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A randomized controlled trial of hypnosis compared with

biofeedback for adults with chronic low back pain
G. Tan1, D.H. Rintala2, M.P. Jensen3, T. Fukui4, D. Smith4, W. Williams4,5
1 Department of Psychology, National University of Singapore, Singapore
2 Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA
3 Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
4 Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Houston, USA
5 The Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA

Correspondence Abstract
Diana H. Rintala
E-mail: drintala@bcm.tmc.edu Background: Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is common and results in
significant costs to individuals, families and society. Although some
Funding source research supports the efficacy of hypnosis for CLBP, we know little about
Grant number D4421-I from the Veterans
the minimum dose needed to produce meaningful benefits, the roles of
Health Administration Rehabilitation Research
and Development Service.
home practice and hypnotizability on outcome, or the maintenance of
treatment benefits beyond 3 months.
Conflict of interest Methods: One hundred veterans with CLBP participated in a
Mark P. Jensen is an author of two books on randomized, four-group design study. The groups were (1) an eight-session
the topic of this paper and receives royalties self-hypnosis training intervention without audio recordings for home
for the sales of those books. The other practice; (2) an eight-session self-hypnosis training intervention with
authors declare no conflict of interest.
recordings; (3) a two-session self-hypnosis training intervention with
Accepted for publication
recordings and brief weekly reminder telephone calls; and (4) an
29 April 2014 eight-session active (biofeedback) control intervention.
Results: Participants in all four groups reported significant pre- to
doi:10.1002/ejp.545 post-treatment improvements in pain intensity, pain interference and
sleep quality. The hypnosis groups combined reported significantly more
pain intensity reduction than the control group. There was no significant
difference among the three hypnosis conditions. Over half of the
participants who received hypnosis reported clinically meaningful (≥30%)
reductions in pain intensity, and they maintained these benefits for at least
6 months after treatment. Neither hypnotizability nor amount of home
practice was associated significantly with treatment outcome.
Conclusions: The findings indicate that two sessions of self-hypnosis
training with audio recordings for home practice may be as effective as
eight sessions of hypnosis treatment. If replicated in other patient samples,
the findings have important implications for the application of hypnosis
treatment for chronic pain management.

efficacy of hypnosis for chronic low back pain

1. Introduction
(McCauley et al., 1983; Edelson and Fitzpatrick, 1989;
Low back pain is one of the most common chronic Crawford et al., 1998). Control conditions for these
pain problems, and results in significant costs to indi- studies have included treatments such as progressive
viduals, their families and society (Licciardone, 2008; relaxation, cognitive behaviour therapy and attention.
Lew et al., 2009). Both case studies (King et al., 2001; Surface electromyography (sEMG) biofeedback is
Tan et al., 2010) and some controlled trials support the another reasonable active control for hypnosis

© 2014 European Pain Federation - EFIC® Eur J Pain 19 (2015) 271–280 271
RCT of hypnosis versus biofeedback for CLBP G. Tan et al.

What’s already known about this topic? treatment reductions in pain intensity than those in
• Several studies support the efficacy of hypnosis the biofeedback control condition. The secondary
for chronic low back pain but several questions hypotheses were that hypnosis treatment would be
remain. more effective than the control condition for reducing
pain interference and improving sleep quality. We also
assessed (1) the role of the number of therapist-guided
What does this study add?
hypnosis treatments; (2) the maintenance of treat-
• This study assessed the value of self-hypnosis
ment effects for 6 months following treatment; (3) the
practice, the role of hypnotizability, the effect of
role of hypnotizability; and (4) the number of home
number of sessions with a therapist, and the
self-hypnosis practice sessions.
maintenance of benefits after treatment ends.

