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Excimer Lasers
The powerful light source in the UV and VUV

Excimer lasers are pulsed gas lasers THE AUTHORS

operating with a special mixture of noble
gases and halogens. They emit laser radi-
ation in the UV and VUV spectra, at disc- ANDREAS GÖRTLER CLAUS STROWITZKI
rete wavelengths between 351 nm and Andreas Görtler is senior Claus Strowitzki is senior
157 nm. Continuous improvements over scientist in the R&D scientist in the R&D de-
recent years have resulted in excimer la- department at TuiLaser partment at TuiLaser AG.
sers becoming the tool of choice for many AG. He studied physics He studied physical tech-
applications. in Erlangen, Germany and for his Ph.D. nology at the University of Applied Science
he developed low-pressure gas discharge in Munich, Germany. He has almost 20 years
Starting as “exotic” lasers in the labora- switches for pulsed power applications. He of experience in the development of excimer
tories of universities and research centres, has more than 10 years of experience in the lasers and pulsed power, especially highly re-
they now operate within the industry in development of excimer lasers, especially petitive systems for medical applications.
key technologies such as, for example, highly repetitive systems for industrial ap-
optical lithography for the manufacture of plications. Since 2003 he has been chair of
highly integrated semiconductor devices. the section Short Timescale Physics of the
The main medical application is the use of German Physical Society (DPG).
excimer lasers at 193 nm in ophthalmology
for vision-correction systems. In both appli- ●● ●●
cations a total of about 10,000 lasers are Dr. Andreas Görtler Claus Strowitzki
R & D, Excimer Technology R & D, Excimer Technology
currently operating worldwide. TuiLaser AG TuiLaser AG
The theoretical basis for the laser was estab- Zielstattstr. 32, 81379 Munich, Germany Zielstattstr. 32, 81379 Munich, Germany
lished in 1917, when Einstein postulated the phone: ++49 (0) 89- 89 407-214 phone: ++49 (0) 89- 89 407-232
fax: ++49 (0) 89- 85 45 610 fax: ++49 (0) 89- 85 45 610
theoretical concept of stimulated emission e-mail: e-mail:
[1]. The first excimer laser was built in 1971 web: web:
by Basow, 54 years later [2]. This was 11
years after the first ruby laser had been built
by Mainman.
The term “excimer” is a shortened form of
“excited dimer”, which describes a molecule
formed from two identical noble gas atoms.
These atoms will only bond with each other in
an excited state. The term “excimer” was later
expanded to include all combinations of rare
gases and halides. Therefore, in laser physics,
all rare-gas halides and similar molecules are
excimers, which are not really dimers.
Nowadays excimer lasers are the dominant
UV source in many applications. Using an
excimer laser is the easiest way to generate
photons in the deep ultraviolet. Although it
is possible to generate radiation below 350
nm with solid-state lasers using non-linear
optical effects, tremendous effort is involved FIGURE 1: Mini excimer laser tube, overall length of the laser tube about 350 mm. The
in this process. A frequency-tripled Nd-YAG optical adjustment unit is mounted on the front side, and on the top the electrical con-
laser, for example, emits at 355 nm, but to nector to the pulsed power module can be seen.

46 LTJ June 2005 No. 2 © 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

generate photons in the deeper UV the pro- electron-beam-pumped laser. Therefore,

cesses become more and more inefficient. 9 all commercially used excimer laser are di-
If output power is needed, solid-state lasers scharge-pumped.
8 D2Π
are definitely no match for excimer lasers. The potential energy of the lower level
Due to their complex technology, the first 7 decreases with increasing inter-nuclear
excimer lasers were very sensitive devices. distance. This means that the rare gas atom

