PMP Concepts

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Project Management Professional - Concepts

A. Conflict Resolution Techniques (PARAD) D. PMO type

1-Problem-Solve / Collaborate: To incorporate multiple 1-Supportive: It serves in a consultative role. It provides
viewpoints and lead to consensus and commitment. It provides templates, best practices, and lessons learned from other
a long-term resolution. This is considered a win-win situation. projects.
2-Accomodate / Smooth: To emphasize agreement and concede 2-Controling: It serves in a supportive and compliance role. It
one’s position to maintaining harmony or relationship. It provides project management and governance framework that
provides only short-term resolution. This is considered a win- are followed by PMs.
lose situation. 3-Directive: It serves in a management role. It assigns project
3-Reconcile / Compromise: To search for a temporary solution managers to projects and directly manages projects.
that satisfies all parties. This is considered a lose-lose situation. E. Project Endings Types
4-Avoid / Withdrawal: To retreat from the conflict situation. 1-Integration: when resources are distributed to other areas in
This doesn't solve the problem. This is considered a lose-lose the organization or assigned to other projects.
situation. 2-Starvation: when resources are cut off from the project prior
5-Direct / Force: To push one's viewpoint at the expense of to completing all requirements.
others. Hard feelings may come back in other forms. This is 3-Addition: when project evolves into ongoing operations.
considered a win-lose situation. 4-Extinction: when the project comes to an end because it was
B. Leadership Styles completed and accepted by the stakeholders.
1-Servant Leader: Puts others first and demonstrates F. Five-Factor Model (OCEAN)
commitment to serve. 1-Openness to experience: Inventive vs. easy-going.
2-Transactional: Focuses on management by exception; rewards 2-Conscientiousness: Efficient vs. careless.
based on goals, feedback, and accomplishments. 3-Extraversion: Outgoing vs. reserved.
3-Charismatic: Enthusiastic, high-energy, and able to inspire 4-Agreeableness: Compassionate vs. detached.
others. 5-Neuroticism: Sensitive vs. confident.
4-Interactional: Uses a combination of transactional, G. Quality Theorists
transformational, and charismatic.
1-Joseph Juran: 80/20 principle, Quality is fitness for use by the
5-Laissez-faire: Allows the team to make their own decisions
and establish their own goals.
Advocated top management involvement
6-Transformational: Seeks to inspire and encourage innovation
2-Philip Crosby: Cost of poor quality, prevention over inspection
and creativity. Empowering followers through idealized
and zero defects.
attributes and behaviors, inspirational motivation, and
Quality is Conformance to Requirements.
3-Edwards Deming: 14 steps of Total Quality Management,
C. Motivational Theories Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle. Basis for quality improvement.
1-Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Physical, Safety, Social, Esteem, 4-Walter Shewhart: Grandfather of Total Quality Management
and Self-actualization Needs. (TQM).
2-ERG Theory: Existence, Relatedness, and Growth. H. Project Manager Power Type
3-Herzberg Theory of Motivation: Hygiene and Motivating
1-Legitimate / Formal / Positional Power: this power is due to
the PM position and the fact that he's been assigned by senior
4-McGregor's Theory X & Y: Management perspective of
employees. X people are bad, lazy, and need to be
2-Reward Power: the PM has the authority to reward the
micromanage. Y people are self-directed. Most managers have X
project team.
and Y attributes.
3-Penalty / Coercive / Punishment Power: The PM has the
5-Ouchi's Theory Z: Workers do well if motivated. This provides
authority to discipline the project team members. PM has the
participative management, familial work environment, and
ability to penalize team members.
lifelong employment. It is known as the “Japanese management
4-Expert / Technical Power: this power comes from being
technical or project management expert. Power could also come
6-McClelland Theory of needs (Achievement Theory or
from experience with the technology the project focuses on.
Acquired Needs Theory): Need for Power, Need for
5-Referent Power: Power of charisma and fame. It is when
Achievements, and Need for Affiliation. Needs are acquired over
power is inferred to the influencer by their subordinates. It is
time and shaped by life experience. McClelland used a Thematic
based on the respect or admiration that others hold for an
Apperception Test (TAT) to determine an individual's needs.
7-Vroom's Expectancy Theory: People behave based on what
they believe (expect) their behavior to bring them. I. Decision-making Techniques
8-The Contingency Theory: People naturally want to achieve 1-Autocratic: One individual makes the decision.
levels of competency and will continue to be motivated by the 2-Multicriteria Decision-making: Uses a systematic approach to
desire for competency even after competency is reached. It's a making decisions.
combination of "Theory Y" behaviors and the "Hygiene Theory". 3-Voting: Uses unanimity, majority, or plurality to make

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