2. Methods
because it involves face-to-face treatment sessions,
2.1 Study design
includes relaxation and focused attention, and has
been found to be somewhat effective in improving The study used a randomized, single-blind, four-group
pain, pain interference and sleep quality (Flor and design. The four treatment conditions were (1) eight
Birbaumer, 1993; Newton-John et al., 1995; Jensen therapist-guided sessions of self-hypnosis training without
et al., 2009b; Ehrenborg and Archenholtz, 2010; recommendations for practice (HYP-8); (2) eight therapist-
Yilmaz et al., 2010). Jensen (Jensen et al., 2009a) guided sessions of self-hypnosis training with recommenda-
tions for practice (HYP-PRAC-8); (3) two therapist-guided
compared the effect of hypnosis and sEMG biofeed-
sessions of self-hypnosis training with recommendations for
back on chronic pain in persons with spinal cord
practice (HYP-PRAC-2) plus six brief, weekly telephone calls;
injury and found hypnosis to be more effective in and (4) eight sessions of sEMG biofeedback-assisted relax-
reducing average daily pain. However, to our knowl- ation training (BIO-8) that served as the control group.
edge, there are no studies comparing hypnosis to
sEMG biofeedback for chronic low back pain (CLBP).
There also remain a number of unanswered ques- 2.2 Participants
tions regarding the effectiveness and mechanisms of Participants were recruited from the Michael E. DeBakey VA
hypnosis for CLBP management. First, what is the Medical Center (MEDVAMC) Pain Management Program via
minimum number of therapist-guided sessions neces- posters, the staff of the programme and advertisement in a
sary to obtain the desired results? Most chronic pain veterans’ newsletter. Recruitment began in December 2006
studies have used 3–10 sessions and eight sessions and ended in July 2009. The follow-up was completed by
have been found to be effective (McCauley et al., March 2010. Our sampling frame comprised 888 names of
1983) for chronic low back pain. Our pilot study (Tan potential participants (Fig. 1). We included subjects with (1)
et al., 2010) found four sessions to be effective for CLBP of at least 6 months’ duration; (2) average pain
rating ≥ 5 on a 0–10 scale during the past week; (3) pain with
CLBP; can benefits be obtained in a very small number
a primarily musculoskeletal or mechanical aetiology; and (4)
of sessions? Subjects find it increasingly expensive and
agreement to adhere to study protocol. We excluded subjects
difficult to attend numerous therapy sessions and to with (1) acute pain due to recent injury or pain due to
our knowledge, no previous chronic pain and hypno- cancer; (2) primarily neuropathic pain aetiology; (3) severe
sis studies used only two sessions. Second, what is the psychopathology, significant cognitive deficits or severe
role of home practice of self-hypnosis? Third, how hearing loss that would interfere with participation; (4) an
long will the benefits last after treatment ends? active substance abuse problem; and (5) participation in our
Fourth, what is the effect of hypnotizability? Finally, previous pilot study on hypnosis and CLBP (Tan et al., 2010).
what is the effect of the amount of home practice? See Fig. 1 for a detailed study flow diagram.
This study was designed to address these questions One hundred participants completed the full 8-week
in the context of a controlled trial where patients with treatment protocol and 59 withdrew after randomization –
33 (56%) before treatment began and 26 (44%) after par-
CLBP were randomly assigned to one of four treat-
ticipating in at least one session. The average age of the
ment conditions – three involving hypnosis and one
participants who completed the study was 55 years
involving sEMG biofeedback as an active control. (range = 25–83 years); 79% were male; 47% described their
Based on Jensen and colleagues’ (Jensen et al., 2009a) race/ethnicity as Caucasian, 32% as African-American, 15%
findings in persons with spinal cord injury, the as Hispanic and 6%, as other or mixed. The 59 participants
primary study hypothesis was that participants in the who withdrew were not significantly different than the com-
hypnosis conditions would report greater pre- to post- pleters in age (56 years, t = 0.62; p = 0.534), sex (86% male;

272 Eur J Pain 19 (2015) 271–280 © 2014 European Pain Federation - EFIC®
G. Tan et al. RCT of hypnosis versus biofeedback for CLBP

Did not meet inclusion criteria (n = 384) Sampling frame (n = 888) Declined to par cipate (n = 226)
Neuropathic pain (n = 224, 58.3%) Unable to contact (n = 90) Not interested (n = 45, 19.9%)
Cogni ve impairment (n = 48, 12.5%) Deceased (n = 1) Did not follow through (n = 41, 18.1%)
Pain intensity ra ng < 5 (n = 38, 9.9%) Assessed for eligibility (n = 797) Lived too far away (n = 35, 15.5%)
Substance abuse (n = 33, 8.6%) No reason recorded (n = 21, 9.3%)
Psycho c (n = 15, 3.9%) Scheduling problems (n = 17, 7.5%)
Cancer pain (n = 10, 2.6%) Desires or receiving different treatment (n = 12, 5.3%)
Suicide idea on (n = 5, 1.3%) Li ga on pending (n = 10, 4.4%)
Disability claim pending (n = 5, 1.3%) Lacks transporta on (n = 9, 4.0%)
Figure 1 Study flow diagram. Note: B, Pain not chronic, < 6 months (n = 2, 0.5%)
Severely hearing impaired (n = 2, 0.5%) Wait listed, never randomized
Wary of hypnosis or advised not to par cipate (n = 8, 3.5%)
Mental health problems (n = 7, 3.1%)
number who withdrew before the first session In previous hypnosis study (n = 2, 0.5%) due to limita ons of therapist’s
schedule (n = 28)
Has moved or soon moving away (n = 6, 2.7%)
High cost of travel to medical center (n = 4, 1.8%)
Insufficient compensa on (n = 3, 1.3%)
and reasons they withdrew. Some participants Desired delay, then unable to contact (n = 3, 1.3%)
Randomized (n = 159) Didn’t come to first appointment (n = 2, 0.9%)
had more than one reason for withdrawing. Misc. (n = 3, 1.3%)