energy [eV]
However, this has changed dramatically. As a 5 B2 Σ and the halogen atom repel each other and
result of effective improvement over the last C Π2 the molecule falls apart. The energy levels
15 years, excimer lasers have now become C→A for a XeCl* molecule are shown in Figure 2.
fully competitive with other commercially- 3 B→X In fact, XeCl in the X-state is loosely bonded
used laser systems (Figure 1). 2 (around 1 eV). Even thermal vibrations are
There are two main segments of the world already strong enough to break this weak
market for excimer lasers nowadays. One is A2Π bond. Excimer lasers have a high quantum
0 Xe+Cl
in microlithography with about 400–500 X2Σ efficiency. The radiative transition is directly
systems per year. These lasers are very so- –1 to the ground level. For the most important
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
phisticated devices, designed for 24-hour formation channel at least one Xe+ is needed
operation at repetition rates of up to 4 kHz. r [nm] to create a XeCl* molecule. The formation of
They are used as deep UV light sources in XeCl* is described in the following reaction
steppers for microelectronic manufacturing FIGURE 2: Energy levels of a XeCl* mole- equations [3]:
under clean room conditions. The other big cule. The potential energy of the lower
level decreases with larger inter-nuclear Xe+ + Cl- + Ne => XeCl* + Ne
market is the medical area with a volume Xe2+ + Cl- => XeCl* + Xe
distance. This means that the rare gas
of about 700 systems per year. The main Xe* + HClv=1,2 => XeCl* + H
atom and the halogen atom repel each
application for medical excimer lasers is in other and the molecule falls apart. Xe** + HCl => XeCl* + H
refractive corneal correction. This applica-
tion requires relatively low-energy lasers The theoretical maximum obtainable quan-
with moderate repetition rates of from 200 10–90 % transmission. The properties of the tum efficiency is about 33% (12 eV ionisa-
Hz to 500 Hz. laser beam, for example the bandwidth, are tion, 4 eV radiation). Commercially available
mainly determined by the optical resonator. system normally have an efficiency of from
Houtermans in 1960 proposed the use of 0.2% (F*2; 157 nm) to 2% (KrF*, 248 nm)
Basics of Excimer lasers
molecules that can exist in the upper laser (electrical input / optical output).
The laser is a source of an intensive coherent level but are unstable in the lower level as
light field. It has a close analogy with an elec- a laser medium [4]. One possible laser me-
Technical realisation
tric amplifier, which has a positive feedback dium that can be used here is a combination
loop. It is well known that this arrangement of a rare gas and a halogen. The first rare In principle, a pulsed gas laser consists of
starts to oscillate if the feedback is positive gas halogen excimer laser was the electron- three main components:
and the amplification is higher than the pumped XeBr-laser from Searles and Hart in ● the laser tube,

losses. 1975 [2]. The first discharge-pumped XeCl- ● the pulsed power module and

Oscillation condition: Amplification > losses laser was constructed in 1977 by Ischenko ● the resonator.

et al.. A discharge-pumped excimer laser In the laser tube a high pressure gas di-
The same thing occurs in a laser. The light is has many advantages compared with an scharge is initiated. This is where the excimer
amplified by a (light) amplifying medium. In molecules are generated and the laser radi-
the case of an excimer laser, this medium is a THE COMPANY ation is emitted. The pulsed power module
gas mixture. Normally the lower energy level generates the high voltage / high current
in the molecules is more populated than the TuiLaser pulse to initiate the gas discharge. Finally,
upper level. But under certain conditions, this Munich, Germany the resonator is necessary for coherent la-
population state can be inverted, the upper ser radiation. In the following, these three
level is then more populated than the lower TuiLaser is the leading manufacturer of components will be described in detail. Also
one. This inversion is needed for laser opera- compact excimer lasers. Based in Mu- integrated within the laser systems are: a gas
tion. It requires not only the pumping of the nich, the heart of the high-tech south of management system with vacuum pump; a
upper laser level but also depletion of the Germany, in the vicinity of two internati- controlling unit with interface to the user;
lower level. Otherwise due to the operation onally famous universities (LMU and TU and an energy stabilisation module with an
itself the lower level will become highly popu- Munich) TuiLaser is situated in the perfect internal energy monitor.
lated and the inversion will be neutralized so place to perform ambitious R&D. With a
that only a very short laser pulse is then pos- rapidly growing team of currently 95 em-
Laser tube
sible. This takes place in nitrogen lasers. ployees, TuiLaser is producing UV lasers
The laser medium amplifies light by means for an extensive base of users who rely on The technical realisation of an excimer
of stimulated emission. The feedback is real- the company for delivering state-of-the- laser is quite demanding. The laser gas is
ized by two mirrors which form a resonator. art laser technology. For more informa- highly corrosive and reacts with most of the
One mirror has a 100% reflection (or a value tion please visit commonly used materials. In recent years
very close to that) and the other typically has excessive research has been carried out in

