unusual
combination. Sometimes prone to feelings of guilt about their anger, and difficulties with
asserting themselves, Mars in Pisces individuals seem to "go with the flow". This is certainly
not a very active position for Mars, and natives will often let life "happen" instead of trying to
control their life direction. This is a charming position, as individuals with Mars in Pisces don't

appear like they are capable of harming a fly. However, those that don't find creative
expression for this energy can stir up a storm through indirect aggression.

Mars in Pisces people are not averse to playing games to get what they want, although even
they don't always know exactly what they do want! Their desires are changeable and moody,
and it's hard to really know where these natives stand on any particular issue. Alternatively,
some Mars in Pisces people do take a stand on issues that are Piscean in nature, making
compassion and love their mission. Energy levels fluctuate a lot, coming in bursts of activity
followed by inertia. Because it can be difficult to align this ebbing and flowing of energy in the
day-to-day world as it is, finding a job that supports this may be tough. The happiest Mars in
Pisces individuals are those that have a creative outlet that allow them to express their
desires of the moment, their compassion--and even their anger--freely and imaginatively. An
example of Mars in Pisces is Bono, lead singer of U2, who seems to have found the perfect
outlet for his creativity through his music, and as a spokesperson for love and compassion.

Mars in VII: Mars is in the seventh house

She may dominate her associates or colleagues. She is the same in her love life, perhaps
dominating the partner and this makes for a stormy relationship. Or, the energy of Mars is
"met" through a partner, and the partner is especially active, assertive, and energetic. There
can be a marked impulsive tendency in your one-to-one relationships. Certainly, you need
your connections to maintain a high level of passion and energy. You can be particularly
good at mediating, counseling, troubleshooting, debate, politics, or working with the law.

77 Trine between Mars - Jupiter

She has a good sense of organization, she is jovial, frank, and sincere. She is full of
dynamism and abundant energy. She loves life, taking all it has to offer. She likes sports and
the outdoor life. She is successful professionally and emotionally. She may have many
children or projects and ventures.

She is honest and forthright in her dealings with others, and She tends to trust others readily.
She can be a bit careless about spending money, however, and this is probably because she
is so eternally optimistic that there will always be plenty around. The possibility of failure
does not enter her mind, although success itself is not as important to her as enjoyment and
happiness are. Can be pleasantly competitive and good-humored.

-73 Square between Mars - Saturn

She is often attracted to doing something if there are problems attached. Once these are
solved, she will go on to something else that has complications. She likes to overcome
obstacles, can be tough, and is business-minded. She can be very stubborn and sometimes
cold and calculating.

121 Conjunction between Mars - Lilith

Love affairs are passionate. There is an instinctive understanding of intensity, the dark side
of our natures, and passion.

Jupiter represents expansion and grace.

Jupiter is in Cancer
She attracts the most good fortune when she is sympathetic, charitable, uses her powers to
save and accumulate, and comforts others. Real estate and the food industry can be
prosperous avenues. She values tradition and works towards security. Relies most on gut
instincts when it comes to pursuing goals and business success.

Jupiter in XI: Jupiter is in the eleventh house

She is cooperative, organizing or managing everyone. She climbs the social ladder thanks to
help from friends and acquaintances. She achieves her objectives.

55 Trine between Jupiter - Lilith

She could meet a partner much wealthier than herself. Good sexual understanding.

87 Sextile between Jupiter - Midheaven

She lives the high life, wanting to have fun but knowing what she wants and doing what is
necessary to get it. She wants to - and does - succeed socially. This is a "work hard, play
hard" placement.

Saturn represents contraction and effort.

Saturn is in Gemini
May be somewhat self-conscious, avoiding small talk. May find making lighthearted
acquaintances superficial. Can possess a serious mind, sometimes wishing to be more free
and breezy.

Saturn in X: Saturn is in the tenth house

Her upbringing is rigorous, consistent, or in some cases, severe. Her professional life is all-
important. She is serious, methodical, persevering. She wants to have power, to succeed
and possesses all the necessary qualities to achieve this objective, by taking one step at a

37 Trine between Saturn - Neptune

Her plans are realized in a methodical fashion. She works hard to achieve success.

-39 Opposition between Saturn - Pluto

She is not always open to others' ideas, especially if they are disorganized or free-thinking.
She should watch for rigid thinking and egoism.

-18 Square between Saturn - Lilith

She may live with an older or more mature person. Whereas this will seem quite amazing at
the beginning of their life together, she may end up frustrated with this person over time.