Ninety percent of the sampling frame (n = 797)

was contacted at least once. Of those con- HYP-8 (n = 47)
Completed interven on (n = 25)
HYP-PRAC-8 (n = 39)
Completed interven on (n = 25)
HYP-PRAC-2 (n = 35)
Completed interven on (n = 25)
BIO-8 (n = 38)
Completed interven on (n = 25)
tacted, 48% did not meet the inclusion criteria, Withdrew (n = 22; B = 12)
6 lost contact (B = 5)
Withdrew (n = 14; B = 9)
3 me/scheduling constraints (B = 1)
Withdrew (n = 10; (B = 6)
4 back pain < 5 (B = 2)
Withdrew (n = 13; B = 6)
5 me/scheduling constraints (B = 2)
5 back pain intensity < 5 (B = 5) 3 wary of hypnosis (B = 2) 2 can’t sit s ll long enough (B = 1) 2 high cost of travel to medical center
28% declined participation, 4% met the criteria 4 me/scheduling constraints 2 back pain < 5 (B = 2) 1 each – lives too far away (B), having (B = 1)
3 wants a different treatment 2 pa ern of missed appointments back surgery (B), advised by surgeon 2 deceased (B = 2)
but were put on a waiting list and never ran- 2 transporta on problems (B = 1) (B = 1) not to par cipate (B), substance abuse, 1 each – back pain < 5 (B), lives too far
1 each – substance abuse (B), advised 1 each – lives too far away (B), had bad dreams a er hypnosis. away, treatment isn’t helping, pa ern
domized and 20% were randomized to a treat- by pastor not to par cipate (B), transporta on problem (B), lost of missed appointments, believed
unrelated legal problems (B), can’t sit contact (B), unrelated health problem biofeedback was the control group
ment group. Pain of a primarily neuropathic s ll long enough, treatment isn’t (B), in jail (B), can’t sit s ll long enough,
helping, home prac ce causes too much had disturbing images with hypnosis
nature was the most common reason for stress, hearing impaired

exclusion (58%) and lack of interest, lack of Analysed for pre-post change (n = 25) Analysed for pre-post change (n = 25) Analysed for pre-post change (n = 25)
Analysed for pre-post change (n = 25)
follow through and living too far from the
medical centre were the most common Lost to 6-month follow up (n = 10)
10 unable to contact
Lost to 6-month follow up (n = 1)
1 unable to contact
Lost to 6-month follow up (n = 3)
2 mailed packet not returned
Lost to 6-month follow up (n = 7)
4 unable to contact
reasons for declining participation (20%, 18% 1 unable to contact 2 mailed packet not returned
1 unrelated health problem
Analysed for follow-up (n = 15) Analysed for follow-up (n = 24) Analysed for follow-up (n = 22) Analysed for follow-up (n = 18)
and 16%, respectively).