© 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim LTJ 47

order to optimise the materials in excimer Pulsed power module

lasers. Generally speaking, materials change Pumping an excimer laser requires a very
from organic materials (plastics) to inorganic high peak power. To generate this pulsed
materials (metals and ceramics). In modern power, high voltage capacitors are di-
excimer lasers even the seals are made of scharged by a fast-closing switch into the
metals. These improvements brought an ex- discharge unit. For this purpose normally
tension to the lifetime of about three orders thyratrons are used as discharge switches.
of magnitude over the last 15 years. These The lifetime of these thyratrons is limited due
new designs are the key to success in the to the demanding operation conditions in a
manufacture of industrial excimer lasers. gas laser resulting in electrode erosion and
In principle, a high-pressure gas discharge other degradation effects. Therefore, the
has to be initiated in order to generate the FIGURE 3: Schematic cross section of service interval for the thyratrons is rather
excimer molecules. The gas pressure is about an excimer laser tube: (1) high voltage short, depending on the operation mode
0.6 MPa absolute. The main gas component electrode; (2) corona preionization; (3) they have to be replaced after a few weeks
is Neon as the buffer gas. The halogen – F2 grounded electrode; (4) cross flow blo- or months.
or HCl – and the rare gas – Ar, Kr or Xe – are wer; (5) electrostatic dust remover. The To overcome the limitation of the thyratron,
added in the order of only some 0.1%. The pulsed laser discharge is initiated between pulsed power modules were developed
high pressure is necessary to generate a suf- the two elongated shaped electrodes. To using solid-state switches, such as IGBTs.
avoid an arc, pre-ionization is necessary.
ficient number of excimer molecules. These devices show a very long lifetime wi-
In Figure 3, a schematic drawing of the laser The reaction products of the gas compon- thout any degradation and are extensively
tube is shown. The pulsed laser discharge is ents (excimer molecules) and excited gas used, for example, in traction applications.
initiated between the two elongated shaped atoms have a lifetime in the range of ns to The switching capabilities are too small to
electrodes. To avoid an arc, a pre-ionization is ms, even up to seconds. Therefore, the gas pump the excimer laser directly. So after the
necessary. In early excimer lasers, electron be- in the discharge area between the two elec- switch a pulse forming network is necessary.
ams or X-rays were used for this purpose. La- trodes has to be replaced by fresh gas before These networks consist of non-linear ma-
ter a pre-ionization method using many small the next laser pulse can be created. For this gnetic cores, which compress the energy
sparks in parallel – similar to ignition plugs in reason, a cross-flow blower is installed in pulse to 1/100 of its original length. A pulse
automotive engines – was used. In modern the laser tube, providing the required gas transformer then provides for the voltage
excimer lasers the pre-ionization is realized circulation. The maximum repetition rate matching. Due to its complex design, careful
using a corona discharge. The main advan- depends on the gas flow generated by this engineering is required in order to achieve
tage of this method is that there is almost no blower. For high repetition rate excimer la- a high level of reliability. Depending on the
erosion due to the pre-ionization device and a sers, great effort is necessary to guarantee an repetition rates and the duty cycle, the com-
better stability of the laser discharge. optimal gas flow in the laser tube. ponents of the solid-state pulsed power mo-
The electrical discharge leads to erosion Due to a low efficiency, of only a few percent, dule are either air-cooled and air-insulated or
of the electrodes. The eroded material most of the energy in the electrical discharge water-cooled and oil-insulated.
generates dust by chemical reactions with is transformed into heat. To dissipate this heat, Due to the perfect match of the pulsed po-
the halogen. Using an electrostatic dust water cooling of the laser tube is required for wer module and the laser tube, the lifetime
remover, these particles are separated to repetition rates of more than 200 Hz and it of the tube can be doubled with a solid-state
avoid disturbance of the discharge and the should be operating continuously. Figure 1 circuit. Also, other parameters are influenced
emitted laser light by Mie scattering. The shows a mini excimer laser tube. The optical positively, such as the pulse-to-pulse fluctu-
electrode erosion leads to an enlargement adjustment unit is mounted on the front side, ation and the running range of the output
of the discharge volume and is the limiting and on the top, the electrical connector to the energy.
factor for the laser tube lifetime. pulsed power module can be seen. Such solid-state modules do not have the
problems that are typical for thyratrons,
Wavelength/parameter 157 nm 193 nm 248 nm 308 nm such as missing pulses or self-firing. This is an
additional reason why there is no alternative
Output energy, maximum 1.5 mJ 12 mJ 18 mJ 12 mJ
to solid-state pulsed power modules.
Output energy, stabilised 1.0 mJ 8 mJ 12 mJ 8 mJ
One drawback should be mentioned,
Pulse-to-pulse fluctuations < 3% though, it is that the starting costs are ge-
(one sigma)
nerally higher, but calculated over the laser
Repetition rate (maximum) 1 kHz
lifetime, the overall costs are much lower.
Laser beam size 3 x 3 mm² 3 x 6 mm² For commercial applications, a solid-state
Pulse duration 15 ns 12 ns pulsed power module is therefore by far the
Divergence < 1.5 mrad x 1.5 < 1.5 mrad x 2 mrad best and most cost-effective solution.
Laser tube lifetime > 1 billion pulses
Resonator optics
Resonator optics lifetime 250 millions 1 billion pulses
Pulsed power module Solid-state module
Crystals of very high purity are used as reso-
nator optics. At the same time, these optics
TABLE 1: Summary of the output parameters of commercial mini excimer lasers [4]. seal off in the laser tube. The optical lifetime

