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Directing: Meaning,

Principles & Techniques

1/11/2022 MS 101 MPOB 1

Learning Outcome

After studying this topic, students will be able to:

• Understand the meaning and significance of directing
• Identify different elements of directing

PO1:Use knowledge of management concepts, theories and practices in

different business scenarios

1/11/2022 MS 101 MPOB 2

•Directing means giving instructions, guiding,
counselling, motivating and leading the staff in
an organization in doing work to achieve
Organizational goals.

• Directing is a managerial function that involves

the responsibility of managers for
communicating to others what their roles are in
achieving the company plan

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Nature of Direction
• Process of action

• On going process

• Not supported by rules

• Directing is situational

• Behavioural science

• Understanding the group behaviour

• Participative in nature

• Pervasive
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Importance of Direction

• Initiates action

• Creation of a sound work environment

• Behavioral satisfaction

• Increase in productivity

• Achieves coordination

• Facilitates control

• Facilitates growth

• Facilitates change
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Elements of Direction

• Supervision

• Motivation

• Leadership

• Communication

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• Refers to day to day relationship between manager / Superior and
his Subordinate.
• It should NOT AIM primarily at fault finding but at education and
• It’s a management activity which is carried out by SUPERVISORS
to oversee the productivity and progress of employees who report
directly to the supervisors.
• It’s essentially an Educational Process.
• Educate less qualified or less experienced by better qualified and
better experienced ones.
• Supervisors are the key people among managers at different levels.
They are the link between the top and middle management and the
1/11/2022 MS 101 MPOB 8
Directing (Wide) Supervising (Narrow)
It include motivation, communication, It is only one of the elements of
supervision, training & leadership. direction.

Direction is generally at top level. It is restricted to the lower level

Generally, direction is related to He has to deal, guide and lead workers
supervision which is the intermediate directly under his commands.
link between the workers and
Direction being at the top level, Supervision at lower level only for
formulates polices and takes implementation
important decision.
Financial & non financial incentives. It cannot provide incentives but if can
only recommend rewards in special
Leads the efforts of medium and lower Efforts of employee under his
Level executives. commands.
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1/11/2022 MS 101 MPOB 10

•Motivation is derived from the word
‘motive’. Motive is anything that initiates or
sustains activity.
•Motivation is defined as the power that
triggers action that follows” --Cheng, &
Cheng, 2012.

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1/11/2022 12
MS 101 MPOB Source:
Nature Of Motivation

Internal Feeling

Complex Process

Continuous process

Dynamic process

Motivation is different from satisfaction

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Significance of Motivation
• Motivated people show a greater degree of job performance ability and skills.

• It inspires, induces, and stimulates individual for a higher level of performance

• Leads to achievement of organizational goals:

A. There is best possible utilization of resources,
B. There is a co-operative work environment,
C. The employees are goal-directed and they act in a purposive manner,

D. Goals can be achieved if co-ordination and co-operation takes place

simultaneously which can be effectively done through motivation.

• Leads to stability of work force

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Types of Motivators


They are used to satisfy the lower They are used to satisfy the higher
level needs of the employees. level needs of the employees.
They are tangible in nature. They are intangible benefits.

It includes money (as a motivator) It includes recognition, goodwill,

work environment, participation,
quality of working life, challenging
jobs, effective reward system, etc.

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•Ability to influence a set of individuals/a group

toward the achievement of goals

•Effective leadership help groups of people to

define their goal and find ways to achieve them

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Nature of leadership

• Leadership is a process of influence.

• Style of leadership depends upon the nature of the

followers or subordinates.

• Leadership is related to situation.

• Leadership is the personal quality of manager.

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Basis Management Leadership
Scope Responsible for planning, Influencing groups, processes
organizing, directing & resulting in the establishment of
controlling the organizational goals that will contribute to a
operations to realize certain higher level of goal attainment &
goals. satisfaction.
Sources of Authority Personal abilities

Focus Deals with establishing Deals with vision and purpose

structure & system to get the
Approach Transactional Transformational
Process Control Inspirational
Type Formal Formal& informal
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Importance of leadership

• Motivating employees

• Creating confidence

• Provides inspiration to employees—creates a strong urge in

employees for higher performance.

• Securing cooperation

• Building higher morale

• Facilitation of change

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Styles of Leadership

• Autocratic leadership
-Exploitative autocrat
-Benevolent autocrat
-Consultative autocrat

• Democratic leadership

• Laissez faire or free rein leader

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• Process of sending and receiving messages

• Through spoken or written words or through nonverbal


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Ways Of Communication
Oral Communication
Speeches, formal one-on-one and group discussions, and the
informal rumor or grapevine are popular forms of oral

Written Communication
Includes memos, letter, electronic mails, fax transmissions, etc

Non-Verbal Communication
It refers to gestures, facial configurations, and other body
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Importance Of Communication

• Organizational / Functional: greater information access and


• Improves coordination: reduces logical gaps

• Encourages cooperation: helps bring everyone in the mainstream

• Gives a direction: to tasks and activities

• Morale and empowerment

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Importance Of Communication

Decision making aid

Speeds up the organizational processes

Better focus on customer requirements

 Generates a greater sense of organizational

commitment and involvement

 A problem solving tool: by clarity, preciseness and

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Types of Communication
On the basis of On the basis of On the basis of
channel used direction mode used
1. Formal 1. Upward 1. Verbal
a. Oral
b. Written
2. Informal 2. Downward 2. Non-verbal
a. Gestural
3. Horizontal

4. Diagonal

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Process of Communication

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Barriers To Communication

• Hindrances or differences

• In process of communication

• Distorts the message

• Not properly understood or received

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Types Of Barriers

• Semantic

• Emotional or Psychological

• Organizational

• Other (personal)

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Semantic Barriers
• Symbol with different meaning

• Badly expresses message

• Faulty translation

• Unclarified assumption

• Specialist’s language

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Psychological Barriers

• Premature evaluation

• Inattention

• Loss in transmission or Poor retention

• Distrust

• Attitudinal barriers

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Organizational Barriers

• Organizational policy

• Organizational rules and regulations

• Status retention

• Rank or position

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Personal Barriers

• Attitude of supervisor

• Lack of awareness

• Lack of time

• Fear of loss of authority

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Principles of Direction

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1/11/2022 MS 101 MPOB 36

• Chhabra T. N., Management Process and Organizational Behaviour

• Chhabra T. N., Essentials of Management

11-01-2022 MS 101 MPOB 37

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