χ2 = 1.38; p = 0.291) or race/ethnicity (51% Caucasian, 40% PRAC-8 and HYP-PRAC-2 groups were asked to complete
African-American, 7% Hispanic and 2% other or mixed daily practice diaries to assess compliance with home practice
race/ethnicity; χ2 = 4.57; p = 0.206). instructions.
Participants assigned to the BIO-8 control group received
eight sessions of sEMG-assessed relaxation training in
2.3 Procedure which sEMG electrodes were placed on the frontalis
muscles on the forehead and muscle activity was assessed
Potentially eligible participants met with the coordinator at
and fed back to the participant via a computer screen. Par-
the MEDVAMC. Eligible participants read and signed a
ticipants were instructed to watch the computer screen and
consent form approved by the Institutional Review Board for
use the visual and auditory feedback to help them learn
Human Subject Research for Baylor College of Medicine and
how to decrease their frontalis muscle tension. They were
Affiliated Hospitals. Research staff then collected information
told that an ability to decrease frontalis muscle tension
about pain, medication, health history and demographics.
would generalize to their back muscles, so that they would
Participants were then tested for hypnotizability and com-
experience a sense of global relaxation and pain relief. At 1
pleted the baseline outcome measures (described in the Mea-
week and 6 months after treatment ended, the coordinator
sures section). Participants were randomly assigned by the
again administered the outcome measures to participants
therapist to one of the four conditions using a table of
who completed the training.
random numbers. The study coordinator did not know to
which group the participants were assigned.
Participants assigned to the HYP-8, HYP-PRAC-8 and
2.4 Measures
BIO-8 groups participated in a series of eight weekly face-to-
face sessions. Participants assigned to the HYP-PRAC-2 group Screening measures assessed demographics, average pain
participated in two face-to-face training sessions, followed by intensity, previous and current pain treatments (including
six weekly brief (average = 10 min) telephone interviews to hypnosis), confirmation diagnosis of CLBP and other related
problem-solve and encourage practice. Each participant in medical history. The recruitment interview also included the
the three hypnosis groups was administered seven hypnotic Short Blessed Test (Katzman et al., 1983) to screen for sig-
suggestions (described below) during the first two treatment nificant cognitive impairment, the Mini-International Neu-
sessions. They selected the two suggestions to which they ropsychiatric Interview (Sheehan et al., 1998) to screen for
responded the most after sessions 1 and 2. These two sug- significant psychopathology and substance abuse prob-
gestions were used in the remaining face-to-face sessions for lem(s), and The Self-Report Leeds Assessment of Neuro-
the HYP-8 and HYP-PRAC-8 groups, and were included in pathic Symptoms and Signs scale (Bennett et al., 2005) to
audio recordings made for the participants in the HYP- screen for pain primarily neuropathic in nature.
PRAC-8 and HYP-PRAC-2 conditions. Participants in the Outcome measures completed at pre- and post-treatment
HYP-PRAC-8 and HYP-PRAC-2 groups were asked to prac- and at 6-month follow-up included a modified version of the
tice both with and without the audio recordings throughout Brief Pain Inventory (Tyler et al., 2002) to assess pain inten-
the 8-week treatment period. All participants in the HYP- sity and pain interference and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality

© 2014 European Pain Federation - EFIC® Eur J Pain 19 (2015) 271–280 273
RCT of hypnosis versus biofeedback for CLBP G. Tan et al.

Index (Buysse et al., 1989). Outcome predictors included PRAC-2) as the independent variable and the three outcome
global hypnotizability assessed at pre-treatment using the measures as the dependent variables. In the event of signifi-
5-item Stanford Clinical Hypnotizability Scale (Hilgard and cant between-group differences, we performed a series of
Hilgard, 1994) and amount of self-hypnosis practice assessed paired t-tests for the relevant outcome variable(s). We also
by participant diaries. Descriptions of the standardized mea- computed the percentage of participants in each hypnosis
sures are available only online as Supporting Information group who reported at least a 30% decrease in pain intensity.
Method S1. We calculated chi-square and risk estimates comparing
responder rates for the HYP-8 group with those for a com-
bined ‘practice’ group (HYP-PRAC-8 and HYP-PRAC-2).
2.5 Hypnotic suggestions
Participants assigned to the hypnosis treatment groups were
administered a standard relaxation induction followed by 2.6.3 Maintenance of treatment effects
seven suggestions in the first two sessions of treatment. The We performed a series of repeated-measures ANOVAs for the
hypnotic suggestions focused on deep relaxation, sensory three outcome measures, with both group (hypnosis vs.
substitution, pain intensity reduction, imagined anesthesia, control) and time (pretreatment, post-treatment, 6-month
decreased pain unpleasantness, managing breakthrough follow-up) as the independent variables. We also performed
pain and post-hypnotic suggestions for effective self- paired t-tests for each outcome within each group to assess
hypnosis (Jensen, 2011). Each subject was allowed to pick change from pre- to post-treatment and, separately, from
two favourite suggestions to individualize their hypnotic post-treatment to the 6-month follow-up point. We per-
scripts which were repeated to them for sessions 2–8. formed similar analyses comparing maintenance effects for
the three hypnosis groups. Effect sizes were computed for all
analyses using Cohen’s d for t-tests and partial eta squared
2.6 Statistical analysis
(ηp2) for ANOVAs. Description of the analyses for hypnotiz-
Sample size was determined based on the results of two ability and number of home practice sessions are available
previous studies that included the outcome measures for only online as Supporting Information Method S2.
pain intensity (Tan et al., 2010), pain interference (Tan et al.,
2010) and sleep quality (Buysse et al., 1989). The outcome
measure that required the largest sample size (20 per group) 3. Results
was sleep quality. Allowing for an estimated 20% attrition
rate and several secondary hypotheses, a recruitment sample 3.1 Effects of hypnosis on treatment outcomes
size of 40 participants for each of the four groups was
selected. Means and standard deviations for the outcome mea-
sures at pre- and post-treatment are presented in
Table 1 for the ALL-HYP and BIO-8 groups. There was
2.6.1 Pre- to post-treatment effects of hypnosis no significant baseline difference between the two
versus biofeedback groups on any outcome measure. The paired t-tests for
For testing the primary and secondary hypotheses, partici- within-group change indicated that both groups had
pants in the three hypnosis treatment conditions were com- significant improvements in all three outcome mea-
bined into one hypnosis group (ALL-HYP). We calculated sures from pre- to post-treatment. There were large
means and standard deviations for pre- and post-treatment. effect sizes (Cohen’s ds) for pain intensity and inter-
We assessed pretreatment group equivalency with t-tests. We ference for the ALL-HYP group and medium effect
performed repeated-measures analyses of variance sizes for the BIO-8 group (as per Cohen, 1988). For
(ANOVAs) to test the primary and secondary hypotheses
sleep quality, the effect sizes were medium for both
comparing the effects of hypnosis and biofeedback on pain
groups. The repeated-measures ANOVA indicated
intensity, pain interference and sleep quality. We performed
a responder analysis (Dworkin et al., 2008) by computing
there were large (as per Cohen, 1992) and statistically
the percentage of participants in each treatment group who significant time main effects for all three outcomes,
reported at least a 30% decrease in pain intensity. We cal- indicating that both groups improved from pre- to
culated chi-square and risk estimates for this binary post-treatment. For pain intensity, there was a small,
outcome. statistically significant time × group interaction effect.
There was greater reduction in pain intensity in the
ALL-HYP group than in the BIO-8 group. For pain
2.6.2 Effects of hypnosis dose and practice interference the interaction effect yielded a non-
recommendations significant trend (p = 0.050). For sleep quality, the
We performed a series of repeated-measures ANOVAs with interaction effect was not statistically significant. Clini-
hypnosis treatment condition (HYP-8, HYP-PRAC-8, HYP- cally meaningful reductions (≥30%) in pain intensity

