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Graded Skills Elements of Art Criteria Points

5 4 3 2-1
Following Directions I followed all the I followed most of I followed some I followed very little
Did you complete all directions for the the directions but directions but to none of the
the steps? Double project. forgot to do a few forgot or refused to directions.
Check. things. do most of them.

Effort I worked hard on the I worked hard on I did not try very I did not try at all to
Did you give 110%? project until it was the project but hard on this project do my best on this
complete. I gave know I could have I gave enough effort project. I gave
effort that went done more to make to get it done. minimum effort.
beyond what was it my very best.
required. I took pride
in doing my best.

Craftsmanship My artwork was My project was I could have My project shows a

Did you do your beautifully, carefully, completed completed the lack of pride in a
best? and patiently created. carefully but lacks project with more finished product, it
some finishing care; it is somewhat looks like it was
touches. messy. thrown together
Elements of Arts I understand the I have a basic I do not really I have no knowledge
Do you understand elements studied understanding of understand the of the elements
the main concepts? completely, and I used elements studied elements studied studied and my
them appropriately and used them to and this is evident in project reflects this.
and effectively. the best of my my work.
Creativity and I thought of new ways I used a I used very little of My project is Total
Originality to solve artistic combination of my my own ideas, with finished but shows Points
Did you make this problems. I own ideas and the very little no signs of thinking
art your own? experimented and ideas of others and experimentation and individually or trying
worked with my own solved problems may have copied anything unusual or
ideas. logically. others’ ideas. unique.

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