27 Sextile between Saturn - Ascendant

She is serious, sober, thoughtful, paying attention to detail. She likes to be with older or
mature/serious people.


Uranus represents individual liberty, egoistic liberty.

Uranus in Aquarius
May get over-excited at the start of a task that interests her. At times, her debonair
personality can give others a banal impression.

Uranus in VII: Uranus is in the seventh house

She rejects traditional roles in partnership or she is attracted to (or attracts) unconventional
people as partners. May fear entrapment, but it can take half a lifetime to realize this is
coming from within, not from others. Her independence doesn't match well for traditional
marriage. If she does marry, she needs many freedoms.

Will do best in unconventional or nontraditional set-ups. Likely to attract unusual, erratic

people, particularly in close relationships.

-5 Opposition between Uranus - Ascendant

She is inconstant, sometimes lacking control, and can be unsettled or nervous.

Neptune represents transcendental liberty, non-egoistic liberty.

Neptune is in Aquarius
Generosity, especially enjoying resolving problems in order to satisfy everyone.

Neptune in VI: Neptune is in the sixth house

She is more prone than most to the side effects of alcohol, medicines, and drugs. A giving
profession or service-oriented job.

-12 Opposition between Neptune - Ascendant

She is very easily influenced and fragile. She may suffer disappointments due to high

Pluto represents transformations, mutations, and elimination.

Pluto is in Sagittarius
Great aspirations: sexuality and love are idealized.

-6 Square between Pluto - Lilith

She may lead a double life. She may have a secret love affair but the secret doesn't last, or
at the very least there are complications. Otherwise, this aspect can point to scandals
whether or not they are real.

7 Trine between Pluto - Ascendant

She has willpower and ambition, and almost always prefer to have her own way.

Black Moon Lilith represents our darker, deeper natures that may be repressed or buried.

Lilith in Pisces
She may have felt ashamed or off for being needy, compassionate, or wishy-washy, or for
her spiritual side, and this person can feel uncomfortable or annoyed with people who resist
labels, who are not very assertive or ready to take the lead. Denying these very human traits
in herself can lead to extreme behaviors. Self-acceptance and integration of these traits in
moderation can be empowering.

North Node-South Node

The South Node represents our overdeveloped character traits. We are talented here but if
we overdo this area of life or hold onto these traits to feel secure, we may stagnate. The
North Node points to the qualities that we need to work on and develop to achieve inner
balance and fulfillment.

North Node in Gemini

She has brilliant ideas and is the first to discover new things. However, she has a tendency
to ignore the details and may avoid some responsibilities for fear of becoming too bogged
down. Taking on too many activities can keep her from focusing on one or two paths, and
this can be to her detriment in the long run.

Another life lesson is to understand the impact of her words. Speaking her truth should be
done mindfully or else it may undermine her growth at times. A balance should be sought.
She can be an excellent teacher and hold far more meaningful and intelligent exchanges
with others in so doing. By learning to slow down and take care of business and to live in the
present, she is likely to achieve far more happiness and a wonderful sense of inner balance.
Qualities to develop: clarification, listening skills, attention to detail.

North Node in XI: North Node in the Eleventh House

Her path is to share and cooperate with others more often, as she seems to naturally fall
back on a personal approach. While it is not instinctive to be a team player, as she develops
this side of her, she grows and this growth brings more opportunities and fortune into her life.
Qualities to develop: collaboration, participation, impartiality.

The Houses

House I is the area of self identity. The ascendant is a symbol of how one acts in life. It is the
image of the personality as seen by others, and the attitude that one has towards life.

Sagittarius with ascendant Leo

Ascendant is Leo

Leo rising people cannot help but be noticed. They radiate a special energy and magnetism
that gets others' attention. Sometimes it's because they are loud people who pay a lot of
attention to their personal appearance (especially their hair!); other times it's due to a regal
manner that simply demands interest from others. Leo Ascendant people are very self-aware
and body-conscious. They are acutely aware of others, and how they come across. In fact,
these people are especially aware of their personal "backdrop"--they consider what the
people they're with, and the environments they are in, do to their own image. Often, Leo
rising natives feel as if they are on stage, even in the privacy of their own homes! They are
given to rash decisions, temper tantrums, and excesses. However, they have plenty of
staying power, drive, and their idealism keeps them from getting into too much trouble. The
desire to oversee the goings-on in their circle can sometimes amount to bossiness. If this
desire doesn't go too far, however, it can just mean a person who wants to make sure the
people they love are all right. Many Leo rising people are managers, either by profession or