274 Eur J Pain 19 (2015) 271–280 © 2014 European Pain Federation - EFIC®
G. Tan et al. RCT of hypnosis versus biofeedback for CLBP

were reported by 39 (52%) of the 75 hypnosis partici-

Effect size for

time × group
pants and 9 (36%) of the 25 BIO-8 participants.
Although participants in the ALL-HYP group, were




1.44 times more likely to have at least a 30% reduc-
tion in pain intensity, this difference in responder rates

4.29** (1, 98)

3.94* (1, 98)

0.87 (1, 98)

Time × group

was not statistically significant [χ2 = 1.92; p(1-sided) =

124; odds ratio = 1.93 (CI = 0.76–4.90); relative

F (df)

risk = 1.44 (CI = 0.82–2.54); absolute risk = −0.16].

Effect size
Repeated-measures ANOVA

for time

ALL-HYP, participants who received hypnosis treatment; BIO-8, participants who received biofeedback; BPI, Brief Pain Inventory; PSQI, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index.
3.2 Effects of hypnosis dose and




recommendations for practice

43.15*** (1, 98)

35.93*** (1, 98)

18.31*** (1, 98)

The means and standard deviations for each of the

Time effect

three hypnosis groups are displayed in Table 2. The

results of a one-way ANOVA for between-group dif-
F (df)

ferences indicated that there was a significant baseline

difference among the three groups for pain intensity.
Effect size for
paired t-test

There was no significant baseline difference among the

Cohen’s d

three groups for pain interference or sleep quality. The


paired t-tests, which examined changes within each

hypnosis group from pre- to post-treatment, showed
Paired t-test for

that all three groups had significant improvements in

8.46*** (1, 74)
2.79** (1, 24)
7.78*** (1, 74)
2.52** (1, 24)
5.08*** (1, 74)
2.11** (1, 24)

all three outcome measures. Repeated-measures

ANOVAs revealed a large time effect of hypnosis for all

t (df)

three outcome measures but there was no significant

time × group interaction effect indicating that the


improvement in these three variables did not differ


significantly among the three hypnosis groups. Clini-

Table 1 Comparison of the effect of hypnosis versus biofeedback from pre- to post-treatment.

cally meaningful reductions (at least 30%) in pain


intensity was reported by 10 (40%) in the HYP-8

group, 13 (52%) in the HYP-PRAC-8 group and 16
Effect size for


(64%) in the HYP-PRAC-2 group. Fifty-eight percent

Cohen’s d

of the participants in the combined practice groups




(HYP-PRAC-8 and HYP-PRAC-2) were responders

compared with 40% for the HYP-8 group. [χ2 = 2.163;

p(1-sided) = 0.110; odds ratio = 2.07 (CI = 0.78–5.51);

1.69* (1, 98)

0.37 (1, 98)

0.77 (1, 98)


relative risk = 1.45 (CI = 0.85–2.48); absolute risk =

t-test for


−0.18]. Although these results were not statistically

t (df)

significant, participants in the combined practice

groups were 1.45 times more likely to have a 30% or


greater improvement in pain intensity than those in

the HYP-8 group.