48 LTJ June 2005 No. 2 © 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

at 157 nm can only be transmitted in a

vacuum or inert gas. For laser operation at
a constant output energy level, an energy
monitor is integrated in the laser system and
connected to the controlling device of the
laser. The laser can be manually operated
with an integrated touch panel or an exter-
nal computer system via optical or electrical
interfaces. In Figure 5 the beam profile for
a fluorine laser (at 157 nm) is shown. The
homogeneity of this square beam profile is
FIGURE 4: Compact industrial laser sys-
tem. Excimer Lasers with a maximum very good. Deviations over the beam size are
repetition rate of 2 kHz were demonstra- less than 5%.
ted. 1 kHz devices are commercially avai- All other excimer wavelengths have a rec-
lable. All wavelengths between 351 nm tangular beam profile. Their homogeneity
and 157 nm can be realised. is comparable to the results at 157 nm. In
FIGURE 5: Beam profile of a fluorine laser,
Figure 6,the maximum laser output energy
157 nm, 3 × 3 mm², 150 mm from output
is still the weak spot in excimer lasers. Due to optics. The homogeneity of this square is shown for a 193 nm experimental laser
the very high photon flux in the deep UV the beam profile is very good. Deviations system with a new improved laser tube de-
optics developed unwanted colour centres. over the beam size are less than 5%. sign. The output energy was measured in
Another problem was the degradation of dependence on the operating voltage and
the multi-layer mirrors. The optical materials pm or less, disperse elements, such as prisms the repetition rate. A linear rise is observed
have been improved over the last few years or gratings, are included in the resonator. up to 2 kHz. There is only a small drop of the
to a level where colour-centre formation is output energy with increasing repetition rate.
practically no longer a problem. Fused silica Figure 7 shows the corresponding pulse-to-
Compact excimer lasers
and MgF2 have been replaced by mono- pulse fluctuations. They are under 2% up to
crystalline CaF2.The multi-layer coatings of Typically compact excimer lasers have an 1 kHz, then a small rise to 3.5% can be ob-
the mirrors seem to be the weakest link in the output energy below 50 mJ for the single la- served. In Figure 8, the first billion pulses of a
chain at the moment, and are now the focal ser pulse. For the mini-class the single pulse long-term test are shown at a constant laser
point for development. energy is below 20 mJ. These are table-top pulse energy of 8 mJ at 193 nm using the new
In addition to normal plain mirrors, a wide systems. A maximum repetition rate of 2 kHz laser tube design. The test was carried out at a
variety of resonator optics are used to in- was demonstrated [5], and 1 kHz devices are repetition rate of 1 kHz. The resonator optics
fluence the beam shape or quality. In some commercially available. All wavelengths bet- lasted for more than1 billion pulses. With new
applications a high spatial coherence is ween 351 nm and 157 nm can be realized. optics the test could be continued and a tube
necessary. Unstable optics reduce the mode Figure 4 shows a complete industrial laser lifetime of approximately 2 billion pulses was
spectrum and improve coherence. In other system. In Table 1, typical output parameters demonstrated. These new optimised laser
applications a very low spatial coherence is are summarized. At 193 nm the beam path tubes will be integrated into the products in
necessary to reduce interference, e.g., if the must be purged with an inert gas, normally the near future. Further improvements in the
laser is transmitted in a fibre or for illumina- nitrogen, to avoid absorption in oxygen and performance of mini excimer lasers will be
tion purposes. the generation of ozone. Below 190 nm made in the future.
To reduce the normal line width of an exci- all radiation is absorbed by the oxygen in An example of a new product line are
mer laser of, typically, 0.5 nm to approx. 10 the atmosphere. Therefore, the radiation the compact excimer laser systems with
pulse to pulse fluctuation in %