The tendency to overestimate things, and themselves, is generally present. This is due to a
natural enthusiasm and optimism about any new undertaking. Sometimes, they are walking
commercials. In fact, Leo rising people make excellent promoters. Leo rising people are
generally demonstrative, and given to grand gestures. Drama comes naturally to these
natives. In fact, some are so caught up in fiction, they're a little blind to fact. They have an
unusual need to be admired. Leo Ascendants often have a strong physical constitution. They
pay special attention to their personal appearance and mannerisms. Usually, they choose
clothing and hairstyles that are youthful. Their manner is authoritarian and strong. Very full
emotional life.

No matter their age in real-world terms, Leo rising people are kids at heart. They are fun-
loving and warm; generous and spirited. Just how magnanimous and outgoing a Leo rising
individual is will be modified by the placement of the Sun by sign and house. This is because
the ruling planet of a Leo Ascendant is the Sun. For example, a Leo rising person with Sun in
Virgo may not come across as strongly as a Leo rising person with Sun in Aries. No matter
the placement of the Sun, however, Leo rising natives are quite self-aware and optimistic.
They have a natural flair for presentation, an eye for quality, and a hard-to-resist warmth of
style. They want to make things happen, and create a stir.

House II - the second house - is the area of material security and values. It rules money and
personal finances, sense of self-worth and basic values, personal possessions.

Virgo on House II

May worry about money and may not be especially generous with it unless she is very
comfortable. House and sign placement of Mercury can show money-making channels and
basic talents.

House III - the third house - is the area of social and intellectual learning.

Libra on House III

She seeks refined people with whom to have long discussions, without raised voices of any
kind. Harmony and peace is very important. In early life, she worried that her siblings were
getting along.

House IV - the fourth house - is the area of home, family, roots, and deep emotions/sense of

Scorpio on House IV

She can be very attached to the home, family.

Intensity in the home environment, or a strong element of privacy. Might receive an

inheritance. Home life or family is close-knit, private.

House V - the fifth house - is the area of creative self-expression, romance, entertainment,
children, and gambling.

Sagittarius on House V

She is attracted to adventure, travel, gambling, taking some risks for the pleasure of it,
treating life as a game. Many love affairs possible.

House VI - the sixth house - is the area of learning by material transaction.

Capricorn on House VI

Can work hard, unceasingly and patiently. Weak point: the cold, changes in temperature.

House VII - the seventh house - is the area of one-to-one relationships such as marriage and
partnership, and of social and intellectual action.

Aquarius on House VII

A slightly hasty marriage is possible. The relationship between partners will be very friendly
and full of understanding. Both will love their independence, their freedom of action. If one
refuses to give this to the other while insisting on it for themselves, problems ensue.

House VIII - the eighth house - is the area of emotional security and of security of the soul.

Pisces on House VIII

She may need to be firmer or more accountable with matters related to the eighth house,
such as shared finances, death, and intimacy. Avoiding sticky topics can lead to waste.
Discussions about an inheritance. Be careful around water.

House IX - the ninth house - is the area of learning that shapes the identity.

Aries on House IX

Travel with risk and adventure.

House X - the tenth house - is the area of material action. The Midheaven represents the
work one will do in one's life, the place one will take in the world of society. It becomes more
important as one grows older.

Taurus on House X

Trusted at work. Occupation connected with the earth, buildings, finance, etc.

House XI - the eleventh house - is the area of search for social and intellectual security.

Gemini on House XI

She likes meeting, ceaselessly discussing with well-informed people, full of ideas.

House XII - the twelfth house - is the area of education and of emotion. This is where we
meet our karma, deal with endings, and sometimes where we bury things.

Cancer on House XII

Problems seem to only come from the family.

Your Personal Natal Chart

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Please note that the MC line in the chart wheel's aspect grid above is picking up aspects
from Lilith and North Node as well as the Midheaven. I hope to have this fixed soon. This
only affects the graphic/visual and not the interpretations or calculations.

After enlarging your chart, you can click on any planets in the chart wheel to find out more
about their positions in your chart.

Full birth data:

Saira Sitjar

Pronoun She


63 Philippines PH

Date 12/20/2001 Thursday

Time 20:45

Julian day 2452264.03

Timezone 8.0000 8h00e

ST 2.46

Lat 14.5800 14°35'n

Long 120.9800 120°59'e

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