3.3 Maintenance effects





Fig. 2A presents the means for pain intensity at pre-





treatment, post-treatment and the 6-month follow-up

for the 79 participants (61 in the ALL-HYP group and
Outcome measure

Pain intensity (BPI)

18 in the BIO-8 group) who provided data at all three

Pain interference

time points. The ANOVA indicated a large, significant

***p < 0.001.
Sleep quality

**p < 0.05.

time main effect (F = 24.50; p < 0.001; ηp2 = 0.241)

*p < 0.10.

and a non-significant time × group interaction effect

(F = 2.18; p = 0.116; ηp2 = 0.028). Fig. 2B presents

© 2014 European Pain Federation - EFIC® Eur J Pain 19 (2015) 271–280 275
Table 2 Comparison of the effect of hypnosis on the three hypnosis groups from pre- to post-treatment.

Repeated-measures ANOVA
between-group Effect size for Paired t-test for Effect size for
baseline baseline within-group Effect size for Effect Size for Time × group time × group
Pretreatment differences differences Post-treatment change paired t-test Time effect Time effect effect effect
measure Group n Mean SD F (df) ηp2 Mean SD t (df) Cohen’s d F (df) ηp2 F (df) ηp2

Pain intensity HYP-8 25 24.28 5.44 3.18* (2, 72) 0.081 17.52 10.24 3.64** (1, 24) 0.810 71.92** (1, 72) 0.500 1.18 (2, 72) 0.032
(BPI) HYP-PRAC-8 25 24.50 5.52 14.16 8.78 6.02** (1, 24) 1.267

276 Eur J Pain 19 (2015) 271–280

HYP-PRAC-2 25 21.08 5.14 13.28 9.04 5.23** (1, 24) 1.179
Pain interference HYP-8 25 61.20 17.55 2.50 (2, 72) 0.065 39.08 29.39 4.20** (1, 24) 0.911 58.98** (1, 72) 0.450 0.05 (2, 72) 0.001
(BPI) HYP-PRAC-8 25 52.06 19.62 31.88 25.60 4.89** (1, 24) 1.012
HYP-PRAC-2 25 49.60 20.65 29.00 25.99 4.36** (1, 24) 0.889
Sleep quality HYP-8 25 11.36 3.55 2.02 (2, 72) 0.053 9.96 4.37 2.07* (1, 24) 0.425 26.14** (1, 72) 0.266 1.45 (2, 72) 0.039
RCT of hypnosis versus biofeedback for CLBP

(PSQI) HYP-PRAC-8 25 11.80 4.08 8.72 4.31 4.75** (1, 24) 0.953
HYP-PRAC-2 25 9.68 4.15 7.80 4.92 2.30* (1, 24) 0.466

BPI, Brief Pain Inventory; HYP-8, participants who received eight face-to-face hypnosis treatments; HYP-PRAC-8, participants who received eight face-to-face hypnosis treatments and recommendations
for home practice; HYP-PRAC-2, participants who received two face-to-face hypnosis treatments and recommendations for home practice; PSQI, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index.
*p < 0.05.
**p < 0.001.

Sleep quality index (mean ± SE) BPI pain interference (mean ± SE) BPI pain intensity (mean ± SE)






back; BPI, Brief Pain Inventory.

Pain intensity

Sleep quality
Pain interference





6-Month follow-up
G. Tan et al.

cated a large and significant time main effect

tically significant time main effect (F = 11.22;

sleep quality. The ANOVA revealed a large and statis-
cant time × group interaction effect (F = 3.24; p =

© 2014 European Pain Federation - EFIC®

The results of paired t-tests for pretreatment to post-
p < 0.001; ηp2 = 0.127) and a non-significant time ×
similar results for pain interference. The ANOVA indi-

Figure 2 Comparison of ALL-HYP (n = 61) and BIO-8 (n = 18) groups for

group interaction (F = 1.67; p = 0.192; ηp2 = 0.021).
0.042; ηp2 = 0.040). Fig. 2C presents the results for
(F = 16.68; p < 0.001; ηp2 = 0.178) and a small, signifi-

received hypnosis treatment; BIO-8, participants who received biofeed-

ence and (C) sleep quality over 6 months. Note: ALL-HYP, participants who
maintenance of treatment effects on (A) pain intensity, (B) pain interfer-
G. Tan et al. RCT of hypnosis versus biofeedback for CLBP

A three time points. The ANOVA indicated a large and

Pain intensity
significant time main effect (F = 34.91; p < 0.001;
ηp2 = 0.376) and a non-significant time × group inter-
BPI pain intensity (mean ± SE)