1000 V 4.0
40 14 1600
1100 V 3.5
Standard Deviation [%]

35 12 1400
1200 V
Power in W

High Voltage [V]

30 1300 V 10 1200
Energy [mJ]

25 2.5 1000
1400 V 8
20 1500 V 2.0 800
15 1.5 600
4 400
10 1.0
1300 V 2 200
5 0.5 1100 V 1400 V 0 0
0 0.0 1200 V 1500 V 0
200M400M600M800M 1G
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Number of Pulses
frequency in Hz repetition rate in Hz standard deviation voltage energy

FIGURE 6: Output energy depending on FIGURE 7: Pulse-to-pulse fluctuation FIGURE 8: The first billion pulses of a long
repetition rate and voltage, 193 nm. The depending on repetition rate and voltage, term test; constant laser pulse energy
output energy was measured in depen- 193 nm (corresponding to Figure 6). The (black) of 8 mJ at 193 nm @ 1kHz; high
dence on the operating voltage and the fluctuations are under 2% up to 1 kHz, voltage (blue) and standard deviation
repetition rate. A linear rise is observed then a small rise to 3.5% can be observed. (green).
up to 2 kHz.

© 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim LTJ 49

integrated premix gas supply. These laser to laser tube lifetime level. This would elimi-
systems do not require any additional gas nate the maintenance of the laser system
installation and can be easily integrated in during the normal operation of the system
experimental set-ups. Figure 9 shows the and reduce the costs of ownership again.
interior of this new laser system. Compact Tube lifetimes up to 5 billion pulses should
industrial excimer laser systems with a hig- be possible for compact high-repetitive ex-
her output energy are also underway. Their cimer laser systems. In principle, repetition
energy is stabilised in the order of 30 mJ for rate up to 4 kHz and more are feasible, but
193 nm and 248 nm, i.e., it is a factor of three applications requiring more than 1 kHz are
higher compared with the mini excimer la- still under development.. In the semicon-
sers. Repetition rates up to 2 kHz have been ductor fabrication excimer laser systems that
demonstrated. The pulse-to-pulse stability is FIGURE 9: Stand-alone mini excimer laser are used as illumination sources in the litho-
about 2% as is known from the newest mini with integrated gas supply. These laser graphy operate with 4 kHz [6] 24-h per day.
excimer laser generation [7]. These devices systems do not require any additional gas 6 kHz and more are under development.
are especially designed for applications like installation and can be easily integrated in As result of the development during the last
micro-structuring of matter in an industrial experimental set-ups. decade is achieved. Additionally, the time
environment. In Figure 10, a prototype of intervals between maintenance are exten-
this new compact laser system is shown. ded. Thus, long-term operation without any
interruptions can be guaranteed in industrial
applications. The price for „UV-photons“ is
dramatically reduced. Excimer lasers, espe-
Excimer lasers are used in many medical, cially in the compact class, can be used for
industrial and science applications. In the many new applications and introduce these
following, a short overview will be given and due to the described advantages into the
a few examples for these applications will be industrial fabrication.
discussed. Excimer lasers and other gas lasers like the
The main medical application of the com- CO2 laser are not a technology of the last
pact excimer lasers is their use in vision century, they are one of the key laser techno-
FIGURE 10: Prototype of the newest type