30 action effect (F = 0.64; p = 0.640; ηp2 = 0.022). Fig. 3B

presents similar results for pain interference. The
20 21.5 18.4 ANOVA indicated a large, significant time main effect
17.3 (F = 33.54; p < 0.001; ηp2 = 0.366) and a non-
13.3 significant time × group interaction effect (F = 0.76;
p = 0.556; ηp2 = 0.025). Fig. 3C presents the means for
sleep quality. The ANOVA indicated a large and statis-
0 tically significant time main effect (F = 17.51;
p < 0.001; ηp2 = 0.232) and a non-significant
100 time × group interaction effect (F = 0.49; p = 0.747;
ηp2 = 0.016). The results of paired t-tests from pretreat-
BPI pain interference (mean ± SE)

Pain interference
ment to post-treatment and post-treatment to
follow-up for Fig. 3A–C are available only online as
51.1 Supporting Information Results S1. The results for
50 48.2
37.9 42.9 hypnotizability and number of home practice sessions
38.6 are available only online as Supporting Information
25 25.3 Results S2 and Supporting Information Table S1.

4. Discussion
Sleep quality 4.1 Effects of hypnosis on treatment outcomes
Sleep quality Index (mean ± SE)

We found support for the study hypothesis that par-

14 ticipation in self-hypnosis training would result in
11.7 greater reductions in pain intensity than participation
10.7 8.8 9.6 in a biofeedback intervention. We did not find support
9.4 9.1
7 6.6
for the hypotheses that hypnosis would be more effec-
tive than biofeedback for reducing pain interference
and improving sleep quality. The results are generally
0 consistent with the literature and provide further
Pretreatment Post-treatment 6-Month follow-up albeit limited support to the efficacy of hypnotic anal-
gesia (e.g. Montgomery et al., 2000; Patterson and
Figure 3 Comparison of HYP-8 (n = 15), HYP-PRAC-8 (n = 24) and HYP-
Jensen, 2003). When interpreting the findings, it is
PRAC-2 (n = 22) groups for maintenance of treatment effects on (A) pain important to keep in mind that we used an active
intensity, (B) pain interference and (C) sleep quality over 6 months. Note: control condition. Compared with wait-listed or usual
BPI, Brief Pain Inventory; HYP-8, participants who received eight face-to- treatment control groups, the use of active controls
face hypnosis treatments; HYP-PRAC-8, participants who received eight makes it more difficult to find significant treatment
face-to-face hypnosis treatments and recommendations for home prac- effects (Williams et al., 2012; web reference). Treat-
tice; HYP-PRAC-2, participants who received two face-to-face hypnosis
ment involving sEMG biofeedback has been shown to
treatments followed by six weekly brief telephone calls and recommen-
dations for home practice.
be efficacious for pain management (e.g. Tan et al.,
2003). Moreover, Patterson and Jensen (2003) have
argued that relaxation training contains many
treatment and post-treatment to follow-up for ‘hypnotic-like’ components and noted that response
Fig. 2A–C are available only online as Supporting to relaxation training has been found to be associated
Information Results S1. with hypnotizability. Our biofeedback intervention
Fig. 3A presents the means for pain intensity at pre- contained two of the basic components of hypnotic
treatment, post-treatment and the 6-month follow-up treatment (focused awareness, plus suggestions),
for the three groups of hypnosis participants (n = 15 in making it arguably a type of hypnotic intervention.
the HYP-8 group; 24 in the HYP-PRAC-8 group and 22 The lack of ongoing additional suggestions during
in the HYP-PRAC-2 group) who provided data at all sEMG biofeedback may explain, at least in part, why

© 2014 European Pain Federation - EFIC® Eur J Pain 19 (2015) 271–280 277
RCT of hypnosis versus biofeedback for CLBP G. Tan et al.

the biofeedback treatment was somewhat less effective (Jensen et al., 2009a) showing long-term mainte-
than the hypnosis treatments. This small but consis- nance of hypnotic analgesic benefits in a sample of
tent difference in efficacy between biofeedback and individuals with chronic pain and disability. Discus-
hypnosis has also been shown by others (Jensen et al., sion of the results for hypnotizability and frequency of
2009a). Future investigators might consider alterna- practice is available online only as Supporting Infor-
tive control conditions for hypnosis trials, such as mation Discussion S1.
patient education or cognitive therapy, both of which
tend to have minimal impact on pain intensity (Jensen
4.5 Limitations
et al., 2011).
The study is limited by the fact that it is primarily
targeted on male veterans with a long-standing history
4.2 Clinical improvement in outcomes
of generally severe chronic musculoskeletal low back
To address questions regarding clinical improvement, pain. Thus, the findings do not necessarily generalize
we performed responder analyses as recommended by to non-veterans or to individuals with low back pain
the IMMPACT group (Dworkin et al., 2008). We of shorter duration. Second, we excluded individuals
found that clinically meaningful reductions (at least with evidence for neuropathic pain, further limiting
30%) in pain intensity were reported by 52% of the the generalizability of the findings. Recent research
hypnosis participants and 36% of the biofeedback par- suggests that hypnosis may be even more effective for
ticipants. Although this difference was not statistically neuropathic pain than it is for non-neuropathic pain
significance, the direction lends support to the ANOVA (Jensen et al., 2009a). Future researchers should
analysis. examine the potential moderating influence of pain
type on outcome.
Third, there was a high dropout rate (37%) among
4.3 Effects of hypnosis dose and
the 159 participants who were randomized to a treat-
practice effects
ment group. More than half (56%) of the 59 persons
We also explored the dose and practice effects of hyp- who dropped out did so before attending any treat-
nosis. Improvement in pain intensity, pain interfer- ment sessions. Although the withdrawal rate in our
ence and sleep quality did not differ significantly study is high, it is comparable to another randomized
among the three hypnosis groups. This finding sug- controlled study at another Veterans Affairs medical
gests that effective self-hypnosis training can be deliv- centre (VAMC) examining the relative effectiveness of
ered at a very low cost (e.g. as little as two face-to-face behavioral therapy for chronic heart failure (Chang
sessions with a therapist) along with hypnosis audio et al., 2004; web reference). After consenting to par-
recordings for home practice. We know of no other ticipate, 29% withdrew before beginning treatment.
psychosocial pain intervention that can be effectively Many veterans live a fairly long distance from VAMCs.
provided in as few as two sessions. Although the Common reasons for withdrawing from research
results for clinically meaningful pain intensity reduc- studies that require many visits include lack of trans-
tion (i.e. ≥30%) were not statistically significant in this portation, time and effort needed to attend, and finan-
sample, the direction of the results suggests that home cial costs of travel. Thus, higher dropout rates may
practice may improve the results. Further research is occur more frequently in VAMC research studies with
needed. high participant burden conducted at veterans’
medical centres than in research conducted at sites
where most of the participants live nearby.
4.4 Maintenance of treatment effects
Our study also assessed the longer term (up to 6
4.6 Strengths
months) maintenance of the treatment effects. In
general, we found that the beneficial effects of hypno- In spite of the limitations, this study makes important
sis (both in terms of reductions in pain intensity and contributions to the field of pain management for
pain interference) were maintained for at least 6 persons with CLBP. First, this study is one of very few
months post-treatment for all three hypnosis groups. randomized controlled trials of self-hypnosis for this
Moreover, there was no difference in maintenance population. Second, we examined the efficacy of a
between the three hypnosis groups. The finding of very brief (two-session) treatment, thus addressing
maintenance of benefits for at least 6 months post- the issue of the cost of treatment. Third, we assessed
treatment is consistent with one previous study long-term (6 months) outcomes.

278 Eur J Pain 19 (2015) 271–280 © 2014 European Pain Federation - EFIC®
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responsibility for the design and implementation of the The National Academies Press).
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(Oxford: Oxford University Press).
analyses. Wrote the first draft of the Introduction, Methods Jensen, M.P., Barber, J., Romano, J.M., Hanley, M.A., Raichle, K.A.,
and Discussion sections, and provided significant editorial Molton, I.R., Engel, J.M., Osborne, T.L., Stoelb, B.L., Cardenas, D.D.,
input into the Results section; Diana H. Rintala: Co-PI of Patterson, D.R. (2009a). Effects of self-hypnosis training and EMG
the research project. Provided significant input into study biofeedback relaxation training on chronic pain in persons with spinal-
cord injury. Int J Clin Exp Hypn 57, 239–268.
design and performed the bulk of the data analyses. Pro-
Jensen, M.P., Barber, J., Romano, J.M., Molton, I.R., Raichle, K.A.,
vided significant input into the interpretation of the results Osborne, T.L., Engel, J.M., Stoelb, B.L., Kraft, G.H., Patterson, D.R.
and provided significant editorial input into the entire (2009b). A comparison of self-hypnosis versus progressive muscle
paper; Mark P. Jensen: Provided significant input into the relaxation in patients with multiple sclerosis and chronic pain. Int J Clin
study design, data analysis plan, and interpretation of the Exp Hypn 57, 198–221.
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into the study design, wrote the treatment manuals in con- in individuals with multiple sclerosis and chronic pain. Int J Clin Exp
sultation with co-authors, was the study clinician, and pro- Hypn 59, 45–63.
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article for publication in the European Journal of Pain. triad. J Rehabil Res Dev 46, 697–702.

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