correction systems in ophthalmology. More logies for the 21st century. They just started
of compact excimer lasers. These devices
than 5,000 lasers are installed worldwide. are especially designed for applications
to go into the industry and there will be a lot
In this application the cornea is treated ef- such as micro-structuring of matter in an of new products to be manufactured with
fectively with the non-thermally damaging industrial environment. the help of excimer lasers in the future.
and precisely controllable ArF excimer laser
beam , to correct the aberrations of the hu- displays. In lithography, more than 2,500
man eye. A new medical application is the lasers (highly repetitive, narrow band) are
use of 308 nm excimer radiation for psoriasis installed worldwide as UV light sources in [1] Y. P. Raizer, Gas Discharge Physics, Sprin-
treatment, as a replacement for UV lamps. steppers and scanners for illumination of ger-Verlag, Berlin (1991).
Other applications in the medical area are the resists. [2] M. von Dadelszen and D. E. Rothe, IEEE
still in the experimental phase. The latest generations of microprocessors Trans. On Plasma Science 19, p.329ff
Three years ago the telecommunications and memory chips are fabricated using (1991).
industry started to implement compact excimer lasers at 248 nm and 193 nm. Due [3] R. Sorkina, F. A. van Goor, W. J. Witteman,
excimer lasers for the writing of fibre Bragg to further miniaturisation of the elements, Applied Physics B 55, p.478–484 (1992).
gratings (FBG). Micro-structuring and the these lasers will be become more and more [4] TuiLaser AG, Data sheet of Excistar-S
marking of glass and special plastics is important in the future. Industrial Laser (2005).
another large field of industrial application. The TFT annealing process is used in the [5] A. Görtler, C. Strowitzki, Proceedings of
In the semiconductor industry, compact production of high-end colour displays in the Second International WLT-Confer-
excimer lasers have already been installed as mobile phones and LCD monitors for com- ence on Lasers in Manufacturing, Mu-
light sources in metrology tools. puters or television. Without excimer lasers nich, Germany, p.419ff (2003).
Compact excimer lasers are also used in we would probably have to do without [6] H. Mizoguchi et al, International Sympo-
science for a wide variety of applications. many of these modern tools and “toys” in sium on Immersion and 157 nm Lithog-
One example is photoionisation which takes the private field or workplace as there are no raphy, Vancouver, Canada (2004).
place in mass spectrometers for chemical alternative production technologies. [7] A. Görtler, C. Strowitzki, XV International
analytics and process controlling. The pum- Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical
ping of dye lasers is another application. Lasers & High Power Laser Conference,
Summary and Outlook
The main application of excimer lasers with Prague, Czech Republic (2004); to be
higher output energy (typically more than Main topics of future development in the published in SPIE Proceedings Vol. 5777
100 mJ, up to 1 J single pulsed energy) are in field of excimer lasers are the enlargement (2004).
lithography for producing highly-integrated of the laser tube lifetime and especially of the
semiconductor elements and the TFT anne- resonators optics lifetime. The aim of further
aling process in the production of flat panel development is to extend the optics lifetime

50 LTJ June 2005 No. 2 © 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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